Is it possible to teach a child to speak. How to help your child speak. Why focus on fine motor skills

Kids love to speak their own language and understand each other perfectly. But the parents are not satisfied with this situation and there is a desire to teach the child to speak correctly. The article describes methods of teaching speech development in babies and tips that will be useful to all parents.

How to teach a child to speak a year

A mother's heart is the best advisor, because you cannot deceive him. Mom's instincts suggest that you need to talk to the child from the first days of his life. This base is the basis and helps the little one to learn to speak. Every word spoken by mom or dad is stored in the child's head. Therefore, the more often you talk to your baby, the better for him.

Tips to help your child talk:

  • Talk to your baby in short sentences. Do not lisp or distort words. For example, a car, not a bi-bica.
  • Use different intonations in your speech.
  • While the baby is still lying, bend over to him and slowly say the words or sounds. Over time, he will begin to imitate you and you will hear the first "Agu".
  • If the child wants to speak up, do not interrupt him. Listen carefully and try to understand it.
  • Walking around the apartment, show the little one various subjects and pronounce what they are called. It will be very interesting for him, because the world is still unknown.
  • Buy colorful picture books. Read and talk about the ongoing story. Let your child observe your articulation.
  • Turn off the TV. The child does not perceive speech from the blue screen. For him, this is a continuous hum, which does not allow him to focus on the reproduction of sounds. Also applies to cartoons on your phone or tablet.
  • Praise your baby for any speech. Whether it is just the sound "y" or "a" does not matter. He will understand that he did the right thing and he was encouraged with a kiss or hug.
  • Let the child play with small items... For this, buckwheat, peas, pasta are suitable. Even if you don’t look after the baby and he swallows the product, then there’s nothing to worry about. Worse if it turns out to be a coin or a button.

These basic rules help teach your baby to talk.

How to teach a child to speak at 2 years old

If your child does not speak at all at 2 years old, then you should see a neurologist. Since it is considered

The following tips will help teach your child to speak correctly and encourage active use of speech:

  • Constantly comment on your actions, tell what is happening on the street. For example: a car has driven or guys are playing on the court.
  • Try not to show actions with gestures. Otherwise, the child will understand that it is possible to "speak" with his hands and he is understood without words.
  • Show more often how different animals speak. Try to have the child look at you at the time of pronouncing the syllable. Interactive books with sound reproduction should not be used.
  • Sing children's songs. The rhyme is better perceived by the child's brain. The time will come and he will start repeating after you.
  • When reading poetry, deliberately forget the end of the sentence. The kid will be able to finish it for you.
  • Engage in dialogue with your baby. Ask questions, assent. Encourage communication, not a monologue.
  • Spend more time in live communication.
  • Enroll the baby in a developmental circle, if financial opportunity allows. By interacting with other children, your little one will begin to talk.
  • Use speech therapy exercises for the fingers. For example: magpie-white-sided, goodies and other games.

Work with your baby every day using various techniques and tricks. This way you will achieve the desired result in a short time.

How to teach a child to speak L

If the speech therapist has not identified a violation in oral cavity child, you can safely start setting the letter "L" at home:

  • Ask the child to smile as wide as possible, but without opening the teeth. You need to stay in this position for 10 seconds. Repeat 7-8 times throughout the day.
  • Let the baby bite his tongue lightly and start blowing like the wind blows. One exercise lasts no more than 3 minutes, otherwise you may feel dizzy.
  • Invite your child to click like a horse is walking. Lower jaw must be motionless, only the tongue works. Speed ​​up and slow down the pace of the horse's "walking".
  • Indulge in a bit by sticking your tongue out as far as possible. Have your child try to reach the nose or chin. Take part in the process yourself. This will spur the kid to victory.
  • Teach your child to roll his tongue into a tube.
  • Play with soap bubbles, blow out matches, candles, blow out dandelions and dust particles.


These simple exercises will help teach you how to pronounce the letter "L" correctly.

How to teach a child to say the letter P

The "R" sound is considered one of the most difficult. Speech therapists advise paying attention to how the child pronounces this letter. Perhaps interfering short bridle on the tongue or there is a disease such as

Exercises for setting the letter "P" in the starting position "Smile":

  • Ask your baby to open his mouth. Then, with the tongue like a brush, draw across the palate from the upper teeth towards the throat. During the day, repeat 10-12 times.
  • Let the child stick out his tongue a little and shake it from the corners of his mouth 10-20 times.
  • Play the game "Count the teeth." To do this, ask your baby to touch the inside of the tooth. After counting the teeth, let him "sweep" them with his tongue. Repeat the set of exercises 20 times.

These basic exercises help to teach the kid to correctly say such a difficult letter.

How to teach a child to say the letter W

If your child pronounces the letter "T" well, then there should be no problems in setting the sound "Ш".

Exercises for setting the sound "Ш":

  • Ask your baby to say the letter "T" several times, then the sound "Shhh", as if denoting silence. But the tongue must be hidden behind the teeth. By repeating the task several times, you will achieve the desired result. Now you can say that your child knows how to hiss like a snake and ask him to do it.
  • Show how you can whisper the letter "R", but only if the baby knows how to pronounce it. A quiet "P" gives the sound "W".
  • After consolidating the result, read the tongue twisters.

Remember: nobody canceled a visit to a speech therapist. Only he will be able to identify the problem with pronunciation. Classes with a defectologist will bring better results. All exercises are just a small set of activities for your child.

Summary: The child learns to speak. Lagging speech development. If the child does not start to speak. How to help your child speak. Exercises and games for the development of speech in children.

When do children start talking? On the one hand, the answer to this question is very simple - it has long been established that after a year and a half the first words appear in a child, and by the age of two, children, as a rule, begin to speak. Moreover, mastery of speech has the character of an "explosion".

The kid, who had been silent before, suddenly began to speak, so much so that it was impossible to stop him. Some scientists believe that such a suddenness in mastering speech is due to the fact that children in a year and a half make a kind of discovery: each thing has its own name, which can be learned from an adult. Endless questions child "what is this?" would seem to confirm this opinion. But to think that a one-year-old baby is capable of discovering a universal law means greatly exaggerating the intellectual power of children. No child is capable of realizing such young age the sign function of words, not owning speech. Yet the speed with which the infant's vocabulary expands is astounding.

However, define the exact date the appearance of the first words of the child is not so easy. The fact is that in terms of the time of speech appearance and in the volume of their active vocabulary, children differ so much from each other that the average data in no way reflect the real picture. There are children who already at 11-12 months speak up to 110-115 words, and there are cases when a child is stubbornly silent up to two and a half years, despite normal mental development in general.

Such significant individual differences do not allow us to establish even approximate age norms speech development. More than once, psychologists have tried to determine exactly how many words children of each age should know. However, all these attempts have not ended with anything, because there are too many differences between children from 1 to 2 years old. To somehow overcome this difficulty, scientists tried to calculate the minimum and maximum vocabulary of a child for each age. It turned out that there are huge differences between these values. For example, at 1 year and 3 months, the minimum vocabulary of a child is only 4-5 words, and the maximum is 232 (!). At the same time, there was not a single child prodigy or mentally retarded among the examined children.

It turns out that the timing and pace of mastering speech largely depends on the individual characteristics of the child and on which path is his speech development.

The development of speech has two main directions: passive command of the word (i.e. speech comprehension) and active(i.e. speaking). Usually passive speech takes precedence over active speech. Already at 10-12 months, children usually understand the names of many objects and actions. Everyone knows the famous children's games of "Magpie-crow" or "Goat". “He understands everything,” the moved parents are surprised, “but he can’t say anything.” Indeed, up to a certain time, the number of understood words significantly exceeds the number of actively pronounced ones. And for some children, this period is very prolonged. A child can, up to 2 years old, well understanding everything that adults tell him, not utter a single word - either be silent at all, or explain himself with the help of babbling speaking. And yet, at the same time, if the child lives in normal conditions, his speech develops.

Usually, in such children, the transition to active speech occurs abruptly and unexpectedly. And this is understandable. After all, a sufficiently rich stock of understandable words becomes the child's active vocabulary. It so happens that children who were stubbornly silent until 2 years old already at 3 years old catch up and overtake in their development those who began to speak at 10 months. Therefore, you should not worry if under 2 years old there are only 2-3 words in the child's active vocabulary. If the baby understands the speech addressed to him, if you create everything the necessary conditions for his normal development, it means that sooner or later he will speak. But how sooner or how late is largely up to you.

Consider how parents can help their child speak.

For a long time, it was believed that children's speech arises from direct imitation of the speech sounds of an adult - kids remember words of adults, repeat them and thus acquire speech. "Tell mom, tell lala, tell spoon", - the parents of the baby ask and expect the appropriate sounds from him. To their great joy, many babies already at 10-12 months begin to distinctly repeat one or another for an adult. simple words... Imitation really takes place in mastering speech (after all, children always begin to speak the same language as their parents). However, it is not the main one. A child can easily reproduce a particular word at the request of an adult, but at the same time never use it on his own. This means that the ability to imitate, perceive and reproduce other people's words does not yet lead to the appearance of the child's own words.

At the same time, it is obvious that the first words appear only in communication with an adult. But the interaction of an adult with a child cannot be reduced to direct copying of speech sounds. A word is, first of all, a sign, that is, a substitute for another object. This means that behind every word there must be some object designated by it, that is, its meaning. If there is no such object, if the mother and child up to one and a half years old are limited to manifestations mutual love, the first words may not appear, no matter how much the mother talks to the baby and no matter how well he reproduces her words. If the mother plays with the baby with toys, his actions and these same toys become the subject (or content) of their communication. However, in the event that the child enthusiastically plays with objects, but prefers to do it alone, the child's active words are also delayed: he does not have a need to name the object, turn to someone with a request or express his impressions. The need and the need to speak presupposes the presence of two main conditions: 1) the need for communication with an adult and 2) the need for the subject to be named.

Neither one nor the other in isolation leads to a word. AND only a situation of substantive cooperation between a child and an adult or meaningful, business communication creates the need to name the object, and therefore, to pronounce your word. Thus, the main thing is not just talking, but playing with the child; talk for a reason, but about a joint game. For this, cubes, pyramids, balls, cars, pictures and many other objects with which you can play together are suitable.

In such substantive cooperation, an adult puts in front of a child speech task, which requires a restructuring of his entire behavior: in order to be understood, he must utter a very specific word. And this means that he must turn away from the desired object, turn to an adult, highlight the word he utters and use this artificial sign of a socio-historical nature (which is always a word) to influence others.

The essence of the speech task is to induce the child to actively use a certain word as the only correct means of influence. Initially, the toddler has no need to name the object with a word. Such a need should arise, and only an adult can teach him this.

In the process of mastering a word, three main stages can be distinguished, each of which has its own semantic center for the child.

On first stage such a center is item... The kid reaches out to him, accompanying his attempts with mimic and intonational-expressive movements. In some cases, when he does not receive the desired item, these manifestations develop into anger and even crying. However, for most children, the focus of attention gradually shifts to the adult.

On second stage the focus of the situation is adult... Turning to him, the child tries a variety of speech and non-speech means. Instead of trying to get the item, pointing gestures, active babbling speaking ("give-give-give") and other methods of influence. This behavior is aimed at taking the adult out of neutrality and drawing his attention to his attempts. However, if the adult "does not give up" and waits the right word, the child finally tries to pronounce it.

On third stage the center of the situation is precisely word... The child begins not only to look at the adult, but concentrates on his lips, looks closely at the articulation. A close examination of the "speaking", moving lips clearly indicates that the child not only hears, but also "sees" the right word. That's why, When talking to young children, it is important to articulate each sound clearly so that it is clear how the sound is produced. After this, the first attempts to pronounce the word usually appear.

It is important to emphasize that the baby is first oriented in general sense situations. He begins to understand that in order to address an adult, you need to use a specific word, which becomes a means of address. Thus, the perception and reproduction of a word occurs, as we have already said, on the basis of an already discovered meaning. verbal communication and cooperation with an adult. Without a sufficiently developed need to communicate with an adult and play together with him, the first words cannot appear.

The process of generating a word is fully developed only at the beginning. Subsequently, this process collapses, the child immediately proceeds to pronouncing a new word, to its articulation. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that a speech task, that is, the task of conveying something in words, is for the first time set before a child by an adult. Children begin to actively pronounce words only under the influence of the persistent influences of an adult, when he turns the word into the center of the child's attention.

However, a successful and timely appearance of speech is not always the case.

Why is it difficult to speak

V recent times obvious underdevelopment or lack of speech at all in 3-4-year-old children is becoming an increasingly serious problem for parents and teachers. Let's try to consider the main, most typical reasons such problems in children 2-3 years old and, accordingly, ways to overcome them.

First and the main reason lag in speech development is the lack of communication between the child and their parents. Recently, many parents, due to their busyness and fatigue, do not have the time and desire to communicate with their children. The main source of impressions (including speech) is TV for children. The state of silence of family members in Everyday life and in front of the TV screen turns into dramatic consequences for the mastery of speech by a small child. For a long time, doctors have been sounding the alarm, who, by virtue of their profession, deal with speech and hearing impairments in childhood. Back in the mid-90s of the last century, the German doctor Manfred Heinemann, with the help of new examination methods, stumbled upon an unexpected a large number of children 3.5-4 years old in need of treatment. On average, 25% of children were found to have impaired speech development. And today, on average, every fourth child preschool age suffers from delayed development of speech or its impairment, regardless of the level of education of the parents or their belonging to certain social strata.

Experts emphasize that the increase in the number of speech development disorders in our time is explained not so much by medical factors as by the changed socio-cultural conditions in which children are growing up today. Working parents have less and less free time for their children. For example, a mother has an average of about 12 minutes a day to talk to her child. As a consequence of all this, a growing number of children are "blessed" with their own television or video equipment, and then the time for watching programs reaches 3-4 hours a day. Particularly alarming is the fact that even small children of 3-5 years old watch TV for an average of 1-2 hours a day. And some - from 5 to 6 hours a day, when they are additionally shown video films.

But, it would seem, the baby, sitting in front of the TV, constantly hears speech, moreover loud, varied and expressive. What prevents him from assimilating it? The fact is that speech heard by a child from the TV screen does not have the proper effect on him and does not play a significant role in speech development. It is not perceived by young children as addressed to them personally and is not included in their practical activity, and therefore has no meaning for them, remaining only a background of visual stimuli flashing on the screen. It has been proven that young children do not highlight individual words, do not understand dialogues and do not listen to on-screen speech. Even the best TV shows or videotapes cannot replace parent-child communication! We emphasize again: only the direct influence of an adult and his participation in the child's practical activities are able to ensure normal speech development. Consequently, to overcome the lags in the development of speech, at least two conditions are necessary:

The inclusion of speech in the active activity of the child;

Individual addressing of speech, which is possible only in live direct communication.

For a kid who has to get used to the world of speech, it is in no way indifferent to who and how pronounces the words. Indeed, only thanks to the word addressed to him can he become a man in the true sense. Moreover, first of all, this does not mean the transfer of information, but something completely different, which has much greater importance: look in the eyes, interested attention, a response smile, emotional expressiveness. All this can only be given to a child by a close adult.

but sometimes lag in speech development is associated with an excessive understanding of close adults. Adults, well aware of the importance of the child's autonomous speech, at the same time do not stimulate him to return to normal human speech and do not set him a speech task, guessing his slightest desires. They understand well what the child wants to say, and are satisfied with his "childish words" such as "boo-boo," "nuke," "hatch," and so on. At the same time, parents themselves are happy to use children's words in a conversation with a baby, since such children's language(it is sometimes called the language of mothers and nannies) expresses special tenderness and affection for the child. But this language is appropriate only for a baby, since he does not yet delve into the meaning of words. After a year, when intensive learning of speech begins, "children's words" can become a serious obstacle to the development of normal human speech, and the child will be stuck for a long time at this stage, being content with a few "children's words". If a baby up to 3-4 years old remains at the stage of speaking exclusively "children's words", then later in his speech various disorders are possible associated with incomplete mastery of the sounds of his native language, replacement of sounds, their mixing, etc. primary school such mispronunciation can cause gross mistakes in a letter, because "as it is heard, it is written."

So, there are two main reasons for the child's stuck at the stage of autonomous child's speech. Firstly, these are situations when the surrounding close adults willingly use the same childish language in communicating with the child, repeating its sounds and suggesting their own similar words such as "bibika", "yum-yum", "pee-pee", etc. - secondly, these are cases when parents and grandmothers, well understanding not only the peculiar language of the child, but also all his desires, guess them literally from a half-word and half-glance. In such conditions, the child does not have any need for real words. Accordingly, to overcome such problems, it is necessary to strictly observe two rules.

1. Do not replace the conversation with the child with the language of "mothers and nannies", that is, do not speak to him with the help of various "boo-boo" or "pee-pee". The kid needs correct human speech, naturally, understandable to him. At the same time, referring to the child, you should clearly and clearly pronounce single words, drawing his attention to their articulation and getting him to make a clear pronunciation.

2. "Not to understand" the child's autonomous words and indistinct vocalizations, to encourage him to correctly pronounce and name the things he needs and, thus, create a speech task. The need, and then the need for human speech, arises only in communication with close adults.

In this regard, I recall a well-known anecdote about a boy who was silent until the age of five, and his parents already considered him deaf and dumb. But then one day at breakfast he said that the porridge was not sweet enough. When the amazed parents asked the kid why he was still silent, the boy replied that everything was all right before. So, as long as you are understood without words, there is no need for them, and therefore you can be silent or explain inarticulate sounds.

Increased impulsivity of the child and insensitivity to the words of an adult can also become a serious obstacle to the development of speech. Such children are extremely active, mobile, they rush wherever they look and cannot concentrate on anything. They do not seem to hear the adult who turns to them and do not react in any way to his words. They even express their protest somehow especially: they shout, looking into emptiness, and not addressing an adult. The lack of necessary connections with an adult is also manifested in the desire to do everything oneself: an adult as a partner and as an example is completely unnecessary. The individual games of the child with objects, although they free adults from the importunity of children, do not in any way stimulate the child's speech development. In such conditions, the very need of the baby to communicate with adults is drowned out: he stops turning to them, plunging into stereotypical actions with objects. As a result, the child's mental development in general and speech development in particular is delayed.

V similar cases first of all, you need to return to games and activities, which are based on emotional contact with the baby. It can be affectionate stroking on the head, calling him by name, simple baby games such as "Ku-ku" or "Magpie-crow". It is important to establish contact with the child, catch his eye and get feedback. Great importance also has how an adult introduces various objects and toys into the child's life. All substantive actions should, if possible, be given a "human" character: pity or put the doll to bed, put the driver in the car and drive her to the garage, treat the monkey, etc.

It is better to reduce the number of toys. Games that cannot be played alone, such as rolling a ball, are very useful. If the child does not show interest in cooperation, try organizing a joint game with another partner in his presence. For example, dad and mom can roll a ball to each other, rejoicing and rejoicing like a child. Most likely, the baby will want to take the place of one of them or join this activity. Simulation games are also helpful. You speak in the presence of the baby for different animals, and the child, becoming infected with the general situation, repeats after you. All these activities are aimed at stopping the child's senseless running and engaging him in meaningful communication.

Another problem that is quite common today is the rapidity of speech development. This variant of a violation of the normal development of speech is the opposite of all the previous ones. It differs in that the first words of children not only do not linger, but, on the contrary, are ahead of all age terms of speech development. A child at 1 year and 3 months suddenly begins to speak in almost detailed sentences, with good diction, using words that are not childish at all. How much pride makes their parents speaking miracle! How nice it is to demonstrate to your friends the extraordinary abilities of your baby! At first, the baby's possibilities seem endless. They constantly talk to him, teach him, tell him, put on records, read books, etc. And he understands everything, listens to everything with interest. It would seem that everything is going great. But suddenly such a child begins to stutter, falls asleep difficult, he is tormented by unreasonable fears, he becomes lethargic and capricious.

All this happens because the baby's weak, fragile nervous system cannot cope with the flow of information that falls on his head. It is difficult for him to reorganize so quickly and in just a few months from a baby to an adult. Increased anxiety, night fears, stuttering indicate that the child's nervous system is tired, that he cannot cope with the excessive informative load. This means that the child needs rest, freedom from unnecessary impressions (and above all - speech). In order to prevent the development of neuroses, you need to walk more with the child, play simple children's games, accustom him to the society of his peers and in no case overload him with new information.

So, cases of impaired speech development are very diverse. But in any situation, for the normal and timely development of speech, sufficient and age-appropriate communication between a child and an adult is necessary. However, it happens that no efforts of the parents lead to the desired result - a baby under 3 years old continues to be silent, or utters some inarticulate sounds, or avoids communication. In these cases, you need to contact a specialist - a speech therapist, child psychologist or a neurologist. Do not forget that speech is one of the main indicators of mental development, since it reflects all the achievements and problems of a young child.

Then we highly recommend that you visit it right now. This is the best site on the Internet with an incredible amount of free educational games and exercises for children. Here you will find games for the development of thinking, attention, memory for preschoolers, exercises for teaching counting and reading, crafts, drawing lessons and much more. All tasks were developed with the participation of experienced child psychologists and preschool teachers. If you are interested in the topic of speech development in children, be sure to look at the special section of the site "Subject Pictures for the Development of Speech". Here you can download ready-made sets plot pictures for composing stories. Each set includes two or three pictures connected by a common plot or cause-and-effect relationships. Here are some examples of tasks for your reference:

How to teach a child to speak? Start learning poetry with him, pronouncing letters. How to do it? Read on ...

How to teach a child to speak?

According to early development experts, the ability to speak in early age is an the most important factor defining everything further development child. And how harmonious it will be depends directly on the parents themselves. That is why many today are so eager to teach their child to speak as early as possible. Moreover, it is one of better ways make your baby's life even more interesting.

It is important, at an early age, to teach children to correctly express their feelings and emotions, to build sentences correctly. Of course, we do not remember how and when we learn to speak ourselves, and therefore it seems that the learning process is always easy and simple. But is it really so? Is it really easy to teach a child to speak?

Only if you have chosen the right technique!

The company "Clever" offers unique methods of early development, created specifically to teach a child to speak, read, count and be independent. Want to know more? We will tell you how to teach your child to speak words correctly. Choose the best for your children!

Here are some ways to quickly teach your child to speak.

From birth, pay attention to establishing emotional contact with the baby. Catch his eye, smile, talk. Sing, speak with intonation changes. Your speech should be clear, correct and varied.

Tell your baby about what is happening around, what you will be doing with him now. At the same time, pause so that the baby can answer you in his own language. Be sure to support the conversation by repeating the sounds after the child or emotionally asking: "Do you really think so?"

Purposefully walk around the house or on the street and tell your baby about various objects. When the baby himself learns to point his finger at the thing of interest to him, your conversations will become longer and more meaningful.

Develop your toddler's speech by teaching you to read in whole words. You can start practicing both at birth and after 2-3 years. First, show him flashcards with words, then move on to joint reading of children's books from the Book Warm-up kits - part 1 and part 2. For active replenishment of the crumbs' vocabulary, we also recommend using the Speak from the Diaper program.

Complete the words of the baby. For example, he learned to say "Ba" while pointing at the dog. Answer him: "That's right, it's a dog, the dog says" Woof. " Actively use onomatopoeia of animals, it brings the baby special pleasure.

Select several objects of the same color, and show the baby with the words: “Here is a ring, it is blue, here is a cube, it is also blue, and the box is blue. All these things are blue. " After studying the basic colors, you can move on to familiarizing yourself with the shades of colors.

Tell your baby poems and sing songs, thanks to the rhythm they are perfectly remembered by the child. When the poem has been read many times, give the baby the opportunity to finish the line himself, or end it deliberately wrong so that the baby will correct it.

Use special poems-games: okay, magpie-crow, geese-geese, which also develop fine motor skills of the hands. All of them, as well as other jokes, counting rhymes, washers, spitters, step-steps are included in the "Primer from the diaper" set. The unique “leaflet” books, which are part of the “Speak and read from the cradle” system, will also be useful for classes.
By the way about fine motor skills... It has long been proven that finger dexterity and speech development are directly related, since neighboring areas of the brain are responsible for them. Therefore, let the baby constantly play with objects that are different in texture and shape.

Here are such useful and fun classes for the development of speech - the exact answer to the question of how to teach a child to speak. In the process of learning, the child will never be bored, because his favorite pastime now is to learn and explore the world. Communicate with the baby with pleasure, and you will not only teach him how to talk, but also establish close emotional contact with your closest little man.

The development of a child's speech from 1 to 2.5 years

Use a variety of stimulants to get your little one to speak. It can be your emotions, or words from the vocabulary of children and adults. Let's take a closer look at the options for stimulating the baby's speech.

  1. Positively react to any child's attempts to say something new even if the word didn't sound perfect.
  2. Use such syllables and letters: aaa, ha-ha, yes-yes, ma, pa, ba.
  3. V Highlight 5 essential words and use them often in speech, or separately. It can be following words: mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, dog.
  4. Use imitation words: - to sleep - aaa, - to eat - yum-yum,

    - sodzhik - drip-drip,

    - puss-dog - woof-woof,

    - goose - ha-ha,

    - slag - kva-kva,

    - hand over - dam-dam,

    - supal - bang-bang,

    - drum - bam bam.

  5. Use words from an adult's vocabulary: grass, dog, watch, look, etc. The child can repeat them in his own way. For example: tawa, babaka, titiki, mochi. Simplifying words is natural for children aged 1 to 2.5 years.

Remember that learning new things should create positive emotions in your child. Play with your baby, often say "yes" instead of "no" to him, and soon your child will start talking.

Speech therapy verses for children, counting rhymes for consonants: C, G, T, D, B



Sparrows, crows, owls,
Wolves, lions, oxen, cows.
Who will be able to repeat?
Failed - you drive!

A steam locomotive flies in the sky
A wagon floats in the sea
The wolf walks through the air
Who does not believe - get out!



Thunder rumbles, threatens, rumbles -
The storm wants to scare us!

The sky was blue -
It has become formidable, steel ...

The city beats with peas,
The city does not allow us to walk!
But the thunderstorm is farther, quieter,
The thunder is softer, and the sky is clearer ...

Lit up in a semicircle
Rainbow - an arc over the meadow!

We run out one after another -
We're playing catch-up!

Homonym, galdim, cackle,
We jump, we thunder, we rumble!


Dog Laika guest
Brought a large bone.
Laika opened its mouth
Grabbed the bone and shast
Under Nastya's bed,
So that the cat could not get it.
Dog: crunch and crunch,
But suddenly - what sadness! -
Bone stuck in the mouth
And pricks like a nail!
The kitten shouted: “Nast!
Open the dog's mouth! "
I grabbed the bone with my claws
And the guest saved the dog.
Kitten, Kostya, Nastya
Everyone shines with happiness!
All day long kitten Vasya
Taught the dog Nastya:
“The greedy ones, you know, no one loves,
Greed, know, will ruin you! "


They put on the tatka
Slippers on the feet.
Slippers - on Tatka.
There are patches on the slippers.

Threw off Tatka
Slippers in patches.
- Give me socks!
- Give me the stockings!

Put on your boots
On Tatkin's legs!
Put on your gloves
On Tatki's little hands!

Throw on a handkerchief
In a blue flower!
Now everything is all right
At the fashionista Tatka.



Walked, wandered,
Judged, rowed,
Haldeli hummed
Without work, without a goal.

Weeks go by
Years have flown by ...
Loafers roam
Without work, without a goal ...


Greedy, greedy,
I ate some chocolate
I ate grapes
Currant - a whopper,
Ate nine videos
Nineteen walkers
Ninety carnations
Ten steamers!


Robin - Bobbin - Barabek
I ate a ram for lunch
I ate a bull, balyk, beans,
Borsch, broth, pancakes, mushrooms
Apple, watermelon, bananas,
Zucchini and eggplant,
I ate strawberries and lingonberries
Barberry and blueberries,
I ate a loaf, a biscuit, a loaf,
A loaf, a sandwich, a bagel!

... Poor Robin says:
- My appetite is small.
I'm not happy with lunch ...
Maybe I am very sick?


Drum, button accordion and trumpets,
Balalaika, tambourine, tuba.
We play, we beat, we strum
Drum and trumpet!

Speech therapy verses and tongue twisters for consonants: P, ̕P̕


Here's getting ready to fly
Rotary-wing helicopter.
No acceleration, no run:
They unscrewed the screw - and into the sky.


The tram is thundering
The tram is ringing
Rushing fast on the rails.
Will drive in any direction.
Who wants to ride?


It's not tricky for us to drive
Through the city by metro:
No cars or pedestrians
Crossroads, transitions -
The path is laid underground
The fastest and most direct.


Old ship
With sails
With a long mast,
At the helm - the helmsman,
The wind is blowing astern.
The wind blew the sail
The boat drove across the seas.


Slowed down
By the sidewalk
Blue trolleybus,
Round headlights.
Pedestrians came in
As soon as the doors opened
And in passengers
Everyone has turned.

A rocket flies across the sky.
A carriage rides along the road.

A cow grazes in the meadow
The king has a golden crown.

A crow is sitting on a birch.
The gate is open in the courtyard.

Misha was asked a lesson
With the words: road, threshold,
Crow, magpie, rams,
Sparrow, carp, drums.

Mom and son had time
Compose a story in a week.
Mom said to her son:
- Imagine this picture:

Here is the lake. There are crucians in it.
The rain is drizzling over the lake.
Chamomile growing by the road
And fragrant "porridge".

A cow is walking along the road
Chews fragrant "porridge".
A ram is walking along the road
A ram carries a drum.

A sparrow is feasting on the road,
Peas and peas are stealing.
There is a kennel by the fence
The mutt growls at the thief.

The magpie sits at the gate
Waiting for her children, calling them
(Magpie cooked porridge,
And I haven't fed the children yet).

And the pink pigs
(The guys were completely naughty)
Trough with water overturned
And they threw the fish into the lake!

The crow flies above them
And croaks - scolds them!
Misha taught diligently
But not very carefully

And here's the picture
It turned out in the son's story:
“On the lake, like a steamer,
A trough with a ram floats.

With joy this ram
Horns knocking on the drum!
Carp are walking along the road
(The most important one is taking a taxi!).

From a kennel a cow
Mumbles a sparrow: - Great!
Feast, dear, to your health
And drink cow's milk!

The mongrel flies over the threshold
And barks very diligently.
Piglets sit on the gate
And they sing a song about forty:

- Forty-forty stole peas,
Forty crows robbed the magpie.
The sparrow calls the crow
To talk to the phone. "

Argued, quarreled
Andrey with Grigory:
- I - says Andrey, -
I'll talk you faster!

- And I - says Grigory, -
I will bet you faster!
And Kirill stood next to him,
I looked at them, said:
- Made up, Andrey, with Grigory!
Grigory, don't quarrel with Andrey!
Andrei Grigory cannot speak,
Do not argue with Grigory Andrey.
I alone will be able to persuade you,
I will be able to reconcile, make friends!

Tongue Twisters

Hold on, building
Simple construction.
Stay on a simple building
Stay on an empty building
Wait on an empty one
Wait a simple one,
On an empty, simple building!

Irinka's tangerines,
Irinka has tangerines.

Lights on the door.
There are lights on the door.

Black grouse on a tree
There is a black grouse on the tree.

Speech therapy verses for consonants: K, G, R, V, M, N

Kitty-kitty, kys-kys-kys,
Did you catch rats today?
The rats went out for a walk.
Kitty, you need to catch them!

We cook porridge every day.
We are not too lazy to eat porridge.
Porridge gives us all the strength
We will be beautiful with porridge.

Geese-geese, ha-ha-ha!
They all drive them out of the yard.
The geese went out onto the lawn.
"Ha-ha-ha!" - they shout at him.

Gosha walked in the city.
I was looking for Gena Gosha there.
Where does his friend Gena live,
Lena said a year ago.

“Rrrr,” the tiger cub growled, “
I have met different animals.
But the cubs rrr-growl
Better than all the animal guys! "

Rainbow paints the sky
Suddenly she decorated it boldly.
Joyfully again along the path
Romka and Antoshka are jumping.

Eight Polite Bears
Together we ate all the porridge.
Having scared all the neighbors,
They roared gratefully.

Vasya, Vova and Vitalik
We took a roller with a blue paint.
Paint the gate with a roller
Vasya's dad entrusted them.

Eight waffles and cheesecakes
Vova will eat with Vasya.
Vasya quickly ate all the waffles.
Vova will hardly be happy.

Masha washed her hands with soap,
I washed the plum at the same time.
Masha treated Mila,
Mila smiled sweetly.

Mom, can I go for a walk?
Masha can wait for me.
We wanted together with Masha
Draw with chalk with Natasha.

We all need to sleep at night
To see everything in dreams.
At night to Nina-Antonina
Fairy Nile visits.

“Nu-nu-nu,” said Nina, “
Calling names is ugly.
We all need to listen to mom
And do not offend Nastya. "

Speech therapy verses for consonants: Z-S, D-T, V-F, B-P, Zh-Sh

Zosia went downstairs for a nipple,
But Zosia did not find her nipples.
Zosia can't sleep,
And Zosia looks for a pacifier, walks.

Sasha with Zoya in the garden for the plum
They walked holding on to the handles cute.
Zoya told Sasha out loud:
"I didn't know more beautiful than a garden!"

Fireworks explosion - strong sound.
Hearing disappears immediately.
Close your ears.
The softer the sound - your hearing is clearer.

Woodpecker hollows for children
The hollow house is already nine days old.
Woodpecker children will be there
Hammer holes in the morning.

"I rubbed a rag to the holes at home, -
With annoyance, Dima said Tyoma, -
Here, Dima, look at the holes!
I haven't cleaned half of it! "

A woodpecker sits hollowing an oak.
In this case, the woodpecker is cool!
Woodpecker teaches children to hammer.
Woodpecker babies do not stroll.

Waffles with coffee in the yard -
Frosin breakfast in the spring.
I wish Frosya to ask
Treat everyone with waffles.

I'll take the flag in my hands,
I will wave the whole flag.
What a flag in your hand!
Everyone can see the flag in the distance.

I'll take the dates on the road.
I will wrap it in foil a little.
Two dates for all of us.
I always eat dates.

The bull walks quickly across the field,
The bull puffs, the bull comes up to us.
We ran quickly with Petya.
The bull seems to be running with us.

Borya and Petya went to fight.
Borya wanted to fire it once.
But Petya took the pistol from Boris:
He knew how to fight, Boris - not yet.

Beans a little more than half
Dima gave us a little brotherly sleep.
We should eat more beans,
We wish we could listen to dad more.

The highway hiss in the heat.
“It's hot, noisy,” he says, “
All cars are terribly fast
Tires are burned in the heat. "

One step, another step.
Jump and step again with your foot.
I walk briskly, wide.
Walking with desire is so easy.

A terribly noisy beetle hummed.
Buzzing noise created.
I went up to the beetle myself.
"Hush, beetle!" - told him.

Speech therapy verses on vowel sounds: Y, O, A, I, U, E

The fish swam to the fish:
“I was in Crimea yesterday.
Crabs and dolphins in the sea
Relaxing in the open. "

Dima has two cars,
There is also a rubber ball.
If Dima had a trampoline,
He would be completely happy.

The lynx growled at the lynx:
“Yesterday you teased your little sister,
But you should be friends.
Sisters, brothers are necessary for everyone! "

It's very boring in the yard -
Oli and Tolya are nowhere to be found.
Olya was taken to the sea.
Tolya left with his grandmother.

A steam locomotive was driving.
He carried firewood to the village.
Very often the train
Carries something to that village.

“I really want to go to the sea, -
Sonia says to her friend, -
I love the Black Sea
Sunbathe and swim to your heart's content. "

Asya loves asters very much
And he will grow them.
And then all Asya's asters
Girls will give it in class.

Grandma bought watermelons,
At first there were so many of them.
But Alya ate them all quickly,
I didn't even have time to notice.

Bunny collected a mosaic,
And the raccoon read Dunno.
The hedgehog drew in the album,
Brother foxes raven counted.

Blue frost covered everything -
They inherited the frost.
Winter-winter has come
I brought the frost with me.

Blue plums hung
They were invited to be eaten.
I collect plums in a bowl,
Ira, I treat Vika.

Lily and just Lily -
Just the same name.
Also Rita-Margarita,
Vitalina is Vita.

I have many lessons.
I’ll call my sister to help.
Learn lessons together
It doesn't take much time.

At the cuckoo's cuckoo
Says "cuckoo" awake.
Morning is lovely for a cuckoo
Caterpillars, he would eat the dish.

Ulyana has a whirligig.
There is a doll, and not one.
Donald Duck, duckling, there is -
We can count all the toys.

Barely a soul in a body
The turtle crawled.
Her step is always measured
She lives slowly.

Elena likes to be lazy
Lena is not to be lazy.
Lazy Lena is ashamed to be
She needs to forget about laziness.

Raccoon daily
There is only one concern:
Find food for yourself
Gargle food in the pond.

Speech therapy verses for consonants: T, D, S, B, P

Three-drink, three-drink,
Wipe everything with a clean rag.
We remove everything, sweep.
And then let's go for a walk.

Aunt Tanya, look
I ate three cutlets.
And now I will have a cake -
Make a great meal!

Three kittens played like that
That the toys have lost.
They look here and look there ...
"Will get us from mom!"

Doo-doo, doo-doo,
I can play the song.
I take it twice a day
And I play: "Doo-doo-doo."

Give the apple two wedges:
A slice - to me and a slice - Only.
I will always share with a friend.
Never been greedy!

Dasha, Dina and Darina
They are friends with Dania, they are friends with Dima.
They go to the kindergarten together,
Everyone is spending their time amicably.

The magpie flew into the garden.
The gardener is not happy about this.
A magpie can steal plums,
And the plums are amazingly sweet.

Forty seven catfish caught
Our neighbor is fisherman Ivan.
The whole village told him:
"We haven't seen so many fish!"

Sasha Sonechka asked:
"How many dryers were there in total?"
Sasha quickly counted
“Seven,” she said confidently.

Grandma baked pancakes,
Grandson Borya called.
Borya ate pancakes with mushrooms,
And pancakes with lingonberries - for mom.

"Bayu-bye, byu-bye,
Hippo, go to sleep "-
The hippo mom sang
Queen of all swamps.

The lamb has a drum.
Drumming in the morning.
The bull has a balalaika
Come on, goby, play it.

Steamer on the river
Swam so smoothly, light.
Our steamer has entered the port -
He carries passengers.

Take a pony ride
Dad brought me to the park in the morning.
Sweet pony in a blanket
All the kids are waiting in the park.

The spider weaved a web.
A spider web is like a picture.
He will catch flies in it.
The spider will eat them.

Pure words on the sounds Ш, Ж, Ч, Щ

Our Tanya is good.
And sings well.
Sings a song to the kid.
Kids love songs.

The hedgehog has needles.
But, alas, hedgehogs do not sew.
The hedgehog doesn't need threads.
This is a song about a hedgehog.

A candle is burning on the table.
Oh, how hot the candle is.
I'm blowing on the candle.
I'll blow off the flame by the candle.

In the rain I get wet without a raincoat.
I'm looking for an umbrella.
I will wear a raincoat.
And in boots still.


Sing with us slowly.
We sing a song to the baby.
Shih shih,
The reeds sang with us.
It worked out well.

The second year of life is a sensitive period for the development of speech. And the development of speech, in turn, is the key to further successful mental development baby. That is why specialists pay such close attention to the child's speech development. Let's see what happens to the child at this moment.

The speech understanding function develops up to one and a half years. After a year and a half, active vocabulary replenishment begins. It often happens that your child's vocabulary contains several words, sometimes denoting a whole phrase. For example, "nya" denotes both a request to take it on the pens, and a demand for some thing you like, and an offer of toys to you. And you are like loving and caring mother, wonderfully understand your baby.
However, if up to one and a half years such anticipation and understanding of the child's needs gave him a sense of stability, then after one and a half years it becomes a serious obstacle to development.

TIP: You just need to stop being a quick-witted mom and satisfy the child's needs before he articulates them. Try to get the child to say the whole word, accurately expressing their wishes. With normal speech development by the end of the second year of life vocabulary the child is about 300 words, among which there are the names of objects, the names of their qualities. Then phrasal speech appears.
Here it is necessary to remember that there is an individual rate of development for each child. And the boys begin to speak a little later than the girls.
In addition, there are dynamics for the development of each individual function. Children who start speaking later than others tend to speak more correctly and understandably.
Never make your child say anything or repeat after you! Just "don't understand him."

Let's discuss it
Today there is a paradoxical situation: children, surrounded by our attention, begin to speak later all the time. Why?
A young mother complains: "The baby is soon two years old, but he does not speak at all!" Painfully familiar situation!
It would seem that, everyday problems faded into the background. Most families live in apartments with all conveniences. Material wealth present, nutrition is complete. And with all this comfort, the kids are silent! Like a mysterious virus infects their speech centers. The first words appear in best case after two years. Even then, children's chatter can only be understood through an interpreter. Children who speak normally in younger ones age groups kindergartens can literally be counted on one hand! These talkers, to paraphrase Leo Tolstoy, are very similar to each other - they are cheerful, lively, spontaneous. And only every non-speaking child is unhappy in its own way.

There are many reasons for speech disorders. There is no point in talking about them without seeing or hearing a specific child. Better talk about how to overcome speech delays... All the paths here generally go in the same direction, the difference is in minor details. On initial stages everything is built about the same. The child needs to be cared for and given tireless attention. Massages of the articulatory organs are encouraged, as well as a variety of developing finger games. It is better to entrust massage to specialists. But the games can be successfully conducted by parents, grandparents and even older brothers and sisters.

Terms of play
The whole process of "making speech" takes place under certain conditions:
- firstly, the child needs positive emotions;
- secondly, there should not be any violent actions on the part of loved ones;
- thirdly, the direct participation of adults is necessary.

By the way, if the "speech genre" is at its best in the family, then the child practically does not have problems with speech. If adults prefer everything free time to spend in front of the TV, at the computer or watching films recorded on DVD, the silence of the baby is understandable.

It is useful for parents to know that the nervous system of a 1-3 year old child is not very strong. Therefore, games (and above all educational ones) should not last more than 10-20 minutes (depending on age).

The fact that a child is tired can be judged by his behavior. If he is capricious, refuses to follow the instructions, it means that the "resources" of the kid are at the limit, and it is time to end the game.

What else should you keep in mind when working with your child?
The little man is most attracted to bright objects, lively emotions and expressive speech. So, before you start teaching the crumbs, sit in front of the mirror and tell yourself a fairy tale, for example, about the Ryaba chicken.

Well, how did your own acting aroused your keen interest? If not, then it is unlikely to attract the baby. Bad experience is also experience. Work on yourself. Remember the facial expressions and intonation of your favorite actors. In the end, talent lies dormant in each of us. And without him in the subsequent games, we simply cannot do in any way!

Sand, pebbles ...
Young parents often complain that they do not have free time to communicate with their child! All my life is devoted mainly to work. After all, it is she who provides a dignified existence for the baby!

But what's the point in all of these material goods, if the crumb does not please the loved ones with its sonorous voice and clear speech?
Take a vacation, because in our country everyone who works is supposed to rest for at least two weeks. So spend them with benefit not only for yourself, but also for the child. And the appearance of the first words in the crumbs will not be long in coming.

Going on vacation to the warm sea (now you can arrange it in any season)? Start practicing on the way. Read a fairy tale to your child, look at a picture book, give your child a finger massage. The flight will not seem so tiring, and the baby will not be capricious and interfere with the rest of the passengers.

Hot sand, warm sea, sunshine! This is not only a great opportunity to improve your child's health, but also a chance to cope with his speech gaps.

Many parents know how enjoyable playing with sand is. They relieve emotional stress, help to relax, and activate the baby's mental activity. Take an example from those parents who pack in a suitcase not only outfits, but also baby buckets with spatulas.

The kid can pour sand, build locks from it, just slap his palms on a wet surface - all this contributes to the development of fine motor skills.

Classes, where there is something for the fingers, activate the speech centers. Fresh air, freedom of movement gives an additional incentive for the baby to say the first words. He so wants to express his feeling of happiness! Therefore, it is on vacation that he will definitely speak!

Talking fingers
Finger games- that fertile material that will help to talk even the most silent baby. Finger movements awaken and work dormant speech centers in the cerebral cortex.

If you have never played finger games with your toddler before, start with the elementary - just look at the fingers. Name each of them, stroke them affectionately. Then take a ribbed pencil and roll it over the palm and fingers of the crumbs. This will give the muscles of the arm the necessary tone, prepare them for the following exercises.

On vacation, a pencil will successfully replace sea ​​pebbles... Pick up some smooth oval pebbles and roll them over your child's palm. And then let him play himself - you need to hold a handful of pebbles in your hand and rub it between your palms.

It is very important to develop the tactile and movement sensations of all fingers.

The toddler's handle represents a crane: thumb and forefinger right hand pick up a pebble and direct it straight into the bucket.

First, slowly show your baby how to do this. A similar work, following the index, should be performed by each finger paired with a thumb. First with the right hand, and then with the left. Simultaneously with the movements of children's fingers, mom or dad should comment on the game of the crumbs, choosing the kindest and most affectionate words.

Remember, a child under three years old develops only thanks to joint games filled with action. He does not yet know how to occupy himself, playing alone. So, despite being busy, caring adults (this can be not only mom and dad, but also grandparents) should keep the child company.
The game will captivate the kid, he will certainly try to follow you not only the movements with his hands, but also repeat the words. Naturally, not everything will work out the first time. Patience and patience again. As they say, repetition is the mother of learning. So, from day to day (but not from time to time), diligently deal with your baby.

The result will not be long in coming. You will surely be able to talk little man.

Little fingers have something to do
When you have mastered "Goat Dereza", "Thumb Boy" and similar games, you can learn something more difficult.

Bee hive
- What kind of egg-box?
(You and your child clench your fists and make a surprised expression.)
- Who lives there? Mouse?
(We look at the children's cam from all sides.)
- No! What are you, what are you!
(We wave our hands in indignation.)
- Bees live in the house.
(Shake your fist, bring it to your ear, hum.)
- Bees fly ...
(We cross our palms at the wrist and wave both hands like wings. We buzz.)
- Children in the house are counted.
(The child clenches the fist again.)
- One two three four five…
(The adult releases the fingers from the child's cam one at a time.)
- We will not interfere with them.
(We put both hands behind our back - as if we were hiding something.)
- The bees will collect honey ...
(The adult taps his fingers on the pads of the toddler's.)
- And Dashutka (Andryusha, Danyusha, Katyusha ...) will be given.
(An adult runs his index finger over each toddler's finger from base to tip.)

Who lives in the house?
- Snail, snail!
(The hand clenched into a fist "crawls"
across the table.)
- Pull your horns out!
(Indicative and middle fingers peek out of their fist and withdraw quickly.)
- I'll give you some pie!
(Show open palms.)
“I don’t need pie!”
(We shake our head negatively.)
- Freedom is dear to me!
(We rotate with clenched fists.)
- I'm crawling along the path ...
(The fists are "crawling" on the table again.)
- If I want - I'll stick out my horns!
(Let's free and straighten the index and middle fingers.)
- And you touch it lightly ...
(We touch the baby's index and middle fingers.)
- Horns are removed!
(The snail hides the horns again.)

- Hello, turtle!
(We clench our fists.)
- Here's a shirt!
(We cover the child's fist with our hand and squeeze slightly.)
- I have my own protection ...
(Let's twirl it with clenched fists.)
- It is firmly stitched!
(Cams bang on each other.)
- Here are your boots.
(An adult, collecting his fingers in a handful, strokes each finger on the baby's arms with them from the base to the very tips.)
- Do you have legs?
(We clench our fists again.)
- I have paws!
(We open, we spread
fingers on both hands.)
- They play hide and seek.
(Again, clench the fists tightly.)
- Where is your head?
(We release and show thumbs.)
- She hid deftly!
(Thumbs return to fist.)

White-sided magpie,
Cooked porridge -
I fed the children

(In a clockwise direction, lightly stroke the baby's palm with your finger.)

I gave this,
He carried water.
(Press down on the tip of your little finger and rub it lightly.)
I gave this,
He chopped wood.
(Press down on the tip of your ring finger and lightly rub it.)

I gave this,
He was sweeping in the hut.
(Press down on the tip of your middle finger and lightly rub it.)
I gave this,
He stoked the stove.
(Press down on the tip of your index finger and lightly rub it.)

But she didn't give it to this one!
He didn't carry water,
I didn't chop wood,
I didn't sweep the hut,
I didn't light the stove,
I didn't cook porridge -
No porridge for him!

(Take away thumb to the side in a circle, press on the tip of your thumb and fidget with it - "beat" it).

This finger went to the forest
This finger found a mushroom
I began to clean this finger
This finger began to fry
This finger ate everything
From that and got fat
(you need to bend your fingers, starting with the little finger, you can do it in the form of a massage)

Okay (on stressed syllables, clap your hands)
Where have you been? By Grandma!
What did you eat? Koshka!
And what did you drink? Mug!
Kashka butter!
Sweet brew!
Nice grandma!

We drank, ate, woo ...
Shuuuu !!! We flew home!
They sat on the head! "Ladushki" sang
We sat down and sat down
Then we flew home !!!

Sleepy elephant (ringing the bell)
Ding-dong. Ding-dong.
An elephant is walking in the alley.
An old, gray, sleepy elephant.
Ding ding. Ding-dong.
It became dark in the room:
The elephant shields the window.
Or is it a dream?
Ding-dong. Ding-dong.

Finger gymnastics:
Finger exercises hands - development fine movements, very useful for young children, it is known that the speech center and the center that governs the movements of the fingers are located in the cerebral cortex next to each other, therefore the work of the fingers has a stimulating effect on the speech center and promotes mental development child, you want your baby to speak quickly, then do finger gymnastics with him every day.

Palms on the table- the child is sitting at the table, hands are on the table, palms down, at the expense of - fingers apart, two - together.
Fingers greet- the baby sits, holds his hands in front of him, at the expense of the thumbs of both hands are disconnected, two - index, three - middle, four - nameless, five - little fingers.

Little man- the child, sitting at the table, depicts little men, first the index and middle fingers of the right hand run around the table, then the left. Children run a race - the movements described in the previous exercise, both hands are performed at the same time.
Goat- the baby depicts a goat, stretching out the index finger and little finger of one, then the other hand.

Kids- the same exercise, but performed with both hands at the same time. Glasses- the child depicts glasses, forming two circles from a large and forefinger both hands and connecting them.

Bunny- the baby pulls up the index and middle fingers, thumb and ring, and connects the little finger (bunny on the left).
Palm - cam - rib- the child sits at the table, at the expense - puts his hands on the table, palms down, two - squeezes his fists, three - puts his hands on the edge.

Trees- the baby raises both hands with his palms towards him (the trees are standing), spreads his fingers wide (the branches are spread out).
Checkbox- Pull the thumb up, connect the rest together.

Nest- join both hands in the form of a bowl, fingers are tightly clenched.
Plant roots- press your hands with the backs to each other, lower your fingers down.

Bee- the index finger of the right hand, then rotate the left hand along the axis. Sun rays- cross your fingers, raise your hands up, spread your fingers. Spider- fingers are bent, slowly move along the table.

Table- bend your right hand into a fist, put your left horizontally on top of it.

Gates- connect the ends of the middle and ring finger both hands, raise the thumbs up and bend inward.

Bridge- raise your hands up, palms towards each other, place your fingers horizontally, connect the tips of the middle and ring fingers of both hands.

chamomile- connect both hands, spread straight fingers to the sides.
Hedgehog- put your palms together, put your straight fingers up.
Keg of water- slightly bend the fingers of the left hand into a fist and leave a hole on top.

Hide and seek game(squeezing and unclenching the fingers) - the fingers played hide and seek and the heads were removed, like this, like this, like this, the heads were removed.

Game "magpie"- when pronouncing the text, the child moves the index finger of his right hand along the palm of his left: to the words “this gave it”, bends each finger in turn, except for the little finger: forty, forty cooked porridge.

Finger-boy game- the child connects the thumb alternately with the index, middle, ring, little finger on one hand, then on the other: finger-boy, where have you been? I went to the forest with this brother, cooked cabbage soup with this brother, ate porridge with this brother, sang songs with this brother.

Squirrel game- the baby holds his hand with his palm up, with the index finger of the other hand runs along the palm, then alternately bends his fingers: a squirrel sits on a cart, she sells nuts: a little fox-sister, a sparrow, a titmouse, a fat-headed bear, a mustache bunny.

The game "this finger"- the child alternately unbends his fingers, first on one hand, then on the other, starting with the thumb: this finger is grandfather, this finger is grandmother, this finger is daddy, this finger is mommy, this finger is me, that's my whole family , then alternately bends his fingers: this finger wants to sleep, this finger has jumped into bed, this finger has nodded, this finger has already fallen asleep, quieter, finger, do not make noise, don’t wake up brothers, fingers stood up, hurray, in Kindergarten it's time to go.

Mushroom picking game- the baby alternately bends his fingers, starting with the little finger: one, two, three, four, five - we are going to look for mushrooms, this finger has gone into the forest, this finger has found a mushroom, this finger began to clean, this finger ate everything, that's why it got fat.

The game "orange"- the baby alternately unbends his fingers, clenched into a fist, starting with the little finger: we shared an orange, only one orange, this slice for the cat, this slice for the hedgehog, this slice for the beaver, this slice for the siskin, and the peel for the wolf.

Game "Come on, brothers, to work"- the child unbends his fingers, on one hand, alternately tapping them with his index finger with the other: come on, brothers, to work, show your hunting, chop a lot of wood, heat everything for you, and you carry water, and you cook dinner, and the baby should sing songs, sing songs and dance, amuse her siblings.

The game "scarlet flowers"- the baby connects both hands with palms to each other, in the shape of a tulip, slowly opens his fingers: our scarlet flowers open the petals (shaking his hands): the breeze breathes a little, the petals sway (slowly closes his fingers): our scarlet flowers cover the petals (shakes with folded hands): they quietly fall asleep, shake their head.

Our Tanya is crying loudly
Dropped a ball into the river.
Hush Tanya, don't cry!
The ball will not sink in the river.

There is a bull, swaying,
Sighs on the go:
"Oh, the board ends,
I'm going to fall now! "

I love my horse
I comb her fur smoothly,
I will smooth the ponytail with a scallop
And I'll go on horseback to visit.

The mistress threw the bunny,
A bunny remained in the rain - I could not get off the bench,
All wet to the thread.
Try to accompany the reading of each poem with imitation of the appropriate actions that the child understands.

Doll games:
Play dolls with girls and boys. Create small stories from the life of the doll. Show your child how to dress her, feed her, put her to bed, walk with her ... Constantly stimulate the child to communicate through gestures and actions. Ask more questions to kid.

For example: “Anya, look at the girl who came to visit us. Let's say hello. Give a pen to her. What is the name of such a beautiful girl? "

Role-based games:
By the end of the second year of life, start playing with your child various imitation animal games that the child is familiar with.
For example, play a game of cat and mouse. Give the child the role of a mouse, and for yourself take the role of a cat. The "cat" walks around the room, and the "mouse" is hiding. Then the "cat" went to bed, and the "mouse" came out of its hiding place. The "cat" woke up, stretched, meowed, and the "mouse" needs to run away to his house (agree in advance with the child where he will be).

Or play Clubfoot Bear:
Show your child how the bear moves, how it growls, shakes its head. Now the child pretends to be a bear, and you read a rhyme to him:

A clubfoot bear walks through the forest,
He collects the cones and puts them in his pocket.
Suddenly a lump fell directly on the bear's forehead.
The bear got angry and kicked - top!

Teach your child to portray other animals as well: birds, frogs, horses.

See picture books
An adult, together with a child, examines pictures that depict familiar characters and situations. "Who is this? the adult asks. - And who is this? What is he doing? ”,“ Agde a bird? ”,“ Show the tree ”... If the child is silent, you can suggest an answer, but after that you can still get the baby to answer himself, looking at the same picture.

For older children (3 years of age), adult questions may be more difficult. For example: "Where did the boy go?", "Where is the bird sitting?", "What are the children doing?", "Why is the girl crying?" Answering these questions requires not only recognizing familiar objects and actions, but also understanding the plot and meaning of the situation depicted in the picture.

Speech accompaniment of actions.
This technique is very important for building a way of their actions in children. It consists in the fact that the child's actions are indicated and accompanied by certain words. For example, when a baby (1.5 - 2 years old) runs or dances, he can say "top-top", when he knocks with a toy hammer - "knock-knock", when he draws raindrops - "drip-drip" ... First, such a sound the designation comes from an adult who closely monitors the actions of the child. Then the baby echoes the adult, and together they accompany the child's actions with sounds, and then the baby himself acts and utters sounds at the same time. At an older age (after 2 years), this technique can be complicated and accompany the actions of children no longer with a complex of sounds, but with a detailed speech. To do this, you need to name all the child's independent actions and ask him questions about them: “Kolya is running, Kolya washes, Kolya is digging ... What is Kolya doing? What does Kolya want? " It's good to use here too folk games, in which a simple and constantly repeating poetic text tells you what to do and in what sequence. For example: "Zainka, stomp your foot, zainka, clap your hands, zainka, turn around ..."

Naming spatial sensations.
The child is taught to distinguish and correctly designate spatial relationships with adverbs and prepositions, which not only enriches the vocabulary, but also develops thinking. An adult demonstrates different variants the spatial arrangement of two toys (a bunny and a bear, or two ducklings, or a doll and a fox ...). The toys are located close, then diverge far, then one climbs onto the other (one above, the other below), then one runs away from the other (one in front, the other behind). Your questions encourage the baby to comprehend these provisions and try to convey them in words. In such game situation children actively and with pleasure learn every word that you say, because they are interested in the game. Their emotional involvement in a funny show is the main condition for the assimilation of new and rather difficult words for them.

However, we emphasize: the designation of spatial relationships is a very difficult task for babies, they master prepositions and adverbs later. Therefore, this method of teaching speech is best used by the end of an early age (after two and a half years).

Play with toys.
The child is shown simple and short scenes with toys. The content of the scenes should be very simple. For example, the bear fell and cried, or the doll lost the ball and is looking for it, or the doll went out for a walk and froze without shoes. The most ordinary toys are suitable for such a performance, and it is not at all necessary to purchase props for puppet theater... It is much more important that the show of an adult must be accompanied by words that the baby would recognize. Your little performance should make him sympathetic to toys and a desire to help them: wipe the bear's tears, look for a ball with the doll, warm her legs ... Immediately after the scene, you can ask the child what he saw. With the help of tips and questions from an adult, the kid can convey his impressions of what he saw in his own way. For example: "Misha fell, bo-bo" or "Ball bye-bye, where is the ball?" This game is best used in the 3rd year of life, when there are already enough words in the vocabulary of children, denoting actions and states. Gradually, you can complicate and diversify actions with toys, while the toys themselves are better left the same - soon the child will get used to them, they will become his favorite, and he will be able to play well with them himself. These are just a few of the techniques to activate the speech of young children. Of course, there can be much more of them. It all depends on your imagination and desire to communicate with your child. However, when conducting classes, we advise you to consider the following. Activities should be interesting and enjoyable for the kid. Forcing a child to do what he cannot or does not want is unacceptable. All techniques aimed at developing speech are included in the baby's own activities, in his interests. Words are necessarily associated with specific impressions and activity of the baby. Passive repetition of words does not lead to the development of active speech. The child should be focused on what you are saying and showing. The duration of such classes is no more than 3-5 minutes. Longer than this time, a child from one to three years old cannot keep his attention on one thing. It is better to repeat the same techniques at different times and in different situations.

Finger games:

Finger games from Ekaterina Zheleznova - educational cartoon "Music with Mom":

Finger games. Early development. Finger gymnastics. Games for toddlers:


The child not only learns to speak, he learns:
- memorize appearance subject - a picture;
- memorize the name of the object in the form of a certain set of sounds;
- draw an analogy between a picture and a name (an example of analog thinking);
- and then only, pronounce the name of the object.
This is a serious logical and analytical work of his brain. Such work develops, the more constant and gradually becoming more complicated ... For this reason, learning should be started gradually.

From the most early years the baby should be taught to correctly express his emotions, to build sentences correctly. At first glance, it seems that the process will not cause labor, and there will be no difficulties on the way to achieving the goal. However, every child is different and may not start talking right away.

When to teach a child to speak

There are age periods by which it is possible to determine how correct the development of speech in a baby is. There are no strictly defined rules. The learning process should begin from birth: the baby should sing songs, tell stories, talk to him while walking. The mother's heart will tell you how to act.

In the period from 6 months to a year, active formation brain centers that are responsible for speech, therefore, increased attention should be paid to communication with the baby.

In the period from 2 to 3 years, the speech areas are almost completely formed. It is at this time that children begin to freely express their thoughts, speak, and learning should be as active as possible. Do not worry if there is no sharp jump by this age. The best option- to consult with a specialist, and in the absence of signs of illness or physiological abnormalities, continue to develop the speech apparatus.

Speech norms of children of different ages

Each period of growing up is characterized by certain sounds, words and sentences with which the baby expresses his emotions.

What does a child under 12 months say

The first sounds from a baby can be heard as early as 2 months (in addition to screaming and crying). The kid is happy to say "-gu", holds out the vowel "-a". It is important to answer the little one, to make it clear that communication is important. After a few months, more complex combinations can be heard. It is useful to turn on music, audiobooks, etc. for him. A one-year-old baby knows about 5-10 words consisting of a pair of syllables.

Speech norms for children 1-1.5 years old

A child's speech becomes more extensive in a year and older. His vocabulary is growing every day. He understands very well what his parents ask him, for example, to go wash his hands, go to bed, etc.

By 18 months, a baby can memorize up to 20 new words.

The little one likes to learn everything new, he himself is happy if he remembers and reproduces more. Well in this period, books with three-dimensional pictures help to develop, which must be considered together and asked questions about them.

How children 2-3 years old should speak

At 2 years old, the vocabulary of children includes about 70 words, and in a year the baby knows more than 200 new expressions and about 1000 words. In addition, the child already knows how to inflect words by case, inserts pronouns into sentences. Sound reproduction is not clear, but by the age of 5 this problem is solved by itself.

What a child should say at 3-4 years old

Starting from the age of three, kids can learn small songs and poems, guess easy riddles. The speech of the crumbs can be easily understood, even despite the mistakes in the use of gender, number and case.

The dictionary reaches almost 2,000 words by age 4.

The kid begins to fantasize, invent own expressions... More adverbs, pronouns, adjectives and numbers appear. The main problems at this age are the rearrangement of syllables in places, the absence of sounds [p], [l] or [c].

What children say at 4-5 years old

The speech of children from 4 to 5 years old consists of 3,000 words, not including "reworked" in their own way. Sentences are already full of different prepositions and adjectives. Kids do an excellent job with tasks such as describing an object, retelling a small fairy tale, reciting a poem with intonation, and alternating between quiet and loud pronunciation. Most children can count to 10.

Child 6-7 years old

The speech of children 6 years and older is literate, with a small number of grammatical errors. They easily communicate with peers and adults, can easily describe any life situation and objects. With more than 4,000 words in stock, a child is able to compose interesting story, come up with a name for it. The main problems in this period are the distortion of unfamiliar words, the wrong staging of stress.

How to teach a child to speak and develop a speech

The development of speech in one-year-old children, older toddlers and preschoolers is different. It is important not just to focus on established norms but also take into account individual characteristics child.

How to teach a child to speak at 1 year

Often parents are faced with a situation when a child does not say what is considered the norm for this age in a year. What to do in this case?

  • Try to communicate in a way that makes him responsive. For example, when going for a walk, you can ask what color of shoes he likes best. Naturally, the baby will not be able to respond appropriately, but several coherent sounds are also the result.
  • Communicate with your baby more often: on a walk, at home, in a store, on a visit.
  • Speak aloud all your actions and his actions. This can be cleaning the house, discussing animals, toys.
  • Pay attention to reading a large number of books, viewing pictures. You can choose not only fairy tales, but also encyclopedias for children. Perhaps the baby will show interest in animals, insects, climatic phenomena, etc.
  • Communicate using the correct speech, without shortening or distorting words. Talk to your baby like an adult.

Don't worry if you can't get it positive result... It often happens that a baby is not yet ready at 1 year old for full-fledged communication.

Development of speech in children 2-3 years old

If the child communicates with difficulty or does not speak at all at 2 years old, it is necessary to stimulate his speech.

What can be done:

  • Play alphabet. Kids of this age love to repeat letters after adults. It is necessary to clearly and loudly pronounce the sounds, this gives certain skills in learning the alphabet.
  • More often ask questions that are difficult to answer unequivocally: "no" or "yes".
  • Repeat those words that are difficult for the baby to cope with, or those where he "swallows" the endings.
  • For any problematic sound, poetry or songs should be selected. In this case, you need to pronounce each line with the child so that he sees how an adult does it.
  • Correct the kid every time he tries to replace a complex sound with a simpler one. Most often it happens with the letters "l", "g", "p" and "s".
  • Give children songs to listen to, watch educational cartoons, introduce new people: peers and adults. In communication, the baby will develop faster.

You shouldn't worry about the wrong pronunciation of the letter "r" at this age. Specialist help will be required if the problem is not resolved by age 6.

Teaching the speech of a child 4-5 years old

The development of speech for children aged 4 to 5 years should take place through games, exercises and training.

Do not forget about sharing picture books. It is necessary that the kid tries to talk as much as possible about the objects that he sees. Learning poems and songs by heart helps a lot.

How to develop speech for children 6-7 years old

The main thing in the development of a 6-year-old child's speech is to form a phonemic hearing, to teach how to distinguish words from large sentences, and specific sounds from words. In addition, it is important that children divide at least small words into syllables. This is important not only for speech, but also for the further ability to read carefully and be aware of what was read.

To avoid speech lags, you need to do the following:

  • Give children the very best on a regular basis. literary works... Moreover, the child should not just listen to him (if he does not know how to read), but try to retell or prepare a scene where he would play the role of the main character.
  • Make riddles, give a variety of tasks related to texts or words. For example, it can be the correct arrangement of syllables, words in a sentence. You should carefully monitor the mistakes, correct them in time, regularly repeat what the child has noticed a weak point in.
  • Play word games... The simplest and most popular are associated with the rearrangement of letters in reverse side, selection of synonyms. Many children enjoy playing the "extra third" game.
  • Speak proverbs and sayings with the baby. It is considered one of the most effective methods development speech apparatus, elimination of defects.

It is best if all problems are eliminated before going to grade 1 so that the baby does not experience difficulties in reading and writing.

Many parents do everything to ensure that the child's speech apparatus develops correctly: they re-read mountains of literature, sign up for consultations, contact children's centers. The best thing is to try several methods and choose the most suitable one for the baby.

Method "Bukvogram"

Developing technique "Bukvogramma" is a real assistant for parents. The program, developed by S. Shishkova, candidate of psychological sciences, is based on the principles of neuropsychology, speech therapy, and defectology. Designed not only for preschool children who are poorly focused on the material and restless, but also for adolescents.

The purpose of using the technique is to activate memory and attention, as well as to correct all types of speech.

These tasks are carried out through exciting activities included in the program. Mental work alternates with breathing exercises, physical exercises. Shishkova believes that proper breathing helps to strengthen the work of the brain centers. In total, the program includes 20 lessons that require regular performance.

Shishkova about the Bukvogram technique:

Cartoons for the development of a child's speech

Watching cartoons is one of the favorite activities of any child. However, even this hobby can be turned into a useful one. There are many speech development cartoons that will be of immense benefit when chosen correctly.

At the age of 3 to 5 years, the baby absorbs all the information he has seen and heard, so you can replenish his vocabulary through cartoons with colorful characters.

It is worth paying attention to age restrictions... Some educational cartoons ("Smeshariki. Pin-code", "Fixies") will be of interest to schoolchildren elementary grades, but the "Mickey Mouse Club" or "Aunt Owl's Lessons" - ideal options for preschoolers.

Games that develop speech in children

To develop speech, you can play with children. If a child loves to make faces and make faces, he will like to play "funny grimaces". One of the parents should sit down opposite the baby and tell what is required of him. It may be a request to puff out your cheeks, stick out your tongue, move in different sides jaw, etc. The main thing is to use as many combinations as possible in order to use the maximum muscles of the face.

In the game "watch" it is necessary for the child to work with the language, imagining that it is an hour hand. They should be moved, changing the speed each time, in different directions.

Another version of the game is to invite the baby to portray a giraffe and a mouse. In the first case, the baby should kneel, raise his hands, clenched in the palms, stretch as high as possible while inhaling. Accordingly, on the exhale, the baby depicts a mouse, crouching, head down, clasping his knees with his hands. It is imperative to observe the repetition rate.

The famous pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky advises parents not to worry if the child does not speak until 2 years old. It is worth sounding the alarm if the baby has reached the age of three and does not know how to correctly express his thoughts or refuses to speak at all.

  • You need to talk to a baby without using diminutive suffixes.
  • If the kid is silent for a long time, then the kindergarten will help fix the situation. Some children open up in just such an environment.
  • Children need to regularly turn on music, from funny songs from cartoons and fairy tales to classics. All this has positive influence on the perception of speech, sounds, the world.
  • Use any free minute for conversations. You can discuss everything: the color of a car passing on the street, the height of a running dog, vegetation, etc., the main thing is to use a large number of adjectives.
  • Constantly ask questions, even if the baby refuses to answer them.

Positive dynamics with regular exercise will certainly be noticeable if the baby is healthy and does not have any physiological abnormalities.

Ushakova's technique for the development of speech in children

Learning to speak coherently is a long and difficult process. The methodology of the famous doctor of pedagogical sciences O. Ushakova can help parents. The goal of the program is to improve the pronunciation of sounds, improve diction.

The technique is based on small poems, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes and games.

The program involves the use of syntactic, lexical, and phonetic systems in order to accelerate the development of meaningful and coherent speech. It is great for young children attending kindergarten, for schoolchildren. Many speech therapists choose the technique as the basis for correcting speech defects.

Speech development of preschoolers based on the Ushakova methodology:

Tongue twisters for the development of children's speech

Tongue twisters are helpers not only in learning the native language, but also in improving the speech apparatus. Moreover, many children prefer tongue twisters rather than poems or songs, which is due to the fascination of their pronunciation and fun. Pronouncing difficult phrases quickly can eliminate most problems.

If you correctly build the process of familiarizing yourself with tongue twisters, then it will already be difficult for a crumb to break away from their study. He will love not only the fun activities themselves, but also the opportunity to demonstrate their abilities to friends. You can start with such easy examples as "the puppies brushed their cheeks with brushes" or "there lived a giraffe, chewed fat."

Don't worry if your child doesn't speak at an early age, as everyone's speech skills appear at different times. There is no single rule for learning, parents will have to choose from a variety of options, experiment, watch the reaction of the crumbs. Patience and listening to your baby will lead to a positive outcome.