16 weeks of pregnancy what happens to the placenta. Can I go swimming or yoga? Colds, viral infections

Good time - sixteen weeks pregnant! The unpleasant toxicosis and its signs are completely forgotten, the mood is good, the figure and tummy have already noticeably rounded, but there is still no heaviness that pregnant women feel for more later dates... At normal flow pregnancy, almost all expectant mothers are getting prettier right before our eyes: the skin becomes clean, smooth and as if glowing from the inside. A happy gleam appears in the eyes of the anticipation of an imminent meeting with long-awaited child... Pregnant women with an important gait of ducks go shopping in search of cute things for themselves and their future baby.

At the 16th week of pregnancy, pregnant women note:

  • Improved appetite
  • Gone are the troubles of toxicosis: nausea and vomiting, dizziness and weakness
  • Increased body weight is felt
  • Almost always good mood
  • Frequent thoughts about upcoming birth and noticeable excitement
  • Appears a large number of moles, freckles and age spots.

During pregnancy without any complications, no particular unpleasant sensations at this time is not observed.

There are jokes about the forgetfulness and absent-mindedness of pregnant women. Indeed, many women begin to notice that they are becoming simply confused Masha. Don't worry, this is a common phenomenon. Just get yourself a notebook or diary and write down all the important dates and "reminders" there. For example, what to buy or when to see a doctor.

Fetal development at 16 weeks gestation

Many expectant mothers already at the 16th obstetric week of pregnancy talk about how they feel fetal movement... This is quite possible, especially if the child is not the first. Although you should not confuse weak kicks with the movement of gases inside the intestines. They are very similar.

Now the embryo has already significantly increased in mass and growth. It can be compared to the fruit of an avocado. The average weight will be about 80 grams, and the height will be from 108 to 116 mm.

What is happening to the fetus now? The embryo at the 16th week of pregnancy looks like a fully formed man, only still very small and slightly disproportionately folded. But now the legs are lengthening. In the ultrasound picture, you can already see the face, which the baby is able to wrinkle, frown, smile - this is the development of facial muscles. Eyelashes even appear on the eyelids.

What is important for many mothers - at this time you can already see who you will have, a boy or a girl. Genitals already formed. And if the fruit turns right side then the doctor will fully consider the gender of the child.

Now the kidneys of the embryo are working very actively. These internal organs per day are already able to "overtake" in urine about 350 ml amniotic fluid.

Bone skeleton more and more strengthens and grows. The entire body of the fetus is covered with lanugo - a delicate fluff that will remain for some time after birth. The baby's skin is still so thin that blood vessels are visible through it. And your child has already formed his own unique pattern on the pads of his fingers.

Some babies are very active at this time, so their mothers can feel their movements. For a woman, they are like barely perceptible movements inside. In fact, the embryo is played with arms and legs, turns over, twists its head, swallows amniotic fluid, sucks a finger, yawns and even farts.

Diaphragm in the chest constantly moving, as if training to breathe.

What's important - nervous system the fetus is developing very actively, just by leaps and bounds. The adrenal cortex is already about 80 percent formed and produces all the necessary hormones.

Now the embryo is very susceptible to external stimuli - bright light and loud sounds... Therefore, you should not go to cinemas or nightclubs. Believe me, your baby will be uncomfortable.

What factors affect the development of the fetus

Although the fetus is already quite well protected by the placenta, its organs are already laid and developing, there is a mass negative factors that can harm the unborn baby.

What complications can occur at 16 weeks of pregnancy

On this period the risk of miscarriage or some other serious complication is quite small. If there are any pathologies, then most likely they are caused by genetic factors, and not external ones.

But at future mother quite unpleasant complications can arise. it varicose veins and haemorrhoids which arise from a lack of calcium.

Fear should be caused by severe swelling of the extremities. They can be a sign of a serious illness - preeclampsia... Dangerous pyelonephritis- it can provoke abortion.

Changes in a woman's body at 16 weeks of gestation

Now a woman who is 16 weeks pregnant does not feel any particularly strong changes in her physiological condition... Unless he can worry because of the arrow on the scales that is steadily moving upward. Forget about slim figure... Until the baby is born, the weight will grow relentlessly, as will the tummy. However, control is also necessary in this matter: excessive fatness negatively affects the woman's body. Excessive appetite and obesity usually cause severe edema, shortness of breath, surges in blood pressure (BP).

At this time, the future mommy already clearly sees in the mirror her rounded tummy, and this sight clearly pleases him.

Now the volume of the uterus has already increased significantly. The volume of amniotic fluid is approximately 250 ml.

Another unpleasant thing: now the intestines are still not working well, so constipation is a fairly frequent phenomenon.

Keeps increasing breast- she is preparing to feed the baby. However, there are some unpleasant moments here as well. Since the blood flow increases significantly in the body, a venous pattern and the so-called "Montgomery tubercles" appear on the chest. If the breast increases in size quickly, then the skin may develop stretch marks- not a very pleasant aesthetic sight.

It is worth worrying about getting rid of stretch marks on the chest and abdomen right now. There is a mass cosmetics that will prevent these ugly scars on the skin from appearing. You can start using creams and ointments for stretch marks right now. As the saying goes, it is easier to prevent than to cure later.

Analyzes and medical examinations

In the 16th week of pregnancy, a woman who has become registration in the antenatal clinic, is already beginning to regularly visit her gynecologist. Now, with a certain frequency, you need to come to the appointment on the appointed date. The doctor will measure some parameters and monitor changes in your body. For example, every time you need to take urine for analysis, weigh yourself and measure blood pressure... In addition, the health worker will measure the circumference of the abdomen.

Sometimes at this time they are prescribed genetic researchscreening genetic analysis... In this case, the level of several substances is determined in the woman's blood (hormones alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), unconjugated estriol (NE)). The analysis will reveal possible deviations fetal development on early dates... However, this study is more likely to be preventive. An accurate diagnosis is determined only by ultrasound. After that, amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid) sampling may be prescribed - amniocentesis.

Amniocentesis - medical research, which is based on the genetic study of the amniotic fluid, which contains the same set of genes as the embryo. But since the procedure itself is associated with piercing fetal bladder, there is a risk of harm to the baby and even premature termination of the pregnancy. Therefore, a pregnant woman has the right to refuse the prescribed examination.

Ultrasound at 16 weeks of gestation

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) assigned at 16 weeks of gestation only if abnormalities in the screening genetic analysis are detected. In this case, the specialist will be able to see the pathology of fetal development.

But already now on the screen of the device you can see baby gender, because the genitals in boys and girls are already formed. True, this does not always work out. The fetus is very sensitive to all kinds of medical manipulations, so it can simply turn away from the ultrasound sensor, as if "to hide". However, many parents do not want to know the sex of their unborn child until the moment of birth.

Healthy nutrition, good mood and moderate physical activity are the most important things in a pregnant woman's life now.

However, healthy eating Is not only vegetables and fruits. The diet should be formulated correctly so that both your body and the body of the fetus receive all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and trace elements.

Now is not the time to exhaust yourself with diets. The calorie content of products should be gradually increased, but not carried away. Excess weight is also harmful.

Prohibitions and contraindications during pregnancy

Many of the prohibitions relate to nutrition. The diet should not contain large quantities of "harmful" foods. I would like to eat a piece of salted bacon - eat it. But don't do it all the time. Give up your favorite fast food.

Keep track of your physical condition... You don't have to overwork. Very often, stress at work (and a woman at this time does not go on maternity leave yet) negatively affects not only the mother herself, but also the fetus, because the future child already feels well the woman's condition due to the already strong enough physical and emotional connection.

Sex at 16 weeks pregnant

At this time, there are no obstacles to a full sexual life. Naturally, if there is no threat of miscarriage or any other serious abnormalities during pregnancy.

On the love bed, try to avoid positions that press on the stomach and involve too deep penetration.

Intimacy now, on the contrary, should evoke more vivid and acute feelings and emotions in a pregnant woman. After all, the toxicosis has passed, the state of health has improved, and the blood flow to the pelvic organs increases.

Sports and physical education

You will have to give up serious training, and in general, take care of heavy physical exertion. The best optionspecial exercises for pregnant women, which you can learn in courses or independently glean from the Internet. However, we still recommend courses. Here, a professional trainer will help you develop a set of exercises especially for you. And what is more important - you will get the opportunity to communicate with the same pregnant women, and you can even become friends. The emotional component is now no less important than the physical form.

Vitamins and medicines at 16 weeks of gestation

If you have previously started taking vitamin complexes for pregnant women (for example, Elevit), then continue. After all, there is no guarantee that you will receive all the necessary set nutrients from food.

But any drug treatment is possible only under the strict supervision of a doctor. Most drugs have contraindications for pregnancy and lactation.

Do not get carried away folk methods treatment. Of course, honey and milk will not harm you for colds. But the effect of many herbs on the body of a pregnant woman is not fully understood, so we advise you not to risk it.

Did you know that all babies have chubby cheeks- even the thin ones. This is not just mimicry, but physiological feature... All children have very good cheek muscles. This is necessary so that the baby in the first months and even a year or two of life can suck breast milk well. In addition, the baby's cheeks are reinforced with special “ lumps of Bisha»- by pads consisting of adipose tissue.

In the embryo and in the newborn, the curtain of the soft palate is lowered to the root of the tongue and blocks the trachea during feeding. This helps the baby to suck and breathe at the same time. By the age of three, the curtain is shortened. Therefore, only now is the child able to speak quietly - in a whisper.

At the 16th week of pregnancy, all the forces of the body of the expectant mother are concentrated on the active work of the immune system. Usually at this time, a woman happily carries a little man inside her.

The breasts are still tender, they continue to grow.

The process of urination is normal, and the intestines work slowly due to a sluggish muscle wall, as a result of which constipation forms. They should not be tolerated, as they often provoke abortion.

Under the influence of progesterone, some women develop pyelonephritis at this time. Sometimes it is the cause of premature birth.

How many months is it?

16 weeks pregnant is the fourth month.


Now the baby is able to hold the head in a straight position. The muscles of the face have already completed their formation. The fetus at 16 weeks of gestation reflexively frowns, opens its mouth, winks.

The body has accumulated calcium, and now it is enough to strengthen the bones. The baby got joints of the limbs. Its body and face are covered with down.

The skin is still transparent and small blood vessels are visible through it. Ultrasound at 16 weeks will definitely show the sex of the baby.

The baby is often in motion, and the woman may still not feel the movements. His heart beats 2 times faster than that of an adult, and his chest makes breathing movements.

The baby now has his own individual pattern on his fingers. The baby urinates every 40 minutes, and the amniotic fluid is regularly updated. Sometimes the child plays with legs and arms, stretches, spits, squeezes his fingers into fists.

The adrenal glands are already producing the necessary hormones. Lymphocytes, monocytes and erythrocytes are present in the blood, hemoglobin is synthesized. A baby at 16 weeks hears well the voices of loved ones, sounds and music.

The baby has a nose shape, and the eyes and ears are in place. Subcutaneous tissue continues to improve, and the baby's body is covered with lubricant, which will help the baby to pass through the birth canal.


At 16 weeks of gestation, the uterus expands, the amount of amniotic fluid in it increases.


The condition and sensations at the 16th week of pregnancy can be completely different. Some at this time do not believe in their position.

Often at 16 obstetric weeks, toxicosis recedes, but sometimes the expectant mother may experience nausea. Vomiting can still bother women expecting twins. If it does not pass at normal pregnancy, you need to contact a specialist and get advice on the diet from him.

Stirring fetus

If the expectant mother is carrying a baby for the first time, then at 16 weeks it is normal not to feel fetal movements. They may only appear in 20 weeks. But even at this time, many women already feel full movements, while the baby is resting, then awake, and can even hide for several days.


During this period, the uterus is located between pubic bone and the navel: as it grows, it causes thickening and stretching of the ligaments. Feelings of pain in the 16th week of pregnancy may occur in the expectant mother in the back, hips or groin.


Sometimes the expectant mother's belly is still not visible: this happens and often ends with it intensive growth in the process of subsequent weeks of gestation. If a woman has small belly at 16 weeks of gestation, then this is quite normal for this period.

During the gestation period, the expectant mother needs the care of loved ones. She also needs to give care to her baby and adhere to some recommendations.

Nutrition and weight

During the entire gestation process, the child and mother need good nutrition... The menu should include proteins, fats and carbohydrates that provide correct development fetus at 16 weeks of gestation.

If there is not enough protein in the diet at 16 weeks, then this can lead to pathologies, anemia or miscarriage. Due to the lack of fat, the child's nervous system often develops incorrectly.

With a lack of carbohydrates, the risk of a frozen pregnancy at 16 weeks increases and metabolic processes decrease. The expectant mother should eat often and little by little. It is necessary to limit the use of sweet, salty, fatty and smoked foods.

On average, a woman gains 2.5 kg by this time.


The expectant mother needs to take a vitamin and mineral complex prescribed by a doctor. During this period, taking iodomarin is also important.

According to the woman's health condition, the specialist will determine what other useful components she needs. Undoubtedly, they are best obtained from natural fruits and vegetables.

The period has come during which future mothers and fathers can not limit their intimate life. Dangerous time passed, and now the risk of spontaneous miscarriage is minimized.

The expectant mother should know that while having sex at the 16th week of pregnancy, one should take good care of the stomach. In spite of minimal risk miscarriage, expectant parents should still be careful.

When multiple pregnancy or if there is a threat of miscarriage, the specialist will recommend the expectant mother to avoid intimate relations.

Physical activity

At 16 obstetric weeks of pregnancy, doctors recommend continuing physical activity... But without fanaticism. If the expectant mother did not study before conception physical exercise, then you should take this into account and reduce the load to a minimum. If before pregnancy she was seriously involved in sports, then you should not sharply reduce physical activity.

It is necessary that in the process of training all the movements of a woman are smooth and unhurried. If the expectant mother feels tired at 16 weeks, she should rest until she feels better.

Medicines and medical procedures

The less the expectant mother takes medications, the lower the risk of subsequent problems with the development of the fetus at 16 weeks of gestation and with its health in the future. Therefore, medicines and medical procedures should be used only in emergency cases and only on the recommendation of a doctor.

If a woman has certain health problems, a specialist can choose the safest solution that will not affect the health of the expectant mother and baby.

So, some diseases are treated with the help of certain medicinal herbs... However, before taking them, you should consult with your gynecologist.

Possible problems

At the 16th obstetric week of pregnancy, the expectant mother may suffer from constipation. This condition is dangerous for carrying a baby and may result in a miscarriage. Therefore, a woman should tell the gynecologist about her problem. He will appoint balanced diet, and the body of the expectant mother will recover.

To make constipation a thing of the past, the expectant mother should eat foods high in fiber. Not prevent plentiful drink and a glass of kefir for the night.

Sometimes a frozen pregnancy occurs at 16 weeks. This happens for the following reasons:

  • due to chromosomal abnormalities;
  • at intrauterine infection baby;
  • in case of Rh-conflict between mother and child;
  • from the influence of unfavorable environmental factors.

The doctor excludes a frozen pregnancy at 16 weeks by measuring the size of the uterus. If he suspects a problem, then the expectant mother will be recommended an ultrasound scan.


Bleeding is not excluded now. If it happened, then you should definitely contact an ambulance specialist. Bloody discharge at 16 weeks of gestation, intense pain in the abdomen, lower back or sides should also be a reason for immediate referral to a specialist.

The expectant mother needs to monitor the color of the discharge. If they have greenish tint or are accompanied by a large amount of mucus, you must tell your gynecologist about this.


Every 2 weeks, the obstetrician-gynecologist sends the expectant mother to the laboratory to control the blood and urine tests. If the gestation period proceeds normally, then the woman will not have to take additional analyzes at 16 weeks of gestation.


Often, the expectant mother is assigned an ultrasound scan at the 16th week of pregnancy. At this time, she finds out the sex of the baby. Now, by the coccygeal-parietal size of the fetus, you can find out the approximate time and weight of the baby. Normally, the CTE is about 41 mm, and the size of the fetus at 16 weeks is about 16 cm.

Features of IVF pregnancy

Pregnancy continues, and with each new week, the risk of miscarriage becomes less and less. The mother-to-be has overcome the most difficult milestone, and this event can be celebrated a little.

Otherwise, pregnancy after in vitro fertilization at 16 weeks is normal.

Video of the sixteenth week of pregnancy

Regardless of whether you are carrying a boy or a girl, the coccyx-parietal length of the baby is already 11 cm, and its weight is about 110 grams.

The baby's bones are becoming more and more strong, the legs already look quite developed, and the marigolds have already formed. At 16 weeks pregnant, your baby-to-be is able to keep the neck straight and turn his head in different sides... Ears and eyes are already practically in place.

The baby's heart works very intensely, it pumps about 25 liters of blood per day. Digestive functions have already been taken over by the liver, which was previously responsible for hematopoiesis. The stomach also begins its work, gall bladder and the intestines, but so far they are not yet working intensively enough. In the intestines of the fetus, the first contents are observed, which consists almost entirely of bile. This content is called meconium or in another way, the original feces, which has a black-green or dark green... The urinary bladder also began to perform its functions; fetal urination occurs every 45 minutes.

All the work related to hematopoiesis was taken over by the bone marrow, so the composition of the blood was already fully established. The baby's blood at the 16th week of pregnancy contains all the cells that are in the blood of an adult, so now you can already determine the Rh factor and blood type of your unborn baby. But in the baby's blood there is still an empty place, which will later be occupied by fetal hemoglobin or hemoglobin of a newborn. Six months after the birth of the baby, fetal hemoglobin will be completely replaced by normal hemoglobin.

The 16th week of pregnancy falls in the fourth month of your position. A woman in the second trimester has already got used to her position, and if there are no problems, then she blooms more and more.

Sensations at the 16th week of pregnancy

Usually no painful or unpleasant sensations at 16 weeks of gestation should not be present. You have already gone through the stages at which there was frequent urination and toxicosis. The chest also stops hurting, but it continues to increase. The expectant mother is experiencing a surge of new strength, and her emotional state becomes much better than before. Now the woman behaves more calmly and balanced.

At 16 weeks of gestation, your appetite may increase dramatically. This happens especially often in those women who, in the first trimester, experienced severe toxicosis... Therefore, the second trimester of pregnancy is the time to catch up, that is, to create a really tasty and nutritious diet for yourself.

Stirring at 16 weeks gestation

At the 16th week of pregnancy, sensations may appear that will be very pleasant for you, namely, you will begin to feel how your future baby is moving. Those women who are not pregnant for the first time begin to feel the movements of the child faster. At first, you may not even understand that these are the very sensations. Many pregnant women say it looks like a slight flutter or sensation like air bubbles inside.

But you should not be upset and worried about if you still do not have such feelings. The reason for this may simply be the fact that your baby is very calm. The same woman will feel the movement of her baby in each pregnancy in a different way.

If you still do not feel how your child is moving, you can observe his behavior during the ... Ultrasound examination will be able to clearly display all the movements of the baby, as well as all the grimaces that he builds.

You will be able to see how active the facial expressions of your unborn child are, how he frowns, winks and grimaces in every possible way. When an ultrasound scan is performed at the 16th week of pregnancy, the doctor will already be able to determine the gender of your unborn baby.

Analyzes at 16 weeks of gestation hCG, AFP

At 16 weeks pregnant, your test list will expand enough. Now besides routine analyzes tests, such as measuring blood pressure, monitoring weight, urinalysis, listening to the baby's heart, you will be assigned tests that can identify severe defects in the development of the fetus. To be precise, it will be just one test - a blood test, but thanks to it, the doctor will be able to determine several indicators at once. These indicators include: levels chorionic gonadotropin human (hCG), alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and unconjugated estriol (NE).

The level of these substances in a woman's body will help determine the likelihood of severe developmental defects and chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. For example, if the values ​​of hCG, AFP and NE are outside the normal range, then most likely the child has Down syndrome, a malformation of the spine, cranial hernia, or anencephaly. But these deviations are not enough to make a final diagnosis. If at least one of the indicators is outside the norm, then you will be assigned a number of tests and studies.

The first of these studies is amniocentesis. This is an examination during which the composition of the amniotic fluid is studied. To take a sample amniotic waters, a needle is inserted into the uterus. This process takes place simultaneously with an ultrasound scan, this is necessary in order to monitor the needle. With the help of such a study, you can identify about 40 congenital malformations development. Problem this study lies in the fact that amniocentesis can cause quite serious complications of pregnancy. One of the most dangerous complications is premature spontaneous interruption pregnancy. Therefore, only highly qualified specialists can carry out such a survey. Before you are referred for an amniocentesis, you should definitely be told about all the dangers that may arise during the procedure. You can always opt out of such research.

Belly, it hurts, pulls the belly, at 16 weeks of gestation

At 16 weeks gestation, some painful sensations may still be present. Very often, pregnant women in this period feel pain in the lower back. It occurs due to an increase in the load on the woman's spine. To pain did not intensify, you should give up shoes for high heels and also give your spine as much rest as possible. You need to get used to sleeping in suitable pose... Of course, in no case should you sleep on your stomach, and in general you should exclude any pressure on your stomach. But you shouldn't sleep on your back either, as this can only increase lower back pain. The most suitable sleeping position during pregnancy involves the position on the left side, with the knee slightly tucked towards the chest.

It is quite logical that at the 16th week of pregnancy, with an increase in the uterus, the abdomen also increases. Now he is already quite clearly protruding forward. Interesting fact that if a woman has her first pregnancy, then the tummy will not stick out much, and if the pregnancy is already repeated, then the tummy at this time will be visible much more. This is due to the fact that during the first pregnancy, your ligaments and muscles of the uterus and abdomen are not yet in sufficient tone and not very stretched.

In addition, you are increasingly showing a dark stripe dividing your belly in half. It follows from the navel down. This is a completely normal phenomenon associated with the accumulation of melanin pigment in the skin cells. You should not worry about this, after pregnancy the strip will disappear by itself. It happens that age spots also appear on the forehead, around the eyes, on the cheeks and on the bridge of the nose. All of them will surely begin to disappear almost immediately after your pregnancy ends.

Discharge brown (bloody) at 16 weeks gestation

Discharge at 16 weeks gestation will differ from those previously observed. They will now become more abundant and have whitish color... Such discharge is considered normal if they have a uniform consistency, they do not cause pain in the abdomen, and they are not accompanied by burning or itching in the genital area. To avoid the development of infection, you need to constantly wash your perineum and genitals, as well as perform regular hygiene procedures.

Discharge that is greenish or greenish is abnormal. grey colour, patchy or cheesy consistency, unpleasant sour smell, as well as discharge, bubbling or mixed with mucus. If at the 16th week of pregnancy you notice such discharge in yourself, then you need to immediately consult a doctor so that he can identify the cause and prescribe you correct treatment... For example, colpitis, vulvitis, or thrush may be the cause of this discharge.

Particularly dangerous are bloody and brownish discharge at the 16th week of pregnancy, especially those that are accompanied by painful sensations of a pulling nature in the abdomen. These signs are a signal that you are at risk of premature termination of your pregnancy.

Uterus at 16 weeks pregnant

At 16 weeks gestation, the uterus achieved enough large sizes, its weight is now about 250 grams. During an examination by a doctor, your uterus height will be measured. It is considered normal if the uterus at the 16th week of pregnancy is at the level of half the distance to the navel. If the height of the uterus is not within the normal range, then this may mean that the fetus is not developing correctly. Pregnant woman in the given time can easily find the uterus. To do this, simply place your hand 7 centimeters below your belly button. The uterus is constantly growing, this is due to the fact that the baby is growing rapidly. Therefore, it gradually begins to put pressure on the intestines, which can lead to heartburn, constipation, bloating, or other unpleasant symptoms.

Sex at 16 weeks pregnant

In the first trimester, you most likely limited yourself to intimate life, since you were constantly feeling unwell. The second trimester of pregnancy is when you can recover your intimate relationship with a loved one. If you have no contraindications, then sex at 16 weeks pregnant is completely safe for you, and it can give you a lot of new and colorful sensations. You just need to remember that sex should not be hard, and should exclude positions in which pressure is exerted on the belly of the expectant mother.

Weight and nutrition at 16 weeks gestation

At 16 weeks of gestation, you should already gain somewhere 2.5 kg of your pre-pregnancy weight. Weight must be constantly monitored, because overweight, recruited while carrying a baby, can cause a difficult birth.

The main assistant for you is proper nutrition... You must take the food you consume very seriously in this position. All nutritional advice remains the same as before. Nutrition must be complete and must combine all useful and nutrients. Create your own individual mode nutrition and stick to it throughout pregnancy. It is better to eat small meals, but 3-5 times a day. Try to stick to only the healthiest and most nutritious foods. Breakfast should be hearty enough, as well as lunch, which must include the first course. But supper is worth light food. It is better not to do frequent snacks between meals, as they can lead to weight gain.

It will be better if you provide yourself with an additional intake of a vitamin and mineral complex. At 16 weeks gestation, your vitamin requirements increase dramatically. Vitamin D and calcium are especially important at this time. But before you start drinking vitamins, consult your doctor.

Frozen pregnancy at 16 weeks gestation

A frozen pregnancy is more typical for the first trimester of pregnancy, but there is a chance that it will overtake you in the second. It is during this period - 16-18 weeks, that this chance greatly increases.

If at 16 weeks you have a missed pregnancy , then this will shock any woman, since by this time she was already emotionally prepared for a meeting with a future baby. There are a very large number of reasons why intrauterine fetal death may occur, not the development and fading of pregnancy. Some of these reasons are: chromosomal abnormalities, intrauterine infection fetus, rhesus - a conflict between mother and child, as well as the impact on the fetus of negative factors.

In addition, abortions preceding fertilization can cause the fading of pregnancy or intrauterine death of the fetus. Changes can occur due to abortion hormonal background, and also injury or infection of the cervix.

A frozen pregnancy at 16 weeks of gestation is diagnosed by observing the growth of the uterus during an ultrasound examination. When undergoing an ultrasound scan, the doctor will be able to accurately determine if the baby has no heartbeat.

If the doctor has determined that you have a missed pregnancy, then you will have to immediately go to the hospital to terminate the pregnancy. If you do not do this right away, then you may have very dangerous complications... For example, these can be: infection of a woman, due to inflammatory processes in the uterus, which caused the dead fetus, bleeding that occurs due to detachment fetal egg... Such bleeding is very difficult to stop. After the termination of your pregnancy, you will begin a period of rehabilitation and recovery. During this time, experts will determine the cause of the fading of your pregnancy.

After that, you should wait at least another six months before trying to have a baby again.

The real age of your baby is 14 weeks, but according to medical canons, you are now 16 obstetric week of pregnancy. This difference in calculations occurs because doctors consider the period from the last menstruation, but you got pregnant later.

The 16th week of pregnancy has come: this is already the second trimester, and the expectant mother is feeling much better. Most likely, you are no longer tormented by toxicosis, and the tummy has become noticeably rounded. Now is the time to look at the first grimaces of your baby in the photo. Surely you have already begun to feel the first tremors. If you are 16 weeks pregnant, your baby's gender may be reported more accurately on an ultrasound scan.

Fruit size

When the 16 weeks of pregnancy comes, the size of the fetus reaches approximately 11 cm, and the baby weighs already 100 grams. And his body has already become larger than his head. From this point on, the fetus will become more and more proportional. For comparison: now the baby is the same size as a newborn kitten. The fetus at 16 weeks of pregnancy is actively moving and kicking, right now the expectant mother will feel its first movements. His body parts are starting to fall into place. The facial muscles are being formed, and from that moment on, the baby is actively making faces and grimaces, frowning, driving with closed eyes, curling his mouth and even smiling when he feels good. The ears slowly but surely move to the middle of the head, the eyes have also taken their permanent position on the face, the eyelids are almost formed, and very soon the child will open his eyes for the first time.


A child at the 16th week of pregnancy begins to actively develop and grow. In the near future, he should double his weight. His kidneys and bladder are already working well. Urination occurs once every 15 minutes, later it becomes less frequent. The baby's heart distills blood at a high speed, about 20 liters per day. And the composition of his blood became almost like that of an adult. The baby's head is no longer so pressed to the chest, he can already hold it straight, the neck on this stage very well developed. Your baby is already opening his mouth well and drinking amniotic fluid. Very soon, the child will begin to control the expression on his face. 16 weeks pregnant is the period when your baby's hair starts to grow, but it is still impossible to say for sure what color it will be.

Mom's body at 16 weeks

Your uterus grows and grows in size, giving more room for the growing fetus. The amniotic fluid becomes larger, now its volume reaches a quarter of a liter. The breast swells even more and becomes very sensitive. Blood vessels appear on it due to increased blood flow.

You can forget about beautiful waist: The belly at 16 weeks of gestation begins to grow at a breakneck speed. Finally, it rounds up, and the mom-to-be looks absolutely pregnant. Of course, no one is upset about the missing waist - she will definitely return after childbirth. The belly at the 16th week of pregnancy is still not very large, but it becomes impossible to hide your interesting position.

It's time to choose and buy clothes for expectant mothers, but always with a margin, as your tummy will grow very quickly. Women for whom this pregnancy is repeated will have a much larger belly than those who are experiencing this wonderful condition for the first time. It is imperative to monitor your weight: its weight gain throughout pregnancy should not exceed 16 kg, provided that you carry only one baby.

Mom's feelings

If you are 16 weeks pregnant, your feelings begin to change. At the moment, you still do not feel full-fledged shocks from the abdomen, but you already have a feeling that butterflies are fluttering in your tummy. Most women may mistakenly think they have gas in their intestines, but this is not the case. These are the first movements of your baby that you felt. Not everyone has it right now, but you shouldn't worry ahead of time. A little more, and you, too, will feel these movements.

When the 16th week of pregnancy comes, the feelings of fatigue, nausea, discomfort disappear, and the woman begins to feel energetic and vigorous. The frequency of urination also returns to normal. But still, do not forget that each organism is individual, and some pregnant women feel unwell until the very birth.

Are you 16 weeks pregnant? What's going on with your appearance? You may notice that your nails are growing much faster than before, while at the same time they can become very brittle. Do not be discouraged, this is a normal temporary phenomenon.

During this period, people around you begin to notice the glow of your skin. The rush of blood increases, due to which it turns pink. This is explained hormonal changes in organism.

Up to 30% of women experience nasal congestion by 16 weeks of gestation. Even if you don't have allergies or colds, you can still experience stuffy nose and frequent runny nose. This is not scary, and the child is not in any way threatened. The phenomenon is called rhinitis of pregnancy, it is caused by an increase in estrogen levels, which causes swelling of the nasal mucosa.

The 16th week of pregnancy has begun. What happens to the microflora of the vagina? There is more discharge, do not be alarmed, everything is normal. This is because you have increased blood flow to the genitals, increased estrogen levels. It is worth worrying when the discharge is transparent and liquid, streaked with blood. It should not be normal pungent odor... In the event that you do not like your discharge, it is better to see a doctor.


Starting from the second trimester, namely when the 16th week of pregnancy comes, libido increases markedly. The increased libido will pleasantly surprise your partner. Sex becomes more enjoyable, as most women notice. The sensations are intensified due to the flow of blood to the genitals. However, not everyone thinks so, some are unpleasant to have sex during pregnancy. But this is mainly due to the fear of harming the baby or because the stomach is in the way. The problem can be solved: you just need to choose a position in which the woman will be comfortable and comfortable. Feel free to discuss this with your husband, because he too is confused about what to do with you.

At the full 16 weeks of pregnancy, weight gain should be approximately 5 kilograms. However, this figure may differ for every woman. If you are rapidly typing excess weight or, conversely, do not type it at all, be sure to consult your doctor.


At 16 weeks of pregnancy, a photo of the baby can be taken during an ultrasound scan, at this stage the baby is already clearly visible. It will fit into the picture completely, which will not be possible at a later date. It is possible to see how a child opens his eyes only with the help of 3D or 4D ultrasound, on a regular one it is unlikely to be possible. Normally, an ultrasound scan should not be prescribed for this period, but if you missed the first one, then you can go through it now.

At 16 weeks of pregnancy, it is not difficult to determine the sex of the child for experienced specialist... On ultrasound, you can clearly see the genitals and understand who you are waiting for. The doctor will also make certain measurements, based on which, he will determine if everything is in order. If you still haven't felt the crumbs moving, you can see from the image on the monitor that it is moving.


There are a number of tests that you take each trimester of your pregnancy, and the second is no exception. 16 obstetric week of pregnancy is the period that is best suited for testing in the second trimester. You need to take tests that will show the level of hormones such as chorionic gonadotropin, alpha-fetoprotein, unconjugated estriol. The results of these studies will help to identify possible abnormalities in the development of the fetus, to recognize some malformations, including Down's syndrome. The doctor, having studied the analysis data, will find out if there are any abnormalities, whether the fetus has a normal set of chromosomes.

If something is wrong, you will have to have an amniocentesis. The material for analysis is taken from the amniotic fluid, their composition is carefully studied, and a conclusion is made about the presence or absence of deviations.

Mandatory is biochemical analysis blood. Changing its composition can tell the doctor a lot. If something is wrong, you may be sent for an additional ultrasound, where the doctor will look at the condition of the baby and amniotic fluid. He will be able to determine if everything is fine, and you will once again make sure that the baby is doing great at 16 weeks of pregnancy. You can ask the doctor who performed the ultrasound for a photo of the child. It will remain in your memory.

At this time, there should be no abdominal pain at all. You should not experience any pain other than in the lower back. If your stomach pulls or hurts, you should immediately consult a doctor.

It is categorically impossible to sleep on a grown tummy, but it is not recommended to sleep on your back either, because you will be disturbed by uncomfortable sensations in the spine due to the heavy load. It is optimal to sleep on either side, in the fetal position - with slightly bent legs, as if trying to cover the stomach.

The enlarged uterus puts more and more pressure on the surrounding organs, such as the intestines, which can provoke constipation. In no case should you drink laxatives that increase intestinal motility!

Trouble at week 16

The risk of having a miscarriage at 16 weeks is very low. Basically, 80% of miscarriages occur in the early stages and in the first trimester. But still, this can happen in the second trimester. Statistics show that the percentage of miscarriages is 0.6% during this period. This terrible process can be provoked addictions: smoking, taking drugs and alcohol. But miscarriages do not always occur in smokers and drinking women... And it is very insulting when the pregnancy is planned, the woman takes care of herself, eats well, does not smoke, does not drink, leads absolutely healthy image life, but still there is a miscarriage.

The loss of a child can be the result of health problems. If a woman has any problems with the uterus, the cervix is ​​weakened, there is an infection, there are chromosomal abnormalities in the development of the child himself - all these factors can provoke a miscarriage. About 1% of miscarriages are due to amniocentesis or chorionic biopsy.

Signs that indicate that there is a risk of miscarriage may be discharge or bleeding (strong and long), accompanied by cramps and pain in the abdomen and lower back. Or very profuse discharge without blood, as well as blood clots. In case of such symptoms, an ambulance should be called immediately. In this situation, every second is precious to save the baby's life.

In any case, it is better not to cheat yourself and not worry, since the risk of miscarriage is small, and every week it will decrease even more. Special exercises, work, lungs physical exercise and having sex should not cause miscarriage.

Frozen pregnancy

All pregnant women are very worried that something is wrong with the baby. The chance of miscarriage exists up to 28 weeks. And this is not always a miscarriage, a frozen pregnancy can still happen. 16 weeks of pregnancy is also at risk. Almost everyone believes that only the first trimester is the most dangerous period of the entire pregnancy. Unfortunately, this is not so. In the second trimester, there is also a chance of losing a child. From the first day after you find out that you are pregnant, you need to carefully monitor your well-being and, in case of any suspicion, immediately consult a doctor. In addition to the fact that the loss of a child will be a tragedy, there is a danger to the life of the woman herself. After all, a frozen fetus during a long stay in the womb causes severe intoxication of the mother's body, and if no measures are taken, lethal outcome cannot be avoided. The fruit must be removed as soon as possible. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your well-being, but it is also necessary to know by what signs it can be assumed that your fetus is frozen. This applies not only to 16 weeks, but to the entire second trimester.

Signs of a frozen pregnancy

  • The first sign is weakness. Not just fatigue, but a light-headed state, when the head is spinning, dark spots flicker in the eyes, chills for no reason. In this case, you need to immediately consult a doctor and do not close your eyes to such signs, explaining them by the fact that you are simply tired.
  • Second dangerous sign there are pulling and aching pains in the lower abdomen, and in the lumbar region. If, when changing the position of the body, these painful sensations long time do not pass, an urgent need to see a doctor.
  • If you have a fever without any reason, this is also a reason for immediate treatment to the doctor. Temperature may indicate that inflammatory process, which is associated with fetal freezing. This symptom cannot be ignored, since there is also a threat to life. Normally, the temperature should not rise!
  • At 16 weeks, you could already feel the fetal movement. But there is no need to panic if you do not feel anything up to this moment. So, if the movements were, but after a while they stopped, and you do not feel anything for 10 hours, consult a doctor. But at this time, the movements may be insignificant, and you may simply not recognize them. In this case, the doctor will listen to the heartbeat, and everything will become clear.
  • At the appointment, the doctor will listen to a tiny heart through a special tube, measure the stomach, watch the uterus rise. With a frozen pregnancy, these indicators do not increase. An ultrasound scan can also establish the absence of a heartbeat, so if you have any suspicions crept in, but your gynecologist is not, go through an ultrasound scan. There they will definitely tell you what is with the child, is there a frozen pregnancy, or the alarm was false.
  • Discharge is a reason to see a doctor. If you have spotting at this time, you should definitely call an ambulance, and not go to the clinic. Blood can indicate both a threat of miscarriage and a miscarriage or a frozen pregnancy. In no case should you delay with this, no matter what time of day you find blood in you.

There can be several reasons for the fading of pregnancy. Basically, this is a hereditary predisposition of a woman who has a genetic failure, which does not allow her to bear and give birth to a child. Diseases of the circulatory system can also provoke fetal freezing, as the blood supply to the fetus and uterus is disrupted.

Another reason is infectious diseases. The most dangerous during this period are cytomegalovirus and rubella. In general, it is undesirable to get sick during pregnancy, so you need to visit less places large congestion people and, of course, not to contact sick people. It is believed that hormonal disbalance can greatly affect the development and course of pregnancy, and if the body does not have enough progesterone, then the fetus cannot stay in the uterus, and the uterus cannot grow. Experts say that if the patient has already had a frozen pregnancy more than three times, it is imperative to consult a geneticist.

Remember the signs that indicate that the pregnancy could freeze, but in no case should you wait for them. You definitely need to be in a good mood, rejoice, walk and enjoy your interesting position. And all will be well!