How to know if a girl likes you. How to find out if a boy likes you: by what signs can this be determined? Let's try to consider specific examples

Alien soul, as you know, darkness. And to find out what is going on in the soul of a person of the opposite sex is an almost impossible task. Do you think that a man distinguishes you from the company of your girlfriends? Do you feel that he is looking at you in a special way? How do you know if you like man, or do you just really want to believe in a spark that has flared up between you?


First of all, pay attention to body language, because it never lies. If a man is interested in you, he rarely turns his back to you, and when talking, he leans forward with his body. Also pay attention to how the man looks at you. If a man quickly looks away with a visual, then most likely he is not indifferent to you, but internal indecision does not allow him to take the first step. If a man is specifically trying to catch your eye, then there is no doubt: he likes you. If a man looks at you sideways when he tells a joke or a witty story, then this is another indicator that he is interested in you and your reaction to his words.

Did the man inadvertently touch your hand or hug you when they met? Is he in no hurry to pull his leg back, accidentally touching your leg under the table? Similar signs also signal interest, unless, of course, in front of you is a playboy who is not averse to flirting with everyone she meets. Often, men deliberately start out with others in the company to get your attention. If, when talking with another, he stealthily glances at you, you can not even doubt that this one likes you.

Interested man often shows interest in what you. For example, you told him about your favorite TV show, and the next day he watched all the episodes. So he is clearly trying to get your attention. Also, pay attention to not being nervous when talking. Is he chuckling nervously, breathing deeply? His palms are sweaty and

No wonder they say that a girl is a mystery. For centuries, men have puzzled over what women want. Many guys face the problem of mutual understanding with their soul mates.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

How can you tell if a girl likes you?

Despite the fact that in modern society women are increasingly taking over many male functions of duty, and even considering the moment that feminism is sweeping the planet with leaps and bounds, the invariable moment remains that a man needs to take the initiative to get acquainted. Miele ladies still want to remain princesses who are conquered by a knight.

How do you know if a girl likes you? This question for many years and found a complete answer. But still, there are a few points that you need to consider when you want to determine whether you have attracted the attention of the woman you yourself turned your attention to. After all, you must admit, it is completely pointless to approach fair sex, if you have not aroused due interest.

In this case, a situation may arise that you will be answered with a polite, but unequivocal refusal. But it is also possible that the lady will make you look like a complete idiot. After all, among gentle creatures meets enough harsh and violent personalities.

In determining the sympathy of a woman, there are several main signs that you should first of all pay attention to. it unspoken rules, established by society for centuries to facilitate acquaintance and to exclude a moment of lost time.

So, how can you tell if a girl you don't know likes you?

  • By the lips. As strange as it may sound, if you want to determine whether the selected person has had the desired effect, pay attention to her lips. When a young lady likes a guy, she unconsciously bites her lips, as if from embarrassment. This may mean that she would very much like to talk to you, but because of her shyness, she does not dare.
  • By the eyes. The eyes are the mirror of the soul. No wonder this saying has been heard by many generations for so many years. The eyes can tell a lot. So in this situation, they will help you determine if there is an interest in you. the right girl or not. She may look away in embarrassment, openly flirt with her eyes, cover them from shyness, or simply hide them as soon as you turn your attention to her.
  • By gesture. Body language is also very important component to determine if she likes you. This is something we cannot control. Those moments that happen completely unconsciously. The woman who turned her ardor aside young man starts acting like a cat. Her gestures become smooth and soft. But it also happens that out of embarrassment, the girl begins to behave awkwardly and confused. This, too, can help determine sympathy for you.
  • By hair. If the person you like long hair, then you can pay attention to how she treats them in your presence. This rule is best for those men who would like to know if a colleague at work likes them. A woman will straighten her hair more often, throw it from side to side, as if demonstrating their beauty, twist curls and constantly attract interest to them.

Signs that a girl is not indifferent to you

These are the first and main points by which it is easiest to find out if there is lucky chance to hear a positive response to a date invitation from a girl who attracts you. There are a few more interesting moments, which will help you understand what your prospects are if you first met a lady.

When you see an attractive person, for example, in a nightclub or restaurant, pay attention to how she behaves with her glass. If, looking in your direction, a girl plays with a glass, examining its contents, or as if raising an unspoken toast with you, be sure: this is one of the 7 signs that she is interested in you.

Also, a woman may unknowingly pull or shift her phone or jewelry from hand to hand. This comes from the fact that a nice person will be nervous when she looks at you.

Be sure to pay attention to how the girl behaves when she passes by you or your table. Does she turn her gaze to you, does her gait change, does her movements resemble the hunting of a noble panther? All this is nature, it is visible and noticeable. The subconscious mind cannot be deceived, it will act regardless of our desires. Instincts are the surest clue.

Deliberately loud conversations or audible enough laughter can also become your assistants in how to determine that a girl likes you. By behaving in this way, the female person, as it were, hints to you that you can come up and keep the conversation going. The fact that you just need to laugh at her joke and turn your attention in her direction.

Sometimes ladies can take the initiative themselves, but indirectly enough. A nice lady may come up with a request "do you have a pen" or ask you to light a cigarette, she may need your napkin. All this - clear signs that she has already turned her attention to you. So feel free to get started.

Among other things, you may encounter the problem of not understanding whether the lady you found in in social networks. Online dating is no longer a rarity. Therefore, in this area, you must be fully armed.

How to understand that a pen girlfriend likes you: what are the signs

If you've met someone on the internet and have already started this lovely special conversation, you may realize that you've already caught the attention of the other party. But this may be just curiosity or real interest, which in the future will lead to a closer acquaintance.

What signs will help you determine that sympathy is really there and you are not wasting your time? Let's start with the simplest - the girl easily makes contact. She quickly answers your messages, answers questions simply and without aggression, asks them herself, shows enough initiative in communication.

It is also worth paying attention to whether the girl will flirt with you. If she makes ambiguous jokes, speaks openly with you on personal topics, perhaps even makes some sexual innuendos, then she definitely liked you.

One of the clear signs that a woman likes you is her interest in your page on a social network. She looks at all the updates, likes your photos, actively participates in discussions under your posts, and maybe even starts them herself.

In a word, she becomes a permanent regular on your page. Do not even worry in this case: you can clearly tell yourself that you have charmed the lady you need.

Help her with advice if such requests come. If there is a clear female interest in you, you can a short time interrupt communication so that she takes more initiative. Just be sure to return to communication, so as not to miss the moment.

Any girl is a mystery. This is a small chest with a treasure that you found, and now you need to figure out how to pick up or make a key to it. If you correctly identify the moments at which the girl gave you signs, find out in time that you are interesting enough for her, then your acquaintance will be easy. And your further communication will be pleasant for both. The main thing here is not to miss or confuse anything. Do not define some of the usual behavior of a girl as signs of attention. Don't give too much of great importance flirting, because this may be her usual style of communication.

Watch the lady, study her habits and behavior, pay attention to any little things and then the result will not keep you waiting. Then you will be able to designate for yourself not only 7 signs of sympathy, but much more. You can find out her most secret desires and become for her a real wizard who easily guesses and fulfills her dreams.

If you act in this way, then success is guaranteed to you. Keep track of your appearance, be polite and attentive, and then it will not be a problem for you to understand if a girl likes you.

The girl feels irresistible sympathy for the guy and traditionally asks the question “Are the feelings mutual?”. Everyone wants to believe in a lasting relationship and strong love. To find this out, it is necessary to identify the characteristics that characterize true attitude young men. Let's try to figure it out together.

Sign #1. The guy is interested in a joint conversation

Pay attention to his demeanor, gestures, and the general subtext of the conversation. A young man in love is stated in a deep, quiet voice, attracting like a magnet. The guy can express himself measuredly and with a short stop, wanting to be understood at a glance.

See if the young man supports eye contact. If he absentmindedly drives his eyes around, this only indicates disinterest.

Take a closer look at the behavior of a young man in front of strangers. Is he easily distracted and the thread of the conversation is lost? The guy is bored and uninterested. Does he not pay attention to anyone, focusing on the interlocutor? It is quite possible that the young man is sympathetic.

Sign #2. He shows interest in you

If a guy teases, lets out sharp, but harmless jokes, he is not indifferent. In a similar way, the young man tries to provoke a response by developing a full-fledged flirtation. Go ahead, keep up an entertaining dialogue!

A clear sign of the manifestation of feelings is interest in personal life. The guy starts asking about relatives? Find out how the day went in general? You got him hooked. Another version of the development of the event suggests that the young man himself will begin to share personal data, discuss pressing matters and ask for advice. Excessive frankness speaks of interest.

The guy makes compliments, praises your ingenuity, and at a meeting says that you look charming? He has sympathy.

Wanting to reveal true intentions young men, pay attention to his behavior in the circle of his best friends. We noticed that in your presence the guy tries not to use foul language and not to tell dirty stories? The opinion of the lady present is important to him. He tries to control his speech and not be too brutal, even if his friends do not approve of this. In a similar way, the young man tries to show that he respects the interlocutor.

Often, male interest is manifested in interest in rivals. Comes in from afar and tries to find out if you are dating someone? Great, he likes you, otherwise, such interest would not have arisen. If a guy tries to bring a girl with another young man, then he sees in her only a friend.

Sign #3. The young man is skeptical about other girls

Listen to the context in which he speaks about other girls. Perhaps the guy asks you for veiled advice and makes it clear that he likes Svetka from a neighboring yard. In this case, everything is clear.

If a guy is skeptical about the rest of the female representatives, his heart is occupied with you. If a young man says that he cannot find a companion, in fact he wants to hint about feelings specifically for you.

There is a type of insincere guys. They see girls as a trophy to be won. Try to protect yourself from people like that. Their behavior is distinguished by an aggressive manner of speaking, pathos, and excessive pride.

Many guys expose themselves as womanizer, wanting to hook a girl and make her jealous. Does the young man often talk about adventures on the love front? Check if this is the case. Otherwise, you will understand that he does this only to attract attention.

Sign number 4. He tries to impress you with literacy

The age of technological progress contributes to interpersonal relationships. Not all guys easily make face-to-face contact, many prefer to communicate through social networks or by phone.

In the correspondence, did you notice the correct punctuation and the long blinking of the phrase "Printing a message ..."? The guy chooses words to impress his interlocutor with spelling. He wastes time, wanting to show intelligence and ingenuity.

Analyze how often you call up and how long the conversation lasts. Does the guy get nervous during the conversation? If so, then he has sympathy and is afraid to look ridiculous. Communication on the phone is an intimate act, because you cannot see each other, you can only use your voice. In cases where a young man calls on business, and the conversation lasts no more than 2 minutes, he is not interested.

Regular marks on posts and comments on the wall prove sympathy. Keep track of what photos the guy likes on social networks. Perhaps he likes his girlfriend Nastya, who is present in almost every picture.

Does the guy use emojis in his messages or does he use dry language? Asks about important things wants to stretch the conversation? Throws off funny video or pictures? He makes an effort, wanting to communicate fruitfully. The young man is interested in further development relations.

Sign number 5. The guy wants to be closer

Learn to recognize body language. Have you noticed that he often touches you “by chance”? Does it hold your hand longer than it should? Moves closer when you are in a common company? These facts testify to his sympathy.

Apart from tactile sensations, have you noticed that the young man does not take his eyes off you? He loves looks. Hold his gaze, he will smile in response and realize that he was caught on a hot one.

Pay attention to body language, it will help you understand if a guy likes you or not. During the conversation, the interlocutor does not cross his arms over his chest and gesticulate freely? He is open to conversation. A sign of sympathy is the inclination of the body forward, in a similar way the guy wants to be closer. He may often bend down to whisper something in your ear and touch your hand at the same time.

Sign number 6. He provides comprehensive support

A man in love tries to help the girl he likes by any means. Take a look, what is the assistance? Maybe the guy drives you to your destination or helps you move.

Pay attention to the little courtship that comes with buying your favorite cakes or ordering pizzas to take home. Sincerity lies in the little things. How often does a guy take care of you? Does he buy medicine when you are sick? With an affirmative answer, you can safely assume that the sympathy is mutual.

An interested young man is worried about his passion. Remember how often he calls? Does it ask questions about where you are? These facts testify to serious intentions. No guy will waste time on a girl who is not interested in him. Men are there when they want to develop an existing connection.

Sign number 7. The guy does not want to communicate with other girls

Watch how he behaves with the rest of the female representatives. Do they often call and flirt? If he is really interested in you, he will not flirt or joke with anyone.

If you notice that in a common company he wants to be with you, and not with Tanya, Anya, Sveta, then you are the only one he needs. If a guy flirts with absolutely all the ladies within a radius of ten kilometers, he is just a womanizer.

When it comes to talking about other girls, is the young man reluctant to answer questions? This fact indicates that he has already identified you as a companion. Discussions former passions or just a friend confuses him, the guy perceives this as a kind of betrayal on his part.

Sign number 8. He introduces you to loved ones

A sure sign of a guy showing sympathy is getting to know his siblings, sisters, parents and best friends. He wants to show everyone that he has chosen you as his companion. Many guys decide on this after six months of communication, sometimes more.

Analyze what you do together, what places you visit. If a guy invites dozens of unfamiliar faces to joint meetings, most likely he sees only a girlfriend in you.

Determine the degree of connection. Are you doing common affairs as friends, or still slip some family activities in the form of joint shopping or visiting the cinema? If you often cook dinner or go grocery shopping together, most likely the young man already regards you as a future companion.

Another sign that a guy likes a girl is that he takes you out for a walk/movie/picnic where only couples will be present. In this way, the young man almost openly hints that he wants to reach a new level.

Sign number 9. The guy chooses romantic places for meetings

Most effective method to find out the true intentions of the young man - to evaluate the institutions in which you spend time. Have you noticed a lot of kissing couples around? Naturally, the guy is not indifferent, so he chose the appropriate place. If he sits down with you in the cafeteria of the university or invites you to McDonald's, your connection is purely friendly.

Invited to the cinema? Great, appreciate the genre of the film. If this romantic comedy or tearful melodrama, he likes you. In cases where a young man invites you to watch an action movie, thriller, horror or western, most likely he simply does not have anyone to go to the cinema with.

Do not sleep at night, dream about a guy? Start a full-scale operation! Identify the nature of the connection, pay attention to compliments, the tone of the conversation, and watch your body language. Assess realistically whether the guy cares about you or not, whether he provides support. Follow his communication with other girls, ask personal questions and expect a detailed answer.

Video: how to understand if a guy likes you

It is difficult for modest girls to establish relationships with their peers, and even more so with the opposite sex. They spend more time with close friends, parents, but this does not prevent them from falling in love and hoping for reciprocity. Shy girls are more likely than their brave friends to ask themselves, “How do you know if a boy likes you without asking?” Because they are usually insecure. For them, our article.

Body language and attitudes

Small movements of the hands, pulling clothes, hands in pockets - each, in addition to the usual speech, has a special sign language. It is individual, unique, different situations manifests itself in accordance with the character, temperament, thoughts.

Surely you noticed behind yourself how you lower your eyes to the floor or begin to stutter slightly when meeting with nice guy. They behave the same way.

Pay attention to his movements, behavioral features directed in your direction:

  • He tries to touch at every opportunity;
  • Suitable for any occasion at school.
  • Feels embarrassed to look directly into the eyes;
  • At the same time, he constantly follows his gaze, even when talking with friends;
  • May not always try to get attention in a pleasant way: pull hair, make a stupid joke, draw a caricature;
  • If the guy is brave, not shy of feelings, on the contrary, he will help, openly communicate, see him home, seek communication outside the educational institution.

You just have to watch for a while, assess whether he knows at all that you are.

If it became clear that you are an ordinary classmate for him, sitting at the third desk in the middle row, you will have to get his attention.

In this video, Melissa will talk about the signs by which you can clearly understand that the boy liked you:

What kind of girls do boys like?

There is an opinion that it is necessary to meet some standards: to have thin waist, long legs and hair lush eyelashes. Allegedly, then you can attract the attention of a guy, but if there are no such eyelashes, then walk all your life as an old maid. This is not true.

Model standards formed fashion magazines to display clothing, cosmetics, underwear. But they have nothing to do with real life, this is only a professional indicator, it is needed to make the displayed product pleasant to consider. And the boys are cute different girls, since boys are different: tall, short, addicted and monogamous.

The main thing take care of yourself:

  1. Neat hairstyle, clean hair;
  2. Use deodorant regularly;
  3. It is unacceptable to wear stale clothes. It must be clean and polished. Try to choose it harmoniously, stick to a certain style, match the situation. Official at school, comfortable on the street;
  4. Your modesty is not a disadvantage, but a virtue. It prevents you from approaching and asking or talking directly about your feelings, but at the same time it makes you stand out among noisy friends.

Be interesting, fond of: visit theaters, museums, go in for sports. Intelligent people with whom it is interesting to talk and spend time have the right to external flaws, they are invisible behind their rich inner world.

How to show a boy that you like him?

This is a subtle skill - to attract the attention of others when you need and for a specific purpose. It is not easy for everyone, but if you learn how to deal with people, you can get what they want.

For this you need:

  • Learn to listen, for example, to what he talks about with friends. In conversations, phrases about girls that you like can slip through. Also about hobbies and interests. This is important, you may different people, maybe then you should not try to get closer. If your interests match, ask him for help: fix a bike, teach you how to skate, recommend a good fitness trainer or a gym. And there act according to the circumstances;
  • Offer your help for homework if the subject is difficult. In other matters;
  • Become a mystery, stand out in the crowd. Look around, what girls are mostly around: they read few books, visit little cultural events possibly smoking. This is for example. Be the exception to the rule: the good, positive exception;
  • Be positive. A man with a smile on his face and a good joke in right moment attracts.

The main thing is not to become annoying, respect yourself and his opinion.

How do you know if a boy likes you?

In addition to gestures and glances, there are other signs:

  • The guy listens to your advice. Friends recommend not to go to this film, but you liked it, and it is also on;
  • Marks your photos in social networks, leaves comments. So, follow the updates;
  • He talks about his life, what he did yesterday, what successes he has achieved, what does not work out;
  • Do not forget to wish happy birthday and other holidays.

But do not forget, people are different and can see the situation in their own way. Some boys show attention in illogical ways: they may bully, tease, flirt with other girls in order to cause jealousy.

Other signs of sympathy

  1. If a boy invites to his company, introduces him to friends;
  2. He tries to look solid next to him: he straightens his shoulders, stretches his neck;
  3. Tries to make a funny, original joke;
  4. Notices changes in your appearance: new hairstyle, dress;

Most likely, he is in love, you can be sure. Unless, of course, this is not elementary politeness and gallantry.

It happens that a girl takes a well-mannered young man for a boyfriend, begins to respond to signs of attention, but he did not mean anything serious. Therefore, take your time, look, it is possible that he communicates with others as well. This alertness is needed to don't put in an uncomfortable his position, do not fall into him yourself.

What mistakes should be avoided?

In pursuit of a loved one, some girls lose their minds. Keep your mind clear:

Life does not stop, even if you are constantly tormented by doubts now. So it even becomes more interesting, full of experiences, emotions of expectations - this is youth, which is always unique.

Everything is individual, it is impossible to fit all the boys to one standard of behavior. And if you are still tormented by the question of how to find out if a boy likes you, read the article again. Its main goal is to make it clear: you cannot ask directly - observe and draw conclusions.

Video: signs that you like

In this video, Sergey Vitin will tell you how he and most boys behave if they like a girl at school:

You liked the girl and often you start daydreaming, you convince yourself that she also really liked you. Or vice versa, you like her, but you are so confused that you do not see the signs and convince yourself that you are not attractive to her. You end up making mistakes! How do you know if a girl likes you? I will talk about this below.

master key

The most important thing is your attentiveness. Observation when communicating with a girl. You ask yourself the question: Do girls like me? And you begin to track signs in her behavior that show that she is interested in you. If these signs are present - everything, the answer is positive. But there are a lot of nuances here and we will analyze them further.

How to know if a girl likes you?

There are several signs by which it is easy to determine whether a girl likes you. Group #1 - Verbal signs, non-verbal. Group No. 2 - conditionally straight and indirect signs. Now, if you remember these signs and train on people, even just track the reaction of any person, then you will easily pick out the signs you need. You put such a kind of filter on signs of sympathy and antipathy. This saves a lot of time and gives confidence to act on the basis of the situation.

Signs of group No. 1

verbal signs. The girl calls you by name. More often than necessary. I think it's sure sign sympathy. Tries to give you a compliment or support in a conversation. Interested in your hobbies and asks a lot of questions. In general, he tries to lead the conversation. Or vice versa listens to you enthusiastically. Although there are girls from whom it is difficult to draw out a word, but if she likes you, then the non-verbal will give her away.

Non-verbal signs better show her sympathy for you. Guaranteed affection. For example, a girl tries to touch you. Or smiles often at you. Or still laughing at your bad jokes. The intonation in the voice is more affectionate or excited. There is also a cheeky look and voice when she wanted to seduce you (type confident women). Of course, correcting hair and shooting eyes - where without it.

Signs of group No. 2

direct signs. If you are very, then she can casually take you by the hand or put her head on her shoulder from behind when you, for example, are watching something on the phone. To pester you by taking your phone and teasing you. I also had such a case, the girl put the phone in her bra.

I really wanted sex. And after the meeting, she can say, be sure to call me. All these are direct signs. It remains in response not to slow down and have fun.

Indirect signs. These signs are already more difficult to distinguish. Especially when you sit and think about how to impress her, not noticing anything around. Here are some examples. For example, she sat closer to you. Or he involuntarily tries to show his neck by throwing his head back. Sit down trying to show the figure, legs. Unless, of course, she's okay with that. Looks at your lips. She looks away in embarrassment when you glare at her. A smile is also an indicator of sympathy.

And you do not have, you communicate easily, time flies. It flies at such a speed as it has never flown) It's cool.

Video example for training: How to understand that a girl likes you

After watching the video above, answer a few questions for yourself:

1. How did I understand that a girl likes me and can take her on a date?

2. What were these signs at the moment?

3. Do you observe similar signs in your situation?

4. Can you recognize them next time and act on the basis of knowing that a girl likes you?

Electronic sympathies

How do I know if a girl likes me on social networks? Well, everything is simple - likes to your photos. Pleasant comments, and if she is your friend, then songs on the wall and graphics are provided. Although if you have already communicated with her before, then everything can be limited only to likes. And text messages "What are you doing?" There will be a lot of emoticons in the messages :) Some will want to play some kind of game with you online game kind of fool. It was like that.

Sympathy is everywhere

How to understand that a girl likes you, for example, in a store or passenger transport? After all, maybe you liked the girl at the checkout or somewhere in the subway? Seeing signs of sympathy can be confident. main role here of course looks or your sexuality plays. Girls feel good about it. Try to smile when she looks at you - if she smiles back, then there is sympathy. When buying something, you can watch the reaction of the girl at the checkout.

Intentional appeal to sympathy

It's good to provoke a girl into a reaction. For example, how to understand that a girl from provocations likes you? You provoke her by touching her. If she likes it, that, everything is fine! Or ask to kiss you on the cheek, saying, for example, “I have lost a dimple on my cheek, save me.” If you easily agree, then everything is okay. For all this, you need to stop being shy of the girl, otherwise the provocations will choke. Provoke with confidence!

How to stop being shy with girls?

More often with girls to communicate. Everything comes down to practice. Of course, you can wind yourself up and accelerate before contact when you are just starting to practice. Then it will enter you long-term memory. Usually 3 months of practice is needed, based on the experiments of scientists. Here are some tips and tricks for boosting confidence.

We are all just people

She, this extraterrestrial creature, is actually the same person as you. Remind yourself of this more often. You can also imagine her as an old friend, it also helps. It is good to fool the brain with these tricks. And in general, why soar the brain with different assumptions? Assumptions don't work! Works practice and ease of communication. Start recording yourself every day on video and after a while you will not give a shit about others, how you talk and how you behave.

Motivating experiment

American scientists took 100 men and 100 women :) They placed them in different rooms and invited women one by one. It turned out that out of 100 men, 10 men liked 10 women so much that they were ready to meet with them right away. The rest, with the remaining men, would have thought, but after direct communication. And this experiment was repeated more than once. And the result was almost always the same. There are a lot of girls and it is foolish to try to please everyone. It didn’t work out with this one - forget it and move on 🙂

Recently, I posted a new video on my YouTube channel with an acquaintance, which immediately turned into a date. You can watch it and subscribe to my youtube channel. Just click the button below:

On the same channel, training and examples from my students. Always good to look at beginners ;)


It is very useful to train on friends, carefully observe their behavior. After a while, you will quickly notice hidden anger or sympathy, irritation, sadness in your friends and girlfriends. After all, they are with you every day and it’s easier to train on them, they don’t care about your strained, attentive look. You can dedicate your friends to this game. It will be great! And relationships with loved ones will become better, because you will see the emerging anger or joy and react correctly :)

Check out the article. She will also help you out more than one hundred times!

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