How not to get better during pregnancy and after childbirth. Balanced and proper nutrition for pregnant women, so as not to get better

Pregnancy is the most magical time in every girl's life. Is born under the heart new life, future baby grows up to “say hello” to mom with the first cry after 40 weeks. In the meantime, it develops in the tummy, pregnant girls sometimes abuse their position, motivating “I’ll get better anyway, so you can eat as much as you like.” But in vain ... We propose to discuss how not to score excess weight during pregnancy and what to do about it.

What causes weight gain during pregnancy

Expectant mothers are always wondering where extra pounds come from during pregnancy? Let's count together:

As a result, it turns out average increase in weight - 12.5 kg. But since the pregnancy of each girl proceeds individually, then the weight indicators will be different. Some have more, some have less.

Overweight during pregnancy: stories on this topic

Where does excess weight come from during pregnancy? Most often, expectant mothers abuse baking, sweets, lead a “sofa” lifestyle, practically do not go out in the fresh air and walk a little. It is clear that during toxicosis the mood is not at all promenade. But succumb bad mood- it's like giving up.

We offer you several stories of young mothers that can become “reminders” of what should and, on the contrary, should not be done during pregnancy, so as not to get rid of excess weight later.

The optimal weight gain during pregnancy is considered to be 8-12 kg for the entire period (with multiple pregnancy- more).

(gained 22 kg during pregnancy): “My pregnancy was not that difficult. But I didn't fly. From 5 to 12 weeks there was toxicosis. Stable nausea in the morning, sickened by the smell of cheese, sweat, meat, dumplings, sausages. I couldn’t go to the shops, I immediately felt bad. I couldn’t open the refrigerator at home - I always have it washed, but I still smelled. She suffered when she cooked food for her husband - after all, she was made of meat. In general, I felt very bad. At work, I couldn't go to the canteen, everything smelled so good to me. The only thing she ate was buns. And the weight began to increase. When I got pregnant, I weighed 45 kg with a height of 167 cm. The doctor said that I was underweight. She knew that I could not eat meat, and scolded me: “The child needs this, try somehow.” But… no way. And from the buns my weight began to grow. Invisibly, but surely. He laid on his hips. The doctor threatened to put me on a diet. But I couldn’t even open the refrigerator to cook something healthy for myself. When I gave birth, my stomach became flat very quickly. But the “ears” on the hips are still there. And I can't get rid of them. Now I think that I should have eaten more dairy, nothing would have been deposited on my thighs. And I go in for sports - I drive "ears".

(gained 9 kg during pregnancy): “The fact that I was pregnant, almost no one knew. And when I went to give birth, the neighbors were surprised - my stomach is like at 5 months. My daughter was born full-term, weighed 3100. And my increase for the entire pregnancy was 9 kg. I was very worried about my little one. Ultrasound showed that she was developing well. And the doctor in the LC, who observed me, kept threatening to send me for preservation - due to the fact that I was losing weight very much. I didn't do it on purpose. There was just a lot of hassle: buying country house, repair, then relations with her husband deteriorated - due to different views for repairs. Now I understand that all this is stupid, but then I was very nervous. And did not go to save. And she ate very little, toxicosis plus hassle did their job. Now I want to warn girls who are expecting babies - eat right! Do not be nervous! All domestic issues are such a trifle compared to the miracle that grows in your tummies.

(gained 14 kg during pregnancy): “I really loved my pregnancy. And let me throw up in the first trimester. Suppose that in the seventh month she landed on preservation because of the tone. But the rest of the time I literally flew. Until she went on maternity leave, every time during the lunch break she went to the nearest park and dined there. I took food in a container with me, sat on a bench, looked at people, trees, birds, children and rested, breathed fresh air. My husband “walked” me, I myself called it that. We went to the forest, the benefit is near the house. The doctor told me that there are a couple of extra pounds, but I did not feel them. The only thing was that it was difficult when I landed on preservation, because of the constant lying down, I felt like a seal. But when the doctors let me go home, I started walking again and my condition improved. During pregnancy, she wore a maternity bandage to support her stomach. I put on a bandage and immediately after giving birth - my stomach began to go away before our eyes. And after 3 weeks I got into my pre-pregnant skinny jeans. For me it was an achievement. Therefore, I advise everyone who is now expecting a baby - walk more, eat right, do not eat buns. You will be very beautiful expectant mothers! Indeed, sometimes from the back it is not even clear that the tummy is ahead - such a slim girl, but she is wearing a baby. All easy pregnancy!

To determine whether the weight of the expectant mother is overweight, low, or normal for her height, doctors use special indicator- body mass index (BMI). And here is the formula: body mass index \u003d body weight in kg? /? Height in meters, squared. Example for calculation: your height is 1.70 m, and your weight is 60 kg. We consider: BMI \u003d 60? /? 1.7 * 1.7 \u003d 20.7. If the index is less than 18.5 - the weight is considered below normal; index 18.5-25 is normal weight; 25-30 - overweight. And if the weight is more than 30 kg - this is already obesity.

What the experts say: how not to get better during pregnancy

Vitaly Pavlyuk, fitness club instructor "Gym Fitness", certified trainer of the College of Fitness and Bodybuilding. Ben Vader:"Lovely girls! There are no secrets here! Many people crave sweets during pregnancy. Therefore, my advice: instead of sweets and buns, start eating fruits. In this way, you can trick the body and not raise the level of sugar in the blood, which is the reason for gaining excess weight.

Hello dear blog readers! Today I want to consider a very important topic - proper nutrition for pregnant women, so as not to get better. How to get everything you need in such a important period and not get fat. Let's figure it out.

Any doctor will say: the gradual weight gain of a pregnant woman is normal. The expectant mother should gain an average of 10-13 kg for the entire period of pregnancy. This does not include individual physiological characteristics future mother. After all, the following changes occur in the body:

  • the placenta is formed;
  • there is an accumulation of amniotic fluid;
  • the weight of the uterus increases;
  • the breast and body fat increase within acceptable limits - this is how the body prepares for breastfeeding;
  • the fetus grows and develops.

But underweight or too speed dial masses suggests otherwise. Here the doctor will advise you to review the diet, calculate the number of calories consumed.

The norm of an adult woman before pregnancy is 2000-2500 kcal.

When carrying a baby, you need to add 500-700 kcal more. That is, 2500-3200 kcal per day is normal

And to control your weight, you need to systematically weigh yourself. The doctor in consultation and so every time weighs the expectant mother. You can also weigh yourself at home to track your weight gain week by week.

What will help you not gain weight

The most long-awaited time in the life of a woman has come - you have learned that you will become a mother. This is a great opportunity to buy good habits. Maintain these habits during, after pregnancy, and for the rest of your life.

  • Weight control. On average, in one month you should gain up to 1 kg.
  • Walking and physical activity. visit gym and power training will have to be postponed for these 9 months. But swimming in the pool, fitball exercises, walking, gymnastics and yoga for pregnant women - that's it!
  • Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep leads to weight gain. So the body is protected from negative impacts, includes protective functions. 7-8 hours - normal amount sleep. Too much sleep is also not worth it. Calories eaten all day should "shake up".
  • Balanced diet. Diverse food will help to gain weight within acceptable limits.

How to deal with appetite

Increased appetite during pregnancy wine hormones. In fact, your body begins to produce great amount female hubbub - estrogen. And this hormone stimulates appetite. It starts as early as the 13th week of pregnancy. A plus - small fruit within you requires nourishment to grow and develop.

The desire to eat something like that is easy to explain. So the body tells you what is missing for normal course pregnancy and fetal growth. How can you not gain weight here if you want chips, ice cream, cream cake with a bite of pickled cucumber? There are ways to overcome your appetite:

  • Fractional nutrition;
  • Replacement harmful products to useful ones;
  • Drink more water;
  • Consult a doctor - exclude the possibility of a lack of any vitamins;
  • Keep a calorie counting diary;
  • Expand your diet
  • Ensure emotional balance.

And remember that gaining excess weight will harm not only you, but also the unborn baby.

What should be the food

The first thing I want to say is that your meals should be 5-6 times a day. Develop a daily routine.

Portions should not be large - 200-300 g. A light dinner 2 hours before bed will be helpful. Stick to a diet so you don't get fat.

Breakfast should be hot. Don't skip your morning meal.

  • Kashi: any, except semolina
  • You can add bread with cheese or lean cookies to breakfast. You can drink weak green tea with herbs.
  • Sandwich with boiled meat or cheese
  • Oatmeal pancakes with cottage cheese or fruit additives. It is enough to mash the banana with a fork and now the filling is ready.

Lunch. This is a snack. Portions are small.

  • Fruit
  • Cottage cheese with fruits or vegetables
  • You can add shortbread cookies, waffles, natural marmalade or marshmallows.

Dinner you can start with vegetable salad then eat the main course. Let it be:

  • Vegetable or lean meat broth soup
  • Potatoes, buckwheat, rice, a small portion of pasta
  • Meat - eat without a side dish;

You can drink dried fruit compote, water, weak green tea. It is better not to drink tea after dinner. The tannin contained in it increases the heart rate. And in the afternoon, the speed of our metabolic processes slows down and it makes no sense to increase the load with tea.

afternoon tea. A small snack can be:

  • Fresh or baked fruit (1 pear or apple, you can peach)
  • Cheesecakes or vegetable pancakes
  • Omelet with vegetables
  • Vegetable salads seasoned with cold-pressed oil
  • Drink water, compote or juice in equal proportions with water.


  • Sweet pilaf with raisins and apples
  • Cottage cheese casserole
  • lazy dumplings
  • Fish with rice and vegetables

If you didn’t have time to eat hot soup at lunch, then you can replace your dinner with it.

Second dinner. At night, the stomach cannot be loaded. The portion should be small, about 120 g.

  • Cottage cheese seasoned with herbs and low-fat sour cream
  • A little ryazhenka
  • Oatmeal diluted with warm water
  • If you really want to, drink compote with lean cookies or two loaves of bread.
What should be on the menu What to exclude
  • Vegetables, greens
  • Fruits (seasonal and organic)
  • Lean meat and fish
  • Liver (occasionally)
  • cereals
  • Milk
  • Dairy products
  • Dried fruits
  • compotes
  • herbal teas
  • Vegetable oil
  • Alcohol
  • Exotic fruits and vegetables
  • Products - allergens: honey, peanuts, chocolate, tomatoes, raspberries, strawberries, shrimps, crayfish, red fish, caviar
  • Sausages, sausages, ham
  • Everything smoked, salted, pickled, fatty, spicy
  • Fatty cheeses
  • Mushrooms
  • fast food
  • Sweets: pastries, cakes, refined sugar
  • Soft drinks, coffee, strong tea
  • Hot herbs and spices
  • canned food
  • Significantly reduce: sugar, salt, pastries

With more detailed list foods that you can and cannot eat, see the article on proper nutrition while breastfeeding. The menu is not too different.

A pregnant woman, on average, gains from 10 to 12 kg during the entire period of pregnancy. Such weight gain is considered the norm, and after the birth of a child, a young mother often easily returns to her “prenatal” forms.

But what about those whose weight has exceeded the extreme mark of 12 kg and continues to grow uncontrollably? Firstly, do not panic ahead of time, because from increased anxiety you want to eat even more. Secondly, pay attention to your diet and find time for healthy physical activity.

And thirdly, if the weight is gaining very rapidly, consult a doctor as soon as possible: busting in kilograms negatively affects the health of the woman herself and her baby. The most unpleasant consequences: toxicosis, problems with the cardiovascular system, shortness of breath, swelling, protein in the urine. That's why future mother you need to monitor your weight, starting from the earliest dates.

How not to gain weight during pregnancy

A pregnant woman is always in the zone heightened attention. That beloved husband will feed something tasty, then caring parents will bring full bags any food, then colleagues at work will treat you with a high-calorie bun. Reassuring yourself that you need to eat for two or catching up for long years strict diets, a woman will easily gain the required kilograms and a dozen more on top. How to resist the temptation and not gain weight during pregnancy? Just do the following simple recommendations and health problems can be avoided.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy, so as not to get better

What do we eat

The need for energy during pregnancy increases. And if the average adult needs about 2000 calories, then a woman who is expecting a baby needs to get up to 3000 calories with food: 2000 calories in the first trimester and plus 500 in each subsequent. Not only her well-being, but also, first of all, the development of the fetus depends on what products the expectant mother consumes.

The diet simply must be balanced! At the same time, a very tiny part of it (if you really want to) can be your favorite cakes, but you will have to give up crackers, chips, alcohol, sausages and other "harmful things" for the benefit of yourself and your child. Limit the use of salt, it retains fluid in the body and provokes swelling. The main menu must include meat, fish, dairy products, cereals, vegetables, fruits and berries.

how we eat

Nutrition during pregnancy, in order not to get better, should be fractional. It is better to eat in small portions, but often: 4-5 times a day. If an extra kilo still appeared on the horizon, exclude high-calorie snacks after 19:00. With a sudden attack of hunger, dried fruits, cheese, a handful of berries will help to cope.

It is very important not to snack on the go and not to eat too fast. Food should be enjoyable, so chew each bite thoroughly and don't immediately reach for the next one.

How much not to get better during pregnancy? The main rule: eat only when you really feel hungry, and not from the desire to occupy yourself with something.

During pregnancy, you can not sit on a regular diet, and fasting days acceptable if approved by your gynecologist. You can also follow special diets for pregnant women, they will help protect yourself from extra pounds, but at the same time get all the necessary nutrients.

Calorie count

If the body receives more energy than it is able to spend, excess weight immediately appears. To prevent this from happening, learn how to count calories consumed. In our age information technologies it won't make big problems: You can easily find a suitable calorie table on the Internet or a women's magazine.

Active lifestyle


The problem of how not to get better during pregnancy can also be solved by moderate physical activity. Expectant mothers benefit hiking. Avoid the heat in summer by opting for morning or evening walks. AT cold season dress warmly, choose shoes with non-slip soles and walk at a leisurely pace.

It is very useful to climb the hill and go down from it, to count the steps of flights of stairs: such walking keeps the muscles in good shape, which will subsequently facilitate the process of childbirth.

Physical exercises

Pregnancy is not a serious illness and certainly not a reason to lie down on the couch, thus earning extra fat deposits on your figure. Contraindications for physical activity can only be in women with complications during pregnancy. Now there are whole sets of exercises for expectant mothers. You can perform them both at home and in a fitness club where there is special groups for pregnant.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the benefits of swimming and yoga. For such an active mother, being overweight will certainly not be a serious threat! Also on our site you can find several articles about exercise for expectant mothers:

Pathologies that rapid weight gain can speak of

Excess weight gained while expecting a baby is not only aesthetic problem. First of all, it affects the health of the mother. But there are times when it is not overeating and lying on the couch that are the cause of extra pounds. Often a large increase in weight for short term can signal real pathologies.

Too much big weight during pregnancy often provokes the appearance of - late toxicosis. This condition can lead to pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region, premature exfoliation of the placenta, and even miscarriage.

It happens that the weight of a pregnant woman increases dramatically in a short period of time (1-1.5 kg per week). In this case, dropsy can be suspected - an excessive accumulation of water in the tissues of the body. The reason for this may be a problem with the kidneys, which in no case should be treated on its own.

How not to gain weight during pregnancy: useful tips

  • Buy a scale. It is desirable that they show your weight as accurately as possible (up to grams). Weigh yourself regularly, and write down the readings in a notebook specially created for this purpose. This will make it easier for you to calculate your weekly weight gain. If you wish, you can also write down your parameters: hip girth, arms above the elbow, legs above the knee;
  • You just ate and you already feel a little hungry.? Drink a glass of water, compote, fruit drink. But do not abuse the liquid, so as not to provoke swelling;
  • get busy interesting business : tie booties for the future baby, embroider a picture, weld homemade soap, draw a landscape ... There are a lot of options! Fascinating activity distract from the next snack;
  • communicate more: with friends, colleagues, relatives, husband. Positive from meetings with relatives will save you from depression, boredom and anxiety, which we so often seize with something tasty.

During pregnancy, many try eat for two. This is not surprising, because we are all surrounded by relatives, compassionate mothers and grandmothers, during whose time enhanced nutrition was recommended everywhere. Research recent years show that overnutrition of pregnant women is unjustified. Important balanced diet, enough vitamins, minerals, proteins, not calories.

Nutritionists around the world note that an excess of nutrition for a future mother is just as harmful as its lack. And this negatively affects future offspring, not to mention the pregnant woman herself.

The fact is that with a lack of nutrition, organs, tissues and all systems developing fetus cannot develop normally. Formed the makings of future diseases. Although, nature intended that, even if the necessary substances are not enough, the growing organism will still take its toll. He will do this at the expense of the mother's body, "sucking out" the necessary calcium, magnesium, proteins and so on from it. The mother's health is already suffering here.

With an excess of nutrition, the fetus is deprived of the opportunity to exercise its own physical activity for their natural production. He is not hungry, and he does not need to move vigorously to let his mother know about his needs. Probably every future mother noticed that if she ate, the baby calms down, but when she missed a meal, her stomach just trembles. These are manifestations of the basis of all things. Important for a healthy life physical activity. Then the baby will build muscle mass, gain weight and develop properly.

But if the expectant mother overeats, the baby gains too much weight, his muscles remain sluggish. It is born too large, complicating the process of childbirth. In addition, his body, accustomed to overeating, will require the same after birth. Such babies have all the prerequisites for obesity and obesity, for the development of various concomitant diseases. So always try to look for " golden mean”, providing the baby with sufficient nutrition without excess.

Watch the video to learn how to eat healthy during pregnancy.

Include more fruits, vegetables, fish, fresh meat, poultry in your menu. Dairy products are mandatory in the menu of the expectant mother, but it is better to give preference to less fatty ones.

Throughout pregnancy nutrition should be stable, without long breaks or monotony. You need to eat 4-5 times a day, in small portions, to prevent heightened sense hunger, when a woman literally sweeps everything off the table. This is harmful for both the expectant mother and the baby.

Keep track of the daily content in your diet of such important substances like iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. Do not forget about the abundance of vegetable and animal proteins.

What to eat and what not to eat during pregnancy.

To avoid overeating, get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. Knowing what's up next appointment food for only 2-3 hours, it will be much easier for you not to eat too much. Moreover, such a diet will help you not experience bouts of nausea, which are so common during pregnancy.

Such simple tricks will help you not to gain excess weight during pregnancy, which means that you will not form bad habits, which usually persist after childbirth. According to statistics, those women who are accustomed to increased nutrition during pregnancy, can hardly refuse them after childbirth. Furthermore, hormonal changes body and the need to breastfeed the baby, further contribute to the consolidation and aggravation of the habit of overeating. And stretched during pregnancy, the skin serves as an excellent container for excess fat.

How not to get better during pregnancy to such an extent that it will be very difficult to get rid of extra pounds after childbirth? And why do some expectant mothers gain a lot of weight, while others do not? Does it depend on diet or any other factors?

First you need to know how much they recover during pregnancy - this figure is medical standards is 10-12 kilograms. These kilograms are made up of the weight of the baby itself, the placenta, amniotic fluid, mammary glands (which increase during pregnancy), also several kilograms are deposited in the abdomen and hips - this is the so-called strategic reserve. Nature thus makes sure that the baby does not starve if his mother is starving (nutrients for some time can be scooped from just these fatty deposits). That is why absolutely everyone gets better during pregnancy - only who is more and who is less.

So, how not to get over the norm? Surely, you know that each dish and each individual product has its own calorie content - energy value, and the higher it is, and the more of these foods you eat, the more you gain weight (subject to insufficient physical activity). So, in the first trimester of pregnancy, the calorie content of the daily diet of the expectant mother should be about 2000 kcal, in the second trimester - 500 kcal more, in the third another 500 kcal more. Thus, the calorie content of the diet of a pregnant woman does not differ much from the average in a big way. And certainly does not confirm the myth that a pregnant woman should eat for two.

And how to find out the calorie content of dishes so that after childbirth you don’t complain about how much you recovered during pregnancy? To do this, you can use special calorie tables (for choosing a diet), but when buying, it will not be superfluous to look at the labels (they also always indicate the energy value per 100 g of the product). The most "valuable" products are butter and sunflower oil, flour products containing fats, etc. But this does not mean that high-calorie foods should be completely abandoned, it is just desirable to use them in moderation. Well, harmful and useless ones, like sweet soda and chips, can be completely abandoned for the sake of the health of the baby and your own figure.

The weight expectant mother measured at every visit women's consultation after registration for pregnancy. There are average values ​​​​of weight gain, which are monitored by doctors. If the increase is above the norm and this is due to banal overeating (this can happen, for example, after new year holidays), may simply recommend to “lighten” your diet a little, arrange an apple fasting day. If the weight has increased suddenly and much (1 or more kg per week), the doctor may suspect dropsy in a pregnant woman - when fluid is retained in the body due to problems with the kidneys. Moreover, with this pathology, there may be no visible edema (they may be hidden). This is usually treated in a hospital.

Weight is growing at the fastest pace in the third trimester, and then, these rates should be no more than 300 g per week. If a woman has recovered greatly during pregnancy, complications may also lie in wait for her. cardiovascular disease. If the weight has not exceeded the permissible norms (10-12 kg), weight loss will be fast. Immediately after childbirth and within 5-7 days, 5-7 kilograms go away. The rest - within 1-3 months, even with small physical activity(laundry, cooking, cleaning, baby care, etc.).

In general, you need to think about how not to get better during pregnancy and monitor your diet from its earliest dates. A young mother is simply obliged to be slim and beautiful!