Miscarriage in early pregnancy, symptoms, causes, treatment. Termination of pregnancy in a medical institution. Types of spontaneous miscarriages at different times

It cannot be predicted, because to some extent it is part of nature. It must be remembered that it does not have a long-term effect on the body and does not affect the ability to become a mother in the future.
What is a miscarriage?

miscarriage, or premature birth, is a pregnancy that has stopped in its development. The embryo failed to develop, and the cause is most often a chromosomal aberration. This type of anomaly is not hereditary and does not affect subsequent pregnancies. There is a risk of spontaneous abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy - this statistic affects 10-15% of cases, that is, it happens quite often. The risk increases with age. For some women, spontaneous abortion occurs in the first two weeks of pregnancy, that is, before menstruation, and the woman may not even notice it. If a miscarriage occurs after 3 months, then it is called late (see p. 192).

Symptoms and signs of miscarriage in early pregnancy

The first symptoms are bleeding and uterine contractions, while other symptoms of pregnancy disappear, such as tight breasts and nausea. Bleeding, at first small, becomes subsequently plentiful - it lasts for several days, then quickly stops. The menstrual cycle returns to normal, and a month later menstruation appears.

What should I do if I have a miscarriage in early pregnancy?

In any case, you need a doctor

If bleeding occurs, you must immediately inform your doctor so that he can identify possible cause. If the bleeding is not heavy, the doctor will order an ultrasound and blood tests to check for a possible ectopic pregnancy.

The purpose of the study is to establish an initial diagnosis. If we are talking about a miscarriage, then an ultrasound scan shows that the embryo does not develop and it has no cardiac activity. In some cases, two ultrasound examinations are necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis.

Two options

Most often, if the diagnosis is established, the doctor removes the egg from the body either medically or surgically - curettage, or curettage, under general anesthesia. Hospitalization lasts no more than one day. In some cases, the gynecologist prefers to wait until the body expels itself. foreign body, after which it is necessary to meet with the doctor again to make sure that the egg is completely removed from the body. If a future mother It has negative Rh factor(See p. 72), the doctor will prescribe gamma globulin.

After an early miscarriage?

  • If a future pregnancy was seen as joy and hope for the future, then a miscarriage is perceived as a bereavement. The response emotion is endless sadness. Each woman reacts differently, depending on how long she has been expecting this child, what her personal life, and on how long it all happened.
  • But psychological trauma is obvious and requires maximum sensitivity from loved ones. At the time of a miscarriage, various fears (the sight of blood, the fear of what will happen and the complications associated with it) and worries about the future (can I get pregnant again? will it happen again?) can arise. The most important thing is to be honest about your fears with your doctor, as well as discuss it with your partner. Your doctor will assure you that a miscarriage does not affect future pregnancies. For your partner, this period can also be very difficult.
  • After three miscarriages in the early stages, it is necessary to conduct a detailed examination to determine the cause.

Measures to prevent miscarriage in early pregnancy

Don't overwork

Take frequent breaks in any work. Fatigue, which suddenly falls on you, is associated with pregnancy. This is a physiological fatigue that cannot be neglected. If the work you're doing is tiring, talk to your boss about changing your schedule. Rest at the first opportunity, thinking about your child.

Avoid physical activity

Physical activity causes muscle contractions of the uterus, leading to a gradual detachment of the uterus, which is still weakly attached to its wall. gestational sac.

From this point of view, it is better not to start moving during pregnancy. Inspection various options, climbing and descending stairs, carrying suitcases and settling in a new place are associated with terrible fatigue. Wait with the move until the beginning of the 3rd month.

Don't plan too long journeys. The road is always tiring, besides, there are often no elementary conditions compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, and it is difficult to follow the diet provided for pregnant women.

Did you find blood on your panties?

Don't panic. Blood may appear in the case of a small crack in the anus or with vaginal varicose veins. To understand the reason for the appearance of blood, blot these places with a cotton swab. If traces of blood do not appear, then this means that the bleeding is uterine.

Contact your gynecologist immediately. He can easily establish the cause and source of bleeding (vaginal or uterine).

  • Bleeding may be caused by an infection. In this case, it is necessary to undergo appropriate treatment.
  • Blood may appear during the first 3 months of pregnancy on those days menstrual cycle in which you had your period.

You are bleeding and have pain in the lower abdomen

Call a doctor immediately and go to bed. A miscarriage is possible, but there may be other reasons.

While you have a dense and painful to the touch breast, while you are tormented by toxicosis, the pregnancy continues. The doctor will prescribe you an antispasmodic and ask you to take a blood test for the content of chorionic hormones.
Then you will be assigned an ultrasound examination (ultrasound).

From the end of the 3rd week, the embryo is already clearly visible. The registered heartbeat also confirms pregnancy.

If the cervix is ​​not closed by a mucous plug, the doctor will prescribe a complete bed rest. If the fetus develops normally, then after measures taken precautions, all the symptoms that worry you will disappear.
The causes of bleeding will help to establish ultrasound.

Resorption of the second fetal egg

It happens that next to the developing fetal egg is another, smaller with an embryo whose heartbeat is not recorded. We are talking about a fetal twin egg, which, for unknown reasons, ceased its development and is gradually resorbed. After its disappearance, a healthy egg continues to develop normally.

Empty ("white") egg

It may happen that during ultrasound on the display screen inside the uterus will be seen empty amniotic sac with few cell remnants. In all likelihood, for some reason, the pregnancy was interrupted and the fetal egg degenerates.

Location of the placenta

If the placenta is located low enough, not far from the internal os of the uterus, then during uterine contractions minor bleeding from the placenta. In such cases, no special measures are required. A good rest is needed.

Causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy

Improper development of the embryo

Miscarriages are more common in the first three months of pregnancy. Most of them (70%) happen at the end of the second month. The reason may be genetic disorders in the normal development of the embryo, leading to its self-destruction. Such a miscarriage is seen as a "happy accident" - not the birth of a child with deformities.

Underdeveloped uterus

If the uterine cavity is too narrow, then quickly developing embryo gets stuck. In this case, bleeding appears before the expulsion of the fetal egg. A similar miscarriage can occur in the first pregnancy, but does not threaten subsequent ones.

Hormonal disorders

underdeveloped corpus luteum produces an insufficient amount pregnancy-supporting hormones. They are not enough until the 4th month of pregnancy, that is, until the moment when the already sufficiently developed placenta takes over this function.


Toxoplasmosis can lead to miscarriage.

Any woman who has begun to live a sexual life has a great opportunity to become pregnant and give birth to a child. But in certain situations pregnancy is undesirable. The reason for this may be financial problems, a failed relationship with the future father, or maybe the woman simply does not want to take responsibility for the life of the baby. Be that as it may, the only right decision will give birth to a child and give it to those who can really take care of him. If we talk about termination of pregnancy (in other words, about abortion) in the early stages, then today there are many various ways. Let's consider them.

Two stripes - what to do?

Even a previous test does not mean that a woman is actually pregnant. The fact is that many test strips are wrong - for example, if three tests were carried out, and two of them showed two strips, this can also be a mistake. But only a doctor can give an accurate confirmation of pregnancy.

Only then should one begin to think further action. If the child is unwanted, then many (mostly young girls) want to get rid of him, but without harm to health, in order to be able to become pregnant in the future.

Unwanted pregnancy in the early stages what to do: the main methods of termination

There are several ways, each of them has its own characteristics and disadvantages. The most common is curettage of the uterus.

Surgical interruption (curettage)

It is carried out no later than 12 weeks of pregnancy. This is done under anesthesia - epidural or intravenous (the method is chosen by the anesthetist based on physiological characteristics and contraindications). With the help of dilators, which are tubes of different diameters, the uterine cervix opens and an iron loop (curette) is inserted inside, through which the cleaning is carried out. This is a surgical procedure under anesthesia, so there is always a risk of complications.

On a note! This risk can be reduced if, before / after the procedure, the uterine cavity is examined with a hysteroscope, and an ultrasound control is also performed using a vaginal probe.

One of the most serious complications is the perforation of the uterus with subsequent entry into abdominal cavity. The consequence of this is injury to organs, peritonitis or severe internal bleeding which can even lead to death.

Video - Termination of pregnancy

So called manual vacuum aspiration, or MBA for short. The technique is used on initial terms(no later than 12 weeks) and consists in introducing a special syringe into the uterus to aspirate its contents.
In almost 98% of cases, MVA completely removes the fetus, which is why it can be used in outpatient settings. Statistically, aspiration is safer than curettage and has fewer complications.

On a note! In addition, MVA helps to prevent possible complications in case of incomplete abortion.

The procedure is as follows. First, the girl makes an appointment with a doctor who examines her and confirms the pregnancy. Then an ultrasound is assigned and the date of the abortion itself. In the process of aspiration, it is introduced into the uterus vacuum aspirator through which the fertilized egg is evacuated. Negative pressure is created in the vagina, as a result of which the fetus leaves the uterine cavity.

The procedure itself takes about 5 minutes, during which the woman is under general anesthesia. At the end of the procedure, a second ultrasound is prescribed, which will determine whether the fetal egg has been completely removed. If it was not completely removed, then a second cleaning is carried out.

This method of abortion has its pros and cons. The first can be attributed to the fact that it is less aggressive than scraping. Among the minuses are prolonged pain in the lower abdomen at the end of the procedure, the possibility of a violation of the menstrual cycle and hormonal levels.

Termination of pregnancy with pills takes on recent times increasing popularity. But it is worth remembering that this method effective only in cases where the period does not exceed 8 weeks. If the period is longer, then without medical care not enough.

This drug, being an antiprogestin, is used for abortions at less than 49 days' gestation. Doses may vary. Yes, in European countries this is 600 ml orally, although recent studies have shown that 200 ml is sufficient. Approximately 1.5-2 days after taking mifepristone, prostaglandin is used. According to the same studies, the combination of these drugs allows you to achieve a complete abortion in 94% of cases.

To side effects include:

  • nausea;
  • prolonged bleeding;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting.

On a note! Despite all the advantages of this method, it is widely used in healthcare in only one country - China.

This drug, related to antimetabolites, prevents cell division; he for a long time used in the treatment ectopic pregnancy(its efficiency exceeded 90%). Not so long ago, it also began to be used to terminate pregnancy in the initial stages. If the period does not exceed 49 days, then methotrexane is administered intramuscularly at the rate of 50 mg per square meter body surface. Approximately 6-7 days after ingestion, 800 micrograms of misoprostol is injected into the vagina.

Side effects include:

We also add that WHO is categorically against the use of methotrexate, given the possible defects in newborns. After all, about 10% of interruptions are unsuccessful, and any surgical intervention often no longer possible. Therefore, WHO experts do not recommend this drug for abortion.

On a note! There is also misoprostol, but it is used only in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. In addition, it is used after failed abortion(in other words, a miscarriage) for the complete extraction of the fetal egg from the vagina.

Video - Medical abortion

Folk means of interruption

We’ll make a reservation right away that it’s better to contact a gynecologist, because only he will be able to have an abortion with minimal consequences.

From the first days after conception, radical changes occur in the body, mainly hormonal. And women who want to terminate a pregnancy using folk remedies should understand that this is harmful, and sometimes even dangerous. In particular, this applies to young girls who are embarrassed to contact a gynecologist or tell their parents.

On a note! It is much more difficult to ensure the normal development of the fetus than to terminate a pregnancy. But, alas, many do not understand this.

The most popular among folk methods are the following.

There are also other plants that have abortive properties. They lead to contraction of the uterine muscles and expulsion of the fetus. But almost all of these plants are poisonous and cause great harm liver and kidneys.

In addition, a decoction of flattened club grass, tricolor gentian and marsh wild rosemary is used. But we note that if a woman still decides to terminate the pregnancy, then more safe option is medical abortion.

Even the first and only termination of pregnancy can have the most serious consequences, including infertility. And if a woman has already had abortions before, then another interruption can be dangerous for the desired pregnancy!

It is much easier to use contraceptive methods. And for those who already have several abortions behind them, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist or a psychologist (or better, both).

Reliability of methods of contraception

Method of contraceptionDegree of reliability, %
interrupted intercourse80-85
Calendar method (“safe days” method)*80-90 (with a regular cycle)
Method for measuring basal body temperature*80-90 (with a regular cycle)
Vaginal douching10-15
Diaphragm (vaginal cap)90-95
Intrauterine devices (spirals)90-92
Hormonal intrauterine devices (spirals)90-97
Chemical contraception (creams, suppositories, tampons)79-90
Hormonal pills (oral contraception)96,5-97
Hormonal injections96,5-97
Hormonal implants99-99,8
Hormonal ring NovaRing99,4
Medical sterilization99,8-99,9

And the last thing: abortion is a serious stress for the body and the inevitable price for the neglect of contraceptives. And none of the described methods is completely safe - even with excellent individual tolerance, the consequences can be the most deplorable. So is it worth changing for this such happiness as the birth of a child? The answer is obvious.

How does a miscarriage occur, in what weeks does it become possible and why? it important questions that disturb the heads of expectant mothers. After all, any slight tingling in the abdomen or vaginal discharge, they may be perceived as symptoms of an early miscarriage. Let's figure it out.

Most anxious time, according to doctors, this is the first trimester. Immediately after conception and up to 12 weeks. During this period of time, the laying and formation of all organs and systems takes place, while the embryo itself is very susceptible to any negative impacts and change. So, spontaneous miscarriage can occur due to taking Nurofen, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that doctors so often prescribe to relieve pain and fever. That is why it is so important to know right away that pregnancy has occurred, and not to take medicinal, and even folk, drugs for treatment at your own discretion. And during the consultation, it is imperative for the doctor to say that you are “in a position”, so that he takes this into account when prescribing treatment. Many medications are toxic to the fetus, their use can lead to the formation of numerous malformations in it.

And yet, at what time can a miscarriage occur most often? Some doctors refer to weeks 4, 8, 12 as when a new menstrual cycle was supposed to begin. But scientists deny this. They say that the most dangerous are 6-8 and 10-12 weeks. Moreover, in the first case, most often the embryo dies first, that is, the pregnancy becomes frozen, and then, after a while, a miscarriage begins. But in the second case, at the end of the first trimester, the expulsion of the ovum occurs more often.

How a miscarriage occurs in the early stages depends largely on the week in which everything happens. For example, abortions often occur literally in the second week of delayed menstruation, when many women are not at all aware of their situation. Toxicosis may not yet begin. Well, the delay ... It happens to everyone. There may be uterine spasms, bleeding. In general, almost everything is like with normal menstruation. Doctors even say that such unidentified miscarriages happen at least once in a lifetime for all women. And the reasons why a miscarriage occurs in these cases is almost always - random deviations in the chromosome set in the unborn child.

But the longer the period, the harder the miscarriage proceeds. The woman already knows about her position, and can adequately respond to pathological symptoms. As we wrote above, up to 10 weeks, miscarriages often occur with an embryo that has already stopped developing. That is, the pregnancy first “freezes”, and then, after a few days, the uterus gets rid of the “contents”. A woman finds out a miscarriage, what is it on own experience. If doctors diagnose a missed pregnancy in a woman, they are often immediately sent for a “cleansing”. It is possible to diagnose a frozen pregnancy only by passing an ultrasound examination.

at 10 weeks and late pregnancy in many cases is interrupted very quickly. The fertilized egg flakes off and leaves the uterus.

What to do if a miscarriage occurs early term pregnancy, and at the same time you know for sure that you were pregnant? For example, if there was positive test for pregnancy, or you took a blood test for hCG. First of all, you need to do an ultrasound. If you have stopped bleeding, nothing hurts, and according to the ultrasound everything is normal, there is nothing left of the fetal egg in the uterus, you do not need to do curettage of the uterus. Moreover, if the miscarriage was for the first time, even additional examinations not required. The exception is the desire to have a baby soon and the failure to undergo a standard examination when planning a pregnancy earlier (before a miscarriage).

It's good when the pregnancy is desired. However, two clear stripes On the test, they do not at all guarantee that the baby will be all right until birth. Sometimes the female body, for some reason, independently gets rid of the fetus some time after its appearance. We are talking about miscarriage in early pregnancy. Why is this happening and is there a way to prevent trouble?

Let's turn to impartial statistics: a quarter of all early-term pregnancies are doomed to spontaneous termination. In order to be able to influence the course of events, it is important to know the causes of a miscarriage and its signs.

How does an early miscarriage occur?

Unfortunately, if there are serious prerequisites for spontaneous termination of pregnancy at an early stage, reverse pathological process almost impossible. The fetus at this time is so small that the woman does not even understand what is happening to her. At first glance, it looks like the resumption of the menstrual cycle after a long delay (1 - 2 weeks). Menstruation, more abundant than usual, is accompanied by pulling pain in the lower abdomen. In addition, not all women go to the hospital after the incident. Only a few get to see a doctor - mostly those who are frightened by the appearance of a blood clot that has come out, resembling a torn bladder. Ideally, all women need a medical examination - if there really was a miscarriage, then additional cleaning may be necessary after it.

When a woman is aware of her "interesting" situation, it is much easier for her to predict the onset of a spontaneous miscarriage at an early date. First of all, you should carefully monitor the sensations in the lower abdomen and back. Painful dull and pulling spasms, smearing discharge with bloody or tissue lumps signal danger. If you apply for medical care immediately, there is a chance to keep the pregnancy.

An early miscarriage is said to be when the pregnancy ends spontaneously before the 12th week of the fetus's existence. late miscarriage occurs for up to 22 weeks, and subject to timely and coordinated actions of doctors in premature baby there is every chance to survive.

Early miscarriage: prejudice

There are many myths in society about the causes of spontaneous abortion. How to avoid an early miscarriage, you will be told on any women's forum, but not all advice can be trusted. It is well known that until the 12th week of pregnancy, the following factors do not pose a threat to prenatal development fetus:

  • air travel by plane;
  • minor blunt trauma in the abdomen;
  • moderate exercise;
  • a single case of spontaneous abortion up to 12 weeks in history;
  • active sex life;
  • stress.

The real causes of miscarriage in the early stages

Doctors cite many socio-biological and medical factors as the reasons for spontaneous abortion. It is often very difficult to determine what exactly caused the misfortune: sometimes a miscarriage is based on one factor, and sometimes a whole complex. A certain percentage of women are familiar with this pathology firsthand: the unfortunate survived several miscarriages in a row. In medical circles, this phenomenon was designated as habitual miscarriage. We list the most serious and common factors that cause the threat of miscarriage in the early stages:

  • most often, the body itself gets rid of non-viable offspring if the appearance and development of the fetus is associated with a certain anomaly or genetic pathology. This may be a hereditary “breakdown” at the gene level or a spontaneous mutation caused by radiation, a dangerous virus, or a difficult environmental situation. Medicine, alas, cannot change or prevent this process. That is why thorough preparation for upcoming pregnancy impossible without the advice of future parents from a geneticist;
  • significant danger to normal development pregnancy are disturbances in the work of the immune and hormonal systems. A woman needs to pass the necessary check at the stage of planning a child, then doctors will be able to eliminate all the "pitfalls" in advance. Quite often, progesterone deficiency, an excess of androgens, pathologies in activity become an obstacle to fulfilling the dream of motherhood. thyroid gland and adrenal glands;
  • another one actual problem for the successful development of the fetus in the womb of a woman - Rhesus conflict. The mother's body reacts to the fetus as a foreign object and gets rid of it, since the Rh factor of its blood is with the “-” sign, and it was taken from the father with the “+” sign. If concerns about this are real, the situation is corrected with the help of immunomodulatory therapy even at the stage of pregnancy planning;

  • undoubted enemy healthy pregnancy- infection (regardless of origin). In particular, these are all diseases that are transmitted “through the bed”: herpes, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis, syphilis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, etc. Pathogens, affecting the fetal membranes, infect the embryo, which early stage pregnancy leads to miscarriage;
  • a disappointing ending of early pregnancy awaits a woman with chronic inflammatory and infectious diseases of internal organs. The most insidious of them: viral hepatitis, rubella, pneumonia, influenza, severe tonsillitis;
  • it is extremely difficult for the female body to cope with pregnancy because of the stress caused by abortion. artificial interruption pregnancies in the past threatens with secondary infertility and habitual miscarriage in future. A woman must certainly inform the doctor about such facts of her biography during pregnancy planning;

The first symptoms of a miscarriage in the early stages

The nature of the development of a miscarriage excludes simultaneity - spontaneous abortion can be divided into several stages. So, let's find out how to determine an early miscarriage.

The first "bells" are painful sensations covering the back in the lumbar region and lower abdomen. Often at the same time, brownish or reddish clots stand out from the genital tract. Blood during an early miscarriage is very danger sign, which indicates that tissue detachment has begun. Even a few drops of blood underwear are good reason for immediate appeal to a medical facility. Reliable prevention of spontaneous abortion is regular visits to antenatal clinic for scheduled inspection and surrender of all necessary analyzes. The only way future mom make sure her little one is ok.

What does an early miscarriage look like: the main stages

The first stage of the pathology, the signs of which we learned above, is very common in expectant mothers. To save the baby, expectant mothers are forced to lie on the conservation of almost the entire prenatal contractions. First stage pathology is marked by hypertonicity of the uterus, the release of blood and discomfort, reminiscent of contractions.

The second stage of the disturbance leads to more grave consequences. At this moment, all the signs already indicate a full-fledged miscarriage at an early stage: a fragmentary detachment of the fetal egg from the inner wall of the uterus begins. However, at this time, the trouble can still be prevented, doctors say. This is real thanks to the immediate and coordinated intervention of professionals, provided that the pregnant woman got to the hospital in a timely manner.

The next stage of spontaneous abortion at an early stage is a miscarriage on the go. Now there is nothing to help the fetus. The pregnant woman is suddenly seized by sharp spasms, bleeding begins almost immediately - the most convincing sign of an early miscarriage. This indicates the final death of the fetal egg, which comes out in whole or in part (incomplete miscarriage). In the photo, a fetal egg with an early miscarriage:

The pathology ends spontaneous abortion. After an early miscarriage, the uterus contracts and quickly returns to "pre-pregnant" size. A complication in this case is an incomplete abortion or missed pregnancy (diagnosed on ultrasound), when there is a high risk of pus formation or the onset of sepsis.

How to recognize a miscarriage early

At first glance, it is quite simple to determine a miscarriage, so some women believe that if they feel well after the incident, they can neglect a visit to the hospital. However, this is a dangerous delusion: all signs of spontaneous abortion at an early stage are also characteristic of other, more serious illnesses, which without proper diagnosis can be mistaken for a miscarriage:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • malignant formation in the cervical region;
  • bloodless torsion of an ovarian cyst;
  • cervical injury.

These conditions can be excluded only within the walls of a medical institution.

What to do with an early miscarriage

Unfortunately, doctors are not able to radically change the course of events at the very beginning of pregnancy - you cannot go against nature.

It is common practice to prescribe Tranexam to stop bleeding. If a woman has had several failed pregnancies in the past, Utrozhestan will be prescribed. When, thanks to the efforts of doctors, pregnancy can be brought to the second trimester, with threatened miscarriage sutures or a pessary, if any short neck uterus with isthmic-cervical insufficiency. In principle, this is where the methods of dealing with pathology end.

Now we list what will not help in the process of developing a miscarriage:

  • bed rest - conscious reduction motor activity mothers cannot stop a miscarriage if there are real prerequisites for its accomplishment;
  • taking drugs: No-shpa, Papaverine, Magne B6, Analgin.

A few weeks after a complete miscarriage, a woman needs to see a doctor and donate blood for analysis. hCG level. If all indicators are normal, there is nothing to worry about. However, if the level of the hormone did not decrease at all or decreased, but did not drop to necessary minimum, there is a possibility hydatidiform mole. it dangerous complication which requires immediate medical attention.

An abortion in progress can be completed in several ways. If, during the examination, blood is still excreted from the vagina, and the fetal egg or embryo is still in the uterus, the doctor may determine the following tactics of action:

  • expectant approach lasting up to 7 days (perhaps the body will reject the unnecessary without outside interference);
  • a drug approach (a woman is prescribed Misoprostol, under the influence of which the uterine muscles are strongly compressed and bring the remnants of the fetal egg out);
  • surgical cleaning (if vaginal bleeding becomes massive).

How to prevent early miscarriage

To exclude everything possible factors, provoking an early miscarriage, you need to acquire offspring under the professional guidance of a doctor. For this full examination a woman does not pass during pregnancy, but even at the stage of planning a child. This is the only way to make sure that there are no various “breakdowns” at the cellular level and internal pathologies. Moreover, future parents review and adjust their habitual image life in accordance with the coming changes: at this stage it is important to end the bad habits, adjust the daily routine and diet.

Early miscarriage: how to understand where to go next

After such a crushing failure, the woman is recommended to undergo a rehabilitation course of treatment. If the cause of the incident could not be determined earlier, doctors will conduct necessary diagnostics to define it now. This is important, otherwise a woman runs the risk of facing the same problem the next time she prepares for motherhood.

The ultrasound procedure is a mandatory step after early miscarriage. If there are fragments of an egg or embryo in the uterus, a woman will need a cleaning to avoid the development of inflammation or infection. After all necessary procedures the doctor will prescribe the patient a course of antibiotic therapy, which will exclude various infectious diseases, as well as a course of hormones that will put the work in order endocrine system women.

Among other things, a failed mother is in dire need of a professional psychological support. The loss of a baby, even if it is so tiny, leaves an indelible imprint in the mind of a woman. It is important to experience this moment with the support of a psychologist or relatives.

It is wrong to distance yourself from outside world and be alone with your misfortune, so negative emotions simply "eat up" all hope for the best. Psychologists recommend that women who have experienced a miscarriage not be ashamed of their feelings and not hold back aggression and tears - the sooner you can get rid of them, the faster the recovery will come. And in no case should you be afraid of the future: modern medicine and competent doctors will do their best to new pregnancy ended with the triumphant cry of the long-awaited baby!

You still easily fit into tight jeans, have not yet encountered morning sickness, age spots, stretch marks on the abdomen. But you already have a test with two red stripes - the main proof of your belonging to the happy class of pregnant women.

Your treasure is still quite tiny. Only the most sensitive equipment can detect its presence in your womb. But this does not prevent you from coming up with a name for him, talking to him and stopping at stores with children's clothes to look for something for the unborn, but already existing baby. But this joyful prospect, this rainbow illusion can be interrupted overnight by a terrible and inexorable word Miscarriage.

According to statistics, 15-20% of all pregnancies end in miscarriages.

In most cases, this happens when a woman does not yet realize that she is pregnant. But sometimes this happens to those who have already become attached to their belly-maker and fell in love with him. How to console a woman in this case? Only next pregnancy. But those who have had such a misfortune in their lives, and those who have not yet known the bitterness of loss, should go through a small educational program on issues related to miscarriage. The most important thing is to know what factors can cause miscarriage, and what can be done to prevent miscarriage.

The conversation will focus on early miscarriages that occur for up to 12 weeks, because the vast majority of them happen during this period.

The most common causes of miscarriages in early pregnancy

  1. Genetic disorders in the fetus
    According to statistics, about 73% of miscarriages occur for this reason. As a rule, these genetic defects are not hereditary in nature, but are the result of single mutations that occurred in the germ cells of the parents under the influence of harmful factors external environment(radiation, occupational hazards, viruses, etc.) Termination of pregnancy for this reason is a kind of natural selection - getting rid of weak, non-viable offspring. It is almost impossible to prevent such a miscarriage, you can only reduce the risk of genetic abnormalities even before conception, protecting yourself as much as possible from the effects of mutagenic factors. But with modern ecology, the probability of mutations still remains, because miscarriages that occur for this reason can be considered a boon, because they save a woman from many problems and troubles in the future.

  2. Hormonal disorders
    When the balance of hormones in a woman's body is disturbed, early pregnancy termination often occurs. Most often this happens with a lack of the main hormone of pregnancy - progesterone. With the timely detection of this problem, pregnancy can be saved with the help of progesterone preparations. An excess of male sex hormones can also cause an early miscarriage - they suppress the production of estrogen and progesterone. Androgens are often the cause of recurrent (habitual) miscarriages. The adrenal and thyroid hormones also influence the formation and development of pregnancy. Therefore, dysfunction of these glands can also cause miscarriage.

  3. Immunological causes
    As a rule, this happens with a Rh-conflict. Embryo inherits positive rh father, while the mother's Rh-negative organism rejects embryonic tissues that are foreign to him. To prevent miscarriage in case of immune conflict, progesterone preparations are used, which in this case have an immunomodulatory effect.
  4. Sexually transmitted infections: trichomoniasis, toxoplasmosis, syphilis, chlamydia, as well as herpetic and cytomegalovirus infection often cause miscarriage.
    Pathogenic bacteria and viruses cause infection of the fetus, damage membranes, resulting in a miscarriage. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to treat infections before pregnancy.

  5. Common infectious diseases and inflammatory diseases of the internal organs.
    All diseases accompanied by intoxication and an increase in body temperature above 38 ° C can lead to miscarriage. Rubella , viral hepatitis , flu are in the lead in this list . Even a banal sore throat can become fatal at 4-10 weeks of pregnancy. And pneumonia, pyelonephritis, appendicitis are a serious risk to the fetus. That is why, when planning a pregnancy, it is worth going through the full medical examination, identify and treat all foci of chronic infection.

  6. History of abortion
    Abortion is not just a medical manipulation: it is a huge stress for the female body that can cause dysfunction of the ovaries, adrenal glands; developmental inflammatory processes in the genitals. This can cause infertility and habitual miscarriages in the future.

  7. Medicines and herbs
    In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is advisable to avoid taking medications altogether. Many of them can cause abortion or cause the formation of developmental defects in the fetus. So, for example, narcotic analgesics or hormonal contraceptives often become the culprits of abortion. You also need to be careful with medicinal herbs: parsley, nettle, cornflower, St. John's wort, tansy - are contraindicated in early pregnancy.

  8. stress
    Strong fright or unexpected grief, resentment or prolonged mental overstrain are dangerous for little creature in your womb. If you, by the will of fate, are forced to be under the influence of stress, discuss with your doctor the possibility of taking sedatives, at least the same valerian.

  9. Unhealthy Lifestyle
    Alcohol, drugs, smoking, regular use coffee, malnutrition and malnutrition are all allies of a miscarriage. It is better to correct your lifestyle even before conception.

  10. Falls, heavy lifting, sexual intercourse
    All this, although rare, can become a trigger for abortion, so take care of yourself, and therefore your baby!