Colored pregnancy signs. Color pregnancy: symptoms and causes. Features of the pathological condition

Pregnancy is not always a surprise. It may be that they find out about her a month before giving birth. Is it possible? It happens in different ways.

Many women find out about their pregnancy when their periods are late. In some pregnant women, periods treacherously proceed as expected, every month on schedule. And during this period, in female womb, a new wonderful life is developing.

This situation is called "color pregnancy" or "washing of the fetus." This is the case when menstruation is on schedule, regardless of the situation that has come. They may not be as long or plentiful as usual. Many women do not observe any differences, therefore they do not even know about their completely new position. If there are any symptoms of pregnancy, then they are very poorly expressed in order to somehow draw attention to them.

Many experts may say that a “colored pregnancy” is the first sign. It is such an unpleasant "diagnosis" that doctors put when smearing or uterine bleeding if the position is already known. And if bleeding abundant, then it can talk about. Therefore, it is recommended to pass thorough examination to find out the reason. In this case, if you are pregnant and you have similar discharge, you should urgently consult a doctor.

It is one thing if the discharge came suddenly, when you already know about pregnancy, and another when a woman does not even suspect about conception. As a rule, this happens quite often. Statistics show that approximately 20% of women have a “color pregnancy”. It also happens that a woman finds out about this shortly before childbirth (sluggish movements are perceived as intestinal peristalsis, and a slightly protruding stomach is perceived as insignificant weight gain). Many situations are known when women who have already become grandmothers gave birth to babies for this "colored" reason.

It is not uncommon for menstruation during the "color pregnancy" to end at 4 months. Although, they can continue on schedule throughout the pregnancy.

So, women, the most famous sign of pregnancy - the absence or delay of menstruation - is far from an obligatory indicator of your pregnancy. Be more attentive to yourself. And if there is a suspicion of pregnancy, and menstruation continues, it is better not to tempt fate and go to the gynecologist.

If the suspicions are confirmed and you are pregnant, and menstruation is observed, neither the baby nor you are in danger, do not worry. After all, a "color pregnancy" proceeds as usual: for someone it is unhindered and calm, for someone it is difficult and difficult.

Those ladies who do not want to miss the onset of an "interesting situation" usually know all its manifestations - already in the early stages - and keep track of them at home. However, sometimes the body reacts to fertilization and subsequent events in an "unconventional" way, and some of the considered almost mandatory signs gestation for someone does not happen at all - and then you have to deal, for example, with such a phenomenon as "color" pregnancy.

It will be incredibly difficult to find a person who is far from medicine, who, without looking into obstetric and gynecological reference books, would be able to clearly explain what a "color" pregnancy is. Meanwhile, similar phenomenon very common: according to the rough estimates of specialists in the relevant profile, it occurs in almost every fifth woman, in other words, in about 20 percent of pregnant women.

Why did this variant of the manifestation of the gestational period in so many women receive such interesting name, it's hard to say; perhaps the reason for this is the "color" of the blood. "Color" pregnancy is characterized by the fact that even its onset does not cause the cessation of menstruation in a woman carrying her future baby.

This usually leads to the fact that the ladies with whom this happens, often do not even know about their condition: they say, menstruation has not stopped, which means that conception has not come. If, at the same time, toxicosis is also observed, it will often be attributed to anything - up to banal poisoning; this phenomenon will surely force many women to go to the doctor, where, after the examination, the truth can be found out. In the case when no morning sickness is not available, the lady sometimes remains in the dark about her own pregnancy until the third or fourth month, or even the fifth, when the stomach already begins to increase noticeably, and fetal movements appear, which are difficult to confuse with something else.

In a significant part of women who personally encounter a "color" pregnancy, menstruation sometimes lasts almost until the middle of the gestational period, and in some, it comes monthly almost before the birth itself. How exactly the case will turn out in each specific case is difficult to predict: experts write off everything on the individual characteristics of the organism and, in this regard, the unpredictability of its behavior during gestation.

Sometimes the onset of "color" pregnancy is associated with the so-called hyper fertility of a certain representative of the fair sex - ie. the ability of her eggs to fertilize, even despite the presence of a developing fetus in the uterus.

However, the likelihood of getting pregnant already being in interesting position, according to estimates of gynecologists, threatens no more than one percent of women in the world - approximately this number is considered "super-fertile." So what, in addition to hyper fertility, can be the reasons for the appearance of a "color" pregnancy, in which menstrual cycle does not stop? Experts assume that all kinds of hormonal disruptions are to blame for this status quo, first of all - insufficient production progesterone, which is responsible for the normal passage of gestation. Among the other most common causes of the aforementioned phenomenon are genital infections, due to which there is sometimes a violation of the "standard" course of processes associated with childbirth.

By the way, identifying the presence of a "colored" pregnancy is an incredibly difficult task, because outward signs it is similar to normal implantation bleeding (if observed about a couple of weeks after conception) and with a threat of miscarriage, or premature birth... The last two conditions are very dangerous for the expectant mother and especially her unborn baby, and doctors usually prefer not to let them go by themselves, but to send the lady to the hospital, under observation and, possibly, the use of any drugs that contribute to the preservation of pregnancy.

So, if her attending physician is a real "reinsurer", a woman who is faced with a "color" pregnancy may never know that she is among the very 20 percent of "lucky women" who have it. However, the menstruation that continues to come regularly for at least half of the period of bearing the child becomes a source of nervousness for the expectant mother: because of them, the gynecologist sends her to the hospital for preservation every month. Only at a sufficiently long gestational period, when the placenta has already been formed, and it is easy to see on ultrasound whether its detachment occurs, medical workers every time they stop suspecting a particular lady "in the position" of the threat of miscarriage and send her to preservation.

It is incredibly difficult to distinguish a "colored" pregnancy from various pathological conditions that sometimes occur during gestation, and the only clue here can only be the regularity of the coming menstruation, as well as the fact that they usually become more scarce.

In any case, when bloody discharge appears at any gestational age, one should not think about having a "color" pregnancy, but go straight to the gynecologist, because it is better to be in the hospital "for reassurance" than to lose an unborn baby as a result of a miscarriage.

What are the symptoms of pregnancy? First of all, a woman has a delay, that is, her periods stop. But according to statistics, 23% of women undergo a so-called color pregnancy - this is when menstruation goes into normal mode the entire period of gestation or during the first few months. Often, a woman does not even know about her pregnancy in the first trimester, writing off minor body transformations on hormonal disbalance or banal overeating.

Features of the pathological condition

This phenomenon has another definition - "washing of the fetus." Despite the fact that the baby is already developing in the uterus, the menstrual cycle is present in full. In fact, this phenomenon does not pose a threat to either the baby or his mother, but you should be extremely careful not to miss a dangerous ectopic pregnancy, uterine bleeding, placental abruption, miscarriage, which have similar symptoms... Therefore, it is very important to contact a specialist in time at the first suspicion of a malfunction in your body.

Causes of color pregnancy

  1. Ovulation came late. As a result, the cycle failed, and the egg was formed at its beginning or end. In this case, the fertilized egg has not yet reached the uterus, and menstruation has already begun.
  2. Pelvic infection. If such a pregnant woman is found, a course of adequate therapy is prescribed.
  3. Fertile egg penetrated into the uterine wall. In this case, bloody discharge is observed only at the beginning of pregnancy, and then stops.
  4. The minimum content of progesterone in the body has led to hormonal imbalance... This hormone is responsible for the safe bearing of the baby.

Bloody discharge may also indicate trauma to the internal genital organs during coitus. In this case, there are signs of a violation of the integrity of the vessels. As a rule, such bleeding is short-lived, but it is imperative to consult a gynecologist for advice.

What will a pregnancy test show?

Many women are wondering if the test shows two stripes in a color pregnancy? Everyone knows that express tests that are implemented in pharmacies have a certain amount of error. Therefore, with a color pregnancy, the test can be negative, as with a classic one. It is impossible to recognize with absolute certainty the presence of pregnancy with the help of a test alone - a more thorough medical examination is necessary.

Signs of "washing the fetus"

Symptoms of color pregnancy in each woman appear individually, depending on the characteristics of the body. If one pregnant woman has terrible toxicosis, puffiness and other signs, then the other may not notice any changes in her body at all. But there is a basic set of symptoms that are characteristic of almost every woman in an interesting position:

  • Failure in the cycle of menstruation. Discharge becomes more insignificant, pain syndrome it can become more intense or vice versa - disappear.
  • Change in eating habits. A woman can eat with pleasure the food that used to be disgusting.
  • Rapid weight gain. At the same time, the pregnant woman did not eat more, and the excess kilograms still appeared.
  • Unreasonable fatigue, decreased working capacity, drowsiness. These symptoms are most common.

If a woman has noted similar signs in her against the background of menstruation, then you should not postpone a visit to a gynecologist. The doctor will conduct initial inspection, will send to ultrasound procedure, will prescribe tests and after that will recommend what to do next. If there is no threat to the child, despite the strong discharge, then the pregnancy will take place as usual. If any pathologies are found, then the patient will be admitted to a hospital for further monitoring of pregnancy.

A feature of the course of a color pregnancy is that usually a woman does not know about the presence of such early stages, and much later - at 4-5 months. Especially if there are no pronounced signs such as nausea, swelling mammary glands, dizziness, etc.

If you check in at least a few alarming symptoms of the above, then hurry to the doctor. Don't worry about further development events - a color pregnancy not complicated by pathologies usually proceeds in the same way as a traditional one.

And I decided to google ... and this is what I found ... honestly I'm in shock.

Pregnancy is not always a surprise. But it also happens that they "suddenly" learn about her almost before the very birth. How is this possible? - you ask. And it happens in different ways. Both funny and sinful.

Because not all women will find out about the conception that has taken place with a delay in menstruation. In some of them critical days treacherously come, as it should be - every month on time. And at this time in the womb it develops new life

This “phenomenon” is called “fetal washing” or “color pregnancy”. This is a situation in which menstruation goes on schedule, despite the onset of pregnancy. They may not be as abundant or as long as usual. But often a woman does not observe any differences, and therefore does not know about her new position. Symptoms of pregnancy, if present, are rather mild enough to attract attention.

Here, many can pounce on me that "color pregnancy" is clear sign threats of interruption. It is this "diagnosis" that doctors make, and even more so uterine bleeding, if pregnancy is already known. And if the discharge is abundant, then this may also indicate development. In any case, it is necessary to undergo an examination to find out the reason. Therefore, if you are pregnant and observe similar ones, you need to consult a doctor immediately!

But it is one thing if you start bleeding suddenly, when you are already aware of the events developing inside you, and quite another thing when a woman does not even know about the conception that has taken place. By the way, this happens quite often, as many might think. About 20% of all pregnancies are “colored”. And it even happens that only shortly before childbirth future mom learns about this (a slightly protruding tummy is perceived as a slight increase in weight, and sluggish movements - as intestinal peristalsis). There are even known cases when women who have already become grandmothers gave birth to children for this "colored" reason.

Most often, menstruation during the "color pregnancy" ends already at 3-4 months. Although, as already mentioned, they can continue from cycle to cycle throughout the entire gestation period.

So, ladies, the most popular and early sign pregnancy - delay and absence next menstruation- far from being an obligatory harbinger of your new position. Be more mindful of yourself. And if there is a suspicion of pregnancy, but critical days continue as if nothing had happened or pass "somehow wrong", it is better not to tempt fate and visit once again gynecologist.

If your suspicions were confirmed - you are pregnant, but at the same time your periods continue to go and nothing threatens you or your baby, - be absolutely calm. " Color pregnancy»Proceeds like any other: for whom it is calm and unhindered, for whom it is difficult and difficult. But ablution has nothing to do with it.