How to speak a money talisman. Features of rituals for wealth and money. Varieties of money conspiracies

Today everyone wants to live in prosperity and fully enjoy life, but, unfortunately, very few people can do it without outside help. Since ancient times, our ancestors have used all sorts of whispers and conspiracies to generate income and happiness in all areas of life.

The article will present the most easy-to-use conspiracies for money and luck.

True, they say: “The main thing in life is the right mood on positive resolution situations ". Much depends on the mood and attitude to life. In order to effectively read the conspiracy, you must first tune in to the result you want to get.

If you need to attract money, then you need to use conspiracies for money and luck, before reading them, you can, and even need to, make a list of those wonderful things on which you will spend the money you received. You can imagine:

  • Luxury vacation;
  • New car;
  • Bank account with a tidy sum;
  • Others are needed, for the implementation of which money will come to you in life.

Desire is of the utmost importance when reading conspiracies. Visualization is also quite important. It is necessary to read the conspiracy and imagine the end result, invest emotion and energy in achieving the result.

How to read conspiracies for money and luck

It is best to memorize the conspiracy. Pre-worth:

  • Thoroughly study all the nuances of the ritual;
  • Purchase all ingredients;
  • Consider the phase of the moon;
  • Prepare a quiet and comfortable place for the ritual.

You need to read the conspiracy aloud, you can whisper. There cannot be ten attempts to read it, everything must be done at one time and in the very in the best possible way... You should definitely evaluate your the physical state before reading the conspiracy, if you feel tired, hungry, unwell, it is better to postpone the ritual.

You should not rush things and constantly wait for the result of reading the conspiracy, each of them has its own activation period. Some are triggered in a few days, but the effect is short-lived, so you will have to read them quite often.

Others work after a few weeks, but their effect lasts up to six months. Better to start with more simple conspiracies and gradually hone their skills in this matter. Some conspiracies require a ransom at the end of the ritual. This is a kind of gratitude to the forces that are being addressed in the conspiracy. Payoff is very important, and the result of the work done depends on its quality.

Conspiracy to raise money

"Let the money flow like a river!" How nice to hear this phrase. And indeed - you can make money in the literal sense of the word flow like a stream, or a huge river into bins and pockets. To achieve this goal, you can use a huge number of conspiracies, but the easiest way is to use a simple and effective “Conspiracy for water”.

To carry out the ritual, it is necessary to find a reservoir, a river, always with a good flow of water. The more active the stream in the river, the better. To carry out the ritual, it is enough to get out to the reservoir in the growing moon and read the conspiracy. What else do you need:

  • A piece of paper;
  • Red ink pen;
  • Learned conspiracy words.

How to carry out a ritual - a conspiracy?

It is necessary on the shore of the reservoir, on a piece of paper to draw a boat in red ink. It should be big and beautiful, with sails, you can call it by your own name, draw money symbols on it. Then the paper must be carefully folded and read on it:

"I charge money for well-being

I launch them into the water for wealth. Truly "

After that, you need to lower the wrapped ship into the water with the words:

"How is your mother river (father lake) the banks are full,

So I (Name) would have been full of bins!

Gold, the bins are full of silver, everyone in the house is well fed and happy! Truly "

The conspiracy is fast-acting, it can be repeated once per Lunar cycle. Its strength depends on the intention and desire to make a profit, prosperity. It is better to use it personally for yourself. Payoff in this conspiracy is the boat.

Conspiracy for money and luck

It so happens that everything in a person's life does not go well. Relationships with loved ones deteriorate, disasters happen, diseases come, money flows out of hands. What to do in such a situation? How do I fix it? It is necessary to read on the growing moon a conspiracy to attract money and good luck.

What is needed for the ritual

It is necessary to prepare a quiet, cozy place, as well as:

  • New mirror;
  • Natural red thread;
  • New wax candle;
  • Empty saucer.

The mirror is worth buying without giving change. And you should not look into it before the ritual. The red thread can be taken both new and from a used skein.

How to carry out?

You need to sit down more comfortably, you can cover the table with a tablecloth or handkerchief. It is better to carry out the ritual at dawn or during the day. Place the mirror in front of you and place a candle in front of it, so that both your face and the candle flame can be seen in the reflective surface. You need to wind a red thread three times around the left wrist with the words:

“I'm winding a thread on my hand, I take off everything dashing, smoothed out spoken from myself (Name), I don't leave anything! And I'm taking off from myself with a thread! Truly "

Read the plot three times, once for each time you wind the thread on your wrist. The thread can then be removed from the wrist. After that, you need to set fire to the candle and looking at its flame and your reflection in the mirror tell a conspiracy to attract money and good luck, setting fire to the thread:

“Fire gives strength, it will take away all my evil and my troubles (Name)!

Me happiness, good luck, will not leave me in trouble!

As the thread glimmers, burns out, so the money comes to me! - Truly!

Read until the thread is completely burned out. It is better to put the burning thread on a saucer. After the ritual, put out the candle with the fingers of your right hand, wrap the mirror in a scarf and hide it for further use in rituals, do not use it in everyday life!

You need to put a candle on the same day for your health in the Temple. At the same time, there is nothing special to say - just to thank for the help.

Conspiracy for money from Vanga

Vanga is a wonderful psychic, her strength was enormous. Everyone believed in her talent in the field of magic, everyone knew that she was real, and not a charlatan. Her conspiracies are workers. With their help, you can attract money and good luck. Here is one of them:

Perform the ritual with an empty stomach, you cannot eat food 3 hours before the ritual. Better to fast at all.

Tune in to a conspiracy. Listen to money mantras, look at pictures of abundance. This will help to better concentrate on the energy of wealth during the ceremony.

The ceremony is performed after 24 hours. In a secluded area, take a piece of brown bread and place it on an altar or table in front of you. Spell the spell 3 times.

“God, how you fed all the hungry and needy during life, so help all the members of my family so that they always feel full. Bring luck to me, but take my grief away. Let the long road of happiness, satiety and joy come to my house and never end. I solemnly promise to wisely spend every penny and help everyone in need. Amen".

Do this consciously, with utmost concentration. Outside thoughts should not be present. By the way, if you don't know, then the conspiracies are read in the alpha state. To do this, it is recommended to first relax thoroughly, then stop thoughts and enter a trance. Stay in it for a while, and then cast a spell.

After the spell, eat the bread.

This conspiracy has worked well, strong enough. If it did not work, do not rush to scold the magic, perhaps you made mistakes, or subconsciously are not ready to let the money in. All kinds of restrictions that are in the subconscious mind can interfere with having money luck... They need to be worked out.

What mistakes can be:

  1. Didn't go into a trance
  2. They didn’t believe it.
  3. We read from a piece of paper without concentration.
  4. Wrong words or faltered.
  5. The moon was waning.

Money tips from Wanga

  1. V New Year take all the bills and count them. You can also hang them on the tree.
  2. To give cash and it is recommended to recount them up to 12 days. If you carry out financial transactions in the evening, then Great chance that you will lose more, not gain. It so happens that this rule cannot be fulfilled, do not despair. A wooden cross, which is important to hold in your hand when counting or other material operations, will help you from losses. This is a kind of talisman that will help ward off monetary losses.
  3. Place a mint leaf in your wallet to attract money. Wang recommends placing a gold jewelry in a new wallet for 21 days.
  4. You shouldn't give money into your hands, especially after sunset. Better to drop the bills on the floor. So your well-being will not go to another.
  5. Have silver coins to attract good luck.
  6. If luck has left a person, take coarse salt and pour it on your doorstep of the apartment, as well as on all the windowsills. When things get better, the salt should be buried away from your home. At the same time, do not touch it with your hands. It is important to bury salt in a paper bag.
  7. Cash luck can be attracted with green quartz or turquoise. Store in your wallet.

What not to do

  1. Place keys on the table.
  2. Put the hat on the table
  3. Sit on the table when there are stools in the house.
  4. Throw out bread and even crumbs. To feed the dried bread products to birds.
  5. Stick a knife into bread
  6. Do not give alms for change when buying bread and salt.
  7. Do not give alms with the last coins.
  8. According to Vanga, a bag with a wallet is not placed on the floor
  9. Do not wrinkle bills. Do not make any tubes out of them, etc.
  10. When you save up funds, they cannot be counted until the moment of spending.

Cleaning cash flow ov

Before attracting money and luck, it is important to do a preparatory ritual for cleaning the money channel. The point is that it can be contaminated with your own negativity, or others have negatively affected you. Someone could jinx, envy, and someone and deliberately damage. In any case, cleaning is required.

How to conduct?

Take your photo, write on the back of it "Cleaning the Money Channel". Place the photo in salt for a day, speaking the spell 5 times:

"Salt, cleanse my financial channel from negativity, from envy, damage, evil eye, from any negative impact. True"

The next day, take out the picture and throw the salt down the toilet.

To an old wallet

Study the text of the spell, all the subtleties. Don't rush, don't force things. Prepare well. Remember the moon, it must be in the growing phase. Better closer to the full moon. it is recommended to associate the spell not with a specific amount, but with a deed that can bring prosperity.


  1. Old wallet. But it is important that there are no negative associations with him about poverty and lack of money. If there are any, buy a new one, wear it with you for several days and start the ceremony.
  2. Threads, choose natural.
  3. Your photograph. Requirements for him: new, positive, full-length. You can take a special photo for a conspiracy.
  4. New, clean clothes. It is also recommended to wash before any ritual.
  5. Spell learned:

For example this: (you can make your own)

“The power of the moon helps me.

She attracts money to me.

My wallet is filling up with money.

My income is multiplied many times over.

My money grows like the moon grows.

Her energy is strong.

Oh moon fill my money with power

Give me some money luck.

Become rich help!


How to carry out?

On a clear day, when the moon is visible, go outside. Naturally at night. As a last resort, stand by the window. It is important that the moonlight shines on you. To charge you with my energy.

Hold a wallet in your left hand, a picture in your right.

Now place your hands in front of you and visualize the threads that create an imaginary triangle. They stretch from the wallet to your image, and from it and the wallet to the moonlight.

See how the energy goes from the moon into your wallet, how it fills it with strength, while keeping the same connection between the wallet and the picture.

Speak a conspiracy, with the focus on the moon. also remember about the imaginary triangle, it is important to continue to visualize it.

After you have read the magic words, take a thread and tie your picture and wallet with it and place it under your pillow while you sleep. And in the morning, take out the bundle and untie it, place the image for a month in your wallet.

Three candle plot

Money luck can be attracted with the help of candle magic. Buy 3 wax candles in the following colors:

Green - it will symbolize money.

Brown - work, business that will lead to material success

White means the person who is performing the ritual.

Having tuned in to the ceremony, place 3 candles in the form of a triangle in front of you on the altar, magic blanket, well, in extreme cases, on the table.

Place the white one directly in front of you. Place a green candle on the left, and place a brown one on the right.

Now your task is to light all the candles and cast the spell. This should be done in the same order as you put the candles on the altar.

For each lit candle, say a certain text:

"The flame is like a soul, the soul is like a flame."


"Deeds in deeds, paths in paths, everything is clear."

"Profit in profit, money in money."

Contemplate the fire for a while, while visualizing what you want. Then twist all three candles into one and place in the central part of the triangle. Do it quickly, in one move. Speak:

"In power - power, in power - strength, I am with power and with that power."

Leave the entire structure to burn out. And leave the rest of the wax in the form of a talisman.

To attract money and luck with conspiracies, it is important to read them according to special rules:

  1. Before the ceremony, fasting will help to tune in to the necessary energies.
  2. Visit a church or a place of power, visit nature.
  3. Be internally ready for change.
  4. Promise something in return. This is where the principle of energy exchange works.
  5. Do not perform rituals for fun.
  6. Be sure to keep silent about the ceremonies.
  7. Be sure to believe.
  8. Without any doubts.
  9. A clear focus during conspiracies on the desired.

"Comes from" god ".

That is, we simply lost our understanding of this term, exchanged it for clothes and other "benefits of civilization."

And we strive to find a working conspiracy on how to attract money.

This pursuit (moreover, with a rapidly increasing pace) has alienated us from the true perception of wealth. This statement is very correct.

Why do you need a conspiracy for money

Who today thinks that it is in nature and its priceless gifts? Nobody. More and more we strive for those things that "human genius" invented.

But we only distance ourselves from divine well-being. By the way, no one says that having a lot of money, which means freedom, opportunities, is bad.

You can only attract them into your life, fortunately or unfortunately, if you return to the true awareness of the good.

In general, this is just philosophy.

It does not particularly help people, which can be confirmed by people who have been or are now practicing all kinds of cleansing techniques.

They are good, only they bring little (if any) money.

You need to uproot and throw out the cobblestones, dismantle the dams. Choose any picture and keep it in your imagination if you decide to tackle the magic of well-being.

Over time, you will learn to feel when the dams have been built again and should be urgently dismantled. Start with the simplest rituals.

Candle ritual

First, it is desirable to turn the flows in your direction. Let not everything reach you yet, but a thin trickle will itself erode the built-up barriers.

Use the time, as if specially invented for this business - the phase of the moon's rise.

Money rituals are generally good during this period. At this time, the earth “breathes in”, “opens up”, the energies grow. Barely ride this magical energy and take action.

The plot is read while burning. It must be ecclesiastical.

When you go to the Temple for her, then order the magpie. It will be read for forty days.

In the morning light a candle (buy a thick one) and say the words:

“The Holy Church of the Lord on Mount Athos stands. In it is the throne of the Lord in the middle of the altar. He stands firmly, does not move. The holy presto is rich and holy, the Lord is embraced by the will of heaven. I, the Lord's servant (name) at the throne, pray that my house will stand firm in the middle of the whole world, that it will be filled with riches, with the blessing of the Lord be strengthened. Amen!"

Conspiracy with a knife

  1. At dawn in the morning, you need to take a sharp knife and go into the forest.
  2. Find a fallen tree there.
  3. Stick a knife into it and say:

    “In the midst of a dark forest, a free expanse, a terrible beast sits. He protects wealth, gold - protects stones. The forest beast is terrible, but I will outwit him. I will invite you home and melt the evil with love. The beast brings wealth with him to my house. For an affectionate word, for kindness, leave it all here. To feed the children, do not forget the old people. There is enough good for everyone from the forest yard. Amen!"

  4. The knife must be picked up and thrown into running water. Just don't bring it back home.
  5. When he drowns, read:

“Beast of the forest, I'm taking you to my home. Take gold with you. You are my friend forever! "

Now go home. Look closely along the way. There will definitely be a sign where the money will come from.

How to attract money quickly

This ceremony will also need a church candle.

  1. You will need to get the wick out of it.
  2. Place it on a metal dish (preferably silver).
  3. Light both sides. It burns quickly. Therefore, immediately say the words:

“The fire burns, knows no obstacles. He will get it everywhere, he will lure joy. How not to stop him, so my wealth will be: not for a day, but forever! Amen!"

The ceremony is carried out on condition that there is not a cloud in the sky. After that, you can't talk to anyone until morning. Please note that I will definitely knock down the flow.

Therefore, it is advisable to turn off the connection, the computer, and in general, immediately fall asleep so that no one destroys the energy.

And in the morning on the dish (where the wick was burned) put several coins of different denominations. This will be your amulet.

Attracting money to the house

For this purpose, a special "magnet" is being prepared - a talisman. It should be made from real bills and coins.

It is necessary to take money of various denominations and it is desirable to add currency there.

You don't know where the wealth will fall from, do you? Do not exclude overseas receipts.

Place the prepared bills on the windowsill so that they are in moonlight... Tell:

“Mother - the Moon illuminates the earth, waters it with gold and silver. You grow, that, you grow, you do not know worldly worries. Pour light on your living money. Let them grow, come, they pound my doorsteps. Moonlight money will get drunk, grow, increase. I can get rid of poverty with them! Amen!"

In the morning (without delay), sew up the poured moonlight bills and coins in a red bag. Only tightly so that it was impossible to get them from there.

Hang this bag near the front door. It will attract streams of money into your home. On another occasion, it is recommended to carry out the ceremony again.

Place the bag near the window.

And so on until all the entrances and exits are decorated with talismans. Although, and one works fine.

Money magic is a form of white magic designed to not only reduce influence negative factors, but also to increase the positive, affecting all transactions carried out with money. Remember:

Never use magic to enrich yourself at the expense of other people. You need to rely only on the help of the Higher Powers, and of course on your own forces.

No ritual will work if you don't help it. This principle applies to all types of magic, not only to money, that is, if you carry out a ritual with money and sit back, then money will not appear by itself. Money doesn't come out of thin air. No magic can do that. The essence of money magic is that it helps to make money, opens up new opportunities for a person. This kind of opportunity is often called a lucky break. But in fact, these cases are not so accidental. This is how money magic works.

You need to be confident in your desire to have money. There will be no absolute certainty - magic will not work.

Magic, including money magic, is associated with emotions. If the financial condition is oppressive, not sure of success, then the magic will not work. To be successful, you need to support positive outlook to the world.

Conspiracies are an incantatory verbal formula that has magic power... To give precise definition conspiracy is impossible, since not all of its types fit into the forms of desire or comparison. The conspiracy is based on belief in the magic of the word.

Conspiracies exist in all types of magic, including money ().
When performing a ritual with a conspiracy, you must follow some rules.

1. It must be remembered that the purpose of a conspiracy is to speak, to ensure the well-being of a person. Conspiracies should be pronounced in a whisper. You can not read conspiracies in public, they will lose their power. The person who utters the conspiracy must have willpower.

2. The conspiracy will work only if they believe in its power! Conspiracies must be pronounced not only in words, but also with the soul.

4. Before any conspiracy, it is necessary to say the prayer: “Nicholas, saint of God. You are in the field, you are in the house, on the way and on the road, in heaven and on earth: intercede and save from all evil. "

5. As a rule, a conspiracy for money is read on the growing moon ***.

6. When conspiring for money, it is used green candle(If the candles the desired color was not found, then a white candle is used, it is considered universal). The candle should burn out completely. If it is necessary to extinguish, extinguish the flame with your fingers ***.

7. Conspiracies are usually learned by heart.

*** - If there are no other indications in the conspiracy itself.

Money conspiracy

To do on the waxing moon. Light a green candle and concentrate on the flame. The conspiracy is repeated 3 to 9 times to feel its power:

“I wish the healing and harmonious energy of this candle to become mine. Let the magic of money flow through my life. I attract money like a magnet. I am open and receptive to wealth. There is light and love around me, they keep me in all my efforts. Let everything be done according to my word. "

Leave the candle to burn out.

Quick conspiracy

Get quick money, the money conspiracy with green candles will help. This conspiracy will help find a way out of the very difficult situation and solve the problems. This will require two green wax candles. Light candles at noon and, looking at the fire, read the conspiracy:

“Lord God, Jesus Christ, help me find help! Your slaves walked across the sky, dragging bags, there was money in the bags. These bags have opened, the money has all fallen! I then walked down the bottom, I collected all the money and took it home. Burn the candles, go into the house. Amen!"

The plot is read three times, after which the candles are left to burn out. Put a piece of wax in your wallet as a talisman to improve the result.

Strong conspiracy for money from Vanga

For the ritual, take a small piece of brown bread. To perform the ritual, your stomach must be empty (do not eat for 2-3 hours before the ritual). At night, no one should be around. Put a piece of bread in front of you and say this conspiracy over it three times:

“God, how you fed all the hungry and needy during life, so help all the members of my family so that they always feel full. Bring luck to me, but take my grief away. Let the long road of happiness, satiety and joy come to my house and never end. I solemnly promise to wisely spend every penny and help everyone in need. Amen".

After uttering the conspiracy, the bread must be eaten. This ritual should be performed only once.

Birthday money conspiracy

The conspiracy is read at the hour of its birth. If you don't know the hour, then you need to read at midnight on your birthday. When reading the conspiracy, no one should be around. Light a candle and place in front of the icon. The plot is read 12 times:

“I will be baptized with the Cross, I will be blessed by the Lord. Amen. Lord God, Master of the whole world, visible and invisible, all days and years of my life depend on Your holy will. Thank You, merciful Father, that You have allowed me to live one more year; I know that due to my sins I am not worthy of this mercy, but You show it to me according to Your ineffable love for mankind. Extend also Thy mercies to me, a sinner; continue my life in virtue, tranquility, health, in peace with all relatives and in harmony with all neighbors. Give me an abundance of earthly fruits and everything that is needed to satisfy my needs.
Most of all, cleanse my conscience, strengthen me on the path of salvation, so that, following it, after many years of this life in this world, passing into eternal life, I will be honored to be the heir of Your Heavenly Kingdom. Himself, Lord, bless the year that I begin and all the days of my life. Amen".

After that there will be prosperity in all matters, as well as in money.

Money conspiracy - on a towel

Take a new white or yellow linen towel. The towel is folded 12 times. Adding, each time read the conspiracy:

“Lord, bless the conspiracy to speak! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will go, servant of God (name), crossing myself, worshiping four roads, I will go east, to the east side. In the sub-eastern side of the okiyan-sea, in that okiyan-sea, a white fish is splashing. White fish! Take my towel, sail to the vast countries where the Zlatitsa River flows. In that river the water is golden, the sand is golden on the shore. Rinse-rinse my towel in the golden river, dry it on the golden sand, bring it back to me! The white fish swam to vast countries, to the Zlatitsa river, rinsed a towel in the golden river, dried it on the golden sand, the white fish brought that towel to me, the servant of God (name), and I rub myself with that towel, wipe myself off with that towel, line the path with that towel. I wipe my hands, I add gold, I wipe my face, I add beauty, I line the path, I call for good. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Thus, having pronounced the conspiracy 12 times, take a towel by one end and shake it so that it unfolds. Dry your face, neck and hands with a towel and put it at the head of the bed.
No one should sleep in this place except you. If someone lies on a towel, then the conspiracy will lose its power.

Conspiracy from lack of money

Removes, including the lack of money, which is induced by damage. Take a white candle, melt in iron mug on fire. When the wax boils, throw a coin there and read the plot:

“God has a paradise, a garden in paradise. The devil has a boiling hell. Boil, candle, boil, you save up my wealth, save up. As long as this wax coin is with me, all the wealth will go to me. The angel stands at the Garden of Eden, the devil stands at the boiling hell. There will be no department for my case. Closing, closing. I lock it, I lock it. I clean up, clean up. Amen. Amen. Amen".

At the word “clean”, remove the coin from the wax with a slotted spoon so that it is in the wax. When it cools down, you get a wax cake that should be carried with you everywhere. You can do this for three coins, and carry three cakes with you.

Conspiracy for money - for a young month

The plot is read when the horns appear young month, 40 times in a row:

“The moon is young, your horns are golden, you walk across the sky, you count the stars. Day by day you grow and arrive. So my money would grow, it would always arrive in my house and in my pocket. My word is strong, my deed is tenacious, I shut up with Amin, I shut up with Amin. The Spirit is eternally holy, and I am always rich. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Pre-Easter conspiracy

On the eve of the bright holiday of Easter, prepare a handful of little things. The conspiracy is held on Maundy Thursday. At the same time, no one should be at home.

Take a basin, pour water into it and throw small change there. Then clasp the little fingers and read the conspiracy over the pelvis three times:

“You are water, water, everyone drinks you, everyone loves you. Everyone sanctifies you at Epiphany. I ask you, water, forgiveness: mother is pure water, forgive, mother water, help. As there are many of you in the lake, river, stream, ocean, in every human glass, so I would have a lot of money: on Monday, and on Tuesday, and on Wednesday, and on Thursday, and on Friday, and on Saturday and Sunday. As much water, so that I, the servant (s) of God (s) (name), have a lot of good, gold and silver. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After this, wash the table, windows, doors and floor with water. It is necessary to wash in the given order. Wash the floors from the doorstep.

Strong conspiracy for money

On the growing moon at night. You will need several paper notes of any denomination and the same number of coins. Read the conspiracy over money:

“Magnificent moon, you are growing so fast, so may my income also increase. Share your light with my money, so that every day there will be more of it. Money grows so fast because they drink moonlight. They absorb all the power of the moon and fill my house. "

Put the money in such a place so that the light of the moon falls on them, then go out to another room. The room in which you will be, like the room in which the money is located, illuminated by the moon, should be dark, do not turn on the light until the end.

After two hours, enter the room with the money. Take your wallet and put that money there. Mark the coins, they cannot be spent within 30 days. They must be in the wallet to attract a lot of money there. These coins and bills have positive energy moon, and in fact it is she who is best helper in this kind of business. A month later, the money can be spent and, if you want, perform the same ritual again.

Money conspiracy - for poppy

When the new moon comes, go to the market and buy a poppy from the woman. Give the money without change, if it doesn’t work out, then don’t take the change. Don't haggle.

Arriving home, spread a black handkerchief on the table, draw a circle on it with a remnant. Pour the poppy into the circle. Later ring finger with your right hand, draw a cross on the poppy and pronounce the conspiracy:

“On the sea, on the ocean, there is one island, on that island there is land. There is the Lord God, the Mother of God and me. I will come closer to them, I will bow to them lower. Mother of God, You lived on earth, took bread into your own hands, paid for bread with money, carried money in your wallet. Without money, food will not be given, clothes will not be woven. Give me, Lord, how much poppy is on this scarf, so much money in my wallet. I lock my words, I close my case. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Questions such as: what to do with a scarf and poppy? There are no indications in the conspiracy, which means the scarf is used further as you wish. Poppy can be added to some dish. This conspiracy will work if you observe an edible fast on Friday, do nothing on that day (work).

Conspiracy to make money flow

If you are in financial difficulty and there are no hopes of getting money soon, read the conspiracy so that money can flow:

“I, a servant of God, walk in a clean field, I will go out to a stone mountain, on that stone mountain there is a new church, in it the angels sing, the archangels trumpet over it, in that church the light is incorruptible, the eternal light, the light of the Lord. I will worship that Light, I will pray to the Lord: Lord! In You is riches for those in need, heartfelt joy for those who grieve, healing for all who are wounded, consolation for all who mourn. Shine mi. Oh my God. Thy Light is true, as if in Thy light I will see and I Thy Glory, like the Only Begotten of the Father, and may Thy incomprehensible Image be imagined in me, according to which Thou art created man. Oh God, my Savior. The light of my mind and the Fortress of my soul, may Thy kindness dwell in me, may I abide in You ceaselessly, always bearing Thy Holy Spirit within me, and may let me become like You, my One Lord, as I have been like You from everlasting holy Yours. To her, Lord Jesus Christ, according to your false promise, come with the Father and the Holy Spirit and create your abode within me. Amen".

Conspiracy for money - on the doorstep

Go to church on Saturday, defend Vespers, and go to morning service on Sunday.
Leaving the house, pour coins on the threshold, cover them with straw, and put a rug on top. The following conspiracy is read:

“I’ll leave the doorway, angel on the road. I go over the threshold, go through the gates, go along the road, go through the oak tree, go out on 7 roads, on 8 crosses. I put the crosses back, I decorate the crosses on the sides, I throw the crosses in front of me, I embrace the wealth. Golden cross, crucified Lord, give no silver-gold, give a rich heart! On the Cross, nailed for us, Jesus Christ, the only begotten God the Father, the Son, mercy, love and bounty is an inexhaustible abyss! We, as if for my sins, out of inexpressible love for mankind, Thou hast deigned to shed Your Blood on the Cross, even I, unworthy and ungrateful, trampled upon by my bad deeds and in no way. Thus, from the depths of my iniquity and uncleanness, my clever eyes at the Crucified You on the Cross of my Redeemer, looking up, with humility and faith in the depths of the ulcers, filled with Your mercy, I cast myself down, forgiveness sins and my bad life, asking for my correction. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Money - acts as an intermediary in the circulation of goods. For such a function, the ease and speed with which money can be exchanged for goods are important.

In the church, put a candle to the icon of the Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ. Say to yourself: "Lord, forgive and give me understanding, a sinner."

After completing the ritual, the money in the house will not run out.

Wallet conspiracy for women

Light three green candles. Take money and a personalized icon and put it down at three in the morning right hand for paper money, the left - for an icon. Read the conspiracy by looking at the icon:

“Hello, dark night, I am your adopted daughter. My wallet is a vegetable garden, no one will take my fruits. Who took my luck, who took my wealth, passed it back through the candles. On Monday I took a shovel, on Tuesday I plowed the ground, on Wednesday I bought grain, on Saturday I gathered grain. How many grains are in the field, and how not to count them, and how not to eat them at once, so there would be a lot and a lot of money in my wallet. My word is strong. May it be so".

The candles should be twisted and burned to the end. When they start to smoke, open the window to let the smoke go up. After reading the conspiracy, hide the money in your wallet and put it away for three days. After that, the wallet can be used as usual.

Poverty Money Conspiracy

With a constant shortage of money, you need to get a cow horn, a hoof or a bone from a leg. You can take a beef leg bought in a store, only the bone should be thoroughly cleaned of meat. Putting the bone in cold water, leave for a day. Then pour out the water, and leave the bone in the sun. When the bone is dry, a conspiracy from poverty is pronounced:

“I will go out, blessed, I will go, crossing myself, to meet me 7 angels, 7 archangels, 7 saints, 7 my patrons. "Angels, archangels, patron saints, where have you been, what have you seen?" “We were on the holy mountains, we saw a white ox, that white ox ran across the mountains, carrying misfortune, poverty across the sea. Running across the sea, there is a white stone Alatyr. He threw the ox that misery-poverty on the Alatyr-stone, began to butt her horns, trample with his feet. He hammered, trampled, and threw him to the bottom of the sea, on yellow sand, where the wind does not blow, the sun does not warm, it does not rain. " Lie down, misery, poverty, do not rise either yesterday or tomorrow, but this day I closed you with a key, and drowned the key in the well. My word is as strong as God's truth. Amen".

At the end of the ritual, you need to wrap the bone in white shawl and hide at the doorstep. In the near future, the lack of money will cease to bother you.

Christening Money Conspiracy

Conspiracy to pronounce on the night of Epiphany from 18 to 19 January. At midnight, you need to draw water from the tap into an aluminum can. At the edge of the can, attach a coniferous cross (spruce, pine, cypress, juniper). You can do the cross yourself. It is necessary to tie two sticks with a thread crosswise.

Attach three church candles around the edges of the can. Throw three coins into the water (in the old days, they threw silver, gold and copper). If you do not find three coins of different metals, then take two coins of two metals, for example, silver and copper. A conspiracy is read over the water 12 times:

“I get up at night, I take holy water. Holy water, holy night, sanctify soul and body, come on, angels, overshadow with quiet wings, bring God's peace, bring God into my house. I greet God, I sit God at the table, I pray to the Most Holy Theotokos and John the Baptist: the Baptist of Christ, the honest Forerunner, the extreme prophet, the first martyr, the fasting and hermitage mentor, the teacher purity and the close friend of Christ! I pray to you, and running to you do not take me away from your intercession, do not forsake me who have fallen in many sins; renew my soul with repentance, like a second baptism; Cleanse me, the sins of the defiled one, and compel me to bring in, and perhaps nothing bad enters the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen".

Then read the prayer to the Theophany of the Lord over the water and coins.

Conspiracy for money - in Maslenitsa

On the first Monday after Shrovetide, go to where the festivities, find any coin or bill on the ground, take it with your left hand saying:

“I walked and found how I (name) went to this money, so that the money would go to me. As many people were here today in honor of Shrovetide, so I would always have a lot of money, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Dough conspiracy

Knead good dough... When it begins to rise, fold this mass three times with your hands while saying:

“As you, little dough, grow, rise, up, down and expand in breadth, so money would run in my house, grow and never end for ever. My word is quick and controversial for the cause. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Coin conspiracy (to increase money)

They talk about a five-kopeck coin (or 5 rubles), and carry it everywhere with them. A month later, they get rid of it and make a conspiracy for a new coin.

“I go to the bargaining as a merchant, I return in a sable well done. I bring the treasure home. God grant, so much money that there is nowhere to put it. Amen".

Money conspiracy - for a non-working woman

This conspiracy is aimed at ensuring that the husband of a woman housewife has a good income, does not get tired at work, so that the family has strength. The plot is read on Monday, when the husband leaves for work. To escort the husband over the threshold, they cross themselves and pronounce a conspiracy:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will get up, a young married slave (name), early in the morning, I will go out into an open field, into open field there is a holy tree the oak of Mamri, on that oak there are three peaks. Those sticks of three holy wanderers, three holy saints. And the first stick is Saint Anthony, and the second stick is Saint John, and the third stick is Saint Eustathius. I will come, I will worship, I will pray to the saints of God. About the Holy Martyrs Anthony, John and Eustathia! Look down from the heavenly palace on those demanding your help and do not reject my petitions; but as if in a dream our benefactors and intercessors, pray to Christ God, that this man-loving and many-merciful man will preserve my married husband (name) from any situation: from cowardice, flood, fire, sword, angry man, his and my sin. May the Lord not condemn us sinners because of our iniquities, and may we not turn the good one, given to us from the all-generous God, to evil, but to the glory of His holy Name and to the glorification of your strong intercession. May the Lord give us peace of thoughts by your prayers, abstinence from destructive passions and from all filth. About the Holy Martyrs Anthony, John and Eustathia! Give the servant of God (name) power in his hands, mind in the head, pure thoughts in the heart, good in the house, love in the family! Help, Lord. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Conspiracy for a girl - to marry a rich man

Go to church, put 12 candles for your health and 12 candles for the health of your betrothed. When you put candles for the health of the future groom, pronounce a conspiracy for marriage:

“Lord, have mercy and save Thy servant, whose name I do not know, but whom Thou hast appointed me to be my husband. Amen".

Then read the prayer:

“Holy Father, open the clever eyes of our heart and grant us truly to know You, our Creator and our God; created in accordance with Thy Word and Thy Son, so that His incomprehensible Image may be imagined within us, according to which Thou didst create man; vouch for us to be a village of Thy Holy Spirit and not a village of sin; put in our hearts the fire of Thy Divine love; come and dwell in us with eternal indwelling with Thy Only Begotten Son and Thy Holy Spirit. Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of Thy Originless Father, open the eyes of my darkened soul, as if I intelligently will see You, the Creator and my God. I pray to Thee: do not reject me from Thy Face, but, despising all my curse, all my baseness, show me Thy light, about the Light of the World, and let me know Thy love for man. O Sweetest Christ, from the Father who sent down Your disciples and the apostles of the Holy Spirit, This Good One, send down on us unworthy ones, and thus teach us about Your knowledge and reveal to us the ways of Your salvation. Amen".

Gotta put on a new shirt tonight, take two branches from different trees, twist them together with a thread, if necessary. Put the branches on a saucer, light a candle and, dripping wax, say a conspiracy:

“Two twigs clasped forever and ever, they clutch - they will not uncouple, for good, for gold and silver, for profit, for offspring, for eternal life. Amen".

You have to talk until the whole candle burns out. Then put the twigs in a secret place before the wedding. After the wedding, they must be sent down the river.

Money and luck are what any person wants to possess. To improve your financial condition, there are a huge variety of conspiracies using a variety of items. You only need to choose the one you like, perform the ritual correctly and believe in the power of the uttered spell.

What is a conspiracy

In the past, people used magic very often. Conspiracies were used to attract luck, gain wealth, or to influence natural phenomena. To date, such rituals have not lost their relevance. But what are they? A conspiracy is called any spell consisting of magic words, possessing magical powers and helping to achieve what you want. Reading a conspiracy, a person makes a request to higher forces, directs the flow of his energy in the right direction.

Conspiracy - a powerful flow of energy aimed at attracting what you want

By themselves, the spoken words do nothing; when reading a conspiracy, it is important to believe in its power, to direct the energy of your subconscious mind to accomplish what you want. Without faith, no spell will work properly.

The difference between white magic and black magic

Magic is divided into two categories: black and white. White magicians help a person to difficult situations, are engaged in healing, relieve from the influence of dark forces. Such magic does not require any sacrifices and ransoms, the magician does not take energy from other people, using only his own powers.

White magic cannot harm strangers

Black magic is not necessarily done in the name of evil. It's just that the working methods of the black magician are different: he often resorts to the help of dark forces, he can use the energy of strangers for his rituals. V black magic you have to pay for everything, nothing is simply given here.

Black magicians influence a person without his knowledge

One of the important differences between white magic and black magic is the fact that the first is performed only with the consent of a person and only for his good, while the second secretly controls the will of people and is not always used to achieve only good intentions.

For a person who has never performed any magical rituals, of course, it is better to start with conspiracies from white magic. But it is worth knowing that even it must be used carefully, so as not to inadvertently aggravate your situation.

What days to read money conspiracies to attract large sums

The lunar cycle has a strong enough effect on the strength of conspiracies. Therefore, before performing the ritual, pay attention to moon calendar.

Moon phases significantly affect the power of the spoken conspiracies

First you need to understand the phases of the moon, there are only six of them:

  • new moon;
  • growing or young moon in the first quarter (how to remember: imagine an invisible stick to the left of the moon and you will see the letter "P" - Growing);
  • growing or young moon in the second quarter;
  • full moon;
  • waning, defective or aging moon in the third quarter;
  • a waning, waning or aging moon in the fourth quarter (how to remember: the moon looks like the letter "C" - Aging).

Now, having familiarized himself with the phases of the moon, he can consider their influence on the strength of conspiracies:

  1. New moon (first and second lunar days). These days, it is better not to read, but to plan for future conspiracies.
  2. First quarter (lunar days from the third to the seventh). Together with the moon it grows and Magic force... You can carry out simple conspiracies for love, luck and attracting wealth.
  3. Second quarter (lunar days from the eighth to the fourteenth). The moon is gaining strength, which means that the time comes for more powerful conspiracies. Rituals for love, wealth and good luck will have great power.
  4. Full moon (fifteenth lunar day). The moon is at its peak. You need to be confident in yourself and your magic to read the conspiracy on this day, as it will have a long-term and powerful effect.
  5. Third quarter (lunar days from the sixteenth to the twenty-second). The moon is waning, but the strength still remains. At this time, rituals are performed to help get rid of something (for example, diseases, bad habits etc.)
  6. Fourth quarter (lunar days from twenty-third to twenty-ninth). Ends lunar cycle and the time comes for magic that helps to remove or finish something, for example, get rid of the evil eye, damage or curses.

Thus, we found out that it is necessary to carry out rituals for the acquisition of wealth and good luck from the third to the fourteenth lunar day. On a full moon, only a sufficiently experienced magician can pronounce a conspiracy.

The power of the conspiracy is at its greatest during the full moon

Orthodox holidays

The vast majority of practicing magicians say that using magic in church holidays such as Christmas, Easter, Palm Sunday, Baptism, etc. is not worth it. The only exceptions are special rituals that are carried out in holiday, for example, fortune-telling on Christmastide or charging salt on Holy Thursday.

Fortune telling on Christmastide is an acceptable ritual

To the moon

The night is the best time to accomplish magical action... The effective phases are a young or full moon.

New moon rite that attracts money

Having chosen the day when the moon is rising, take seven coins and go outside at exactly twelve at night. Stand in front of the moonlight so that it illuminates you, squeeze coins in your palm and say the spell:

All living things grow under the sun, under the moon - wealth and a good share. Increase and multiply, enrich me (your name). Never know poverty, never lose wealth. It will be as the word is spoken!

After reading spells, you need to return home and in no case look back

Then return home, don't look back on the way. Put the money in your wallet and always carry it with you.

Full moon wealth conspiracy

To perform the ritual, you need to take:

  • seven metal coins;
  • a cup;
  • holy water.

At twelve o'clock in the morning, sit at the window so that the light of the moon illuminates you. Take a cup, fill it with holy water, put money in liquid, pronounce a conspiracy:

The moon is as full as a mug with water. You are inseparable and white, let the coins shine like the stars in the sky. Scattered in handfuls in your pocket, I don’t know troubles and sorrows. Poverty bypasses the path, and wealth comes to me. Key, tongue lock.

Exactly at midnight, coins must be dipped in holy water

Leave the coins in the cup until dawn, the light from the moon must fall on them. In the morning, take out the money, dry it with a clean towel and put it in your wallet.

Full moon ritual

On a full moon night, open a window and look out or step out into the fresh air. Looking at the moon, spell out the conspiracy:

Moon and night, please help. I ask you to remove debt and poverty. I ask you to give your wealth and generosity. I always attract money to me. Forever renouncing poverty. As the moon shines forever, so I will always be abundant. Amen! Amen! Amen!

You need to read the plot in front of an open window, looking at the moon

Three-day rite

For three nights: on the night before the full moon, on the full moon, on the night after the full moon, a ritual must be performed. On the first night, you should take an empty wallet and place it on the windowsill in such a way that the moon glow falls on the object. Say the words:

There are many stars in the night sky. As there is a lot of water in the sea, so there will be a lot of money in my wallet. So that the slave / servant of God / -his (name) has enough money and enough for everything. Amen!

On the third night, you need to put all the money in the house in your wallet

On the following night - full moon night - fold a few bills in your wallet. The moonlight should still fall on the wallet. Read the words of the conspiracy again. On the third night, put all your savings in your wallet and recite the spell again.

Strongest welfare conspiracy

On the night when the moon is full, take a banknote, it is necessary that it is not torn and has no creases, it is better to take a completely new banknote. Go to the window, fold the banknote into a triangle and read following words conspiracy:

As the Moon attracts day and night, so let this talisman attract money, wealth, gold things to me. I will save them, I will not spend on trifles, I will increase and put them into action. May the power of the moon help me

Before reading the conspiracy, you need to fold the banknote into a triangle

The ritual money must be folded into your wallet and carried there constantly.

Wallet conspiracy

To complete the ritual, you need:

  • empty wallet;
  • a lot of coins.

Coins must be disposed of negative impact that has accumulated in them: keep them under running water from the tap, and then dry them with a new towel.

Wallet and coins - necessary attributes for performing the ritual

At night, on the full moon, take an empty wallet, place it on the windowsill in front of the moonlight, say the text of the conspiracy:

The moon does not decrease, the moon does not come, the moon fills my wallet with money. How long the moon will shine in the sky, until then my wallet is empty. Amen.

After reading, put the coins in your wallet and leave until dawn under the light of the moon. In the morning, take your wallet and hide it in a secret place.

Candle ritual to attract money

For the ceremony you need:

  • candle;
  • a wallet full of money.

With moonlight and a candle, you need to count the money in your wallet

After waiting for the full moon, take a candle and wallet, stand by the window. Light a candle. Having caught the moonlight and the light from the candle, start counting the money in your wallet. Read the conspiracy:

May my wallet never empty as long as the moon shines in the sky. May good luck and wealth flock to the light of my candle every full moon. Father Saint Seraphim of Sarov, hear my prayers and send me wealth without loss. Amen.

Cross yourself three times, cross your wallet, then a candle. Put out the fire.

For coins

Coin plots are powerful enough rituals that can really help get out of poverty and find the long-awaited financial well-being.

Strong rite of passage on a coin

This ritual is the most powerful, therefore it is more often used to improve the monetary state. For holding you need a simple coin of any denomination, you can also use Chinese money, which is sold in souvenir shops. The coin you find will be the most the best option for the ceremony.

A coin found on the street will be the best attribute for the ritual.

Take a coin, go outside, find a century-old oak tree, place the money in front of the tree and dig a little. Read the magic spell:

An old tree grows, and my wallet will grow in breadth. Twelve months will pass, they will bring me money, year after year, day after day, I will be happy now. Amen

After you finish reading, go home and start baking bread. You will need to bake it 12 more times, on a full moon.

The spell is very powerful, but its effect will take some time.

Get rich quick conspiracy

For those who do not want to wait long for the results from the ritual, there is the following rite. It will require:

  • coin;
  • wheat grains;
  • handkerchief (not new).

Take grains and a coin, bury them in the ground and irrigate with running water for a three days... Cover the ground in this area with your handkerchief at night. After the first sprouts of wheat appear, read the conspiracy:

Bread, bread, head to everything. Mother, mother, you are ours. Not a single table can do without you, neither the child nor the old man sit down to eat without you. From your grain, let me have one, and from a coin - money will grow. I will water and take care, and she will bear fruit for me. Amen!

After reading the conspiracy, the wheatgrass must still be looked after.

Wheat should be actively monitored, watered and covered with a handkerchief. On a full moon, drip wax from a candle onto a handkerchief, this way you will prolong the effect of the spell.

Conspiracy in the sun

The sun, like the moon, also has powerful energy. Therefore, rituals for wealth can be carried out with the help of this luminary. Take a metal coin yellow color, place it at home in direct sunlight (on a windowsill or balcony). Read the magic text:

The sun's rays warm not only the body and soul, but also warm the money so that it grows quickly and does not decrease.

The yellow coin must be placed under Sun rays for three hours

Leave the money for three hours in the sunlight, then take it away, put it in your wallet or pocket, always keep it with you. Do not give the coin to anyone for anything, otherwise your luck and prosperity will go with it to the new owner.

Rites from Vanga

A variety of conspiracies from Vanga are in great demand. The rite to attract wealth using a coin was no exception. To carry it out you will need:

  • rye bread crust;
  • old coin, preferably of the tsarist era.

The main condition is the fact that the person performing the ceremony must be hungry. It is necessary to read the conspiracy at night, in a cozy atmosphere and alone.

To carry out a conspiracy from Vanga, you will need a royal coin and a crust of bread

Take a crust of bread and place it on a coin. Looking at the food, utter the conspiracy:

Bread feeds us, as always, because it is the head of everything. Feed everyone now, bring the money to us. Let everyone in my house be full, and have enough money.

After casting the spell, eat the ritual crust of bread, you cannot drink water. Put the money in your wallet and always carry it with you, without giving it to anyone. Already after two or three days, you will suddenly have money due to lottery winnings, profits in business, etc.

Rite of passage for a new wallet

To keep your new wallet always full of money, first you need to choose it correctly:

  • do not buy the cheapest purse;
  • make sure that the wallet has sections for banknotes of different significance and a compartment for coins;
  • purchase a product made from natural material;
  • the most successful colors for a purse are black, dark brown, red;
  • having bought a product, immediately place inside a non-exchangeable money that cannot be spent;
  • do not store anything in the transparent compartments of the wallet, as this may interfere with the flow of cash;
  • after purchasing a new wallet, discard the old one immediately.

When purchasing a wallet, you need to pay attention to various details

The ritual of getting rid of the old wallet

After you have purchased a new wallet, you must definitely get rid of the old one. The product should be burned at the stake, reciting the text of the following spell:

Burn with a red flame, and take poverty with you into the fire. What was in you before - will triple, what was not there before - will appear. So be it. Amen.

The old wallet must be burned in the fire, uttering a conspiracy

Charge new

To complete the ceremony of charging a new wallet, you must first purchase the seven most expensive green candles in the temple. The ritual is performed at twelve at night, on the waxing moon, preferably on Thursday.

Green church candles are required to charge a new wallet.

Take a new wallet, put it under the light of the moon, place green candles around the item and light them while reading the magical text:

The cash flow rushes and runs into my magical new wallet. It multiplies my income, my expenses become minimal. The energy of money caresses me, but poverty rather escapes from the holy fire. Let it be so. My word is strong. Amen.

After reading the conspiracy, wait for the candles to burn out, then discard their stubs. Now the wallet can be used, but you must always keep order inside it. You should not tell anyone about the ritual, and the wallet should not be given to strangers, its contents should not be shown.

Magic ritual for the wallet

To carry out the ceremony, we need:

  • new wallet;
  • candle;
  • gold coin or ring.

To carry out the ritual, you need to put a candle on the table in front of the window.

The ceremony must be performed on a young moon. Sit down at the table in the evening, turn your face to the window, let your hair down, take off your shoes, light a candle. Take your wallet, cross it three times, saying the phrase:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Then take a coin or a ring and put the item in your wallet, read the spell:

Moon-moon silver horns, give my new purse of silver-gold, so that it grows, pours and saturates with money. Let it be so. Amen.

Strong magical conspiracy

You need to perform the ceremony before using a new wallet, the moon must be growing or be full. In the morning, put a coin and a banknote in a new thing, you can put in several, but all the money should have a different denomination. Foreign currencies can also be used, but those that are out of circulation cannot be used. After putting the money, cast the spell:

As a coin is going to money, so prosperity with happiness is striving for me and gathering, money flows to my new wallet. And in my wallet it always rings and rustles, on a shiny ring, on new clothes, but there is enough for everything. My word is strong. To them are the earth and the sky, the lock and the key. Amen.

You should put bills of different denominations in the wallet

Carry a new wallet with you all day, you can get money in the evening.

Ritual on the shore of a reservoir

The following simple ritual will help to attract cash flow to a new wallet. Take any coin, put it in your wallet and go to the banks of the river, lake, pond, etc. Wet your hand in a pond, splash into the wallet three times so that drops fall on the coin, while reading the words of the conspiracy:

The water in the river (spring) flows and does not end. So my wallet will never run out of money. Water flows, always silver and sparkle. So money will come to my wallet forever, sparkle and silver for my joy and for the good of everyone.

A new wallet can be charged with a coin dipped in water from a pond

Within three days, be sure to spend the charmed money.

Zagreb spoon conspiracies

The raspberry spoon is a popular talisman for attracting money and good luck. It is a small spoon that is usually carried in a wallet. A charm is made of silver, less often gold. For the talisman to really work, you need to unquestioningly believe in its power, as well as conduct a ritual to activate it.

The rag spoon has small size and fits easily in your wallet

Before conducting a conspiracy, you need to prepare:

  1. Give the talisman a special place in your wallet, from which you don't have to constantly get it out. Better if it will be a compartment with large banknotes or bank cards, which contain money. It is not worth putting a charm in an empty department or with a trifle, since it attracts what surrounds it.
  2. After purchasing a grab spoon, you should clean it. To do this, you need to dissolve a pinch of salt in a glass of water, put the talisman there and leave it overnight. In the morning, take out the amulet, rinse in tap water and wipe dry.

Now the spoon is ready for the ritual to attract money and good luck.

Simple conspiracies for a magic souvenir

The most in a simple way to activate the spoon is to read the conspiracy just before putting it in the wallet. There are several texts to read, you can choose the one you like the most:

That happiness was a hindrance - I completely drive away, I rake money, happiness and luck to myself.

Second option:

I had a silver spoon, but it became a spoon for money. Now I am friends with her, and now I do not grieve. Now I live in abundance, and the money is in the balance. I'm home, and the money is behind me!

The text of the third conspiracy:

Spoon, spoon, help, grab a lot of money. I will be friends with you, I will give happiness, joy to everyone.

Sometimes, along with a spoon, there is a spell in the kit, which can be used to activate it.

Fourth version:

Spoon, spoon, help, you increase the money! Zagrebushka, do not be lazy and work, work, work. Euro, dollars, rubles you row, row, row.

A strong rite of passage for money and luck

The strength and power of the spoon can be increased through a special ritual. The ceremony is performed before placing the talisman in the wallet. You will need:

  • rag spoon;
  • four candles;
  • Holy water;
  • seven leaves of clover.

For the ritual, you need clover leaves

How to perform the ritual:

  1. Place all candles in a row and light them.
  2. Place the clover leaves between the candles.
  3. Place the spoon behind the candles.
  4. Drink a glass of holy water and read the conspiracy.

I wish wealth and wish success, I wish happiness and wish gold, I wish silver and wish abundance, I wish health and wish help, I wish that money would come into my life, I wish it all, which means that so be it !

When reading a conspiracy, you need to delve into its essence, let every word pass through yourself and be sure to believe in the power of the pronounced phrase. You need to repeat the words of the spell seven times.

On the ring

Any ring, not even made of precious metals, can become a talisman that attracts money and good luck in business to the wearer. Rings are quite often used in magic as amulets, since they are convenient to always wear on yourself, they do not provoke unnecessary questions about what it is.

Any ring is suitable for rituals

Before performing the rituals, any ring, even a new one, should be cleaned. You can do this by choosing one of the following four methods:

  1. Fire. Take a ring and heat it with a candle flame. To avoid scalding your hands, hold the jewelry with tongs or tweezers.
  2. Light. Place the decoration on a windowsill so that light from the moon or sun shines on it. Leave the ring for three days, the heavenly bodies will cleanse the energy of your accessory.
  3. Water. Take a small cloth bag, place a ring there and place it under running water for several hours.
  4. Salt. Place the ring in a container of salt and let it sit for a few hours. Then remove the jewelry without touching the salt with your hand (tweezers can be used). The used salt must be thrown away, better away from your home.

For a conspiracy, you should choose the ring that you really like and which you will be happy to wear without taking off.

Rite of passage for money

For the ceremony you need:

  • ring;
  • red cloth.

For the ritual, you need to get a ring and a red cloth

The ritual is performed at twelve at night, with the growing moon. Take the ring, put it on a red cloth, stretch your hand over the jewelry and say the words:

Our luck is on my hand, and I put the wealth in my pocket.
With me success, with me prosperity.
Money flows like a fast river.
Only to me, only to me.
Key, lock, it is said - it will come true.

Then leave the ring under the moonlight until morning. At dawn, the amulet will begin to work. Women should wear this accessory on their index finger, and for men on their thumb or forefinger. The ring must not be washed, put on other fingers or removed for a long time (more three o'clock). Telling other people about the ritual is not worth it, because because of this, its strength may weaken.

Ring for luck

To perform the ritual, you will need:

  • ring;
  • Red thread.

A ring charmed with a red thread should be worn on the index finger

In clear weather, in dark time days you need to hang a ring on a string. Then take the accessory in your right hand and read the text:

Be, ring, happy and successful.

I will enclose fortune in a circle, will never turn away from me, will not leave.

Good luck is always with me, for centuries and hand in hand.

Such a talisman will bring good luck in all spheres of human life: finance, love, career. The jewelry should be put on the index finger.

Good luck ritual

To find luck in the monetary sphere with the help of this ritual, you will need:

  • a ring made of gold;
  • colored threads.

For this ritual you will need a ring made of gold

The ritual algorithm is quite simple:

  1. Lay the jewelry in colored threads for two hours.
  2. Take out the ring and place it on your finger. Leave it on until dawn the next day.
  3. Change the jewelry on your other finger and read out the words of the conspiracy.

A tit-bird lived across the sea, a tit-bird made a nest, a bird-tit found a ring in it and brought me (name). I'll dress up, dress up kind people I will be useful, all the doors will open to me, all the enemies will be afraid. What I'm looking for - will appear and luck will seem like a ring appears on this finger!

You do not need to wear this talisman all the time, it should only be worn before significant business negotiations, the conclusion of contracts, etc. Using the jewelry every day, you risk wasting all its power in vain.

On a red thread

The red thread has always had magical powers. V recent times this amulet has gained immense popularity. But not many people know that simply wearing a thread has no effect. For the talisman to work, you need to read conspiracies.

Red thread is a fairly popular accessory nowadays.

Raising money

First you need to purchase a thick red thread, preferably made of wool or other natural ingredients... The thread must be bought, the talisman donated will not be valid. Now you need to find a person who is an example for you in the financial field. It is he who will have to tie this amulet for you. It is necessary that this person believes in the power of the talisman, if this is not there, then do not tell him that you are performing the ritual, but simply ask him to tie the thread, since it is difficult to do it yourself.

It is advisable that the red thread is tied to you by a person who believes in its power

The ritual itself is carried out as follows:

  1. Read a prayer that is close to you in spirit.
  2. Ask a friend to tie your thread in as many knots as how many times you want to increase your wealth.
  3. While a person is tying a talisman, with each knot say the phrase: "I attract money and increase my income ... (indicate the number) times."
  4. With the last bundle, say to yourself the phrase: “It's done. May it be so".
  5. Thank the person who helped you complete the ceremony.

You need to understand that the more nodes on your amulet, the longer wealth will go to you. You need to wait patiently and believe in the power of the talisman, go about your business and get joy from life.

Ritual for money and luck

The ritual is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Go to the store and buy a ball of red wool.
  2. On the way home, go to the church, get seven candles.
  3. Go back home. Lock yourself in your room at midnight.
  4. Sit in front of the table, place the threads on the table top. Light the candles.
  5. Tie a red thread around your wrist while reading necessary conspiracy seven times in a row.

To carry out the ritual, you will need seven church candles.

Money conspiracy text:

The thread is red, there will be a wonderful life. I will drown in money, I will attract success. I will shake off all envy, I will not perish from ailments. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Good luck conspiracy words:

With a thread on my wrist, I’ll hide my luck from people. From now on, let any business be successful and bold. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

A powerful conspiracy of red thread for wealth

To perform the ritual, you need:

Take a banknote, attach a red thread to it along the length, wrap the banknote with thread seven times, reciting the spell:

Money for me, luck for me, everything for me. May it be so.

Then cut the thread and tie it around the wrist of your right hand.

On the water

Working with water is both easy and hard at the same time. Only an experienced magician can conduct rituals related to water correctly and without harming others. Just one wrong step can change the essence of the spell, turning it in the opposite direction.

Working with water can be both light and hard at the same time

Money conspiracy

To perform the ritual, you must perform the following actions:

  1. Take a basin and pour water into it.
  2. Read the text of the ritual conspiracy over the liquid.
  3. Wash your face with water from the basin, do not dry yourself with a towel. Let the water soak into your skin.

After reading the conspiracy, you need to wash yourself with water from a basin

Words to read: Candles and water - necessary components for ritual

Place a container of water on the floor, place candles around and light them. Bend over the water and say the spell:

As holy water is, as pure as a tear and healing, and miraculous in wealth. I charge the water for money, for transactions, for earnings. As water flows into the womb, so drop by drop will accumulate wealth. Money to money, business to words. May it be so. Amen, amen, amen!

As you utter the words of the conspiracy, mentally imagine the desired wealth.

A conspiracy for wealth and good luck

To attract prosperity and wealth, you need:

  • shallow container;
  • water;
  • green candle;
  • coin.

A shallow container is required for the ritual.

Water should be poured into a container, throw a coin there and light a candle. The wax from the candle must be dripped into the water so that it falls on the coin. As you complete the process, say the words:

As hard turns into soft, so my wealth will increase and be affirmed. From day to day, from week to week, from year to year, from this minute to the end of centuries.

Then pour the liquid into the ground, and use the coin as an amulet: put it in your wallet and do not show it to anyone.

A simple conspiracy to water

A simple ritual will help you become a more successful and fortunate person, which will require:

  • water;
  • pot;
  • three church candles.

The process of performing the ceremony:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan. Place it in the center of the table.
  2. Arrange the candles in a triangle around the perimeter of the pot.
  3. Read the required plot three times.
  4. Take a vessel with water and go to the bathroom.
  5. Pour the contents of the pot over yourself and wait for the water to absorb into the skin. Do not dry yourself with a towel.

Conspiracy text:

Now I will have good luck and happiness. Water, banish all bad weather from my life. Amen.

Holy water ritual

Rituals with holy water must be carried out very carefully, carefully reading the text of the conspiracy and avoiding mistakes. You need:

  • water;
  • two deep pelvis.

Conspiracies with holy water have a very great strength

Pour holy water into one of the basins, stand in another basin, pour liquid on yourself, reading the words of the conspiracy:

How water flows from me, servants of God (name), flows under my feet, so money would flow into my house, float under my feet. Key. Language. Lock. Forever and ever. Amen.

For food

Regular food can also help attract luck and money to you. You just need to choose and read the conspiracy correctly.

Bread and salt conspiracy

To read the conspiracy, you will need:

  • fresh black bread;
  • new (unopened) pack of salt;
  • candles.

This ritual is performed on an empty stomach.

The ritual is performed on the growing moon, on a dark evening, alone. It is advisable to be slightly hungry. You need to light candles, sit down at the table, break off a piece of bread, sprinkle salt on it and say the spell:

Just as a whole grain of bread is made from a grain of gold, so a whole sack will be made from my pennies. I eat bread with salt and increase my wealth. Thank you money for the bread and salt. As the bowl is filled with salt and the house is full of bread, so money began to be found in it.

After reading the conspiracy, eat bread without leaving a single crumb.

Prosperity spell

In order for the family to have prosperity, it is necessary to carry out this simple ritual:

  1. Bake rye bread.
  2. Place it in the center of the table and say the words of the spell.
  3. Break off a piece of bread for each family member and feed them.

For such a ritual, you will need to bake the bread yourself.

Spell text:

The house is a full bowl if there is bread on the table. Just as a wheat seed can give rise to a whole field of grain, so one banknote can attract great wealth to us.

This ritual works very quickly, after a couple of days you will notice a significant improvement in the financial sphere of your life.

On Thursday salt

The most powerful conspiracies with salt are made using not ordinary salt, but special - Thursday. You can make this salt yourself, but only one day a year. On the last Thursday before Easter ( Maundy Thursday) go to the store and buy ordinary table salt, along with the purchase, go to church and stand the service there. Upon returning home, heat the salt in a frying pan, put it in a salt shaker and hide it from the eyes of the household.

Thursday salt must be prepared by yourself

All Thursday salt rituals are best done on Thursdays. To attract good luck and money, you need:

  1. Take a small sachet or bag. Pour salt inside and read the plot.
  2. Carry the amulet in your pocket or bag.

Conspiracy Words:

Failure and poverty will not get in my way. It is not for me that sorrow and troubles will meet. Enemies can never harm me, friends in misfortune will always help. My words are strong, eternal and endless.

This amulet will not only help you catch luck and acquire wealth, but also protect you from the evil eye and curses.

Rite of passage with salt to attract money

The ritual should be performed on a new moon, using the salt purchased on the day of the ceremony. The procedure is pretty simple:

  1. Open a packet of salt and place it on the windowsill while reading the plot.
  2. Leave the salt on the windowsill overnight.
  3. Use the product for its intended purpose (use in food preparation).

Conspiracy words that should be pronounced:

As the month grows fat and poured, so the salt is collected with energy. As the body of the moon grows with every hour, so my pockets will be full of money and gold. I'll be rich! Amen!

Bay leaf conspiracies

Even bay leaves can help improve well-being. It is necessary to carry out a simple ritual for which you need:

  • a large whole bay leaf;
  • any essential oil.

Bay leaves for the ritual must be whole and large

Take a sheet and rub it between your palms, ask him to help you with money matters... Apply a little oil to the surface of the lavrushka, smell the spice and oil. Place the new talisman in the place where you keep your savings, while saying the words:

Money to money, wealth to wealth

You can put such a sheet in your wallet as well.

There is another version of the Lavrushka conspiracy. For him you will need:

  • seven whole bay leaves;
  • red woolen threads;
  • bill or coin.

The ritual is best performed on the growing moon. You need to take the leaves, tie their branches with a red thread, and tie a money to the end of the thread. This amulet must be hung before front door by saying the phrase:

Money in the house, and poverty is on the doorstep.

Conspiracy for honey

This ritual will help to gain finances, especially if they are needed to buy a home. The sequence of the ceremony:

  1. Get up in the morning. Take a piece of bread, spread honey on it.
  2. Say the text of the conspiracy.
  3. Eat bread and honey.

The ritual must be repeated weekly for a month.

Spell text:

A bee builds a hive, collects honey, calls guests. As everyone is drawn to honey, so money is drawn to me. A bee is a beehive, a home is for me. Bee wax, money for me.

The ritual is held every week for a month.

Consequences of money conspiracies

Conspiracies for money and luck today are the most popular among the rest. Most of them are rituals from white magic, therefore they do not pose a great danger to humans. Following the main rules helps not to harm yourself or others:

  1. Conspiracies are best done on Wednesdays (except as described above).
  2. The waxing moon is the best lunar phase to perform rituals to increase wealth and attract good luck.
  3. All rituals must be performed alone, fully focusing on the text of the spell.

All conspiracies must be done alone.

There are a number of conspiracies that can be detrimental to a person. As a rule, these are rituals that help get rid of financial bad luck. You need to know that if you are constantly unlucky with finances, then, most likely, damage or the evil eye has been imposed on you. Therefore, conspiracies to raise money can only do harm. Faced with such a problem, it is necessary to seek help from an experienced magician, especially if there is a serious deterioration in well-being or serious illnesses.

All ceremonies performed in the cemetery must be prayed for in the church.

You should also refuse to carry out rituals in the cemetery. They are very powerful and can seriously affect the fate of a person. If you once did a ceremony in a cemetery, while turning to the deceased for help, you need to go to the temple as soon as possible and light candles for the repose of their souls.

It must be remembered that rituals and spells do not work instead of a person, they only help to achieve the desired. It is imperative to believe in the power of talismans and conspiracies for them to really work. But if you are inactive, no ritual will bring you wealth and good luck.

In this article:

Man has always strived to become the owner of material wealth. The whole story is a constant struggle for survival, and subsequently for money and power, with which it becomes much easier to survive.

Wealth and wealth conspiracy - universal magic rite, the main purpose of which is to receive money from a variety of sources. These rituals include magic that can ensure promotion through the career ladder, helping in the search for treasure, helping to increase earnings, and others.

Today, money conspiracies are more relevant than ever, they are extremely popular with beginners and advanced practitioners. In a world where finances decide everything, it is difficult to resist and not try to improve your financial situation with the help of special rituals. Everyone can try this magic, as many effective rituals posted on the Internet in the public domain.

Features of rituals for wealth and money

For most rituals for wealth, the performer must use valuable items and materials. Most often, such rituals are used:

  • coins;
  • banknotes;
  • precious stones and metals.

The use of such things increases the effectiveness of the rite used, and also increases the speed of manifestation of the results. In addition to materials, the actions of the performer play an important role in money conspiracies. In many rituals, the practitioner must collect, cleanse, sharpen, or decorate the items used. All these actions are also associated with material wealth and symbolize financial well-being.

How to get rich quick

Majority famous conspiracies have a fairly long-term effect on money. Those of them that are carried out with the help of special objects can work throughout a person's life, provided that he always keeps the charmed object with him.

At the same time, one should not hope that immediately after the monetary ceremony, wealth will fall on the performer like snow on his head. This does not happen.

To obtain good result, a person will have to work, do something in order to get material goods in standard ways.

The work of the performer not only increases the chance of a favorable outcome of the conspiracy, but also increases the possible speed of the first results.

Most often, ceremonies aimed at obtaining financial resources begin to work almost instantly, however, this is a slow magic that takes time, magic for the future. Therefore, the first results should be expected no earlier than a few months after the ritual.

Strong rite of passage for wealth

This magic ritual must be performed early Monday morning, standing in front of the door lock.

Read the conspiracy with concentration, without thinking about extraneous things.

The key must be in the lock. We read the words of the conspiracy:

“The gray wolf went into the dark forest to look for a white hare. He did not catch up with the hare, but he found a forged casket, upholstered in steel and gilded. The lock on the casket is hefty, silver. The key to the casket is hidden in the water, securely hidden from people. Only I can find that key in the water surface, between stones and herbs. Not for an ordinary man, not for a gray wolf, but for me, God's servant (name), that key is intended. I will find the key, I will open the chest, the stones, I will take gems from it, I will collect gold, silver. I will hide the key to make it come true. "

After that, you need to get the key out of the lock and wear it around your neck as a pendant. For security reasons, it is best to use a new key and lock that is not used anywhere.

Money conspiracy

“As the king will give dear gifts, so the servant of God (name) will get from those gifts. He (I) will not refuse, I will take a gift, I will say words of gratitude. Will round ball spinning, the damask sword will shine, and gold will ring forever in my pockets. I will go to the king-king barefoot, naked, and bring a human cup, a simple cup. I will not rub my feet in blood, I will not work my hands in calluses. The king will give gifts, so I will be the first. I'll say I'm a slave God's word, I will do the deed. I will accept wealth, but I will not refuse. "

Conspiracy on honey

To carry out the ritual, you will need a bowl of honey, a handful of oats and some peas, which must be added to the honey.

Honey, peas and oats symbolize money

Stirring honey with our hand, we pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“I will give sweet porridge to the marten, I will appease her with honey gingerbread. The marten will bring me monetary wealth, fertile lands, high houses, jewelry, and gold coins. If the black raven takes away the gingerbread from the marten, I (name) will drive it from the marten with a stick. If the bear becomes that gingerbread army, I will drive him and scold him. And for that I will receive wealth from the marten, monetary grace. "

The strongest rite of passage for money

For the ritual, you will need 20 fresh apples. It's best if you can pick them yourself, but store-bought products will work as well.

If you buy apples, then in no case should you take change from the seller.

On the first day, you need to distribute 14 apples to the beggars on the street.

On the second day, hand out half of the remaining apples as well. On the third day, you need to go to church, put them on the memorial table and read the words of the conspiracy:

“Remember my poverty for peace, and let the wealth remain with me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

If you want to turn the cash flow in your direction - you will do it, do not hesitate

Prayer for money

To carry out the ceremony, you need to light five white church candles, cross yourself three times and read a prayer:

“Jesus Christ is my hope and support, Yes Blessed Mother of God support. Angels walked across the sky, carrying bags of money, those bags were opened, but all the money fell out. I was a servant of God (name) walked the earth, I found that money, collected it, and took it home. Now I lit the candles, I distributed the wealth to my own. Burn out the candles, money will come to my house. Till the end of time. Amen".

Now you need to wait until all the candles burn out, roll the remaining wax into a ball and carry it with you. You can put some of the wax into your wallet.

Powerful rite of wealth

This ritual must be performed on a full moon on even numbers. With a coin of even denomination we go to the church, where we consecrate it. Now with the same coin we go into the forest, we find an aspen. You need to dig a small hole under the aspen, put a coin there, sprinkle it with earth and pour clean spring water. At this time, we read the words of the conspiracy:

“Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary, bless. Let what I have planted grow, and let it spike with harvests. The mouse will not gnaw a coin, the worm will not grind off, let no one waste my money. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".