Dogs are eaten in South Korea

One of the unsportsmanlike leitmotifs Olympic Games In Pyeongchang, animal rights activists and all animal sympathizers wrestled with the old Korean tradition of eating dog meat.

It all started with the fact that the bronze medalist of the team race Dutch skater Jan Blockheisen at a press conference either out of annoyance that he had to settle for third place, or out of real concern, he accused Koreans of treating dogs badly. “Please treat dogs better in this country,” Blokheisen advised. The Koreans, which from time to time are already thrown into their garden, did not really like the athlete's attack, so they staged a flash mob on social networks in which they accused the Europeans of interfering in the country's internal affairs. As a result, the head of the sports delegation of the Netherlands apologized: “I have to touch on the topic of the incident that took place at the press conference. On behalf of our entire delegation, I officially apologize for the athlete's comments. "

Soon, rumors appeared in the media that dog meat was sold in Korea at every corner and even in the Olympic Village, and in public catering every now and then they strive to replace chicken or beef meat (they do not sympathize with chickens and cows at the Games so actively) with dog meat. Animal protectors who have never liked cruel asian traditions, quickly got involved in the conflict and took to the streets with the slogans "A dog is your friend or food", photo and video footage of the killing of dogs on Korean farms. They have previously signed a petition calling for a boycott of the Olympics in a country where they eat pets.

“South Korea is the 14th largest economy in the world, but it slaughters 2.5 million dogs and thousands of cats every year. It is called " healthy eating". Animals are forced to endure hardships and unimaginable torment from birth until the day they are killed. And South Koreans sincerely believe that what more dog suffers, the more it will enrich the quality of the meat and increase the health benefits of the consumer. If South Korea wants to be respected as a nation of conscience, then South Koreans should strengthen their animal welfare laws and ban the consumption of dog and cat meat forever, ”the petition said.

Some Olympians have joined the animal protection movement and decided to independently rescue the dogs that Koreans let on the "soup of longevity." For example, the owner of the gold medal Canadian figure skater Megan Duhamel take home the dog she bought from the dog meat farm. The girl named the puppy Mu-tai and wrote in social networks that he really loves to sit in his arms. Now Duhamel encourages all athletes to follow her example. Coach Duhamel was surprised where the athlete found the dog, because close Olympic Village there are no such farms, and no dogs have been seen.


Eating dog meat in Asian countries is an old tradition, only in China dog meat has been used for food since 500 BC. They ate dog meat in ancient times, not only in Asia, but, for example, in Mexico. As for Korea, initially, dogs were not perceived there as "friends of man", but were raised as livestock. Today, nothing has changed in this regard, dogs, like cats, are not pets. According to Koreans, the distinction between livestock and pets is subjective.

There is no religious and mythological explanation in the tradition of eating dogs, he told MIR 24 Alexander Vorontsov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Head of the Korea Sector of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences... According to him, Koreans, like other Asians, eat dog meat because they believe it is good for their health.

"This national tradition... Why do some eat pork, while others do not eat it. In the eyes of Muslims, we can all look blasphemous too. Why do you need to go with your charter to a strange monastery? This ancient tradition, which was born long before the emergence of Europe, and in China already at that time there was a highly developed civilization and a whole class of highly educated people. It's good for your health, they say. Many people use a variety of animals to keep their bodies healthy. There is no religious and mythical explanation. Koreans prefer to eat dogs of specially bred breeds on farms, but this does not mean that the pooch cannot get into the pot. Many talk about the brutal method of killing dogs, but why not lethal injection of cows, pigs and chickens? Probably, the Dutch would also be outraged if they were told that their national mills are already tired, ”said the historian.

Asians believe that dog meat increases potency and cures tuberculosis, for example, many rice pickers who spend most of their time working in water suffer from it. Such explanations allow Koreans to maintain dog markets, which horrify tourists and all those who are not familiar with this part of Asian culture. Dogs are kept there, really, like cattle. In cramped cages, 20-30 animals sitting on top of each other. They are slaughtered right in front of the buyers. Today in South Korea more than 17 thousand industrial dog farms and 2-2.5 million dogs are slaughtered annually.

But even such conditions of life and death of dogs are the result of the struggle of animal rights activists, including world stars. Literally 10 years ago, the slaughter of dogs took place right on the streets, and not in a specially designated place.

The fact that Koreans, like other Asians, will give up dog meat in the near future is unlikely, according to Korean scholars. Today, dog meat is a festive food that is not included in daily diet, told Konastantin Asmolov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Institute of Asian and African Countries, Lomonosov Moscow State University.

“Koreans have long responded to these accusations like this:“. Nothing can be done about it. " If during the 1988 Olympics, when Koreans were more dependent on outside opinion, they renamed dog soup "longevity soup" and removed such restaurants from the streets, placing them inside alleys rather than on large streets, now the Korean position boils down to the following: “We do not drive anyone, we do nothing with particular cruelty, we do not include this food in the obligatory. Who wants to be offended - let him be offended, but we are not going to look back at anyone ”.

For a number of reasons, the tradition of eating dogs is associated with Korea. Everyone knows that Koreans eat dogs. But the dog is the food for the festive occasions. All kinds of talk that the Koreans will slip you dog meat under the guise of pork is like assuming that they will cook you sturgeon and pass it off as pollock. Dog meat is not food daily diet Is an elite food for special occasions. But this meat is not very expensive, ”Asmolov said.

At the same time, the expert notes that today dogs in Korea are eaten less, and the topic itself often becomes a litmus test for the media and the public. Korean society is not aggressive about discussing this issue. We got used to it.

“All these things are connected with the fact that, firstly, a more Europeanized generation has appeared, for which a dog is not food, but an object for“ wushi-pusi ”, and secondly, a generation has gone that remembers, it’s like living in the village and there ourselves to slaughter livestock. Young people are used to the fact that the sausage miraculously produced in their refrigerator. Also, since Korean public opinion in this direction is not very aggressive, then it good way score points on a topic that you can bring up without significant risk. That is why this scandal is not really a scandal. On the one hand, animal rights activists have something to worry about, and on the other, have you seen a lot of demonstrations for the rights of French frogs? Please note that in relation to China or Korea, animal rights defenders run out of foam, and for some reason they forget about other countries where dogs are also eaten, "Asmolov said.

Bans on killing dogs have been introduced in the Philippines, Singapore and Hong Kong, however, experts say practical application this prohibition does not carry. Dogs are killed and killed. But there is room for social and political maneuver and the work of black markets, of which there are many, and their activities can no longer be regulated. Even more dogs are killed in Vietnam than in Korea - about five million a year, and even stolen dogs are often allowed there. Dog consumption continued in Cambodia as well.


When experts talk about the lack of ritualism in eating dog meat, they still miss one important event that is taking place in China. Every year in the city of Yulin, from June 21 to June 30, the day is celebrated summer solstice, most main tradition which became the eating of dog meat. For 10 days, residents of the city kill about 10-15 thousand dogs, believing that they drive away the heat summer months.

In June 2015, the UK prepared a petition demanding to ban the festival, the initiative garnered three million signatures. The Chinese government even went to meet the public and banned the bloody holiday. However, this led to the fact that citizens accused the state of aiding European influence on the country. The government quickly abandoned the ban, arguing that the Yulin festival is too old a national tradition, and that dogs are being killed humanely these days. However, the footage that appears from time to time online from the Yulin festival suggests otherwise. Cheerful Chinese people sit at tables and watch the dogs being killed.

TV reports and publications about the "Dog Eating Festival" recently wrapped up in the southern Chinese city of Yulin in Guangxi Province have sparked widespread public outcry and a wave of animal rights activists around the world. Before showing video footage and photographs showing how dogs are burned alive and boiled, butchered, soups and stews are prepared from them, the editors of TV channels and publications warn viewers that what they see can cause a serious blow to the psyche. Even a photo of dogs different breeds, sitting in overcrowded cages and awaiting a terrible fate, cannot leave anyone indifferent - they look so monstrous for the inhabitants of Western countries, where the rights of dogs and many other animals are protected by law.

The only one bright spot In the coverage of this story, there was the rescue of a dog that ended up in the Yulin market, whose appearance so moved the activist of the organization Humane Society International, Peter Lee, that he bought it from dog meat dealers and decided to take it with him to the United States. Now the dog, which received the nickname Ricky from the new owner, is in quarantine and is waiting for a flight to America.

In response to the outraged petitions of activists and environmentalists about the Yulin "dog" massacre, the Chinese authorities said that officially "such a festival is not being held," so they would not take any measures. Traders of dog meat, in their defense, point to the customs of other countries, for example, that they do not eat beef in India, since a cow is a sacred animal for Hindus, Muslims and Jews refuse pork, because they consider this animal "dirty", and some peoples refuse to eat mutton. And no one in the West is outraged by the counters of butcher shops and photographs from meat stores, where you can see the carcasses of livestock.

There are also counterarguments against the "antiquity" theory of the aforementioned tradition. So in the province of Gyeongsangbuk-do in South Korea, a two-thousand-year-old burial was discovered, in which the skeleton of a dog was located along with a human skeleton. Scientists naturally assumed that the dog was buried with the deceased owner, which, in turn, means that it was actually revered as a member of the family. A rock art dating from the fourth century AD shows the carcasses of a ram, a pig, and a dog hanging side by side. But in the same picture, free-walking dogs are visible - they do not at all look like animals that people are preparing to eat.

The most active opponents of the view that dog meat has been eaten in Korea for several thousand years, believe that Koreans began to eat it only in the twentieth century. In this regard, there are two main versions. First, it all began during Japanese colonial rule from 1910 to 1945. The Japanese requisitioned and took away to the metropolis almost all the peasant cattle, which in fact left the Koreans no choice but to eat the dogs so as not to starve to death. Some researchers claim that the Japanese themselves killed dogs to use their skins, but threw away meat, which has been banned in Japan since 675 AD. According to the second version, Koreans began to eat dogs during the Korean War of 1950–53, which began exactly 65 years ago, also due to the fact that famine reigned on the Korean Peninsula.

So there is no talk of any "millennial tradition" beneficial features dog meat is embellished, and the myths about them are deliberately supported by businessmen, activists say public organizations seeking a ban on killing dogs for their meat. But, despite their desperate struggle, it is unlikely that such a ban will be introduced in the foreseeable future - the social consequences, if the necessary law is adopted immediately, will be very tangible in South Korea. The deputy editor-in-chief of the online publication The Korea observer also admits this. James Hyams currently working on documentary on this issue. Hyams himself is a supporter of a complete ban on the industry of raising dogs for slaughter and selling them a number of meat:

About 900,000 dogs live in South Korea and are raised for slaughter.

- According to statistics from 2010, there were about nine hundred thousand dogs in South Korea, belonging to about one hundred thousand farms. So it turns out that in small farms there are 7-8 dogs, in some even less. Where there are 10–20 dogs, they become an important source of income for families. So an immediate ban on the dog meat industry would deprive them of their livelihood - this is the last thing I want. On average, one dog costs about $ 70. So if a farmer sells dog meat to restaurants, then we must provide him with another source of income. Organizations such as the Humane Society International buy out dogs from farmers so that they can start new businesses with the proceeds.

According to James Hyams, just recently a farmer, from whom activists of Humane Society International bought 23 dogs, was quite successful in growing and selling blueberries. According to Hyams and his colleagues, the South Korean authorities should now first of all, immediately, introduce clear rules and procedures for licensing that are still missing in the dog meat industry. This will eliminate the black market, which is often visited by stolen or lost pets. All the same problems are discussed in the People's Republic of China - domestic dogs are also often stolen there, and practically no one controls what the animal ate before ending up in the dog meat dealer's cage. Complete absence sanitary standards sharply increases the danger of poisoning.

James Hyams emphasizes that in Korea there are dog breeds specially bred for slaughter, and the Koreans themselves perceive such dogs and domestic dogs as different animals. And the meat of "domestic breeds" they would not eat. But this does not stop unscrupulous traders:

- The Co-existence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE) conducted an investigation in 2012. Its activists have visited several places where animals are kept and killed. They found hundreds of dogs of "domestic breeds" waiting to die. So for the owners there was no difference whether they were "meat" dogs, or "domestic" ones. One of them admitted that 70 percent of the dogs he sells for meat are golden retrievers and dogs of other "domestic" breeds. The price for one animal varies depending on the season, but on average it is about two hundred dollars. Another former trader stated that the meat of huskies and other similar breeds similar in quality to specially fed dog meat, but cheaper.

James Hyams, who personally would like to see the practice of eating dogs in South Korea and other countries cease to exist, and demands an immediate end to the widespread practice of cruel slaughtering of dogs, opposes what he calls "cultural imperialism" when "one culture allows itself to dictate to the other what is right and what is wrong. " He emphasizes that in his new film, he would like to find out whether the tradition of eating dog meat is really so ancient and well-established in Korea. Or South Korean society is ready to leave this tradition in the past.

Dog meat is a traditional Korean dish, the first mention of which dates back to the period of the three states (57 BC - 668 AD). There used to be a great variety of recipes, but today chefs only prepare soups or dishes from boiled and fried meat.

In this episode, you will see pictures of the preparation of dog soup (posingthan) in one of the restaurants in Seoul. By tradition, Koreans eat it in the hottest summer days... Eating dog meat is believed to give strength, energy and health.

(11 photos total)

1. At the end of the 90s. there were about 6.5 thousand suppliers of dog meat in the republic. They sold an average of 25 tons of dog meat every day, which amounted to approximately 8.4 thousand tons per year. (Photo: ChungSung-Jun / GettyImages)

2. In reality, its consumption by the inhabitants of South Korea is much higher and reaches about 100 thousand tons. In total, there are more than 20 thousand dog meat trade outlets in the country, including unregistered suppliers.

3. Dog meat ranks fourth in South Korea in food consumption after pork, beef and chicken

4. Animal rights advocates often find it unacceptable to eat dog meat. Proponents of eating dog food do not understand why it is considered permissible to eat cows and pigs, but it is wild to eat dogs.

5. It is not the first year that a heated debate has been going on in South Korea about whether it is possible to combine Western ethics with the traditions of Korean cuisine.

7. In 2005, a bill was prepared by the Government of the Republic of Korea. It does not abolish the tradition of eating dog meat, but prohibits resorting to cruel methods of slaughtering dogs. According to the Chugan Joseon weekly, in particular, it will not be possible to kill a dog in public, so as not to call anyone unpleasant sensations... It will not be possible to resort to such methods of slaughter as strangulation. However, what methods are permitted is not specified in the publication.

8. As a punishment for violating the law on the protection of animals, imprisonment in labor camps for up to six months and a fine of about $ 2,000 will be provided. sanitary standards for sale points of dog meat, to prevent the sale of meat from sick, homeless or intended for medical experiments animals. For this, all enterprises selling dog meat will be required to undergo checks 4 times a year.

9. Dog soup (poshinthan (보신탕; 補 身 湯) or kejunguk (개장국)) - soup national cuisine Korea, which includes dog meat as its main component. This soup is said to increase courage.

10. The cooking method is as follows: dog meat is cooked with vegetables such as green onions, perilla leaves, and dandelions, and spices such as twenjan, gochujang, and perilla seed powder.

11. The dish is one of the most common Korean foods made from dog meat and has a long history in Korean culture but has been last years criticized both inside and outside Korea for concerns about animal rights.

In the spring, everyone wants to spend as much time as possible on fresh air... I would like to uncover my bike or rollers and go for a drive. Well, or at least just take a longer walk. But there is one moment that darkens the beautiful spring days... These are stray dogs.

Dogs that most often attack people in the spring. It doesn't matter why. It is important to know what to do with it.

Do not be afraid

Not because dogs feel fear. They, of course, feel, just more often than not we are afraid in vain when it comes to domestic dogs. Especially if you are a cyclist or roller skater. You go for yourself, you don't bother anyone, and suddenly it - rushes after, ripping off its throat in a heart-rending bark. But in fact, nothing terrible happens. The dog just has a break in the pattern. From her point of view, people should not move at such a speed. So just let the dog know that you are a human and not a scary monster. Stop and ask affably: "Why are you yelling, you fool?" This will be enough. Or use the Scary Spell “Where is Mom ?! Search! " All dog lovers call themselves mummies and daddies. All dog owners abuse puppies, using the dog's natural fear of losing his pack as an element of training. So just ask the dog where her mommy is and she will disappear instantly.

Be carefull

But stray dogs are another matter entirely. And what is most offensive - not all. Some coexist quite peacefully with people and never attack. On the contrary, they try to stay closer to people, because we ourselves, unwillingly, protect them from other, more aggressive dogs. These nice guys usually cluster in underground passages, and if they come out of there, then they can be easily identified by the second stage of obesity. But their feral fellows, alas, are very dangerous. But there is a chance to fight back.

Avoid dangerous places

It is easier to prevent an attack than to fight back. Therefore, try not to wander alone in industrial zones, garage cooperatives and closed markets without unnecessary need. Territory protection - the main task flocks. They will lash out with barking anyway. But they will bite - not in every one. If you find yourself in territory that the flock considers theirs, do not panic and in no case run away. The instinct to chase is overwhelming. They will catch up with you. If no one is targeting your pants yet, do not yell or stomp threateningly. The flock will take the fight. Continue walking calmly, as if nothing had happened. As soon as you cross the invisible border of their possessions, the dogs will lag behind. All they need from you is for you to get away.

Avoid Dog Weddings

If you see a crowd of huge dogs chasing one unfortunate little dog, then this is most likely mating games, not homicide. Move further away. Males at this moment are ready to attack all living things simply because their testosterone is off scale. The bitch will get one. And the rest will have a nice friendly scuffle. And you will be easily pulled into it, simply because you passed by. So walk by - preferably across the street.

Don't feed stray dogs

The population of grandmothers with pots of rotten porridge, of course, is huge, but they are still not enough for all four-legged animals. This means that not all dogs are aware that a person with food is useful person and you don't need to bite it. , of course, they will eat what is offered. But it's not a fact that they won't try to chop off your hand in the process.

Do not rely on edged weapons

It is easier to get a black belt in karate than to master at least the basics of knife fighting against a dog. Dogs react many times faster than humans, so don't take out your penknife. He will do you a disservice - he will give you false confidence in his abilities. Go to the dog with a knife - the right way get injured.

Do not rely on traumatic, shock and gas too

Here the chances, as they say, are 50 to 50 - you either scare the flock or not. You will not inflict any serious damage to the dogs either by trauma (you will not hit), or by a shock (the discharge is too weak), or by a gas cylinder (you will not hit again). Another thing is that a sharp pop, crackle or a disgusting smell can scare a flock. In this case, the collective canine mind decides that well you nafig, it's easier not to mess with. The only thing that doesn't give dogs a chance is the pepper spray gun. It, unlike a spray can, allows you to fire aimed fire. If you know how to aim, of course.

Use the tools at hand

Even if you bought this pistol for yourself, you will meet an aggressive pack just when you forget it at home - according to the law of meanness. All you can do in such a situation is to try to scare the dogs away. Pretend to pick up a stone from the ground and throw it at them. If there really is a stone - do not pretend, but throw it. You see the urn - get the bottle out of it. You see a stick - grab it. If you have an umbrella with you, great: just point it towards the dogs and open it sharply. All this works if the flock is clearly interested in you, but for now it is limited to barking from afar.

Trust your instincts

The canine language is quite simple and straightforward. And, although this is primarily a sign language, in the human dialect it is also possible to communicate with them. A dog squeals when it is scared or in pain. The dog growls when it wants to express its displeasure and aggressive intentions. Therefore, do not yell at the dogs, and even more so do not squeal. The higher your timbre, the more you look like a scared prey cornered. Speak loud and bass. You can say whatever you want, the main thing is to look threatening and hit the lowest possible note.

Look for escape routes

In most cases, it is enough to scare away the flock. Dogs do not attack people in order to feast on our tender flesh, so they usually decide not to mess with a person who is ready to fight back. But there are, alas, sad exceptions. You can't run away, but there is a chance to fight back differently. If you see a tree, climb in. See the pond - dive. If you are near the road, do not be afraid to get off the sidewalk. Drivers will see the galloping flock from afar, so you will not be hit. But the sound of the engine, headlights or the signal of dogs will surely scare away. As a last resort - you are on help will come a man with a mount, and that is strength.

Hit for sure

You should only beat the dog if it has already grabbed you and will not let go. If she bit and ran away - you're in luck, get rid of the rabies vaccine. If she grabbed you, you just have to fight back. There is no need to try to pull an arm or a leg out of the mouth, this will only inflict even greater injuries on yourself. If the dog grabbed the hand, grab the dog's face. free hand, and the one in which she grabbed, push deeper into the mouth. From the pressure, the dog's tongue will sink into the throat, it will begin to choke and loosen its grip. At this point, you can strike at the tip of the nose, or kick in the stomach. It's useless to beat in the chest. If the dog is grabbing the leg, imagine that you have to hammer a nail with your fist, and not into the wall, but into the floor. Hit like that - sharply, perpendicular to the ground. Hit the base of the skull - this is the point where the neck ends and the head begins. Usually this is enough for the dog to see you as a threat to its life and to stop trying to attack.

A migrant from Vietnam will not be punished for organizing a dog-slaughtering workshop in Samara. Law enforcers found that animals were killed there in a humane way, and the man sold meat only to his compatriots. Due to the lack of corpus delicti, the criminal case was closed. Nevertheless, they decided to expel the Vietnamese from the country.
Let us remind you that animal rights activists reported to the law enforcement agencies about the work of the dog slaughtering workshop in a private house on Yuzhny Passage in Samara, to whom neighbors and unwitting witnesses of the underground "production" complained. In June, police and activists went there to check. In the workshop, they found a cage containing 11 dogs.
As one of the animal rights activists Irina told, the waste of the bloody business was scattered everywhere in the yard: animal skins, skulls, bones, jaws. The organizer of the workshop, a migrant from Vietnam, did not deny anything and quite calmly confirmed what he had been doing recently.
All the rescued animals were taken to the Nadezhda shelter. And against the man, the police opened a criminal case under the article "Cruelty to animals." It seemed that the shop organizer would no longer escape punishment. However, following the results of the investigation, law enforcement officers came to the conclusion that there was no corpus delicti in the actions of the workshop organizer. In this regard, the criminal case was closed. The prosecutor's office of the Sovetsky district of Samara confirmed the legality of the decision.
As the head of the department, Dmitry Popov, explained to, it was not possible to find evidence of cruelty to animals in this workshop. “We checked how the dogs were kept. They lived in cages, the Vietnamese fed them, cleaned them up, looked after them. In general, we did everything that our fellow citizens usually do when raising pigs, rabbits and other animals for slaughter. We found out how the dogs were killed and brought in a veterinary expert with 40 years of experience to evaluate this method, - said Mr. Popov. - As the police found, immediately before slaughter, the dog was deprived of its senses with the help of electric current... The expert came to the conclusion that this is the most humane way killing animals. According to his conclusion, the dogs did not suffer from the electric shock, since the loss of consciousness occurred instantly. "
The prosecutor dispelled rumors that dog meat was supplied to cafes on the Kirov market and other public catering establishments. During the investigation, law enforcement officials found that the Vietnamese sold it exclusively to his compatriots, who cooked only for themselves.
“The legislation of the Russian Federation does not stipulate that in our country it is forbidden to kill dogs for food. There is a penalty for cruel treatment with animals, but in in this case this was not confirmed. It is clear that the very fact of slaughtering a dog for food shocked our citizens. After all, for us a dog is a friend of a man, a member of a family. But the Vietnamese have a different mentality. We interviewed a South Asian cultural expert. He explained that for southern China, Laos, Vietnam, this is a normal, everyday gastronomic practice, ”said Dmitry Popov.
“The investigation failed to establish the people who sold the dogs to the shop organizer. For the most part, the Vietnamese were supplied with stray animals. Of those dogs that were found in the workshop, two turned out to be domestic. The owners were found. The police planned to separate criminal cases on the theft of animals into separate proceedings. However, the owners themselves stated that they could not say that the animals had been stolen, since they were not tied and freely moved around the private sector, ”said the prosecutor of the Sovetskiy district.
Thus, a migrant from Vietnam will not be punished for organizing a workshop and buying animals. However, he was brought to administrative responsibility for violating migration legislation. Back in June, the court ruled to fine the man 2,000 rubles and expel him from the country. However, in connection with the investigation of the criminal case, the migrant was detained in Samara region... He is in a special center for migrants in Togliatti and, most likely, will soon leave the country.
The decision of the law enforcement officers was shocking news for the residents of Samara. Main question: Is it really possible for migrants from Vietnam or China to kill dogs for food and sell such meat with impunity? Animal rights activists say this is unacceptable. They intend to seek the resumption of the investigation of the criminal case and a ban on the organization of such workshops.
“Cynicism and lawlessness are no longer surprising. The silence and inaction of Rospotrebnadzor is not surprising. It is not surprising that the police did not hear anything about SanPiNs and the law "On Veterinary Medicine", which prohibit the sale and use of meat that has not passed the veterinary and sanitary examination. It is according to these norms that dog meat is not food product in our country. And the laws Russian Federation are the same for everyone, regardless of their nationality and cultural traditions, ”said Amal Baeva, director of the Nadezhda animal shelter.
According to her, the suppliers of the organizer of the dog slaughtering workshop are also known. “There are names, car numbers, phone numbers of these suppliers,” said Amal Baeva. - The interests of dog owners were ignored. According to the law, a stray animal must be treated like any other property - within six months to look for its owners. A dog is someone else's property. The law does not allow you to dispose of it at your own discretion, and even more so to destroy it. "