Strong crush on a guy. How to make your own dryer at home. Free love spell of a man at a distance - a magical ritual for passionate love

Surely every woman undergoes considerable stress when their beloved is taken away by another. At the same time, most of the girls begin to pour out grief to close friends, while others splash out emotions in art or theatrical activity. Some begin to conduct a chaotic, rampant, incomprehensible to common sense way of life. But if these relationships are so important to a woman, then she tries in every possible way to do so in order to return her beloved. Therefore, some desperate lovely creatures resort to love magic, wondering how to dry a man at home.

prisushka like magical rite compulsive "grafting" love feelings at a distance at home.

The life of each person develops differently, so you should not condemn the one who is going to make such magical ritual like a dryer. For example, the beloved moved to another city in order to continue to receive higher education, or he was invited to work, which is located outside the city. Not every woman will like this, because most of the fair sex is the owner, and the very idea that someone else will appear in her beloved is horrifying.

Some of us from birth live with an innate pride gene, so we are ready to forgive our loved one for everything except betrayal. Is there any point in ruining your whole life? married couple the fact that once having stumbled, perhaps even able alcohol intoxication, you can forever separate the two loving friend friend of people?

Attachment to a man is a magical set of actions that affects the will and subconscious of the subject, making him yearn for certain person. You can dry a man in several ways, and, most often, this magical rite is performed at home at a distance from a loved one. The main thing is that the attachment to the beloved is carried out independently, without the involvement of outside help. Drying on a man at a distance should be carried out without the knowledge of relatives, relatives and friends, no one needs to know that you are going to make a conspiracy in relation to your lover, calling or fixing mutual feelings towards you. This is the only way to achieve the desired result.

Drying types

Prisuha, as a magical act, focuses on a clear concept: with the help of this ritual, deep love feelings can be imposed on the subject, which were inherent in him from the very beginning. When conducting data magical actions You can use all sorts of items, and even food. Both of them play the role of an energy transmitter from an object that conducts this conspiracy, yes the subject of magical actions. Drying on a man is quite easy, so each of you can perform this ceremony on your own at home, without resorting to the help of experienced sorcerers.

A strong dryness can be different both in the way of applying energy and in the power value of the rite, and, therefore, is able to pursue different goals and satisfy the various needs of the person who conducts the magical ritual. Before being interested in how a prisushka can affect a man and how it can be done, you need to know which types love spells exists. The most common types of sweetheart prisushki include:

  • dry on the photo;
  • conspiracy for food and drink;
  • drying with a rope;
  • a ritual in which a personal thing of a lover is required.

However, most experienced sorcerers argue that it is possible to dry a man who is at a distance from you without using the personal belongings of the subject of the ritual himself.

The most suitable time for drying

It turns out that in order to independently conduct a conspiracy to impose love feelings at home, you need to choose a time when magic becomes the strongest. So, dryness will be as effective as possible if you choose one of these days:

  • summer, sunny, hot day;
  • frosty day of winter, but at the same time it should be clear and sunny;
  • men's day (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday);
  • the day before the full moon.

Prisushka according to the photo

If your soulmate studies or works in another city, and you spend your time without him, then looking at joint photos is, perhaps, the only way indulge your senses. Such an exciting activity allows you to remember all the wonderful moments that were while spending time together. This and joyful meetings, trips to the cinema, joint trips to nature - all these emotions are stored in the pictures. It is for this reason that the attachment to a man, which is made from his photograph, has powerful magical connections, which means that with the help of a photo you get almost the strongest love affection, which, by the way, is very easily done at a distance from the subject of magical actions.

Photo Conspiracy

In order to dry a man with the help of his photograph, you need to take the picture itself and perform the following action: drive index finger right hand along the contour of the beloved's face in a clockwise direction. When conducting this ritual, it is necessary to invest in it all the tenderness and love that you have in your soul. In this case, you must pronounce the following words:

“I wipe you, I wipe you from troubles, from adversity, from enemies and from strangers female eyes. I will save you, hide you from illnesses, from misfortunes and from other people's sweet words. Will you talk about me, will you listen to me, will you see me. And I will be your faithful wife.

This ritual is performed every morning and evening on an empty stomach for 21 days.

Very strong conspiracy with which you can return a man

For a guy to call - A STRONG PLOT

HOW TO BEWELL A GUY. My experience

Such a dryness affects any man, unless, of course, a stronger one is imposed on him. Magic power, which can be a sexual prisushka, love spell, etc.

Drying from a photo at night

We take a photo of our beloved to our bed, put it under the pillow and every evening, before falling asleep, wish him a good night, saying this spell:

"With lips to your ear I whisper to you Good night. Just as I cannot do without you, so you cannot do without me.”

Such a ritual is performed daily, at night. Even if your significant other sleeps with you, it is not recommended to remove the photo. Hide it under the mattress on the side you sleep on. So that the calls of otherworldly forces do not arouse the suspicion of a loved one, say a conspiracy to yourself. The picture can be removed when you no longer need a dried-up man (they fell out of love, because it still happens) or after marriage.

With such a prisushka, you can even tie yourself to yourself married man, but the crowned one will not work, the most powerful Divine power in the Universe is already present here.

Drying on food and drink

The time of day and the words of the conspiracy are very important for the ritual.

In this article:

As soon as the first signs of betrayal appear, you do not need to lose control over yourself. You can bring your beloved home yourself, because the strength of a woman is in her love. Men often lose their bearings, and sometimes fall into the traps set by other women. To make your family strong, happy, and men love only you, you need to do everything yourself.

You will be helped by prisushki on a man, who once and for all will beat off his desire to look the other way. Now your beloved man is only yours. These conspiracies are easy to make, and they last a very long time. You will like the effect, because now you are the only, desired, beloved. Do not allow your husband to leave the family under the influence of a momentary mood. Your life and happiness in the family depend on you - do everything to make your life a fairy tale.

Prisushka, love spell, binding

What can be done if a beloved man, husband leaves the family? The first signs of a woman are usually ignored:

  • delayed at work;
  • does not eat at home;
  • constantly calls somewhere;
  • often goes to important meetings, weekend trips.

The further, the more obvious - a man is cheating. What's next? He will leave the family. Return in this case is a difficult matter, because he has already decided to change his life. While the husband has not yet left, has not confessed to you, doubts gnaw at him. On the one side - new mistress. She can appear fresh, young, very caring and loving. With another - lawful wife, with whom more than one year has passed together, they had children.

For a married man, this is not an easy choice. Sometimes, after 40-45 years, a new youth comes. I want to break free from the shackles of family, work, responsibilities. It turns out on its own, especially if the wife does not support him, but only laughs. smart women they also try to change when they see that their loved one is tired of the routine. It's not easy, but worth a try. Why not go on a trip together, go to a rock concert, change your style of clothing? It's better to do it together than to let someone else do it for you.

A completely different situation occurs when a man falls under the influence of a binding or love spell. These conspiracies can destroy even the most strong family, and the will of men is suppressed once and for all. It is not so difficult to make a love spell on your own, so a homeowner can try.

In addition to love spells, there are also sexual attachments. They do not cause love, but only a strong, very passionate attraction. So a married man can be tied to himself with the help of sex. Become addicted, lose control of yourself. Then there is no question of sex with his wife, he simply does not see her, does not want to.

A proven remedy can help with this. good drying will bring her husband home, forever knock out thoughts of other women from his head. Of course, if he became a victim of a love spell, then the dryer can do little to help here, so always watch your husband's behavior. It changes, and you are already in all weapons. You should not resort to this magic if he just stayed at work a couple of times. You must have good reasons for doing any conspiracies.

The most effective conspiracies to return

strong drying will not harm the health of your loved one. She will only remind him of the strength of his own feelings for you. This opens your eyes to the problem: if there is an attraction to another, then it is very quickly forgotten, because his wife is the best.

You can make any of these conspiracies at home. You won’t need anything special, only your husband’s personal belongings, his photo, candles or any other household trifles. All this can be bought in your city. After the binding, a married man cannot be taken away by anyone. These conspiracies act quickly, and you will be happy with the effect. Your husband will love you all over again.

Conspiracy on a rope

This vintage conspiracy, which allows her beloved husband not only to return home, but also to bind to himself very tightly. To do this, you will need a rope as thick as a finger. Tie three strong knots on it, and wet it with water so that they certainly do not come loose. It is possible to remove such a conspiracy only if the knots are all untied.

On a wet rope, say 12 times:

“No matter how the rope winds, The final knot will be. No matter how you (the name of a man in a diminutive form: Ilyushenka, Vanechka, etc.), do not run away from me, My libel will destroy you. Love, soul of a servant of God ( full name men, for example, Ilya, Ivan, etc.), the soul of God's servant (your full name, for example, Olga, Anna, etc.) "

Hide this rope well, keep it with you, it is forbidden to show it to anyone.

Only in this way will you keep your happiness intact. Some women keep this rope all their lives.

Drying for the morning dawn

One of the strongest. If you have every reason to believe that the betrayal has gone far, there are persistent signs of her husband leaving the family, then do it. You need to go out under the morning dawn with a church candle. You can go outside, on the balcony, in the field - nothing limits you. The main thing is that it should be an open space.

As soon as you see that the dawn is breaking, say:

“I will get up in the morning, blessed, go out into the courtyard, crossing myself, From the door to the window, from the gate to the blue sea. There are twelve brothers standing, looking at me. I will go closer to them, I will bow to them below. Twelve brothers, go to the blue sea, In the blue sea - an island, on it stands an oak tree, Under the oak tree - a heavy slab, sweeping melancholy. Raise the stove, take away the longing, Bring it from the sea-ocean, Lay it on the zealous heart of a slave (man's name). Let the sadness-grief, sadness-orphan, So that he yearns, grieve, grieve For me, the slave (name) night and day. So that he could not spend a day without me, not a minute to while away. With you, mother-dawn of the morning Mary, evening Marimyan, midnight Ulyana. Let any girl seem scary to him, like a bat, like a vicious snake, like a striped devil, like a shaggy sorcerer. And I am for him, a slave (my name), a firebird, a sweet girl.

You should have in your hands church candle. Read only once. If this binding did not help bring the beloved home, then there is a love spell on it.

Prisushka in the photo

Spoken food is also one of the popular ways to get off work.

If they want to take a married man away from the family, if the wife needs to be very vigilant. When you can’t return your husband with affection, care, attention, then connect the “heavy artillery”: conspiracies. This ritual is done on a joint photo from the wedding. It's better if it's just you and your husband. Take a photo, put a church candle on it between you. This will connect you. Light a candle, read the plot on it 12 times:

“I close my head. In your mind, only I am. I close my chest. Only I am in your heart. I close my legs. To be only near me. Lord, I call you to witness. , red-faced young women. Let only one see and hear me. I renounce you from others, doom you to virtuous love. No one needs you, servant of God (name right person) except me. You love no one but me.
To be so. Amen".

When the wax starts to drip, then drop by drop on your image and on the photo of your spouse. Press each drop with your finger so that a clear imprint remains.
So your man will forget about others in an instant. He will return home permanently for 3-5 days. If it does not help during this time, you can do it again.

Rite-prisuha on a personal thing

If the husband shows all the signs of a weakening of interest in you, does not want, does not love, then you need to fix this. Perhaps he doesn’t have anyone yet, he just lost interest. Then take it Underwear- T-shirt, shorts. You can make a strong conspiracy on them. As they say, the closer to the body, the better. Choose the set of underwear that he most often wears. Spread on ironing board underwear. You need to iron at the highest temperature. The hotter the iron, the stronger will be the love and desire of the husband. Stroke and say:

“God, our Father, be a witness. I, your humble servant (your name), forever close your servant (name of the right person) from the girls. I am destined for him, I am destined for him. does not understand, but cares for me and hugs me. Yes, it will be so. Amen".

The charmed thing is not afraid of washing, but requires a fake

Let the man wear this underwear. Update the plot every year so that the effect is always strong.

Egelet on her husband

A married man is an object of desire and envy unmarried women. Therefore, it is better not to tell anything about your man, his gifts and attention. Someone may envy you, try to beat off your husband.

To prevent this from happening, you need to tie him tightly to yourself, yes personal life keep under seven locks at home. This plot is done on the marriage bed. Egelet - dry with a sexual effect. Kneel in front of the bed, put your hands on it. Say three times without lifting your eyes from the bed:

“In the sea-okiyana on the island of Buyan, the stone Alatyr burns, it burns, it does not burn, so the servant of God ... (name) burns, burns, does not burn out, to me, the servant of God ... (name) does not forget the road. Be my word strong in ages of ages. Amen".

Now you need to get up, take a church candle. Light it, move it clockwise around the bed, repeating the plot 3 more times.
The first signs that the egelet was a success - increases sharply sexual desire your man.

Conspiracy for menstruation

Made for you menstrual blood. It is necessary on the third day of menstruation to collect some fresh blood, pour it into any drink or dish for the husband. Valid only for the legal spouse!

Say while pouring:

“Just as a worm cannot be without land, a fish cannot be without water, and just as a person cannot be without blood, so you (name) do not live a single day without me,
Not one night, not an hour, not a minute. My words are strong for now and for centuries, for all time. Amen!".

This is a very strong conspiracy, although it is carried out without much ritual. After such a conspiracy, a married man can no longer be taken away. Your blood will be the basis of this connection. This is a very strong biomaterial with sacral properties.

Can prisushka harm a man?

It cannot harm, but it will impose some restrictions on its will. For the health, strength, self-confidence of your loved one, these conspiracies are harmless. This is not a love spell that is rudely introduced into his life, cripples his will, makes him do something that he does not want. The binding is much smoother.

He will not be able to remove it, and it is unlikely that he will even know that he has a binding on him. Men are rarely interested in such things, and even less often to try to take pictures. Can only laugh, but forget.

The binding limits his interest in other women. She does not harm him, but only at the moment when he decides to talk to a pleasant stranger, introduce him, invite him to a restaurant, his feelings begin to rebel. Conscience, love for your wife, longing for a home overcome your faithful. There can be no talk of any conversations with ladies or invitations for a cup of coffee.

Before you start using magic, you need to understand how it works and what it consists of. The method of so-called drying for love, which has numerous reviews from practitioners, has become very popular today. Magic allows you to dry a man to yourself, and a woman can do it on her own. For proper conduct this ritual, you need to know some of its nuances.

It is important to know that strong drying cannot be used by novice practitioners, since an incompetent approach can bring a lot of trouble to all participants in the ceremony. It is allowed to conduct the ceremony both at a distance from a married or free man, as well as in its immediate vicinity. As a means of achieving the goal, a photo of the chosen one, food and particles containing his energy can be used. So, often along with a photo it is required to get the hair or blood of a lover.

Putting a prisushka on a man is much easier than taking it off.

It is recommended to independently conduct rituals in men's days(Monday, Tuesday, Thursday), and the most suitable day to attract married man there will be one that falls on the growing phase of the moon. The best time- an hour after the evening dawn.

The implementation of the ritual for love should be carried out with the strict observance of all the attached instructions. Required from a person high concentration and a lot of energy. The performer needs to endow the object with the necessary emotional state, then link the object and the victim together. If this fails, instead of drying, you will receive damage: on yourself or on the victim.

A man cannot live a day without meeting you.

As the reviews of numerous practitioners show, it is quite easy to dry a man, while not everyone can remove such a spell. In order to dry a married man, it takes a lot strong magic, since we must first destroy true love. It is not always possible to create love between people on your own; magic turns out to be a great helper here.

As soon as a man, including a married man, manages to dry himself, he changes dramatically in emotionally. Dried people are distinguished by an obsession, which is based on love. They do their best to show interest in the performer of the ritual, every minute they are looking for a meeting with him, they do not want to part for a minute. For dry people great importance has precisely contact with the performer, since they accept their emotional condition for true all-consuming love.

Suspension of a man is equal to enslavement.

By means of drying, the performer firmly binds a person to himself, since separation affects the latter incredibly hard. The victim cannot spend a single day without his beloved. If it is not possible to meet, the desiccated man sinks into a deep depression, he loses interest in life, he becomes insane and eventually dries up, like an object used in a ritual.

It's easy to cast a spell - it's almost impossible to remove it

Very often women spend love rituals without thinking about the consequences. As soon as they appear, the performers seek to correct what they have done - they want to remove the spell. Love is a very strong driving force, but under its influence, few people managed to avoid making mistakes. In order not to think at some point how to remove dryness, it is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons in advance.

Prisukhy negatively affect both participants in the process. Such magic is most often black, and therefore severely punished. Participants of the ritual later certain time can get a rollback from dryness.

In this case, they begin to appear serious problems between the performer and the victim. Both begin to suffer from mental and physical disorders - this is the development of complex diseases, possibly oncological, being in depressive, pessimistic states, leading an apathetic lifestyle and high probability suicide. That is why, after the appearance of the first echoes, performers wish to remove their spell.


Today I will tell you about some of the strongest droughts that can be used without harm to both of you. Prisuhi (prisushki - whispers of love) about which we will tell the Magin have been tested by me more than once and have always allowed me to quickly dry a guy or an unmarried man. Just now proven whisper - dry on a beloved man or a guy you like will allow you to dry it to yourself for up to 1 month, and dry will begin to act the next day. This is very convenient to to dry a person and get to know him better. If you match, you can use strong love spell and after reading a conspiracy to bewitch a loved one to yourself. If you are too different, in a month you will part as friends and, if you wish, you will simply support a good relationship. Read prisushki and whispers of love Maginya started at school so that the boy I liked drew attention to me. Now the relevance of using the strongest dryness has not lost its attractiveness due to the very fast action and always the expected result. The next day after drying, the beloved himself shows interest in me, showing me clear and not ambiguous signs of attention.

The first dry spell is read in the forest when your loved one is away from you. Going into the forest, take a black thread with you, find a fern in the planting and pluck it. In the same forest, an aspen with foliage is needed. Go to the aspen and sit with your back to it, start whipping yourself with fern leaves whispering words of love:

Dry, grass, dry, wien.
Let it dry the same way for me

My dear friend, servant of God (name).


Then tie the fern grass to the aspen with a thread of 7 knots and leave without looking back.

Dry to the wind is the easiest way to dry your loved one to yourself. In windy weather, at any time of the year and day, go outside and stand with your back to the wind, say words of love to the wind:

Thirteen winds, thirteen whirlwinds,
Come from behind the mountains, raise the mountain,
Find on the servant of God (name),
So that he misses, grieves, did not see the white light.
Call him to me in the afternoon with the sun, in the evening with the moon,
Find him the torment of the Lord for me, God's servant (name).


The next day, the dear and beloved will come running to you, no matter how far away he was from you. He will begin to look after you, trying to please you in everything, which means the dry spell has worked for the wind and a month after the dry season, the beloved whom you have dried to yourself will only be yours.

© Copyright: Maginya


Dry or dry- this is a rite of love, but less action than a love spell. The name comes from the expression "dry with love", which means you can make the chosen one begin to dry. In the text of conspiracies for dry land, these signs of falling in love are often mentioned - so that he could not eat and drink, could not sleep, lost interest in friends and girlfriends, so that his heart ached and skipped a beat, and so that he could not find a place for himself, and thought only about his beloved and desired, only wanted her. In a word, the rite of dryness should cause, if successfully performed, a feverish and agitated state, falling in love and a fire in the blood, restlessness of the body and mind associated with a hormonal explosion, the predominance of fire and air in the human body. Part of the love lyrics describes just such effects, as it becomes clear, such things can be caused artificially, if you skillfully and tastefully build a love spell on the chosen one.

In fact, it is not always possible to determine a clear line where the dryness ends and the love spell already begins. There is a strong prisushka and a soft love spell, which is almost the same thing. Prisuha can give a brighter effect than love work on a person, it is conceived as a bright rite with a sharp effect.

Rather, dryness can be determined by what forces are not used in the rite. More often, drying occurs with the use of the fire element, as well as with the participation of Orthodox components. Cemetery, dark creatures are almost unsuitable for such rituals. But a love spell, just, can be with the use of any forces. Both the "tonality" and the features of the manifestation of the love spell will directly depend on what Forces are working. From demons they rage and go crazy, from the cemetery they droop under the yoke love longing, from the fire they burn and burn, etc., and the Higher Beings give an individual effect

It is better and wiser to start the work of obtaining a chosen one or a chosen one just with a dry spell and it may turn out that a few will be enough for desired result. Prudushka on a man is popular - many are afraid to do a love spell, they believe that the purge will have less side effects, act softer.

In general, relatively speaking, many rituals "for melancholy" can be attributed more to dry than to love spells. They are for candles, for smoke, for water with gravy, as well as lining. There are also dryers with a touch of challenge - into the wind, into the smoke, with candles. Many okorma and opi are also rather dry than love spells, if only because the effect of okorma-opi does not last long.

This section contains sweets for every taste, but in order to understand the issue in more depth, we invite you to the first love spell forum. Asking questions to experienced practitioners, reading comments on the rituals posted on the forum, you will learn a lot of useful and important things, avoid possible errors. Remember, there is something sapper in magic: you need to try to do it right away, to avoid redoing rituals, because mistakes in magic cost us dearly.