What time is it better to quit from work. When and how best to quit? How to gain courage to quit from work and start your business

Alena Baltseva | 03/11/2015 | 9254.

Alena Baltseva 11.03.2015 9254

"Will you dismiss from work?" - This question was tormented at one time. For myself, I defined 15 signs that it is still worth staying.

I have come to meet people, to a pension worked on their first (and, as it turned out, the only one) employer. Well, I, only in the first 5 years labor experience I changed the three permanent jobs, it remains to shake your shoulders and simply accept how it is possible. The reasons for the change of work were different: "not mine", inadequate salary, no perspectives career growth etc. The list can be continued - several times I had to "burn down".

However, a couple of career failures in an anamne - also useful experience. At a minimum for two reasons:

  • Now one by one sobbly description of the vacancy I can determine that not even worth responding to herbecause I know for sure exactly what it takes this abstract list of requirements for the applicant. Very saves time.
  • Now I understand that you do not need to wait for cancer on the grief whistled and everything will be done, the salary will rise, and the head will cure. You need to dismiss and look for a new job. As they say, leaving go.

I will make a reservation at once: I do not call you to challenge immediately, especially if financial situation leaves much to be desired. But the appearance of these "symptoms" - the reason to think about whether it is time to change something in life.

1. work does not inspire you

And it does not inspire - gently said. I get acquainted this feeling: they came to work with enthusiasm, and some time after something went wrong. The working conditions turned out to be a little worse, and the salary is slightly smaller than it was promised. But these are still Polbie, because the actual official duties Significantly diverged with the description of the vacancy that you were arranged. The fervor to labor feats was noticeably affected.

2. You are experiencing constant stress

Testing stress and discomfort - normally (and sometimes even useful), but not only when stress becomes the norm of your life. My first job I remember me the cockroaches at the workplace (seriously, the XXI century on the courtyard and cockroaches in the room?) And the constant nervous situation, the consequences of an eight-hour stay in which they often affected my loved ones.

3. You hate every morning working day

And not because by nature you owl, and I have to come to work to 8:00. The reasons are the premonition of the negative, panic and even fear before work. I remember at some point the work began to even dream. And it's not about good dreamsAnd about the real nightmares: the next armor, the authorities of me displeased, and so on and the like. If you drank a course of vitamins and forced themselves to lie down on time, and I didn't become kindern, then it's not a matter of avitaminosis and chronic lack of sleep, but in bad work.

4. Your load has increased, and the salary is not

The trouble-free employees are not always valued. If you think that, temporarily agreeing to perform more work for the same money, you will soon wait for the post or significant increase, alas. I thought so too.

It all started with a voluntary washing of cups for the boss and ended with the fact that the list of my duties swallowed to indecent sizes. Moreover, the salary remained the same, but not the washed in time of the cups began to cause bewilderment and places even indignation. And in general, as it turned out, my salary initially included and washing these quacks, and in general any additional burden. Apparently, I just forgot about it to tell during the trial period.

Do not be afraid to look for salaries and bonuses for extra load. If you do not adequately evaluate yourself, you will appreciate others (and, most likely, you will not like the price).

5. The employer does not comply with labor legislation

As I found out on my experience, voluntary washing mugs and cooking tea is, you know, still flowers. The berries were that the authorities aggressively insisted at work on weekends and considered care from work immediately after the end of the working day bad tone and reluctance to work. I needed whole yearduring which I processed daily on average for two hours, and almost every weekend came for work in order to understand it.

The same applies to hospitals, vacations and other stations of the socialket. If the bosses expect that you must work with a temperature of 40 and should be ready to return from vacation to the nearest flight, because they have lost your report, or does not plan to sign (and / or pay) to you, run! Do you need it?

6. Your company "Sun"

In the last place of work, I stoically held six months after it became completely clear that the employer is experiencing serious financial difficulties. It immediately affected the regularity of payout payment. "Well, nothing, everything will be done soon," I calmed myself. But no, nothing has improved.

If employees are constantly asking to suffer and enter the position, although the chief is still the money on the housekeeper, taxis and pizza to the office (in a word, for anything, not only for salaries), go!

7. Work prevents family

Returning to the topic of recycling, work on weekends, unplanned leaving breakdowns and solid negative at work. If your rapid labor life steals time and strength, which rightfully belong to the family, stop and think that in this life it is more important for you. In the end, the new smartphone for the child will not replace his close relationship with you.

Changes stressful work, I was surprised to find that now not only I can, but I want to communicate with my family in the evenings, and not to go into myself after a nervous day.

8. Work affects your health.

Professional diseases are the fate of all working people. It is important to monitor your well-mindedness and pay attention to the prevention and regular profits. But if, due to the working conditions or features, your health has deteriorated sharply, you should not put up with it - it's time to run.

9. You do not like the team

If you are unpleasant to work in the team, do not like colleagues or boss - this is an important bell. Think: with colleagues you spend more time than with your relatives (if, of course, not to take into account the sleep time in the same bed). If after communicating with them you feel empty, think about changing the work. Your environment forms you how the water sharpens a stone, like it or not.

10. You are disappointed in the employer

We put, the salary, the circle of responsibilities and the team are satisfied with you, but corporate policies in certain matters confuses. If you do not trust your company (you know that it leads a dishonest business, deceiving customers, promotes immoral values, etc.), and you like honest person, I do not like, do not go to the deal with conscience - look for another job.

11. You are boring

If one thought about the work causes you a savory yawn, think about: should you spend your potential on such useless occupation? If there is a solid salary in a bullious place, and the obligations to the family do not allow it overnight to quit everything and get a dream work, try at least to have an interesting and useful hobby or part-time job, otherwise you risks with your head to get bogged into this swamp.

12. You are not productive

If you understand that the work you get out of the hand is bad, and this day after day lowers your self-esteem, it is better to find another position where you will feel in your plate.

Another option: your productivity prevents the illiterate organization of work on the part of the authorities. But the result is the same - dissatisfaction with itself and, perhaps, criticism.

13. You understand that this is not "yours"

If you are clearly and clearly aware that this post goes into the ground your talent that you are doing business that you do not like, dismissed. Find a job that will like you - and you will not have to "work" or day, because you will enjoy your business!

If the case again stands for financial issue, Return to the Council in paragraph 11.

14. You do not have career growth prospects

The bosses are not listening to your ideas, all initiatives stops on the root and makes it clear that it is not worth it for promotion on the career staircase. Go! What keeps you there?

15. You humiliate and insult

I still do not understand what made me stay from care own willing After the first insult I heard from the boss. As a person sympathizer, I "understood and forgave" a humiliating scene for himself and wrote it down on problems in the family, financial difficulties and a bad mood.

When the story began to repeat regularly, I, fortunately, realized that no personal problems could justify banal rudeness and disrespect for others.

And if in your situation we are talking about a more serious case, for example, sexual harassment or psychological violence, go immediately. Do not let yourself turn yourself into a silent sacrifice.

Many people try to find a higher paying position, and therefore the question arises, how best to quit from their work, before leave or after it? It would seem that everything is simple, but in this process there is certain nuanceswhich can lead to financial losses from the employee. Moreover, he must comply with a certain procedure, since in addition to the right, he also has duties.

Features of dismissal

If you want to leave work on your own request, then there is a certain procedure for this. It is extremely important to observe it so that no problems arise. The fact is that some businesses do not want to part voluntarily with their employees, and therefore trying to prevent their dismissal in every way. However, if you know your rights, then with dismissal there will be no difficulties.

So, before starting the procedure, you need to know the following:

  • each employee may terminate the employment agreement on his own accord;
  • the employment agreement may be terminated until the expiration date;
  • the dismissal application may be withdrawn at the request of the employee;
  • the employer is obliged to issue funds for all spent days on the last day of work.

So let's understand in more detail. Any officially employed citizen has the right to dismissal, but in order to implement it, he must submit a corresponding statement for 14 days. Counting begins by S. next day After accepting petition. If between the employee and the enterprise is concluded labor contract, It can be terminated until the deadline is completed. However, for this it is necessary to obtain consent from the employer.

What happens in a situation where the employee filed an application for dismissal, but then changed his mind? If within two weeks workplace Not found new workerYou can cancel the procedure and continue to work. Remember that the employer is obliged to pay a salary and a premium for all spent hours on the last day.

Simply put, dismissal takes place in 3 stages: submission of the application, testing 14 days and receiving earned funds. Sometimes it is impractical or not even profitable from work, and therefore it is worth thinking well before writing a statement. So, sometimes companies hire employees and conduct their training at their own expense. In this case, the Agreement is signed, which provides for penalties when refusing to test the tools spent by leaving work. Sometimes it can be a rather large amount.

Read also Features of compensation for vacation when dismissing from the part-book

Also should not be dismissed if you have no new job. Moreover, if you are after care for a long time You will be without work, it can negatively affect your skills. When do people leave, before or after vacation? What time is the most appropriate? Let's figure it out.

Favorable time for dismissal

Each citizen has certain rights, and therefore when to leave work depends only on his desire. The Labor Code does not provide any differences between the dismissal before and after the vacation. In any case, the employer has the right to demand from an employee to work 14 days, after which he will be able to pay.

Note that the employer can go to meet and give a person a vacation before dismissal if he had unused days. However, this is a rather rare situation, because most often, the head will simply dismiss a person.

Despite this, the question remains open - when it is better to go from work and why? If you leave before vacation, you will not be able to get paid rest, in this minus. In case of dismissal after vacation, there are certain advantages:

  • additional experience;
  • getting vacation payments.

Suppose a person decided to quit after the holidays. In this case, the Last day in the enterprise will be marked in the employment record. At the same time, vacation is considered an additional experience, which will also be fixed.

Regardless of which option dismissal is chosen by an employee, it is necessary to inform the employer in time. As we mentioned earlier, the application must be made 2 weeks before the expected date. This term should be enough to find a replacement employee and conduct his training. Thus, the departure from the company will cost minimal losses and does not harm the company.

Important! Quite often, the employer may release the employee without working out a two-week term. In this case, he calculates immediately when applying for dismissal.

So what conclusion can be done? The main thing is that you need to do when dismissal - observe the procedure provided for. As for the departure time from work, it all depends on your desire and other circumstances. If you have already found a new job and want to start, it is possible to quit the holiday and not to spend time. However, in a situation where the vacation period is now, and you do not have a company on accepting, it is necessary to postpone and leave after vacation.

Working world is surprisingly crazy. Dismissal, you will never know for sure who you will work with who will have to ask for overcoming and whether you ever need recommendation from former chief. And do not forget about the gossip. If you leave about yourself negative impressions, there is a risk that they will learn about it outside the company.

How to quit the right thing

Apply for two weeks before leaving

Termination time may differ from of different companiesBut two weeks are a standard time. The employer takes time to prepare for changes, arrange documents and start looking for you a replacement.

Large firms can say goodbye to you on the same day. But the leaders small companies More may be required long term. In this case, there is a risk of breaking, send the bosses far away and just leave.

Should not be doing that. Take a look at the situation in terms of management. In addition, this disrespect in relation to the rest of the colleagues. After all, then they make up your work.

Report to care first the boss, and then all the rest

No matter how trusted your own, do not tell them about your decision. Do not inform about it in social networks. Your leader has the right to learn about it first.

It is better to report this information at a personal meeting. If the boss runs elsewhere, talk to him by phone. You can send email only if you both have no free time. But this the worst optionwhich is better not to use.

Prepare for a conversation with the authorities

Before you inform the news to your boss, answer a few questions.

  1. Do you have a plan of action that will soften the consequences of your care? Invite the boss specific ways to solve problems arising from dismissal.
  2. What do you do if you do a counter offer?Be prepared for what you can offer tempting conditions so that you remain. Treat in advance what kind of conditions it can be. Will you stay for a major increase to the salary? Per an extra week vacation? If the conditions arrange you, wait until they are confirmed in writing. If not, tell the manager that you really appreciate his offer, but you can not refuse new opportunities to other posts.
  3. Are you ready to quit if necessary, than it was intended?You may be asked to stay for a week or two. Think in advance whether you agree to it.
  4. Are you ready to go on the same day when informing your decision?Can you collect all your things and immediately leave the work room?

Speak briefly, confidently and with a smile

Do not go around yes about. Immediately proceed to the main one. If you have, a good-natured conversation can be difficult.

Do not give in to the wishes to express everything that has accumulated.

We are worthy. Suddenly in the future, your career paths will cross again?

Thank the head of Cha joint work. Not necessarily to tell O. new post. It is enough just to say that there you will have the duties that you have long wanted to perform.

Find out what you should have when dismissal

Here may be treated additional payments and bonuses that are spelled out in the contract. The employee must also pay compensation for unused vacation.

Write a letter of dismissal

After a conversation with the authorities, you will most likely be asked to arrange. Do not write anything superfluous: The application does not need to describe the reasons for your care.

Do not relax

After the official statement of care is easy to forget about their responsibilities. But ahead of you are waiting for another two weeks. If you do not want to spoil your impression, do not relax and bring the things started to the end. After all, you will probably be remembered by these last weeks.

Do not start at this time no new projects. If you do not have time to complete something, tell colleagues at what stage is the task. Leave tips to those who will perform your work. Ask than you can help colleagues.

Make so that everything spares about your caring and remembered you with a smile.

Do not insult the former chief in social networks

Some lay out in the social network reports about how they are "glad to leave this hell and not see more superior chief." Do not give in to the temptation, even if it really is. Keep dignity. The boss may not see this record, but other people will have about you.

Thank your colleagues and warmly say goodbye to them.

Do not lose touch with colleagues. Report your caring to e-mail or in the total chat. Arrange a farewell evening. it great way With a smile to remember everything you experienced together. Perhaps with some of you have developed friendly relations And you want to see outside of work.

27.11.2014 01:50

Many people ask the question of how best to quit - do not just leave, but to go without conflict, beautifully. This issue is indeed very important: correct and smart behavior in the process of dismissal - the guarantee that you have created optimal conditions For your future success.

You can talk about some key principles that need to be guided during dismissal. About them and will be discussed in this article.

Most an important rule - Never leave in bad conditions! This also applies to the employer, and colleagues, and business partnersAnd - most importantly - you, as a professional and mature person.

1. Rate the situation

First, make sure your dismissal is - correct solution. Do not go only to attract the attention of the entire company to your person. Weigh all "for" and "against". Think if you can improve something in those working aspects that bring you out of themselves? Can you get another job in the company? Did you talk with your supervisor if he knows that you are going to quit (if you feel that there are serious reasons stay)? Did he have the opportunity to understand your needs?

2. Check out legal aspects

Carefully check all the documents that signed when they worked at the current work. Does the condition be held there certain period In the company, etc.? You should also evaluate the financial consequences of dismissal, especially if you did not find another job.

3. Select the correct time.

Dire "on a high note", and not at that time, when you feel exhausted. Hanging complete analysis Situations and making certain conclusions (which is better to quit), write a statement.

4. Report this personally

Do not boil. Assign a meeting with a direct supervisor. Do not inform him of dismissal electronic letter. You have to tell him about it alone. Very important: tell me about the dismissal to your supervisor before someone else knows about it. He deserves the first to know the news.

5. Apply for dismissal

The application must be written in official style, emotionless. It should be a short and polite letter that declares your intention to quit this number. Apply in advance so that you have enough time to fulfill your obligations to colleagues.

6. Be prepared to answer the question about the reasons for dismissal

Answer as sincerely, tactfully and respectful. This is a good opportunity to give your leader (or someone else) constructive feedback. Be valid, mention all the factors and justify them. Regardless of the reasons for you to quit, be consistent. Get ready to get feedback from colleagues and other people.

If your company uses the output interview when dismissal, which is aimed at identifying "real" reasons for dismissal, take part in it. Answer as meaningful, do not burn bridges, expressing something negative.

7. Wait for the manager's reaction

If your supervisor is a professional, then he will definitely express regrets about your dismissal. If you already have a new job, he will congratulate you. The most important thing is that he must respect your decision.

Explain to him the reasons for your act and promise that in the remaining time to support it and the team so that they can carefully feel your care.

8. Expect the reaction of your company

How did your employer react to employees who fired before? What prefers management: so that people quit through a certain time Or did it go on the same day? In any case, be prepared for the second script: Clean your computer from unnecessary files, delete your personal information, collect personal things. Do not take anything that belongs to the company.

If you are a valuable employee in the company, be prepared for the employer to make you a counter offer to keep you. It is worth thinking in advance, under what conditions you could take it.

9. Take what worked

Make sure all questions related to compensation and wages, settled right and you did not forget to list anything.

10. Dire quietly

Attach every effort to complete and systematize all the cases, complete the remaining work. If the time and the situation will help, help in learning a person who will replace you. Some even leave the phone number so that colleagues, if necessary, could afford and ask something if there are questions. Such a benevolent attitude is often highly appreciated by the company. And in general, this is one of those episodes, thanks to which colleagues will leave a good memory of working with you.

11. Observe confidentiality

Do not talk about your dismissal until it becomes official information. Reducing, do not notice all acquaintances at once. Do not start talking about your dismissal until you discuss all the details with your supervisor.

12. Do not express the negative

Speaking about your care with colleagues, stay only on positive moments - mainly on how it was useful for you to work in this company. Do not boast of mine new work. Be modest and appreciate what the company and colleagues are doing for you. Reducing, do not say anything bad about your former employer, managers or colleagues.

13. Work diligently until the last day and fulfill all the obligations.

The attitude of a person to the duties at the stage of dismissal is, then it separates the grain from the whores. It is during this period that true professionals are revealed. Be loyal as before. Do not behave as a temporary worker and avoid participation in conversations with displeasted colleagues. Unfortunately, many people, unexpectedly dismissal, sometimes forget about all those years, during which they worked hard to build their careers in the company from which they leave. A few weeks or days they harm their past and often a future reputation, not understanding that. Do not be stupid!

14. Inform about the dismissal of your colleagues and business partners.

Talking with the immediate boss, report the news to other managers and key employees with whom you worked. Thank these people for successfully collaborated with you and helped build a career.

15. Tell me goodbye

Before you get off the train, tell everyone goodbye. Express your colleagues, managers and business partners of gratitude. On the last day of work, you can organize a small table with treats. Your colleagues will remember it. Try with some of them to keep the connection, be sure to exchange contacts with key people. Send forgive message By email, with whom you can't see personally.

Ask your head, colleagues or business partners, whether they are ready to give you recommendations. They can do it by email, telephone or write in professional social networks, for example, in LinkedIn.

The style of dismissal says a lot about the character of man, so you need to behave adequate in this situation. Today, when many are connected with each other (at least virtually), the likelihood is high that one person knows the other you worked with. You can also intersect with many people with the last work in the future. It often happens that a person is re-hired by a former employer.

Translation: Stepan Dobodamov

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About the change of the workplace Employees are usually started to think with a low salary or in the absence of career growth. But it is not single reasons To change priorities. With the help of experts, 10 signs identify that it is time to change something in life.

Sign No 1: Forever Heavy Monday

If you wake up every day with the thought that you do not want to go to work, looking for once again The reason is not sent to the office or systematically late, it is worth thinking whether it is necessary to force yourself to do what you are unpleasant. Evaluate the subjective (your personal attitude) and objective factors (the atmosphere in the team, with the authorities, the salary, the company's remoteness from the house), and then decide on the dismissal.

When you "customize" the arrows of the clock with eyes and are "low start" for an hour before the end of the working day, then it's time to do something more interesting.

Inna Igolekin, cEO Timesaver training company: "If, when you think about your work, it becomes bad - it means that something is wrong with you and your work. There is such a concept as a "psychological burnout." Even the most favorite job over time can become "Katoroga". For example, a teacher begins to scream to students, the medic hates patients, pedestrians and passengers infect the driver and so on. "

Sign of No. 2: Feeling

Those who do not see meaning in their work do not believe that they benefit, but consider days from salary to the advance and cut leave, they are unlikely to feel comfortable in the company. If the position is paid well, and you took a mortgage, then perhaps dismissal and should be postponed. But the lack of motivation and understanding own significance - faithful signsthat came the moment to look for another way to make money.

Tekhi Polonskaya, General Director of the Lamberry Marketing Agency: "How to understand that your relationship has been exhausted with work, and it's time to think about the separate future? You will feel this in the absence of interest. All you inspired you, everything that I liked, the tasks that seemed interesting - this will all begin to cause boredom and longing. Even salary I. additional bonuses We will seem not so tempting. "

Sign №3: You all resect me!

Increased irritability during the working day, permanent breakdowns From scratch, gossip, conflicts with colleagues - all this violates the psychological balance and makes it give up to cooperate with the employer. A person can "start" from the little things: one left a mug on the table in the common kitchen, the other uses too prior toilet water, and the third - constantly shoeing the nose. If you are increasingly noticeing a similar thing, the moment has come to make a time out. It is time to reflect on the change of activity and in the event that you categorically not satisfied the order and rules in the company, you are not ready to put up with them.

Sign No 4: Turtle Shecir

Constant separation of oneself from the team, refusal to contact even with those employees with whom you see on the day not at times, indifference, formal communication at the "Hello-Goodbye" level, unwillingness to visit corporate holidays And events - all this testifies that you should not walk for this work. Find something interesting for yourself, where you will be comfortable in any atmosphere, and the surrounding people will cause sympathy.

Elena Lyslova, obstetrician-gynecologist, PMMU them. Siechenova: "The result of misunderstanding with the authorities, fear of mistaken, a challenge on a carpet or humiliation to colleagues at the meeting becomes emotional overvoltage, nervous exhaustion, depression. A person goes to the "skip shell", hides, closes when the danger approaches. "

Sign No. 5: Intelligent Tupik

New knowledge and the opportunity to develop work in a saturated, and man makes satisfaction and a lot of impressions. If you have not sent for a long time for training, the company is not engaged in the development of the potential of employees, and weekdays Like two drops of water, think about whether it is worth spending your time here. Try to find the cause of boredom and monotony. Perhaps a conversation with the authorities will allow you to get another position where you will have to learn to act effectively.

Sign number 6: too easy

The feeling that the responsibilities you do are too simple, you quickly and easily cope with them, and everyone else is trying to take yourself - "symptom" the need for change. If you feel that they have grown yourself as a specialist, and the authorities are not in a hurry to raise you - this is a sign that it's time to stop going to work, find another or engage in your own business.

Elena Lyslova: "A person adapts to new working conditions, a company and posts for three months. At the beginning of the career path, integration into the workflow. After this period, the productivity of the labor at first increases, and the time that is given to work becomes nothing to fill. It becomes too easy to work, efficiency is reduced. "

Sign No. 7: No career growth

The lack of a career ladder promotion for some employees becomes a blow to pride, others makes it up to low salary and consider money in someone else's pocket, and third and at all drives into the angle as professionals of their business. Before writing a statement for dismissal will be useful to estimate at least a couple of factors. See who in the company receives an increase, whether in organizing the possibility of career growth, or employees are transferred from office, but within linear personnel.

Ksenia Mamonova, a copywriter-freelancer: "Work is not only to earn, but also for successful growth. My former work did not imply career growth. And I was not warned about it during the employment. When I learned about it, I had the impression that I had always did not negotiate something. Then the constant increase in duties began, for the implementation of which there were no appropriate surcharges. This state of affairs has become very annoying, appeared permanent stress. At the same time, the work was monotonous, paper and all the time grew in the amount and degree of responsibility. It turned out that I was like a robot: I performed a bunch of work, and professional development and increasing salaries. "

Sign number 8: not the one before

Look your old photos and reflected in the mirror. You noticed that your view has changed, and not in best side: pallor, bags or bruises under the eyes, stretched skin, excess weight or its disadvantage dull hair, brush nails. If you look worse, it means that the selected work does not fit you.

Sign No. 9: Irresponsibility

The absence of fear of punishment, receipt of a spontaneous, depreciation, violation of labor discipline, lateness and absenteeism say that you do not hold on to the occupied workplace. At the same time, you do not even think that you can bring colleagues with your actions (or inaction) to brake workflow. Emptying attitude to duties - true sign What the time has come to look for another or open your business where you yourself will set the rules.

Tekhi Polonskaya: "The tired consciousness will offer you to divert something, preventing it to focus. Naturally, at this moment, productivity begins to fall. Colleagues, customers and managers celebrate this that causes negative reaction, and takes away the last strength. In the future, if these symptoms are ignorant, there is a chance that you will begin to get sick. Permanent migraines, neurosis, unexpected falls on ice - non-random coincidences. You are overcome, and the body is trying to give you at least some kind of a breather. "

Sign No. 10: Readiness for Movement

You feel ready to go on the road - you found yourself a lesson in my soul and want to make it out of it profitable business. You already have a whole bunch of ideas about this. If you feel that you are ready to launch your own project, spend enough forces, time, money, then this is a sure sign that you do not need to go to work that is now in your life not last.

Inna Igolekin: "If there is no desire to work on hiring and want to do your work - it's great. It is important that this new occupation would take away from you not too much time and brings the appropriate income. Unfortunately, often people are not ready to adopt responsibility for their own life. Now there are a lot of work that you can do remotely and at the same time receive decent money. They can be mastered and start first to work in free time. If you make sure you get, and that you are able to earn enough to provide yourself, then you can start thinking about the final leaving from the office and work on yourself. Otherwise, the situation can happen when you leave "nowhere", and it only gets worse.

If you feel that you lack something to start own business (starting capital, Knowledge, etc.) - Think where it can be taken. You can find co-founders, companions, or the way to start from scratch (in some areas it is possible). Sometimes fears serve as a positive goal - protect us from possible problemswith whom we can cope is not yet able. Therefore, it is not necessary to treat your own fears as something definitely bad. It is necessary to soberly weigh all the "for" and "against" and then make a decision - to remain at the same place of work, to find a new or start your own business. "