First vaccination of a Labrador puppy at what age. Eye care. Consequences of vaccinating a puppy

Labradors are sociable, intelligent dogs that prefer active long walks. They have preserved their hunting habits, they perfectly search for shot game on land and in water. To maintain the health of the pet, the owner has to take care not only of his balanced nutrition and walks. But, and oh, able to protect a puppy, an adult animal from viral infectious diseases.

Why are puppies vaccinated?

It is a mistake to think that it is possible to catch the disease only through contact with a sick dog. Viruses are common in places where animals are walking, training grounds, forest park areas, they are contained in excrement, saliva particles, and on the owner's shoes. Labrador puppies love to chew (including boots), so they are very likely to become infected.

Timely vaccination will protect him from infectious hepatitis, leptospirosis, plague of carnivores, parainfluenza, rabies, parvovirus enteritis. With the help of vaccination, the pet will be injected with weakened particles of one or more viruses, in response to which, the dog's body will begin to produce antibodies, forming strong immunity to the antigens received.

What are the rules for vaccination

Vaccinations for puppies are given according to a certain scheme in accordance with the schedule recommended by veterinary institutions. The dog must be healthy, two weeks before the introduction of the vaccine, the animal is given antihelminthic drugs. You should not skip the planned injection, especially the repeated one, without good reason.

Deviations from the schedule significantly weaken the immune system, which in some cases leads to infection of the puppy with a dangerous, difficult-to-treat disease.

Until the end of the passage full course vaccination of the Labrador Retriever protects against contact with other people's pets. Revaccination is done at the same time, referring to the vaccination passport of the dog, which contains information about the date of vaccination, its name, and the time of repeated use.

At what age are puppies vaccinated for the first time?

Dog breeders are planning to conduct. They provide detailed information to future owners about the vaccinations made, the timing of their repetition, the pet's behavioral reactions after the procedure, and hand over the veterinary passport.

The earlier one is impractical, since the baby still has "maternal" immunity, which will perceive the antibodies from vaccination as a full-fledged threat, which will negate the results of immunization.

How to prepare for your first vaccine

Labradors are first vaccinated at the age of 8 to 9 weeks. It is difficult for the puppy to tolerate, so it is better not to separate him from his mother. A duplicate injection of the selected drug is given to the dog at 3 months of age. The formation of stable immunity is based on the rules that must be followed before vaccination:

Scheme (graph) of vaccination of puppies

Small Labradors 1 week old and up to 7 weeks old are protected from viral infections a temporary barrier received from a mother with milk. The classic vaccination schedule followed by veterinarians prescribes the first vaccination at 8 weeks, the second at 12, and the third one year later. The scheme can be disrupted by the disease of the dog, or it can be shifted according to the terms, which are indicated in a separate injection device.

Walking the puppy during the initial vaccination period is prohibited. You can contact with animals, visit exhibitions, go out into nature a week after the second injection.

What vaccinations are shown to Labradors up to a year

A young pet is protected primarily from especially dangerous infections: enteritis, distemper, rabies, parvovirus. Veterinarians have an arsenal of vaccines that differ in the number of components (against one disease or several), timing of administration, manufacturers, and price. Let's consider the most popular drugs.


The product comes from France. One dose - 1 ml - is prepared from 2 vials, the contents of which are mixed immediately before the injection. to plague, adenovirus, leptospirosis, rabies, parvovirus, parainfluenza of the second type. The suspension is injected with the indicated volume subcutaneously. For adult dogs, the injection is painless, without side effects later.


An imported drug (USA) with an optimal set of viral strains that allow the body to form a response to plague, adenovirus serotype II, parvovirus, coronavirus, parainfluenza. The dose of the drug consists of a vial with a lyophilized mass and a vial with a liquid inactivated component. Before use, they are mixed, achieving a homogeneous structure by shaking.

Duramune is easily tolerated by pets and is often used for vaccinating puppies and lactating bitches. Regardless of the age, weight of the animal, the full volume of the suspension (1 ml) is injected.


A distinctive feature of the drug from Duramun is that it does not form a response barrier against coronavirus. Otherwise, it is identical to the previous composition, produced in America, suitable for immunization of 2-month-old puppies.


The suspension is manufactured in the Netherlands and is supplied as a dry powder complete with a solvent. 1 ml of the finished solution is injected subcutaneously. The vaccine is well tolerated, but unlike other analogues, the immunity developed in the female / male is shorter, therefore, an earlier revaccination is required. The remedy is characterized by a different scheme of application: a third injection is added to the standard schedule at 3 months, the fourth after the change of teeth.

Possible consequences after injection

For several days after the injection, the puppy may feel unwell. The following manifestations are possible:

  • temperature increase;
  • a single stool disorder;
  • refusal of food for 2 days;
  • lethargy, drowsiness.
  • swelling or induration at the injection site.

The listed symptoms are referred to as lungs, they do not affect life processes in the body, pass on their own in 2 - 3 days. They are the result of the introduction of viruses, violent activity protective system and its responses to antigens.

With severe manifestations: vomiting, refusal of water, food for 12 hours or more, severe weakness, edema of the injection site, the pet is urgently taken for examination by a veterinarian.

Do I need quarantine

The pet's behavior should be closely monitored for about 14 days. During this period, it should be isolated from contact with other individuals, avoiding walking in crowded places, and not visiting dog training grounds.

You should protect your pet from stress, postpone changing the regime and diet, provide it the required amount pure water, food. It is necessary to maintain cleanliness in the house, to prevent the pet from interacting with street shoes.

It is forbidden to take the dog water treatments, you need to monitor the place where the injection was made, do not allow it to scratch.

The cost of drugs

The price of the product depends on the company that sells the product, the manufacturer. Consider the average price range:

  • - sold at the lowest selling price of 100 -150 rubles;
  • - the manufacturer offers various modifications of the suspension with a price range of 200-250 rubles for young individuals and 150 rubles for adults;
  • Duramun is sold for 300 rubles, - for 150 - 180 rubles.

When contacting an animal clinic, the cost of vaccination includes a veterinarian's consultation, related services, an injection, the cost of consumables.

As you may have guessed, the topic of our discussion will be: "Labrador dog, vaccinations, especially growth, development and education." Perhaps someone will also fall in love with this cute wonderful dog and want to have a cute pet.

The first thing I did was looking at photographs. How many positive emotions I got from what I saw! Cute puppies, friendly, colorful - black, brown, white, and attract and bewitch with a photo. I can imagine if this small miracle bring home, I would never give back!

Features of dogs of the Labrador Retriever breed

If in your house small child - Labrador is your choice. This cheerful playful dog, one might say, has conquered the whole world and has earned special popularity.

By vocation, the Labrador is a hunting dog, but this does not prevent him from being a good pet. The main thing is that it is an unpretentious dog, it is undemanding in food, does not need special care for the coat and does not require long walks, which is important for busy people.

The Labrador is a very beautiful dog with an average height of 55 cm at the withers and thirty kilograms of weight.

Already at the age of three or four months, a Labrador puppy learns a course of behavioral obedience. If you want to learn how to swim, take a Labrador as your companion! It is hard to believe, but it is a fact that Labrador puppies swim perfectly from the age of two weeks and, moreover, with great pleasure.

Labrador care

As already noted, the Labrador is excellent a petideal for living in an apartment building. Many Labradors are happy to eat frozen saltwater fish, preferring it more than defrosted fish or meat. Due to its short hair, the Labrador sheds moderately and, therefore, does not require special care behind the wool.

Labrador disease

What do cute dogs get sick with? Labradors most often suffer from diseases of large joints, blindness and hereditary disease - hemophilia. Diseases of the shoulder and knee joints - the main problem Labrador retriever, emerging in a pretty young age, up to one year.

Vaccinations for pets

To raise a good healthy dog, you need to regularly carry out prevention. various diseasesstarting from birth. For this, puppies are vaccinated. First of all, the Labrador Retriever is vaccinated against canine plague, parainfluenza, parvovirus and canine plague. Vaccination against parvovirus is done every 3-4 weeks until 12 weeks of age, up to 15-18 weeks.

How to Raise a Loyal and Loyal Friend

In order to know for sure all the intricacies of raising a Labrador Retriever, I turned to experienced amateur dog breeders. They told me all the subtleties of raising a Labrador dog, gave me information about vaccinations, behavior and development.

The main points in the upbringing of any dog \u200b\u200bare training for cleanliness, correct and correct behavior in the house and on the street.

At the age of 6-7 months, a Labrador puppy can be punished for making puddles in the apartment. But one subtlety is also required of you: do not punish too much and take the puppy outside often enough so that he has a real opportunity to fix his needs outside the living quarters.

In household use, the puppy should be taught several rules: do not gnaw everything, do not feed from the table (in order to avoid “beggars” in the apartment in the future), and the puppy's violent temperament should always be directed in a useful direction.

The education of correct street behavior is reduced to teaching the dog to take long walks, calm moving to public transport, in addition, it will be necessary to teach the puppy to eat only the food that the owner gives him.


The main commands for a Labrador are: "to me", "sit", "place", which are absorbed by the puppy without any difficulty. In further training, you need to use the following main rules:

  • you need to choose a competent technique for building training techniques;
  • the main thing is patience on the part of the owner;
  • follow the sequence in education and training;
  • perfectly matched place and time of classes;
  • regular repetition in training.

Over time, you will notice how much your puppy has achieved. If you do not have enough energy to train a dog, you can find an experienced trainer who will help organize a restless Labrador.

Deciding to have a dog is a great feat, because he needs not only to be fed, but also to be raised. On the other hand, deciding to get a Labrador, you will get a lot of positive emotions. Raising a faithful, reliable and happy dog \u200b\u200bis the duty of its owner, because we are always "responsible for those who have tamed" ...

The Labrador is a popular dog today. This handsome man with chocolate or pale fawn wool needs attention and care. Infections can overtake the dog everywhere: on the walking area, in a forest park, in the country. Every owner of a Labrador puppy asks the question: does his pet need vaccinations?

Infectious diseases are the most frequent problem dogs. Germs, viruses and fungi affect even healthy pets. Some infections are highly contagious. Just a few microbial particles are enough to cause disease. In this case, direct contact of a pet with a sick dog is not at all necessary.

Many of the infectious diseases are treated very hard and for a long time, so vaccination is necessary.

Most infections are transmitted through fecal residues or saliva particles. Many of the diseases are treated very hard and for a long time, some are not cured at all. Therefore, it is imperative to vaccinate an adult, even if the dog does not leave the enclosure and the backyard.

Vaccination rules

The puppy is vaccinated according to its age. Depending on how old the puppy is, he needs certain vaccines. Only a healthy puppy is vaccinated. Therefore, it is worth paying close attention to how it grows little pethow he behaves in order to avoid diseases.

Puppies are susceptible to infections, therefore, until the entire course of vaccination has been completed, it is not advisable for him to communicate with other pets. All vaccinations are on schedule. Skipping one of the vaccinations makes the immune system weak. Do not deliberately miss the scheduled vaccination time. After a full course of vaccinations for up to a year, an annual revaccination is carried out - always at the same time.

Any experienced breeder is familiar with what vaccinations are needed for Labrador puppies under one year old. If a puppy is purchased in a proven kennel, then, most likely, the owner will be explained which vaccinations the baby has received and which ones have yet to be delivered.

The first vaccinations for a Labrador puppy are made by the breeder and put marks about them in the veterinary passport.

The puppy will take the veterinary passport with it. The document will record which vaccine and at what age he received. All data on subsequent vaccinations will be entered there.

A small pet usually receives the first vaccination at 8-9 weeks. He is still small, usually lives with his mother at the breeder. This is the most favorable situation - after all, the first vaccination is difficult to tolerate and the puppy will be easier if he is near the mother. The vaccine is reintroduced into age three months.

The very first vaccination of a Labrador puppy occurs at 8 weeks of age. You can't just pick up and vaccinate your pet.

In order for the dog to form a good and strong immunity, the following rules must be observed:

  • the puppy must be absolutely healthy;
  • at least 10 days followed.

Vaccinating a dog with health problems is fraught with disease. Therefore, before vaccination, the puppy is always examined by a veterinarian. If deviations are revealed, then the vaccination is postponed for a while.

Make sure your puppy is completely healthy before getting vaccinated.

Important! Little puppy it is better to choose a drug in liquid form - suspension or syrup, for example or.

Vaccinations for labrador puppies - schedule

Years of research and the experience of veterinarians have led to the creation of a vaccination schedule. All puppies, including small Labradors, receive vaccines according to this schedule. At the first visit to the veterinarian, the doctor will explain when the vaccinations will be carried out and with what drugs. The puppy owner can consult the puppy vaccination chart before contacting the veterinary clinic.

The veterinarian at the clinic will tell you what vaccination options are available. The vaccination schedule may vary slightly depending on which vaccine the puppy owner chooses. Before visiting the veterinarian, the owner can familiarize himself with possible options vaccinations.

There are several different types vaccines, the veterinarian will help with the choice.


This vaccine is made in France. It protects against plague, adenovirus and parainfluenza virus of the second type, parvovirus, rabies. These are the most common and dangerous diseasesthat could harm the Labrador Retriever.

The vaccine itself has two components. Before use, the contents of both vials are mixed. Such a ready-made vaccine cannot be stored - it should be injected subcutaneously immediately. The volume of vaccination is only 1 ml - for a large enough Labrador, vaccinations are usually painless.


This vaccine is produced in the United States of America, which guarantees a very good vaccine quality. This drug will protect the Labrador Retriever from a large number infections. A bottle of dry powder vaccinates against the plague of carnivores, parvovirus, adenovirus, parainfluenza. The liquid component will provide protection against leptospirosis and coronavirus.

This Duramun vaccine can be administered to a puppy nursing dog. Both bottles are mixed before use. Regardless of the age and size of the pet, 1 ml of the vaccine is injected subcutaneously.


This vaccine, like the previous one, is manufactured in the United States. The fundamental difference in the fact that Vanguard does not protect against coronavirus infection, the immunity from which is provided by the liquid component of the Duramun vaccine.

The Vangurad vaccine is manufactured in the USA and protects your pet from major infectious diseases.

However, Vanguard reliably protects against all other microorganisms: adenovirus, parvovirus, parainfluenza, leptospirosis and plague. The vaccine is also produced, in the form of dry and liquid component... Such packaging allows the vaccine to be stored for a long time. The drug is being prepared just before administration. Can be injected under the skin in 1 ml doses starting from 8 week old puppies.


Protects the Labrador from plague, infectious hepatitis, parvovirus and parainfluenza. The vaccine is produced in the Netherlands. The list of infections against which Nobivac guarantees immunity is shorter than that of previous vaccines. But Nobivak compensates for this with easier portability and reliable protection from the most common diseases.

The vaccine looks like a dry powder in a vial. It is packaged in packages together with a special solvent and is prepared immediately before administration. 1 ml of the drug is injected under the skin, if the puppy is healthy, treated for helminths and has reached 8 weeks of age.

Your dog may not feel very well after vaccination. A violent immune response occurs in the puppy's body - antibodies are formed. And than from more infections are protected by vaccination - the more active the production of antibodies will be.

The puppy may not feel very well after vaccination, but this normal reaction for the administration of the drug.

After vaccination, the following may be observed:

  • The puppy can be lethargic and drowsy, refuse to eat for a couple of days.
  • A single stool disorder shouldn't make you worry.
  • Body temperature may rise.

Swelling sometimes appears locally at the injection site. Typically, this is just a lump associated with the injection of the drug.

If these reactions disappear in a few days, do not greatly worsen the well-being of the puppy, then you should not pay attention.

Important! If the puppy is very weak, vomiting has appeared, refuses food and water for more than 12 hours in a row, there is a large swelling at the injection site - it is worth contacting the veterinarian urgently.

For some time after the vaccination, the dog needs special attention... The puppy is quarantined for 10-14 days. At this time, the puppy should not communicate with other animals, it is better to refrain from walking in common areas.

Closely monitor the shoes in which the owner is on the street - there may be a source of infection on the sole. Little puppies are often partial to boots. The dog must have access to food and water. At this time, it is advisable not to change the pet's usual diet so as not to create unnecessary stress.

You can take your Labrador puppy for a walk after vaccination no earlier than 2 weeks later.

You can not wash the dog for two weeks, you can not wet the injection site and give the puppy to comb it.

Vaccine price

The cost of vaccines is different, it depends on the manufacturer:

  • The price of the first Nobivak vaccination is up to 200 rubles. The subsequent preparation for older dogs will cost 150 rubles.
  • Duramun costs no more than 200 rubles per dose.
  • Eurican (French drug) can be purchased for 150-180 rubles.
  • Vanguard is one of the most inexpensive vaccines, it will cost the owner 100 rubles.

It is worth remembering that the cost of the vaccination usually additionally includes a veterinarian's examination and the injection procedure itself.

When and what vaccinations do Labrador puppies need?

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Fortunately, most Labrador diseases can be protected against by vaccinations, which create an active immune system. There are a number of diseases that are especially dangerous for dogs and even more so for puppies.

Among them:

  • plague of carnivores,
  • rabies,
  • parvovirus enteritis,
  • leptospirosis.

Basic rules for vaccination

The first vaccination for a small Labrador is done at the age of 8-9 weeks (often at the breeder's) and repeated at three months of age.
During this entire period and two more weeks after the second vaccination, the puppy must be in strict quarantine. He cannot be walked and introduced to other dogs and animals in general.

The first vaccination in a puppy's life is usually given at one month of age. The main thing is that the baby is absolutely healthy. If he is still almost completely fed on mother's milk, this period can be shifted by a week. In no case should you vaccinate a sick puppy if he has incorrect stool, fever or poor appetite.

In this case, the vaccination is shifted until complete recovery. A week or 10 days before the first vaccination, the puppy must be given an antihelminthic agent, for example, puppy pyrantel. Labrador retrievers need to draw 2 mg into a syringe and pour into the baby's mouth before morning feeding. After half an hour, pharmacy vaseline oil is given, also 2 mg, which helps.

This procedure is repeated every other day. A week later, the first vaccination is given, usually Nobivac PUPPY DP. It is better to do this at home, so as not to take the still unprotected puppy to the clinic, where there may be sick animals. The second vaccination is given to a two-month-old healthy puppy or exactly one month after the first vaccination. Deworming is also carried out during the week.

For this it is better to use a suspension for puppies. large breedsby calculating the required dose by the weight of the puppy. Half an hour after the suspension, 4 mg is given petroleum jelly... A week later, the puppy is vaccinated with Nobivac DHPPi + L, also preferably at home. Only two weeks after this vaccine can the puppy be taken out for walks. The third vaccination is given at three months (Nobivac DHPPi + L), and the fourth at about 11 months, when all the teeth of the puppy will change.

Every time a week before this event, deworming takes place. And then every year at the same time everything is done following vaccinations one complex. If a healthy animal is vaccinated, no side effects from vaccination does not arise. To vaccinate a Labrador Retriever, such high-quality vaccines are most often used:

Eurican (France),

Duramune (USA),

Vangurad (USA),

Nobivac (Holland).


The cost of Nobivak depends on its purpose. So the drug for puppies Puppy DP costs about 170-200 rubles, and the polyvaccine for adult dogs DHPPI - 110-150 rubles.

The drug Duramune costs about 200 rubles per dose, Eurican for adult animals DHPPI - about 150-170 rubles. The cost of the Vanguard is 80 rubles.

When your puppy turns two months old, you need to vaccinate him, because without vaccinations you will not be able to walk with him on the street, because the baby's body cannot yet fight terrible infections. What is needed for vaccination

First of all, you should decide on the choice of a veterinarian, after which you negotiate vaccinations with him. The doctor will explain everything to you, recommends 2-3 different drugs, will tell you about each of them and advise which one is right for your dog.

Among dog lovers, it is believed that the more strains of diseases contained in one injection, the better. This is not entirely correct: many puppies are very difficult to tolerate vaccinations, which contain 10 strains of diseases; sometimes babies die.

If your veterinarian advises you just such a vaccination, you should change your doctor. An experienced and practical veterinarian will give your Labrador rabies vaccinations and 5 other diseases. The initial vaccination of Labradors is possible only after you have driven the worms away from your pet.

Condition of the dog after vaccination

Before being vaccinated, the doctor must conduct a thorough examination of the dog: he must measure the temperature and check the condition of the mucous surfaces, and only after a thorough examination, the doctor will inject the drug.

Once vaccinated, your dog should feel the same as it always did, but it needs to be quarantined for a week before taking your Labrador outside. After repeated vaccinations, it is necessary to take another break or take the dog outside for a while so that it goes to the toilet. When all the quarantines have passed, you can safely take your pet for long walks.

If, after vaccination, your dog becomes lethargic and lethargic, you should immediately consult a doctor, as there is a possibility that the vaccine has not taken root, and the dog may die if all the necessary measures are not taken immediately. Any Labrador tolerates vaccinations absolutely calmly, and there are practically no deaths. The main thing for you is compliance with quarantine. In addition, if besides a Labrador you have other animals in your house, protect them from communicating with the puppy during quarantine, and even better, give them to your friends or relatives for a short time.

Vaccination for purebred dogs is extremely necessary, as they do not have immunity to many infectious diseases... Labradors tolerate vaccinations and become absolutely healthy in almost 99.99% of cases. beautiful dogs... Vaccinations for adult dogs should be done once a year.