A conspiracy to make the banks forget about the debtor. Rites for the quick return of loans and debts. Ritual with a church candle

Grade 5

The time has come to live in your own house: but it is almost impossible to buy it with your own money in our country. We have to attract banks and arrange a mortgage. It is very exciting to wait to see if the bank will consider you creditworthy and approve the mortgage. You can magically help the solution. Read conspiracies to approve a mortgage and apply them in your life. Happy housewarming! 1 Psychics..

Summary 5.0 excellent

Conspiracies to give a mortgage

The time has come to live in your own house: but it is almost impossible to buy it with your own money in our country. We have to attract banks and arrange a mortgage. It is very exciting to wait to see if the bank will consider you creditworthy and approve the mortgage. You can magically help the solution. Read conspiracies to approve a mortgage and apply them in your life. Happy housewarming!

Psychics on how to make conspiracies to approve a loan (mortgage)

Exists popular belief that it is possible to attract money into your life quite easily and quickly. Sufficiently clearly and with faith to utter a thoughtful and effective conspiracy to get the right loan. It works when you need to attract a stream of stable money. Any conspiracy works when you sincerely believe in magical power of these words.

To be given a loan, it is enough to know a few points that will help you get positive result. To get a good loan, you need to learn the plot well.

The conspiracy itself, which will help you get a successful loan, must be well learned and every word pronounced if you sincerely and completely believe in the favorable outcome of such a ritual event. A conspiracy for any loan is easy to learn, does not require special preparation. To give the required loan, you must pronounce the following conspiracy:

What psychics say about mortgage lending

“Blessing, crossing myself, I will go out of the house for the doors in the direction where the hunt is. I won’t go astray from my path and I won’t run into any trouble, I won’t hurt myself, I’ll return to the house with good luck!”

How to use a mortgage

If you decide to go to the bank to get a loan, you need to learn the words for the ceremony in advance. A few tips that will definitely help you get a loan for certain needs: Early in the morning, try to put on a beautiful and moderate attractive clothes only clean shoes. For everything to work out, you need to be on the threshold of your house or apartment - this is where the ritual itself takes place. A conspiracy is an appeal to certain higher powers, so you will need to cross yourself three times, as it should be done in church. Only then say the words that have magical powers.

A loan conspiracy is an appeal to certain higher powers. Speak only in a whisper - so nothing can frighten away your mood. Do not be distracted, try not to pay attention to everything that is happening at this moment around you. If a person is distracted, one must begin to pronounce it all over again, because the connection with the essence of the ritual is interrupted, which does not give any effect in the end.

Be sure to take a wallet with you - any money should certainly see a clear path to you in front of you.

Otherwise, you personally create obstacles for them on the way to you and to your well-being. Note also that this simple conspiracy will work not only in terms of obtaining the necessary loan, but will also help you get a nice amount of money by other methods (some unexpected financial find may occur, a large and unusual bonus or an increase to an already stable and constant salary, but sometimes you just get lucky lottery ticket). In any situation, you will not be in the red and will not suffer any losses in your budget. People use this powerful ritual year after year, because it works and has a huge power of action. If you are serious about translating this conspiracy into reality, you will get the result that you expect from each of the words.

So that the usurer would not refuse money, give a loan, merchants from our past used money magic. There was a lot going on:

  • Small coins from a rich man's purse;
  • Spell water;
  • Honey to make money stick;
  • poppy seeds;
  • Wax candles from a successful apiary;
  • Protect.

These items and materials are monetary energy, you can still use them today by performing rituals to take advantage of the positive charge. Magic Methods work to get a loan. You need to use conspiracies wisely - know the measure. If you want more than you need, you will fall into your own trap. The money will go away, and you will be left with nothing.

To approve a mortgage: an effective conspiracy

Visualization should be your main weapon. Imagine that your loan is approved, money is received, a bank employee gives you a card or an envelope, your problems are over. Meditate every day, prepare for the ceremony so that everything goes well.

Would need:

  1. White candle;
  2. Cotton fabric;
  3. Small coins earned by you.

Lay the coins on the fabric, tie tightly. You need to drive candles over the resulting bag and read:

Life and fate of the homeless

“Blessing, crossing myself, I will go out of the house for the door in the direction where the hunt is. I won’t stray from my path and I won’t run into any trouble, I won’t hurt myself, I’ll return to the house with good luck.

Getting a loan will not take long.

Believe in success and repeat more often: I will succeed, I will achieve everything, I believe in myself. Actively visualize getting a loan in the selected bank. It is good to carry out this ritual the day before your application is considered, so that they will certainly give everything to the last ruble. It is generally good to invite money into the house with a white candle - light it more often at home and at work.

Magic help with debt repayment

Usually, there is a lot of time for repayment, but it is not enough.

When deadlines are running out so that bank employees forget about you for a while or forgive an overdue payment, they give you more time - do one proven ritual. It uses a conspiracy to repay loans. money magic help you.

Take: Yellow candle; Yellow or gold tablecloth; clove oil; One coin from your wallet and one from distant countries; White envelope. Get it all ready. The ritual is performed at night:

“Blessed Lord, who created man in his own image, hear my prayer, open the door to prosperity for me, help me pay off my debt for the common good. Lord, heaven and earth are filled with your glory. Amen."

Put a tablecloth on the table, light a candle. Put the coins on the tablecloth. While reading the plot, smear them with clove oil. It is read 7 times, and on the eighth coin, wipe it on the tablecloth, put it in your wallet. The tablecloth and candle stub should be thrown away far from home, close to the bank where you need to repay the loan.

A conspiracy so that the bank does not refuse a mortgage

Who among us does not agree that loans are evil and it is better to do without them? But sometimes there are vital situations when it is important that a loan or a loan is not denied. After all, it often happens that everything is in order with your documents, and for some reason the bank refuses to give you a loan, loan or mortgage. If you are familiar with this situation, then be sure to read the following conspiracy and no one will be able to refuse you a loan.
A conspiracy, so as not to be denied a loan, you need to read before leaving the house. Here are his words:

how to cleanse the aura in a rented apartment

"I read, I speak,
I speak my path with a cherished word,
I read the prayers of the saints
And I remember the meek King David.
As I rise, so everything will become,
According to my desire, yes the word of God will be fulfilled.
I'll go az, Your servant of God (name), Lord,
From the hut at the door, from the door and into the canopy,
I will go beyond the threshold and go into the open field.
Meet me cunning cunning,
And with them are the wise sages.
They carry three cups.
Whoever takes them will drink from that goblet,
No one will be able to refuse a monetary need:
Though the bar, even the boyars,
Though Russians, even Tatars.
I'll go az, Your servant of God (name)
I will approach those cunning and wise men.
I'll drink from those holy cups,
And sum of money I will get what I need from usurers,
I won’t get a refusal, I won’t go back without salty slurping.
Soften, Lord, the hearts of all authorities,
So that they are before me, God's servant (name)
Like little lambs before the bear,
Like hares before a gray wolf.
Soften, Lord, all people,
They closed their eyes,
So that I would not be denied my request for money,
Lord, strengthen my words
Lord, confirm my works.
For now, for eternity and for all time.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Unfortunately, in recent times there was a situation when many of us began to borrow money from friends or bank loans. Of course, few people like to borrow money, but there are situations when you simply cannot do without it. The custom of borrowing has come to us from ancient times. Our ancestors also used this method to get something specific here and now, not being able to immediately pay for it. The fact is that in the last few years, many of us have gotten into debt, and the main creditors are not even banks, but micro financial institutions, which literally rob a person to the skin, thanks to legally cunning and well-written contracts. As a result, by signing such an agreement, a person will pay many times more than he receives. How to get rid of debts and not take new loans? A conspiracy to get rid of debt will help you change your life in such a way that the money will stop leaving you and go into your hands

"Hello! Sometimes it seems that I will never find prosperity, both material and family. After all, all our material problems are followed by family ones. There is a catastrophic lack of money for basic needs: food - I never thought that I would have to buy for cheap expired products to feed my family, utility bills, for my poor children (two go to school, the youngest is still in kindergarten). My husband works, I work, we sit up to our ears in loans and debts, we don’t know what to do at all. And on this basis, relations in the family are tense, we no longer trust each other, we often quarrel, but we really want peace and quiet, and most importantly prosperity. As if some kind of evil horn hung over us, money is like water through our fingers, we don’t understand where they are going. Of course, I understand that all the money we have is drawing loans and debts, but there will be no end to this if we don’t find a way to find the right amount to pay off at least two loans, since we have to constantly take one loan to pay off the other and the same with debts - I take from one person and give it to another (and I do all this to save my honest face). Kindly help, tell me if there is a conspiracy or ritual that helps get rid of debts, loans? Yours sincerely, Tatiana B.

Hello, Tatyana! Yes, indeed, in magic there are conspiracies to get rid of loans and debts. Many doubt this, and even argue that the only way to get rid of loans or debts is to pay them off with money. And in some ways I completely agree with them, especially if you resort only to white magic, without touching black. Yes, you really need money to get rid of loans and debts, but in order to find the right cash to get rid of debts and loans, you can resort to money magic and attract a certain amount of money, or with the help of conspiracies to increase the wealth of the family. After all, with the help of the magic of conspiracies, money can come even from the most unexpected places.
So in answer to your question, I declare that yes, it is possible to pay off loans and debts with the help of money magic conspiracies. I will give you a few conspiracies to gain and maintain prosperity in the family.

Conspiracy for a certain amount of money

Such money conspiracy should be read on a full moon after 12 at night. To do this, you will need the money that is in your wallet. Take a wallet with money and go out into the courtyard, squat down, or better yet, on the ground, take all the money out of your wallet, hold it in both hands and read the plot:

“Night forces, give me money, (name the required amount of money) help collect, sprinkle my money with the power of attraction and turn it into (name the required amount of money), I don’t ask for supernatural wealth, I don’t ask for gold, silver, I ask for help from the power of heaven , just fill my cup as the Mother Moon is full. Now and ever and forever and ever, amen!”

“Money goes to money, it grows, it increases, it turns into an amount (name the amount you need)”

Then go home, and put your wallet on the window until the morning. Keep in mind that you do not need to ask for exorbitant amounts of money, you need to ask for the smallest certain amount that you are so lacking at the moment.

Money conspiracy for prosperity

You can also use a wealth conspiracy to achieve your goal faster. You need to read the plot on the growing moon. It is in this conspiracy that the main thing is that the weather is good and you can see the growing moon. Once it's dark outside and you can see the moon, take your paper money and go outside. Close your hands in the lock (there should be paper money in the lock) in front of your lips and whisper a plot for prosperity:

“We’re going the right way, we’re going the righteous way, where we don’t turn, we’ll find prosperity everywhere, the growing moon fills up, the pockets are filled with money, as the moon wanes, it will take all the poor with it and take away the lack of money, I will live as a slave (name) in abundance and idolize my family . In the name of all Saints, so be it!”

Coin money amulet

As soon as you notice that your business has begun to improve, immediately start creating a coin amulet that will help you save and exaggerate your money. To do this, you will need a copper coin of the highest denomination, a piece of red velvet, a golden thread, a church candle. Put a coin in a patch and collect all the ends of the patch and tie it with gold thread, you should get a bag with a coin. After lighting a candle, put the bag in your palm and read the plot:

“I’ll put a gold coin in red velvet, I’ll tie it with a gold thread, I’ll keep the family wealth and increase it, and I (name) will protect the gold and take care of it, so we’ll seal our agreement with the seal of a church candle, as liquid is taken into solid, so it will be fulfilled this conspiracy!

At the end, do not forget to seal the thread with a seal - drip wax from a candle onto a knot of thread. And do not forget now you must take care of the amulet, it should be in a place of honor in the house (in a sideboard, on a shelf in the living room, etc.), it is best to place it under a glass flask or a transparent plastic box so that it does not gather dust. And most importantly, that strangers do not take it into their hands.
And remember! Having got rid of your problems, do not tempt fate again. Be prosperous and happy!

Helps to safely get out of the debt abyss. Regardless of the amount of your debts, after the conspiracy you receive money that will help you pay off all creditors.

Unfortunately, in the past few years, many of our compatriots have gotten into debt, and the main creditors are not even banks, but microfinance organizations that literally rob a person to the skin, thanks to legally cunning and well-drafted contracts. As a result, by signing such an agreement, a person will pay many times more than he receives. Therefore, of course, the first advice is to stop taking money from such creditors. If there is a need for a loan, contact the bank, and it is better to go to a large and trusted one (and there are at least 5 of them in our country). Microfinance organizations are an evil that will cling to your legs with a heavy weight and drag you to the bottom of a deep debt hole ... But enough of the lyrics, let's move on to a conspiracy that should save you from all the horrors of a non-paying debtor.

Conducting a conspiracy to get rid of debts

For a conspiracy, you need to buy a candle in the church and pour a glass in advance plain water(possibly from a tap). You need to make a conspiracy on the growing moon, in the first five days after the new moon. The plot is done at night, when the moon is in the sky, the weather must be clear so that the growing moon can be clearly seen.

They make a conspiracy at the window, from which the born moon is visible. Place a candle, light it (required from a match!), Place a glass of water in front of the candle and whisper the following on it:

"Make good sleep, for cold lips, for pale bodies, for silent miracles, make this water such that all my troubles enter into it, so that all my debts go into it, so that all my sadness and sorrow go into it. Yes, how will everything enter into this water, so it will remain in it, but I will be happy, but without unnecessary sorrows, amen, amen, amen.

As you read three times, take a glass of water and very carefully go outside with it, pour out water to the first intersection and in the middle of the intersection, and leave the glass on the side of the road, if anyone picks it up, he will be punished. While you carry the glass, try not to spill a single drop.

And wait later - you will have an opportunity that will allow you to pay off all your debts. This conspiracy can be used once in a lifetime, so try not to get into debt more.

The only condition for this conspiracy is that you must be baptized!
Especially for www.

The loan agreement is valid for financial well-being person, creates conditions for stable earnings and receiving money. For example, if a person repays a loan, then a conspiracy will help him in his work, reducing the risk of being fired or laid off.

In cases of financial insolvency or difficulties with payment, it will cause the appearance new job or cutting unreasonable expenses. Whatever difficulties a person has, a conspiracy will determine the best way out of the situation, help solve the problem with the least loss.

Action of the conspiracy

A conspiracy is not able to give a person money or other valuables. But it will help to create the prerequisites so that the payment of the loan does not become an unbearable burden or an unbearable burden.
Stable income, no unexpected expenses, sudden financial assistance on the part of close people, only ignorant people can be described as accidents. In fact, in most cases, magic does it, correct use which will definitely benefit the person. Luck, success in business can also be considered as an action of the conspiracy. If a person cannot repay a loan for a long time, or he simply does not have the opportunity to pay it off, then magical ritual will help to create these conditions and opportunities. It is not necessary, however, to hope that all credit problems will disappear. A conspiracy helps to solve difficulties more easily, but does not solve them for a person.

Conspiracy to pay off a debt or repay a loan

Prepare for the ritual spruce branch with needles and a bucket of sand. Tearing off one needle from a branch, you need to put them in the sand. Read the text of the plot until the needles run out:
“Take, earth, sharp stakes. Take, sand, as much as you can fit. Take it by month, by year. Don't leave any, include all. Not at once, not by a forest, not by a field, not by a year, not by a sign. Be you, sand, guard, become you, needles, a decree. The wind will receive the forest spirit, the water light will receive the spirit, the slave will catch<свое имя>grace. I’ll save it, I won’t give it back, I won’t tell a fierce beast. One needle, as one debt. In sand, in water, in oblivion. One in a hundred, one hundred in two hundred.
After all the needles are in a bucket of sand, you need to burn a branch over it, and then put it at the threshold until the loan is paid or the debt is repaid. In order for the loan repayment conspiracy to take effect as soon as possible, you need to:
  • Use clean river sand
  • The bucket must be without holes
  • A branch from a spruce must be found, but not broken off
  • The conspiracy to perform on the waning moon, on Tuesday or Thursday
  • After the conspiracy, you can not drink water for 6 hours, as well as wash

Taking on debt obligations is not uncommon, especially in our time. As the saying goes: "You take someone else's, and then give your own." Often, the debt "hole" leads people to despair and the most unpredictable consequences. How to avoid it? Despite the fact that our life is no longer presented without loans and loans, it is possible to avoid such dependence, and a debt conspiracy will help in this. In this article we will tell you what rituals from debts can be performed at home.

Features of the ritual

Before moving on to the most important thing, I would like to talk about the rules for conducting such rituals. After all, it depends on how correctly and competently you will conduct money rite its result will depend.

This is nothing but black magic, and you are a direct "hostage" of black forces. But do not be afraid, helping conspiracies to get rid of debts and loans are considered one of the most harmless. To carry them out, you do not need the attributes of the Black Book - human blood, the ashes of the deceased, etc. simple rules performing such ordinances, you risk nothing, but only improve the quality of your life.

Also, do not forget that any rituals of white or black magic cannot be used for fun and resort to them unnecessarily. Try to contact dark forces only in extreme cases.

Conspiracies from debts and loans are based on the following rules and principles:

  1. If you want to get out quickly critical situation you will need a ritual that is performed on the moon during its waning period. A conspiracy to give in debt is applied to the growing moon.
  2. Self-hypnosis is a powerful thing! Therefore, if you want to get rid of debt or attract money, it is very important to believe in the actions being taken. In the absence of faith, even black magic is powerless.
  3. Drive anger and hatred away, especially towards the person from whom the money was taken. Mentally ask him for forgiveness for the delay and try to set yourself up for the fact that you will fully pay off with him.
  4. After reading the plot from debts and loans, try not to get into debt for at least a month. In general, it is desirable to forget about the old debt and not to remember.

The rituals of black magic are most often resorted to by women. Therefore, I would like to warn you - if you are conspiring to pay off your debts, in no case should you dedicate your relatives and friends to this. Such a ritual must be done in all alone, and after it has been held, do not tell anyone about the perfect sacrament. Believe me, outside interference can only bring harm and failure to you.

How to avoid loans and credits

This one is very strong rite carried out in the evening, before going to bed. To carry it out you will need:

  • your wallet;
  • white church candle

Why a white candle? Because exactly White color is a symbol of purity and good intentions.

Sit comfortably in a chair next to the table. Light a candle and while it burns, take out all the contents from your wallet - banknotes, coins, business cards and bank cards. Taking it all out, read the words of the conspiracy:

"Clean out my wallet. You take away all my troubles. Let all my obligations as a debtor quickly go completely. I want all my creditors to forgive me. Amen".

Experienced magicians claim that extraneous and unnecessary things in the wallet - shop checks, candy wrappers - interfere with the flow of finances and getting rid of debts. Therefore, before putting the money in its original place, you need to put things in order in the seized things. Throw out everything you don't need. In addition, the money in the wallet should be folded beautifully. Banknotes must not be wrinkled. Clutter in the wallet - attracts chaos and instability in your financial life.

Ritual to get rid of permanent debts

This efficient and very strong conspiracy from debts are used by many magicians. To conduct it, you will need church candles and sacred water. In extreme cases, you can use running water.

Wait for the waxing moon to be in the sky, mark on the calendar the fifth day since its rise. It is on this day that a strong conspiracy will need to be carried out to get rid of debts.

It is very important that the sky in dark time The day was clear and the moon illuminated everything on earth. You need to do the ceremony at the window and stand so that the moon illuminates you. Set a candle on the windowsill, light it with a match. Pour into a glass of water and place next to the candles. Read the spoken words:

“The water is clean, transparent, take away all my sorrows, sorrows and debts. Let them sink into the water and never come back to me. I will become clean, happy, and I will not owe anything to anyone. I want everyone to whom I was supposed to forgive me and never hold a grudge against me. Amen".

From debts and loans, this conspiracy must be read three times. Wait for the candle to completely burn out. Then take a glass of water, go to the nearest road intersection and pour water there. Leave the glass on the road. Whoever finds it and takes it will take all your troubles for themselves. It is very important to bring water to the intersection and not spill it along the way. Returning home, try not to turn around and not talk to anyone.

The strongest ritual - how to get rid of loans

This powerful rite to get out of debt with loans held on a full moon. To perform such a sacrament, you will need several attributes:

  • church candles;
  • a piece of white cloth (you can use gauze);
  • collect a handful of coins;
  • thick green thread;
  • a tablespoon of coarse salt.

Sit on the floor and surround yourself with candles placed in the corners. As a result, you should get a square of candles. Candles should be placed on saucers turned upside down. Next to you, put the rest of the details for the ceremony.

"Repaying my debt, I make a full retribution - for this I pay the east."

Then turn to the west, north and south - repeat these words, referring to each side.

Such a debt conspiracy - deliverance comes after reading the last phrase that you need to pronounce, looking up:

“Now I am free before fate, I made a full repayment of debts - I paid for it to all parts of the world.”

As soon as the plot from debts on the loan is carried out, you need to get out of the square. Then take the fabric and cut it into two identical pieces. Sprinkle salt on one half and tie tightly. The second will be for coins. Tie both bags together with green thread. Put them in a dark and secluded place where no one will find them and keep them there until a new moon is born.

Remember that such strong ritual works if you bring it to the end, that is, you need to wait until the candles are completely burned out. But that's not all, on the night when the sky will full moon, you need to take both bags and take them far from home. Leave it under the tree, turn around and silently go home.

Before going to bed, say the words:

"Redempt and purify me white salt from debts, I will become happy, and my debt enemy will be defeated forever.

How to end debt forever

Note that not only ordinary "mortals" can get into debt, but also wealthy people- directors, owners of large stores, etc. This powerful plot to get rid of debt will help managers fully pay off employees for salaries and other large debts, as well as borrowed money. This rite has been tested by many and is valid immediately after it is carried out.

Such a conspiracy from debt involves the use of water, and preferably sacred. Best time for the performance of such a sacrament is the evening time - 7-8 pm.

Pour water into a glass or jar, wait until it stops oscillating. In the meantime, think about how much debt you have that you would like to pay off. Lean over the water and say the words of the conspiracy:

“The water is clean, fast, you flow without stop, revive and wash everything on earth. I want to get drunk on you, and be cleansed of all sorts of debts and failures. Amen".

After reading these words, you need to wash your face with water three times, and you need to drink the remaining water.

You need to do such a conspiracy to pay off your debts all week. After such a ritual in your life are coming good change to help you get rid of money debts, including loans, if you have them. You give back the money you borrowed with pure motives, without hatred or anger. Only in this way will this powerful rite work and you will never have to face debt again.

How to get out of the financial crisis

This is very effective disposal from debt will certainly improve your well-being. A plot to get rid of debts is read on the full moon and preferably windy weather. To perform the sacrament, you will need a sheet of white paper, a church white candle and a black pen.

Light a candle on the windowsill. While it is burning, remember how much debt you have and to whom you owe. Write it all down on paper and set it on fire from a candle. While the paper is burning, you need to say the secret words of the prayer:

“Blaze, burn the candle with red fire, burn all my debts. Let the money that was taken by me quickly return to their owners. And I will be free and happy. Amen".

It is best to perform this ceremony at Easter. Magicians believe that Easter Sunday is considered one of the most better days as a strong conspiracy to get out of the debt hole.

Ritual for getting a loan

If you want to be given money in debt, given a reprieve on debts, or you want to collect your debt from someone, this money conspiracy will help you achieve this. You need to do such a ritual on a waning moon. Take a white church candle, carefully pull out the wick, and place it in the middle of your palm. Squeeze and light the tips of the wick. Then say the incantation:

“Fire, strong, powerful and eternal. My spirit is marked by you, gilded and silvered. Amen".

Such a conspiracy to lend money can also be used to get a deferment on debts, as well as if you want to get a lot of money on a loan.

Ritual for getting a loan

To get money on credit, you need this particular ritual. It must be carried out before going to the bank for a consultation on obtaining a loan. If your salary is delayed at work, you can also use this ritual to get a loan as soon as possible.

You need to pronounce the money rite on the threshold or at front door at home. Get dressed, put on shoes, cross yourself and read the words of the conspiracy:

“Blessed, I will go in the direction where the big money lies. My path will be short and I will not stray from it. I will return home happy and rich. Amen".

Ritual with green candles

Conspiracies with candles have always had a special magical power, so they are primarily recommended by magicians and sorcerers to their customers. So, take a green candle, scratch on it with a knife the monetary figure that you will ask for a loan or loan.

Lubricate the candle with any aromatic oil and roll in ground black pepper.

Light a candle, put it on the table and say the magic words:

“Your bright fire is a candle, you burn for a long time and do not fade away. So let my hope be justified. Give me the servant of God (your name) to receive the most cherished and desired. Amen".

Extinguish the candle, wrap it in a handkerchief or put it in a bag and carry it with you all the time.

This money ritual will begin to act in a week, and you will feel it.