Tax incentives for pensioners in the Perm region. Sanatorium treatment for pensioners. Medical benefits for retirees

What are the benefits for pensioners in 2018 in Russia - latest news

Seniors who have reached old age, the state provides all possible support. Living with dignity in retirement is not easy.

The law provides targeted assistance individual citizens nice bonuses residents of some regions of Russia. Rumors around this issue great amount.

Everyone wants to know what benefits are provided for pensioners in 2018 in Russia - the latest news reveals in detail the list of services covered.

Knowing your own rights, you will be able to save a decent amount if you draw up the relevant documents in the service social protection.

Who is entitled to receive benefits in 2018

Each region of Russia provides different benefits pensioners in 2018.

The list depends on a number of reasons. The main factor shaping the list is the state of the regional budget.

Cash subsidies, compensations, benefits are provided to certain groups of people retirement age.

The amount of payments, the ability to use certain services at reduced rates or free of charge depends on the category assigned to the person:

  • senior citizen;
  • disabled person 1, 2, 3 groups;
  • military pensioner;
  • veteran of labor or WWII.

When assigning preferential payments, it should be borne in mind that since 2018, women who have reached the age of 58 are recognized as pensioners in Russia, and men are 63 years old.

However, there are deviations: the retirement age is influenced by the type of activity, the region of residence.

List of benefits for pensioners in 2018

In decrees, federal laws it is spelled out what benefits are provided to pensioners in 2018.

To use individual indulgences, it is enough to present pensioner's ID, for others, you will need a lot of documents confirming the right to receive the corresponding payment, discount or compensation.

In 2018 they will remain assigned to pensioners federal benefits that existed earlier:

  1. transport;
  2. financial;
  3. land;
  4. vacation pay;
  5. communal.

The coming of the New Year is waiting for different reasons... Kids rejoice at the holiday, adults - the entry into force of a number of important laws.

The long-awaited tax breaks for retirees in 2018 have arrived.

From January 1, residents of all regions who have reached retirement age will no longer pay tax for a summer cottage if the area does not exceed 6 acres.

Housing and communal services

A pensioner enjoys the established benefits when paying for housing and communal services, if a number of conditions are met:

  • For housing and communal services you have to pay more than 22% of the income received monthly. Persons who have not reached retirement age should not live with a pensioner.
  • A 50% discount is given to participants in the Great Patriotic War, veterans of labor, war, the siege of Leningrad.
  • Half of the cost is charged from the participants in the liquidation of the aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, former military personnel who have become disabled.
  • Housing tenants who fall into the category of "disabled" pay 50% of housing and communal services.

Separately, it should be noted that persons awarded the Hero of Socialist Labor pay for housing in full, and for utilities exactly half (50%).

There is no need to pay charges for overhaul from persons who have celebrated 80 years. In the interval from 70 to 80 years, 50% of this charge is paid.

The services covered by the privilege include heating, gas, water, electricity, water disposal.

Discounts for the use of a television antenna are established in the regions or companies providing the service.

When calculating any benefits, you first need to submit documents and prove that there is no arrears in payments for housing and communal services.

If a debt appears during the period of using the preferential tariff, it can be withdrawn.

Travel benefits

Expenses on the city, commuter transport paid in part by the person purchasing the ticket.

However, there are travel benefits for retirees in 2018. To get them, you will have to issue a discounted travel ticket.

Reimbursement of costs is carried out on the basis of adopted laws and regulations.

It is planned that travel benefits for Moscow pensioners in 2018 will be changed. With the proposed cancellation of free travel on electric trains, the compensation paid monthly should increase.

Within the Moscow Ring Road, with a Moscow residence permit, travel on electric trains for pensioners will remain free.

In the regions, there are established travel rules for beneficiaries. Monetary compensation, discounted tickets, apply to public transport, excluding intercity transportation, taxis.

A number of exceptions are residents of the North, who are provided with reduced fare from the region to the recreation center.

The service can be used once throughout the year. Seasonal benefits are established in many regions.

Often allowed free pass in the spring-summer (summer cottage) period by electric trains and suburban buses upon presentation of a pension certificate.

In St. Petersburg, discounts on travel in municipal public transport from May to October in 2018 will amount to 90%, in the Leningrad Region - 85%.

In some regions of Russia, pensioners are issued a transport card, according to which a strictly defined number of free trips are offered. You will have to pay for the rest of the transfers.

Transport incentives

The transport tax incentives for pensioners for 2018 are regional in nature.

However, the subject independently decides what will be the amount of indulgences for residents of certain regions.

Examples for some cities:

City (region) Amount of benefits provided Notes (edit)
Moscow and Moscow region— 100% discounts for disabled people, war veterans are possible if you have a car with an MD of up to 200 HP. with.
SPb100% If the car is older than 1991, the MD is up to 150 HP. with.
Leningrad region20%

Engine power up to 100 hp. with.

Altaic, Krasnoyarsk region, Amur, Belgorod, Astrakhan, Yaroslavl, Sverdlovsk regions100%
Perm Territory, Udmurt Republic, Bryansk, Novgorod, Oryol regions50%

Wanting to know transport benefits retirees of the Krasnodar Territory in 2018 or other regions not listed in the table, it is better to go to local authorities to clarify the numbers.

Benefits for spa treatment

Pensioners belonging to the category of disabled people can once a year use the right to free rest and treatment in a health resort.

To purchase a voucher to a sanatorium, you will need to provide a number of documents to the social service that distributes vouchers:

  1. the conclusion of the commission on the need spa treatment and the absence of contraindications for being in a particular health resort;
  2. an extract from the local clinic confirming the right to rehabilitation treatment;
  3. statement.

After receiving the voucher in hand, it is necessary 2 weeks before departure for rest,.

The doctor sends to or hands out a medical record or a statement on the state of health for the correct prescription of treatment.

Property benefits

Pensioners from all regions of Russia have property benefits.

These include:

  • dacha;
  • apartment or room;
  • garage;
  • outbuildings.

Elite real estate is not included in the property section for preferential taxation.

Its cost exceeds 300 million rubles. You cannot use an object in the possession of a pensioner for entrepreneurial activity if you want to have preferential status.

If a pensioner owns several real estate objects belonging to the same category, he will have to pay for all objects except one.

To make it easier to understand, it is proposed to consider an example.

Having 2 dachas, a house and 3 apartments, a pensioner receives benefits for 1 house, 1 dacha, 1 apartment. The rest of the taxes are paid according to the established rates.

Benefits for working pensioners

Active life position, good health experience does not allow many people who have achieved mature age, go on a well-deserved rest.

They continue to work, but they can use required by law benefits for working pensioners in 2018.

Mandatory privileges include:

  1. Getting a citizen of additional unpaid leave at his request. However, the law provides for restrictions on the length of the period of absence from the workplace:
  • ordinary pensioner –14 days;
  • WWII veteran or participant in hostilities - 35 days;
  • disabled person - 60 days.

The service is provided once a year. The vacation can be taken in whole at once or divided into several parts by agreeing on the terms with the employer.

  1. Improvement of the qualification level at the expense of the organization, if necessary. On preferential terms he goes to the courses. It is possible to obtain another specialty in the direction of the enterprise.

How to apply for benefits for pensioners in 2018

Benefits for retirees exist, but they are rarely used. The reason lies in their own ignorance about the paperwork.

Until confirmation has been received, there is no need to dream of tax cuts and free purchase of drugs.

In order to apply for benefits for military pensioners in 2018 or those who have gone on a well-deserved rest at the onset of age, you will have to collect a package of relevant documents in advance and take them to the right organization.

It is advisable to start registering benefits from the beginning of the year. It is not worth delaying the submission of the application. From May, they begin to prepare written notifications about the need to make a payment. The deadline for submitting an application is November 1st.

List of documents

One organization will not be able to obtain the above privileges.

We'll have to be patient, although the paperwork is done pretty quickly.

In order to obtain transport benefits for pensioners of the Moscow region in 2018 and other regions of Russia, you will have to collect a package of documents for the tax office:

  1. passport;
  2. statement;

Labor veterans in Russian Federation call people who have been doing their professional duties for many years. This title was approved on the basis of a special law in 1995. What benefits are they entitled to in the Perm Territory?

All the benefits for these people are indicated in two lists adopted at the level of the federation and at the level of the subject of the Federation (in the territory, region, autonomy, etc.).

Benefits at the level of a constituent entity of the Federation in 2018-2019

  • An employee who has faithfully worked for many years at a Perm enterprise is offered social support in the form of financial payments for health improvement, in accordance with Article 2 of the Law of the Perm Territory No. 146 of 20.12.2012. The amount in this region is indexed annually. To receive this compensation, it is necessary that the pensioner's monthly income is no more than two living wages;
  • when a person reaches retirement age, according to the law, he is exempt from tax payments for one land plot (land for a house, subsidiary farm, gardening, livestock) and a summer cottage (an area of ​​not more than 600 sq. m.). This right is only under the jurisdiction of the administrations of the regions of the Perm Territory;
  • decrease transport tax for passenger cars (with engines up to 100 HP), motorcycles, boats (with engines up to 50 HP), motor boats (with engines up to 50 HP), motor scooters, self-propelled vehicles (including pneumatic and caterpillar tracks). The tax amount is only 50% of what must be paid, and is offered to those retirees who have retired according to their age. The right to reduced taxation applies only to one unit of transport with documentary evidence of the benefits and the presence of an application;
  • labor veterans living in this region are entitled to attachment and the right to use the same polyclinics in which they were treated during the period of work. State medical, municipal medical and preventive institutions are obliged to provide them with free medical assistance when contacting;
  • this category of citizens (labor veterans) is given a discount on apartment rent, maintenance, renovation work in room;
  • a person can apply for support in paying for housing and communal services in the form of monetary compensation, or for paying for an apartment to family members who have confirmed their incapacity, but who live with a labor veteran and are financially dependent on him (the only source of livelihood), or dependents;
  • if half of the expenses of labor veterans living in this region for housing and utility services is more than the monetary support approved in the region, then they are additionally assigned financial compensation, according to Article 2 of the Law of the Perm Region No. 1830-388;
  • this category of citizens (labor veterans) is entitled to receive social document, which pays for travel on municipal transport, suburban transport. Taxis are excluded from this list. There is a possibility of purchasing tickets for suburban electric trains and water transport at half the price in comparison with the real cost. The procedure for acquiring a pass and the price are established in a regulatory legal act of the government of a constituent entity of the Federation;
  • veterans who have long experience insurance, assistance in dental prosthetics under the VHI program is offered. In this case, the amount of insurance will be one thousand eight hundred rubles, and the premiums will be fifty rubles a month. Contributions can be indexed based on the increase in monthly payments.

Federal benefits

  1. Discounts for the calculation and payment of land, transport, property taxes.
  2. If health allows veterans to exercise labor activity, then they can submit an application for leave to the management of the organization in which they work, and they will have to provide it on the basis of Article 128 Labor Code RF. If a person is a participant in the Second World War, then a vacation of thirty-five days is required; if he is disabled, then the rest lasts sixty days; senior citizens are entitled to a break from work for 14 calendar days.
  3. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 10, 2011, veterans can be provided with assistance in the gasification of housing
  4. For those people who find themselves in a difficult financial situation, targeted assistance is possible (financial means, food, basic necessities, clothing, hygiene products).
  5. They are supposed to undergo medical examination every three years. Benefits are offered for age group from sixty to ninety nine years old. This category does not include disabled people of the Second World War, residents of the besieged Leningrad, people with disabilities due to injury received at the workplace. These groups of people can be treated every year.
  6. Labor veterans who are disabled are offered free vouchers to the sanatorium, and if they simply enter age category over sixty years of age, they are entitled to a flu vaccine every year.
  7. Their pensions, social payments are not taxable.
  8. At the legislative level (clauses 9, 10, article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), veterans of the region are entitled to pay for sanatorium vouchers by the organization from which the employee quit, retiring due to age or due to disability. Such organizations are required to produce social support(compensation) for this category of citizens up to four thousand rubles a year.
  9. Free travel for veterans of the region relies on the city public transport(excluding taxis) with a special social pass. Travel by suburban trains and water transport is paid at half the price of the ticket.
  10. Veterans cover only half of the cost of utility services, while those living in private households without central heating pay half of the price of fuel with delivery.

Pensioners are one of the socially unprotected categories population. In connection with small size retirement benefit, the state provides for their support certain benefits and privileges. Knowing their rights, older people can save quite a lot of money.

Requirements for applicants

Pensions in our country are paid to citizens on the following grounds:

  • upon reaching age (old-age pension),
  • in the presence of certain merits to the state (labor veterans),
  • with the inability to self-service or physical disability (disabled people).

Old age pensioners are those who have reached a certain age persons who have been assigned a pension by law. Men 60 years and older, as well as women from 55 years old have the right to it. The issue of increasing the retirement age is currently being considered.

For civil servants, it is already being raised, for six months a year, and other categories (state employees, military) are on the way. Citizens who have worked in difficult working or living conditions retire five years earlier.

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An insured citizen recognized as a disabled person of one of the groups can receive a disability pension.

Moreover, the reason for receiving it, when it was received (during work or after), work experience does not matter. If a disabled person has no insurance record, he / she will receive a social pension.

Veterans fall into two categories:

  1. Labor veterans. These are the citizens long time those who have worked for the good of the country and who have merits before it and incentive awards for their work.
  2. War and combat veterans. These include servicemen who participated in military conflicts, military battles, operations behind enemy lines, who served in the army during the Second World War.

What are the benefits for pensioners in the Perm Territory in 2019

Installed following measures social assistance for retirees:

  • granting additional payments and rights;
  • exemption from certain payments or fulfillment of obligations.

On regional level their size depends on the size of the local budget, the level of the economy, and the development of enterprises.

The average pension in the Perm Territory is 12.5 thousand rubles, and the minimum is equal to the subsistence minimum established for pensioners - 8,503 rubles.

If, at the same time, the allowance of an elderly person is lower, he can receive a social supplement from the regional budget to a minimum level.

In the region, retirement is charged district coefficient, it is, depending on the place of residence, 1.2 or 1, 15. When moving to another region, the coefficient is not saved.

The legislation provided for benefits for pensioners permanently residing here who have long work experience (35 years women, 40 men), but do not receive federal payments:

  • payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises in the amount of 50%;
  • compensation of 50% of expenses for utilities, supply of liquefied gas and solid fuel;
  • purchase of a ticket for city and suburban road, rail and water transport with a fifty percent discount;
  • preferential medical extraordinary service;
  • dental prosthetics assistance;
  • payment of 50 percent of the transport tax on cars with a capacity of up to 100 hp, a motorcycle, a boat up to 50 horses or a self-propelled vehicle.

Payment support utilities and living quarters are provided to pensioners with extensive experience, but with an income of no more than double living wage.

Labor veterans of the Perm Territory receive:

  • an annual payment of 6,270 rubles for health improvement;
  • monthly payment;
  • use of the clinic that was referred to during work;
  • free assistance in medical institutions;
  • payment for housing and utilities (50%) for disabled family members;
  • 50 percent discount on travel tickets;
  • assistance in dental prosthetics;
  • transport tax concessions 50%.

Regional support is received only by those veterans whose income is less than two times the subsistence minimum for pensioners established in the Perm Territory.

Social assistance for disabled people:

  • reimbursement of half the cost of housing and communal services;
  • free travel on public transport and social taxis for him and the accompanying person;
  • 50 percent discount on medications prescribed by a doctor;
  • partially paid for technical means to help rehabilitation;
  • undergoing rehabilitation and socialization in regional special centers.

After 80 years, all citizens are entitled to cash for care that will be paid to their relatives or any other person. This time will be included in their seniority.

Pensioners who find themselves in a difficult situation are provided with targeted assistance. It can be provided not only in monetary terms, but also in the form of food, basic necessities.

In addition, retirees are exempt from property tax for one item from each category of property. Also from the current year they are provided with tax deduction on six acres of land owned.

Some categories of citizens can choose the form of assistance that suits them: material payments or intangible services. It is allowed to replace in-kind services with a lump sum payment.

How to get the

First of all, a pensioner needs to get information about what benefits he or she is entitled to. It depends on the category to which it belongs. For example, is it a veteran, disabled, parent with many children.

To obtain benefits, depending on their type, you should contact the tax service, the department of social protection of the population or a multifunctional center.

The MFC will allow you to issue all the benefits at once in one place, without visiting many institutions and queues. You should first make an appointment by phone or via the Internet. But you should make sure in advance that this service is provided in the center at your place of residence.

After recording, you need to start collecting documents. Their list can be clarified on the official websites, by phone or during a personal visit. One of the main papers is that you can fill out manually or on a computer.

Statement for tax incentives looks like that:

For example, in an application for benefits for the payment of property tax, you should specify the data:
  • from the applicant's passport;
  • real estate address;
  • select the type of object: enter the proposed option;
  • the term for granting property benefits;
  • confirming the ownership of real estate;
  • confirming the right to receive benefits;
  • date, signature.

It is preferable to apply for the benefit during a personal visit, because the employees will explain to the pensioner how to properly fill out the application. Then it is registered, the information is verified by inquiries to authorized organizations, the copies are verified with the originals, and the amount of compensation is calculated.

After that, the applicant will be notified of the amount of payment and its timing. The method of notification is negotiated in advance, if initial visit: on the Internet, through the Russian Post, during a personal visit.

Documents for registration

The package of documents for registration of benefits depends on what kind of subsidy the pensioner is applying for:

  • statement;
  • Russian passport;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • work book and contracts with employers confirming work experience not reflected in the Labor Code (for senior citizens and veterans);
  • certificate of medical and social examination (for disabled people);
  • veteran or pensioner certificates;
  • documents on ownership of real estate, transport or land;
  • income statement;
  • receipts confirming the absence of debts;
  • details of dependents and their identity documents;
  • details of the account to which the funds will be transferred;
  • approval for the processing of the applicant's data.

But all supporting documents with the introduction of new amendments to the law are not required. Authorized bodies can independently request information based on the details provided.

Therefore, only a passport and a correctly completed application will be enough.

In the Perm Territory, as in most regions of our country, pensioners are entitled to various subsidies and are entitled to cash payments.

But if they are not formalized, they will not work. Moreover, in the case of existing debts of an elderly person or providing them with inaccurate information, payments may be suspended.

Elderly citizens are a vulnerable group of the population, especially financially. in 2019 in the Perm Territory they are issued on the basis of the Federal Law and local regulations. In most cases, regional decrees regulate the size cash aid in accordance with the financial capabilities of the local budget and real pricing policy.

Legislative regulation of the issue

Land tax benefits for pensioners

Regional authorities also regulate the mandatory payment of a citizen for using land plot... It is the municipality that sets the appropriate rate and the list of categories of the population who are entitled to some privileges in this matter.

Based on the legislation of the Perm Territory, it can be noted that a resident of retirement age is exempt from land use tax:

  • one land plot;
  • dacha or suburban area if its area does not exceed 600 square meters.

The regulation and control of these preferential offers is in the competence of the regional administrations of the Perm Territory. In this regard, a citizen must clarify the availability and amount of his privileges specifically in the administration related to his place of registration.

Benefits for pensioners in housing and communal services

Based on the regulations adopted by the state, the cost of utilities is affected by social status citizen. For example, a retired worker in the Perm Territory receives compensation for housing and communal services in the amount of 417 rubles. If the payment for public services is half or more of the monthly income of a citizen, he can use additional benefits... To get them, he needs to contact the regional office The Pension Fund or social protection, where the pensioner will be offered to fill out an appropriate application.

Other types of benefits for pensioners of the Perm Territory in 2019

The state provides additional privileges for senior citizens.

Removal of taxation

Tax breaks for pensioners in the Perm Territory involve some concessions and deductions. The preference is regulated by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. According to the code, an elderly citizen who has the right to receive benefits can use the following benefits for tax retirees in the Perm Territory:

  • not pay property tax and income tax(in case of continuing to work);
  • not pay the state fee for filing a lawsuit.

Procedure for registration of benefits

To apply for benefits, a citizen must collect all the documents and seek help from the competent authority.

You can download this table to your computer for convenience. It lists the main vehicles - cars, trucks and motorcycles.

Payment terms

1. Individuals must have time to pay the transport tax before 10/01/2016 (inclusive),
2. Legal entities - the main payment must be made by 20.02.2016, and advance payments are paid no later than the last day of the month following the expired tax reporting period. Thus, the 2016 transport tax was paid by organizations last year, and for next year it must be paid no later than:
30.04.2016, 31.07.2016, 31.10.2016

How to pay

Individuals contact any branch of Sberbank or the Russian Post with a receipt, which usually arrives by mail at the registration address. Usually, if there is no sheet by the due date, it is better to make the payment on your own, since postal correspondence can simply be lost during delivery.

Who is entitled to transport tax benefits in the Perm Territory

There are two main categories of individuals who are entitled to benefits. It:

1. Pensioners. Benefits in the amount of compensation of 50% of the amount of payment of the heat pump apply to passenger cars with engines up to 100 hp. (inclusive), motorcycles, motor boats up to 50 hp. (inclusive) and self-propelled vehicles, including tracked vehicles,

2. Parents in large families (father or mother). Families with many children are considered to have 3 or more children under the age of 18. They are entitled to full compensation for the transport tax, they may not pay it at all. The list of vehicles for which such privileges apply includes cars and trucks with a capacity of up to 150 hp. (inclusive), buses up to 200 hp. and self-propelled vehicles, including tracked vehicles.