How to celebrate a child's birthday in kindergarten. Celebrating a child's birthday in kindergarten (photo report). A child's birthday in kindergarten: a treat for a festive table

Annual celebrations in honor of the birthday (for both adult and child) cause a lot of trouble and excitement, organization and preparation is time-consuming, creative energy, and sometimes money. First of all, you will be obliged. So you want to escape somewhere on your personal anniversary from the customs of “stamping at work” and handing out sweets at school! Despite your wish for the baby's birthday don't take him to kindergarten at all, disrupt the daily routine and solve the problem cardinal method denial, the child will not benefit from it... Because:

  • all the kids in the group are celebrating birthday in the garden;
  • I want congratulations, gifts, round dances, loaves and give away the best sweets;
  • you can be "the most important", attract to yourself increased attention staff and friends.

We offer the parent TOP-3 creative ideas for a child's birthday in the garden:

Option 1 - "standard"

Option one, it is also the main one, it is also the simplest and most common: give something to all the children in the group as a keepsake from the birthday boy... Usually mothers buy:

  • chocolate candies;
  • Barney Bears;
  • small packages of fruit juice;
  • "Kindersurprizes";
  • apples;
  • oranges;
  • bananas.

Sweet delicacies by the piece - and everyone is delighted. Don't forget the educators! They devote their lives to your children, put their soul into education, work. It is worth treating them, for example, with a cake. This will help you establish contact and find a common language.

Note that many children in the garden also suffer from disorders digestive system... Therefore, chocolate, concentrated juices and citrus fruits are strictly prohibited. It will be a shame if on your birthday kindergarten your kid's friends will remain “offended”. That's why an alternative to treats can be distribution:

  • stationery(colored gel pens, bright pencils and erasers, sharpeners, notebooks and favorite crumbs of stamps with famous cartoon heroes);
  • tiny toys(boys will prefer cars, girls - "", "Little ponies" or "Winx");
  • soap bubbles;
  • balloons etc.

Option 2 - "professionals"

The second option for a birthday party in kindergarten, in addition to the time and money left in the store, will require the parents to show their imagination. Having previously agreed the time with the educators (so as not to violate the daytime regimen, not to interfere with the walk, sleep, lunch and not disrupt the developmental activities), invite animators to the group! It is not at all necessary to spend money on a full one and a half hour performance. But all children, without exception, will be delighted with a soap bubble show (10-15 minutes), several tricks, a funny acrobat clown or a mini-puppet show. Your baby's birthday will be remembered by everyone for a long time!

Option 3 - "with love"

If you are creative people, needlewomen, entertainers and like to spend time with children (and not shift their entertainment and training to hired personnel) - do the "lesson" yourself. Arrange, organize 2-3 contests, draw a newspaper collage with the whole group… Can bring a camera and arrange a festive photo session the whole group: make some noise, jump, play, throw confetti and blow out the candles on a piece of cake. The main thing is to clean up everything after yourself, and not leave the "dirty work" to the nanny.

Dear Parents! Organizing a birthday party in the garden is not that hard work, but very rewarding. Your child will definitely appreciate the efforts, feel the fullness of your love and will continue to be proud of mom and dad - the best in the world!

In contact with

I saw the other day best example from parents. The dad of a four-year-old girl warned in advance that the girl had a birthday and asked to congratulate her with the children, he himself brought a gift for her (books in a box) and prepared surprises for the children: in the same gift bags for everyone (and for the birthday girl too) are crayons, chocolate eggs, candy on sticks and something else (I did not drop in). Mom and Dad volunteered to play with the children. The teachers also gave the birthday girl a book and a balloon for everyone. Children at this age still want to be in the spotlight with the birthday boy at the same time, so we arranged the Day of Four with the girl's birthday, because they are almost all 4 years old. We played, counted, drew, learned (repeated) rhymes about 4. We made a common gift - an application with a four and flowers in a vase. Learned to compliment and express good wishes... And the lesson was not lost, and everyone had fun and congratulated the child.

wall newspapers and birthday posters
An approximate plan for congratulating the birthday person (birthday girl). Here is the congratulation of the girl Lisa, 4 years old. Http://
Birthday girl introduction:

One, two, three, four, five!
Whom are we going to congratulate?
Whose dreams will come true?
Who are the flowers for?
Who will be proud today?
Will there be a huge cake?
Will blow out the candles?
And open gifts?
Who is this verse for?
And whose eyes are there?
Who is ahead today?
Birthday boy, come out!

Mom (Teacher):
How old is (Lisa) now?


Mom (Teacher):
We stomp 4 times! More fun!
We'll clap 4 times! Make friends!
Come on, Lisa, turn around!
Come on, Lisa, bow down!
And once again we all stamp!
And clap your hands again!

Congratulations from mom (teacher):
My girl is four.
What can you wish for her?
So that the dolls are not naughty
So that the boys do not tease
To grow more beautiful than everyone,
And she was happy!

Guys, it's so nice to give gifts, help me finish this beautiful newspaper too.

Task "Give a gift".
Manufacturing collective gift or a poster.
Game "Zhelalki".
Help each other
Answer questions
Only "Yes" and only "No"
Amicably give me an answer:
If "No" you say
Then knock your feet
If you say yes,
Clap your hands then.
An old grandfather goes to the kindergarten.
Is it true children? ... ("No!" - children banging their feet)
Does he take his granddaughter there?
Answer amicably ... ("Yes!" - clap your hands)
Is your birthday a fun day? ... (Yes)
Are there games and fun waiting for you? ...(Yes)
Are you all right with humor? ...(Yes)
Are we doing exercises now? ...(No)
Congratulations to the birthday girl? ... (Yes)
Or will we send it to grandma? ... (No)
Shall we give her a chocolate bar? ... (Yes)
Sweet and sweet kiss? ... (Yes)
Happy birthday, congratulations!
And, of course, we wish:
Grow Lizutka more ... (Yes)
Be sure to be fatter! ... (No)
Be healthy, smart, strong! ... (Yes)
And loud and pugnacious ... (No)
So that the parents love! ... (Yes)
With a strap so they beat me more often! ... (No)
So that they feed ice cream! ... (Yes)
Maybe enough congratulations?
Should we play games? ... (Yes)

In this game, you need to keep the kids in good shape all the time, not let them get bored, change their intonation, wait for those who are lagging behind, encourage them.

Game "The king walked through the forest".
Children join hands and form a circle. In the center of the circle is the "king" (boy), in his hands he holds the "crown". Everyone is dancing and singing:
The king walked through the forest, through the forest, through the forest,
Found myself a princess, princess, princess.
(the "king" chooses the "princess" and puts the "crown" on her head)
Let's jump with you, jump, jump,
(everyone bounces)
We kick up with our legs, we kick up, we kick up,
(jerking their legs)
We'll clap, clap, clap,
(clap hands)
We will sink with our feet, we will sink, we will sink,
(stomp their feet)
Shake our head
(shake their heads)
Let's start first!
(the girl returns to her seat).
The king walked through the forest ...
(the "king" chooses a new "princess").

Game "Ball".
The presenter throws up a balloon. While he is flying, you can move, touched the floor - everyone should freeze and not smile. Those who have not fulfilled are eliminated from the game.

The game "Know".
The host announces the topic, for example, "Mom and baby". An adult names an animal, a child names a baby. At the same time, we threw balloon from hand to hand.

Game "Funny Monkeys".
(the children really liked the game, they repeated it five times)
The presenter says the words:
"We are funny monkeys,
We play too loud.
We clap our hands
We stamp our feet
We puff up our cheeks
We're jumping on our toes
And even to each other
Let's show the tongues.
Let's jump to the ceiling
We will bring our finger to the temple.
Let's stick out our ears,
A ponytail at the top of the head.
Open your mouth wider
Let's make grimaces.
As I say number 3,
All with grimaces freeze! "

V big box a "loaf" is brought in - a gift.

Karpova Karpova

So, a story from the USA. A single dad is looking for support on the Internet: he persuaded his girlfriend, who wanted to have an abortion, to give birth. She gave birth and gave him a child for upbringing. Fully. Alimony pays even more than the judge said. He is not interested in the child and does not pretend to him at all. Everyone is happy? No! The dad, who is now completely responsible for his son, sometimes gets angry at ... at the son! Mom calls "empty space". The child, by the way, is 18 months old today. Dad complains that he is a single parent and Mom doesn't care about them! At the same time, he regularly receives alimony, he does not sue for meetings with his son - well, what else does a person want? After all, he wanted this boy so badly, I don’t understand.

PS all the screams from the series: she will regret it! - I consider it unproductive. Is not a fact. But his position, of course, amused. Enjoy, boy. And remember that you are lucky, because you are paid even more alimony than awarded.
Further translation of the article.

“His ex wanted to have an abortion, he would not let her, and as soon as the baby was born, she agreed to give him full custody while paying child support. At the same time, this dad, no, no, he complains about that mom on the Internet, “ dead mom". Cool dude.

"We did not have Serious relationships when she got pregnant. She has never met our son. Even immediately after birth, she had no desire to see him. We went to court, and now I have 100% legal and physical custody of the child. Her name is on his birth certificate, but she is not entitled to guardianship and is not allowed to visit him or make decisions, for example, related to his health or education. So she didn't want any of this. She pays 125% of court orders for child support every month. She says that if I ever marry someone who wants to adopt our son, she will not mind the adoption, but until this happens, she will agree, she will pay me for his maintenance.
I am raising our son on my own. He is now 18 months old and has never met her and I don't even have pictures of her. I'm burned out on the inside and I hate being a single parent. I love my son, but at the same time I resent him. My family, of course, tries to help when they can, but most of the time I do everything myself. I will never hurt my boy or ignore him, but I am fatigued all the time. I tried to go to court again so that we would be awarded separate custody of my son, but she again said that she wanted to have an abortion, but I didn’t, again made it clear that she would never raise him. The judge said that he could not force her to look after him. I haven't seen her for almost a year, and the last time I heard about her was that she was trying to get rid of stretch marks on her stomach with a laser and was spending a lot of time in the gym. I know she told her friends and family that she is an egg donor, not a mother. She has no feelings, and the court will not do anything, which means that I will continue to be a single parent. Are there any remedies here for me? "



My child is, in principle, a good one. But my husband and I are unrestrained. There are also problems with each other. The daughter is impressionable, everything is reflected on her. The worst began at the age of 3 after the news that there would be another child. She began to deliberately break the rules, yell, grimace. I punished her (deprived of something, threw away the toy, even spanked - now I will ogreb). But there were serious misdemeanors - she ran away and hid in crowded places (they were resting in the Crimea, many visitors in cars are scary). Of course she did. She even said that someone else's uncle or aunt would eat her. At home, she began to copy the girl (I don’t know, maybe the girl was diagnosed with neurology, it’s clear that she doesn’t behave so badly on purpose). And now we are at home with the baby for more than 2 weeks. And now it's even worse. She beats us, constantly provokes (by nature she is still a provocateur), seeks negative attention ... I understand that there is a dead end. Of course, we cut out, sculpt, play Lego, read (often while feeding our brother), etc. But she needs negativity. At least 2-3 times a day. The younger is also not very calm. Shouts so that it turns blue and goes. Those. not picking up is not an option. They took them from a private garden in order to save money and not to pick up sores (unstable weather). It is clear that we all need a psychologist. And what else can anyone advise?



He was called a tyrant and despot with the outlook of a "company commander". He hanged the Decembrists, oppressed the Poles, flogged peasants and soldiers, and killed poets. Any radical public figure of the 19th century wrote about him as if this king had personally strangled his talent. Agents of the ubiquitous Third Gendarme Division watched everyone.

His efforts in Europe, torn apart by liberal revolutions, kept the peace. He stopped the violence of the Ottoman and Persian authorities against the Christians under their control. During his reign, millions of dessiatines of the earlier wild steppe were plowed, industrial production... Through his efforts, the Russian language was returned to the everyday life of the educated class, the surviving monuments of ancient Russian culture were saved.

He - Russian Emperor Nicholas I Pavlovich

Another look at historical personality and direction.



Hello forum!
I am writing to speak out.
I hesitated, there is simply no more strength! The child does not crawl out of the sores, the log walks into the garden through the stump, everyone takes turns taking sick leave, but even in such conditions we cannot cope, everyone has to work, the sick leave does not allow to take work once a month
Life has turned into a series of continuous problems: how to cure a child, fulfill a plan at work, find who will sit on sick leave this time
Will there ever be a gap? Now everything is going to hell
Please support kind word I have no more strength


Target: create an emotionally positive mood.


  • older preschool children;
  • birthday people - a girl and a boy.

Clowns: The birthday girl and Pozdravlyalkin.

Attributes. Gifts for birthday people. Fake cake. Fake big chocolates for dancing. The table set for tea drinking. Samovar. Pot. Big doll Matryoshka with sweets. Costumes for clowns, baker and pastry chef, tiger cubs, detectives. Buckets and candies for the game. Tracks of tiger cubs drawn on cardboard. Poster with drawn objects: pumpkin, vegetables, fish, plate.

Hall decoration. Balloons... Banner "Happy Birthday", Places of honor for birthday people.

Music sounds. children with gifts enter the hall and sit on the carpet.

Leading: Why do we have fun?

What holiday do we have here?

Children: birthday! Birthday!

Birthday is with us!

The music of B. Savelyev "My birthday" sounds, the birthday people enter (a boy and a girl), the children, together with the presenter, come up to them.

Leading: What are you smart, matured!

Birthday people: We got dressed up today

Let's sing and dance

Let's have fun together

And meet your guests!

Name days are glorious!

It's wonderful and funny!

These are jokes, dances, laughter.

Games, songs and surprises.

It will be fun for everyone!

Children: Our favorite holiday is Birthday!

And so we gladly accept the invitation!

Song: "The Birthday of the Children."

Children with gifts:

1st child: Prepared dishes for you.

2nd: I have woven a carpet for you.

3rd: I am a drawing.

4th: I am the box.

5th: You candy from me.

Everything: Well, together we want

Start your own round dance!

Round dance: "Loaf" (children sit on chairs).

Leading: Already the first guests are coming, welcome!

Two clowns are running to the music: Imeninka and Pozdravlyalkin.

My name is Imeninka!

And I, Pozdravlyalkin. Our favorite holiday is our birthday!

And that's why we are visiting you today!

Name days are glorious!

It's wonderful and funny!


And you accept gifts!

Birthday people, where are ours?


And you get gifts!

Where are our birthday people?

Let them show themselves

We will call them

You need to clap to start.

The birthday people go through the circle of honor, sit down in their places of honor.

Birthday girl: There will be a surprise for our birthday people today!

Pozdravlyalkin: Great! Do you want to know which one? Then guess the puzzle.

A poster is presented with the image of objects whose names begin with "t", "o", "p", "t".

Let the birthday people try to guess this riddle.

There is one word lurking here to read it. You need a son-in-law of the first letters of these words.

Right! This is cake! To bake it, we need a baker and pastry chef.

Hey friends, come here soon!

Children dressed in white come out chef's hats, aprons and kerchiefs on the neck.

Baker: I'll make a white torment with lush dough!

Yeast, come on. Don't be lazy!

Lift our dough1

Leading: Wait, baker, let's play with the guys, we'll show you. How yeast rises the dough.

Baker: Of course of course. Come out. Children. And help me. Follow me and repeat all the actions!

Physical education: Yeast was collecting the air,

Yeast fanned the dough!

Inhale and exhale, inhale and exhale

Pooh! Pooh! Oh oh!

Well, dough, in breadth and upward.

Grow and rise!

White dough puffed - oh! Oh!

The dough was ripe and fat - oh!

We kneaded it slightly -

And they whipped it up merrily!

Leading: What a lush dough we got! Thanks everyone for the help.

Confectioner: Here is a delicious, pretty dough, not baked

Let's bake cakes

And we will decorate from the heart

Cream, nuts, chocolate - this is a cake outfit!

Exit Baker and Pastry Chef.

Birthday girl: In the meantime, our cake is baked and decorated. We will play the game "What's on the festive table".

The game is played according to the principle "edible - not edible" The last word the word "candy" is pronounced.

Pozdravlyalkin: Of course, what a birthday without candy.

Love little kids

All kinds of sweets

Who gnaws and who swallows

Who rolls for the cheek.

Candy girls come out.

1st "candy": Somewhere far away, the country is a chocolate land

Everything is there, everything is made of chocolate.

From halva and marmalade -

Everyone needs to get there!

2nd "candy": I am chocolate candy

I'm dressed in a bright candy wrapper

In the kingdom of chocolate

And stuffed with honey

I'm in full view all the time.

Candy dance(music by choice).

Birthday girl: Something cake is not carried?

Pozdravlyalkin: Probably the candles are lit.

Birthday girl: Let's call our culinary experts. Pastry chefs.

Everything: Cooks! Cooks! Bring the cake here1

Baker: We guarded it, we took care of it.

Confectioner: Yes, they didn’t save it.

Birthday girl: Here's the trouble! What are we going to do, Pozdravlyalkin?

Pozdravlyalkin: Think! Think! Invented! Let's call our famous detectives Klyuchikovs.

Music from the cartoon "Following the Footsteps Bremen Town Musicians", Enter the detectives hall.

1st: We are ready to start searching. What's missing ?!

Children: Cake!

2nd: Yes, the task is difficult. We need helpers.

Host: guys, will we help the detectives ?!

Game: "Little detectives".

(Collect the drawn traces of tiger cubs, who are bigger and faster, give them to the birthday people and detectives.)

1st Investigator: In my opinion, these are the footprints of a cat!

2nd: Yes. No, look how big they are, probably the tracks of a dog.

Leading: And you children, what do you think, whose footprints are these?

Children: Tigers.

Detectives: So that's who is to blame for the missing cake!

The cubs appear, carry the cake.

Cubs: We don't need a cake, we wanted to get to your holiday.

Leading: Then dance for our birthday people.

Dance of the tiger cubs (music by choice).

Leading: Let's children, thank both the cooks and the detectives, and the tiger cubs too. They all tried their best and the birthday cake is with us.

Birthday girl and Pozdravlyalkin: So, everything comes true in the world, especially on Birthday.

Song: "Everything Comes True in the World", music. E. Krylatova.

Children: Dolls, bunnies. Toys

They all sat down in a row.

Because it's birthday,

Children’s birthday.

To make our holiday bright.

We prepared gifts.

We drew pictures,

We expected this day!

Leading: And a gift for birthday people will be the dance of the festive ball "Waltz".

Leading: And what about our birthday people, maybe they want to please us with something?

Birthday girl: But I love to listen to poetry.

Pozdravlyalkin: And when I was little, they put me on a chair. And I read a poem.

Leading: It is wonderful. Only from a chair you can fall. Let the poems sound from the podium.

The poem is read by the birthday man

We love the holidays

We look forward to

Holidays are brought to us

Joy to every home

The song begins

Festive day

It ignites in the heart

Warm light

It's a pity that it ends


But they are never forgotten.

They take out the samovar: I'm going. I'm coming. Go

I carry a samovar in my hands

I carry a samovar in my hands,

I sing a joke

Eh, tea, tea, tea

Meet the birthday people!

Song: "Samovar", D. Tukhmanova.

My tea is already boiling

What is missing for tea?

Birthday girl: How you want something sweet ...

Pozdravlyalkin: I also dream of sweets.

Leading: And now we will play with sweets.

Game: "Candy Shooter" (children of two teams throw candies into containers from a certain distance).

Child: We congratulate our friends

Happy this wonderful day

We will sing a festive song for them.

Song: "Song - Wonderful", music. M. Protasova.

Leading: Children, but want to tell the birthday people your wishes. I will start passing on the candy and wish the birthday people good health.

A merry round dance about sweets (all the children call their wishes in a circle).

Birthday girl and congratulations:

Well done boys! Had a lot of fun. We must reward all of you.

Correctly, and with what?

Birthday girl, did we buy sweets with you?


Did we play with them?

Where are they?


Well, did you and I buy sweets?


Did you take them with you?

Where are they?

Yes candy!

Do not know. Let's search! You go to the right, and I to the left (go, bump into each other).

Well. Found it?

Also no. Let's go again. Only now you go to the left, and I to the right (they go, they find).

Here it is - a treat for everyone to glory!

Children for fun!

It's just a miracle - baby!

Doll Matryoshka!

If we open it ...

We can treat everyone!

Here are some sweets for the guys.

For tiger cubs and turn!

Birthday people: Thank you all for your attention,

We invite all friends for tea!

And we distribute candy.

The birthday parties treat all the children with sweets, the holiday ends with a tea party.

Mother of the birthday girl.

All-all-all! Happy birthday!

There will be tea and treats

There will be dances, jokes, laughter -

A holiday of joy for everyone!

Birthday girl. I brought you invitations for a real birthday.

The birthday girl gives all the children the heart-shaped invitations that she made with her mother, and informs them that she invites everyone to celebrate her birthday.

The day before, the teacher learned congratulatory poems with the children and prepared a gift - an album with children's drawings in a colorful cover. Before lunch in the art studio, the children took part in the setting of festive tables. In the afternoon, the clown Vasilinka appears in the group with a bunch of balloons (filled with gel) and a box containing items for dressing (noses, bows, horns, ears, etc.).

Vasilinka. Attention attention!

Big, big surprise!

Who loves adventure -

Hurry up to me

And in this color

Get dressed up soon!

(Children choose the subject to their liking.)

To go with me,

We don't need transport.

For a bright smile

I’ll give you the balls.

(The clown is giving balloons to the children.)

Children together with Vasilinka go into the hall. A voice from the face of the clown Pozdravlyalkin, which is made of balloons (2.5 m in height), greets those who have entered.

How many guests we have

All the girls and boys

Let's call for a show

Under the name "Birthday"!

Children sit on chairs that lead to the birthday girl's beautifully decorated chair.

1st parent.

Whose birthday is it today?

Who was born on this day?

For whom are birds today?

Are they singing ding-dilin?

Vasilinka displays the birthday girl.


Our birthday girl is here!

But just what is her name?

Birthday girl... Dasha!

Vasilinka. And how old is our Dasha?

Birthday girl.

We all love birthday

And although he is full of worries,

How nice on your birthday

To become older for a whole year.

Both today and today

I turned five years old!


If it's a birthday today -

So, there will be congratulations!

1st child.

Be beautiful, be happy

Be, like the sun, playful

Be like a ringing stream!


Like this, like this!

Children stand on tiptoes and stretch their arms up.


If it's a birthday today -

So, there will be congratulations!

Merry, fabulous,

Playful, colorful.

Dasha, dear parents, for you

Fireworks from balloons now.

To the sound of fireworks, children release balloons that fly towards the ceiling.

Birthday is glorious!

It's fun, it's fun

Congratulations to accept

And receive gifts.

2nd child.

We have been waiting for this day for a long time, we drew pictures.

We prepared gifts from paper and bright colors.

The birthday girl is presented with a gift - an album with drawings, which Pozdravlyalkin "holds".


Get up quickly in the circle,

Louder music play!

And for Dasha today

We will bake a loaf.

The round dance "Karavai" is being performed. Parents bring out the cake.

1st parent.

We baked a pie

And put it on the table

Everyone to taste could (put).

2nd parent.

Treats on the table!

There are cookies, and candied fruits,

And jam and jelly,

Gingerbread, candy,

Chocolate, marshmallows ...

Together. There will be a holiday for the whole world.

Children are invited to the festive table.


And now, so as not to get bored,

I suggest we play.

All games alternate with dance program, musical numbers.

1. Who guesses blindfolded holiday dish by smell (cookies, orange, banana, cake).

2. Playing with the ball (you need to keep the ball in the air without using your hands for as long as possible).

3. Who can count faster helium balloons of the same color on the ceiling?

4. Who can draw the most beautiful hare with a blindfold on an easel.

Vasilinka. Children, I received telegrams with congratulations for the birthday girl, but from whom they do not understand. Let's find out.

Reads out the telegrams.

“Dasha! Happy Birthday! I can't come to you, because I ate jam at the Kid's birthday party! "


"Hugs and kisses. Congratulations to Dasha! I can't come, I stuck my long nose into a narrow hole, I can't get it out. I'm waiting for my friends to help. "


"Happy Birthday! Well, birthday girl, wait! "


At the end of the celebration, a sweet prize or souvenir is awarded to the one who won in the nomination "The most happy guest”(And they are all children, which indescribably pleases everyone).