How to get rid of the habit of cursing. Vocabulary enhancement method. Understand that swearing hurts

Researchers have long recognized obscene language as one of the types of verbal aggression and a way to throw out negativity at the interlocutor, because any word spoken by a person carries energy. Sometimes the use of swearing becomes so commonplace that we do not even notice how often we raise our voice and express a point of view through abuse.

Obscene language, used with or without it, significantly reduces the overall vocabulary, makes speech poor and vulgar. In addition, swearing causes a painful and unpleasant impression on a well-mannered and cultured interlocutor, suggests thoughts about the mental and psychological state person (as you know, people who are notorious, suffering from low self-esteem and other problems swear more often).

Swearing is so firmly rooted in our vocabulary that sometimes, even realizing the problem, getting rid of it is not easy, because it requires a lot of endurance and self-control, and the first step is to identify the causes frequent use curse words.

Three types of behavior and three main motives:

How to stop cursing

First of all, realize that mate is not the root cause and main problem in your life, but just a by-product of tension and psychological discomfort that is felt for a long time. Initially, a negative worldview, anger, a critical perception of oneself is formed, which is why it is so important to do introspection if you really want to solve a number of problems, including stop cursing. Take a piece of paper and write down the answers to a few questions:

  • Remember in what situations do you use swearing most often, what people, events are the provoking factor?
  • How does taboo vocabulary help you and how does it interfere with communicating with people?
  • Imagine that you were able to cope with the problem and no longer swear. Have there been positives in your life? Or, on the contrary, now there is no way to pour out aggression?
  • Are such words really necessary, are they so important to you?

  • Arrange for a friend or relative with whom you spend the most time to reprimand you whenever you scold or do not contain your anger.
  • At first, avoid provoking factors - driving, long lines, conflicts with unpleasant people, listening to obscene songs, etc.
  • In a team, it is very effective to fight swearing with the help of a piggy bank, in which you need to put a certain amount for each spoken swear word.
  • Try to change the style of speech - start replacing any swearing with decent words, thinking over each phrase and saying it to yourself.

If a child swears - what to do

If you suddenly find that your baby knows how to speak obscenely like a real shoemaker, it's time to reconsider your parenting methods because, most likely, the child's behavior is the result of parental indifference. When mom and dad are busy with their own things and do not pay attention to their baby, why not attract attention with a swear word, ideal when it happens in public place and a large audience becomes witnesses. Slaps, exhortations and stern lectures will have no effect. positive action and possibly lead to even worse outcomes.

Before starting the fight against children's swearing, it is necessary to find out what the motives for the "crime" are, they depend, first of all, on the age of the child:

The eradication of obscenities from a child's speech should not be accompanied by the same swear words, otherwise the ban will not be effective. When banning something, be sure to back up the monologue with arguments and your own example. Don't shame your child in public and don't use slaps on the lips as punishment.

  • From the very moment the baby is born, make sure that relatives in his environment do not use taboo vocabulary.
  • If the swear word nevertheless flew off the baby’s lips, for the first time pretend that you didn’t notice this and follow his reaction. If a child waits for a response from you, then he understands the meaning of the forbidden word well and simply provokes his parents. Perhaps, without waiting for the punishment, he will lose interest in the word and forget about it.
  • When an incident occurs in a public place, do not boil over and do not scold the offspring. Apologize, pretend that nothing criminal happened and continue the conversation. And at home, having calmed down, express your opinion about the behavior of the child.
  • Often children themselves ask to explain the meaning of a particular word. Try to convey to the baby that this word is abusive, it is pronounced only when they want to offend the interlocutor.
  • If the mat nevertheless appeared in, ask your son or daughter to tell you what this or that word means to him, whether they know its meaning. Try replacing it with a similar but more decent phrase.

As from any bad habit, the mat should be disposed of in stages. The first, rather important step is the realization of the need to change something in your behavior. Understand that swearing clogs your speech very much, it cuts the ear of some people, and spoils your aura. After all, the words you say and think play a role in how your life will turn out.

The more positive and optimistic in your thoughts and words, the brighter the future awaits you and the brighter your present.

Look after yourself

The path to correct, clean speech is not easy for those who are used to swearing. But if you want, you can fix everything. The main thing is to watch what you say. You can put a rubber band around your wrist and pull it back every time you use profanity. The pain from the click of an elastic band on the skin, even if it is small, will contribute to the development of a certain reflex, and you will begin to stop cursing.

Force yourself to say a sentence in which at least one swear word was heard again. Let your brain get used to how a well-formed phrase should sound. At the same time, you will practice in the selection of suitable synonyms for swear words.

Control the expression of your anger. If you mainly use swear words in attacks of aggression or swearing with someone, you need to become a more and reserved person so that the need for swearing disappears by itself.

Look at yourself through the eyes of others, your colleagues, acquaintances, relatives and children. strong expressions do not paint either young or respectable man. Such licentiousness in words, intemperance and bad manners testify to your disrespect for other people and for yourself. Consider that by swearing you are lowering yourself a notch compared to people who don't use profanity.

Change your life

Maybe your speech is affected Environment. If you have a blockage at work, constant stress, and besides, absolutely all colleagues swear, it is no wonder that you began to use swear words. Think about changing activities, because this state of affairs should not become the norm.

Take a look at your friends. Believe me, you take a lot from them, including picking up some words. It's good when these are new terms and words that expand your vocabulary. But if the vocabulary of your friends consists mainly of swearing, you can easily borrow the habit of swearing from the bottom.

Of course, you should not attribute all your shortcomings to someone else. Negative influence but sometimes it does happen.
Communicate more with well-read, smart and educated people, and you will see how not only your speech, but also the standard of living in general will change for the better.

Well, today we will talk about serious things again. Article subject: "How to unlearn cursing?" . Swearing, and even in public, is one of the most disgusting bad habits. Smoking is even better than cursing. Since cursing is a bad habit, it can be eliminated. Just don't think it will be easy to do. To eliminate any habit, you will need a lot of time, awareness and self-control. And if you are a weakling, then on x.y close this page. By the way, you can read the article -. In this article, we will use the same methods. Ready? Then go ahead.

First, I will read lectures to you, so that you, as a person who swears, will feel ashamed. At this time, while I shame you, try not to swear. This is like the first task for you in order to unlearn swearing. So let's get started.

Almost all people sooner or later begin to swear. I'm in school years I followed this very closely, as my parents told me that only the dregs of society swear. But when I turned 15 years old, I still began to use bad words. I felt such relief, it can not be described in words. As if all my life I didn’t go to the toilet for the most part, but then I allowed myself ...

Mat helps people speak out, and then feel relieved. Here I have nothing against it, I cursed for 5 minutes and stopped. But some people do not know their conscience at all. They insert a word every two words "bl..d". It's unbearable to listen to them. These people are definitely at the lowest social level. Although there are exceptions. When a person is educated, this is immediately evident. An educated and intelligent person will never allow himself to express himself in such a way, especially in public.

When a guy swears, it's disgusting, but when a girl starts swearing, it's generally terrible. Represent!!! The fair sex swears. Such girls, well, no matter how. If only the same ill-bred. The thing is, like attracts like. An intelligent young man will never deal with an avid foul-mouthed woman.

And a huge shame on the girl who allows herself to use such words. The girl is the representative of the fair sex. Men should go crazy when they see her, not run away when they hear her. Guys, you should be ashamed if you swear in front of a girl. It is shameful to swear in the presence of a girl, but shame on you if you allow yourself to use such words against a girl.

Women, if your boyfriend calls you swear words - drive him in the neck. No normal guy would allow himself to act like this. Fine, if he apologizes afterwards, but if he keeps scolding you, that means he doesn't respect you anymore. Drive such a in the neck.

How to unlearn cursing?

People swear because they were brought up that way. They are constantly in circles where others swear. And if a person does not swear, then he will not join the society in which he is.

The first way to unlearn swearing is to get out of a society that swears. To do this, it is enough to change jobs. After all, most of the time a person spends at work. If a person works as a loader, at a construction site, in a car service, then it is understandable why he swears. This is the mentality. For some reason, I notice that people choose the work that suits their mentality. I have not seen a single person who would not swear while working at a construction site, in a car service or tire fitting.

My parents are in business - a grocery store. For 10 years of work, a huge number of sellers have changed, and all of them, as one whole, cursed. I have never seen sellers not swear. It is with you that they are polite, but it is worth turning on the hidden camera for listening, as all their gift "beautiful to speak" pours like a waterfall. It's impossible to listen. A person chooses a job according to his mentality, that's for sure. Work must be changed to another job, where a completely different society is involved. Like attracts like, that is, the work finds its person if he corresponds to it and vice versa.

The next method is very painful, but in order to unlearn swearing, it still needs to be applied. I already talked about it earlier. You need to put on an elastic band "millionaire". This is the rubber band that wraps around money. Whenever you use obscene language, you will need to tighten this rubber band as much as possible, and then let go so that it HURTS you on the arm. During pain, do not even try to swear, such as: "Ai, f.. me !!!" or “Damn, it hurts!!!”. This is where you need to keep yourself. If you couldn't, well, you'll have to hit yourself again, and so on, until you can't stop cursing. If you have nowhere to get such an elastic band, use a shocker, the truth will be even more painful. Do you need it?

To stop using obscene words of the great and powerful Russian language, you will definitely have to turn on your awareness in order to control your speech. All people live on autopilot. Few people are consciously in control of their lives. Our lives are governed by habits and programs. Without mindfulness, any habit is difficult to break. Therefore, I gave you that reception with an elastic band. It turns on your awareness with every powerful blow. In order to have fewer such blows, you need awareness and control over your speech.

At the end of the day, you can record your results in writing or in your head. It is clear that in one day to unlearn swearing for good will not work. Everything comes gradually. If you have begun to notice that every day you swear less and less, then I congratulate you, you are progressing.

Of course, you will have to go to new level his personal development. We need to make a social transition. As I said, only the lower stratum of society swears. Do you want to be downstairs? Of course not. Begin to consciously move to a higher social level. To do this, take care of your education. Educated people in most cases they do not swear, only nervous personalities allow themselves this. Read the article about

Due to the fact that the way of life has changed a lot over the past centuries, many women are increasingly trying to be like men. Swear words, more, more suitable men as a way of expressing their aggression. Using the same expressions in her speech, a woman is trying to gain authority.

How to stop swearing at a girl?

In a beautiful and cultured speech, there should be no obscene words, in other words, obscenities. But it so happened that they are present everywhere: in the office, public transport, city park, school yard. If the girl is seriously interested in the question of how to stop swearing, that is helpful tips. First of all, you need to find motivation. Perhaps the girl has small children and would not like them to use foul language. Or you just want to be an educated and well-mannered girl.

How to stop cursing?

As from any bad habit, from swear words should be removed gradually. an important step in this situation is the realization that something needs to be changed in life and behavior. To understand that the mat only clogs and does not make the girl more beautiful. There should be positive in thoughts and words, then the future will be brighter than the present.

Learning to express your thoughts correctly is very difficult for people who are used to swearing, but if you wish, everything can be fixed. It is very important to monitor your conversation. To do this, you can use a medical rubber band that is worn on the wrist and every time you pronounce an obscene word, pull it off. A little pain from clicking the rubber band on the skin will help develop a reflex and help get rid of the problem, how can a girl stop swearing.

How to stop cursing? Forums on the Internet are full of advice, psychologists give recommendations and comments, articles word for word repeat the same abstruse phrases. And people continue to use swear words in Everyday life. All this is complete nonsense. Let's figure it out.

piggy bank method

It has long been the talk of the town how to use the piggy bank. It is proposed for each strong word spoken aloud to lower a coin of a certain denomination there. There is even an anecdote among the people about the unlucky workers of one workshop who wanted to stop cursing in this way.

Sorry, but this option will only work on really greedy people. Comrades who are generous by nature will be generous both in scolding and in coins. It is doubtful that a person would stop swearing, regretting 5 or 10 rubles.

Conclusion: often does not work.

pain method

Sorry, everyone's sensitivity is different, and a friend may not be a friend at all. But what if the boss unreasonably offended or was cut off by a reckless driver on the road? Completely beat off your wrist? So after all, many swear from pain! It turns out a double-edged sword.

Conclusion: it works if a person is psychologically afraid of pain.

Vocabulary Boosting Method

Many swear from the inability to choose the right words in any situation, or arguments end in a dispute. Therefore, it is recommended to read more to expand your vocabulary. Only it should be a classic, not comics or free classified ads.

It is interesting. Did you know that Pushkin was the most famous swindler of his time? Yes, yes, the same one. But this did not prevent him from becoming a great poet. And he had a vocabulary!

Conclusion: the method does not work if a person is used to talking on a mat, and not using it from time to time.

Replacement method

It will be interesting to sound such a phrase if your little finger meets furniture at night. Or the boss will start to scold "in French", and you give him health and happiness ... Can you imagine the look on his face?

Well, in general, the option can be used. Especially if you know how to control yourself. After all, "whore" always sounds more decorous than "b ... d."

Every time you feel like swearing, just shut your mouth. Clench your teeth, let out air, hit the wall with your fist, but be silent. The method is very good. But, unfortunately, it helps only those who scold from an overabundance of emotions. If for you a checkmate is the gaps between words, then this option will not work for you. Otherwise, you will have to close your mouth after each spoken word.

Conclusion: works, but not for everyone.

Art method

Listen, why stop cursing at all? After all, you can elevate swearing to the rank of art. Remember Russian ditties, or shameful poems of the 17th and 18th centuries. How elegantly used there obscene phrases. Capacious, biting, without unnecessary abundance. And what prevents you from stopping talking on the mat, only occasionally inserting a strong word?

Answer honestly? Your stupidity. It's a shame? Still, who would agree to consider themselves as such. But let's face it. Can you write something similar? Not even a poem, but a ditty? If it's easy, then let me take my words back. And if not, then stop cursing like a port loader. And use swearing only to the point.

In addition, sometimes the graceful use of one dirty word is much more impressive than a speech consisting entirely of cursing.

Conclusion: for a person far from art, the method is useless.

shame method

Every swearer in life has a person in front of whom he is ashamed to speak dirty. It is suggested to represent this behind your back whenever you want to use foul language. At the same time, always with an expression of extreme horror on his face. Say, how do you swear like that?

In theory, a certain psychological barrier should work, and obscene expression and can't get out of your mouth.

Conclusion: the method helps only people who are especially impressionable and with a good imagination.

Shout method

Instead of a mat, it is proposed to shout out any vowel. Long and lengthy. Will it be "a" or "y" - it does not matter. In principle, a good option. But it also only works certain situations. For example, by hitting your finger with a hammer, you can still call out some letter. But if swear words are present in speech to connect words, then replacing them with letters will not work.

Conclusion: the method works if a person rarely swears.

Exclusion method

Little kids don't know how to swear. Their vocabulary is replenished with dirty words from the immediate environment. If the baby has never heard a swear word in his life, then he will not use it in his speech. So do teenagers and adults. Starting to communicate with foul language, they do not notice how gradually, but surely, obscenity enters their vocabulary.

This is another recommendation from psychology that is very fashionable today. She is not true at all. Several of my new girlfriends, communicating with me, did not begin to use foul language. Yes, and I did not stop using foul language, listening to their pure speech. We are not parrots, repeat one after another. Imitation is common to monkeys and crazy fans. It does not threaten adequate people.

Or, for example, a person is your best friend(girlfriend). Or maybe it's the parents? Brothers, sisters? Should they also be excluded from your social circle, until they stop cursing? What nonsense.

Conclusion: the method does not work.

Self-control method

Perfect option. It always works at 200%. I stopped cursing myself. At all. Even on emotions or from pain. You just need to eliminate foul language from your vocabulary. Forever and in every situation.

At first it was hard, because the habit of swearing was formed over the years. But after all, changing any habit is enough for just 21 days not to do this.

And there is one important nuance. Some make promises to themselves, relatives, friends. Someone vows or even swears. No need. Why this inappropriate pathos and ostentation? To whom are these people, and most importantly - what exactly, are they trying to prove?

Those who have chosen this option of getting rid of foul language need only one thing - to want. Very much. If a person does not want to stop, then give him at least three terrible oaths, he will still swear. Therefore, if you want, then it will be very easy for you to stop speaking foul language.

Conclusion: the method works, but with an important nuance.

How to stop cursing? It's difficult, but doable. Start with self-control and the ability to close your mouth in time. I'm sure you will succeed.

Video: how to unlearn swearing