Honorary Blood Donor Benefits and Benefits. Donor Benefits

Who is recognized as a donor

V Federal law of July 20, 2012 No. 125-FZ "On the donation of blood and its components" the concept of blood donation is clearly stipulated, and people who donate their blood for free are rightfully considered honorary citizens.

In our country, a blood donor is considered to be any person who voluntarily donates his own blood, as well as such components as:

  • Blood plasma and its immune part.
  • Red blood cells.
  • Platelets.
  • Leukocytes
  • Granulocytes

Any adult citizen can be a blood donor Russian Federation whose body weight exceeds 50 kilograms and there are no contraindications (various serious illness, temperature, menstrual cycle). As a rule, about 450 milliliters of blood is withdrawn from a person, the process of taking the material takes a little more than 10 minutes, while obtaining plasma takes about 30 minutes.

After the fence the required amount blood components, the rest is transfused back to the donor. The process of donating blood is absolutely safe for the donor, the medical instruments used are sterile and undergo constant certification, so you should not believe in various mythical stories about the possibility of infection. It is important to remember that it will take some time to donate blood, the desire to help people who have fallen into difficult situation and impeccable health. Read about what rights donors are endowed with, as well as what payments and benefits to donors are provided by law in our article.

Cash payments to blood donors in Russia

Despite the fact that donation in our country is voluntary and free of charge, according to the law, persons who have become donors are entitled to various privileges. Usually, blood donors are entitled to hot meals, extra days of rest, and monetary compensation.

In connection with the adoption in 2015 of a new law on donation, the value monetary compensation will depend on living wage in a particular region of the country. The payment amount itself will be only 5%. Today, in most regions of the country, compensation for blood donors is about 740 rubles, plus various allowances from the local budget. It is worth noting that the law requires the issuance of food or receive monetary compensation for food.

A lot of controversies and contradictions arise around the type of compensation for donors, some officials believe that the issuance of funds must be eradicated, others have an alternative opinion.

Cash Compensation for Hot Meals for Donors

On January 20, 2015, the Russian Ministry of Health signed new order, in which it is prescribed to replace hot meals and other products with monetary rewards at the request of the donor. To receive monetary compensation, you need to write an application for changing the type of compensation. New law offers blood donors compensation in the form of caviar, fish, juices, and various canned food, but not everyone is interested in food rewards.

Due to the constant shortage of blood, many relatives of patients in need of transfusion independently prescribe a fee to each donor, which in turn is not a violation of current legislation.

Additional regional benefits for donors

Each region of Russia has the right to independently appoint additional types compensation: free meals, free pass on public transport, the possibility of visiting sanatoriums on preferential terms, use of household services with discounts.

Benefits for working blood donors

Special benefits are provided for working blood donors, today these include:

  • Exemption from work on the day of donating blood, such a benefit is provided Labor Code RF article 186. The employer is obliged to provide a day off while maintaining the average salary for an employee who is a blood donor. If, at his own discretion, a person went to workplace on the day of donating blood, the administration of the organization provides him with a day off at any time at will. The day off is not provided for employees who donate blood while on sick leave. An additional day of rest is provided after each blood donation; at the request of the employee, all additional days can be added to the annual paid leave, or he can use them at any convenient time.
  • If an employee donates more than 900 milliliters of blood (2 visits to a donor center or transfusion station) and its components during the year, he is entitled to payment of temporary disability benefits in the amount of full remuneration, regardless of the length of service or the type of disease.
  • Each employee who donates blood is guaranteed the opportunity to receive preferential vouchers for Spa treatment first of all.
  • The donor, at his discretion, has the right to choose the payment for two days (the day of blood donation and any day to choose from).
  • For students, there is a discount in the form of a 25% increase to the scholarship.

Honorary donor of the Russian Federation - how to get the status

Undoubtedly, donation is a manifestation of nobility and heroism, to some extent. Despite the fact that the benefits are quite symbolic in Russia, there are a large number of people who donate blood throughout their lives. According to the law, such people have the right to receive the title of "Honorary Donor".

If you decide that helping people is a priority and donating blood will allow you to show your life position... You have the right to apply for a badge and the title of "Honorary Donor", for this you must comply with the following conditions:

  • It is necessary to donate blood and its components 40 or more times.
  • Combine donating blood more than 25 times and blood plasma more than 40 times.
  • Donate blood plasma more than 60 times.

After passing the procedure for donating blood or its plasma the required number of times, it is necessary to prepare documents and send them to the territorial department social protection population at the place of residence.

The package of documents for conferring the title of "Honorary Donor" includes:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, or a power of attorney if the donor uses the services of a legal representative.
  • Application for the title and registration of the certificate.
  • A certificate from the blood transfusion station on handicap No. 448-05 / y, about the amount of blood and plasma donated.

Documents can be sent in person, through a representative, or using a single portal of state and municipal services (to electronic application scanned certificate and passport are attached). It is possible to issue documents for obtaining the title in any constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the main thing is to properly assemble the package. From the moment of submission of documents to the assignment honorary title no more than 95 days should pass, however, there are a number of reasons why a permit may be refused.

  • The presented documents from the blood transfusion station do not correspond to reality, the number is deliberately overstated.
  • The donor was not registered at the place of residence, and in fact belonged to another territorial body.
  • The donor for some reason did not provide a certificate from the blood transfusion station of the required sample.

The awarding of the title of "Honorary Donor" takes place in the building of the regional or municipal government in a solemn atmosphere in the presence of journalists and relatives.

Benefits and payments for honorary donors in the Russian Federation

With getting this noble sign differences, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of June 9, 1993 No. 5142-I "On the donation of blood and its components", you gain a lot of advantages:

  1. Free treatment in state and municipal medical institutions.
  2. Admission to the doctor without queues and long waiting times.
  3. Free repair and installation of dentures, as well as dental consultations.
  4. Purchase of any medicines with a 50% discount at all state pharmacies.
  5. Receiving preferential vouchers for spa treatment in the first stage.
  6. Free travel in public and commuter transport as well as on intercity buses.
  7. Getting paid annual leave at any convenient time.
  8. Favorable conditions for obtaining a loan for building a house (reduced interest rate, additional bonuses).

In addition to the above benefits, Honorary Donors are eligible to receive an indexed payment once a year.

The amount of the annual cash payment in 2016 for the "Honorary Donors" is 12,373 rubles.

Depending on the region of residence, regional coefficients and various surcharges from the local budget may be added to this amount. Receive annual compensation you can contact territorial body social protection of the population with the following documents:

  • application for an indexed annual payment;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • a certificate of awarding an honorary badge and conferring the title of "Honorary Donor of the USSR" or "Honorary Donor of Russia"
  • documents with bank details to receive payment.

In many civilized countries of the world, blood donation is considered mandatory and is strongly encouraged by the state. In our country today, the situation around this issue is ambiguous. Many officials believe that in a similar way people will start earning cash, which will significantly reduce the quality of blood and its components. However, doctors are trying to convince the government of the advisability of introducing cash payments, because blood is constantly not enough. There are many myths that blood transfusion and donation are dangerous for the health of the donor; in the process of taking blood, you can contract terrible diseases. The specialists of the transfusion centers unanimously declare that this procedure is absolutely safe for human health. Regardless of the opinion of officials or doctors, everyone must decide for themselves whether blood donation is necessary. Asking the question: why do I need this? Remember that every minute in different parts of our vast country there are people whose lives depend on your drop of blood.

A huge number of people die every day, but the situation can change if each of "us" provides a piece of himself. As such a particle, a person may need blood, or simply its component, to survive. This invaluable gift can save his life. Today, the situation with donation on the territory of the Russian Federation is very deplorable, doctors sound the alarm and point out to the government that it is necessary to carry out different social programs, allowing to increase interest in donation among the population of the country.

In accordance with the federal bill No. 125-ФЗ dated July 20, 2012, the donation of blood and its components has a clear framework. Every citizen who is ready to provide "a piece of himself" absolutely free of charge can rightfully be considered an honorary citizen of Russia.

What is a donor? This is a person who donates blood and its components: platelets, erythrocytes, blood plasma, granulocytes, leukocytes, completely on a voluntary basis.

Any person whose body weight is more than 50 kg can become a donor, taking into account that he does not have a number of contraindications:

  • Menstrual cycle;
  • Serious illnesses;
  • The presence of a high temperature.

To obtain the status of an honorary donor, it is enough to:

  • Plasma has been donated more than 60 times.
  • Blood was donated more than 40 times.
  • The number of procedures for donating plasma is 35 times and, accordingly, blood is 25 times.
  • In total, the material was donated at least 40 times, taking into account that the blood was donated at least 25 times.

What are the benefits of an honorary donor of Russia?

A person who is an honorary donor can count on the following benefits:

  • Free treatment is provided in medical institutions of the municipal and state type.
  • Such a person can go to the doctor's office without waiting in line.
  • Benefits for dental restoration and endoprosthetics.
  • 50% discount on any medications.
  • They can count on priority when issuing vouchers for the passage of sanatorium treatment.
  • Free travel on intercity buses and other public transport is provided.
  • An honorary donor has the right to paid leave at any time of the year.
  • Credit companies lower interest rates and provide additional bonuses.
  • May expect to receive payments of an indexed nature.

However, many benefits are provided to Russian citizens for regional level... For example, honorary donors who live in Moscow and the Moscow region can count on the following:

  • Can count on travel by any public transport absolutely free;
  • You can count on dental repairs;
  • 50% discount on utilities;
  • 50% discount on medicines and medicines.

As for the honorary donors of St. Petersburg, they can count on:

  • Obtaining the status of "Labor Veteran";
  • Discounts on the purchase of medicines;
  • Public transport discounts.

For citizens living in Crimea and having the status of an honorary donor, the following benefits are provided:

  • Are entitled to paid leave at any time of the year;
  • Free travel on urban public transport.

Those honorary donors who belong to Tatarstan can receive the following benefits from the local self-government apparatus:

  • Purchase discounts drugs;
  • Discounts on utilities;
  • Those honorable donors who live in houses without central heating can count on fuel payments (within the normal range).


An honorary donor in Russia can count on receiving annual financial payments from the state in the amount of 12,373 rubles. Experts also argue that the size of this payment may increase depending on regional "bonuses".

You can receive this financial compensation if:

  • apply for this type of payment;
  • you will need to provide a passport of the Russian Federation;
  • bank account details;
  • you need to provide a certificate of an honorary donor of Russia or the USSR.

Benefits of an honorary donor of the USSR

As for donors of the "era of the USSR", their benefits were no different from those currently accepted. Citizens who are honorary donors could also count on discounts at drug sales points and much more, which is indicated in the general list of benefits.

Retirement benefits

Experts also argue that when an honorary donor retires, he is entitled to all the same benefits and payments that were assigned to him earlier. Retirement has no effect on this. No other payments are provided.

Dental benefits

In addition to the above benefits, honorary donors of Russia have the right to take advantage of dental benefits:

  • Can count on free filling and dental treatment.
  • Can count on free consultations.
  • As for prosthetics, it also falls under dental benefits, but only provided on a first-come, first-served basis.

On the territory of many countries of the world, the government encourages citizens who are directly involved in blood donation. In some countries, this procedure is generally accepted and even mandatory.

Nevertheless, on the territory of the Russian Federation, the donation situation is rather ambiguous. Many government officials believe that Russians will begin to use blood donation as a additional earnings... And this factor can significantly reduce the quality of the blood received, however, as well as its components.

But medical specialists argue that the introduction of cash payments and various types of benefits is necessary, because on this moment there is a lack of this "material" in hospitals.

Doctors also say that the number of donors is also influenced by big number"Myths" that have a direct connection to blood donation. For example, many people believe that during the process of transfusion, you can contract various serious diseases. Also, people are afraid of donation, because they believe that it has detrimental influence on the human body, i.e. carries danger.

All employees of any blood transfusion center unanimously insist that this medical procedure is absolutely safe. However, everyone must decide for themselves whether to donate blood or not. Everyone should clearly understand why he is doing this.


Watch the video for information on benefits for honorary donors:

You need to understand that there are people who need this "resource". Their life literally depends on your blood. However, each of us may find ourselves in such a situation.