How to find out the gender of the unborn baby by signs. What is your stomach and how does the baby move? Japanese folk beliefs that relate to the gender of the child

Determining the gender of a baby is fairly easy these days. Pregnant at 22-24 weeks woman walking on an ultrasound examination and can ask the doctor a question about the sex of the child. But even at the beginning of the last century, when these techniques were inaccessible, the floor was not yet born child, determined by folk omens. There are many different options and methodologies.

Signs that are actively used in our time

Consider some folk signs that will help determine the sex of the child:

  1. according to the shape of the abdomen;
  2. food preferences;
  3. fetal activity;
  4. feelings of a pregnant woman;
  5. general appearance of a woman.

Consider each sign in more detail:

  • The shape of the belly. If the pregnant tummy has sharp shape, then a boy was predicted, and a more rounded shape advocates a girl. Another variant of this sign: the deviation of the abdomen in right side points to the boy, to the left - to the girl. From the point of view of medicine, this sign is considered a delusion, since the shape of the pregnant belly depends on the physique of the woman, the shape and size of the pelvis, the position and presentation of the child in the uterus.
  • Food whims. Very often, according to food preferences during pregnancy, assumptions are made about what gender the child will be born. In the direction of the male sex is the desire to eat salty or sour food, as well as meat dishes. Pregnant girls prefer fruits, flour products or refuse to eat at all. Based on this sign, it is even recommended to plan the sex of the child even before conception. If future parents want to conceive a boy, then meat dishes are added to the woman's diet, and if a girl, then they recommend eating a lot of fruits and vegetable salads.
  • Fetal activity. It is believed that boys inside the womb are more active, mobile and push more often and harder than girls.
  • Feeling future mother. It is noticed that when carrying girls, a pregnant woman often complains of chills, cold extremities, and when carrying a boy, flushes of blood to her face, a feeling of heat, excessive sweating. These changes are due to the restructuring hormonal background pregnant.
  • General view of a woman. The sign says that when carrying boys, pregnant women become more attractive, with beautiful well-groomed hair And clear skin, and during pregnancy with a girl - “pulls”, that is, it looks a little worse.
  • According to the age. Young mothers who are about twenty years old, in most cases, males are born. If the age of a woman is over thirty years, then the birth of a girl should be expected.
  • Fetal activity during a military parade. Old midwives and midwives say that if a child begins to behave more actively at the Victory Day parade, when the military pass by and tanks drive by, then a boy will be born, and if the activity has increased when demonstrators with flowers pass, small children, then girly.

Boy or Girl: Maternal Physiology

Signs that indicate a pregnancy with a boy

  • pronounced and early toxicosis;
  • nipples change color and become lighter;
  • hair growth on the legs is accelerated;
  • the tummy of a pregnant woman did not greatly affect the width of the waist, from the back, the stomach is almost invisible;
  • the hands of the expectant mother are dry, practically do not sweat;
  • a pregnant woman prefers to sleep on her left side;
  • a pregnant woman is worried about frequent headaches;
  • the breast of the pregnant woman has not changed;
  • the baby pushes more often down into the bladder area;
  • a pregnant woman becomes clumsy, distracted, often stumbles and forgets something;
  • pronounced swelling in the legs;
  • there is a desire to eat a crust of bread.

Signs that indicate the bearing of a girl

  • absent or unexpressed toxicosis;
  • pregnant nipples become darker;
  • hair growth on the legs slows down, which is directly related to hormonal changes pregnant;
  • the waist has become much wider;
  • significant pigmentation appeared on the face, the so-called “pregnancy mask”
  • palms during pregnancy become wet and sweaty;
  • the expectant mother often sleeps on her right side;
  • the breast of a pregnant woman has changed a lot in size - it has increased, and the left one may be slightly larger than the right one;
  • when a pregnant woman gains weight, it is most often deposited on the hips and buttocks;
  • strands with a reddish tint appeared in the hair;
  • the skin on the face has become very dry or vice versa, too oily, rashes may disturb;
  • during pregnancy, a woman behaves very capriciously, worries Bad mood or its sharp drops;
  • the baby pushes more into the right hypochondrium;
  • the pregnant woman becomes more collected, graceful;
  • a woman loves the crumb in bread more than the crust.

Folk divination

  1. Sign with a wedding ring. There are also several ways to determine the gender of the unborn child using fortune telling. Hanging on a chain wedding ring future mother. If it starts spinning, then this is the birth of a daughter. When pregnant with a boy, the ring sways from side to side.
  2. Formula use. At first mother's age divided by the number 3, and then dad by 4. The numbers are compared. If the number is greater from father's age, then a male child should be born, and vice versa.
  3. Divination by desire. The pregnant woman is asked to take one key from the table. Pregnant girls, take the key for the long part, and for the boy, for the round one.

Notes on the future father

WITH medical point of view, the sex of the child depends entirely on the father. During the formation of the embryo, one chromosome is taken from the woman's egg, and the second from the man's sperm. Thus, depending on which chromosome the man gave (X or Y), this will be the sex of the unborn child. But there are many folk signs that can determine who will be educated future father- boy or girl.

Men who wear bodycon underwear, most often become fathers of boys, and those who love underwear free cut- girls.

If during the conception of a child, more desire came from the pope, then be the birth of a boy, and if, on the contrary, then a girl.

Many signs were collected and passed down from generation to generation. They were analyzed, checked, supplemented. But still, signs will never give a 100% accurate answer about the gender of the child. Therefore, to trust them or not to trust - it is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

And it should be remembered that folk signs can never replace modern ones. medical research and personal consultation with a doctor.

The article will help future parents find out the sex of the unborn child using folk methods. These methods include observations, fortune-telling, calculations according to the calendar, according to the age of the parents. By adhering to the described rules, each parent can prepare in advance for the conception of the desired child.

Most people who are expecting an addition to the family in the near future are trying by all means to find out the gender of the unborn child. Various ultrasounds, examinations and tests come to the rescue. But ultrasound is not always able to tell important information. Analyzes and examinations are not carried out immediately. And I really want to know who will appear in the family. In such cases, folk signs become the main source of information.

How to find out the sex of a child using folk methods

As soon as the first signs of pregnancy appear, parents try to find out the sex of the child. Someone begins to study the tables for determining the sex of a child, someone becomes very observant of himself, of all his needs and changes.

The desire to find out the sex of the child according to folk signs leads parents to fortune-telling. Some divination options:

  • you need to hang a pendant (cross, medallion) on a chain over the palm of the expectant mother;
  • you need to hold the ring on a chain (thread) over the belly of the pregnant woman;
  • you need to hold the needle on a thread over the belly of a lying woman.

If the above items begin to swing back and forth in the process, like a pendulum, a boy will be born in the near future. If the object begins to describe circles, then a little princess will soon appear.

They also guess hands. The woman is asked to show her hands. If she puts her palms up, then she is expecting a daughter and vice versa.

Divination "Take the key." There will be a son if a woman takes the key for sharp tip, the daughter will be born by the one who chooses the round end of the key.

Although not 100 percent, but for most people it gives precise definition the sex of the unborn child is a kind of calendar. In various forums, blogs, those who have come true predictions write about this.

Gender of the child: folk signs

In anticipation of the baby, women carefully observe themselves, but sometimes they do not notice what others immediately notice. Like what future mother begins to eat more meat or dairy products. Someone is very much drawn to the sweet, and someone to the salty. In such cases, grandmothers in the family become especially sensitive. They begin to determine the sex of the child according to those signs that were not previously characteristic of a pregnant woman.

There are such signs:

  1. Nutrition. There will be a girl if during pregnancy a woman begins to consume more than usual sweet, dairy products, fruits. Son - if a woman is drawn to meat, fish products, vegetables. Sometimes it happens that the expectant mother begins to eat salty and sweet. For example, he can easily eat candy with fish. In such cases, people say that there will be a girl.
  2. By general condition women. If the pregnancy is difficult (toxicosis appears, the stomach often hurts, you have to go to the hospital for preservation with the threat of a miscarriage), grandmothers say that a boy will be born in the near future. In their opinion, boys in the womb are very weak, fragile, and girls are hardy, strong.
  3. The shape of the belly. The stomachs of some look like a round "ball", for some - a pointed shape. Observations show that in the first case a boy should be expected, and in the second a girl. Although there are often inconsistencies. It is not always possible to discern the gender of the unborn child from the belly, since the shape mainly depends on the physique of the woman herself.
  4. They also try to predict the sex of the unborn child by the activity of the child in the womb. If the child moved very early, that is, before 15 weeks, then, according to popular belief, a girl will be born in the family soon, if vice versa, then a boy.
  5. According to the general appearance of a pregnant woman. If a woman's face does not change in better side, covered with age spots, lips get fat, the nose becomes flattened - there will be a girl. If a woman during pregnancy becomes more beautiful, blusher, her cheeks grow fat, a boy is expected.
  6. By hair growth. When the hair on the legs grows faster than usual, a strong sex is expected. The girl is predicted when the hair grows more slowly than before pregnancy.
  7. On the "kicks" of the baby. If the child often pushes in the lower abdomen, then this is a girl, and boys touch the upper abdomen more.
  8. According to the favorite positions of a pregnant woman in a dream. If the expectant mother likes to sleep on her right side - to her daughter. If a woman often sleeps on her left side - to her son.

Folk signs: how to conceive a girl

When a family already has a son, or even two sons, many people also want a sweetheart - a daughter. The son is a helper in the house, the daughter is beauty. And without beauty, the soul is somehow empty. In order for a girl to be born, you should prepare in advance.

To conceive a female child, it is important to consider the following points:

1. A month before the conception of a child, expectant parents should eat more dairy products. It is important to include calcium and magnesium in the diet, which are contained in egg white, cheese, milk, kefir and so on. It is also recommended to eat more fruits (with the exception of bananas), rice and fish. These products contribute to the formation of the environment that has a beneficial effect on the X chromosome. It is these chromosomes, according to science, that are responsible for the formation of the female sex. During this period, meat dishes should be abandoned.

2. To give birth to a glorious beautiful daughter, you can also calculate the time of conception. Affects the sex of the child and the cyclicity of the blood change of parents. It is believed that the blood is renewed in women every 3 years, and in men - every 4. Whoever at the time of conception will have more “new” blood, the sex of that parent will be inherited by the child.

3. A month before conception and a month after the conception of a baby, a woman should limit her intake of sugar and salt.

The following 3 “main” components take part in the conception of a child:
sperm - X, sperm - Y, egg - X.

An important tip for obtaining XX scheme! Frequent intercourse should be from 5 to 8 days monthly cycle. During this period, X-spermatozoa predominate in the semen.

Folk signs on the sex of the child in the early stages

The first 3 months can be attributed to early pregnancy. During this period, the baby's body is formed, including gender. It will not work to find out something in this period from the stomach, outwardly the woman does not stand out in any way. Folk omens by the sex of the child in the early stages are mainly associated with the well-being of the pregnant woman.

How the expectant mother feels in the first three months, each can describe in her own way. Someone is tormented by severe toxicosis, someone has dark spots, someone cannot decide on food, it is difficult for someone to fall asleep, and someone wants to sleep all the time.

In this period, you can resort to calendars for determining the sex of the child. Now there are a lot of such tables. In addition to the tables, it is recommended to pay attention to the following:

There will be a girl ifThere will be a boy if
The mother almost does not feel pregnancy, sometimes there are not even any special signsA woman in the first week feels an acute malaise, dizziness, an incomprehensible foggy state
Mom was more active at conceptionFather was more active at conception
The baby's heartbeat on ultrasound is very frequent (more than 140 times per minute)Fetal heart rate is normal (120-140 times per minute)
The child will be born in marriageThe child is born out of wedlock
Mother is often hot, stuffyMother often has chills
In a dream, a woman often buys jewelry, women's things.In a dream, a pregnant woman sees horses, axes, hammers, knives.

There are many different formulas for calculating the sex of a child. One of these formulas:

X - you need to write down the age of the father,
Y - write down the month (in numerical form) of conception.

Task: 49 - X + 1 + Y + 3.
If the answer is an even number here, a boy is expected, an odd number - a girl.

It is quite realistic to predict the sex of the child in advance, to conceive it according to plan. But not always folk methods work the way some parents would like. It happens that the whole family is waiting for the birth of a small heir, but contrary to all expectations, examinations, a girl is born.

But that doesn't make life worse. Yes, let sometimes 5 daughters live in a family, or, conversely, several sons. The main thing is the love and mutual understanding of family members. Even a son can eventually help his mother around the house without worse girls. And girls sometimes do a good job with boyish duties.

The main thing any mother should want is a healthy happy kid. If the mood is from " unexpected turn» a little worse, it is worth remembering those families in which sick children suffer. Remember those people who do not have the opportunity to experience parental happiness at all. It is important to remember that happiness is that you have a child.

But even at this gestational age, there is a possibility of error, and the doctor warns that the gestation period of 22-24 weeks (second planned ultrasound) is the best to find out if it will be a boy or a girl.

We will recall some folk signs that will give you the answer to the interesting question “Who will I have?”.

Ultrasound of the fetus is performed strictly certain deadlines. AND once again, just out of curiosity to find out the gender, no one will assign you this study. As mentioned above, the accuracy of sex determination during ultrasound depends on the gestational age, as well as on the experience of the specialist. At the gestational age of 15-17 weeks, errors in sex determination are still possible.

They are explained by the adoption of a loop of the umbilical cord or fingers of the fetus for the penis or swollen labia for the scrotum. In the period of 23-25 ​​weeks of pregnancy, the fetus is mobile and during the study it can turn so that it will be visible. gender. From 37 weeks, due to the low mobility of the fetus, sex determination can be difficult.

How else can you determine the sex of the child?

Determine gender in early dates(7-10 weeks) is possible with the help of a chorion biopsy, but this manipulation is carried out only according to medical indications when the birth of a male or female child is impossible in the family due to the inheritance of some genetic diseases. As a result of this procedure, the sex of the embryo is established with a 100% guarantee, but it is not safe to carry it out due to the threat of miscarriage.

How to find out the sex of a child by signs?

Therefore, those parents who want to know who they will have, early, can adopt folk signs. True, it is not always possible to determine with great accuracy whether it will be a boy or a girl. Many signs, most likely, are known to you, and you will learn about some for the first time.

They may seem ridiculous to you, but they exist and you need to know them. And, perhaps together, they will help you find out the gender for sure. At least, many mothers claim that thanks to the signs they managed to find out the sex of the unborn child.

Determination of the sex of the child by the age of the mother at the time of conception

The method is based on the lunar calendar and originated in medieval China. Its feature is the early, before conception, determination of the sex of the child. Chinese horoscope was found during excavations near Beijing. In China, this issue was given great value, since only a man has always been the heir to the family. Aristocratic families believed that by using magic and moon calendar, you can determine the sex of the child and even change it in the womb. After adapting the horoscope to Gregorian calendar and we can try to make a prediction.

Find your age in the first column, compare it with the month of conception in the first row of the table and find out who to expect at the intersection. D - girl, M - boy.

Sex determination by blood renewal

The method of blood renewal is based on the theory that the processes of replacing old cells with new ones are constantly taking place in the human body. Blood is also renewed: for men every four years, for women every three years. If at the time of conception the blood of a man is newer, a boy will be born, if the blood of a woman, then wait for a girl. It matters if the blood has undergone renewal earlier than expected due to blood loss due to other births, abortions, injuries or operations. In this case, the countdown goes from these events. For a starting point to simplify the calculation, you can take 15 years for women and from 16 for men.

Sex determination by heartbeat or pulse

This method can be practiced from the middle to the end of the 2nd trimester. The method is popular with some obstetrician-gynecologists. The heartbeat is heard with an obstetric stethoscope through the mother's abdomen. It is believed that in boys the heartbeat is faster and more rhythmic, in girls it is slightly slower, with an uneven rhythm.

Pulse diagnostics is a very advanced method, widely used in Eastern countries. Fundamentals of Tibetan and Chinese medicine give great attention diagnosis of diseases by pulse. Witch doctors and monks who practice this method can very accurately determine the sex of the child by the mother's pulse.

There are many other methods: the Japanese horoscope, sex determination by the blood type of parents, folk signs and beliefs.

Based on probability theory, the percentage of exact matches can reach 50% in the ideal case. At the same time, the error in determining the sex of the child is not critical, since common sense prevails in the minds of most expectant mothers, and they decide to do an ultrasound.

The only one exact test before birth is performed in a complex and risky procedure called an amniocentesis. This procedure is carried out according to strict medical indications, for the diagnosis of possible hereditary diseases. Another test is possible with IVF, when pre-implantation diagnosis is performed before the transfer of embryos to the uterus for the same purpose as amniocentesis.

Define "the old fashioned way"

For centuries, the experience of observing the behavior of pregnant women, their feelings has been accumulated, and so folk signs have been formed and passed on from generation to generation. To find out the sex of the child in those days when there was no ultrasound, they offered by the appearance of a woman, her taste preferences.

Gender of the child according to signs - girl

Folk signs and observations suggest that parents over 30 years old have daughters. The intensity of sexual life before conception also matters - with daily sexual activity, there is a chance of conceiving a girl.

You can determine who future parents are expecting by outward signs and changes in pregnancy. A woman expecting the birth of a girl has a belly round shape, vague, looks like a ball, however, to me, it is more shifted to the left. She retains the grace of movement. Outwardly, it does not change for the better: swelling of the lips, face, dark spots on the face, stretch marks on the abdomen. According to these signs, they conclude that the woman is expecting a girl and she “takes beauty” from her mother.

You can determine whether a boy or a girl is expected as follows: areolas around breast nipple dark colors indicate pregnancy as a girl. According to the signs, if a pregnant woman has toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy, she takes it hard, feels bad and constantly has a bad mood, then there will certainly be a girl.

You can determine the sex by changing it taste preferences. A pregnant girl has a pronounced craving for sweets, fruits, which was not observed before pregnancy.

Also, if the first movement was felt on the left side of the abdomen, then a girl will be born.

Gender of the child according to signs - a boy

Signs say that the younger the woman, the more likely the birth of a son. The frequency of sexual relations between spouses also matters. If before conception they were with a break of several days, then a boy will be born.

You can find out the sex by external signs: if the stomach resembles a cucumber (long and pointed), then there will be a boy. In this case, the abdomen is more enlarged on the right. A pregnant woman retains her waist (back view) even for long term pregnancy, and outwardly she flourishes, prettier, people say - "pregnancy colors her."

If the hair on the legs of a pregnant woman grows more intensively and hairs appear on her stomach, there will be a boy. If the areola around the nipple light color, and the breast has not changed its shape, then this indicates a pregnancy with a boy.

According to popular beliefs, if a pregnant woman is constantly cold and her feet are cold, then a boy will be born. All this also applies to the course of pregnancy in the first trimester. If a pregnant woman does not have toxicosis, and she easily tolerates pregnancy, then she wears a boy. According to observations, a woman expecting the birth of a boy is drawn to meat products, spicy and salty dishes, while the pregnant woman eats a lot and often.

You can find out the sex of the child by the first movement. If the movement is felt on the right, then there will be a boy. Boys also behave more actively and move more strongly. In addition, gender can be determined by signs such as heartbeat: the boy's heartbeat is less than 140 per minute.

Moreover, observations suggest that less term between a woman's children, the more likely it is that the second child will be of the opposite sex.

These are the most common signs of determining the sex of a child. But believe me, it is not so important to find out as soon as possible, the main thing is to love the child from the first days of conception, which will appear very soon with you. The very birth of a child is already a great joy and the most significant event in the life of loving parents.

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Today, the question of the gender of the unborn child is resolved after the first visit to the office ultrasound diagnostics. However, twenty years ago, the sex of a baby before its birth was offered to be known by grandmothers-witches or, in exceptional cases, gynecologists who know and have excellent intuition. Moreover, if in the first case a woman quite often encountered ordinary charlatanism, then in the second, not a single self-respecting doctor gave a guarantee that the diagnosis was correct. However, among traditional healers have existed since ancient times various methods how to find out the sex of a child according to folk signs that are time-tested and give a fairly accurate result.

How to determine the sex of a child according to folk signs

Most traditional medicine methods for determining the sex of an unborn child are based on organoleptic (mostly visual) studies of the size and shape of the abdomen:

  • a woman whose belly has the correct spherical shape indicates the conception of a girl, the pointed shape of the bulge of the abdomen indicates that parents should expect the birth of an heir;
  • the bulge of the abdomen in a woman pregnant with a boy is located lower to the inguinal region than in the future mother of a girl;
  • if the belly of a pregnant woman bulges sharply to the right, parents with more likely you should wait for a son, if on the left - this is more evidence of the birth of a daughter.
  • A similar sign is the intrauterine stirring of the unborn child. There are two folk signs that are in a certain contradiction with one another.
  • if the expectant mother felt the first movement of the fetus on the left side of the abdomen, a girl should be expected, but if the child gives the first signs of life by hitting his right side, then parents can count on the appearance of a son;
  • another sign says that the future daughter beats her mother in the liver, and bladder- son.
  • In addition, you can determine the sex of the child by the position of the woman during sleep. If she sleeps on her right side, this most likely predicts the appearance of a daughter, and, conversely, a dream on her left side indicates the appearance of a son.

    Popular signs also include a change in the taste preferences of a pregnant woman, which depends on the sex of the unborn child. Mother future daughter prefers to diversify his diet with sweets and citrus fruits. If a pregnant woman is more drawn to salty, spicy and sour, a son should be expected. In addition, the "food" folk signs include:

  • if a woman prefers to eat a crust of bread at dinner, a son will be born, if the crust is discarded, and only the crumb is eaten, a daughter;
  • a woman who refuses fruits and prefers a meat diet and hard cheeses during pregnancy should expect the appearance of a son;
  • if a pregnant woman has increased appetite- a boy will be born, if there is an aversion to food - a girl.

  • A fairly accurate criterion, how to determine the sex of a child, is the general appearance expectant mother during gestation. If a woman fades during pregnancy, losing her attractiveness, healers and witches say, "that the daughter takes away her beauty." However, there are cases when a woman who is expecting the birth of a baby flourishes, acquiring a purely feminine stateliness, piquancy and attractiveness. Folk signs say that in this case the appearance of an heir is guaranteed. This belief is scientific rationale. A girl developing in the womb of a woman takes only female hormones, as a result of which the expectant mother begins to experience their deficiency. A pregnant woman's hair grows dull, her skin acquires an unhealthy shade, her nails crumble. At the same time, a male child consumes only male hormones that are in metabolism female body do not play a special role, but are by-products of the functioning of the immune-hormonal system.

    However, this rationale is contradicted by confirmed medical facts- when carrying a boy, there is more severe toxicosis and the appearance of more pronounced age spots.

    Boy or girl? This question is asked by all future parents. True, despite the progressive medical methods sex determination, some still prefer to keep the intrigue until the birth of the child. But there are also harmless ways that our grandmothers used. Let's talk about how determine the sex of the child according to popular beliefs.

    Listening to yourself and observing the behavior of the child in the stomach, future mom surely knows who will be born to her. Nevertheless, even if the ultrasound revealed the secret of the sex of your heir, it is curious to compare these data with what folk signs tell us about how to determine the sex of a child.

    Determine the gender of the unborn child

    The most common way is to look at the shape of the pregnant belly. If it is round and neat, there will be a girl, sharp and strongly protruding forward - a boy.

    It is believed that if at the time of sexual intercourse there was more than active woman, a boy is born, and vice versa.
    During pregnancy, expectant mothers often have swollen legs and this is due to physiology and metabolic adjustment.

    However folk wisdom says that most often the legs are very swollen in the one who bears the boy. Strengthening also indicates the male sex of the child hairline on the body of the mother, this is due to an increase in the body of the pregnant male hormone testosterone.

    The sex of the child also affects the character of the future mother. The more whiny and irritable she is, the higher the likelihood of a daughter not being born. If the mother is in good location spirit and often smiles, she will have a son. According to these clues, you can determine the gender of the baby.

    A boy developing in the womb requires more nutrition, as a result of which the pregnant woman eats a lot. Also indicate the sex of the child and food addictions: if a mother eats only crusts from bread - she is expecting a son, prefers pulp - she is expecting a daughter.

    Pay attention to how you sleep. The pose on the left side symbolizes a boy, on the right - there will be a girl.
    There is an opinion that while carrying a daughter, the expectant mother gives her part of her beauty. Therefore, it is believed that if a woman began to look worse during pregnancy, she bears a daughter, if she has become prettier, this is for her son.

    Dry skin on hands and small cracks on it arise when carrying a boy, but soft and gentle hands become if a baby develops in the womb. Mothers of girls are more likely to suffer from toxicosis.

    How to guess the gender of a child?

    Determine the gender of the child help folk divination. One of the most popular is divination with a ring. To do this, the pregnant woman threads her wedding ring through the chain and hangs it over her stomach. If the ring begins to sway rhythmically back and forth, expect a daughter, if in a circle - a son.

    Another simplified version of the previous fortune-telling - you need to hang any object - a medallion or any other decoration - over the palm of the expectant mother. When the object describes circles - a boy will be born, sways from side to side - a girl.

    Numbers will help determine the sex of the child. Exists Japanese method based on the science of numerology. Following this method, it is necessary to divide the age of the expectant mother by three, and the future father by four. The gender of the parent whose balance is larger will indicate the gender of the unborn child.

    Invite the expectant mother to tell fortunes on the key. To do this, release one key from the bundle and put it on the table, asking her to take the key in her hands. Carefully look at which part the pregnant woman took: for the round one - this is for the girl, for the narrow one - for the son, but if in the middle, she may be expecting twins.

    Another funny guess. If suddenly the pregnant woman chokes, ask her to name any number, from 1 to 33. In accordance with the number, determine what letter of the alphabet it is. Let the expectant mother name any name that begins with this letter. What gender the name belongs to will be born. In such folk ways, the sex of the child is often determined.

    How to plan the gender of the unborn child?

    Physicians still do not give any definite advice on this issue, therefore, all the methods presented in different sources are rather hypothetical.

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