What is human karma. What is human karma? The law of karma and karmic connection. Different types of karma

The topic of karma is very popular now. It is often karma that is blamed for many of the misfortunes in life. Failures that persecute a person are attributed to the law of karma. So what is this karma? Why is it dangerous and how to improve it?

Each person strives to succeed in life, to achieve happiness and well-being. People are different and go to their goals in completely different ways. The means of achievement also vary. Most do not even think about those around them on this path, regardless of anything. But nobody canceled the laws of the Universe. She reacts to each act accordingly, even to simple thoughts, you can get an answer after a while, which you may not like. This law of cause and effect is karma.

Karma concept

The view itself appeared long ago and is associated with Eastern philosophy. It exists in many Eastern religions and is an important concept. Translated means result, effect, fate. Karma is a consequence of acts done by a person, which may be deliberate or unconscious. Each action in some way affects the world around. And they force the space around to adequately respond to them. The answer may follow with some delay. It happens that a mass of negativity accumulates and, with an increase, the mechanism of karma is triggered. Even if the punishment for bad deeds did not happen, this can happen in the future and even pass on to children and grandchildren. Does not exclude unconscious action or inaction from responsibility. Therefore, it is important to know how to clear karma and act.

Explanation of the law of karma in Hinduism.

As one of the famous religions, Hinduism considers the concept of karma to be quite important. Followers of this religion believe that everyone is responsible for what position he occupies in this moment... A person should consider every act and deed, as well as the impact that they have on his entire life. According to this teaching, a person will be reborn that number of times until he understands what mistakes he made, and karma will not be worked out. It is possible to correct karma by specific actions. Each person can change his own life, fate is not fatal. Hindus even view karma as a way of spiritual maturation and growth.

What is Karma for Buddhists?

In Buddhism, the reason for the manifestation of karma is considered to be internal intentions. Buddhists explain karma as some kind of energy or force. The desire to harm leaves a mark on the subtle body of a person. If thoughts are good, then in this way it is mono to improve karma. That is why adherents of this faith are very great attention devote to meditation, control over thoughts and avoid negative emotions.

According to Buddhism, souls who have spent karma leave the circle of rebirth and no longer have a bodily embodiment on Earth, but can return as teachers or mahatmas.

Positive and negative karma.

The presence of positive and negative karma determines the success of a person's life. How does karma appear? To a large extent, its occurrence is associated with external circumstances (the social environment, for example, creates situations for positive or negative karma). The conditions of occurrence can also include:

1. Social environment

2. Time, day, year of validity

3. Internal reasons

4. State of mind

5. Inheritance (karma of clan, nation, etc.)

6. Unconscious programs of consciousness

Manifestation of ancestral karma.

This type of karma is inherited by a person from his ancestors, and also inherited by his descendants. The manifestations of such karma are most noticeable on human health. Good karma is good heredity. The appearance of a disabled or mentally disabled person is not an easy hereditary karma. The material heritage of great-grandfathers is also dependent on karma. These are obvious manifestations, but there are also implicit ones. Low stock vitality, numerous difficulties, blockage information flows and so on indicate negative karma. The acquisition of ancestral karma is done when the soul finds a place, time and parents for its incarnation. She is drawn to where she can the best way to work out the negative on karma, i.e. a person acquires generic karma at the moment of conception. It is not easy to get rid of this type of karma.

Karma of the Earth.

Man as a part of the Earth and the Universe is in continuous energy exchange with them. The most striking manifestations of the earth's karma can be considered natural disasters. The karma of man and the Earth are interconnected. People often don't think about own energy emitted in the field of the planet, and how it reacts to it. Every corner of the planet carries its own karma, which depends both on the events that took place there and on the actions of people.

How to get rid of negative karma?

To clear karma at home you may need good preparation on esotericism. But you should still start with an understanding of your own sins, start the process of internal transformation to form positive attitudes. It is better to work with karma at several levels at once:

1. Mental - control over thoughts and by their own desires, the concept of good and evil.

2. Emotional - emotions that dominate a person during his actions are important here.

3. Physical - concrete steps to correct your own negative behavior.

To successfully work on karma, you have to be patient. One can find a spiritual master.

We'll have to study our own positive sides and reveal good qualities... But with each successive rise spiritual level clearing karma will be faster and easier.

To purify karma, it is important to do all kinds of purification practices. I recommend as well as forgiveness. It is also important to engage in ministry. That is, to give good to the world by any means.

An article about the general concept of the theory of the law of karma, which will tell you where the very concept of karma came from, and how it is interpreted in various spiritual schools and religious teachings.

The law of karma. 12 laws of karma

First, let's look at where the very concept of "" came from. Some people think that the origin of this law is associated with Vedism, others attribute it to Buddhism, and still others to new trends that have formed in modern spiritual practices. Both are partly right, but in order to find out where the law of karma actually came from, we must turn back centuries.

The word "karma" itself derives from the word kamma, which translated from the Pali language means "cause-effect", "retribution", "deed".

The concept of karma cannot be considered in isolation from such cornerstone concepts as reincarnation and samsara. We will talk about all this now. For the first time the word "karma" occurs in the Upanishads. This, as we know, is one of the texts related to Vedanta, or the teachings of the Vedas. Therefore, if we speak correctly, then all subsequent applications of the concept of karma in other teachings and religions come directly from Vedanta. Buddhism also borrowed it from there, since the Buddha himself was born in India, where the rules of the ancient teachings of the Vedas and Vedanta dominated.

What is the law of karma? It is a universal law of cause and effect, according to which all our actions - righteous and sinful - will have consequences. Moreover, these consequences can manifest themselves not only in the current incarnation, if we take on faith the concept of the reincarnation of the essence and the transmigration of souls, as well as in subsequent ones. However, according to the author of the article, this approach is too linear and is applicable only if we consider time as linear, moving strictly forward. There are other concepts of the movement of time, when all three of its components, conventionally called "past", "present" and "future", develop simultaneously. But this is already a topic for another conversation, however, it is desirable that the reader understands that not everything is as unambiguous as we would like it to be.

Thus, it turns out that our future will directly depend on our actions and thoughts, committed now or committed in the past. This conclusion is interesting because, in contrast to the ideas of Christianity or Islam, Vedantism emphasizes much more the individual responsibility of a person for what he does. At the same time, he is given a large degree of freedom of choice: he has the right to choose his fate, since his future will also depend on the purity of his thoughts and actions. On the other hand, the past karma accumulated by a person during his previous incarnations influences how he lives now, especially on such a factor as the conditions in which a person was born.

What is reincarnation and the law of karma

As we have already said, without the concept of reincarnation, it would be practically impossible to explain the law of karma itself. the idea of ​​the rebirth of the essence. The essence can be called soul or spirit, but the point is that the soul is constantly reborn into different bodies and not always human.

The idea of ​​reincarnation did not come to us from India, or rather, not only from there. BC, in ancient times, the Greeks gave this concept a different name - metempsychosis. But the essence of reincarnation and metempsychosis is the same. It is known that Socrates, Plato and the Neoplatonists shared the ideas of metempsychosis, as can be seen from Plato's Dialogues.

Thus, knowing that reincarnation is an integral part of our life, we understand that law of karma works in full force... The way you (your essence) behaved in past incarnations will certainly affect what is happening in the present, and, perhaps, in other reincarnations. Also, during this life, a person has the opportunity to improve his karma through good actions and thoughts so that already in the current incarnation you can turn the direction of your life in a favorable direction.

Why don't Christians have the concept of reincarnation?

In the ancient directions of Christianity, such as the Cathar or Albigensian sects, belief in reincarnation existed, but in traditional Christianity this idea is completely absent, since it is believed that the soul came here once and after the physical death of the body it will appear before God, where it will be it was decided what would happen next, in life after death, - heaven or hell. Thus, a person has no other attempts, which to some extent deprives and reduces the number of opportunities for doing good deeds. On the other hand, he is relieved of being in samsara, to which living beings are doomed according to the concepts of Vedanta and Buddhism.

It is important to note the following aspect of the concept of karma: it is not punishment or retribution, although it can be translated that way. Karma is the consequences that a person receives based on how he lived. There is no influence of providence, so a person decides what will be best for him, and he himself can decide how to behave in order to maximally influence fate in this and subsequent incarnations.

12 laws of karma that will change your life. Law of Karma in Brief

  1. The first law is great. The law of cause and effect. What goes around comes around.
  2. The second law is the law of creation. Life has arisen a long time ago, but it requires our participation. We are part of it. Hence, we can conclude that the accumulated karma of members of society also affects the development of the entire society.
  3. The third is the law of humility. Acceptance of the situation. This is one of the most popular laws that is currently being simply exploited with and without reason by various spiritual teachers. Its essence lies in the fact that only by accepting the situation, a person can change it. In general, it is even talking about more than the acceptance itself: rather, it is about awareness. As soon as you become aware of the situation or the state in which you are, you can influence this.
  4. The fourth is the law of growth. A person must change something, first of all, in himself. Changing himself from the inside, he changes his life outside, thus influencing the environment.
  5. The fifth is the law of responsibility. What happens to a person in his life depends on his actions in past and present lives.
  6. The sixth law is about communication. Everything we do in the present or the past has an impact on the environment and the future. It will be appropriate to recall the butterfly effect here. Any seemingly insignificant action or thought has an impact on us and on others.
  7. Seventh is the law of focus. You can't think of two things at the same time.
  8. Eighth is the law of thanksgiving. Here we are not talking about gratitude to someone in particular, and not even about gratitude to the deity, but in general to the world. What you have learned, you will have to apply one day. This will be your gratitude towards the universe.
  9. The ninth law is here and now. Again, one of the most popular laws borrowed by many theological schools. Concentration of thought on the present moment, because being in the present, but thinking about the past or the future, we miss the present moment, depriving it of its primordial nature. It flies in front of us, but we do not notice it.
  10. The tenth is the law of change. The situation will not change and will be repeated in different forms until you learn the necessary lesson from it.
  11. Eleventh is the law of patience and reward. In order to get what you want, you need to apply diligence, and then the desired reward will become available. But the greatest reward is the joy that a person receives from doing the right thing.
  12. Twelfth - the law of meaning and inspiration. What you put a lot of energy into plays in your life. great importance, and vice versa.

There are also the so-called 9 laws of karma, but they for the most part duplicate the already existing 12 and relate to the further deepening of the theory of the law of karma. In short, the law of karma can be summarized as follows: everything that happens to a person in life is the result of his actions in the past or present and is aimed at restoring a balance between what is done and what is being done in the present and the future.

The law of retribution is karma: the law of karma says that a person is responsible for what happens to him

As we noted above, the law of karma is not the law of retribution. Rather, it should not be understood as a retribution from the outside, by the invisible hand of the Lord or something else. This law can be understood from the standpoint of retribution only in such a way that a person forms his reality by his actions, therefore, retribution will occur depending on how many good or wrong actions and thoughts were generated during past lives. From here originate such concepts as "heavy" or "light" karma. If a person has "heavy" karma, then it may have to be eliminated over several incarnations and it will continue to affect a person in the form of life circumstances, his environment, etc.

It is interesting to look at the interpretation of the concept of the law of karma in the philosophical schools of Samkhya and Mimamsa. These are ancient philosophies that arose on the basis of the teachings of the Vedas. Here the law of karma is understood exclusively as autonomous. It is not connected in any way with influence from above, that is, the responsibility for what is happening lies entirely with the person. In other schools that recognize the existence of God or a supreme being who controls our lives, the law of karma is explained in a different way. A person is not responsible for everything that happens to him, because there are invisible forces, on which the course of life in the Universe also depends, but the law of karma is at work.

The path of Buddha and the laws of karma

One of the most significant interpretations of the law of karma for us came to us from the teachings of Buddhism. Buddha, as we know, recognized the law of karma, but his reading of this law was not harsh. In Buddhism, the presence of karma does not mean that a person will live his life only as it is intended for him in connection with the karma accumulated by him from previous incarnations. Thus, Buddha says that man is in control of fate, he has free will.

According to Buddha, karma is divided into 2 parts: accumulated in the past - purana kamma - and the one that is being formed at the moment - nava kamma. Past karma determines the circumstances of our life now, and what we do in the present moment - nava kamma - will shape our future. In another way, it is also called "daiva", or fate, determination, and the second part is purusha-kara, or human action, that is, human initiative, will. Thanks to this second part of karma - nava-kamma or purusha-kara - a person is able to change his future and even the present.

The most important point Purusha-kara (human action) can be considered its highest manifestation - action without desire to get the result. This is one of the foundations of the Buddha's teaching - to exclude desire, since desire is the basis of suffering. The teaching of suffering is a kind of axiom of Buddhist teaching known as the "4 Noble Truths."

Only after liberation from desire, any committed actions will cease to be attached to the result, since it is the desire for the result, whatever it may be - good or bad, good or bad intention, it was formed, - continues to work to create karma. Unsurprisingly, the Buddha also says that only actions performed as a result of intention, and not just any actions, lead to the creation of karma. So we see again a bias in the sphere of awareness.

Those who strive to go to nirvana need to gradually get rid of desires. Then you get moksha, and the law of karma stops working. From the above, it is clear that the law of karma will work where there is attachment to the result, and it is generated by the power of desire. You need to lower the urge to get something, and then you will get it. This is one of the conclusions that can be drawn from studying the law of karma and its interpretation by the Buddha. In theory, it is easy to understand, but it can be quite difficult to apply in practice. In order to become a Buddha, one does not need to strive to become one. This is the essence of the teachings of Buddhism laid out in one sentence.

The thirst for justice makes one believe in the inevitability of a response to every action. This may partly explain what karma is, but the concept itself is much broader. It came from Hinduism, a system of philosophical and religious explanations of the world order, so for understanding it will have to go beyond standard concepts.

What is human karma?

In the Hindu tradition, life is seen as a series of continuous incarnations through which it goes. Not a single step is left without consequences. To better understand what karma is, consider its different types.

  1. Sanchita. Consists of actions already taken.
  2. Prarabdha. Incidents that are destined to happen in the current incarnation. Is a consequence of past deeds.
  3. Kriyamana. Possible outcome current activity implies relative freedom from the past and the possibility of choice.
  4. Agama. Consists of plans for the future.

Karma in Buddhism

In the Vedic tradition, what is karma was explained by the relationship of cause and effect, which implies the influence of individual actions of a person on his further existence. Buddhism borrowed this concept and expanded it, giving significance to any influence, not just ritual. Everything matters: actions, words and thoughts. Karma and destiny in Buddhism are not synonymous. The first word translated from Sanskrit means "action", that is, it is not something predetermined from above.

How do we earn karma?

The popular expression "plus to karma" has a completely logical explanation, during life there is a real chance to improve your situation or make it worse. Understanding what human karma is, removes questions about inequality of origin. Buddhism explains this by a set of actions in past incarnations. It defines everything: from the country of origin to physical parameters and talents. Actions taken in a new life lead to the next incarnation. This cycle is called.

The goal of a person is considered to be development to a special state - enlightenment, which frees one from a continuous series of incarnations. To achieve it, you need to accumulate positive energy... Buddhists believe that one life is not enough for this, therefore, one must constantly make a reasonable choice aside positive influences... Awareness is important, positive actions performed only due to the impossibility of doing otherwise will not bring the necessary energy.

Laws of Karma

The easiest way to understand what the law of karma is will be for lovers of physics. Here, too, the rule of the opposite effect applies: the information sent to the world will return back. The problem is that a person does not remember his previous incarnations and does not know what he is paying for in his current life. Therefore, the pursuit of Enlightenment is main goal... All this is described by four laws:

  • predetermined existence leads to suffering;
  • troubles have a cause;
  • when it is eliminated, suffering will also disappear;
  • the only way to get rid of pain is to come to awareness.

Karmic debt

Not always the sum of actions past life gives positive result, in this case, they say that bad karma prevents a person from developing. It can be overcome, but only by coming to an awareness of one's own responsibility in everything that happens. Not every action is predetermined, but only key points, therefore, with the help of hard work, it is possible to correct the situation. If the degree of negative actions is too high, then working off karmic debts will take more than one incarnation.

Karmic relationship

Each interaction with other beings creates a bond that runs through all incarnations. The closer the communication was, the stronger this thread. between a man and a woman are a demonstration of such an attachment. It is believed that with its sufficient strength, people in each incarnation will look for each other. The karma of loneliness can be explained by the inability to meet such tied person in the current incarnation or negative energy earned in a past life.

The bonds formed do not always have a positive color; the threads connecting the enemy and the victim are especially strong. Until the conflict is resolved, such personalities will be attracted in every revival. It happens that karmic opponents are found within the same family, these may be the closest relatives. The more serious the conflict, the more closer connection between its members.

Karmic marriage

You can identify a partner who came from a past life by the amazing ease of communication at the beginning of the acquaintance. Such attitudes are transferred into each incarnation so that a person can deal with the existing contradictions. A karmic connection between a woman and a woman is also possible, gender is not a constant value. Former lovers can come to next life in bodies of the same sex due to wrong actions of the past incarnation.

Karmic causes of diseases

The appearance of some diseases is difficult to explain from the point of view of science; in this case, Christians perceive them as a test sent by the creator. Another explanation is karmic diseases. This means that a person is not a toy in his hands. higher powers, but pays for his own deeds committed in the past and this life. Also, the influence is exerted by the karma of the clan - the totality of the actions of the family over several generations. The table below will help to better understand karmic diseases and their causes.




Feeling weak, neglecting one's own abilities.

Bad principles and beliefs.


Feeling of vulnerability, desire for protection, high anxiety.

Colds, ARVI, ARI

Unreasonable anger and frustration.

Caries, pulpitis, other dental problems

Unwillingness to take responsibility for your life.

Gastritis, ulcer

Fear of the future, stinginess, envy.

Bronchitis and others pulmonary diseases

Tightness, dependence on the opinions of others, a desire to please everyone.

Colitis, enterocolitis, other diseases of the colon

Internal stagnation, avoidance of any events, fear of intense experiences, excessive conservatism.

Small intestine pathology

Lack of initiative, desire to obey the will of others.

Diabetes, endocrine disorders, pancreatic diseases

Touchiness, excessive authority, the desire to control every little thing.

Cystitis; infections and other diseases genitourinary system

Tightness in the intimate sphere, prejudice, observance of prohibitions on sexual relations.

Heart attacks, tachycardia, hypertension, hypotension, other cardiovascular pathologies

Lack of joy, fear of manifestation and love for another person.

Nephritis, nephrolithiasis, others renal pathology

Negative attitude to others, the desire to redo everything, fear of strong emotions.

Cholelithiasis, DVP, other diseases of the biliary tract

Old resentment, inability to forgive.

Pain in chest

Fear of love and intimacy.

Mental and central nervous system disorders

Movement against the laws of the Universe, unwillingness to work on their mistakes, actions "out of spite".

Hepatitis, cirrhosis, other liver pathologies

Cruelty and spite passed off as good deeds. Misunderstanding of the evil being committed and resentment in response to actions.

Malignant tumors

Intense anger, frustration, fear, and helplessness.

How to find out your karma?

In each new incarnation, a person comes without knowledge of past life... You can get information about it when you reach Enlightenment or with the help of other people who have already reached this stage. Diagnostics of karma cannot be carried out remotely or using mathematical calculations, general laws do not apply here, a deep assessment of the situation of each is required a specific person... Therefore, it is recommended not to rush to discover past incarnations, but to follow the path of self-development, on which they will gradually begin to manifest themselves.

How to improve karma?

Arrival in new life with negative baggage gives rise to the need to work it out in a new incarnation. There is only one way - the introduction of extremely positive vibrations into the world. If in this life it does not work out to correct his shortcomings, then the next reincarnation will be even more difficult. Each lesson will have to be learned, you will not be able to escape from the lecture and bribe the examiner.

Karmic ransom

Sometimes the healing of karma takes on bizarre forms: people begin to bless their ill-wishers, become childishly naive, show respect for parents who were considered unworthy of this role. This happens due to the understanding that any suffering is deserved, so you can get rid of it only with the help of a deep study of your own shortcomings. can talk about unresolved problems with their parents, and they can be resolved by sacrificing pride, that is, paying off.

How to clear karma?

Not a single shaman and sorcerer can cleanse karma, because this expression is fundamentally wrong. It is impossible to eliminate the events of the past, and the future depends only on the person himself, therefore the desire to purify himself looks absurd.

  1. It is possible to improve your current existence and lay a good foundation for the next incarnation, but this is done through long-term self-contemplation and rethinking of your life.
  2. Admitting your own mistakes is not enough, it is necessary to take actions that will help to avoid them in the future.

For many, a person's karma is a real mystery nature. Does it really exist? What is it for? Or is it the Universe playing with people and building their destinies? You should definitely understand this mysterious phenomenon in as much detail as possible.

Surely every person has thought at least once why some individuals are constantly lucky throughout their lives, while others feel unhappy, problems fall on them like a snowball. Are physical disabilities, troubles and bad luck the result of previous actions and misdeeds committed in past lives?

Karma in translation from the most ancient Sanskrit means action. These are the actions and thoughts, desires and words of the individual throughout his life. They note that each, even the most insignificant thought, gives rise to certain consequences and changes in fate. They will certainly appear, maybe not in a month, but in future incarnations for sure. Every cause has a consequence, this must always be remembered.

Even if a specific person does not believe in fate and the law of the investigation, everything is subordinate to him. Karma is not an essence, it carries a certain energy that regulates the consequences of all actions. That is why they try to keep a balance between bad and good actions so that a person lives normally and does not suffer.

Karma is not considered a punishing force that is just waiting for the moment to carry out the sentence. Karma only monitors the causes and consequences of what is happening to a person. When the problem was not solved in time, information about it is stored and transmitted to the future or forthcoming incarnations.
Any action carries several types of consequences:

  • a visible effect manifests itself in acting life at the level of physiology;
  • the emotional consequence leaves a deep imprint on the soul of a particular personality, it all depends on the strength of the experiences, how deep they are;
  • a distant consequence will be revealed in future incarnations, and the person himself will not even understand and realize this, he will begin to think why he is in such misfortune, because he did not seem to have done anything.

It should be understood that the more serious and worse deed, the more impact will have on the present or future life person.
The laws of karma affect not only a specific person, because there is karma of humanity, kind, country, Cosmos and many other types of it. They are all intertwined and interact with each other.

Types of Karma

The most basic types of karma are:

  • human;
  • kingdoms of nature;
  • space;
  • sunny.

Great sages are sure that at the moment when a person has worked out his own karma, a person dies. Then he will begin a completely different life in the future incarnation, and how successful it will be depends only on what actions the person performed in previous incarnations.

Karma diagnostics are convinced that it is imperative to work with karma. To rid myself of negative thoughts, accept even the hard lessons of fate with gratitude, forgive betrayal and insults, believe that problems will teach a lot and do not complain about fate. It is in the position of gratitude that the vibrations in the soul increase, and this contributes to the purification of karma. Experts say that every person learns to perceive with love surrounding reality understand that humanity is a team that constantly interacts with each other.

Karma by date of birth

Many people strive to understand why they appeared in this world at all, what is their real purpose. It is with the help of karma that they understand what a person must experience in the present incarnation, what he inherited from the past, what he gives and what he needs. The concept of karma originated in ancient times, in Indian philosophy it is translated as activity. All good and bad will certainly return to a person sooner or later; it is impossible to evade this.

Karma is very closely connected with fate, because it is on these two concepts that the life of a particular person depends. Naturally, many are interested in how to find out their karma, influence events and change fate in better side, fix past mistakes. Each person can independently find out karma by date of birth.

Karma calculations

By the date of birth, a person learns his own destiny and understands his purpose. This requires all the numbers to be added to each other. If a person was born on November 27, 1984, then it is worth adding them up as follows:

The number 60 is the individual number of karma. It turned out to be a karmic period, which shows certain time so that in life there are very important events and change. This means that at the age of 60, global changes will occur to a person.

If the individual number is:

10 - 19 proposes to develop spiritually, to improve physically, to direct all forces towards this.
20 - 29 means that to purify karma, they will use the experience of their ancestors, develop the ability to intuition, listen to their inner I, strive to master the subconscious.
30 - 39 says that one should teach the basic laws of life to others, delve into philosophical sciences, teach people this, but first figure it out for yourself.
40 - 49 means that it is worth knowing oneself as a person, feeling one's purpose in life, devoting oneself to studying the basic laws of the Universe.
More 50 shows that they are constantly engaged in self-improvement.
When calculating karma, they clearly understand why a person came into this life and what is required of him.

Family karma

In past lives, all family members were united and interacted with each other through karma. If a relative has committed a wrong action, then, quite possibly, grandchildren and great-grandchildren will have to pay for him. Ancestral karma strongly affects the physical state and human health, well-being and life. A person who has bad family karma works out his whole life for his relative, it is very hard for him, misfortunes literally fall on him, attracts only failures.

Undoubtedly, the same is said about good karma, it also applies to the entire further race. In such families, there is love and prosperity, a good and benevolent attitude.

Karma mechanism

Today, everyone is reaping the fruits of their past actions. It is at this time that the soil is created for future karma... Do not expect the consequences of what is done today to manifest tomorrow. This will happen many years from now or in future incarnations. It is for this reason that many people wonder why they suddenly have misfortunes, how they deserve such an unfortunate fate. Usually they think that some kind of misfortune happened by pure chance, but karma does not imply a game of chance and a certain set of circumstances.

Everything happens in fairness and nothing else. If something happened, then it can be interpreted only by the fact that there was a reason for this. Karma brings both positive and negative in life. All bad deeds will manifest themselves in diseases and ailments, misadventures and emotional distress. And all good things will bring good luck, love, change fate for the better. It is impossible to get rid of the law of cause and effect. If people understood how the mechanism of karma works, they would think over their actions and try to live fairly so as not to incur trouble on themselves.

Varieties of Karma

Karma happens:

  • manifested;
  • not manifested.

Karma manifested implies the expression of effects in real destiny person. It can be physical condition, material world, environment and place of residence. It is very, very difficult to change such karma, often people endure it throughout their lives, they cannot change anything in their fate. However, karma does not always manifest itself in life now.

A huge number of actions and deeds committed in the past, incomprehensible lessons of fate, unsolved problems are just waiting for their time. They will inevitably come true, but for now information about this is stored in the karmic body. This is what is called unmanifest karma. However, it is worth knowing that a person is able to change unmanifest karma. But for this you have to go to a high level of your own consciousness, when actions and mistakes are accurately recognized and will be corrected. No one is able to rid a person of bad karma, only the person himself will do it. After all, it was he who created his destiny and karma.

Influence on karma

Almost every person who is interested in karma and found out the answers to questions of interest despairs. After all, change the information. Which is stored in the subtle body is not possible. In any case, you will have to answer for all actions, without this there is no way. And astrologers advise only to accept and be prepared for failures and problems. However, there is no need to become discouraged, because karma always gives a person the strength and ability to solve the most difficult tasks and bug fixes. This must be clearly understood and realized.

Nowadays, people are convinced that man is a dependent and weak being. That is why many simply do not feel the strength and ability to correct the situation and work off karma. But it is important to realize the full power of your personality and freedom in order to change something. You need to fight for your own existence, and not sit in a corner.

How to work with karma

A large number of people are interested in this question, although no one will definitely answer it. Karma can be corrected only by a person who is purposeful and ready for certain difficulties, and this will require a lot of strength and patience.

To make global changes in karma, you first need to know it. Astrology will help in this. They also use other methods of realizing their own karma. You can perform hypnosis or try to see your destiny through lucid dreaming.

Some personalities want to understand exactly why fate sends them certain tests. They are just wasting time. It's time to realize how you can get rid of the problem.

Also, people dream of solving the problems that have arisen instantly, changing karma in one second. But it is not possible to do this, because no one is able to return to the past and correct all mistakes in the blink of an eye. Even if a person has clearly realized his own mistake, it will not be possible to correct it immediately. You should carefully consider your past actions, digest the information in your soul, sincerely repent in the present tense, and then hope for forgiveness and a change in the situation.

Cleansing of karma is carried out if they are fully aware of their soul, and not by shifting responsibility onto others, the Creator, the Cosmos and the Universe. It is important to accurately comprehend your own guilt for misconduct, and then ask for forgiveness.

Laughter is a gift from above

People are afraid of the concept of karma, they do not fully realize it, because this phenomenon is very mysterious and inexplicable. Fear is also a sin that is difficult to get rid of. If you know karma partially, then it will not be cleansed, and the situation will only get worse.
Let us recall the sayings of ancient thinkers who took karma for something integral.

Theory cannot exist without practice. If karma is a mechanism, then it is absolutely necessary and possible to work with it. If a person decides to realize his karma, then they do it to the end. They do not perceive it as a misfortune.

For example, Small child seeks to constantly collect the mosaic, but he fails. He falls into despair, is disappointed in himself. But if this does not happen, then over time the baby will learn to play a complex toy. Likewise with karma, one has to challenge oneself and accept it.

Karma is not so hard to work with if you produce correct actions... They perceive difficulties with humor, having endurance and patience for passing the tests of fate. Only then do they understand that it is easy to work with them. Positive thoughts can completely change life, bring bright colors into it.

The purpose of karma

All people, without exception, come into this life in order to develop and learn. They live according to a certain scenario that fate has in store for them. They learn a lot during their life key lessons, and for this they adamantly develop their soul.

Karma helps the soul to become more perfect, to rise to high level spiritual development... It is because of karma that a person experiences certain situations in life, experiences emotions and emotional experiences, feels and realizes himself in the end only as a part of the vast Universe.

The concept of karmic working off

Working off karma is a mechanism that allows you to understand your own actions and their consequences.
When clearing karma, they determine what exactly was violated:

  • Work;
  • family life;
  • the physical state.

V mandatory remember, in relation to whom the deception, betrayal, ugly action was committed. It doesn't matter when exactly it happened, maybe many years ago. After that, they proceed to purification.

Meditation clears the consciousness of a person, eliminates negativity. You should sit down as comfortably as possible and turn on relaxing music. Then they close their eyes, focus on the problem or ugly situation and return to the moment when it happened. Mentally imagine how it was necessary to behave in order not to commit an unseemly act.

Meditation does not completely work out karma. After all, it is not enough to correct within oneself, it is right to change something in life. You should treat your work diligently, with loved ones with love and care, respect the elderly, try to understand the little ones, and you should judge yourself to the fullest extent.

In this case, a person will soon be able to see significant changes in fate, troubles will recede a little, karma will gradually be cleared.

Sometimes this method does not bring satisfaction and help. In this case, the genus was the cause of the bad karma. Once upon a time, a family member committed a bad deed. And a person has to work it out. It is valuable for gaining balance and balance.
It is not at all difficult to fix such a situation. You need to ask for forgiveness from your parents, and ask for blessings. It is great if a person takes on an abandoned child for the upbringing, is engaged in charity work. They certainly work out their own karma so that later grandchildren and great-grandchildren do not have to pay for it.

Mantras for cleansing

Mantras are considered sacred texts. They are sometimes compared to prayers or conspiracies. Some magic phrases are used to clear karma:
to bring all areas of life into harmony, use the text

Om Nama Shivaya Ma;

suitable for removing negativity

Om Mane Pad Me Hum;

words are great for clearing the mind

"Oi triybayakam sungathim pushti urvarakamiva bandhana mriytiyor."

Is it possible to change fate?

The soul constantly goes through incarnations, accumulates a huge amount of negativity in every life. A person can commit cruel crimes, offend others, betray them and do much more. However, everything in life has to be returned so that justice reigns in the Universe. Because of bad deeds, people are born with serious physical disabilities or deviations, are experiencing severe and difficult lives are not coping with the load of problems. Obliged to pay bills, pay off debts from real life and previous incarnations that they don't even remember.

That is why people themselves suffer, experience their perfect deeds on themselves and experience the same things that others experienced before. Only in this case a person realizes his mistakes and pay for them. You must begin to develop your spirituality, eliminate negative qualities, stop succumbing to vices, act for the good of others. Only then will it be possible to clear karma.

It is impossible to commit sins and terrible deeds, and then be sure that happiness and a cloudless life awaits ahead. One is supposed to change internally and develop one's spirituality, improve, learn to love and compassion, only then will life change for the better.

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Human karma is a unique mechanism of the universe, a system according to which there is balance in the world and the observance of the laws of the universe. Not a single human action can pass by this mechanism, elude the influence of this system, everything done for good or harm, everything absolutely returns to a person with the same potential, the form can only change, and the meaning remains the same.

The law of human karma is very well reflected in the proverb "Do to others what you want others to do to you." Everything is simple if you live consciously, and not indulge in oblivion and follow the circumstances, when you want to take revenge, harm, satisfy egoism. All this testifies to an unconscious life and a person forgets about the laws of human karma. The concept of human karma is closely intertwined with the phenomenon of reincarnation, so all thoughts and deeds of the past and present have a response in the future.


Karma in a person's life is of decisive importance, since we do not remember anything from past lives, however, one and all of the karmic lessons will have to go through in the coming life. This determines most of the circumstances of our life, events, acquaintances, our family and our environment. As many philosophers believe, the fate of a person is built according to the laws of karma.
When they say that they say that karma is pursuing in a person's life, then more often they mean negative karma, bad luck, blows of fate one after another.

There is positive view karma, however, this is not so common to notice, and is often simply taken for granted, therefore a person's karma is often perceived in a negative way, namely, as a payback for their past mistakes and harm. It should be borne in mind that not only harm caused to another person is taken into account, but also harm caused to animals, nature and all living things.


A person's karma by date of birth is determined by many horoscopes. Indeed, many predictions about a favorable path in a particular area are due to karmic reasons and will be determined by the tasks and goals of this incarnation. And there are predictions that warn of what is better not to do and which path is better not to tread. After all, the date of birth serves as a specific code with which a person comes to each incarnation.

The most difficult karmic lessons can be seen in your own life, especially if you listen to your surroundings. You can write down large-scale complaints that you hear from others more than once, or for which you have regular remorse, on a piece of paper. Maybe you came to learn to forgive, accept, meet troubles, change, but you never know what lesson you have in store. But after analyzing what you have written, you will understand a lot about what you need to work on.

The karma of a person by date of birth can be calculated not only by the horoscope, but also according to the numerological system. After all, what science, no matter how numerology is able to decipher any codes, even the code of life.

Many people who begin to distinguish between cause-and-effect relationships and karma, which has been dragging on their tail all their lives, are eager to change something in this chain and at the same time are ready to change themselves. Cleansing a person's karma is possible only through a conscious look at his life and by admitting his mistakes in the past and present and repentance. Repentance means realizing all the harm that was caused by actions in the past, the desire to correct and make amends for this guilt. A person who has repented begins not only to think differently, but also to do other things.

There is simply no other way to purify karma. Only by changing yourself and your lifestyle can you change your destiny. Well, in addition, you can prevent the living of someone else's experience and someone else's karma. Namely, things, furniture and other objects can transmit information, so this should be carefully considered.

The fate and karma of a person are inextricably linked and one determines the other. Very often, a person pays for his mistakes immediately with health, if this lesson is not learned, so to speak, the meaning of the disease does not reach the person, then other lessons, more fatal, are used. it different kinds events that confront us with a lesson, but what is even more often, after such events, a person generally reconsiders his whole life.

Fate and karma have been of interest to humanity since ancient times, regardless of religion. After all, it can be called in other words, but the law of cause and effect has always worked, therefore it served as a subject of discussion for people in different historical epochs, and now attention to this factor is especially acute, because so many people want to change their karma, their destiny, to follow a new life paths.

A person who has realized the whole system of laws of cause and effect naturally begins to think about how to change a person's karma. As mentioned above, this is remorse and lifestyle change. Change familiar image life is not so easy, but after that many health problems can go away and life can go on a completely different course. In addition, you need to take responsibility for all your illnesses in life, not shift the blame onto someone or something.

If you are wondering how to change a person's karma, you should also learn to control your emotions and keep your mind cold in any situation. Since in any conflict situation, emotions try to draw us into new karma and follow the lead of the ego. If the mind remains cold, then you will accept everything calmly, without undue drama.

The karma of a person and the path of liberation is not an easy and unambiguous question, this issue is especially acute and relevant in Buddhism. After all, a person by his actions can influence not only his karma, but also the karma of children and grandchildren. It is known in the Vedas that if a child is more than 7 years old, then this is just the working off of the karma of the parents, and only then his own is manifested after this age. Therefore, human karma and the path of liberation are global, and humanity is on the verge of great discoveries and changes in this direction.