Children's riddles for children 8 10. An approximate list of riddles for lotto. Riddles about things

Large selection riddles with answers for the funniest and intellectual entertainment with kids. Plunging into a "mysterious" world where fantasy and reality intersect, adults forget about everything in the world and turn back into children, and children learn to find correct decisions hidden in the most ordinary words... It's no secret that children's riddles help your child's development.

Riddles for children are different. You can hold home quizzes on holidays and weekends, in family circle... Such events can include riddles about food, animals, birds and insects, as well as trick riddles.

Some of the famous psychologists of our time said that riddles make you think. Still would! A riddle, or a small funny quatrain that explains a word, influences the formation of a child's worldview, develops intelligence, logic, imagination and attention, reaction speed.

How to choose children's riddles?

Children's riddles should be fascinating, funny, a little difficult so that the child does not immediately guess. Children are curious. They will love brain teasers for kids. It is not necessary to accept the defeat of the child until the last, even if he asks for an answer. Better offer him a prize if he can solve the riddle himself.

Beyond seriousness, among encrypted answers, secrets and secrets, a play of imagination begins, in the process of which logical, associative and creative thinking children.

At the age of seven, the child is usually already attending school. Therefore, the task of parents is to teach the kid to perceive the lessons as something interesting, exciting and entertaining. To achieve this goal, you can do lessons in game form... Of course, not with all subjects it will be possible to carry out such a trick, but in mathematics, logic and similar topics, this scheme is completely suitable. Riddles for a child of 7 years old should be varied, bright and interesting.

Why should a child make riddles

Solving logical chains and riddles is not an easy task. Therefore, it is worth carefully preparing for the process. The child needs such games due to the fact that:

  • Riddles for a child of 7 years old help develop imagination.
  • They open up the opportunity for the child to turn on logical thinking.
  • Also, such riddles contribute to the expansion of horizons.
  • They are cognitive and provide an opportunity to learn something new.

How to turn an activity into a game

You can easily captivate the child with activities by inventing some kind of motivation. For example, presenting an award if all puzzles are solved. You can also come up with a cumulative incentive system. Create a poster and issue stickers for correct answers. At the end of the week, if the previously agreed number of stickers is collected, buy the desired toy.

Riddles for a child 7 years old about nature

Of course, a child at this age already knows many plants, flowers, natural phenomena, so such tasks are quite within his power. Interesting and give an impetus to think about riddles for children of 7 years old. There will be no problems with the answers. Riddles will open up the opportunity to test the knowledge and imagination of the child.

As soon as it came out from behind a cloud, everything immediately lit up.

What is this? Who will answer? It sends rays to my face.

Everything around has darkened, drops fall on the meadow,

Clouds walk across the sky, a strong wind picks up.

What is it, who will answer, we think rather children.

With the arrival of spring, it covers everything around with yellow.

And then it suddenly turns into snow.

What kind of flower is this, tell me, friend?


It worries, makes noise, you love to swim in it.

Ships go there, and you can't see the land from them.

Guess it's almost a river, but you can't see the banks.

Wonderful patterns are floating in the sky:

Dogs, horses, white and mischievous.

It's fun to see them in the sky during the day.

And at night they are almost invisible later.

Like an artist, he paints in the windows,

It covers forests and fields with ice.

And the snow doesn't melt because of him,

So that we could ride later.

You can also take into account riddles for children of 7 years old are short and easy to understand.

White patterns on blue sky... (Clouds)

Blowing, howling and sweeping, your hair is in awe. (Wind)

After the rain, nature draws in the sky clear, colorful and beautiful. (Rainbow)

Difficult and for children 7 years old

Children tend to think out of the ordinary and not like adults. Therefore, they will definitely like logic puzzles for children of 7 years old.

If a white handkerchief is lowered into the Black Sea, what will it become? (Wet)

How to find a black cat in a dark room? (Turn on the light)

Your fridge contains ice cream, cakes, sweets and cookies that you want to treat your guests to. What will you discover first? (Fridge)

On the thermometer in the room, the thermometer shows a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius. If you hang another thermometer, how much will the temperature be on it? (25 degrees Celsius)

What will happen to the horse after it turns five years old? (Will be six years old)

Mom wanted to make an omelet. Broke eggs and was surprised that the yolk is not white. Why did it happen? (Yolk is never white)

There were five apples on the tree. Of these, four were yellow and one was green. A month later, the green apple also turned yellow, how many apples are there on the tree after that? (Five)

You can amuse the kid and ask riddles for children 7 years old funny. Most of them are tricky, so your child will have to listen carefully to get the right answer.

Five pears grow on a birch, and four on a pine. How many pears are there in the trees? (None, no pears grow on these trees)

How many seeds are in an empty glass. (There are no seeds in an empty glass)

What kind of dishes cannot be eaten? (From empty)

Children played snowballs. After that, six gloves dried up on the radiator at the school. How many children were involved in the game? (Three)

Five swans were floating on the lake. Two of them dived to catch a fish. How many swans are left in the lake? (Five)

Eight dog legs are visible from under the fence. How many dogs are behind the fence? (Two)

Which weighs more? One kilogram of nails or one kilogram of cotton wool? (Equally weigh)

The boy in the sieve transferred the water, how did he manage it? (He froze her)

Such riddles for children of 7 years old with answers that are sometimes not easy to find will appeal to both boys and girls of this age.

Riddles about animals

Very interesting riddles for children 7 years old about animals.

He eats the leaves from the top tree,

He has two ears sticking out.

He himself is a speck

Who is this, honey?

Jumps like a squirrel

Only on the ground.

She has a bag

For your children

Strong paws.

Who are these guys?


He wakes everyone up in the morning

He does not let us sleep.

Sings very loudly,

That all the people will wake up.

Motley feathers, yellow paws,

The chicken is his wife, and the children are chickens.

Everyone is watching the brilliant

Then he flies, grabs him.

And where does she keep it,

Nobody has found out yet.

Sly, fluffy, loves to profit.

Believes a sort of cheat and a bun and a bird.

Red-haired beauty, a cheat flaunts in the forest.

She clucks a little

Chicks are her babies.

Delicious eggs

Lives with our neighbor.

What a miracle bird, it does not sit in its nest,

He walks along the streets and swallows seeds.

They walk in the park, and they are also postal.

The redhead walks in the park, runs from tree to tree.

She gnaws nuts, hides berries and seeds in the hollow.

This is a sea bird that flies over the waves in space.

In the evenings on the shore, I can always meet her.

Riddles for a child of 7 years old are fascinating and interesting, especially if they are about animals. You should definitely use them when playing games.

Riddles about profession

Of course, riddles for a 7-year-old child should be varied and multifaceted. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to include in game program puzzles about different professions of people.

He works with a syringe skillfully,

He knows everything about the pills.

Helps to cure bronchitis,

It will protect you from any disease.

Scissors and a comb are his best friends.

Mom, Dad, and you and me also go there.

He embodies different hairstyles into reality,

And he knows very well how to do it.


He knows a lot, studies history.

In a museum, in a park, in a castle, he broadcasts legends to us.

Tells how old the trees are

When the house is built.

He knows all the exhibits

We can hardly figure it out without it.


A man is on guard of order.

Dressed in uniform and banned.

If extra people were able to get into the house,

He can deal with them.

Sharp hearing, eagle eye,

He will protect any of us.

(Police officer)

He checks numbers, books and notebooks every day.

Loves children, teaches them,

Asks the class to calm down.


Riddles about vegetables and fruits

The children really like the problems about vegetables and about fruits, especially if they are composed competently, brightly and thoughtfully.

Full of vitamins

She is orange.

And her braid is green.

Itself sits in the ground,

And he keeps his braid under the sun.


They grow on trees, everyone knows them perfectly.

One by two they grow

There are reds, yellows, and oranges.

Inside they have a bone, which is removed.


The round sun is orange.

Only not in heaven, but on the table.

Usually children are very fond of them,

Because they are reminiscent of winter.


It looks like a lamp in shape,

But juicy and delicious.

They eat this berry for colds,

Though it is very bitter.

Therefore, grandmother with sugar for the winter

It always closes it.

She has a thousand clothes, she is green

It is eaten raw, stewed and sometimes salted.

It grows in the garden with my grandmother,

Whoever says it will get pancakes.


Riddles about toys

This is probably every child's favorite theme. Therefore, you can turn on the fantasy about your favorite toys.

He's soft, fluffy and sweet little brother

Everyone calls him ... (teddy bear)

I dress her like my own daughter,

And I do her hair, walk, feed her.

I have a lot of them, or rather, do not count,

You probably also have such a toy.

Tin, wood and plastic can be.

I line them up in order to protect the fortress of cubes.

(Toy soldiers)

Play with children, let the lessons be a long-awaited event for them, and not a heavy burden.

Students high school are often distracted, therefore, riddles for children 10 years old are used to develop perseverance and attentiveness.

Riddles - ancient art our ancestors for transmission wise thoughts and the development of ingenuity. Folk method has not lost its relevance now. It is suitable for both preschoolers and teenagers of 14 years old. Solving a variety of puzzles increases them intellectual development, teaches you to reason and not be afraid to prove your opinion.

What are the riddles?

If a child in kindergarten did not instill a love of riddles, start studying them with simple examples even for 13-14 year olds. Describe an object, animal, bird, or natural phenomenon allegorically. Let him think and tell the answer. Sometimes it can be difficult to quickly identify the correct answers. Then simplify the task and describe the question in more detail. The child will definitely guess.

Children as young as 12 love rhymed riddles. These are small quatrains in which you need to correctly name the last word... Grade 5 students enjoy taking part in quizzes.

  1. The teacher collects 2 teams of students.
  2. In turn, one representative from each team comes out, and the teacher reads the riddle.
  3. The winner is the one who is the first to say the correct answer.
  4. Points are awarded for the winnings and a small prize is awarded to the winning team.

When the guys get used to naming the answer, quickly rhyming the last word, complicate the task. Come up with children's trick riddles in which the rhyming word at the end of the quatrain is wrong. It's good to use such techniques in comic contests, skits. This is a fun activity that can easily captivate the entire class team and quietly develop the attention of 12 year old schoolchildren, teach them to focus their thoughts.

You can use riddles-poems based on artistic images and knowledge of 12-13 year old children about the world around them.

Children's riddles are interesting not only to guess, but also to come up with. Such a process allows the child to distinguish in things and phenomena important features and develops lateral thinking. If you start to train logic as early as possible and continue at the age of 12, then at 14 summer age schoolchildren will have no problems with algebra and geometry. They'll get used to looking original solutions and search for the very essence.

High school students will be interested in complex puzzles, over the answers to which you need to thoroughly smash your head. They are different:

  • mathematical;
  • based life situations;
  • on the development of erudition and deduction;
  • on the development of logic with a trick.

Teens with developed logical thinking sometimes click riddles that not every adult can handle.

The best riddles

We have a girl named Sveta.

She has two secrets.

The first is all soft wool.

He lay in a prominent place.

But then the second secret

Very small, barely light,

I played a little with him -

I unrolled everything around the house.

Sveta saw it

And she wound it back.

What are the secrets

Have our Sveta got it?

(Tangle, kitten)

She's not cryin 'in the world

But, crying, it gives light to people.

She is thin, she is small

But her deeds are great!

And without her everything would be around

The tailors would be like no hands.

Klim told us, almost crying:

- I have a dacha in the village.

But for the whole season on her

I didn't pick vegetables.

- How many times, - Sveta asked, -

Have you been at the dacha over the summer?

Klim answered her, blinking:

- Once. Harvesting.

And now, just right,

I will ask, friends, from you,

Why is Klim empty -

No potatoes, no cabbage?

(Because vegetables in the country

do not grow by themselves)

The granddaughter of grandfather Luka taught:

- They come from sand

And from iron, from hair.

What is it? Here is the question!

Outside the village, in the forest, for a long time

It has eaten into the tree.

And since then it happens

A gaping void inside.

And it happens that it is full

The owl's head is visible.

Not a magician, but moreover

He owns magic.

And suddenly a broken vase

He will make the whole at once.

He has a huge body

It has six KAMAZ cargoes

He rushes quickly with loads,

In a hurry to the right place.

And while he, mind you, -

Well, well, well! - sings on the way.

(Railway carriage)

These shoes are good

But we don't rush her

And not to grind in a month -

You can only dump.

(Felt boots)

Children have a great interest in him.

A lot of miracles happen there.

So, for example, mongrels have football in honor

And they can even keep score.

Hockey players can be heard crying Did the goalkeeper let them pass ...?

(not a ball, but a puck)

He's a big naughty comedian

He has a house on the roof.

Braggart and braggart,

And his name is ...

(not Dunno, but Carlson)

The grandmother was carrying a hundred eggs to the market, and the bottom dropped how many eggs remained in the basket.
(Not a single one, after all, the bottom fell ..)

Not a rider, but with spurs,
Not an alarm clock, but wakes everyone up.

She is beautiful and sweet

And her name is from the word "ash".


One eye, one horn, but not a rhino?

(A cow peeps around the corner)

Five boys

Five closets.

The boys went their separate ways

Into the dark closets.

Every boy

Into your closet.

(Fingers and gloves)

The nose is round, with a patch,

It is convenient for them to dig in the ground,

Tail small crochet,

Instead of shoes - hooves.

Three of them - and to what

Brothers are similar.

Guess without a clue,

Who are the heroes of this tale?

(Three pigs)

Father had a strange boy

Unusual - wooden.

But my father loved his son.

What a weird

Wooden man

On land and under water

Looking for a golden key?

Everywhere he sticks his nose long.

Who is this? .. (Pinocchio).

Autumn rain walked around the city,

The rain has lost its rain.

The mirror lies on the asphalt

The wind will blow - it will tremble. (Puddle)

I have worn them for many years

I don’t know the account.

If it weren't for him,

I wouldn't say anything.

There is water all around, but drinking is a problem. (Sea).

Thirty-two are threshing

one turns.

(Teeth and tongue)

There are many teeth, but he does not eat anything.


People always have

Ships always have.

Little boy in a gray Armenian

He sneaks around the yards, picks up crumbs,

It roams at night - steals hemp.


He knocks all the time, hollows trees.

But they are not crippled, but only healed.

Black, nimble,

Screams "krak" - the worms are the enemy.

In the morning goes to four,

In the afternoon for two, and in the evening for three.

(Child, adult, old man)

He appeared in a yellow fur coat:

Goodbye two shells!


A beauty walks, easily touches the ground,

Goes to the field, to the river,

And on a snowball, and a flower.

On the wall, in a conspicuous place,

Gathers the news together

And then its tenants

Will fly to all ends.


She has her whole soul wide open,

And even though there are buttons - not a shirt,

Not a turkey, but inflates

And not a bird, but flooded.


Everyone is rejoicing today!

In the hands of the kids

They dance for joy

Air ...

If I see dust, I grumble, wrap it up and swallow it.

(Vacuum cleaner)

Cracked from the very morning: "Por-r-ra! Por-r-ra! "

What is the time? What a hassle with her,

When it bursts ...

Variegated fidget, long-tailed bird,

The bird is talkative, the most talkative.

White-sided sorceress, and her name is ...

They say in Moscow, but we can hear it.

Carpenter with a sharp chisel

Builds a house with one window.

I will sit under my armpit and indicate what to do:

Or I'll put you to bed, or I'll let you go for a walk.


Angry touchy

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

There are a lot of needles

And the thread is not one.

Blue house at the gate.

Guess who lives in it.

The door is narrow under the roof -

Not for squirrels, not for mice,

Not for a veritable tenant,

Talkative starling.

News flies into this door,

They spend half an hour together.

News does not stay for a long time -

They fly in all directions!


Ponytail with patterns, boots with spurs,

Little white feathers, red comb.

Who is that on the peg?

(Petya the cockerel)

There are no clouds on the horizon

But an umbrella opened in the sky.

In a few minutes

Got down …


Difficult options

  1. The hostess needs to bake 6 pies. How can she cope in 15 minutes, if only 4 pies are placed in the pan, and the pie must be baked on each side for 5 minutes?
    (Answer: 1) put 4 pies; 2) turn over 2 pies, remove 2, put 2 new ones; 3) We remove 2 ready-made ones, turn 2 over and turn over 2 that were removed earlier.)
  2. Vova and Sasha played in a dirty and dark attic. Vova's face was completely smeared with soot, and Sashino miraculously remained clean. Going down, the guys looked at each other in the light of day, but for some reason it was not Vova who went to wash, but Sasha. (Answer: Sasha looked at Vova's face, and since it was dirty, he thought that he also got dirty, and therefore went to wash. And Vova, who looked at clean face Sasha, it didn't even occur to him that he himself might be grimy ..)
  3. What sign should you put between the digits 8 and 9 so that the answer is less than 9 but more than 8? (Answer: you need to put a comma).
  4. Katya really wanted to buy chocolate, but to buy it, she had to add 11 kopecks. And Dima wanted chocolate, but he lacked 2 kopecks. They decided to buy at least one chocolate bar, but they still lacked 2 kopecks. How much does chocolate cost? (Answer: a chocolate bar costs 11 kopecks, Katya has no money at all).
  5. A prisoner was kept in an empty cell. He sat alone, every day they brought him dry bread, how did the bones appear in the cell? (Answer: bones from fish, bread was brought with fish soup).
  6. One boy was walking in the park and saw a high school student. The high school student offered to argue: “If I write your exact height in a notebook, then you will give me 1000 rubles, and if I am mistaken, then I will give you. I promise that I will not ask you any questions, and I will not measure you either. " The boy agreed. The high school student wrote something in a notebook, showed it to the boy, the boy looked and gave the high school student 1,000 rubles. How did the high school student manage to win the argument? (Answer: the high school student wrote "your exact height" in the notebook).
  7. There were five apples on the plate for five children. Each child took an apple. However, one apple remained on the plate. How is this possible? (Answer: Last child took an apple along with a plate)
  8. Today is not Sunday and tomorrow is not Wednesday. Yesterday was not Friday, and the day before yesterday was not Monday. Tomorrow is not Sunday, and yesterday was not Sunday. The day after tomorrow is not Saturday or Sunday. Yesterday was neither Monday nor Wednesday. The day before yesterday was not Wednesday, and tomorrow is not Tuesday. Yes, and today is not Wednesday. What day of the week is today when you consider that one statement on the list is false? (Answer: Today is SUNDAY)

Children aged 14 love computing puzzles different numbers, for weighing and finding the mathematical sequence. To solve them, a piece of paper and a pen are often used to draw a condition. This makes it easier to find the answer. Such tasks are difficult at first glance, but it is worth thinking a little, concentrating, and the correct answer will be found.

Children's riddles based on life situations make you think outside the box. Sometimes you need to listen to a condition several times and imagine a picture in your head before finding an answer.

Riddles for erudition are the most interesting. To solve them 14 summer guys should be well versed:

  • in history;
  • in literature;
  • in the cinema.

Some answers can be found using only logic, but more often knowledge is also needed. For example:

  • Ask students to answer why the 22nd and 24th presidents of America had common parents if the rulers were not brothers?
  • The answer is simple, for those who know history. Cleveland Grover was elected to the post 2 times. Since this is one and the same person, he cannot be his brother.

If 12-14 year olds want to play detective, offer them entertaining riddles for the development of deduction. There are many examples of such answer puzzles on the Internet.

  • They are like small stories, in which there is necessarily complicated story.
  • It must be unraveled and by logical reasoning to find the culprit, the lost thing, or to answer the question correctly.
  • Assignments are often reinforced with pictures that show the correct answer.
  • You need to carefully study, think and solve a complex rebus.

Baby logic puzzles with a trick should be funny. Name 14 year olds usual question requiring a non-standard answer. Classes train the mind, memory, teach to find original solutions. Funny riddles can be used to entertain class students at a big break, after school or at a holiday.

As you play riddles with 14 year olds, do not forget to get answers in case the guys do not cope with the task at hand. Help students to train logical thinking. This will enable them to accept correct decisions in adulthood, will increase their intellectual level and allow interesting free time.

Riddles for younger students with answers

1. Where are the swamps of green ooze,

The ballerina appeared.

On one leg she

She stood until dark. (Heron.)

2. Plays on the chimney,

The harp is the wires

Everyone knows a musician

Though I've never seen it. (Wind.)

3. Tourists float along the river

Or they go on foot.

They always have in their backpack

Comfortable light home. (Tent.)

4. Not a tailor, but always

He walks with needles. (Hedgehog.)

5. Without wings flies in the sky,

Bursts into tears and disappears. (Cloud.)

6. Our hats are like rings,

Like rings of waves by the river.

We are friends of russula

We are called mushrooms ... (Volnushka.)

7. Under the fallen leaves

Mushrooms hid together.

Very cunning sisters

These yellow ... (Chanterelles.)

8. He is not used to bows,

Thick, important ... (Borovik.)

9. Huddled together like chickens

There are mushrooms near us ... (Honey mushrooms.)

10. She does not sit still,

Carries news on its tail. (Magpie.)

11. It is decorated with a tuft

And he lives in a dry hollow.

All forest people know:

Call this bird ... (Hoopoe.)

12. Lives in a swamp,

He sings with soul,

Legs like knitting needles

And he himself is small. (Sandpiper.)

13. Not a hillock

There is a girl in a headscarf.

But autumn will come -

She will throw off the handkerchief. (Birch.)

14. Gray feather -

Gold neck. (Nightingale.)

15. I'm not afraid of anyone -

I will cling to anyone myself. (Burr.)

16. He was yellow, he turned white,

Only the breeze will blow -

He will fly boldly to the clouds,

He is a flying flower. (Dandelion.)

17. This yellow fruit is growing

Where summer is all year round.

He's like the edge of the moon

You should all know him. (Banana.)

18. This horse has striped clothes,

Her clothes look like a sailor suit. (Zebra.)

19. The forest is falling

Not a lumberjack

Builds dams,

Not a hydroelectric builder. (Beaver.)

20. Along the paths, along the lowlands

The invisible man walks in the forest,

Repeating after me

All words are in the silence of the forest. (Echo.)

21. What is that arrow there

Did you light up the black sky?

The black sky lit up -

She went into the ground with a crash. (Lightning.)

22. How to name the needles

By the pine and the Christmas tree? (Needles.)

23. The lamb's brother is formidable and horned. (Ram.)

24. It flows, flows, flows.

Winter will come - she will fall asleep. (River.)

25. Along the yellow river Limpopo

A green log is floating.

Suddenly silt rose in the river,

And it comes out ... (Crocodile.)

26. Walks on the sea,

Seagulls overtake

And it will reach the coast,

Here it will disappear. (Wave.)

27. We will find cities, seas,

Mountains, parts of the world -

Fits on it

The whole planet. (Globe.)

28. A flower flies over a flower

And flutters, and flutters. (Butterfly.)

29. Although he has four legs,

He will not run along the path. (Chair or table.)

30. What kind of water at once

Can't look around? (Sea.)

31. Who lives in water all the time,

But he does not drink water itself:

Neither lake nor river,

Not any other? (A fish.)

32. Where is the water from year to year

Does not run and does not flow

Does not sing and does not murmur,

And it is always a pillar. (In the well.)

33. When he is not there, everyone calls: "Here!"

And as soon as it comes, they run where and where. (Rain.)

34. A blacksmith forges a crown in heaven. (Thunder.)

35. That is white, then red.

It is either love or it is dangerous. (Fire.)

36. Long-legged skater

I drew a sheet of notebook paper!

Every dance is a circle

What's his name, buddy? (Compass.)

37. He weaves a net, not a hammock,

Although he is not a fisherman at all.

And puts nets not in the river,

And in the corner, on the ceiling. (Spider.)

38. It comes out in hot summer

V white down jacket dressed.

But the wind will blow - in an instant

The down jacket is flying around. (Dandelion.)

39. Look at the baby -

He deduces, slowly,

Neat, clean,

Letters and numbers.

One or two! One or two!

Weaves words from letters.

And crumbling in your hand

Disappears on the board. (Chalk.)

40. It goes, it runs,

And it stretches.

But overtake, stop

It's not meant to be. (Time.)

41. I warned him,

So that he woke me up.

Until the morning he worried

Everybody walked, walked, walked! (Alarm.)

42. Nimble sixty sisters

Brother has one!

But if there is no one sister.

Then there is no him. (Hour and minutes.)

43. Them in exactly one year

Twelve will pass.

Lined up

And they pass in a row. (12 months.)

44. This shift is underway

Unchanged for centuries.

It goes from cold to warm

Well, and then vice versa. (Seasons.)

45. If you make friends with me -

You won't get lost on the hike. (Compass.)

46. ​​First - find a consonant,

And then look at the face.

While you are struggling with the question -

The answer digs the ground with his nose. (Mole.)

47. The beginning of a word is a measure of weight,

And the ending is from the forest.

You can solve the problem

Guessing the breed is a dog. (Poodle.)

48. Mom has a sister,

You won't be kinder!

I am very proud

After all, she is my ... (aunt.)

49. At least read from the beginning,

At least from the end.

And the answer will come out -

Part of the face. (Eye.)

50. Someone in the morning, slowly,

Inflates a red balloon

And how will he let go -

It will suddenly become light around. (The sun.)

51. I love it when the sea is quiet,

But I don't like bad weather.

Always persistent and dashing

I wink at the ship. (Lighthouse.)

52. He is the thinnest of all,

But it still happens

That once every four years

He is recovering for the day. (February.)

53. You look east in the morning -

You will see a red bun.

And in heaven he is not lazy

Lean west all day. (The sun.)

54. There is a back, four legs,

Not a dog or a cat. (Chair.)

55. The first syllable is a pronoun,

The second syllable is frog singing,

Well, and the word itself is in nature,

Does it grow in the garden, in the garden. (Pumpkin.)

56. Joy in the eyes,

In the eyes of surprise

In our family today

Another addition!

In our house

A girl has appeared!

Now I'm her brother

And she told me ... (sister.)

57. He has four legs,

Paws - claw-scratches,

A pair of sensitive ears.

He is a thunderstorm for mice. (Cat.)

58. She speaks silently,

It's understandable and not boring.

You talk to her more often -

You will become 10 times smarter. (Book.)

59. Has three different eyes,

But it will not open them immediately:

If the eye opens red -

Stop! You can't go, it's dangerous!

Yellow eye - wait

And green - come in! (Traffic lights.)

60. Wooden sisters,

Two small sisters

Knocked on the sides

I replied: "Trump-there-there." (Drum.)

61. Carpenter with a sharp chisel

Builds a house with one window. (Woodpecker.)

62. There is a commotion in the yard,

Peas are falling from the sky

Nina ate six peas

She now has a sore throat. (Grad.)

63. The sun ordered - stop,

The seven-color bridge is steep!

The cloud hid the sun's light -

The bridge has collapsed, but there are no chips. (Rainbow.)

64. Guess, guys,

What kind of acrobat figure?

If it gets up on your head,

It will be exactly three less. (Nine.)

65. Black, little tail,

Doesn't bark, doesn't bite,

And from class to class

Doesn't let him. (Deuce.)

66. She will fluff her sides,

Its four corners

And you, as night falls,

All the same it will attract to itself. (Pillow.)

67. Four blue suns

Grandma's in the kitchen

Four blue suns

Burned and went out.

The cabbage soup has ripened, pancakes are sizzling.

Until tomorrow the sun is not needed. (Gas stove.)

68. On a step ladder

The bagels are hung.

Click and click - five and five -

69. Five steps - a ladder,

There is a song on the steps. (Notes.)

70. A house without windows and doors,

Like a green chest.

It has six plump children

Called - ... (pod.)

71. Eight legs are like eight arms,

A circle is embroidered with silk.

The master in silk knows a lot

Buy flies, silk! (Spider.)

72. Kind of her, like a comma,

Crochet tail, and it's no secret:

She loves everyone who is lazy

And her lazy people are not. (Deuce.)

73. I eat coal, I drink water,

As I get drunk - I will add speed.

I drive a train with a hundred wheels

And I am called ... (steam locomotive.)

74. Mathematical relations:

The more you take from it

The more it gets. (Pit.)

75. The canvas, not the track,

A horse, not a horse - a centipede

Crawling along that path,

The whole wagon train is lucky. (Train.)

76. I puff, puff, puff,

I carry a hundred wagons. (Locomotive.)

77. On the hand, and on the wall,

And on a tower above

They walk with a fight and without a fight,

Everyone needs it - and you and me. (Watch.)

78. I'm so cute, I'm so round

I am made up of two circles.

How glad I am that I have found

For yourself, friends like you. (Eight.)

79. He's old, but that's okay

He's no kinder.

He is my daddy's dad,

And for me he ... (grandfather.)

80. Units of magnitude:

A mole climbed into our yard,

Digs the ground at the gate.

A ton will enter the mouth of the earth,

If the mole opens its mouth. (Excavator.)

81. Thirty-three sisters -

Written beauties

On one live page

And they are famous everywhere! (Letters.)

82. I am stronger than ten horses.

Where in the fields will I pass in the spring,

Bread will become a wall in the summer. (Tractor.)

83. In the clearing near the trees

The house is built from needles.

He is not visible behind the grass,

There are a million tenants in it. (Anthill.)

84. He is golden and mustache,

There are a hundred guys in a hundred pockets. (Ear.)

85. What kind of birds are flying by?

Seven in each flock,

They fly in a string

Do not go back. (Days of the week.)

86. Guess, guys,

What is the figure of the acrobat?

If it gets up on your head,

Exactly three more will be. (Six.)

87. Three brothers are burning the stoves,

Three - plowing near the river,

Three brothers mow together,

Three - bring mushrooms to the house. (Twelve months.)

88. Twelve brothers

They walk one after another,

Do not bypass each other. (Months.)

Rhyming Exercises (Riddles for the collective answer)

The line has no end

Where there are three points.

Who will invent the end

That will be ... (well done.)

She buzzes all, buzzes,

Circles over the flower, circles,

She sat down, took the juice from the flower,

Honey prepares us ... (bee.)

Helps us on the farm

And willingly populates

Wooden palace

Dark bronze ... (starling.)

We are in the forest and in the swamp,

You will always find us everywhere:

In the clearing, on the edge,

We are green ... (frogs.)

Instead of a nose - a patch,

I am a funny ... (pig.)

I rush like a bullet, I go ahead

Only ice creaks

Yes, the lights flicker.

Who is carrying me? (Skates.)

There is a scream on the ice rink

A disciple rushes to the gate.

Everybody shouts:

"Washer! Hockey stick! Hit! " -

A fun game ... (hockey.)

There are a lot of them in the summer,

And in winter everyone dies out.

They jump, buzz over the ear,

What are they called? (Flies.)

Who is without notes and without a pipe

Who is this? (Nightingale.)

I am in any bad weather

I respect water very much.

I protect myself from the mud -

Clean gray ... (goose.)

He slept all winter in a fur coat,

Sucked a brown paw,

And when he woke up, he began to roar.

This beast is a forest ... (bear.)

Feeling no legs for joy,

I'm flying down the snowy hill!

Sport has become dearer and closer to me.

Who helped me with this? (Skis.)

I took two oak bars,

Two iron runners

I stuffed the bars onto the bars.

Give it snow! Ready ... (sled.)

I've been catching bugs all day

I eat worms

I don't fly to a warm land,

I live here under the roof.

Chick-chirp, don't be shy!

I am an experienced ... (sparrow.)

A collection of riddles for fun and cognitive activities with kids. All children's riddles are given with answers.

Riddles for children are rhymes or prose expressions that describe an object without naming it. Most often, the main attention in children's riddles is given to some unique property subject or its similarity to another subject.

For our distant ancestors, riddles were a kind of test of wisdom and ingenuity fairytale heroes... Almost every fairy tale asked questions that the main characters had to answer in order to receive a magical gift.

It is customary to separate riddles for children and adults. In this section you will find only children's riddles, solving which turns into a game and not only teaches, but also develops the logic of your kid. Their number is constantly growing, because people still continue to invent, and we continue to post the most interesting ones.

All riddles for children are answered so that you can test yourself. If you are playing with a very small child, then you should look at the answers in advance, because you need to make sure that he already knows the word that is the answer. Play the game with your child and he will understand that learning can be interesting and even fun!

Children's riddles: how to choose?

Surprisingly, children's preferences for riddles are so different that it is not possible to identify any trend. Of course, kids are delighted with riddles for children about birds, animals, all kinds of bugs and spiders. Older children love to play riddles about fairy-tale characters and heroes of modern cartoons.

To turn the guessing into entertaining game, you need to choose a topic in accordance with what you are doing now and where you are. On vacation outside the city, choose children's riddles about animals and birds, if you went mushrooming in the forest - riddles about mushrooms. This choice will bring you and your child new experiences and joy. Imagine that you are relaxing on a lake or river and your little one sees a fish. And if you have prepared in advance and took with you riddles about fish? Success to you in the game of the water puzzle and nautical theme provided.

Attention: the site contains riddles for children with answers! Just click on the word "Answer".