What to say if you haven't been to work. Find good reasons to leave work early. The best time to talk

When looking for a job, it is important to produce good impression on the recruiter during the interview. IN different companies different requirements, and it is not always clear what exactly needs to be done to make this happen. On the other hand, Daria Korshikova, a consultant at the recruiting company Hays, told Sravn.ru what absolutely should never be done.

Can't be # 1: not remember where, when and why you submitted your resume

Do you want to inspire trust and respect of the interviewer? Then be clear about what you want. If you "fan" send one resume for all open positions indiscriminately, it seems that concrete work you do not need and you do it solely for the sake of the status of a employed citizen or potential salary. Each employer wants to clearly understand why you choose him, how you can be useful to him, what new you will bring to his company, as well as how he can attract and motivate you in the long term.

What to do? Develop a search strategy, and before applying for a certain vacancy, think several times how it attracts you.

Don't # 2: Complain about difficulties in finding

When the interviewer during the interview hears complaints that the applicant has already for a long time goes to interviews and cannot find a job, his first thought is that "something is wrong with you."

You are the product, the employer is the customer. If the product does not suit the client, the question arises about the uniqueness and cost of the product or the wrong choice target audience... If you cannot find a job for a long time, it seems that you have unreasonably high salary expectations (that is, you offer insufficient knowledge and experience for the amount planned for yourself) or you go to interviews with the wrong employers.

What to do? First, determine what knowledge and competencies are currently in demand in the market and what salary is offered for them. Build your own quote highlighting your unique skills and knowledge. Second, identify and study your “audience”. Compare your experience and knowledge with the requirements that apply to candidates in the organizations you are interested in, and go to interviews where the requirements and your capabilities coincide as much as possible.

Don't # 3: Ignore the importance of self-presentation

Most interviews begin by asking for a brief introduction about yourself. This question is not asked because a potential employer has not read your resume. Your story will help the recruiter to better know your personal basic characteristics: speech rate, facial expressions and gestures, evaluate your posture, make an overall impression, establish eye contact for the first 5– 7 minutes of conversation.

What to do? Prepare a competent self-presentation: in a logical manner, present basic data about yourself, draw the interlocutor's attention to your most important achievements and explain the changes in your career.

Don't # 4: Speak negatively about colleagues, bosses, processes and procedures of previous employers

Let's say that something really didn't suit you at your last job, it seemed unpleasant and illogical, unprofessional or unnecessary. Expressing your displeasure in any case is not worth it. You may get the impression that it is difficult for management and colleagues to work with you, you may be mistaken for a toxic, perpetually disgruntled employee. The professional world is small, you never know when the next time you will have to face former colleagues... What you think is a disadvantage can be a real achievement for others.

What to do? Your job in an interview is to talk about facts, not about your attitude towards them. Operate specific examples and numbers that you can rely on in your negative judgments. Everything else is emotions that should not be shown to a potential employer.

No 5: go into details and not answer the questions posed

The applicant jumps from one topic to another, any answer begins with a story "from Adam", and each question posed is interpreted in its own way, telling only what seems important to him. Talking to such a person is uninteresting and absolutely useless - it is impossible to understand what is in his head. It is safe to say that such a candidate is unlikely to make it past the first interview.

What to do? Listen carefully to the interviewer and answer clearly questions asked... It is necessary to prepare for the interview, to think in advance what questions may be of interest to a potential employer and what are possible options answers that will present you in the most favorable light.

Do not # 6: talk vaguely about the goals, objectives and results of work

When the applicant himself is not able to evaluate himself, to tell about what he can do and what results he has achieved in his work, the employer cannot do this for him. Recently, businesses, including Russian ones, have begun to count money more scrupulously and measure the effectiveness of their employees. During the conversation, it is important for the interviewer to understand what exactly you are doing and how your work helps to earn or save the company.

What to do? Before the interview, clearly state what the main objective of your position is. Think about what is the criterion of the quality and efficiency of your work, identify 3-5 indicators. The most illustrative of these for the interviewer will be those that can be measured and compared.

Don't # 7: overestimate your role and devalue the role of others

Of course, you need to praise yourself, since an interview is, in fact, a sale of your knowledge and skills. That is why it is important to clearly define your role in any achievement. But lately one of the most popular competences is considered to be “cross-functional interaction” or the ability to work in a team. The division of areas of responsibility and the complication of organizational structures have led to the fact that the results of employees of different departments have become very dependent on each other.

What to do? Be specific about what you did and how your colleagues helped you. The ability to see your contribution to a common cause, as well as to praise and notice the achievements of others is excellent qualitiesthat are inherent in successful people.

Don't # 8: Doubt Your Expertise

A candidate who from the very first words shows lack of confidence in his abilities will not be able to convince the interlocutor of his own uniqueness. Even if your experience seems perfect, the last thing an employer wants is to remove the psychological barriers of a potential employee. The whole experience fades against the background of lowered shoulders, a fading voice, stutters and eyes running along the wall.

What to do? Positive thinking and knowledge of their strengths is the key to successfully completing any interview. The purpose of a job interview is to give the impression of being able to handle the tasks at hand. When preparing for the interview, imagine yourself in the place of the interviewer and determine which of your competencies, knowledge and biographical facts you yourself would pay attention to when recruiting personnel for your team or company.

Don't # 9: dump all achievements into one basket

During the interview, you will definitely be asked to tell about your achievements. The mistake of many candidates is listing everything in a row: signing contracts, updating the marketing strategy, fulfilling the duties of a manager, helping to renovate a new office, winning a championship in an in-house hockey club, raising children, and also - wonderful garden with cherry trees. It is important to focus on those achievements that will really be of interest to the company representative.

What to do? Prepare a list of achievements based on the objectives of a specific job. List two or three achievements that are most significant in terms of those indicators that directly influenced the final result of your work. Appeal to specific figures and facts, proceed from the achievements that have brought maximum benefit companies.

Don't # 10: mishandle commercial information

Most companies sign NDAs with their employees. By strictly adhering to this policy, you run the risk of not showing yourself during the interview. On the other hand, if you are convinced that you need to speak clearly and openly about the results, then in this situation the potential employer can see the risks, because it is likely that by hiring you, his company will thereby open a channel for leaking information.

What to do? When presenting your results, you can omit the specific names of the customers you attracted, talk about sales growth and other achievements in relative, not absolute numbers. Before the interview, consider what information you can share and what you definitely cannot, and outline these boundaries during the interview.

Don't # 11: ask only about money

We all work for money, but with the same financial conditions people nevertheless take different positions. It is extremely important for an employer to understand what motivates and inspires you, other than money. We often see candidates who burn out for high-paying job, strive to get good team, interesting tasks and the opportunity to be proud of what they do while expressing a willingness to accept a lower or similar salary. The employer wants to be sure that you will be in the right place. Only after that the company, as a rule, itself starts a dialogue about your salary expectations.

What to do? Don't be the first to talk about salary. When preparing for the interview, determine what amount you will name, and think about the argumentation - why you are guided by it. Consider a combination of factors. A good argument will be the level of your current salary, an increase in the number of business trips, areas of responsibility, strategic importance and complexity of the project for the company.

You can’t # 12: not be interested in the vacancy

Any interview is a dialogue about how a candidate and a vacancy match. If the candidate does not ask for details, the dialogue fails. The employer expects interest from you, and you can show it by asking questions about the vacancy. The interviewer will definitely appreciate the thorough preparation for choosing a future job, your desire to immerse yourself in new tasks and perspectives, the problems of the department and the corporate culture of the company. This gives you the opportunity to fully "try on" yourself new role, and the company - to tell purposefully about those things that are important to you.

What to do? Even if, at first glance, everything is clear about the vacancy, be sure to ask the interviewer a few questions. During the conversation, you may find that you did not know much, and also adequately assess your own strengths and the level of preparation for a new job.

It is believed that about the past place of work - either good or nothing. But not all former bosses are equally beautiful. What if the previous employer was, to put it mildly, imperfect? Read the recommendations.

When there is nothing to say thank you
The answer to the question about the reasons for dismissal from the previous job must be thought out in advance - at the interview it will probably sound. Whatever happens in reality, you need this answer to characterize you not as a brawler or an intriguer (“Everyone envied me, and the boss constantly took over my merits”), but as a strong specialist: “I am leaving, because I felt cramped in this company. I am grateful to my colleagues and the leader for what I have learned from them, but I would like to participate in larger projects. "

But what if there is nothing to thank the former employer for? “The boss was an alcoholic, swore obscenely at his subordinates, and then completely brought the company to pay delays,” recruiters regularly hear something like this at interviews.

Even if you were offended in your previous job, do not let this complicate your further employment. As you prepare for your interview, try to draw the line between facts and emotions. The facts in the above example are salary delays, and this can and should be said in the interview. “Salary payments have become irregular, and I have mortgage”, - a logical explanation of why you were in the labor market. Did he bring the company to such a situation? former boss? Even if this is so, then it will sound like your speculation, so we are silent about this. But the fact that the former chief is an alcoholic will be perceived by the new employer as gossip in general, even if you personally saw his medical card with the conclusion of a narcologist.

Relying on facts
Once again: only tell the facts negative emotions keep it with you. The bankruptcy of the company, the "gray" salary, delays in its payments, staff cuts - all these are facts. They can help explain why you left your previous job. Do you want to say: "We were all thrown out into the street"? Say: "The shareholders have decided to close the branch in our city."

It is not necessary to assess the employer's behavior ("This is some kind of semi-criminal office with double-entry bookkeeping"), give only the facts: "At the interview I was told that the salary would be completely" white ", but it turned out that part of the amount is given in an envelope."

What facts are better to keep silent
Be wary of the facts that could damage the business reputation of the former employer. " Recent times we started to produce not very good high Quality"- having heard something like this, the recruiter somehow projects this situation onto his company, thinking, among other things, about what you will say about the company after the dismissal.

As you prepare for the interview and think through the answer to the question about the reasons for leaving your previous job, try to put yourself in the place of a recruiter. If you were recruiting staff for your project, would you hire an applicant with too much criticism?

Good luck in your job search!

First, let's try to figure out how to speak correctly at an interview when applying for a job, and what should not be said at an interview, as well as how to behave in principle.

The best bet is to be polite to everyone in the organization you meet, whether it's a human resources employee or your boss.

On the first visit, you will almost certainly have to fill out some forms or, it is better to do it willingly, without being outraged by the number of questions.

Look into the eyes of the interlocutor, let the gaze not be running.

You should not be overly nervous or indulge in excessive gaiety.

At the first meeting, you need to pay special attention his own. For example, choose strict business suitthat will instantly give you a significant look.

Take care of cleanliness, your hairstyle and accessories. In no case should you appear in dirty, wrinkled clothes, open-cut clothes, or too catchy accessories.

So, the preparation has been completed, and what do you need to say at the interview to be hired?

How to communicate with the employer correctly?

The employer will first of all pay attention to your following qualities:

  • appearance;
  • sociability;
  • quick wits;
  • competence in issues that need to be addressed in the workplace;
  • non-conflict, compliance;
  • work experience;
  • desire to work and achieve career growth;
  • energy.

The first meeting with an employer is important. And clearly understand how to communicate in an interview.

The following points are of great importance:

Questions are asked by the boss... You should not bombard him with endless "why" and "why", it is best to listen carefully to the information that he tells you. How to talk at a job interview?

Try to answer all the questions as fully and clearly as possible. Answers should be detailed and contain only the words you need.

Dont lie... Not worth inventing false reasons leaving the previous place of work or embellish their merits and abilities. Remember that this is all easily verifiable, and if you don't want to be stupid, always tell the truth.

Prepare your resume in advance and print it when you go to your interview.

Apply terms from the area of \u200b\u200bthe position you want to get... For example: “I believe that sales in your car dealership can be increased by 10% if you apply new model sales ".

If the employer asks you about the shortcomings, you do not need to "vilify" yourself in advance with statements that you like surfing the Internet, sleep for a long time, and are often late. What is better to say at an interview in this case? It is acceptable to put it this way: "I am very strict with myself", "very prone to cleanliness." It will actually show you with better side, will show you as a neat, clean and responsible person.

Many people ask: "What to say at an interview if you haven't worked for a long time?" In this case, it is worth justifying the reasons without going into personal details.

How to communicate correctly with the applicant?

When interviewing an applicant, you need to follow a number of recommendations and take into account what is customary to say at the interview and what is better to avoid:

  • evaluate a person's appearance, how clean, tidy and well-dressed he is;
  • the conversation should start with little story about the company, at the same time it will be possible to find out if the potential employee has read anything about the organization in which he wants to get a job;
  • need to clarify information about previous location work, reason for leaving;
  • ask about experience in different areas, about education, about situations that one had to face at work in order to form an opinion about a person's professional competence;
  • you can act out in front of the applicant several situations that are common in his future work. For example, how to convince a very moody client to buy this or that thing.

How to correctly answer questions?

What to say in a job interview? The most important rule is to listen carefully, without turning your head or being distracted by foreign objects or other people.

You should not answer in monosyllables, it is better to give a detailed answer to 3-4 sentences, and on the case.

If you are talking about your life, then you should not remember all its events, starting with kindergarten, it is better to limit ourselves to education, marital status, business travel. Possible questions it is better to write down in advance and rehearse the answer in front of the mirror at home. You can also prepare information about yourself, your past employment.

At the interview, the applicant can also ask his own. The most important thing is that they are clear and have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe area of \u200b\u200bfuture work. You shouldn't rush into salary inquiries right away.

How shouldn't you answer?

When answering the employer's questions, the following possible mistakes should be avoided:

  • be silent for a long time, pondering the answer;
  • answer in monosyllables;
  • speaking too softly, too loudly, or illegible;
  • show your nervousness by spinning in a chair or spinning around;
  • speak out of place, stumble.

Now that you know what to say in a job interview, let's figure out what not to talk about.

What shouldn't be said in an interview?

In some cases, it happens that the interlocutor made an excellent impression with his track record and skills, but during the interview he suddenly says such a thing that instantly crosses out his opportunity to work in this company. Is there anything you can't say in an interview? Yes, absolutely.

It is necessary to avoid such "blunders":

It is bad to talk about the boss at the previous place of work... For example: "This Ivan Ivanovich constantly annoyed us all."

More than once.

Talk about what you want... It doesn't matter to the employer, it only matters what the company needs.

Asking about sick leave... This topic is best avoided, since there are no employers who would be satisfied with the constant illnesses of subordinates.

Don't talk about personal... For example: “It’s so hard for me now, I divorced my husband and moved to the other side of the city, so I’m looking for a new job.”

You can't use slang... Talking too much will also be out of place, since employers value clarity and specificity first of all. First, think carefully about what to say in the interview.

Another point from the section is that you cannot say at a job interview: you do not need to show that you are smarter than everyone else, overwhelm the interlocutor with scientific terms and concepts.

In any case, you need to prepare for such an important event as an interview in advance, taking into account all the nuances. Even if you don’t get past it, don’t get overwhelmed — this is an invaluable experience from which you can learn a lesson for the future. Well, now you know very well what to talk about at a job interview.

Watch the video: how to prepare and what to say during a job interview.

A few words at once about your "truthful" explanations:

30 ways to justify being late for work

Now let's move directly to the plausible reasons for the tardiness. What can you say to your bosses if the time caught you by surprise or you were at the wrong time and in the wrong place:

  1. The trolleybus broke down (tram, bus), which you took to get to work. It is very plausible, but in this case the time of your delay should correspond to the waiting time for the next trolleybus.
  2. Traffic jam. Great option, especially if the boss gets to work by the same route.
  3. Did you have an accident, flattened the tire at the minibus, the truck turned on the road in front of you, and the journey slowed down.
  4. In the morning a pipe burst in the bathroom, and you are waiting for the master.
  5. Felt bad in the morning: stomach upset. Usually, such a message evokes understanding - you don't really work when you have to leave the workplace every half hour.
  6. You are late due to problems with relatives... For example, you urgently went to the area to dig up your grandmother's house, which was covered with snow overnight. Or the nanny was late for the child - there was no one to leave the baby with.
  7. Late due to pet problems... For example, a dog ran away from a walk, and you tried to find it.
  8. Hangover... Yesterday we celebrated the birthday of dad, mom, grandmother.
  9. You tore your pantyhose... For new ones I had to run to the store.
  10. Are you stuck in an elevator... The mobile connection worked very badly, and you could not warn.
  11. You forgot your keys (cell phone, head and money)... The grate key flew out of reach. Are you stuck in between front door and a grate in the corridor; You were not left with a key and you could not leave the apartment; were late because they had lost the key to the office and were looking for it at home.
  12. You forgot to turn off the iron or a straightening iron. I had to return home.
  13. You fell asleep on the subway and drove past their stop.
  14. You are stuck at a railroad crossing, which is closed several times a day.
  15. You were robbed on the subway, stole money, snatched out a purse.
  16. Drunken neighbors set themselves on fire or vice versa - they flooded you.
  17. You are taking medication - you can't miss an appointment, but you forgot the packaging at home - you had to go back, otherwise all the treatment will go down the drain. What kind of disease? An intimate plan, I don't want to talk.
  18. You were detained at the doctor's appointment... They were tested.
  19. Yesterday you were so busy with work that you did not have time to do it in the office, had to keep working at home... By the way, they didn’t close our eyes all night: they were preparing a report, typing numbers, drawing up schedules, and so on. We went to bed in the morning and slept for only a couple of hours.
  20. You were detained by a police officer and checked the documents for a very long time, deciding that you got behind the wheel drunk or looked like a composite photo.
  21. You overslept Is probably the truest excuse for a late worker. Although not every boss will agree that such a reason is objective and can justify the employee.
  22. At your doorstep (at the exit from the entrance) someone else's evil dog sits, who appeared from nowhere, and you cannot leave the house - you are afraid.
  23. Broke and the alarm didn't ring.
  24. The weather is not flying. You were in such a hurry that you did not notice the puddle. Slipped and fell. Dirty and wet, we went home to change.
  25. You have traffic police strictly every month carries out a full inspection of the vehicle.
  26. You have all night had a toothache and the flux appeared. You urgently go to the dentist.
  27. In the morning, suddenly the temperature has risen.
  28. Homes jammed lock... You fiddled for half an hour until you were able to open it.
  29. Painful critical days - a very plausible reason for being late. You've been running for painkillers.
  30. In the morning you called on a serious issue from the housing office, gas facilities, a bank, which today only works until a certain hour... Think out the reason for the call yourself.

In order not to be late, you need to leave earlier, and for this - to get up earlier. No matter how disgusting, but very effective if yelling. Of course, the end justifies the means if your excuse is harmless enough and at the same time what happened gives you serious reasons for being late. The main thing is not to overuse! In general, it is better not to compose - explain yourself honestly with the boss. Trivial, but true. And, the truth is always better than wandering eyes and uncertain muttering in front of the authorities.

If you liked our article and have any thoughts about this, share with us! It is very important for us to know your opinion!

As a result, of course, you watch TV shows and drink wine all day. Of course, while being completely healthy.

However, some creative personalities tried to make their arguments much more convincing. Here best examples from our readers!

  • “When I had to go with my friends to a bachelorette party in Las Vegas, I told my boss that my bath had fallen through the ceiling to the first floor, and I needed three days to fix it.” - Molly
  • “I overslept and told the boss that I would be late because my kitten was stuck in the bathroom and I was waiting for the rescuers to get him out. Well, actually, this story really happened, only on the weekend "- Leah
  • “Once I was at a Backstreet Boys concert, and they urged the audience to 'have fun like in the 90s'. Well, the challenge is accepted! As a result, in the morning I woke up without a voice. I called my boss and whispered that I couldn't come to work because I lost my voice at the Backstreet Boys concert. True, I had to explain who the Backstreet Boys are and what the 28-year-old woman was doing at the concert. teenage group"- Elizabeth
  • “Because of the wild traffic jams, I was late for work several days in a row, and the boss called me to his place to reprimand me. He asked what was the matter, and I sighed heavily and said that I did not know. I meant that I just didn't have time to come up with a convincing argument, but he suddenly replied that I was probably in an existential crisis, and gave me a couple of days off. "- Julia
  • “My friend called me to lunch and I told my boss that I needed to leave work because my younger brother accidentally put it in his pants right at school, and I need to bring him clean clothes. "- Rachel
  • “I was not in the mood to go to work because the weather was so good! Instead of an office, I went out of town, and told my boss that today is my half-sister's grandmother's birthday. "- Ellie
  • “My boyfriend once contrived to somehow damage his penis during sex. He limped for several days and even took a day off to show his cock to the doctor. "- Bridgett
  • “I needed help younger sister move to her college dorm, so I called my boss and said that my fiance had canceled our wedding and I needed a day to mourn the end of our relationship. "- Karen
  • “My friend got tickets for the concert, and I had to tell the boss that my cat is giving birth, and I need to be with her for emotional support” - Kayla
  • “I needed to visit a friend in a nearby town, so I called work and said that my dog \u200b\u200bwas completely stuck in his door, so I’m waiting for rescuers.” - Jenny
  • “A few hours after the start of the working day, I called my boss and said that I had an accident and I was in the hospital. The most offensive thing is that after three days I actually got into an accident when I was driving to work. Since then, my boss thinks I'm the worst driver in the world. "- Sarah
  • “When I overslept, I called my boss and said that while I was getting ready for work in the morning, I hit my little finger on the nightstand. The finger is supposedly very swollen, and I will not be able to work today, given that I am a waitress and spend the whole day on my feet ”- Anna
  • “My boss has a disgusting memory, and he is categorically against someone asking for time off from work, only if it is not family circumstances. So for the past two years, I've used the same aunt's fictitious funeral to take a day off. "- Mary
  • “There was a sale in my favorite store, and in order not to miss it, I called the boss and said that on the way my car had a flat tire and I was waiting for a tow truck. I was as damn ashamed when he started asking where I was to come and help. ”- Amy