How to welcome the year of the goat. Actual flowers and fabrics in clothes. What to cook for a holiday dinner

Each holiday is unique, but which of them can be compared with the New Year?! Enchanting, bright, noisy and at the same time shrouded in mystery, a joyful family celebration ... Plan how to celebrate New Year 2015 with my husband, you need to draw up now. You will have enough time to think and prepare everything so that the magical transition from one year to another becomes a real miracle for your couple!

Relaxing with a cup of your favorite aromatic tea on the sofa, we write on a regular paper sheet the main factors for a great celebration of the New Year 2015.

Where to celebrate the Year of the Blue Goat

You can do this in classic version: at home, in the village, in nature, in the country or in country cottage. If you want to spend time outside noisy companies friends, relatives, casual acquaintances, and enjoy pleasant communication with a loved one, leaving behind the threshold all the affairs, worries and troubles, do new year's eve romantic, and the chimes - the sounds of your hearts, then the best places than native walls or the novelty of a country house can not be found!

You can get a lot of pleasure from celebrating a magical New Year's Eve in a good restaurant. The advantages of such an evening of meeting the New 2015 Year of the Emerald Goat will be much more than one might expect: a wonderful holiday atmosphere, the absence of exhausting hassle of receiving guests. Specify only whether there will be live music in this institution on New Year's Eve and in what style, which of the DJs or show business stars the administration intends to invite. This will ensure that you enjoy your favorite tunes and enjoy the entertainment program.

Note! It is in the restaurant that you may have the opportunity to feel like a queen of the ball, dressed up in elegant blue or a green dress by adding some silver or gold jewelry.

New Year travel

If you think in advance about the organization New Year's tour, then the morning of January 1, 2015 you can meet on a tourist trip to Europe or southern exotic resorts, in one of northern countries– Finland or Sweden, with their developed infrastructure ski resorts or in the same hospitable mountains of the Czech Republic, Bulgaria or Slovakia.

Or maybe you are attracted by the New Year's river or sea cruise along the waterways of Europe? For example, a four-day tour on board a ship with a route along the Baltic Sea and visits to Sweden, Finland and the Baltic countries is very popular.

The southern routes along the Persian Gulf are unique in their impressions, caribbean and the unrivaled fabulous Canary Islands.

Tropical warmth, azure waters and snow-white beaches of Thailand and Sri Lanka, Egypt, Maldives, China and Vietnam can give a special charm to the New Year holidays. It should be noted that such trips are not cheap, but to plunge into heavenly serenity in the middle of a slushy winter, celebrating the New Year 2015 with her husband in these parts, means to recharge with positive for the whole year.

Preparation for the holiday

Each of the above options will require different preparatory activities. If you are planning a trip to a restaurant or New Year's Eve in a hotel room, then apart from a stunning appearance and minimal preparations, there will be no questions. But homemade comfortable option will require maximum return: decorating the room, preparing a festive table, imagination and a lot of boring ideas For cheerful mood and, of course, the magnificent view of the beautiful queen.

Some touch of romance will give aroma candles that are easy to combine with shimmer Christmas garlands on the beauty of the forest.

Note! Intimate twilight and sparkling lights will support the feeling of mystery and magic of this amazing night.

Light vegetable appetizers, seafood, an original salad, fish, chicken or rabbit prepared according to a unique recipe especially for this evening, fruits and a puffy dessert are a great choice for New Year's table with a candlelight dinner.

Queen Outfit 2015

The Blue Wood Goat, although a pet, will take jeans or a bathrobe as a personal insult. After all, she is a great aesthetic: women should be on top that night! Only dear ones natural fabrics without glitter, sequins and other unnecessary attributes. elegant green or blue dress with a rainbow of light shades: turquoise, pale blue or light green, shoes - on high heels, for an intimate continuation of the evening - only beautiful erotic lingerie.

Thinking about how to celebrate the New Year 2015 with your husband, choose a scenario in advance so that this magical evening not only hints to the Blue Wood Goat about your happiness and prosperity in the coming year, but also awakens new feelings in family relationships.

Gift for a loved one for the New Year 2015

In the New Year, we like to pleasantly surprise people close to us, to amaze their imagination with some unexpected gifts. Yes indeed, what Christmas story without surprise and enthusiasm about receiving a present!

Note! The atmosphere of celebration is laid down not only in the outfit of the green beautiful Christmas tree or elegantly covered festive table but also in close relationships.

When choosing a gift, remember what your man has long dreamed of. Maybe he likes to spend time at the computer and then a comfortable special chair will be comfortable for him and nice gift? Of course it's not unique present but useful and rational. In addition, your husband will certainly appreciate your care.

A car enthusiast may like a DVR or a thermo mug with a cigarette lighter connection.

Or maybe your husband has long dreamed of visiting the gym or swimming pool? Give him a ticket to visit!

Someone dreams of a sniper class, and someone will be satisfied with a branded Italian shirt and stylish tie... How many men - so many opinions! Listen to his desires and find the most wonderful gift.

To celebrate the New Year 2015 with her husband is bright, interesting and unpredictable - best omen to the whole next year Goats you were accompanied by good luck and success!

The year 2015 has been declared the Year of Blue by astrologers. wooden goat(or Sheep). In fact, it will not come on the first of January, but much later - on February 19. If we compare it with the previous, “horse” year, it should be noted that 2015 will be much calmer: the Sheep is a meek animal, and therefore no special shocks and radical changes are expected. You can relax and get ready to reap the numerous fruits of last year's labors, and this is an occasion to celebrate the New Year 2015 with particular joy.

But if you are prepared to celebrate the holiday on a grand scale and “loudly”, perhaps this is not the most good idea. Shy Goat will not be delighted with big companies and noisy discos. You need to celebrate this year in the family circle or with your closest friends, and when the Chimes chime, gifts with congratulations will be presented and wishes will be made, you can go “to people” and have a good time.

Just remember: the Goat is distinguished by sophistication of tastes, so entertainment should be worthy of this person. In general, do not overdo it with songs and dances. Here with Eastern astrology the Russian agrees folk wisdom: button accordion Goat is not really needed.

Another option for celebrating the New Year 2015 is to go out of town. A goat is a villager, and she will like the idea of ​​decorating a Christmas tree right in the yard, cooking something on the coals, and after a hot bath she will fall into fluffy snow. Go to the dacha or to the camp site, meet the first morning of 2015 on skis or on skates, or you can just fun game in snowballs - why not the beginning of a successful year?

How to decorate a house for the New Year 2015

Do you still have blue balls, ribbons and streamers, as well as bonsai trees? They will come in handy for you to meet the coming year. Like last year's talisman, the Goat (or its astrological twin Sheep) this time belong to the elements of the tree, and the color has remained the same - blue. But this does not mean that you need to repeat everything! The softness and sophistication of the symbol of 2015 must be manifested in the decoration of the house.

When dressing up an apartment for the holiday (as well as a house or office, and indeed any room), give preference to discreet tones and elegant gizmos, you should feel cozy and warm. Like under a sheep's blanket.

As christmas decoration houses in 2015 will be good:

  • felt toys,
  • wood crafts,
  • knitted openwork napkins,

For needlewomen, decorating a house this year will be a real pleasure - there is something to apply skills and imagination to. From wool you can invent and make anything! And of course, whether or not you have a fireplace, you should definitely hang woolen socks - this will please both the western Santa and the eastern Sheep. So we can expect a double portion of the gifts of fate in the coming year.

An important symbol of the coming year is bells and bells (remember - this must be on a graceful goat's neck). Place the bells above the entrance to the apartment - for good luck!

When deciding how to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year 2015, be sure to involve children in the process. This year, it’s not enough just to put purchased balls and cones from the nearest supermarket on the branches. Exclusive handmade toys - that's what should be on New Year's beauty V without fail. Where to get them is up to you: you can buy "hand-made" in an expensive specialized store, or you can arm yourself with improvised materials, imagination and inspiration - and make toys with your own hands. When decorating the Christmas tree, also do not forget about the bells. But with tinsel and rain it is better not to be zealous.

New Year - 2015: what to wear on a festive night?

Is it worth saying that new year outfit must be exquisite. You can choose luxury Evening Dress or something quite simple and concise, the main thing is that it be tasteful. It is better to give preference to an outfit made in one color scheme and achieve “festivity” with jewelry and accessories. natural stones(aquamarine and emerald will be especially good), original jewelry- all this will help make your image special.

It is unlikely that the Goat (and the Sheep too) will like smooth and shiny fabrics, an abundance of sequins, sequins and other excesses - choose something soft to the touch, reminiscent of the delicate fur of the talisman - velvet, suede, cashmere or fine wool.

In addition to the very New Year's blue and all its shades, you can use warm colors in your suit. pastel shades- beige, cream, milky.

Men can wear a navy blue or café au lait suit or prefer knitted sweater and jeans - all this will be equally appropriate.

Hairstyles for meeting the new year 2015 can be almost anything. The main condition is that there must be curls. Moreover, they can be given any shape - from a magnificent “explosion at a pasta factory” to high and strict styling (with obligatory ones). But what should not be in the New Year's image is smoothly combed or straight hair.

If we talk about makeup for the New Year 2015, then there are two options. The most natural make-up - soft skin, slightly blushed cheekbones, lip gloss. Or make-up in the art style - the Goat will also really like this bohemian look. But whatever you choose, the main thing will be the presence of taste and a sense of proportion.

What should be on the New Year's table in 2015

A minimum of embellishments, white dishes, silverware - the motto for the New Year's table can be the famous "simple, but tasteful." The goat will like a lot of greens, fruits and vegetable dishes- It is obvious. Dairy products must also be on the table - salads seasoned with sour cream, several types of cheese, something interesting from cottage cheese.

It’s hard to imagine a Goat with a chicken leg in its teeth, so there shouldn’t be many meat dishes (vegetarians are your hour!), And you definitely shouldn’t include lamb kebabs or young goat stew on the menu.

New Year is a family holiday and most people prefer to celebrate it at home. It does not matter whether you will celebrate the holiday with your family or with guests, but if you decide to celebrate the New Year 2015 at home, first of all, decorate the interior: decorate the Christmas tree, decorate the rooms. Will not be redundant carnival costumes. But if your New Year's expenses do not include additional expenses for costumes, then it will be enough to purchase masks and hats of Santa Claus. This will not require a lot of expenses and will help to have a fun New Year at home, will contribute to Christmas mood special color.

New Year's Eve Ideas at Home

In the family

To festive evening did not turn into a feasting gathering, think in advance entertainment program. Come up with contests for the New Year that could be held at home. Interesting options You can find in our article " Contests for the New Year". In preparing ideas for the New Year at home, involve all the guests and family members, everyone has their own talents. Do not take on your shoulders all the responsibility for the New Year's Eve. seeing off old year, let everyone share the best and brightest events that happened in his life in the past year. Prepare helium balloons in advance, on which everyone will write their wish, and after the chiming clock, you will all together launch the balloons into the sky.

With friends

If you decide to celebrate the New Year 2015 with friends at home, then you can arrange theme party in retro style. Make a collage with photos from yesteryear, remember stories from your student life, sing songs with a guitar, and after midnight arrange an 80's disco.

Don't forget the firecrackers and sparklers so that after the chiming clock friendly company go outside and set off fireworks. And if on New Year's Eve there will be snow on the street, then you can split into 2 teams and arrange street competition for the best snowman. Let friendship be the winner in this competition. You will remember this holiday for a long time.

A good option for a New Year's scenario at home would be letters of wishes from Santa Claus. To do this, prepare postcards in advance, sign them and put them under the plate of each guest. It is desirable that wishes be in comic form and read aloud in turn by each participant in the feast.

With kids

If you are going to celebrate the New Year with children at home, then prepare in advance small competitions and games for them. Interesting options for children's competitions, you will find here. Can arrange holiday lottery which will amuse not only children, but also adults. But remember that children should not have fun until the morning with adults. After celebrating the new year and watching street fireworks, put them to bed.

new year for singles

If it so happened that you are celebrating the New Year alone, do not be discouraged, be sure that this is not forever. Loneliness, sometimes, is only good. It's a great time to reevaluate life values and the beginning of a new period in life. On New Year's Eve, all quarrels and grievances should be forgotten - they should not be taken with you into the future. Dedicate this time exclusively to yourself: on the eve of the holiday, visit a beauty salon, buy yourself Nice dress and be ready to let something new into your life. Under the chiming clock, go out onto the balcony with a glass of champagne, congratulate yourself and make a wish. During the festive fireworks, most of your neighbors will go out into the street - join them, congratulate them on the upcoming, perhaps you will be invited to visit.

If you are planning to spend new Year's Eve together with your loved one at home, then take care of cozy atmosphere. Scented candles, subdued lights, light music and an elegantly set table - all this can create a fabulous romantic mood.

A few tips:

If guests come to your house, arrange with them to bring some pre-prepared dishes with them.

Before a sleepless night, take care of yourself: soak in a bath with salt, make cosmetic mask for the face to stay "fresh" until the morning.

Pack gifts in advance and hide them in a secluded place in your home.

We wish you a fun and interesting New Year 2015. Happiness and health to you and your loved ones in the new year!

They sang the red summer and did not have time to turn around, as the New Year is already knocking on our doors. It's time to think about the coming year of the pig. And also, it's time to think about how and in what to celebrate the new year 2019. Basically, we all love this holiday and look forward to it with dreams fabulous night New Year. Therefore, you need to start preparing for this day, long before the holiday. After all, there is so much to do:

Come up with holiday menu, prepare the house for the holiday, decorating it with colorful garlands, buy gifts for everyone, and take care of yourself to look great. In what style should I arrange everything, what color and style should I choose a dress? These questions constantly disturb girls. Therefore, let's find out the character of our pig in order to please her for the New Year. After all, it is the Goat that should give us good luck and happiness in the new year. One of the most important issues is our appearance, our suit or dress, and what will be our image in the unity of many little things.

The year of the pig is coming. What characterizes us Blue colour what can he tell us? Now let's deal with this issue. Blue- cold color can tell us that our pig has humbled its very violent disposition and character. A pig is an animal that grows in nature and eats what nature gives us, which means it loves everything natural. And colors, respectively, she prefers natural, for example, green, brown, gray, yellow. Do not piss off the pig and wear acid or red outfits. The red color is very irritating and unnerving.

The pig promises to bring harmony and understanding to every home. This animal will not be very nervous, capricious and contradictory. Our main task is to show our pig how we were waiting for this holiday and how we prepared for it, taking into account her wishes. The rest are quite possible. Colorful tones will also be welcome in 2019, but they should not be aggressive. They should be gentle, joyful and calm. Best of all, if your image will evoke thoughts of green meadows, distant sea depths, and so on. Be more dreamy. When choosing the color of your outfit, do not worry too much about the style. Maybe it will be a long or short evening dress or a blouse with a skirt (trousers), there are many various options, just do not need to expose parts of the body too frankly. Inconspicuous sophistication, which is manifested in your modesty - that's what you need to celebrate the New Year in the rules of a pig! Accessories and jewelry, and of course makeup, distribute so as to complement the delicate look. Let people see and understand that you tried to live up to it. Jewelry is preferably made of gold and silver. Happy New Year!

– adults and children are already looking forward to new year holidays because they are one of the most loved by the people. For the New Year, you need to properly prepare in advance, think about how to decorate the house, what to wear, what to give to relatives and friends. 2015 is the year of the blue wood goat, so there are many features and secrets to consider in order to appease this creature.

How to decorate your house for the New Year 2015

When decorating a home, it is worth honoring the element of the coming year - a tree. Can be put in the house wooden frames, figurines. This issue must be approached creatively, but not clutter up the entire space in the house.

Next year, the most relevant colors will be blue and green, so it's worth adding them to your interior. Beige and cream color, because they will give the room comfort, which appeals to the Goat. You can decorate the house with a lot of greenery and fresh flowers, because the Goat is a well-known lover of such attributes. If you hang bells in front of the entrance to the dwelling, then next year happiness will surely come to its inhabitants.

What to wear for New Year 2015

This year, it is worth giving preference to everything natural, both fabrics and accessories. In terms of color, it is better to choose an outfit that is plain, without colorful sequins. To give the image of perfection will help interesting decorations: necklace, earrings, bracelets. The fabric should be pleasant to the touch, soft. It can be velvet, cashmere, fur. It is not necessary to choose a dress in the color of the symbol next year- Blue goat, here you can show diversity. As for the hairstyle, smoothly combed hair will become a taboo this year, but perky curls will come in handy.

With whom to celebrate the New Year 2015

Here it is worth starting from the symbol of the New Year. Of course, everyone decides for himself where to celebrate the New Year - in noisy companies or with his beloved family. But since the Goat is very domestic, shy and does not like noise, then 2015 is still better to meet at home with relatives.

What to cook for New Year 2015

IN New Year's menu the main attention should be paid to greens, salads with various vegetables, that is, everything that the Goat likes. At the same time, one should not strictly limit oneself in meat dishes, you need to cook according to your taste and mood. For dessert, it is good to serve various fruits. They can be flavored with ice cream, jelly or chocolate. However, don't pay too much attention to your food intake. It is better to carefully consider the entertainment scenario for the holiday, then the New Year 2015 will definitely succeed.

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