Ecological scenario in kindergarten ecology. Ecological holiday in kindergarten. Senior group. Ecological holidays, scenarios, quizzes. Nature, planet earth

One of the types of cultural and leisure activities in kindergarten are ecological holidays. Ecological holidays are one of the fascinating forms of ecological education for preschoolers.

The main purpose of holding ecological holidays in preschool will create a positive emotional mood, festive atmosphere, introducing children to holiday culture.

Their importance is also great in harmonious development child. Ecological holidays in a form accessible to children help in solving serious educational and educational tasks: they help to master knowledge about living and non-living nature, and also contribute to the development of the emotional sphere of preschoolers and the accumulation of environmental experience in children. Children develop respect to nature and the ability to empathize and kindness. The child learns to act in a team, he develops communication skills, that is, the ability to contact and cooperate with each other, to solve problem situations.

Ecological holidays in kindergarten: children's participation

When preparing for an ecological holiday, it is important to take into account the capabilities of children and their skills and abilities:

  • So, for example, in junior groups children are taught to take part in the holidays as much as possible - some children will be able to recite poetry well, others to dance.
  • In the middle group, preschoolers are encouraged to take part in the holidays.
  • Older children are encouraged to participate in the preparation festive event, for example, the decoration of a group or a hall.
  • In the preparatory group, children are able to take an active, varied part in the preparation and conduct of the holiday.

Ecological holidays in kindergarten: decoration

According to the theme ecological holiday a music hall or other room is also being made out.

Should contribute to the creation festive mood and the development of artistic and aesthetic taste in children.

Older children can be involved in the manufacture of decoration and attributes. An exhibition can be organized in the hall. For example exhibitions

  • drawings "Protect the forest from fire",
  • handicrafts from vegetables and fruits "What did autumn bring us?"
  • bird's town feeder,
  • wreaths " Beautiful wreath for Mom".

All exhibits are prepared in advance by the children together with their parents.

Ecological holidays in kindergarten: scenario

Ecological holidays involve the use of material familiar to children in the script:

  • poems by different authors performed by children or adults about nature;
  • songs performed by children or adults on the theme of the holiday;
  • dances performed by children, for example, "Funny Butterflies", "Dance with Umbrellas" and others;
  • small in duration puppet shows and scenes, for example, "How the Bunny Has Not Become Anyone" and others.

In an ecological holiday, as in any other, a lot of time is devoted to games. It will be ecological games... Depending on the age of the children, you can use subject, verbal and outdoor games relevant topics.

Younger and middle-aged it will be simple object games... For example, you can play a Guess the Taste game in which children are asked to taste familiar vegetables and fruits. In the team game "Collect a Flower" children collect flowers from petals - chamomile and marigolds. Flowers have the same number of petals, the team that completes the task faster wins.

With older children on autumn holiday you can play the game "Put the edible fungus in the box", in which the children collect only edible mushrooms in the basket. At the holiday dedicated to the arrival of spring, it will be interesting team play"Melt the piece of ice." The piece of ice is passed from hand to hand. The team that melts the ice faster wins.

Children of the second younger group they are already happy to play such a word game as "Flies - does not fly". In the game "Big and small" children learn to form diminutive words, for example, Big apple- a small apple. With age, kindergarten games become more difficult. In the game “Jumps, Floats, Flies,” children are invited to show the action of the named object (a grasshopper is jumping, an ice floe is floating, a butterfly is flying). Such games can be used on a holiday like Organizing time, since all children take part in such games at once.

Loved very much children of all age groups outdoor games. In the younger groups, these are games with imitative movements. Children are very fond of the games "The Sun and the Rain", "Shaggy Dog", "Sparrows and the Car".

In older age these will be games with rules. Children love: "Sly Fox", "Mousetrap", "Geese-Geese", "Fox and Chickens".

Ecological holidays in kindergarten: how to organize

Ecological holidays in younger groups organized by the staff of the kindergarten. In this case, the children will only be spectators. The best option is to show puppet theater, theater on the screen. Kids react very emotionally to such a show. At the same time, as practice shows, children of the younger group do not really perceive the dressing up of adults and older children in fairy-tale and other characters.

Ecological holidays from the middle group carried out with the participation of both adults and children.

The older the children, the more Active participation in the holiday they take. In these holidays, you can use characters familiar to children, both in the performance of adults and in the performance of preschoolers. A big role belongs to music director, since he is responsible for the selection of the musical repertoire.

The theme of the holidays largely depends on the age of the children.

Ecological holidays in the younger group held on topics that are most understandable for kids, for example, the autumn holiday "Gather the harvest", the spring holiday "Visiting Spring". In children, starting from the middle group, the horizons expand, knowledge deepens. Therefore, ecological holidays cover different topics. For example, summer holiday"Big Water" with poems, songs about water and rain, games, dances marine life, contests with water, the release of the sea king Neptune.

You can organize an ecological holiday "Flower Dreams" about garden flowers with appropriate poems, songs, dances, competitions "Weave a wreath" or " Summer bouquet».

As an option, the holiday "Journey to the Old Man-Lesovichku", in which children travel around the "forest country" and complete tasks: guess riddles on a specific topic, add puzzles, draw a picture, etc.

Ecological holidays, like any others, it would be good to end with the presentation of symbolic gifts, which the children will be very happy with. On an autumn holiday, it can be fruit, kitchen workers can bake cookies in the form of spikelets or mushrooms. In the spring, for the "Seeing Off Winter" holiday, children are treated to pancakes. You can give each child a sticker with the image of animals, birds, flowers and more.

Thanks to the conduct of such events in a preschool institution, the foundations are laid in children ecological culture.

Municipal budgetary educational institution
"Education Center number 18 named after Hero Soviet Union Evgeny Fedorovich Volkov "

Methodology for organizing and conducting environmental holidays and leisure activities in kindergarten.

Prepared by the teacher:

Kochetova Olga Sergeevna

Tula 2017



2. Ecological holidays



Photo report


The organization and holding of ecological holidays is one of the most interesting forms of ecological education of preschoolers, as it is able to evoke a positive emotional response from participants and spectators to their natural content.

In my opinion, the most complete concept is the definition proposed by Deryabo S.D., Yasvin V.A: “An ecological holiday is a form of environmental education, which is a combination of environmental activities dedicated to a specific date. "

This issue was dealt with by such researchers as Deryabo S.D., Yasvin V.A., Zatsepina M.B., Molodova L.P., Nikolaeva S.N., Ryzhova N.A. and etc.

Ecological holidays provide great educational opportunities and have a positive effect on emotional development preschoolers. The emotions that the child received from the holiday also contribute to social and moral development. With the help of stage images, children tell about the rules of behavior in nature not only to their peers, but also to adults, which is very important for improving general level ecological culture of people. Ecological holidays deepen the assimilation of ecological knowledge, knowledge about nature, its cause-and-effect relationships, which contributes to the emergence of emotional assessment. Holidays influence the accumulation and actualization of the ecological experience of both children and adults.

The pedagogical meaning of ecological holidays is to evoke in children a positive emotional response to their natural content. Emotions give rise to an attitude, affect the personality of a preschooler as a whole, therefore it is recommended to hold the holidays regularly, ending the season or any meaningful block with them.

Methodology for organizing and conducting environmental holidays and leisure activities in kindergarten:

1 . General requirements for the organization of holidays in kindergarten.

Holidays should be bright, interesting, filled with a variety of activities, focused both on entertainment and the development of children.

Good organized holidays have a beneficial effect on development mental processes: memory, attention; create an excellent atmosphere for the development of the child's speech, to consolidate the knowledge gained in various occupations; contribute to his moral education.

Preparing and holding a holiday in a kindergarten is a difficult and very responsible job.

Stages of work on organizing holidays:

Stage 1 - preliminary planning.

Stage 2 - work on the script.

Stage 3 - preliminary acquaintance of children with the holiday.

Stage 4 - rehearsals.

Stage 5 - holding a holiday.

Stage 6 - summing up.

Stage 7 - the aftereffect of the holiday.

One of the most important requirements for organizing holidays is holding them in different seasons of the year. With this in mind, they can take place in a variety of natural conditions terrain. An ecological holiday can be organized not only in a preschool institution, but also on a site, in a park, in natural conditions natural surroundings - in a forest, in a meadow, on the shore of a lake, sea, river. The theme, structure, specifics, largely depend on the specific venue of the holiday. preparatory work and decoration. When drawing up the holiday program, determining the theme, selecting the content and its design, it is advisable to take into account the specifics of climatogeographic, economic, social conditions, features of national traditions of the population of the republic, territory, region, district.

Effective implementation the holiday is promoted by:

Uniting all of it component parts around main goal

Selection artistic material

The choice of emotionally expressive means

Selection of performers

Collective summing up and evaluation of the work done.

When organizing a children's holiday, firstly, you need to consider it as an important independent form of cultural and leisure activities. Secondly, do not forget that it can be characterized as an integral structure, all the components of which are in close relationship and interaction. Thirdly, it must be remembered that this form has its own characteristic features (certain time frames, localized characteristic sites, a festive atmosphere and emotional attitude, children's audience).

In holding an ecological holiday, you need to choose the right scenario.

A script for a children's holiday is a detailed literary-textual and organizational development of the content and course of the theatrical action. It consistently, interconnected sets out everything that will happen.

The theme is revealed in the script, the author's transitions from one part of the action to another are shown, used works of art or excerpts from them are introduced. Techniques for activating the participants of the holiday, describing the decoration and special equipment are also included in the script. Thus, the scenario of the event is a consistently developed pedagogical program for organizing festive activities.

Work on the script includes 2 stages:

1st stage- determination of the ideological and thematic concept of the holiday - a clear formulation of topics and ideas that are closely related, but different from each other. Theme - circle life events, the phenomena that will be reflected in the script. An idea is the main idea, an assessment of the events depicted, or something for which the author wants to tell the children about something. The idea of ​​our holidays is to arouse interest in a given topic... The theme of the holiday is set in the script, as a rule, from the very beginning. The idea, as the general main conclusion, is brought up in the process of theatrical action.

In the scenario of a children's holiday, there must be a plot, that is, the development of events, the identification of characters in action, the main conflict. Searching for the bright interesting material to organize the plot - an integral part of the work on the script. To build it, a special scenario is needed - a kind of arrangement of the material that permeates the entire content and is, as it were, a cementing principle.

2nd stage- composition construction - the implementation of the plot and conflict in the developing concrete stage action. Composition - the organization of the action, the appropriate arrangement of the material - includes:

Exposure ( short story about the events preceding the occurrence of the conflict, which caused this conflict; presenter's introduction, information about a specific event);

The set (the exposition grows into it; the set should be extremely clear and concise, concentrate the attention of children, prepare them for the perception of the action, tune in a certain way);

The development of an action, or the main action, that is, the image of events in which the conflict is resolved;

The climax ( highest point development of action; at the moment of culmination, the idea of ​​a holiday is expressed most concentratedly);

The denouement or finale is the most convenient moment for the maximum manifestation of activity by all participants in the children's party (it is advisable to include massive musical numbers, general round dances and dances).

Scenario requirements:

Strict consistency in the construction and development of the theme;

Completeness of each episode;

Organic connection of episodes;

The escalation of action in its movement towards the culmination.

Huge role belongs to the host. It is he who must be able to improvise, look for elements of surprise and effectiveness of festive communication. .

Since the children's holiday is one of the most effective forms pedagogical influence on children, then organizing it, you need to carefully work on the means of emotional influence.

At the second stage, the immediate preparation for the holiday begins. Educators looking at programs for this age group are selected speech material for the children of their group, taking into account their individual characteristics, ability and knowledge. The musical director selects dances, and the selection is carried out taking into account the capabilities of each individual child and the group of children as a whole. The music director together with the teacher chooses songs that the children can perform.

On this stage preparation, a script of the holiday is created, which includes the already selected speech and musical material. Moreover, the first holiday in the school year (usually an autumn holiday) is based on a very simple material. The holiday includes as many shows and games as possible, the leading role in which is played by the teaching staff, and the musical speech activity children is built on the skills and abilities acquired this year. On subsequent holidays, spectacles and games are gradually replaced by children's performances and teachers are left with only the role of the leader.

Thus, a holiday in kindergarten is used to consolidate the material studied, to summarize.

Preliminary acquaintance of children with the holiday

When the script is ready, the educators conduct classes in their groups, in which the children are told about the upcoming holiday, it is explained what kind of holiday it is and what it is dedicated to. If this holiday was already celebrated last year, then everyone remembers what happened there. The teacher finds out what the children have memorized and, if necessary, fills in the gaps in the children's memory.

After the children have understood what kind of holiday it is, they are told who will be present at it (parents, educators, children from other groups, etc.) and what the children themselves will do. At this stage, children must understand their tasks, realize their role in the process of preparing and holding the holiday, so that in the course of learning poetry, staging songs and dances, preparing the hall, they see and understand why they are doing it. It is necessary to set a goal for the child, towards which he will move with the help of teachers.


After determining the goals and objectives, the direct work begins on learning poems, songs, staging dances, decorating the hall, making accessories for costumes. At this stage, work is also underway on the script, where changes and adjustments that have appeared during the work are being made. Thus, the final version of the script appears just before the start of the holiday.


When the long-awaited day comes, when the transformed and decorated hall is full of spectators and the children with bated breath wait for the action to begin ... the holiday begins ... passes ... and ends, but the work on the holiday does not end.


As we have already noted, children's, and indeed adult memory keeps bright, joyful, vivid impressions, with which the holiday is rich. And the task of teachers at this stage is to “tie” to these memories those skills, abilities and knowledge that the children received during the holiday and in the process of preparing it. For this, conversations are held in which children remember what they liked, with the help of a teacher, the most important and most important thing in the holiday is highlighted, incomprehensible moments are explained.

The aftereffect of the holiday

At this stage, the most meaningful and colorful impressions associated with the theme of the holiday are fixed, they are captured in drawings and modeling.

On music lessons children repeat their favorite dances and actions of individual characters. Some performances are repeated several times, changing performers.

All this helps to deeply feel the content of the holiday, to keep good memories of it and, which is very important for preschoolers, to make the most of this situation for education and upbringing.

2. Ecological holidays

One of the types of cultural and leisure activities in kindergarten are ecological holidays. Ecological holidays are one of the fascinating forms of ecological education for preschoolers.

The main purpose of holding ecological holidays in a preschool institution will be to create a positive emotional mood, a festive atmosphere, and familiarize children with festive culture.

Their importance is also great in the harmonious development of the child. Ecological holidays in a form accessible to children help in solving serious educational and educational tasks: they help to master knowledge about living and non-living nature, and also contribute to the development of the emotional sphere of preschoolers and the accumulation of environmental experience in children. Children develop a respect for nature and the ability to sympathy and kindness. The child learns to act in a team, he develops communication skills, that is, the ability to contact and cooperate with each other, to solve problem situations.

Organization of ecological holidays in kindergarten

Ecological holidays at an early age and younger groups organized by the staff of the kindergarten. In this case, the children will only be spectators. The best option is to show a puppet theater, theater on a screen. Kids react very emotionally to such a show. At the same time, as practice shows, children of the younger group do not really perceive the dressing up of adults and older children in fairy-tale and other characters. But in the second half of the year, children can already participate, play simple games and perform roles. But for the heroes, children of the older groups should be involved, not adults. The emotional responsiveness of children will be greater.

Ecological holidays from the middle group carried out with the participation of both adults and children.

The older the children are, the more actively they take part in the holiday. In these holidays, you can use characters familiar to children, both in the performance of adults and in the performance of preschoolers. The music director plays an important role, as he is responsible for the selection of the musical repertoire.

The theme of the holidays largely depends on the age of the children.

Ecological holidays at an early age and younger group held on topics that are most understandable for kids, for example, the autumn holiday "Gather the harvest", the spring holiday "Visiting Spring". In children, starting from the middle group, the horizons expand, knowledge deepens. Therefore, ecological holidays cover different topics. For example, the summer holiday "Big Water" with poems, songs about water and rain, games, dances of sea inhabitants, competitions with water, the release of the sea king Neptune.

You can organize an ecological holiday "Flower Dreams" about garden flowers with appropriate poems, songs, dances, competitions "Weave a wreath" or "Summer bouquet".

As an option, the holiday "Journey to the Old Man-Lesovichku", in which children travel around the "forest country" and complete tasks: guess riddles on a specific topic, add puzzles, draw a picture, etc.

Ecological holidays, like any others, it would be good to end with the presentation of symbolic gifts, which the children will be very happy with. On an autumn holiday, it can be fruit, kitchen workers can bake cookies in the form of spikelets or mushrooms. In the spring, for the "Seeing Off Winter" holiday, children are treated to pancakes. You can give each child a sticker with the image of animals, birds, flowers and more.

Thanks to the holding of such events in a preschool institution, the foundations of an ecological culture are laid in children.

Participation of children

When preparing for an ecological holiday, it is important to take into account the capabilities of children and their skills and abilities:

    So, for example, in the younger groups, children are taught to take part in the holidays as much as possible - some children will be able to recite poetry well, others to dance.

    In the middle group, preschoolers are encouraged to take part in the holidays.

    Children of the older group are invited to participate in the preparation of a festive event, for example, decorating a group or a hall.

    In the preparatory group, children are able to take an active, varied part in the preparation and conduct of the holiday.


In accordance with the theme of the ecological holiday, a music hall or other room is also decorated.

Kindergarten decoration should contribute to the creation of a festive mood and the development of artistic and aesthetic taste in children.

Older children can be involved in the manufacture of decoration and attributes. An exhibition can be organized in the hall. For example exhibitions

    drawings "Protect the forest from fire",

    handicrafts from vegetables and fruits "What did autumn bring us?"

    bird's town feeder,

    wreaths "Beautiful wreath for mom".

All exhibits are prepared in advance by the children together with their parents.


Ecological holidays involve the use of material familiar to children in the script:

    songs performed by children or adults on the theme of the holiday;

    dances performed by children, for example, "Funny Butterflies", "Dance with Umbrellas" and others;

    short puppet shows and scenes, for example, "How the Bunny Has Not Become Anyone" and others.

In an ecological holiday, as in any other, a lot of time is devoted to games. These will be ecological games. Depending on the age of the children, you can use subject, verbal and outdoor games of the corresponding topic.

In early and junior these will be simple object games. For example, you can play a Guess the Taste game in which children are asked to taste familiar vegetables and fruits. In the team game "Collect a Flower" children collect flowers from petals - chamomile and marigolds. Flowers have the same number of petals, the team that completes the task faster wins.

With middle-aged and older children at the autumn festival, you can play the game "Put the edible fungus in a box", in which children collect only edible mushrooms in a basket. At the holiday dedicated to the arrival of spring, the team game "Melt the Ice" will be interesting. The piece of ice is passed from hand to hand. The team that melts the ice faster wins.

Children of the preparatory group they are already happy to play such a word game as "Flies - does not fly". In the game "Big and small" children learn to form diminutive words, for example, a big apple - a small apple. With age, kindergarten games become more difficult. In the game “Jumps, Floats, Flies,” children are invited to show the action of the named object (a grasshopper is jumping, an ice floe is floating, a butterfly is flying). Such games can be used at the holiday as an organizational moment, since all children take part in such games at once.

Loved very much children of all age groups outdoor games. At an early age and younger groups, these are games with imitative movements. Children are very fond of the games "The Sun and the Rain", "Shaggy Dog", "Sparrows and the Car".

In older age these will be games with rules. Children love: "Sly Fox", "Mousetrap", "Geese-Geese", "Fox and Chickens".

Forms of organization of work on environmental education in kindergarten.

Building educational process should be based on age-appropriate forms of work with children. The central psychodidactic technology of the standard is the developmental interaction of the child with adults and with peers, and not just one-sided influence on the child. The developed standard does not allow the transfer of the educational and disciplinary model of education to the life of a child. preschool age.

It is possible to combine the cognitive and instructive aspects of ecological education in work through holidays and entertainment of ecological content. The organization and holding of ecological holidays is one of the most interesting forms of ecological education of preschoolers, as they are able to evoke a positive emotional response from participants and spectators to their natural content. Holidays and entertainment are one of the effective means of forming a system of knowledge of a preschool child about nature and fostering a conscious attitude towards it. A holiday in kindergarten is an important part of a child's life, it is the joy of communication, the joy of creativity and the joy of self-expression, the joy of liberation and mutual enrichment, which contributes to solving many problems of environmental education. Therefore, holidays and leisure activities should be held regularly, completing the season or any meaningful block. The scenarios of these events use the material that children are familiar with. Massiveness, emotional uplifting, colorfulness, the combination of folklore with modern events, inherent in a festive situation, contribute to a more complete understanding of the moral attitude of children to nature, to a favorable environment, to health. On such holidays, it is not so much the reproduction of familiar pieces of music, poems, games, riddles on the theme of nature that is important, but the involvement of children in the experience of events in awareness environmental issues understandable for children. A child's living of events, different situations, the accumulation of experience in solving environmental problems in accordance with the assumed role is the basis for the subsequent choice the right ways behavior in similar or similar situations.

Themes and content of ecological holidays and leisure activities for preschool children.

The theme is understood as life material, selected, generalized and meaningful from an ideological point of view, a characteristic feature of life, taken for the image.

At the heart of every holiday, entertainment of ecological content, there is a certain idea that must be conveyed to every child - to instill in children a love for nature, respect for the environment.

When determining the theme and content of holidays and leisure, one should also take into account the season of the year, state holiday dates, climatic conditions and national traditions local population. The holiday can be different kind: - ecological-sports, dedicated to the seasons, theatrical, play, etc. The definition of its subject matter and the selection of content must be approached creatively.

Ecological holidays can be dedicated to the seasons, harvest (in autumn), snow and ice sculpture (in winter), spring rebirth of nature ("vesnyanka"). In summer, there are holidays dedicated to water and sun, flowers, and health-improving holidays. At a level accessible to children, the problems of river pollution, the danger of urban waste, pollution of water, air, soil, problems of the ecology of animals and plants, etc. are considered. This allows you to educate the child's civic responsibility for what is happening nearby, in his immediate environment.

Examples of holidays and entertainment held in kindergarten can be: Earth Day (April 22), Bird Day (March 18), ecological KVN "Good winter - winter", holiday "Golden Autumn", " Spring holiday birds "," Animal world of our Motherland "," Vitamin show "," Holiday of the Russian birch ", sports and ecological leisure" Riddles of the autumn forest ", competition" Ecological fairy tales ", KVN" Seasons ", ecological quiz"The flora and fauna of central Russia", "Connoisseurs of nature." , continue to teach to interact in a team through playing together children and parents. Ecological holiday "Sinichkin Day" (November 12 ) Purpose: Formation of the value concept of wintering birds among pupils native land... Objectives: to expand children's ideas about All-Russian holidays, to involve children in creative and practical activities for the protection and protection of wintering birds.

Ecological holidays can be original and difficult to categorize. For example, "Scenario of the holiday of magic porridge", "Day of the onion tear", "How magic sounds of music healed the heart of nature", ecological leisure "The jungle is calling, friends live there", ecological theater "We are your children, Earth", musical performance " How the Little Mermaid saved the sea " ecological entertainment“How the animals treated Ant”, “How to walk in the forest”, “Water is a miracle of nature”, “Ambulance”, “Adults and children, we are for nature”, “Spring fashion studio”, “Delicious milk "," Trinity - the birthday of the earth, water and forest. "

One of the most significant is holiday dedicated to Earth Day. He creates the scale of the vision of the planet, its significance for people, awakens love for his Motherland and nature as an important part of it. The scenarios of the holidays may be different, but in any case there should be poems and songs glorifying the forest, field, river, native spaces, as well as national and folklore dances. An important point of the holiday is a joint (children, teachers and parents) performance of solemn songs, which symbolizes the love of all people for the Earth.

The week of preparation for it is important in this holiday: every day the children expand their understanding of the House in which they live. The very first concept of a house is a room where the life of children passes (a group room and an apartment), it should be clean, comfortable, beautiful and warm, with good lighting and fresh air... It is convenient to do your favorite things in it. The children, together with the teacher, inspect the group premises, put things in order, discuss what can be changed to make it even better - in nice house children and adults feel good, do not get sick. The next day, the children inspect the site, remove the garbage, plan the planting of flowers: the courtyard near the entrance of the house and the site of the kindergarten is also their house, they walk, play in it. free time, it should be nice too. In the following days, the teacher talks with the children about the fact that every person's home is a street, native village or city, forest, park, in which he often walks. You need to love your home, to be a kind, caring owner in it. For Earth Day, educators with preschoolers can grow flower seedlings to plant not only on the territory of the institution, but also near the entrances of the houses in which the children live, in the courtyards. The general motto is “Let's decorate the Earth with flowers, so that it is smart and beautiful, so that it will delight all people”. It is not enough to clean the lawns - you need them to be full of flowers.

Thus, all events related to Earth Day are brought up in children on ecological basis a sense of patriotism, expand the concept of love for nature, for the planet. This is the culmination of the entire methodological system of environmental education of preschoolers.

The word as a means of information carries additional information on the holiday. Sounding in poems, proverbs, riddles, sayings, carols, etc., it inspires the participants. It is important to convey to children the beauty, the capacity of the artistic word, to consolidate in their minds that it has always had a lively circulation among the people, it was used by them for certain purposes.

Interesting holidays dedicated to writers and poets, the works of which children know well. For example, in the preparatory group, you can organize a holiday dedicated to A.S. Pushkin. Reading excerpts from works devoted to nature can be combined with theatrical performances of the poet's fairy tales (or their individual fragments). The script can include the poems "Winter Evening", "Autumn", excerpts from "Eugene Onegin": "Driven by the spring rays", "The sky was already breathing in autumn ...", "Winter! Triumphant peasant ... "," Here is the north, catching up with clouds ... "," Autumn weather that year ... ", as well as from the poem" Gypsies "" For the spring, the beauty of nature ... "and other works. Poetic holidays can be seasonal in nature: for example, the script "Winter-Winter" includes poems by different poets (A.S. Pushkin, N.A. Nekrasov, S.A. Yesenin) - children learn that the beauty of winter causes many strong feelings.

In the older group, holidays can be based on the works of S.Ya. Marshak, A.L. Barto, K.I. Chukovsky, who have many poems about animals, written with love for them. Quizzes and crosswords are now widely used in the practice of environmental education. These ways of working are used in older preschool age and are aimed at intellectual development children, since they require reproduction, actualization of ideas about the facts of nature, patterns known to children. At the same time, the joy of a correctly solved problem, the satisfaction experienced by the child, strengthens interest in nature, awakens curiosity, and, therefore, these methods of work are also useful to use.

More often than holidays are held leisure on the most different topics- they are organized by an educator on a variety of topics. Leisure, one of the types of cultural activities, has a compensatory character, reimbursing the costs of everyday life and monotony of the environment. Leisure should always be a colorful moment in the life of children, enriching impressions and developing creative activity. Such events are usually held in the afternoon. In this case, the educator must take into account the season. Once a week, it is advisable to carry out ecological leisure: little surprises, jokes, nursery rhymes, riddles and improvised scenes on literary works.

It is the activity in his free time that brings up the child, promotes the development of memory, forms spiritual world, morality. Children learn correct attitude to each other and the nature around them. They develop an aesthetic sense for beauty, the ability to value natural resources, as well as the ability to use them.

This year in our preschool educational institution the spring holiday has passed, for children early age, « We are friends of nature. " The purpose of which was to evoke an emotional response, to enrich children's ideas that trees, shrubs, grass, flowers, insects, birds, ants, butterflies, animals live in the forest; show the simplest connections between flora and fauna; bring to the conclusion that everything in the forest is interconnected and the forest must be protected. To cultivate respect for plants and animals. Learn coherently, talk about the rules of conduct in the forest.

It took place in two stages. The first and main part took place in music hall, and the second final in a clearing of dandelions.


For the development of a child's thinking and speech, a rich sensory experience is needed, which he receives from the perception of various objects, the natural world, and social life. Environmental education is a new category that is directly related to the science of ecology, its various branches. Each acquaintance with nature is a lesson in the development of a child's mind, creativity, feeling.

The purpose of the ecological education of preschoolers is to educate the foundations of the ecological culture of the individual. The initial elements of ecological culture are formed on the basis of the interaction of children under the guidance of adults with the object-natural world that surrounds them; plants, animals, their habitat, objects made by people from materials of natural origin. Of course, the correct treatment of a child with an animal does not in itself solve all the problems of upbringing. In order for the development of the child's thinking to reach a possible higher level when acquainting with nature, it is necessary to provide a purposeful guidance from the educator in this process.

Environmental education of preschool children involves:

o education of a humane attitude towards nature ( moral education)

o formation of a system of environmental knowledge and ideas (intellectual development)

o development aesthetic feelings(the ability to see and feel the beauty of nature, admire it, desire to preserve it)

o participation of children in activities that are feasible for them to care for plants and animals, to preserve and protect nature.

The ecological upbringing of children should be considered, first of all, as a moral upbringing, since humane feelings should lie at the basis of a person's attitude to the world of nature around him, i.e. awareness of the value of any manifestation of life, the desire to protect and preserve nature, etc.

The criteria for the formation of a conscious and active humane attitude towards nature are as follows:

o understanding the need for a careful and caring attitude to nature, based on its moral, aesthetic and practical significance for humans;

o mastering the norms of behavior in the natural environment and observing them in practice and in everyday life;

o manifestation of an active attitude towards objects of nature (effective care, the ability to evaluate the actions of other people in relation to nature).

Forming a humane attitude towards nature, it is necessary to proceed from the following: the main thing is that the child understands that man and nature are interconnected, therefore, caring for nature is caring for a person, his future, and what harms nature harms a person, therefore, actions , as a result of which the House common to all of us is destroyed, are immoral.

How to form a humane attitude towards nature in children? This is where ecological holidays come to our aid. They play an important role in the life of children, contributes to further development feelings of compassion and empathy.

The task of educators and parents is to bring children to the understanding that we are all together, and each of us individually is responsible for the Earth, and everyone can preserve and increase its beauty.


Ecological holiday “We are friends of nature”.

The second group of early age (2-3 years)

Target: Enrich children's ideas that trees, shrubs, grass, flowers, insects, birds, ants, butterflies, animals live in the forest. Tasks: 1. To update the simplest connections between flora and fauna; 2. To conclude that everything in the forest is interconnected and the forest must be protected. 3. To cultivate respect for plants and animals.

Heroes: ant, butterflies, insects, birds, Egorka, doll - Doctor Aibolit.

Materials: glade - birch tree, flowers. A tape recorder and a cassette with birds singing. 2 baskets and balls, birds - cut out of paper, a cage with a bird. In the background is a picture of a meadow.

Educator: Here we again came to our clearing. What we always did when we came here (answer). Let's say our words: Hello forest, bright forest full of fairy tales and miracles!

Educator: We often went here in winter, when our birch and land were covered with snow, and now we came here in spring when all nature wakes up from sleep. Look how green it has become! Now go to the birch tree, stroke it and say: "Tree, I love you very much, you survived the cold winter, now you will be fine, I am happy for you!"

Educator: What did you guys feel? Now listen to the proverbs and sayings about the forest.

    The forest is wealth and beauty, take care of your forests!

    Do not destroy a lot of forest, take care of a little forest; if there is no forest, plant it.

    The enemy of nature is the one who does not protect the forest.

Educator: And now I will ask you riddles:

“The house is open from all sides, it is covered with a carved roof,

Come into the green house, you see miracles in it! " (Forest)

There are a lot of needles, but not a single thread. (hedgehog)

Educator: Well done. Do you guys know that all animals, trees, plants, flowers, birds need protection. They want you not to offend them, not to pull their tails, not to shoot at them with slingshots, but to feed them and then you will have faithful ones, devoted friends... Needs protection and ladybug, and butterfly, look how big you are, and they are small. Look who is crying.

The ant is crying .

Educator: What happened, ant?

Ant: We were offended by an evil boy! He crushed our paws, ruined the anthill. (a crying butterfly appears).

Educator: Butterfly beauty, what happened to you? Tell me, what grief happened to you?

Butterfly: The evil boy caught me, he broke my wing. I can’t fly now, how can I not grieve?

Dance of butterflies

Educator: Do not grieve, friends, you cannot grieve now. We need to call the doctor. Heal you, heal you kind doctor Aybolit! Fly, starling, call the doctor.

Starling: I'm flying! I'm flying!

Educator: While the Starling flew after the doctor, let's help the ants build the house that the boy ruined.

Children make an anthill.

Game "Help build an anthill"(whose team is faster)

Educator: Well done, guys, you are kind, dexterous. What's the name of the angry boy?

Ant: Egor, he is lying in a clearing in the forest under a bush.

(children go to the place where the child lies, garbage near him)

Educator: Come here, Yegor. The conversation will be serious. You have done a lot of troubles, you have ruined an anthill, broke bushes in the forest, tore flowers in a clearing, broke a butterfly's wing, caught a bird in a cage, and you are no longer small. We will not let you into the forest, leave these places.

Ant, butterflies: Get out of these places. Get out of the woods!

Egor: Oh, forgive me, forgive! I will not ruin nature!

Educator: Guys, we need to teach Yegor the rules of behavior in the forest!

- "Don't ruin anthills"

Ants are not in a hurry, not lazy, not silly,

One after another, grains and crumbs are dragged along the path.

An ant cannot be lazy, an ant lives by work,

He drags both the bug and the caterpillar into his underground house.

As you will see that he is in a hurry oh his way,

Don't hurt him, don't touch him.

- "Don't pick flowers" - Viktorov's poem "Flower".

I picked a flower in the meadow on the run,

I ripped it off - but why I can't explain.

He stood in a glass for a day and wilted,

How long would he stand in the meadow?

Egor cleans up the trash after himself.

Egor: Thank you for telling me how to behave in the forest!

(the doctor appears)

Doctor: Did you call me? Who is sick with you? (heals ants and butterflies)

Educator: And what healing herbs do you know how they are applied?

(chamomile, celandine, plantain, nettle, St. John's wort), the teacher complements the knowledge of children. What medicinal berry do you know? (raspberries) for colds.

Game "Let's collect cones for Bear"

Educator: Let’s listen to the birds singing. Do you think caged birds do well? (answer)

Birdsong (audio recording)

Educator: Well, so we talked about our nature, I think now you understand how and why you need to protect nature. And in conclusion, I want you never to act like Yegorka. Protect the environment.

The second part of the matinee took place in a clearing with dandelions, where the children released the birds from the cage.

Educator: Children, we came with you to a meadow of dandelions. Look how beautiful it is here. But Egorka still has birds in the cage. What do you think you need to take off?

Children: To release it into the wild.

Educator: Let's do it with you now.

(The cage opens and symbolically the children release paper birds)

Educator: What good fellows you are. Yegorka, did you understand that you cannot ruin wildlife?

Egorka: I will now always take care of birds, animals, insects, plants .

Educator: Children, the ant has prepared some treats for us. Let's say thanks to him and go to the group.

(Children thank the ant in unison)

Photo report


    Guyvekko, G. Russian holidays in kindergarten / Christmas / [Text] / G. Guivenko // Preschool education. - 1995. - No. 10.

    Preschool pedagogy. / Edited by V.I. Yadeshko and F.A. Sokhina. - 2 ed., revised and enlarged - M .: Academy, 2000. - 416 p.

    Zatsepina, M.B. Organization of cultural and leisure activities for preschoolers. Study guide... [Text] / M.B. Zatsepin. - M .: Ped. society of Russia, 2004.

    Zatsepina, M.B. Cultural and leisure activities in kindergarten. [Text] / M.B. Zatsepin. - M .: Mosaika-Sintez, 2006.

    Zatsepina, M.B., Antonova, T.V. Holidays and fun in kindergarten. [Text] / M.B. Zatsepin. - M .: Mosaika-Sintez, 2006.

    Deryabo S.D., Yasvin V.A. Environmental pedagogy and psychology. - Rostov n / a: Ed. "Phoenix", 1996. - 480s.

    Zatsepina M.B. Organization of cultural and leisure activities for preschoolers. Study guide. - M .: Ped. Society of Russia, 2004. - 144p.

    L.P. Molodova Ecological holidays for children: Educational-methodical manual. - M .: TsGL, 2003 .-- 128p.

    Nikolaeva S.N. Theory and methodology of environmental education of children: Textbook for students. higher. ped. uch. manager. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002. - 336p.

    Ryzhova N.A. Environmental education in kindergarten. - M .: "Karapuz", 2001. - 432s

I present the author's scenario of the ecological holiday "Visiting Lesovushka" for senior preschool children. It is aimed at strengthening children's knowledge about the flora and fauna of their native nature, fostering love and respect for nature, consolidating the rules of behavior in the forest.

This scenario was submitted to the environmental competition international action“March of Parks”. The second place was awarded for the script and participation of the pupils in the ecological holiday.

Holiday progress

Music sounds, children enter the hall, they are met by Lesovushka in folk costume.

Lesovushka: Hello, children. I have been waiting for you for a long time, I invite you to visit me.

Children go into the hall and sit on chairs.

Lesovushka: Hello guys. I am Lesovushka.

Who I am - you won't immediately understand
You will find me in the forest on unknown paths.
My house in the wilderness of the forest, I listen to the forest in the spring.
The sun is pouring down on the trees and flowers.
I guard the dense forest, And my friends are with me:
Squirrels, hedgehogs, moles,
Be my friend and you!

Lumberjack: Guys, you probably know that the forest has many names. What else can you call a forest? What is the name of the Siberian forest? (Answers of children).

Lesovushka invites children into the hall to sing a song about the forest. Children scatter.

1 child.

Pine candles, birch light.
I shouted to the trees by the river:
- Hey!
And the forest smiled, playing with foliage,
And he laughed loudly with me!
I watched in love with pine candles
And listened to the green echo of spring!

Song about the forest.

2 child.

Hello forest, deep forest!
Full of fairy tales and wonders!
What are you making noise about with leaves
On a dark, thunderous night?
What do you whisper to us at dawn
Dew like silver?
Who lurks in your wilderness
What kind of animal, what kind of bird?
Open everything, do not hide
You know - we are ours!


When you enter the forest
Where everything is sweet to us since childhood,
Where clean air it's nice to breathe like that
There is healing power in herbs and flowers
For everyone who knows how to solve their secret.

Children sit on chairs.

Lumberjack: And now, guys, for you riddles... And they are all about our forest flowers.

1. There is a curly hair in the forest: a white shirt, a gold heart. What it is? (Chamomile)
2. He stands in clothes, like a fire on a leg. It will become a ball on a leg without clothes. Parachutists will fly from these fluffy balls. (Dandelion)
3. The head is on a leg, there are bells in the head. Hey, bells, blue, with a tongue, but there is no ringing! (Bells)
4. The first to come out of the piece of land on the thaw. He is not afraid of frost, albeit small. (Snowdrop)

Dance of flowers.

Lesovushka. And now, guys, I want to check if the trees of our forest know .. I suggest you play the game"Which branch are the kids from?".

Playing with the boys. Trees: aspen, birch, pine, spruce, mountain ash. The boys collect fruits and leaves to the music and lay them out to the trees. Explain which leaf or fruit, and what is the name - pine, spruce cone etc.

Lesovushka: Well done, guys. It turns out that you know everything about trees, too! But I also want to check if you know medicinal plants.

“The forest is like a fairy kingdom,
There are medicines growing all around
In every grass, in every branch -
And medicine and pills.
Well, what and how to treat
I can teach you.
All medicinal plants
I know without exception.
You just need not to be lazy
You just need to learn
Find plants in the forest,
What are suitable for treatment.

The task for you is this: you need to collect medicinal plants and name which diseases they help. (Chamomile, plantain, nettle, lingonberry, mother - stepmother).

The game "Green Pharmacy"

Lesovushka: But in the forest, not only plants and trees grow. Who is the forest home to? Look who is hiding in the forest and watching us?

Find a forest dweller

Lesovushka: Well done, guys. All the animals were found.

Noise outside the door.

Lesovushka: You do not hear, they are noisy in my forest. I'll go and take a look. (Goes out the door).

The bully enters.

Something neither animals nor birds can be seen today,
And I urgently need to test a new slingshot ...
What to do, the forest is completely empty ...

I saw an anthill.

Finally! Anthill.
As if it had grown in front of me.
Well, I'm just for fun
I kick him lightly with my foot ...

Kicks the anthill.

Fu ... tired ... it's time to take a break,
Refuel properly
And again on the road!

He breaks a branch, tears flowers, grass, throws it on the ground and sits down.

Nicely I settled down! Where is my food?
I always love to eat well!

She spreads the newspaper, eats, throws the trash. Stands up.

So I rested, I can go,
And an extra bottle on the way.
Oh pine now I will break it,
I will engrave my name on the trunk.


Lumberjack enters. Looks at the devastated anthill.

Who did this?
Has the old anthill ruined?
Poor ants were left homeless
Their many years of work wasted in vain!
Doesn't he know
That a forest cannot be healthy without anthills!
Guys, what benefits do ants bring to the forest?

Children's answers.

The lumberjack approaches, sees debris.

It can be seen here he also visited
He scattered glasses, films and paper.

Squirrel enters with a limp (girl).

I am sitting all alone in my hollow.
He crippled my foot with a slingshot
It will take a long time for this wound to heal
I cannot jump on the branches now.


Red-haired squirrel, give your sweetheart,
I'll wash the wound with water, I'll see
I will give you a healing leaf of plantain,
It will heal, and you will again jump in the higher.

Look, here are the footprints
I got trapped
A little alive then I escaped from him ...


I will anoint your scars with herbal juice,
The fur will grow, let me stroke you.

Lesovushka for children: What to do, guys? Did the bully do the right thing? Offended the animals, scattered garbage. How can we help the forest? (Answers of children).

Relay game "Let's clear the forest from debris".(Two teams of 5 people each).


Where are we with this robber
Find to have a conversation with him urgently.
Tell me how to behave always
Without causing harm or disaster to nature.
I'll go and look. (leaves).

The bully enters with matches.

Something bored me in the woods
I'd rather light a fire.

Gathers branches, lights a fire.

Burn - burn clearly, so as not to go out.
Something strongly it burns. Oh-oh-oh, somebody help me!

Lesovushka comes to the noise: Guys, how can you put out a fire in the forest? (Answers of children).

The lumberjack addresses the beasts.

Carry rather water from the stream,
I will fill the fire with earth.
Guys, the fire is not extinguished, let's call the rain
“Leu the rain more fun!
Do not regret warm drops.
For forests, for fields
And for little children
And for moms and dads
Cap - cap! Cap - cap! " (sounds of the rain).

Lumberjack to the bully:

See how much trouble you've done
Almost destroyed our forest in the fire!
You scattered rubbish and glass all around!
He offended the squirrel and the hare!
You yourself almost disappeared in the fire.

The bully wipes away his tears:

I beg your pardon for making a lot of trouble!
I promise to leave a good mark on the earth!
I will protect nature, protect from evil deeds!

Lesovushka to the children: Well, guys, shall we forgive him? But first you need to teach him the rules of behavior in the forest.

Children go out into the hall and tell the rules of conduct in the forest. Lesovushka draws the attention of children to the rainbow.

Poem about the rainbow.

The song "Rainbow".

All the children run out into the hall.

Child 3.

We love the forest at any time of the year
We hear slow speech of the rivers ...
All this is called nature,
Let's always take care of it!

Child 4:

In the meadows of sun-colored chamomile,
Such that it is brighter in the world to live,
All this is called nature,
Let's be friends with nature.

Child 5:

They fly, ringing raindrops from the firmament,
Smoke swirls at the dawn of the fog ...
All this is called nature,
Let's give our hearts to her!

Song "The world is like a colored meadow."


let's be friends
Like a bird with the sky
Like a field with a plow,
Like the wind with the sea
Grass with rains, like the sun
With all of us!

Ecological holiday at the preschool educational institution "Visiting Lesovushka"

Holiday progress

Lesovushka: Hello, children. I have been waiting for you for a long time, I invite you to visit me.

Lesovushka: Hello guys. I am Lesovushka.

Who I am - you won't immediately understand

Squirrels, hedgehogs, moles,
Be my friend and you!

Lumberjack: Guys, you probably know that the forest has many names. What else can you call a forest? What is the name of the Siberian forest? (Answers of children).

1 child.

I shouted to the trees by the river:
- Hey!

And listened to the green echo of spring!

Song about the forest.

2 child.

Hello forest, deep forest!
Full of fairy tales and wonders!
What are you making noise about with leaves
On a dark, thunderous night?
What do you whisper to us at dawn
Dew like silver?
Who lurks in your wilderness
What kind of animal, what kind of bird?
Open everything, do not hide
You know - we are ours!


When you enter the forest
Where everything is sweet to us since childhood,

For everyone who knows how to solve their secret.

Children sit on chairs.

Lumberjack: And now, guys, for you riddles... And they are all about our forest flowers.

4. The first to come out of the piece of land on the thaw. He is not afraid of frost, albeit small. (Snowdrop)

Dance of flowers.

Lesovushka. And now, guys, I want to check if the trees of our forest know .. I suggest you play the game "From which branch are the children?".

Lesovushka: Well done, guys. It turns out that you know everything about trees, too! But I also want to check if you know medicinal plants.

“The forest is like a fairy kingdom,
There are medicines growing all around

And medicine and pills.
Well, what and how to treat
I can teach you.
All medicinal plants
I know without exception.
You just need not to be lazy
You just need to learn
Find plants in the forest,
What are suitable for treatment.

The task for you is this: you need to collect medicinal plants and name which diseases they help. (Chamomile, plantain, nettle, lingonberry, mother - stepmother).

The game "Green Pharmacy"

Lesovushka: But in the forest, not only plants and trees grow. Who is the forest home to? Look who is hiding in the forest and watching us?

Find a forest dweller

Lesovushka: Well done, guys. All the animals were found.

Noise outside the door.

Lesovushka: You do not hear, they are noisy in my forest. I'll go and take a look. (Goes out the door).

The bully enters.

What to do, the forest is completely empty ...

I saw an anthill.

Finally! Anthill.
As if it had grown in front of me.
Well, I'm just for fun
I kick him lightly with my foot ...

Kicks the anthill.

Fu ... tired ... it's time to take a break,
Refuel properly
And again on the road!

I always love to eat well!

So I rested, I can go,
And an extra bottle on the way.
Oh pine now I will break it,
I will engrave my name on the trunk.


Who did this?
Has the old anthill ruined?

Doesn't he know

Guys, what benefits do ants bring to the forest?

Children's answers.

It can be seen here he also visited
He scattered glasses, films and paper.

It will take a long time for this wound to heal
I cannot jump on the branches now.


It will heal, and you will again jump in the higher.

Look, here are the footprints
I got trapped


The fur will grow, let me stroke you.

Lesovushka for children: What to do, guys? Did the bully do the right thing? Offended the animals, scattered garbage. How can we help the forest? (Answers of children).

(Two teams of 5 people each).


Where are we with this robber

I'll go and look. (leaves).

The bully enters with matches.

Something bored me in the woods
I'd rather light a fire.

Something strongly it burns. Oh-oh-oh, somebody help me!

Lesovushka comes to the noise: Guys, how can you put out a fire in the forest? (Answers of children).

Rather bring water from the stream,
I will fill the fire with earth.

“Leu the rain more fun!
Do not regret warm drops.
For forests, for fields
And for little children
And for moms and dads
Cap - cap! Cap - cap! " (sounds of the rain).

Lumberjack to the bully:

He offended the squirrel and the hare!
You yourself almost disappeared in the fire.

The bully wipes away his tears:

I will protect nature, protect from evil deeds!

Lesovushka to the children: Well, guys, shall we forgive him? But first you need to teach him the rules of behavior in the forest.

Poem about the rainbow.

The song "Rainbow".

All the children run out into the hall.

Child 3.

All this is called nature,
Let's always take care of it!

Child 4:

All this is called nature,
Let's be friends with nature.

Child 5:

Smoke swirls at the dawn of the fog ...
All this is called nature,
Let's give our hearts to her!


let's be friends
Like a bird with the sky
Like a field with a plow,
Like the wind with the sea

With all of us!



Ecological holiday at the preschool educational institution "Visiting Lesovushka"

Holiday progress

Music sounds, children enter the hall, they are met by Lesovushka in folk costume.

Lesovushka: Hello, children. I have been waiting for you for a long time, I invite you to visit me.

Children go into the hall and sit on chairs.

Lesovushka: Hello guys. I am Lesovushka.

Who I am - you won't immediately understand
You will find me in the forest on unknown paths.
My house in the wilderness of the forest, I listen to the forest in the spring.
The sun is pouring down on the trees and flowers.
I guard the dense forest, And my friends are with me:
Squirrels, hedgehogs, moles,
Be my friend and you!

Lumberjack: Guys, you probably know that the forest has many names. What else can you call a forest? What is the name of the Siberian forest? (Answers of children).

Lesovushka invites children into the hall to sing a song about the forest. Children scatter.

1 child.

Pine candles, birch light.
I shouted to the trees by the river:
- Hey!
And the forest smiled, playing with foliage,
And he laughed loudly with me!
I watched in love with pine candles
And listened to the green echo of spring!

Song about the forest.

2 child.

Hello forest, deep forest!
Full of fairy tales and wonders!
What are you making noise about with leaves
On a dark, thunderous night?
What do you whisper to us at dawn
Dew like silver?
Who lurks in your wilderness
What kind of animal, what kind of bird?
Open everything, do not hide
You know - we are ours!


When you enter the forest
Where everything is sweet to us since childhood,
Where clean air is so pleasant to breathe,
There is healing power in herbs and flowers
For everyone who knows how to solve their secret.

Children sit on chairs.

Lumberjack: And now, guys, for you riddles ... And they are all about our forest flowers.

1. There is a curly hair in the forest: a white shirt, a gold heart. What it is? (Chamomile)
2. He stands in clothes, like a fire on a leg. It will become a ball on a leg without clothes. Parachutists will fly from these fluffy balls. (Dandelion)
3. The head is on a leg, there are bells in the head. Hey, bells, blue, with a tongue, but there is no ringing! (Bells)
4. The first to come out of the piece of land on the thaw. He is not afraid of frost, albeit small. (Snowdrop)

Dance of flowers.

Lesovushka. And now, guys, I want to check if the trees of our forest know .. I suggest you playthe game "From which branch are the children?".

Playing with the boys. Trees: aspen, birch, pine, spruce, mountain ash. The boys collect fruits and leaves to the music and lay them out to the trees. Explain which leaf or fruit, and what is the name - pine, spruce cone, etc.

Lesovushka: Well done, guys. It turns out that you know everything about trees, too! But I also want to check if you know medicinal plants.

“The forest is like a fairy kingdom,
There are medicines growing all around
In every grass, in every branch -
And medicine and pills.
Well, what and how to treat
I can teach you.
All medicinal plants
I know without exception.
You just need not to be lazy
You just need to learn
Find plants in the forest,
What are suitable for treatment.

The task for you is this: you need to collect medicinal plants and name which diseases they help. (Chamomile, plantain, nettle, lingonberry, mother - stepmother).

The game "Green Pharmacy"

Lesovushka: But in the forest, not only plants and trees grow. Who is the forest home to? Look who is hiding in the forest and watching us?

Find a forest dweller

Lesovushka: Well done, guys. All the animals were found.

Noise outside the door.

Lesovushka: You do not hear, they are noisy in my forest. I'll go and take a look. (Goes out the door).

The bully enters.


Something neither animals nor birds can be seen today,
And I urgently need to test a new slingshot ...
What to do, the forest is completely empty ...

I saw an anthill.

Finally! Anthill.
As if it had grown in front of me.
Well, I'm just for fun
I kick him lightly with my foot ...

Kicks the anthill.

Fu ... tired ... it's time to take a break,
Refuel properly
And again on the road!

He breaks a branch, tears flowers, grass, throws it on the ground and sits down.

Nicely I settled down! Where is my food?
I always love to eat well!

She spreads the newspaper, eats, throws the trash. Stands up.

So I rested, I can go,
And an extra bottle on the way.
Oh pine now I will break it,
I will engrave my name on the trunk.


Lumberjack enters. Looks at the devastated anthill.

Who did this?
Has the old anthill ruined?
Poor ants were left homeless
Their many years of work wasted in vain!
Doesn't he know
That a forest cannot be healthy without anthills!
Guys, what benefits do ants bring to the forest?

Children's answers.

The lumberjack approaches, sees debris.

It can be seen here he also visited
He scattered glasses, films and paper.

Squirrel enters with a limp (girl).

I am sitting all alone in my hollow.
He crippled my foot with a slingshot
It will take a long time for this wound to heal
I cannot jump on the branches now.


Red-haired squirrel, give your sweetheart,
I'll wash the wound with water, I'll see
I will give you a healing leaf of plantain,
It will heal, and you will again jump in the higher.


Look, here are the footprints
I got trapped
A little alive then I escaped from him ...


I will anoint your scars with herbal juice,
The fur will grow, let me stroke you.

Lesovushka for children: What to do, guys? Did the bully do the right thing? Offended the animals, scattered garbage. How can we help the forest? (Answers of children).

Relay game "Let's clear the forest from debris".(Two teams of 5 people each).


Where are we with this robber
Find to have a conversation with him urgently.
Tell me how to behave always
Without causing harm or disaster to nature.
I'll go and look. (leaves).

The bully enters with matches.

Something bored me in the woods
I'd rather light a fire.

Gathers branches, lights a fire.

Burn - burn clearly, so as not to go out.
Something strongly it burns. Oh-oh-oh, somebody help me!

Lesovushka comes to the noise: Guys, how can you put out a fire in the forest? (Answers of children).

The lumberjack addresses the beasts.

Rather bring water from the stream,
I will fill the fire with earth.
Guys, the fire is not extinguished, let's call the rain
“Leu the rain more fun!
Do not regret warm drops.
For forests, for fields
And for little children
And for moms and dads
Cap - cap! Cap - cap! " (sounds of the rain).

Lumberjack to the bully:

See how much trouble you've done
Almost destroyed our forest in the fire!
You scattered rubbish and glass all around!
He offended the squirrel and the hare!
You yourself almost disappeared in the fire.

The bully wipes away his tears:

I beg your pardon for making a lot of trouble!
I promise to leave a good mark on the earth!
I will protect nature, protect from evil deeds!

Lesovushka to the children: Well, guys, shall we forgive him? But first you need to teach him the rules of behavior in the forest.

Children go out into the hall and tell the rules of conduct in the forest. Lesovushka draws the attention of children to the rainbow.

Poem about the rainbow.

The song "Rainbow".

All the children run out into the hall.

Child 3.

We love the forest at any time of the year
We hear slow speech of the rivers ...
All this is called nature,
Let's always take care of it!

Child 4:

In the meadows of sun-colored chamomile,
Such that it is brighter in the world to live,
All this is called nature,
Let's be friends with nature.

Child 5:

They fly, ringing raindrops from the firmament,
Smoke swirls at the dawn of the fog ...
All this is called nature,
Let's give our hearts to her!

Song "The world is like a colored meadow."


let's be friends
Like a bird with the sky
Like a field with a plow,
Like the wind with the sea
Grass with rains, like the sun
With all of us!

1. Educational objectives:
- to expand knowledge about the forest and its inhabitants;
- to fix the rules of behavior in nature.
2. Developmental tasks:
- to develop speech, attention, the ability to analyze questions and riddles;
- develop the ability to give a complete meaningful answer to questions.
3. Educational tasks:
- to educate an aesthetic taste, cognitive interest;
- to cultivate a respect for nature.
Demo material:
- paintings depicting birds, animals, trees, insects, outlines of flowers, glade-Whatman;
- pictures of tree leaves;
- audio recording of bird voices;
- cards with the image of animal tracks;
- "wonderful bag";
- gymnastic hoop.

Course of the lesson

I. Introductory part.
Guys, today we are going on a trip through the forest, where we will check how you know the forest and its inhabitants.

Hello forest, deep forest,
Full of fairy tales and wonders!
What are you making noise about with foliage
In the dark, thunderous night?
What are you whispering to us at dawn?
Dew like silver?
Who lurks in your wilderness:
What kind of animal, what kind of bird?
Open everything, don't hide it:
You know - we are ours! (S. Pogorelsky)

II. Main part.

1. Rules of conduct in the forest.
We are in the forest. Let's repeat the rules of conduct in the forest.

Children tell:
1. I only like the one
Who protects the forest world.

2. The one who does not break branches,
The one who does not scare the bird away.

3. Amanita will not knock down
And the fire will not light.

4. Who is always, always in the forest
Respects silence.

2. Trees in the forest.
Our forest is unusual, it is magical - riddles grow in it, and this is even more interesting. What do you think a forest is?
Children answer.

Educator: With the help of riddles, we will find out what trees grow in our forest.

Straight into the sky are torn, upward;
You take a close look:
Not birch, not aspen,
There are no leaves, there are needles.

Not birch, not rowan -
She stands in silence.
But only the wind will run
All the foliage on it trembles.

A quiet autumn will come
The tree will become wondrous:
Leaves are bright stars
Gold, hot. (Maple)

Russian beauty
Stands in the clearing
In a green blouse,
In a white sundress.

He shakes a lush crown,
Rustling green foliage.
Look, among the branches,
How many acorns ripen.

Educator: I suggest you the game "From which tree is the leaf?"

The course of the game. Children take turns getting out of " wonderful bag»Pictures with the image of a leaf. The child must name from which tree the leaf fell.

Educator: Well done, they correctly named all the trees from which the leaves fell. We set off further to travel through our magical forest.

3. Let's talk about birds.

Educator: What kind of birds did you hear? What kind of birds are there? And what does it mean - migratory?
Children answer.

Educator: I offer you bird riddles.

They interfere with other people's chicks
And they leave theirs.
And in the forest near the edge
They keep counting the years ... (cuckoos)

This bird yellow color,
She is warmed by the bright sun,
The song is beautiful and of her duty -
Whistling like a flute in the forest ... (oriole)

Guess what kind of bird
Afraid of the bright light
The beak is crocheted, the eyes are a patch,
The big-eared head is ... (owl)

Educator: You have guessed all the riddles. You know how to recognize a bird by its voice. I suggest the game "Owl".

The course of the game. The hoop is on the floor. This is the "owl's nest". In it becomes a child, chosen by the "owl". The rest of the children are "moths" and "bugs".

They stand on the other side of the site, the middle of which is free.

To the teacher's words, “The day begins, everyone wakes up,” “moths” and “bugs” start running around the site, squatting, as if collecting pollen from flowers.

At the words of the educator, “Night is coming, everyone is falling asleep,” the children freeze in any position. "Owl" at this time quietly flies out to hunt - walks, slowly waving his arms, picks up the "moths" and "bugs" that have moved. He takes them to his "nest". "Owl" catches until the teacher says "The day begins, everyone wakes up." Then she returns to her "nest", "moths" and "bugs" begin to fly. "Owl" goes hunting two or three times. Then a new leader is chosen, and the game is repeated.

4. We recognize the animals by their tracks.
Not only birds live in our forest. And who else is hiding from us in the wilderness? The game "Whose footprints?"

The course of the game. Children take turns taking pictures of animal footprints out of the “wonderful bag” and answering who they belong to. (Hare, squirrel, hedgehog, elk)

Educator: Remember the riddles about the animal whose trail you guessed.
Children tell riddles.

The scythe has no den,
He doesn't need a hole.
Legs save from enemies
And from hunger - bark.

We will recognize the animal
For two such signs:
He is in a fur coat in a gray winter,
And in a red fur coat in the summer.

There are needles on his back
It's amazing how the tuners
You can't take them with your hands,
Because it… (hedgehog)

Touching the grass with hooves,
A handsome man walks through the forest
Walks boldly and easily
Horns spread wide.

Educator: The animals were guessed by the tracks. You know the riddles about them. Let the animals live peacefully in the forest.

5. Flower meadow.
We continue our journey through the magical forest. We went out into a clearing, but there are no flowers on it. How boring and depressing here. We need to plant flowers. Riddles will help us in this. Before you "glade". We will help you decorate it with flowers. (Whatman paper with the stems and leaves of flowers painted on it. Solving the riddle, the child attaches a flower-answer to the stem)

On a May day in the shade of the forest
He opened his flower
Bright and fragrant
White and silver. (Lily of the valley)

In little white dresses
Yellow eyes ...
You name them
Without any clue.

They are friends with the blue sky
These are lovely flowers.
I know them, Ksyusha knows,
Well, do you know them?

Children take flowers-answers and "plant" on a glade-Whatman paper.

Educator: Admire the beautiful meadow. Do you like the forest?

6. Six-legged babies.
If we guess the riddles, we will find out which insects live in the forest.

From branch to path
From grass to blade
Spring jumps -
Green back.

Blue airplane
Sat on a white dandelion.

Many masters
They cut down a hut without corners.

Flies over the flower, dances,
He waves a patterned fan.

Flew over the lawn.
Will bother over a flower -
He will share the medic.

III. Final part.

1. The main person in the forest.
Who keeps order in the forest, and if necessary, helps all its inhabitants?

For pines, lindens, to eat
Didn't hurt, turned green,
To new forests
Ascended to heaven
Under the ringing and hubbub of birds
Guards - who? (Forester)

Educator: Yes guys, forester (huntsman)main person in the forest. What is the job of a forester?
Children answer.

The teacher summarizes the children's answers:
- The forester manages the planting of a new forest, protects the forest from pests, fire and people who cut trees and shoot animals without permission. The forest is divided into sections. A forester is responsible for each site.

2. Summing up.
Our journey has come to an end. Whom did you meet while traveling through the woods?
Children answer.

Educator b:

Dense forest, goodbye!
We are glad to be friends with you
Good forest, mighty forest
Full of fairy tales and wonders!