How to choose a classic business men's suit. How to choose things. Choose your style

Hello dear readers! Fashion magazines, fashion designers, fashion critics We are constantly dictated what to wear this season, but does everything suit us from this range?

No, not all and not all. So let's figure out together how to choose the right clothes, discarding the unnecessary and emphasizing the most important thing in our personality.

Dressing according to body type

In order to figure out what things suit you, you need to carefully look at your silhouette. The silhouette decides, if not everything, then a lot!

Your task now is to approach the mirror, preferably naked, and mentally emphasize all the pros and cons of your figure. Considered? Now, we read what types of figures are and define our own.

This type is characterized by the fact that it has an inexpressive waist and approximately the same volumes of the chest, waist and hips.

But most often such women have a toned body and long legs.

This type of figure usually suits everything.

The only thing you can do is highlight the waist with a belt.

But basically, such ladies go for a classic and straight cut in clothes.

2. Apple.

Body type with expressive, rounded top. This is especially noticeable when a woman is gaining excess weight.
Your belly becomes especially round. If you have an apple body type, then you should emphasize your legs and try not to wear a tight top.

Tight pants or a mini skirt (necessarily close-fitting, otherwise you risk becoming square) and a hoodie, this is the one for you. Now there are many options for such clothes.

3. Inverted triangle.

A distinctive feature is a wide top (shoulders, chest) and narrow hips.

This photo shows an excellent example of such a figure.

This figure requires a slight emphasis on the beautiful broad shoulders, but add a voluminous bottom and emphasize the grace of the waist.

Then you will seem more feminine and proportional.

4. Pear.

If you see that you have a narrow top, but a wide bottom, this means that your body type is pear.

Owners of this type of figure can always boast of feminine curves, because they have chic hips.

This type should pay attention to tight-fitting models of dresses, and models flared to the bottom also look good.

But there should not be any prints in the hip area, this adds volume that you already have.

A little volume can be added from above, for example, with pointed shoulder pads or a jabot.

But do not overdo it so as not to seem too voluminous. Be sure to accentuate your waist.

5. Hourglass. Very often, women hesitate in defining this type, because this type is similar to the "pear" type.

Shape type " hourglass» special topic that he has a thinner waist in proportion to his hips and shoulders.

The difference is that the "hourglass" has equally proportional top and bottom, but the waist is thin.

This type also goes to most models in clothes with an underlined waist, otherwise you risk being square. It's a sin to hide such proportions.

In recent years, there has been a trend towards things simple cut but fashion is changeable. In 2016, femininity finally came into fashion - lace, velvet and flying silhouettes.

Take advantage of this moment. But do not get too carried away with fashion, because the main thing is what suits you, so choose clothes according to your figure, it will decorate you.

Choose your style

There are a lot of trends in the style of clothing now. They are constantly mixing and changing. But for you, we have identified the main styles that are the basis of all other areas.

Classic style. Things of this style direction are different high quality and simplicity of cut.

Usually restrained and achromatic color scheme. This is a completely non-emotional style, everything is moderate in it - length, width, volume. Also, this style is not distinguished by a variety of details, brooches, ruffles and poillettes are not inherent in it, and if they are, they do not stand out.

Sporty style - free style, designed for sports. Or casual wear sports stylized.

This clothing is comfortable, but quite bright and dynamic.

romantic style- lightness, airiness, refinement. There is a floral print and a delicate color scheme.

Also, this style is characterized by ruffles, flounces, a flying cut.

For men, this is the presence in the wardrobe of neckerchiefs, vests and romantic hat styles.

Casual style– modern comfortable clothes, the most common style today. Usually, it contains interspersed with other styles.

After studying these styles, look at your wardrobe and determine which style prevails in it. Perhaps you want to add some romance or freedom?

Now, going for the next purchase - think about whether it goes with your main style.

We emphasize individuality

In order to look good, you just need to have good mood and put on the color that pleases you and suits you. Try to look at yourself from the side by trying on several colors.

For example, red should not highlight pink spots on the face. If this happened when you tried on this shade, then this is not for you. And vice versa, if cheerfulness appears on your face, then it suits you.

Pastel shades should not make you lethargic and tired, but with bright colors you must not get lost.

For girls of small stature, I would like to say that you try to lengthen the silhouette by wearing things of the same tone. So, for example, choose shoes to match the color of tights or trousers, shoes lengthen the legs very well beige shades.

The same rules should be applied fat girls. Also for plus size women - do not hide your figure. Try to emphasize the dignity - long legs or magnificent breasts, and elegant accessories will only embellish your face.

At the expense of accessories, you need to add that they also need to be chosen according to the main style of your wardrobe.

It often happens that a purchased dress or purchased business suit At some point, they turn out to be completely out of place.

Why this happens, how to deal with it and on what principles to choose clothes, you will be prompted by the advice of stylists.

By the way, on the Internet you can find a lot of advice from stylists, most of which are quite blurry, but this is not because stylists do not want to reveal professional secrets and are in a conspiracy, but because it is very difficult to give universal tips which will be equally useful to everyone.
Some advice can be a lifesaver for one person and a devastating one for another, which is why stylists are so careful about mass recommendations. The posts contain the most universal, but at the same time helpful tips, which can give something new to those who are seriously passionate about the formation of a personal image.

How to buy clothes

1. If in doubt whether to buy a thing or not, then buy it better, but be sure to keep the receipt so that if you change your mind, you can return it. It’s better to buy and then sell it than to suffer because you didn’t buy the thing you liked in right moment, and then it was gone (this will make it seem even more necessary to you), and not buying this thing will seem even more annoying. Keep in mind that if you pay by card, the money will be returned to your card within two weeks, so if you are unsure of the purchase, then it is better to pay in cash and check with the seller possible nuances return.
True, this advice does not apply to buying underwear, you can't take it.

2. When buying, it will not be superfluous to ask for a discount, almost always in any store they can make a discount of at least 5%, you just need to feel free to ask about it.

3. In order not to carry a huge amount of discount cards(and they are now issued in every store) part of the cards can be photographed on the phone, in most cases it is enough just to name the card number.

4. At the beginning of shopping, do not rush to buy the first item you like, it is better to ask to postpone it for you for a couple of hours, perhaps in other stores you will find something more interesting, and if not, then with confidence that you have chosen the best, you will purchase the previously postponed thing.

5. If you are not sure of your taste, then do not combine more than 3 colors in the kit and accessories (black, white and gray do not count).

6. “Do you have the same one with mother-of-pearl buttons?” If the thing suits you, but the buttons are embarrassing, then in addition to the fact that you can simply sew on others, sometimes existing buttons are enough just to “cheer up” with colored nail polish. The main thing in the process of painting, do not forget to secure the fabric around the button to be painted with tape.
By the way, sometimes jewelry can be improved in this way.

7. The formula for good style is creativity divided by adequacy. That is, your image should not be insipid - it is boring and uninteresting, at the same time, excessive creativity gives rise to fashion freaks. good style always adequate. Adequate to a person's appearance, fashion trends, relevance and does not contradict goals.

8. Do not get hung up on lists, otherwise you risk getting a boring and banal set of things.
Each has its own base.

9. Invest in accessories. Expensive and high-quality accessories can raise the value of even the simplest and most inexpensive outfit.

10. Don't go to the store with your girlfriends - they are bad advisers.

11. Consultants and stylists at stores are the same sellers, whose main function is to sell the goods of a particular store by providing an additional service. Therefore, be vigilant when listening to their advice.

12. When choosing a thing, think about what you will wear it with, if your wardrobe does not have a set for this thing, then think about whether you need it or see point 1.

13. Don't buy edgy things on sale: they are sold out only because the fashion is already over.

14. The expression "prepare the sleigh in the summer, and the cart in the winter" is not suitable for mods. Buying summer clothes at the beginning of autumn with a 70% discount, counting on the fact that you will wear them next summer, in a year you risk forgetting about them, and if you remember, they may no longer be relevant or you just don’t like them, so this is doubtful saving.

15. Throwing old things out of the closet gives you an incentive to buy new ones, do not show excessive awe of old clothes, it's just things.
Image Industry

How to choose the right clothes

You rarely meet a woman who will be completely satisfied with her figure. More often, girls only sigh, looking at the glossy pages of fashion magazines or at TV screens. However, anyone can look chic, you just need to correctly choose clothes that hide flaws and emphasize the advantages that are in each figure.

One of the first rules good manners in clothes - selection of clothes in a "single whole", that is, the entire set must be designed in the same style and look complete. In order to independently deal with this issue, you can use the catalogs of clothes and fashion magazines, they will tell you what to wear with what.
When choosing a wardrobe in the store, try to look at the entire collection and choose the combinations that are most suitable for you.

Another main point when choosing clothes is clothing size. It is unacceptable to wear clothes smaller or bigger size, in both cases it looks comical.
And psychologists say what it can say about your attitude: clothes smaller what people wear who want to look or be better than they really are, and larger clothes are usually worn by those who have low self-esteem.
Turns out, right size You also need to choose clothes in order to hide your complexes.

Don't forget and about color scheme , color can "kill" or, conversely, transform a person.

  • Pastel and beige colors are more suitable for dark-skinned people with bright features.
  • Blondes and blondes go for bright colors.

The easiest way to determine which color suits you is with a mirror and some plain fabrics. different color. Try to remember which shade is yours and in stores it will be much easier to choose things of one color or another.

When choosing clothes, pay attention per fabric type:

  • firstly, the fabrics in the kit must match,
  • secondly, the fabrics must match the figure.

Persons with magnificent forms outfits made of dense and well-structured fabrics are most suitable. A thin type of figure is more suitable for soft-fitting knitwear and fabrics with padding that will create the effect of volume.

Well, and perhaps most importantly - clothes should be chosen according to the characteristics of your particular figure. Here are some general guidelines

1) Short legs visually lengthen the shoes beige colour and a short skirt
2) The fullness of the hips will be hidden by straight-cut trousers or jeans
3) If you have a thin waist, but wide hips, then flared jeans and a belt at the waist will be perfect for you
4) Small drawings visually reduce, large ones, on the contrary, increase
5) Maxi dresses and skirts make you look shorter.
6) Shapeless clothes disfigure any figure
7) Shoes on thin heels or stiletto heels with a round nose make the leg visually smaller
8) Pointy shoes make the foot look bigger.
9) Black tights (no more than 50 den) will make your legs a couple of kg slimmer and a couple of centimeters longer, and paired with black shoes (or dark colors) will make you the owners of legs from the ears.
10) Light tights, on the contrary, make the legs fuller and shorter. But! FROM beige shoes longer.
12) Sheer blouse makes your upper part open to others and shows your strengths, but also weaknesses
14) If you do not know how to combine things correctly, then follow the classic canons of fashion and style.
15) Rule of three colors: do not use more than three components in your image, otherwise you risk seeming ridiculous
16) Hairstyle should be combined with all the components of your wardrobe
17) Do not spray perfume on your clothes, except if you use
the same spirits. The scent may last up to a month.
18) chubby girls V-shaped cutouts will go, round cutouts girls with an oval face.
19) Avoid obsessing over something, or risk being the owner of a wardrobe with only black things or things of the same style, for example.
20) Over the knee boots shorten your legs!
21) Sheath dress goes the same way thin girls and with magnificent forms. But on girls with slim waist and feminine hips will look better

Clothes that make you slimmer

About, , I have already written repeatedly, because the topic is relevant to me. Today we’ll just “go over” the basic tips of stylists.

1) We increase growth
If you want to look slimmer, then the easiest way to achieve this is to visually increase your height. In this case, the width of the body will be balanced by the height. It's all about optical illusions.
To increase growth, you should use:

  • long beads,
  • vertical stripes,
  • heels,
  • updo,
  • elongated clothing silhouettes (for example, not short coat, and an elongated jacket).

It is better not to use shoes with an ankle strap or ankle boots in shoes, because. they visually shorten the legs and reduce growth.
Great high boots.

2) Heels
Among personal stylists there is such a rule: 1 cm of heels visually removes 1 kg of weight.
Heels are very well stretched and slim figure.
Of course, you should not choose very high heels (at the rate of 20 kg of weight = 20 cm heel), it is better to prefer a wider stable heel.

3) V-neck dresses and sweaters
Thing must have for those who want to look slimmer, these are v-neck clothes. On the one hand, such a neckline visually stretches the figure, on the other hand, it focuses attention on a beautiful chest.

4) Long sleeves
When we are recruiting overweight, they are distributed throughout the body: not only the stomach or hips grow fat, but also, for example, the arms.
Full arms are best masked long sleeves or wear a shawl. It is believed that women with with full hands it is best not to wear dresses and tops with straps or sleeveless.

5) Flared clothes
Best of all, figure flaws are masked by clothes (dresses, sweaters, coats) in the Empire style - clothes that flare from the chest or are trapezoidal in shape. Such clothes perfectly mask the stomach and full hips.

6) Black color
Any woman knows that black is slimming. Similar rules do not neglect if you want to look slimmer, even if you are black and it seems boring.
This is due to the fact that black absorbs Sun rays and visually reduces the volume of the object. In addition to black, everyone else loses weight dark colors(dark blue, gray).
Black is also the color of elegance.

7) Single color clothing sets
One of almost magical ways to look slimmer is to make your bow monochrome, i.e. combine items of only one color in a set.
How more patterns in clothes, the larger their size, the more kilograms you visually weigh.

8) Tan
The tanned skin looks on the one hand more toned, and on the other hand hides the defects of the figure.

Experiment, love yourself, but do not forget about others, many people are envious and unfriendly, do not let them notice your oversights in the wardrobe...

I wish you good luck in your search unique style in clothes!

The dream of every woman is to look perfect, but nature has not awarded everyone with perfect proportions. Often an outfit that looks great on a mannequin is real person may look different. The thing is that everyone has their own, special body structure. Some narrow pelvis and broad shoulders, others have rounded hips and a poorly defined waist, while others have small bust but big buttocks.

Each figure has both advantages and disadvantages. the best way their correct is the choice of clothing according to the type of figure.

Owners of this type of figure differ wide hips, a noticeable waistline and small narrow shoulders.

To visually correct the figure, it is necessary to focus on the upper body and expand the shoulders. You should choose outfits with a dark bottom and a light top. Clothes for the pear figure type should have a voluminous top, puffed sleeves, shoulder pads, deep cuts and decorative details on the bodice.

Things with a boat neckline or a square neckline will help to visually expand the shoulders. Suitable clothes with breast pockets, trousers and skirts with a loose fit and made of thin fabrics, dresses with a cut-off waist and an extended bottom.

What to avoid:

  1. It is not recommended to choose jackets or blouses that end at the widest part of the buttocks or hips, they must be higher or lower than it.
  2. Do not wear tight blouses or blouses.
  3. Tulip skirts will add volume to the hips.
  4. Avoid extra details on skirts or trousers and things with straps that connect at the neck or tie at the back.

Suitable clothing examples:

The owners of this type of figure have a rounded shoulder line, not very lush hips, slender legs, a poorly defined waist, often wider than the hips and shoulders.

In this case, the main problem area- the middle of the body. It is necessary to visually stretch the body and focus on the neckline and legs. It is recommended to give preference to things with a straight silhouette.

A sheath dress would be a winning option. A simple straight cut and no sleeves will balance the silhouette. They help to visually stretch the figure of a dress with a high waist, they will hide the stomach and emphasize the chest. Asymmetric, oblique and trapezoidal models will help to lengthen the body. Dresses are recommended to choose monophonic.

Clothing for hourglass body type

This type of figure is considered the most proportional. Its owners have an equal width of shoulders and hips, a clearly defined waist and chest line.

It is better to choose clothes for the hourglass figure type that will emphasize the waist and demonstrate the smooth curves of the body. Almost any outfit will suit this type. The main thing is that their cut repeats the lines of the figure, but things that will be characterized by fluidity, lightness, and waviness will look better. To emphasize the waist, it is recommended to use belts. Favorably highlight the hips of pencil skirts.

What to avoid:

  1. It is necessary to give up clothes straight cut.
  2. Too tight clothes are not recommended.
  3. hard, dense fabrics will make the figure fuller than in reality.
  4. Avoid things with large patterns and clear geometric motifs.

Suitable clothing examples:

The owners of this type of figure are distinguished by narrow shoulders and hips, a poorly defined waist and flat buttocks.

Need to create visibility rounded shapes and soften the angularity of the figure. You should choose clothing models that will help define the line of the hips and emphasize the waist. Semi-adjacent things will cope with the task, repeating the outlines of the figure, making a soft emphasis on the waist. Grooves will help create a shape, decorative seams, folds, pockets located on the hips, converging to the waist, contrast bottom and top.

Since clothing for a rectangle body type should indicate the waist line, it is recommended to wear belts and belts. Wide models distract attention, and thin ones emphasize the waist. Nai in the best way they will present the figure of a dress or skirt that creates volume in the hip area, for example, a tulip skirt, things with draperies or peplums.

From trousers it is better to choose models with folds at the waist, narrowed to the bottom, straight, flared from the hips. Patch pockets at the back will help visually add volume to the buttocks.

What to avoid:

  1. It is best to avoid tight clothing.
  2. Do not pick up things from thin flowing fabrics.
  3. Not fit clothes, tailored on an oblique.
  4. It is not recommended to wear elongated cardigans and jackets.
  5. Models of elasticated skirts will not look the best.

Suitable clothing examples:

This type of figure, which is also called "T", is distinguished by the presence of straight, expressive shoulders, larger in size than the hips. The waist is poorly defined, and Bottom part seems much smaller than the top.

Clothing for a triangle body type should add volume to the hips and visually reduce the shoulders. Fit things or sets with a tight-fitting top and a flared or fluffy bottom. It is recommended to choose outfits in which there is an emphasis on the hips in the form of draperies, ruffles and bows. To add volume to the lower honor will help a light bottom in combination with dark riding. Things will look good V-neck, soft round neck and American armhole.

When choosing models of dresses, it is worth considering height: for short women fit the length is mini, and high it is worth picking up outfits up to or just above the knee.

What to avoid:

  1. Puffy or flared sleeves, draperies and ruffles in the shoulder area will add more volume to the upper part.
  2. Tight-fitting and monophonic things will not work.
  3. From tight skirts, especially narrowed to the bottom, should be abandoned.
  4. It is not recommended to wear clothes that have a large pattern at the top.
  5. It is worth abandoning things with wide collars and a large, round neck.

Suitable clothing examples:

Every woman knows that finding clothes that will fit her perfectly is very, very, very, very, very, very difficult (especially jeans).

What to look for when choosing clothes, so that later it would not be a shame for the time and money spent on choosing?

Pants and trousers

When choosing trousers or pants, there should be enough room in the waistband so that you can safely stick two fingers in there. This gives you plenty of room to "manoeuvre".

Christine O'Donnell, boutique manager at the Madame Paulette Museum, says women's sizes can fluctuate a little depending on the day and even the time of day. And if you suddenly have puffiness, there should be some free space in your pants.

Remember this rule if you don't want to get into an awkward situation when your pants come apart at the seam in the most piquant places at the most inopportune time;)

Also, do not forget that:

  • If your pants are wrinkling or puckering at the front of your thighs, they are too tight. If the fabric of your trousers puffs up like sails when you sit down, then they are too loose for you.
  • Don't worry if the pockets look a little weird and funny. Even if you chose perfect pants, the cut of the pockets has its own specific features and they will always bulge a little while sitting. If they bother you too much, you can easily get rid of them. To do this, you just need to find a good seamstress.
  • The length is easy to change. You can always cut them to the desired length. The recommended length is 2.5 cm from the floor if you want to show off your shoes, or about 7 mm from the floor if you have wide pants and you like it when they practically reach the floor.


When choosing a blazer, first of all, you need to pay attention to how it sits on your shoulders. To do this, you need to stretch your arms forward and arch your back. If it's too tight, try a size up. If you prefer to wear your blazer open, disregard the discomfort that can occur after you button it all the way down.

  • The shoulder straps should be straight on your shoulder and not slide down onto your arms. If the seam strip extends beyond the shoulder, the blazer will be too big and loose.
  • Sleeve length can be different - it all depends on your preferences. Cuffs can be a couple of centimeters below the wrist or above.


As I said above, jeans are my pain and sorrow. And I'm not alone in this. Pick up perfect jeans difficult, because each company sews according to a certain pattern and it’s not a fact that you fit.

When choosing jeans, remember that:

  • The fabric must be of high quality and sufficiently elastic. Since most fabrics now contain lycra or spandex, which means that they will stretch over time. This happens because heat badly affects the fabric and over time it loses some of its original qualities. In order to avoid this, it is advisable to wash them in a not very hot water and do not dry on the battery.
  • In most cases, we shorten purchased jeans, and in order for this not to be noticeable, ask the dressmaker to shorten them and sew on their "native" hem.


When choosing a shirt, pay attention to how the seams look when you put it on. They must remain flat. You also need to look at how the gaps between the buttons look when you fasten it. If the distance between the buttons is too large, and you like the blouse, this is not a reason to refuse it. You can always sew inconspicuous hooks into the gaps.

It is also worth remembering that:

  • The cuffs should fall just below the wrists and peek out a little from the sleeves of your blazer.
  • Make sure the shirt fits well on your hips. If they are too full, a fully buttoned shirt will bulge. Therefore, before taking final decision about buying, walk around the dressing room a bit and see how it will behave on your body.


Just like with a blazer, your shoulders are the hanger for your dress. The next place to look special attention when choosing a dress, it is your hips. And if you have chosen the right dress, then it will sit well both on your shoulders and on your hips, since they are on the same straight line.

It is also worth remembering that:

    The bust line should be in place. If it doesn't suit your proportions, it's better to find yourself another dress.
  • The same applies to the waistline - it is better not to buy dresses with a built-in waistline. In order to make sure whether it suits you or not, stand up and bend over first to one side, then to the other. In place of the bend and will be your waist. Dresses without a built-in waist fit almost any figure.

As you know, fashion is changeable, but style is not. Despite the trends of capricious fashion, each modern woman should know how to choose the right style of clothing for events different kind and the society in which it is supposed to be. How to do it - advice from professional stylists collected in this article.

Test for girls and women: the ideal image style

Before you find your style, you need to decide on the color type of appearance, a new look and type of figure:

  • color type depends on appearance - Colors of hair, skin, eyebrows. To find out yours, you need to daytime go to the mirror without makeup and put on a fabric or clothes of peach and pink flowers. If your color is peach, then you have warm color type am - "Spring" or "Autumn". If vice versa, then cold - "Summer" or Winter. Accordingly, when buying clothes, it is better to give preference to warm shades if you have a warm color type and vice versa;
  • Lifestyle- Another factor on which the choice of style directly depends. Active girls that are constantly on the move fit style sports - casual, country, military. Women who have connected their lives with business can opt for business casual. Girls who follow all the latest trends should definitely look at pajama and lingerie styles. As for the natures that go against the current, they should choose a style of clothing for themselves from such trends as grunge or boho, which express the unusual inner world in the best possible way;
  • body type- the last factor, but almost the dominant factor that you need to focus on when choosing clothes and style. Find out how to do this below.

Rules for choosing a style of clothing in accordance with the physique

Depending on the type of figure, the features of choosing clothes have certain differences.

Type of figure "Triangle"

The distinguishing features of the Triangle figure are narrow shoulders and wide hips. In order to look stylish, girls with such a figure should emphasize their shoulders, neck and arms.

Therefore, you should pay attention to:

Inverted Triangle Body Type

Girls with an “inverted triangle” figure should focus on the lower part of the silhouette.

Suitable for this purpose:

  • blouses and skirts with peplum;
  • fluffy skirts and free cut, it is possible with a pattern;
  • sweatshirts and jackets with set-in sleeves;
  • blouses with raglan sleeves.

Stylists recommend choosing trousers and skirts with decorative elements or opt for clothes in horizontal stripe. Such a pattern will visually increase the volume of the hips.

As for colors, when choosing a kit, you must follow the rule “dark top, white bottom”.

Shape type "Circle"

The owners of the “circle” figure have narrow shoulders and slender legs, but the body resembles the letter “O”. Such a figure is possessed by girls with lush breasts and hips.

To emphasize the dignity of the figure, girls should choose:

The chosen clothing should be slightly tight, and not tight silhouette.

Shape type "Rectangle"

Girls with a “rectangle” figure have the same width shoulders and hips and a slightly defined waist. In order to visually give this shape the ideal hourglass, girls have to change their wardrobe.

Basic in the wardrobe should be such things as:

Sweatshirts and blouses should be worn loose. On such a figure, clothing with short sleeves is appropriate.

Hourglass body type

Girls with an hourglass figure are very lucky, as the whole world is striving for them. ideal forms. They have approximately the same volume of the chest and hips and a pronounced "wasp" waist.

Owners of a chiseled figure can afford such clothes as:

Girls with an hourglass figure can afford massive or, conversely, miniature jewelry. Their clothes can be decorated with flounces, ruffles and other decorative elements.

Basic things in the wardrobe of stylish girls and women

business suit

The suit must be trouser, preferably black, but you can safely choose another neutral color - gray or blue. You can wear it to work wearing a white shirt under your jacket.

But no less elegant evening version when the image is complemented by a string of pearls. The shirt should be safely replaced with a T-shirt or top with decor.

Blouses and shirts

The basic wardrobe should have several blouses, shirts and T-shirts without a pattern and neutral colors such as white, beige and black. One of them must be in men's style in a calm shade, for example, blue, light pink.


Jeans dark blue and straight cut universal thing which is suitable for any occasion. They can be easily combined with a shirt, jacket and pumps for work or sneakers for a walk. Also, nothing prevents you from combining them with some trendy thing.

It is worth saying a few words about classic trousers separately. It can be straight or flared models with a high or medium fit. Like other elements of the basic wardrobe, they should be neutral, dark in color.


A dress that should definitely settle in the wardrobe is a black case. When choosing it, the cut is important - it must be perfect, without an extra fold.

In addition to the dress, you need to purchase a pencil skirt. It can be not only black, but also another neutral color. For example, gray, blue or beige. Such a skirt can be worn not only with a jacket, but also with a jacket or oversized sweater.

Jackets and sweaters

For cool weather, it is important to have in the wardrobe such things as:

  • turtleneck or sweater with a neck without unnecessary decorations;
  • a jacket, cardigan or jumper with a V-neck in a dark neutral color;
  • jumper light shade such as beige or grey.

The cut should be close-fitting, but in no case should it fit the silhouette. A couple of elements must be a free model.


The main role of accessories is to add the missing touch to the ensemble. They can be both unusual and classic. The main thing is that the image looks harmonious.

But, as in clothes, accessories have their own base, which every girl and woman should have:


For cool windy and rainy days, be sure to purchase a neutral-colored trench coat - beige, gray, blue. Wide waistband with buckle turn-down collar, coquettes, pseudo shoulder straps, straps and a slit at the back are a must.

For cold winter days suitable double-breasted cashmere coat below the knee length. It should not have unnecessary details and decorations, except for the belt. Like a trench coat, it should be discreet universal color. For example, blue.

The main rules for combining clothes

By cut

If you do not know how to choose a style of clothing for yourself in terms of cut, then, first of all, you should focus on your type of figure and the cut that is allowed for it. But you should also follow universal rule- if the bottom is tight, then the top should be free and vice versa.

Also, stylists allow a combination of original top and bottom, if this is implied by the style. Otherwise, you can get not a stylish, but a shapeless image.

By lenght

The wrong combination of length in clothes can lead to an imbalance of proportions and, as a result, instead of slender, the legs will become shorter and the torso too long. In order not to be mistaken with proportions, with a dress and a skirt or classic trousers with a high waist, a cropped or fitted jacket should be worn.

Cardigans and oversized sweaters should be worn with moderately fitted trousers. In no case should you wear a cardigan below the buttocks with a knee-length dress - such an ensemble will visually shorten the legs. The exception is long cardigans to the ankle - their ensemble, both with a dress and with trousers, will look great.

by color

To look stylish, it is important to remember a few rules for combining colors:

For clothes with patterns

Many girls avoid clothes with prints. Stylists note that this is an absolutely wrong step, since a properly selected one can radically change the image from an ordinary to a stylish one.

Options for combining things with a print:

By texture

When combining things in texture, one simple rule should be taken into account - thin fabrics make up an ensemble with thin ones, and dense ones with dense ones. For example, fine silk or chiffon are appropriate in summer sets, and wool and velvet - in winter.

But the exception to the rule is spring-autumn period when an opaque blouse made of satin, silk or chiffon can be worn with trousers or a skirt and complement the look with a jacket or cardigan.

Examples of body shaping with clothes

It's no secret that with the help of a properly selected ensemble, you can become slimmer or, conversely, visually add a couple of kilograms if the figure is too thin.

In order not to look fuller, you need to exclude from the wardrobe:

You can get slimmer by wearing:

  • fitted clothes with an elongated neckline;
  • clothes without voluminous pockets, stripes and other voluminous decor;
  • knee-length skirts and dresses with a couple of pleats in front, but in no case on the sides.

Girls who want to look fuller need to follow these tips, just the opposite.

Table of combinations of basic colors in the wardrobe

Modelers believe that basic wardrobe modern girl should be kept in neutral shades. To make it boring, the basic shades need to be diluted with other colors that combine with them. Table right combination colors in the wardrobe will help you choose the style of clothing for yourself in right colors and shades.

Tips from professional stylists to create the right bow

Do not copy other people's images

Images of stars are created taking into account the features of the figure and taste preferences. Therefore, it is incorrect to copy it completely. Such tactics do not allow revealing individuality and creating your own individual style, based on the features of appearance and figure.

Therefore, it would be more correct to analyze the bow you like, highlight the individual elements that are right for you, and then recreate a similar image, taking into account your own characteristics.

Clothing should be as comfortable as possible.

Stylish clothes are not only beautiful, but also comfortable. Moreover, not only physically, but also psychologically. It is hardly possible to look confident in trousers or a dress that are too tight. Or at high heels if a girl wears ballet flats most of the time.

When choosing clothes, you need to stick to the golden mean - beautiful and comfortable, and not just beautiful.

Of course, this is not a call to refuse, for example, from high heels. They can also be worn, but from time to time, as it is not so much beautiful as harmful.

Buy clothes according to your body type

No wonder stylists came up with a formula perfect figure- "hourglass". This does not mean that other types of figures are ugly. Vice versa, correct selection clothes will only emphasize this beauty and individuality, and will not flaunt figure flaws.

When updating your wardrobe, you should definitely take into account the type of figure and the clothes and proportions that correspond to it.

Try bold ideas and novelties

The beauty and fashion industry does not stand still, and what seemed like a fantasy for many years is now a reality. Therefore, you should boldly take into service and try on everything that a capricious lady offers, from clothes to the latest in cosmetology. The latter will allow you to stay young and beautiful for a long time to keep up with the times.

Fashionable bows and trends 2019

Cruise style

Despite the name, cruise style is clothing not only for leisure, but also for ordinary everyday life. It will always look stylish for girls of any complexion.

Before trying on this image, it is worth checking out the closet, as you may already have some of the style elements:

pajama style

Dresses in flowing fabrics with lace, spaghetti straps and loose suits reminiscent of sleepwear are all pajama style. According to the latest fashion shows, this style is not going to lose ground for a long time.

To distinctive features relate:

Stylists note that in order to look fashionable, you should definitely pay attention to impeccable makeup and styling. Otherwise, the image will be not only not stylish, but simply careless.

Linen style

Lingerie style is similar to pajama, but it still differs from the latter:

Style, despite the veil of intimacy, closed. Therefore, when choosing, you need to be modest so as not to look vulgar.

One of successful images lingerie style fans - a dress with a voluminous sweater and boats.

Military style

Military or military style is the best suited for urban life due to its practicality and convenience:

Hair should be simple. Short haircuts are welcome.

Bohemian style

Bohemian style or "boho" is usually preferred by creative, open to the world personality. One of the reasons is the opportunity to reveal your individual taste. The other is convenience. In style, according to the history of fashion, the city of Bohemia, where many gypsies lived, became the source of style.

Clothing in boho is characterized by the presence of:

But when creating such an image, it is important to remember the sense of proportion so as not to look too pretentious.

Casual style

Casual is a great style choice for those who don't know how to style themselves. This direction allows both business women and young girls to realize themselves and is located between strict classics and contemporary styles.

This direction is different:

  • the absence of such shiny details as rhinestones, sequins or glitter;
  • a combination of both branded and ordinary things;
  • a wide selection of colors and shades.

Casual is divided into several areas:

  • a sport in which the presence of elements is mandatory sportswear: sneakers, t-shirts;
  • street, which is characterized unusual combination various styles such as denim pants and a classic jacket;
  • business or chic, thanks to which you can combine comfortable and luxurious clothes. In this direction, a combination of simple clothes and prestigious jewelry is welcome.

Country style

Country style came from the West when European settlers flooded the continent. Their life was hard, as they left their native lands and explored new, unfamiliar places and customs.

Therefore, the clothes are distinguished by convenience and comfort:

A hat and Cossacks with spurs will make the image especially stylish.

grunge style

Grunge is a style of rebels who want to stand out from the crowd and protest against established norms and rules. They express their position to the world through clothes, boldly violating fashion rules established styles.

It is characterized by:

The image must be supplemented with shabby shoes on flat sole or high platform, as well as various headdresses. For example, a hat, a cap. Various massive accessories are also welcome.

Professional image makers note that you can choose a good style of clothing if you follow these tips. It is important not only to know how to do it, but also not to be afraid of experiments, so that the created image pleases not only the owner, but also delights those around.

Video on how to choose a style for yourself

Features of choosing clothes by type of figure:

How to choose jeans according to the type of figure: