Learning to send culturally. How to send a person culturally, calling them witty words. How can you beautifully humiliate a man, a guy with clever words without swearing: phrases, expressions

Laughter and fun liberates people, makes them closer, makes them want to meet more often. That is why many guys think about how to make a girl laugh. However, in this matter it is worth being very careful and observant. Jokes and humor can only be useful if the girl understands them. Humor, like good food spices, should be in moderation. An overabundance of humor can cause a negative reaction and consolidate the glory of a "pea jester" or "clown" for a guy.

How to make a pen girl laugh?

Quite a lot of guys and girls chat in. Thinking about how to make a girl laugh in contact or classmates, first look at the girl's personal pages and analyze them. It is necessary to see what exactly she likes, what causes her admiration and what kind of humor she likes.

You can try ways to make a girl laugh on social media:

  1. Send the girl a picture with a funny animal and come up with an interesting caption.
  2. Find a funny photo, upload it to your page and mark the girl you want to cheer on. There's a lot funny photos with someone's failures or cool deeds. The girl, of course, will pay attention to such a joke and will definitely react.
  3. Comment on her photo. If you do not have a sufficient sense of humor, ask your friend for help in commenting. However, humor shouldn't be too ironic. Most likely, it should be somewhat flirtatious and pleasant.
  4. Send the girl an unfinished joke or funny story... It is best if the selected stories are in the topic for some post on the page.
  5. Send the girl funny gift with an interesting comment.

At the same time, it is important to remember that you should not just make the girl laugh, but interest her in your personality.

How to make a girl laugh on the phone?

Making a girl laugh on the phone is a little more difficult than meeting in person. When communicating with your own eyes, sometimes it is enough to raise your eyebrows or open your eyes wide to induce laughter. But when talking on the phone, facial expressions and gestures remain behind the scenes. We can only hope for the meaning of words and for intonation.

There are advantages to talking on the phone, however. At this time, you can read jokes on the Internet. This will help you not get lost and spoil the joke.

When telling a joke or anecdote, you need to watch your intonation. It should be expressive and different. Any joke can be ruined by telling it in an emotionless and monotonous voice.

Telling a joke in someone's voice has a good effect. It can be humor from some recognizable show or a famous comedian. The ability to copy someone's intonation and voice is highly valued by girls.

Thinking about how you can make a girl laugh, it is worth remembering that there are things that you should not laugh at. These include:

How to make your girlfriend laugh?

It is easier to make your girlfriend laugh than an unfamiliar one, for the reason that her preferences and interests are already known. V this case you just have to dig in to choose the information that will be interesting to the girl, attract her attention and cause a funny reaction.

A guy should be not just funny, but witty. And this requires not just information, but also creativity to the point.

To send an annoying guy or girl, it is not at all necessary to use obscene language and dirty curses. You should not stoop to the level of the interlocutor, when you can convey your message with cultural and nice words: "Madam, if it seems to you that you are witty and from the stream of your incoherent interjections you can glean deep meaning, then you are deeply mistaken. "Examples of a phrase with humor:" You do not even need to be sent, because you visit this place more often than breathe air ";" It is better for you to leave on your own and in English than to be sent in Russian. "

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How beautiful is it to send a stranger?

Examples of phrases that culturally and politely hint to a person that they do not want to communicate with him:

  • I treat your point of view as quantum physics is a useless subject for me.
  • To get down to your level of communication, I need to sink into the ground.
  • Betting that your mother lost the argument with your father that resulted in you?
  • See the skirting board? Here, remember, this is just your level.
  • Yours is your right, however, I am not obliged to listen to all this nonsense, which you consider your own opinion.
  • I don’t remember your name, but please don’t remind me of this.
  • Please accept my sincere insults. And this is not a slip of the tongue.
  • You smell great. Did you drink alcohol yesterday?
  • Let your parent be careful in the future. You need to protect yourself so that such errors of nature do not appear.

Phrases in verse:

  • I'm sending you to ... But not a three-letter word. I send you on vacation, go south.
  • Your humor is so good, with it you will go far.

You need to speak emotionlessly and very calmly so that the annoying person does not feel that he has hurt his interlocutor with his words or insults.

How to send a girl competently?

Phrases with which you can send a girl to hell without a mat:

  • You obviously cannot save our world with your beauty ...
  • Do you feel bad or do you always look like this?
  • I would have sent you, but in this moment it's pointless. You just returned from there, as I can see.
  • Did the stork repeatedly drop you on the way?
  • Nature has decided not to bother too much with you.
  • Did you dye your hair blonde or were you born such a natural fool?

The girl can be gently hinted that communication with her does not give much pleasure:

  • If the wings of stupidity grew, then you would now, young lady, flutter like a moth.
  • I want to be alone with smart person which you are not.
  • You are so witty that I cut myself several times about your jokes.

How funny and original to send a particularly annoying girl:

  • Would you like to tell me from what angle you look the most attractive? Through a telescopic sight.
  • Speak, don't stop. Do not pay attention, because I am always attacked by yawning when it is interesting to listen to the interlocutor.
  • Already leaving? Why so slowly? We must hurry!
  • Have you decided to wear Tyson style makeup today?
  • What are yours bottomless eyes, especially the left one! And the circles under them go so well for you, just lovely!

How to send a guy without obscenities and culturally?

How to send a man so that he does not take offense:

  • Yesterday I read your astrological horoscope: love - the stars are smiling; well-being - the stars smile at you; finance - the stars are smiling; sex - the stars laugh at you.
  • When the stork brought you, the parents first wanted to take the bird.
  • Is today a special day or do you always not shine with your mind?
  • Well, don't be upset, the brain is not everything. And in your case, nothing at all.
  • You are like the ocean - you rock me the same way.
  • Did you scare babayka as a child?
  • How captivating you are! It’s a pity that I don’t get carried away.

Phrases that can be written to a man in an SMS message or in social networks to keep it behind:

  • The Lord offended you, but he acted absolutely right.
  • Yes, from the positive in you, I find only the Rh factor. Or is it also negative?
  • If you say I’m too rude, then now you’ll go where decent girls don’t send guys.
  • Are you looking for where the legs grow from? You can be there yourself if you continue in the same spirit ...
  • Kitty white absolutely do not care about the opinion of gray mice.
  • I propose to leave all the formalities and go to you. Otherwise it is inconvenient to send you ...
  • You're just a template for making a fool.





Every person faced the problem when the interlocutor gets bored.

There may be enough reasons for this, and more and more often they lie in the people themselves with whom you happened to speak.

What is wrong with the opposite person?

  • Monotonous, monotonous speech;
  • Inability to listen;
  • Constant looping, repetition of the same thing;
  • High tactility.

These are the main reasons unpleasant sensations accompanying the conversation.

Monotonous, boring interlocutors, "mumbling" the same thing, often squat on their ears, turn on the same, worn-out record, which is no longer relevant.

People who interrupt often show they are disinterested in you and your thoughts, concerns, opinions, and more. And you, succumbing to the mirror effect, respond with mutual dislike.

Another unpleasant aspect is manifested in the excessive tactility of the person who entered into a conversation with you. This factor is especially annoying if you know your interlocutor quite recently.

People who violate the space that is considered intimate, touching your face, hands, other parts of the body, knowingly cause a defensive reaction.

How to skillfully get nasty

Sometimes listening to the monologue of the interlocutor standing in front of you, the only thing you think about is how to quickly, politely break away from the speeches that are not of interest to you, move away from an unpleasant topic, but how beautiful is it to send a tired man or woman? But how to accurately, not abruptly solve the current situation?

There are some tricky but correct solutions to this problem. So, we learn to send beautifully.

Change the theme by gently getting off within your means leading questions... This is easy to do; first, test the waters, starting to ask questions carefully, slowly.

If this does not help, the interlocutor continues to return to what he started, change the questions more abruptly, throwing them at the person opposite.

Intonation should not contain aggression.

Another fail-safe option is humor. Apply your charm in comic form take the topic to zero.

Do not be afraid to exaggerate and laugh at yourself, you will politely end an unpleasant conversation or slip away from a pretty boring conversation.

We hit the patient wisely

The annoying comrade now and then touches and "picks" you, letting go of hard-hitting jokes, jokes, and around, moreover, there are a lot of acquaintances and your mutual friends.

To give a worthy rebuff, it is worth understanding the motivation and weak points of the person opposite.

After observing, understanding why a person is trying to make you look like an idiot, 90% of people understand that the lever that makes a person offend you is self-affirmation.

You can stop impudence with one well-defined blow. No, not with a fist, but with a word. Point out the most important complex of the joker and the more caustically, the more interesting and better.

The effect will not be long in coming and you will remain the winner, putting a heavy point on the offender's self-confidence.

Best offense defense

Learn to be rude beautifully, everyone can do it right. A good option neat insults to those who offended you, there is pressure on the sore spots of the interlocutor.

Analyze its shortcomings and complexes, and then easily and naturally mention them between the lines.

Keep your composure, in a comic manner, point to sore spot opponent. Try to monitor your facial expressions, facial expressions and tone of voice.

Show that you are completely relaxed and friendly, and then proceed to neat notes using a humorous tone or flattery.
If you do not know how to send a person beautifully, phrases collected on the Internet will help you with this.

Sewing a man without a mat

Each cultured person able to lose control and composure when the interlocutor goes over the edge of what is permissible. But not everyone can beautifully send a girlfriend or friend to make it look cultural, civilized. How beautiful it is to send a person without mats, is it possible? It is safe to give a positive answer.

The main thing is not to rush with sharp expressions, sharp words. Remember humor. With a sincere smile on your face, a pleasant joke on your lips, you can get rid of any unpleasant individual.

The main aspects of a reasonable reaction to offensive words from the outside

Insults from the outside are inevitable. In everyone's life there is an acquaintance or just a person from the outside who decides to hurt or unpleasantly in order to throw out his negativity.

Options to be rude, humiliate and offend in smart words.

Very often you can face impudence and lack of patience. It would seem that even in the most safe places you can run into a boor. In this case, you should not respond to rudeness with fists. It is enough to put bad person into place with words. You don't have to swear for this.

In general, there are many options for how to humiliate a boor with sharp phrases.

Insult Ideas:

  • To humiliate male potency. There are enough options, you just need to hint at a weak potency and connect it with the brain.
  • Point out insolvency. People who make little money react very painfully to what they are told about small incomes.
  • Show ignorance. Well, here you can pin up about low level education. Show that the person speaks incorrectly and makes mistakes.

Options to offend a person:

  • You are a spiritual impotent
  • You are not able to earn even for matches
  • You are not able to buy yourself dinner

You can offend a woman by pointing out the flaws in her appearance. That being said, there is no need to say that she is ugly. You can hint at this. Hidden implications are always more demeaning than direct words.


  • I would hurt you, but I think the mirror hurts you every day
  • It happens that there is no mind, but God has not endowed with beauty either
  • When God created you, apparently instead of a rib he used a heel

You can also hint a woman about her not quite correct image life. This will be very useful for the mistress of her husband or homeless woman.


  • Contact someone like you - embarrass yourself
  • You lost your beauty 20 more men ago
  • You are a disgrace to your parents
  • Yes, none standing man won't look in your direction
  • Who needs you. Only a lazy man didn't get along with you
  • You are a man's mat under your feet

Young and pretty girls often face rudeness and very obsessive flirting. Some men don't understand the word no.

The options are:

  • Do you want to go to me or to yourself? Then let's do this: you to yourself, and I to myself
  • Would you like to see us off? Well, you can keep me company and go to the skin care dispensary
  • Do you want to date me? Do you know what to do if you have an epileptic seizure?
  • Are you ready to go with me to the ends of the world? Well, go, it's free there
  • Do you want to meet? You can chat with my boyfriend first

There are many options to besiege a person without the use of fists and swear words.

The options are:

  • Didn't you accidentally scare Babai in childhood?
  • Oh, apparently you don’t know that it’s better to be friends with me?
  • You need to lead a special column that goes to ...
  • If you don’t call me today, then I’ll call, but not you
  • I am interested in the opinion of those whom I ask. I didn't ask you
  • If you feel like being rude, go to the trash can, talk to the dogs.
  • To go crazy, you need it
  • Don't touch my virtues with your flaws

If someone is bruising you or does it all the time, do not be discouraged. Pay back the abuser with his coin.

The options are:

  • When God created men, you were the last in line. Didn't get the mind
  • If you were a decent man, your wife would be happy.
  • No, you are not a woman, but a piece for frequent rentals
  • You have not yet taken place in the womb, so you cannot be strong

If you do not want to use foul language, you can simply make it so that the person does not want to communicate with you.


  • Say "yeah," "of course." Don't keep the conversation going
  • Try to translate the topic into an uninteresting channel for the interlocutor
  • Yet good welcome- talk only about yourself and constantly interrupt your partner

How to respond to rudeness, resentment and insults without swearing in clever words?

You can see more about this in the video.

You can reply with quotes famous people... There is no need to humiliate or insult. It is enough to correctly lead a person to what he says is wrong. Below are quotes from famous people.

Here are some options for avoiding swear words:

Instead of: OH… EAT!
We must say: I AM AMAZED!

Instead of: THESE P…. GIFTS!


Instead of: P ... ZDETS!

Instead of: FUCK X… .Y!
You have to say: PLEASE DO NOT DISTURB ME!

Instead of: FOR ... BALI!

Instead of: WHAT FOR X… .YNYA ?!

Instead of: BL ... DL!

Instead of: RASP… .ZDYAI!

If you know psychology well and own a decent vocabulary then it will not be necessary to use fists. Everything can be resolved by conversation.

VIDEO: Get nasty without a mat

01.02.2012 15:43

The ability to protect yourself with beautiful excuses.
Have you ever had cases when you were cruelly teased and at this moment you feel very uncomfortable in your soul, you start to feel embarrassed, blush and want to hide away from everyone. The fact who is teasing you, boyfriend, girlfriend, friend, enemy, child or mother-in-law (mother-in-law) also always plays a role. And of course I wanted to know a worthy answer to all the jokes !!! If this is your beloved, then it may be nice to play the role of a defenseless girl and please him by being embarrassed by his jokes, and if suddenly this is your rival or neighbor with whom you are fighting ... ??? Then, of course, you need to answer with dignity and be able to stand up for yourself!
For example you were interrupted: excuse me for what I say then when you interrupt.
If they joke out of place, say: such a sharp joke! That I almost cut myself!
If the interlocutor is not interesting and repeatedly teased you: do not pay attention, I usually always yawn when I'm not interested!
Well standard: Don't tell me, and I won't tell you where to go.
And this, for example, when in the bazaar an evil aunt shouts where the youth are heading:
but we are the same age, we just take care of ourselves in different ways.
For a pesky boyfriend: Leave in English, because I will send in Russian.
Sitting and waiting for a friend so you can turn off an undesirable person:
- Girl, would you let me sit with you for a while?
- A little will not work, next to me they turn gray all over their heads and at once!
Banal excuse with a threat: For some jokes, there are gaps in the teeth.
Like this: Are you asking if I love sex ??? Of course I owe him my life!
About appearance: Listen, I look at you and all my complexes disappear!
If you are suddenly told:
Don't be nervous nerve cells are not restored! Then you can answer like this: - I would be silent! teeth too!)))
Astrology)): I guess what is your horoscope stone ... judging by the face it is a brick ...
If they ask themselves, but physical strength I do not want to apply: I could offend you, but unfortunately it won't be better than nature.
From a malevolent smile: Just don’t smile at me, I’m afraid of horses since childhood.
You can warn like this: dear young lady, are you just so brave or is it insured?
Excuse for mom or grandma: and what's wrong, that the wind is in my head, for that my thoughts are always fresh.
If you are told that you are angry and bitchy: it is better to be a tigress for him for a year than to be a sheep all his life!
If a girl refuses to drink:. - girl, what are you going to drink?
- I do not drink!
- Come on, you WILL DRY !!!)))
Facts: Nothing is more annoying than if the person you interrupted continues to talk!
For uncivilized boys: Call me CHICKEN one more time !! I'll lay your balls for you.
If asks a lot stranger : dear one should not be too persistently interested in my life. It will seem so interesting to you that you will be disappointed in yours.
Facts))): It is easier for men, they immediately see what kind of breasts we have. But we, poor women, are in for a surprise!
Facts: .Women's logic of course there is! It's just that men are so stupid that for some reason they cannot understand her)))
For talkative gossips: If a person can't keep his mouth shut, then he doesn't really need teeth !!!
For a picky husband: Cute! There have never been people like you, there are no now and there is no need at all ..
In an unpleasant society: I feel so smart next to you.
: .
- You're so cool when you drink!
- And you are very cool when I drink!
About jokes: Usually the last laugh is the one who did not immediately get into the topic!
Rough but will help:
- Such a girl is beautiful and smokes?
- Is such a man scary and talking?

They say a woman should have 5 men: the first husband to whom you can show everything and not tell anything, the second friend to whom you can tell everything but not show anything, the third lover to whom you can show a little and tell a little, the fourth gynecologist who can show everything and tell everything and the boss who says so will be !)))

Actually, they say the truth that. But it is also true that, having wished for evil, it will return to you! So why not wish everyone well, even in those moments when it is especially difficult to do it !!! Try it, and I am sure that the good will come back to you! Be kinder, nicer and then you will never have to look for tricky excuses for people !!! Love people, the world that surrounds you, and radiate more good! Good luck to you!

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