How to find interesting people to talk to. The best way to find friends. Where to find friends of interest in real life

Each person needs a society of like-minded people, people who are close in spirit, way of thinking and worldview. Especially strong is the need for close friend expressed in youth. Young people want to share their experiences with someone and feel understood. Many boys and girls during this period feel insecure, experience difficulties in communication. Their own problems are presented to them as unique, unrepeatable.

Sometimes people remain lonely even in adulthood. The inability to find contact with people, build interpersonal relationships, unwillingness to attract the attention of others often leads to the fact that a person withdraws into himself, learns not to trust people, fences himself off from them with a wall of alienation.

Many, having spent enough time with themselves, still decide to get out of the shadow of loneliness, but are faced with the question: how to find friends when there is not enough communication experience, and hopeless longing has settled in the chest? This is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Probably, anyone who tried to purposefully look for friends faced certain difficulties: the choice of candidates for the role of a “friend”, difficulties in establishing contact, a mismatch of interests in communication. There are several important points to consider here.

Society of like-minded people

The easiest way to find friends for communication is at various associations of interest. At the very least, there is a chance that you will be noticed, and there will be personalities in your environment with whom you have similar interests. If you already for a long time worried about the question of how to find a friend, think about yourself. Decide on your values, outlook on life, hobbies. For example, if you have a literary talent, start attending belles-lettres, join a literature club if your city has one. At the same time, it is not necessary to set a goal to meet someone, just be yourself: talk about yourself, be interested in people, joke, read poems or stories, demonstrate your gift. It is highly discouraged to contemplate the space around you in silence. After all, people around you may not understand that you are a novice poet or prose writer. Be sure to prove yourself as soon as the opportunity presents itself. It would be a mistake to think that others are smarter and better than you just because now they read their works, while you have the opportunity only to listen.

Family ties

Your relatives can sometimes help us, suggest where to find friends. Each person has his own contacts, friends who could be useful to you. Do not neglect this method. Perhaps a visit to cousin or brother will turn into a good prospect to meet an interesting person.

But how to find a friend for yourself if you are completely alone, and your relatives are in another city or even further away, in another country? Don't just go meet on the street.


Today, the World Wide Web offers many sites for free and unlimited communication. All you need to do is to start your own page on the Internet (create an account).

Through the Internet, you can find the best friend with whom you are on long years will tie the bonds of close friendship, and just chat, have fun. Here much depends on luck and on the ability to present yourself correctly. You should not embellish your merits, nor should you be overly modest. Try to create an image that is as close to reality as possible, otherwise it will be difficult for you later to switch to communication outside the forum with a new acquaintance.


With the help of the social environment in which you are in this moment spinning, you can both find new friends and strengthen relationships with existing ones. It doesn’t matter if you are studying at the institute or occupy some position in the company. Just think: you don't have to spend special time looking for somewhere to go. You just do your job and interact with people. Take a closer look at your colleagues or classmates: perhaps among them you will find a couple of outstanding personalities.

school mates

Majority friendly relations formed during the school period. Why is this happening? Yes, because in childhood it is much easier to communicate and build relationships with peers than in adulthood.

The child does not experience fear and embarrassment when he needs to get to know a classmate or classmate. Everything happens naturally, as if by itself: children are engaged in one type of activity, everyone is approximately at the same level of development. In this situation, friendship can begin with a mutual smile, exchange school supplies or sharing lessons. If you are not connected to former classmates try to find them. Today, this can easily be done with the help of social networks. Who knows, maybe you can revive old relationship built on mutual trust and affection.

Use your charm

Starting a new acquaintance, sincerely smile at the interlocutor, do not neglect the rules good manners. Remember: you should always look neat: clothes should be clean and ironed, your hair should be neat, your image should be endearing, inspire confidence.

You never know what will come out of a simple chat with a colleague or client. Do not give up casual acquaintances: sometimes people find each other in the most unpredictable situations. Most of all, unplanned trips, visits to various events, and joint activities bring them together.

Learn to be a good friend

It is extremely important not only the ability to establish friendly relations on the basis of interest in each other, but also to be able to maintain mutual attraction for long time. This requires the very understanding of the value of friendship and the desire to constantly maintain communication. Most often, friendship dies because there is no time left for it. Choose a time to chat with a friend or girlfriend, in a conversation share your experiences, feelings, thoughts and, of course, do not betray. Betrayal can destroy even the most beautiful and lasting relationship.

Constantly look for prospects for new acquaintances. There are so many opportunities in the world how to find a friend for yourself that it would be extremely absurd to close yourself alone and complain about your failure. Improve yourself, engage in self-development, be open to new contacts that life brings you. You will definitely have an opportunity to expand your daily social circle.

Thus, at any age there are many chances to meet your soul mate. It is only important to be able to remain open, inviting, in order to accept new experience friendly interaction. Believe me, people will ultimately evaluate not how you look and what kind of education you have, but what you are, how sincere you are in communication. Everyone chooses on their own how to find a friend, but if you follow the above recommendations, the results will not be long in coming. Communicate with pleasure, give joy to the interlocutor!

Faithful friends for years to come!

IN kindergarten, at school and at the university, friends appear on their own. In 10–20 years, you won’t even remember why you became friends. And this is not surprising: at the age of 20, we spend with friends from 10 to 15 hours a week. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. Time spent in leisure activities in 2014, by gender, age, and educational attainment .. And then we plunge into work, start families ... It is difficult to find time even for morning exercises, not to mention regular meetings.

And it turns out that in the evenings there is no one to even chat with. Some of my friends left for another city, interests diverged with someone. Communication with colleagues and family is not enough.

Comparison of the acuteness of the experienced loneliness of 255 Canadian men and 431 women with the characteristics of their love-romantic, family, friendly and companionship showed that feelings of loneliness are most closely associated with a lack of friendly relations.

Igor Kon, "Friendship: An Ethical and Psychological Essay"

So many have to look for new friends. It's not easy because there is no time. Social networks, of course, help to maintain acquaintances. But subscribing to someone's news does not mean becoming a friend. How to find loved ones on the Internet?

Look for friends where they may be

The first tip for finding friends on the Internet is to choose services that will really help you find “your” person. You will not wait for a tram in the street without paved tracks or fish in the pool. The same principle works in social networks.

Users of social networks have long known that each of them has its own rules of the game. Some networks emphasize professional communication, they need to look for colleagues, artists and investors, not friends. Others help to find people with whom contact is lost. Not bad to see how things are going, but if you haven't interacted with a person for many years, then this is not best recommendation for friendship.

Finding new people with similar interests is the network's specialty. People are found in it not by last name and not by the date of graduation from the university, but by interests and geolocation.

Create a profile with a real name

When a person views your profile in social network he gets to know you. And when meeting, it is customary to introduce yourself by your real name. This is a requirement of etiquette and banal politeness, and polite and respectful attitude to another person is necessary to establish friendships.

Remember how we met in childhood, when finding a friend was easier than ever. No nicknames: they were handed out to us by friends themselves.

Remove cat from avatar

And take the car too. And in general, everything that prevents you from looking at your face. Do you want to be friends with real person, not with the picture. The same applies to those who are going to communicate with you. Yes, and it's strange - to start a friendship, hiding behind a mask. Be honest and people will be drawn to you.

In MyFriends, putting low-quality avatars is not something that is not accepted, it simply cannot be done. Therefore, you always see who you are going to talk and meet with.

And add cats to the feed, but only your own, and not other people's photos from the Internet.

Post more information about yourself

Remember that somewhere in MyFriends there is a person who is looking for a friend just like you. Help him find you. Fill out the profile as detailed as possible: the service was invented specifically for telling about yourself, and not for collecting likes and reposts.

In MyFriends, there are no reposts of hundreds of identical articles and jokes that fly across all publics at once. - it's personal.

Show off your hobbies

Like it or not, most of the information we receive through vision. In MyFriends, the principle "We will not tell, but we will show" operates. Take pictures and add hashtags to them, which will be a means of searching for interests. The better and clearer each photograph is described, the more likely that people with similar views will see you.

Write first

Sometimes we get so hung up on old contacts that we can’t just take and write to a stranger. Especially if you need to think introduction Who are you, why do you write. But another person may be tormented by the same doubts. Therefore, we must take the initiative into our own hands and start somewhere. For example, just comment on a good photo.

By the way, when you leave an entry in MyFriends, your intentions are already clear: you are looking for a friend, and not gaining subscribers and not promoting the page.

Look for friends nearby

Previously, friends were divided into several categories: friend, buddy, acquaintance. Relatively recently, the concept of "Internet friend" appeared. This is like a friend, but not really.

What's stopping virtual friends become real? Distances and exclusively digital communication. Therefore, if you are not satisfied with such a replacement for friendship, look for people living near you. The easiest way is by geolocation. You will be surprised to see how many possible friends live on the same street as you.

This is not the only friend search filter. Choose for yourself who, in your opinion, will make you the best company.

Go to meetings

Remember how much time twentysomethings spend with friends? Yes, more than 10 hours a week. Too much for those over thirty. Why do we meet less often? Yes, because it is becoming more and more difficult to insert a joint trip to a cafe or to the cinema into the schedule. When one is busy, the other is free, and vice versa.

But without personal communication, friendship does not arise. It is with old comrades that you can not see each other for years without changing your attitude towards a person. The new ones won't get closer without talking general occupation or rest.

Try meeting new people without changing your schedule. For example, you are going to the premiere of a movie. Write on the social network about your desire, someone will join you - that's the reason for the meeting and the way to choose a place and time. In there is a separate option, which is called “Desires”. Offer your options for where to go and what to do, or see who is going to spend time with benefit in the near future. Join and make friends.

Take the initiative in your own hands. When it's time to find a true friend, you can't afford to be lazy. A true friend will not miraculously appear on the doorstep of your house, so a little effort is required from you. Take the search for a true friend into your own hands and start connecting with people.

  • Stop waiting for others to do all the work for you. Gather them and ask if you can go to the event with them, or organize it yourself.
  • Don't be afraid to appear hopeless and needy. Focus on yourself and your goal. If, in the end, this method works, who will remember your problems?

Meet new people. You can’t make friends by constantly sitting at home alone in the evenings. You need to be constantly active, so force yourself to go out and at home and meet as many people as possible. At first, you will be a little uncomfortable, but your efforts will not be in vain.

  • One of the easiest ways is to find a new friend with the help of an existing one. Go to a party or social event. Let your friend give you advice.
  • You can meet people based on your studies or interests. As a rule, friends have common interests, so those people you met at school or a circle are potential applicants for your friend's place.
  • Meet people at work. Perhaps you have a work colleague with whom you are familiar, but you have never had fun together. It's time to do it.
  • Meet people online. There are certain prejudices associated with online dating, but in fact it is lovely way acquaintance. Blogs, social media, and forum comments are great methods of socialization.
  • Do not take everything that happens to heart. When you first meet, people may seem very callous to you. It may seem that they are not interested and do not want to make an effort on themselves. It seems to you that you got along, but nothing is heard from your new acquaintance. Finding a true friend takes a lot of time.

  • Don't be too demanding. Communicate sincerely with your new acquaintance when you meet. If you're trying to befriend someone, being picky isn't the best strategy. Your first priority is to get to know as many people as possible, so be sincere with your people.

    • Even if you meet a person with whom you think you can have nothing in common, talk to him and give him a chance.
    • You will never be able to recognize a true friend at first sight. First you need to get to know the person, so take every chance!
  • Be persistent. If at the first appearance of your hopes did not materialize, do not despair! People need to be given a little time to get inspired, so the second and third meeting with the same person usually goes much better than the first.

    • If you invite someone to a meeting, don't be discouraged if the person can't come. If he politely declined, it's not because he doesn't like you. There are still chances. Wait a week or two and then ask to meet again.
    • In the case of some people, this number does not work, and this is normal. Imagine that you are thus preparing for a meeting with a real friend.
  • Be patient. It takes time to get to know a person, especially if you are looking for a soul mate. If you keep leaving the house and meeting with different people in the end, you will find a person with whom you will truly communicate.

    • Be realistic. This is especially true for the amount of time that will have to be spent on getting to know a person. Of course, you can put aside all doubts when you get the feeling that you have known a person for about ten years, and you talked with him for only ten minutes. This process usually takes longer. Much depends on how often you attend various events.
    • IN certain situations you can quickly make new friends. For example, you went to college, moved to new town or become a member of a sports team.
  • Undoubtedly, the most terrible punishment for many people. Loneliness can serve. Indeed, when a person is left alone with his problems, anxieties, dreams, he himself becomes uncomfortable and gloomy in his soul. Interestingly, young children are not even worried about this problem. They can entertain themselves anyway. But teenagers and older people seriously begin to think about this trouble. It is especially acute for young people who do not develop communication with familiar peers. But do not despair. IN modern world you can find friends and good company without any extra hassle. It is enough just to want it yourself. Below are several ways to helpful tips about where and how you can find good friends and, of course, keep such friendship for many years.

    Where and how to find friends

    Many people often wondered where to start in order to find a good friend. The answer is rather banal. You just need to change your mind about yourself, learn to accept yourself for who you really are. Undoubtedly, each person has his own shortcomings in character, appearance, or in his material well-being. But do not bury yourself after that in the ground with your head. We need to come to terms with this turn of events. After all, how can you find true friend not trusting himself, not accepting himself. To happy and carefree people, others are drawn with greater strength than to serious bores.

    How to find friends online

    Over the past few years, people are increasingly trying to find good friends on the Internet. It's so easy to hide behind a smiling avatar and plain text. It is through this that a person hides himself from the world. On the Internet, you really get to know completely different people, start communicating with them. And it is not necessary to acquire one interlocutor. On the network, it is possible to simultaneously correspond with several people.

    Many people cannot even find friends on the Internet. And the reason is not even in the person himself. He just can't find the right person to talk to. Here is one of the most common mistakes - choosing a popular person as a friend. Such people already have enough friends and communication. It is best to get acquainted on special resources, where many are already waiting for pleasant acquaintances. And yet, in order to attract the attention of another person, you need to become an attractive and interesting person. You need to find a zest in yourself, and attract at the expense of those around you.

    As practice shows, ordinary photos attract a small number of people. Therefore, it does not hurt to slightly correct them in Photoshop or similar programs. But no need to overdo it. A couple of light effects will be enough. Everyone should learn how to work in Photoshop. This practice will be beneficial.

    How to find friends in Odnoklassniki

    Finding like-minded people on the Odnoklassniki network is quite simple. The first thing to do for this is to register on the resource. It is very important to fill out all personal data so that the person has an idea about your personality. This page is sure to be visited by many people. Do not tell yourself negative moments from the first minutes. It is better to appear to a person in a good light. But don't go overboard with the facts. Lies at the beginning of dating the best option. After all, after exposure, you can lose new friends.

    If a person wants only successful and attractive people to reach out to him, it is necessary to look accordingly. For the main photo, you only need to select Good photo. You can also upload a couple of photos from a good angle to the page. You should try to name the album in an original way. Do not use platitudes. You can also comment on your photos so that those who view it better understand what places they depict. But most importantly. Abandon standards and banality.

    You should always carefully choose a person for communication and friendship. It will not be superfluous to pay attention to his title photo. It is best if the person on the page has real pictures of him. Fake images are most likely to alert. In addition, this will form an opinion about the appearance of a person, and communication will go easier.

    How to find friends on Skype (Skype)

    Interestingly, Skype, a fairly common program for communicating with relatives and friends, is often used to find potential friends. Many have found themselves here. good acquaintances. In Skype, it is recommended to look for an interlocutor who will at least casually resemble a person. That is, it is best if the interlocutors are in the same age category, with the same hobbies or tastes. You should not impose on a person if he does not seek to make new friends. It is much easier to get close to those who themselves want new communication.

    As a rule, finding friends on Skype (Skype) is easier for the most part among members of the same sex. Otherwise, they develop into sympathy and love. Undoubtedly, this is also wonderful feelings, but after all, a person is looking for a friend, and not a beloved companion for life.

    And again, with regard to information about yourself. It is always recommended to fill out personal data in full so that a person has an idea of ​​​​who he is communicating with. You can also specify links in Skype to your pages on other social networks so that you can contact the person you like there too. It is recommended to use a little humor in your personal data. The main thing is that it should be appropriate. Thus, you can attract the attention of people.

    Skype is very different from other communication resources. Here you can not only correspond, but also call a friend, chat online using video communication. Therefore, it is always worth considering those moments that new friend or a friend will want to communicate in this way. This should always be expected. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to clean up your room a little, to create a pleasant atmosphere. After all, the interlocutor will definitely pay attention to this.

    How to find friends in Vkontakte

    To date, the social network "Vkontakte" is very popular. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people want to find friends in contact. In principle, this is a fairly reasonable solution. After all, it is registered here great amount people of all ages. But for the most part, this resource is not intended for dating. But it's not scary. After all, most people go into the open spaces of Vkontakte from idleness. And therefore it is easy to hook the person you like here. Immediately, a person will have a choice about who to communicate with, to express sympathy when communicating. By the way, very important point, the interlocutor must be suitable in terms of material condition and age. It is unlikely that someone will want to acquire a friend younger than himself and the owner of failure. Otherwise, the interlocutor may think that his new friend wants to get something from him and communication is likely to end quickly.

    And here are a few points that you need to consider when creating an account on the Vkontakte social network. The first thing to do is to remove any bad photos that show a person in bad clothes or with ridiculous makeup. Also, do not add a photo that shows a bad apartment environment. It is better not to see potential acquaintances. It is very good if a special album is located on the page, where a person will upload images of his desires, goals and strive for them. In a word, you should not upload all the photos that a person has to an account. It is better to limit yourself to a couple of images, but pretty and lucky enough. These tips will help you easily find friends in contact and be friends with them for a long time, and possibly meet in real life.

    How to find friends on Facebook (Facebook)

    Such a social network as Facebook has become widespread abroad today. It has registered a large number of foreigners, therefore, it is peculiar to look for friends here if the goal is to find a friend on Facebook from another foreign country. Interestingly, in the United States of America, this network is more popular than even the search engine. It is worth considering right away that a person will have to communicate with potential friends in foreign languages, so it will not be superfluous to learn a little of their languages. It will also be possible to constantly use special programs for translating phrases, but a huge number of semantic errors can always be found in the text.

    You should never start communicating with people who have emigrated. As a rule, few of them praise honesty and openness. These individuals are most likely looking for benefits for themselves. The main thing is to choose the right people for communication, friendly. Residents of the USA, Italy, Germany and others have such fame.

    For communication, those people who are not particularly popular on their page will be most open. They will certainly want new acquaintances. It's very easy to notice. A person with low popularity and not so many friends in his account. You should never make mistakes when sending your first message. Better if it has positive mood not loaded with redundant information. You cannot impose yourself on another person. This immediately scares off a potential interlocutor. You can try to comment on the photos of the person you like, write a note on his wall. In a word, show yourself, attract attention, long before communication. He will probably be interested. In addition, a person will immediately become interested new personality that will help you find friends on Facebook.

    Your page on the social network also needs to be well designed. To interest others, you need to add yourself interesting statuses, images, videos. In addition, it will be able to tell others about the tastes of a person. It’s good if the published records have appeared in few places before. And yet, it is important to pay attention to the contingent of your acquaintances, to their language traditions. After all, they, too, must understand what is at stake in the entry on the wall of the interlocutor.

    How to Find Friends on Twitter (Twitter)

    Internet service Twitter today is known all over the world. It is used by thousands and even millions of people around the world: from junior schoolchildren to the elderly. Very interesting fact, that many world stars are subscribed to Twitter, so with its help, fans can find out the news of their idol. This resource can be good helper when looking for new friends. Especially quickly there are interlocutors who have similar hobbies.

    Finding a friend on Twitter is easy. There is even a special search string for this. Interest groups are also found there. When you find an interesting person, you need to add him to your feed. You can then delete it at any time. uninteresting interlocutor. As a rule, one person collects more than a hundred Twitter users he likes. Anyone can comment on the record of a person, ask him a question or advise something. You need to be active in order to interest other people.

    In addition, to follow the pages of others, you need to create your own. Do not forget to add yourself interesting entries, publish other people's thoughts. Active users are read most often. If desired, a person can always write in private messages. Then people can exchange their links to other social resources and pages. There you can already get to know the person in more detail.

    Find a pen pal

    Now on the Internet you can find a huge number of sites that are specifically designed for dating. It's very easy to get attention here. stranger. The decisive fact is that one should not expect to be rejected here. After all, people here registered to get acquainted with others. Just a couple of decades ago, online dating was a shameful thing. Today everything has changed. On the contrary, an increasing number of people get here and are looking for a pen pal. This topic is especially relevant for young people who are looking for friends on dating sites. Older personalities are no less interested.

    Before you register on a dating site and find a pen pal, you need to decide on the purpose of this step. After all, everyone has their own goals that they pursue after the start of communication. Some are looking for friends for life, while others are looking for a soul mate. And sometimes these two desires are combined. That is, one feeling develops into another.

    When you start dating an interesting person, you need to show yourself in good light. But this does not mean that you need to invent fantastic facts about yourself. Better to be open and honest. It is also necessary to communicate with a new person in a completely positive way. It is unlikely that anyone wants to communicate with a boring person who constantly complains about her problems. And it is worth remembering open communication the interlocutor will definitely answer the same.

    When communicating, you should never insist on the development of topics that are unpleasant to a person. You can notice it instantly. The person will stop briskly responding to messages, will evade the topic. IN this case, it is better to switch to something more neutral. By the way, it is not recommended to immediately issue your email addresses and other contacts after the first contact with a person. Sometimes it scares the interlocutor. Everything must take its course. In addition, after an unpleasant acquaintance, it will be difficult to get rid of such a person. You will have to change many of your addresses.

    Making new acquaintances on the Internet must be done with extreme caution. After all, many people know that a huge number of scammers are hiding in the resources. In order to avoid the risk of your life and material resources, it is highly recommended not to tell a new acquaintance about your position, place of residence, contact phone numbers. And of course, you can’t send money to him, even though he didn’t name any reason. Such people should immediately be added to the black lists if this service is provided on the site.

    How to find friends by interests

    Often people try to find friends by interests, based on their own interests and hobbies. But for this it is not necessary to plunge into the worldwide networks and resources. In the modern world, there are a huge number of special sections or circles of interest. Therefore, you can go to dancing or drawing, and find good friends there.

    But still, many do not dare to get acquainted live. For them, special forums and chats are now being created, which are divided by topic. It is enough to register on them and start chatting, so you will find friends of the same interests for free. For this, there is always an interlocutor. In addition, a large amount of useful information can be gleaned from such resources.

    And what I want to say in the end. You can find friends absolutely anywhere and at any time. The main thing is to want it strongly and make at least a minimum of effort to achieve this goal. And most importantly, you should never give up if the first time you failed to interest a person. With time, everything will definitely work out.

    I don’t know if you will agree with me, but I am convinced that a person is a herd creature.

    Of course, there are misanthropes, introverts, originals who do not often need human society like the rest, but they also want find friends by interests with whom it would be comfortable and exciting to communicate on topics that are understandable only to them.

    The only exceptions are hermits, who flee to remote places away from people, but their small number only confirms what I said, and does not refute it.

    Is it always possible to find friends with the same interests?

    My answer is: “Yes, always!”.

    No matter how extraordinary a person you are, no matter what original interests you have, there will always be at least one person who will share them.

    You can find friends, if not real ones, then at least virtual ones (fortunately, there are plenty of means of communication in our age), wherever you live.

    At the university, only at a different faculty, at the same time as me, a strange girl was studying.

    I understand that it would be better for a psychologist not to use the term “weird”, but I really don’t know what to replace it with.

    She was not bad or dangerous, she seemed to be mentally healthy, did not do any extravagant acts, but everything about her was strange: clothes, hair color, thoughts that she voiced, her manner of speaking, and even her look.

    It is not surprising that she had no friends at the university, and she did not try to find them.

    It seemed to exist with the student society, but remained on its own.

    One day, walking along Andreevsky Descent on Sunday, among the artists who sold paintings there, I saw this strangest girl from the university.

    She sold handmade jewelry, chatted nicely with her roommate. trading place, was cheerful and lively, as never before.

    And I realized that she managed to find friends of interest, among whom she is absolutely happy.

    A few tips from a psychologist for those who want to find friends with the same interests

    If you feel lonely, can’t get close to those you know, if you really want to find friends with the same interests, if you just burn with impatience to communicate with those who understand you for sure, the first thing you need to do is calm down.

    Normalize your breathing, calm the trembling in your hands.

    You don't need to run anywhere.

    There is no such magical place where friends for every taste and color live.

    To find friends with the same interests, you will have to try.

    Here are some tips that I hope will come in handy to make it easier to find mutual language with those who share common interests with you:

      More certainty.

      Are you really a desperate Cheburashka who agrees to have even a dangerous crocodile as a friend.

      Is your dream to find anyone?

      Then it is unlikely that the result will please you.

      Cheekiness and unbridledness looks disgusting, but if you (especially as a man) play the role of a modest and notorious daisy, then you have little chance of finding friends with the same interests.

      You simply cannot muster the strength to explain what your interests are.

      Looking for the right place.

      Will you look for mushrooms on the pavement?

      No, you will go to the forest.

      You need to be motivated in exactly the same way when looking for friends: if, for example, you are fond of football, then you don’t need to attend all kinds of art exhibitions with the persistence of a maniac, go better to the stadium.

      Less demanding.

      Just yesterday, you were languishing from loneliness and prayed to the sky to send you at least some friend of interest, and today, when yours, you start to pick and choose: “He is 30 seconds late for meetings and wears red T-shirts, but I hate this color!”

      Calm down Mr/Miss Perfect!

      With this approach, you run the risk of departing to another world without making a single friend.

    Where is the easiest place to find friends with similar interests? Of course, on the Internet!

    I think that the creators themselves world wide web” had no idea how much their invention would make humanity happy.

    Most likely, you just do not want to look for anyone.

    The easiest way to find friends by interests on the Internet:

      In the same Facebook, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, there are so many various groups that choosing the one that will meet your interests is as easy as shelling pears.

      Take a closer look at the members of the group, choose the one you are most interested in, and send him a veiled friend request.

      No need to reinvent the wheel, just “Hello. Have you heard Justin Bieber's new album yet?

      If the recipient keeps up the conversation, you will most likely make a new friend.

      on special sites.,, are only a small part of existing dating sites.

      At the city forum.

      Today, even small towns, let alone megacities, have forums where city residents can chat on topics of interest to them.

      Sign up and get in touch.

      If you really find a soul mate, you can always transfer communication to real life, it’s good that you live in the same city.

    Where to find friends of interest in real life?

    You can also try your luck and look for friends of interest in your city without resorting to the Internet.

    First, outline your area of ​​interest.

    Let's say you adore contemporary art, then you need to visit exhibitions in museums and galleries in your city, open-air vernissages, etc.

    If you see some connoisseur several times at similar exhibitions, especially if he/she has been looking at the same picture that you liked for a long time, get to know each other without hesitation.

    Similarly, you can find friends of interest in:

    1. Sports clubs and gyms.
    2. Theaters and cinemas.
    3. Churches and other religious organizations.
    4. charitable organizations.
    5. At dog and cat shows.
    6. On Sunday "changers" of collectors, etc.
    7. At trainings, etc.

    Where else can you find friends with the same interests?

    So that you certainly will not be left without a friend, I offer you a few more options for dating:

      In the office, school, university - that is, where you spend a lot of time, often - much more than at home.

      Take a closer look at your colleagues, classmates, classmates.

      Well, it can't be that they were too bad and unsuitable for friendship.

      During city holidays and festivals.

      When reigns festive mood It's much easier to meet people.

      During your travels.

      There is nothing wrong with meeting fellow travelers in a train compartment or starting a conversation with a neighbor on an airplane.

      At parties.

      The more crowded these parties are, the more chances you have to find a friend among those invited.

      In your own home.

      Look around, maybe your future best friend lives very close, and every day you hurry home so much that you don’t really notice those who ride with you in the elevator.

      If you do not know the residents of your entrance well, contact the ubiquitous grandmothers on the bench.

      They will definitely provide you with an exhaustive dossier on each tenant.

    Where else can you find friends of interest in real life,

    The following video will guide you:

    Find friends by interests not as difficult as you think, you just need to try and leave your comfort zone for a while.

    But, if you have already found a good friend, try not to lose him.

    Maintaining friendships requires constant work.

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