Children's poems for mom. Lullaby for mom. "When you are with us"

mommy today
Your birthday!
Be as fashionable
Good, groovy!

I wish you many years
Make us happy always!
Mom, congratulations!
I love you!

Our dear mother,
These tender lines are for you.
The cutest and most beautiful
The best on this earth.
Know that children consider you
The best mom in the world!

Our mother, dear,
Don't count your years.
You are young with us
And always beautiful!

So stay like this
You for many years
Be our shining star
And never fade!

Mom, you are more beautiful than a scarlet rose
Dahlias and mimosa
Even bright color carnation
We couldn't outshine you!

You are softer than the breath of the wind
More beautiful than the plague summer
From your smile
Instantly becomes brighter

Kindness is in your hands
Like a fairy tale in sweet dreams
And in your eyes spring
Lots of sun and warmth

Stay like this
Just be yourself
Let your star burn
And the dream will come true!

Mom is sweet, beloved, dear,
Today is your birthday
I wish you love and happiness
So that your grandchildren guard your peace.

I didn’t know that you were sick and hard
Misfortune passed by
But luck, holiday and fun,
Always walking beside you!

You are queen, queen
My dear mother,
On your name day
Papa made - the king!

And from princes and princesses -
This word is a gift to you
And we give the sky
The light of the star and the sun is hot!

Mom, mom, happy birthday!
You are the best, the most beautiful of all!
Be happy, no doubt
And success awaits you in everything!

I love and respect you
After all, you are my true idol!
I wish you good health
Let the world rejoice with you!

Dear! Darling! We need you!
You are kind and beautiful, tender in your heart.
Always be healthy and cheerful
May the sun of good luck light your path.

It's bad for us, we call you for help,
If it hurts: “Mom”, we scream.
We don't always bring joy
Maybe someday we'll get upset.

And always in any of our deeds
You give us your warmth,
kind word you make promises
The heart becomes warm.

Long life to you, dear mother.
All that she could give us
Let your life become brighter, more beautiful,
Our mother, mother and mother!

I want to be always happy.
Kind, sweet, patient.
Always be a little new
Cheerful, healthy.
Be more young
And do not grow old in soul.

Happy birthday to mom in prose

Mommy, beloved, dear, we cherish your love. We remember how you caressed us, hugged us, thank you for everything. Live long, not knowing old age, may your dreams be calm and light. We love you very much, dear, We wish you happiness, joy, love!

Mom, happy birthday, I want to congratulate you! And with all my heart I want to wish that all misfortunes and hardships disappear. May the years not age you, so that your strength does not leave you, may all your affairs go successfully. Be always cheerful and beautiful.

Dear, beloved mother! Happy Birthday to You! You are the most caring, dear and affectionate for us! Even if wrinkles appear on your face and your head is already turning gray, we love you very much! And we will never forget you! I wish you good health, constant happiness and good luck!

Dear Mom! Congratulations on your birthday! Let the warm ray warm gentle hands yours! May the smile never leave your eyes! Happiness to you, health and good luck! I love you!

My dear, dear mother. I heartily congratulate you on your birthday. May your life be long and happy, may good luck always accompany you. Let the sun give you rays of warmth and light. Let diseases forget your address forever. All earthly blessings to you, dear, joy and warmth. May all your dreams come true. Thank you, dear mother, that you always support me with wise advice. Live long - long, and please me with your presence. May the Lord protect you from all troubles and failures.

Beloved mother, we sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. You are the most important, dearest person in the world. Let your life span last for a long time, may health and happiness come, may all insults and troubles disappear forever. We wish you fabulous life, patience and luck in everything. May there never be sadness in your life, may joy always be your companion. Be always, mommy, loved and protected by God. May everything you dream of come true.

Our dear mother, we congratulate you on your birthday. We are in front of you unpayable debt. Thank you so much for bringing us to the people without taking anything in return. Today you, mommy, wonderful holiday- Birthday. We wish you, dear, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness, more smiles, good health. May the goodness that you give us be sure to return to you. Be always young and beautiful. May all that you dream of come true. Let good angel always protecting you.

My favorite, the most best mommy in the world, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. Let your personal holiday the sea will bring you good mood. May good luck visit your home often. Good health to you, peace, and boundless happiness. May fate be favorable to you, may all bad weather fly by. All earthly blessings to you, dear, respect and a lot of joy. Live long - long, dear mommy, because your concern, your wise advice we always need, and it does not matter how old we are.

My dear mother, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday. May the sun smile gently at you and give you warmth, may the birds sing the most cheerful songs. May your personal holiday bring you good mood. Be always so beautiful, kind, gentle. May spring always bloom in your soul. Peace to you, mommy, longevity, prosperity and prosperity. I wish you good health, good luck in everything, may good news please you, may your dream come true.

The kindest, most gentle, most affectionate in the world is, of course, my beloved mother. Low bow to you, dear. Accept my sincere congratulations on your personal holiday. Let this birthday be the brightest event. May everything that you dream of come true, may everything go well with you in life. Let not a single cloud of sadness overshadow your life. Good health to you, more joy and smiles. May fate be kind to you. May your wise advice help us to live right for a long time to come.

Life is considered complete if next to you is the closest, most important and most native person mother on earth. Mom, I wish you a happy birthday and all the best. May all your dreams come true, may the happiest star illuminate your path. Good health to you, well-being and all earthly blessings. Live and make me happy for many, many years. May luck forever be registered in your home, may hope, faith and love always accompany you, my mommy.

Mom is the closest and most native word for each of us. Today my mom celebrates her birthday. All compliments, all the most nice words dedicate to my native mother. Let your life flow like a full river among beautiful and strong banks. May health multiply every year. Be always beautiful, cheerful and happy, my dear. May a good angel protect you, may sorrows and bad weather forget your address. All earthly blessings to you, peace and prosperity.

Mom is the most important person on Earth for us. Only when we open our eyes, we immediately see her radiant smile, which accompanies us through life. Mom is always with us: she shares our joy, helps to overcome troubles, and even if we are not around, we still feel her warmth and affection, which protects us like a guardian angel.

If you want to congratulate your mother on her birthday with poems, read this article, because it contains the most sincere and beautiful congratulations. There are also congratulations from all family members. Choose any congratulation you like and dedicate it to your mother, light up her face with a happy smile!

Video card for mom's birthday.

We, mother, congratulate you
And thanks again for everything.
You, mother, raised us all,
Blessed our lives.

Live, dear, for a long, long time
And be healthy, don't get sick.
Long live in the world - Mom,
Raising your children!

Congratulations to your beloved mother on her birthday from children

Most main man -
This is our mom!
You are kind, sweet, gentle,
A little stubborn.
Every birthday is yours
We meet gladly -
So again whole year
Mom was there.
Be with us always
Wait for us to visit often
After all, without mom's cutlets
There is no happiness in the world.

Birthday greetings to affectionate mom from children

No purer than love and stronger!
Let us sometimes stubborn
But we will not regret life
For the laughter and smile of mom!

Let them bypass
Sadness and regret!
Be happy! Remember - we are near
And we love you! Happy Birthday!

Short birthday greetings to mom from children

You are a miracle host beautiful mother,
Can't be added, can't be taken away!
Care is in the blood, you are full of love,
Beautiful and wise was born into the world!
Thank you, dear, you are our amulet,
In any weather - in the heat, in the slush, in the snow!
You are our sun, you are our amulet,
We wish you long, joyful years!

Birthday wishes for mommy from loving children

Don't waste your strength
You can't buy health anywhere.
May your life be beautiful
We wish you happiness!
You raised us, not sparing yourself,
She gave us all the best
We love and kiss you hard
As in childhood you kissed us.
May everything be fine in your life
Be strong, do not give up adversity,
Make us smile again and again,
May God give you strength and happiness!

Short birthday greetings to mom from children in prose

Mom, our dear, we congratulate you on your birthday! May your eyes always sparkle with happiness, illnesses and sorrows bypass. Be loved, beautiful, always young and blooming. We wish you spring in your soul, kindness, prosperity, peace, warmth, joy. We love you very much!

Birthday wishes for mom from kids

For mom's birthday
There is always sweet cake
He good hands
Baked for us all

And there is nothing tastier
For all your children
How there is no dearer than you,
More beautiful and cute!

Congratulations to your beloved mother on her birthday from children

Beloved Mom! From pure soul
We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday!
You are good, dear Man,
Let it last longer
Your life span!
May health and happiness come to you,
Let grievances and grief be forgotten.
Thank you, dear, for living
Raised children, take care of grandchildren.

Birthday greetings to mom from adult children

Our mother, dear,
Don't count your years.
You are young with us
And always beautiful!
So stay like this
You for many years
Be you a shining star
And never fade!

Happy birthday to mom in prose from children

Beloved Mom! We congratulate you on your Anniversary and thank you for your bright selfless maternal love that you gave us and continue to give to this day. Thank you, dear, for being in our lives. Believe me, you occupy the most important place in it. Keep your beauty and charm for many, many more years and be the same wonderful mommy!

Congratulations to the best mother on her birthday from children

dear mommy
On her birthday
Kiss gently, carefully
And we give you congratulations.

We wish you bright happiness
Health and kindness
And longer to be gone
In silver hair.

Let them shine with a smile
Always your eyes
And it won't happen in the house
Thunderstorm of human misfortune.

Congratulations to your beloved mother on her birthday from grateful children

Although we are adults, we wish
As in childhood, cling to mommy,
Look into the eyes of relatives
Sweeping all distances!
I so want to be
Like our mom and dad.
Children, friends and love life,
As the creator bequeathed to people!
Worry and worry
And mentally always be there.
Like a mother, it is fashionable to dress,
Be able to help with advice, a look.
To be as beautiful
Knit, it's great to set the table,
Drive away troubles from loved ones,
Take care of everyone!

Mom in the rooms
In a white apron
Will slowly pass
Walks through the rooms
busy with business
And, in between,
Cups and saucers
I smile
Doesn't forget
And sings.
But here today
The voice is familiar
It's like it's not the same at all.
Mom is still
walks around the house,
But he sings differently.
The voice is familiar
With special power
Suddenly sounded in silence.
good something
He brought to my heart...
I would not burst into tears.

Agniya Barto


Our mother, dear,
Don't count your years.
You are young with us
And always beautiful!
So stay like this
You for many years
Be you a shining star
And never fade!

Why Velcro

Mom loves and regrets.
Mom understands.
My mom knows everything
Knows everything in the world!
Why do wasps bite?
I ask directly.
And to ALL my questions
mom answers.
Will tell me where from the sky
Snow is taken in winter.
Why a loaf of bread
Is it baked from flour?
Why is the dog barking?
What will dream in a dream?
Why does the icicle melt
And trembling eyelashes?
Why is there a cloud in the sky
And in the forest - a lawn?
What a mom!

Tatyana Bokova

Let's sit in silence

Mom is sleeping, she is tired...
Well, I didn't play!
I don't start a top
And I sit down and sit.
My toys don't make noise
Quiet in an empty room.
And on my mother's pillow
The beam is stealing golden.
And I said to the beam:
- I want to move too!
I would like a lot:
Read aloud and roll the ball,
I would sing a song
I could laugh
Whatever I want!
But my mother is sleeping, and I am silent.
The beam darted along the wall,
And then slithered towards me.
"Nothing," he whispered,
Let's sit in silence!

Elena Blagina

Rose for mom

The boy chose a rose carefully,
So that the rest do not crush,
The saleswoman looked worried.
Help him or not?

Thin fingers in ink,
Bumping into flower thorns
I chose the one that revealed
Petals this morning.

Raking your change out of your pockets
To the question - who did he buy?
He was embarrassed in a very strange way:
"Mom..." he whispered softly.

Birthday, she is thirty today ...
She and I are very close friends.
Only now she lies in the hospital,
Soon I will have a brother.

Ran away. And we stood with the saleswoman,
I'm in my forties, she's in her fifties.
Women should have been born
To raise kids like this!

Dear mommy

She warms with love
And everything in the world succeeds
And even play a bit

She will always comfort you
And dress and comb
Kiss on the cheek - smack!

Who is this?
This is my own mother!

colorful gift

I am a colorful gift
Decided to give it to my mom.
I tried to draw
Four pencils.
But first I'm on red
Pushed too hard
And then, behind the red immediately
Purple broke
And then the blue broke
And the orange broke...
Still a beautiful portrait
Because it's mom!

P. Sinyavsky


Mommy, mommy, sleep
I won't make noise.
I'll go to the kitchen
I'll wash the dishes.
And with my sister in the corner
I'll play with dolls
I'll sing a song to her
I'll read the book.
Today I will go to school
I'm already big
And the sheets of the primer
I'm not scrolling in vain.

The best mom

It happens: the dog barks,
The rose hip will prick, the nettle will sting...
And at night I dream of a huge hole,
You will fail, falling, you will shout out: "MOM!"
And my mother will appear next to me,
And everything that frightened will pass away,
Sores will leave, splinters will disappear,
And the first bitter tears will dry...
How lucky, I think.
What is the best mom MY!

Vladimir Borisov

If I were a girl

If I were a girl
I wouldn't waste my time!
I wouldn't jump on the street
I would wash my shirts
I would wash the floor in the kitchen,
I would sweep the room
I would wash cups, spoons,
I'd peel the potatoes myself
All my own toys
I would put it in place!
Why am I not a girl?
I would love to help my mom!
Mom would have said:
"Well done, son!"

Edward Uspensky

You are Mom

You are Mom. Is it a lot or a little?
You are Mom. Is it happiness or a cross?
And it's impossible to start over
And now you pray for what is!
For crying at night, for milk, diapers.
For the first step, for the first words.
For all children, for every child.
You are Mom! And therefore right.
You are the whole world! You are the rebirth of life!
And you would like to hug the whole WORLD.
You are Mom, Mom! It's a pleasure
No one can take away from you.

Lullaby for mother

Bye-bye, mom!
Go to bed early.
Lie down and I'll sing to you
Your lullaby.
Bye-bye, mom!
I know you're tired.
All day with your warmth
You warmed our house.
Bye-baby, mom!
The night is full of fog.
I will wrap my hand around you
I will give you peace.
Bye-bye, mom!
I won't play pranks.
I lie next to the bed
I will lie down and I will ... sleep. Bye-bye!

Tatyana Bokova

Song about mother

You know mom, an ordinary day
We can't live without you!
The word mom is so familiar
From the first days we speak!
You just have to take a look -
The whole world is warm around
The warmth of a mother's heart
Gentle, kind hands ...
Our troubles and tribulations
Retreat before you
Everything is clearer to us every year,
How are you fighting for us!
Mom, - there is no friend more expensive -
Do you believe in our every takeoff!
Who else can help like you?
Who else understands like you?

What a mom!

Mom sang a song
Dressed my daughter
White shirt.
White shirt -
Thin line.
Mom sang a song
Shoe my daughter
Fastened with an elastic band
For every stocking.
Light stockings
On my daughter's feet.
Mom sang a song
Mom dressed the girl
Red dress with polka dots
New shoes on legs...
That's how mom did it.
Dressed up my daughter for May.
That's what mom -
Golden right!

Elena Blaginina

Mommy's favorite

Mommy, beloved, dear,
Sunshine, chamomile, cornflower,
I don't know what to wish you
On this wonderful day
I wish you joy and happiness
Peace and good luck for your life,
So that the heart does not break into pieces,
My dear, my dear, man!

My mommy

You can probably believe
Or maybe not
Now in white
There is sorrow and there is light
Will always support me
She is the loveliest and most beautiful
My mommy!

I love mom

Mom brings me
toys, candy,
But I love my mom
Not for that at all.
funny songs
She sings
We are bored together
Never happens.
I open it
All your secrets.
But I love my mom
Not only for this.
I love my mom
I'll tell you straight
Well, just for
That she is my mother!

Mother's day

I walk, I think, I look:
"What am I going to give my mom tomorrow?
Maybe a doll? Maybe candy?"
Here's to you, dear, on your day
Scarlet flower - light!

Elena Blaginina

On mother's holiday

I got up early today.
Why? There are a hundred reasons.
I am, firstly, the oldest,
After dad, from men!
I washed, combed my hair,
I made my own bed,
Three minutes dressed and went,
But do not walk!
Went to the store for bread
And more milk
Played with three-year-old Gleb,
Knocked out the carpet with a fist,
I ate all the porridge for breakfast:
For myself and for Hatashy!
Nata said quietly to me:
- I love such a brother!
And then dad and I deftly
They baked a pie in the oven.
Ho! First y neighbor
Before lunch, there was a conversation:
How much milk do you need?
Where is the vanilla? And where is the flour?
And what kind of jam to take?
What's in the pie? What's in the cookies?
My dad and uncle Pavel
Learned a lot of rules:
Everyone flipped through the manual
Under the name "Housekeeping".

Gaida Lagzdyn

Thank you mom

You gave your family so many years -
Cooked, washed and baked
She gave us the light of her smile,
The family hearth was sensitively protected.
Answering care with care,
We all adore you.
Be healthy and happy, dear.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything!

Mom's birthday

What happened in our house?
Why the commotion?
Why do I have porridge in the morning
I ate it all and drank the juice?

Why did I get up early
even dad didn't hear
And packed up my toys
did you comb the tiger's bangs?

Why is school today
got two fives?
Why is the poem
learned without hesitation?

Why did you brush your teeth
and washed eight times,
And in my favorite book
read the big story?

Why is dad today
vacuumed all day?
And wash the dishes for him
whole hill - not laziness!

We go to the market with dad secretly
came in at five o'clock
And bought a huge cake
And big bouquet colors!

For some it may be a mystery
but I will tell you not melting:
birthday today
meet my mom!

Because today with dad -
we're behaving well
Mom is eighteen again!
Congratulations on this day!

Mom, we wish you
always be beautiful!
Let you go further
and adversity and misfortune!

May joy be with you
and fun and warm!
We kiss you a hundred times
we are always light with you!

Mikhail Shinko

My beloved mom

You are so kind, dear,
My beloved mother.
I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart
And I heartily congratulate you!

I offended my mother

I offended my mother
Now never ever
Let's not leave the house together
We will never go with her.
She won't wave out the window
And I don't wave to her
She won't say anything
And I won't tell her...
I take the bag by the shoulders,
I'll find a piece of bread,
Find me a stick stronger,
I'll go, go to the taiga!
I will follow the trail
I will look for pydy
And through the wild river
Build bridges go!
And I'll be the chief boss,
And if I'm with a beard,
And be always sad
And so silent...
And now it will be a winter evening,
And many years will pass,
And here's a jet plane
Mom will take the ticket.
And on my birthday
That plane will fly
And mom will come out of there,
And my mother will forgive me.

Emma Moshkovskaya

wish mom

What do you wish dear
On one of the best days?
So that there would be no end, no edge,
Your bottomless joy!

Take care of your mothers

Take care of your mothers
Like flowers from a cold blizzard
Their love is a hundred times hot
Than friends and beloved girlfriend.
Mother's love cannot be embraced
In the summer heat, and in the blizzard, and in the cold
She is ready to give you everything
Everything down to the gram ... And even the soul.
Take care of your mothers
No one can replace their affection for you,
Among the cloudy days of life
Who will understand you and who will appreciate.
Who will take all the pain
All the torment of the soul and torment,
Mother will not give salt instead of bread,
Mother will always reach out to you.
Do not leave them without participation,
Always take care of them, children,
After all, it can't be complete happiness,
If there is no mother...

Our mommy

Our mother, dear,
Don't count your years.
You are young with us
And always beautiful!
So stay like this
You for many years
Be you a shining star
And never fade!

mom's birthday

For Mom's Birthday
There is always sweet cake
He is baked with good hands for all of us
And there is nothing tastier for all your children
How there is no dearer than you,
More beautiful and cute!

This is my mommy!

There are many mothers in the world.
Children love them with all their hearts.
There is only one mother
She is dearer to me than anyone.
Who is she? I will answer:
This is my mommy.

Nastya baby

Wonderful mom

The most beautiful, kind, beloved
The sun is a clear ray, a beautiful person
Tender as a flower-gentle petal
Such a caring, glorious, dear ...
Be always so - sweet and dear
The most amazing mom and wife!


Mom's holiday

You dedicated your life to me
And I'm grateful to fate
Because I have such a mother,
Who gives her soul for me.
Thank you, thank you, I say
And at this moment I want to congratulate you.
After all, this is your holiday.
'Cause this is your hour
Which comes only once a year.


Happy birthday, mommy, congratulations!
Early morning with the first beam,
We wish you happiness, health, love,
So that difficulties are nothing to you.
The years gone by won't come back to you
But this is no reason to be sad about the past.
Adversity let sleep, never wake up,
Leave smiles and joy for later.
Let the guardian angel help you
AND long life let fate give.
And let your eyes always shine like the sun,
Remember and know that we love you!

"Dear Mommy"

Kind, smart and radiant,

"Thank you" for everything I tell you.

We will light your life path with love!

"Our mother, dear"

Our mother, dear,
Don't count your years.
You are young with us
And always beautiful!
So stay like this
You for many years
Be our shining star
And never fade!

"Our dear mother"

Our dear mother,
These tender lines are for you.
The cutest and most beautiful
The best on this earth.
Know that children consider you
The best mom in the world!

"Health, happiness I wish"

Here comes the moment -
Thank you for everything.
Today is a holiday - a birthday,
I want to give the best!
I wish you health, happiness
And I tell you, loving:
Today, mom, congratulations
I am grateful to you!

"You gave your family so many years"

You gave your family so many years -
Cooked, washed and baked
She gave us the light of her smile,
The family hearth was sensitively protected.
Answering care with care,
We all adore you for a long time.
Be healthy and happy, dear!
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

"You appeared on earth"

May this day not be a noisy holiday,
Not a red day on the calendar
But he is happy and beautiful -
You appeared on earth.
The family congratulates
You with such a beautiful day
And wishes you from the bottom of my heart
Health, joy in everything!

"I want to be always happy"

I want to be always happy.
Kind, sweet, patient.
Always be a little new
Cheerful, healthy.
Be more young
And do not grow old in soul.

"Don't be sad that your hair is turning gray"

Don't be sad that your hair is turning gray
Take care of yourself and don't get sick
Because there is no white world,
The person is closer and dearer.

"It's so safe to be with you!"

Let the years rush like spring water
Let life sometimes be very difficult,
But you're still beautiful, young
It's so safe to be with you!
You can look and smile
Disperse the darkness of the night instantly.
We thank you, God
For giving us such a mother!

"Congratulations from the family"

The whole family wishes mom
For you to be beautiful
Let with these verses
All dreams will come true!
Let good things happen
Spring reigns in the heart
Only sincere faces
Let them always surround!

"The family congratulates you!"

Mommy in full force
The family congratulates you!
Be the most beautiful in the world
Let no tears touch your eyes.
Your smile is so supportive
And so encouraging sometimes
That even the soul trembles
Things will get better right away!

“Dear! Darling!"

Dear! Darling! We need you!
You are kind and beautiful, tender in your heart.
Always be healthy and cheerful
May the sun of good luck light your path.

"Bright Day"

Mom, on this bright day
Accept gifts from us!
Of course we can't give
Elite foreign car,
But along with every souvenir,
We give warmth of hearts.
Always be the happiest
Then the whole house will be like this!

"Let this festive day"

May this festive day
The sun is warmer for you
And all the sorrows beyond the threshold
Let the wind blow.

"Let them hurry, the years run"

Let them hurry, the years run,
We cannot stop them.
But always be young
It doesn't matter how many years have passed.

"We want to live for many years"

We wish to live for many years
Forever love and be loved
In life, care and grief do not know -
That's what we want to wish you.

"You always be friendly and sweet"

You always be friendly and sweet.
You always be beautiful and dear,
You always be both affectionate and strict.
Our beloved, dear!

"We want to wish from the heart"

We want to wish from the heart
Black days all my life do not know
Kind, strong, sweet to be,
To live like this for a hundred years.

"No one can love like that"

Nobody knows how to love like that.
How selflessly mother cherishes.
And for such love children
Always in debt, all life in the answer!

"We are with you"

Poplar fluff years fly away,
Threads of cobwebs hang on the trees.
We are with you, you know, dear,
You don't have any reason to be sad.

"Be healthy!"

Be healthy! And many years
May your eyes shine on us!

"Be Mommy Always"

Golden hands we kiss, loving,
Your holiday today, we honor you,
Be, mommy, always the same young
Music of the soul - with a ringing string!

"Mom for the holiday"

Mom for the holiday gifts,
Songs run wide
It will be noisy and bright
To make life easy for you!

"Congratulations from my daughter"

I know sleepless nights
I gave you as a child.
Accept congratulations from your daughter -
I'm so grateful to fate
That such a mother, without a doubt,
The Lord only rewarded me!
My mommy, happy birthday,
I wish you health and strength!

"Who is the best of people?"

Who is the best of people?
And whose birthday is today?
My beloved mother!
Accept these congratulations!
Don't you ever be sad
Let health be strong!
And always remember the main thing -
We all love you so much!

"When you are with us"

When you are next to us
There seem to be no problems
Encourage with a warm look
And give you the right advice.
caring human
And patient hands
Daughter appreciates infinitely
Grandson loves them.
We all wish you
Live long, don't grow old
And, keeping vivacity,
Don't regret the past!

"Mommy, happy birthday!"

Mom, mom, happy birthday!
You are the best, the most beautiful of all!
Be happy, no doubt
And success awaits you in everything!
I love and respect you
After all, you are my true idol!
I wish you good health
Let the world rejoice with you!

"You, as always, are full of worries"

You, as always, are full of worries,
After all, life was not easy.
Oh, how many difficult, difficult days
It's gone through your heart!
You deserve joy in life
Many days ahead.
So be happy and healthy
And every day, and every year!

“We wish you happiness, joy, love!”

Mommy, beloved, dear,
We treasure your love.
You caressed us, understood -
For everything we say "thank you"
Live longer, not knowing old age,
May your dreams be calm and light
We love you dearly,
We wish you happiness, joy, love!

"I wish you many years"

mommy today
Your birthday!
Be as fashionable
Good, groovy!
I wish you many years
Make us happy always!
Mom, congratulations!
I love you!

"Congratulations from relatives"

Life is not always flowers
There are troubles and bad weather,
But, mommy, there is you -
And in this fact our happiness!
We wish you health
To never get sick
We congratulate you sincerely, with love,
All our friendly family!

"I hasten to congratulate you!"

I remember how you protected me as a child,
Like rocking the cradle all night long,
Beloved mother, today is fun -
I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday!
I promise to protect you from adversity,
Health, smiles, good luck!
Let all bad weather pass by!
I wish you love, real happiness!

“Our mother, dear, beloved ...”

Our mother, dear, beloved,
We are in a hurry to congratulate you on your birthday,
In life was to be protected by God,
Let all the stones roll down from the soul!
We'll all come together, we promise
And let's celebrate the anniversary
Has always been a native home pier,
There is no stronger harbor in life!

“I am writing from a distance, loving…”

I write from afar, loving,
You are my good mother
I am tenderly glad to congratulate you,
I am through distance.
Eyes glow with glee
Happy birthday
Let the angels sing in the soul
Without stress and worries!

"The best in the world!"

We want to congratulate dear mother,
And on this birthday to say
That never on another mother
We didn't want to change you.
After all, our mother is the best in the world,
We love her, we respect her, we honor her,
And congratulate adults and children,
We wish you the best!

"Congratulations to mom today"

Congratulations to mom today
And with us - the whole family,
We wish you good health
Today, mom, you can’t be sad!
You have fun and smile
Accept gifts from us
Today, mother, do not swear,
Meet the day with a smile!

“So that the home is dear - and mom is nearby”

We don't need much to be happy
It's quite easy,
So that the home is home - and mom is nearby,
Salvation from all problems ...
My favorite wrinkles
I'm ready to stroke you forever,
Say to mommy - THANK YOU!
For life, for happiness, for LOVE!

"Let what you want come true"

It doesn't matter that the years go by like a whirlwind.
Let what you want come true.
Let what needs to be forgotten be forgotten.
And I wish you to be happy.

"Thank you"

Thank you, dear, for living
You cherish, you spoil, you protect us all.

"You live, radiating warmth to us"

You live, radiating warmth to us,
Warming grandchildren and children.
You can do everything, dear
So you can live longer!

"May your life become fuller"

May your life become fuller
And every day you be wiser.
Let youth not wither for a long time,
And life is more fun.

"You illuminate everything around you"

Congratulations dear mom
And we want to wish you good luck
We wish you happiness and love
And don't lose patience.
You illuminate everything around you,
And everywhere it becomes brighter
When, mother, you sing a song,
We love you more every day!

"Don't Bow to Sorrow"

Don't bow down to sadness
And do not be sad in the silence of the night.
We congratulate you today
We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts!

"Forget all the troubles"

All my roads are your roads,
And all that I have lived is your life,
And only your whole life I wrote lines.
Forget all adversity, like a bitter dream,
And low, to the ground, take a bow!

"I will always be with you"

I wish there was no separation in life,
So that we are always close.
I will press your kind hands to my heart
And I will always be with you.

"You have intelligence and beauty"

In her love she is omnipotent and simple,
You have intelligence and beauty
The ability to give us a wonderful heart,
Warm our soul with a smile.

"Happy birthday mommy"

Happy birthday mommy
What a starry evening
Be healthy like in July
Sea of ​​sun, God be with you!

"Mommy, congratulations to you"

Mommy, I'm already running to congratulate you,
Caress you, stroke, tenderness on the shore,
Our whole family will gather at the feast,
I wish you all a lot of happiness and health!

Happy Birthday!!!
And we want to tell you
A lot of kind words
Wish you good health twice.
You are the best, irreplaceable,
Kind, affectionate, sweet, beloved!
In our life you are a clear sun,
Being with you is the most beautiful thing.
In separation, we only understand
How we miss you.
You will make any moment of ours happier,
With just one glance
With your trusty hand.
Probably before we did not appreciate
All kindness, your love,
And it's a pity that we didn't keep it all
And we repeat these mistakes again and again.
But forgive us, forgive us, dear,
For all the insults that caused pain.
You live your whole life giving us
All your strength and love.
God must have been in a good mood
When he sent us such a mother,
After all, you are the best, there is no doubt
Thank you Lord for giving it to us!
So, dear, we congratulate you,
We wish you all the best in this world.
We want you to have everything and always,
And know that for us you are forever young.
Live, dear, long, long, good!
You have many bright days ahead of you,
And we will protect and love you,
After all the best mom can't be!!!

Dear, dear, dear,
Happy birthday, mommy to you.
And heartily congratulating you,
I want to tell you, loving:
If I ever offended
Mommy, my love, I'm sorry.
You are loved, you knew it.
And please, dear, do not be sad.
So that your eyes shine with happiness
And she was always smiling.
So that bad weather does not touch you,
And over the years it only bloomed.

Oh, mother, my dear,
You are no closer to me in the world!
I want to say thank you
For your good advice
For the warmth of your soul
And thank you for your love!
For giving life
For your million smiles!
On rainy and sunny days
I pray to God for one thing
So that he always keeps you
From troubles, from evil and from anxiety.

We want to wish you a happy birthday
And wish you happiness in life
Life should not be offended
You shouldn't be discouraged in life.
Let there be everything: a thunderstorm, snowstorms,
May there be joy and peace
And if it is very sad,
Then know that we are always with you.

Beautiful day and the sun is shining
Everyone congratulates from the bottom of my heart,
And you are the happiest person in the world
Where is the birthday, there are dreams,
And I congratulate you now
I wish you great joy
And I'll add a couple more lines,
To decorate your holiday
I want a colorful smile
And the cake is higher than the ceiling,
To make all the cards shine
So that everything was like never before!

Mommy, sweet, gentle, glorious,
Kind, smart and radiant,
In the palms of my hands I will give you happiness.
"Thank you" - for everything I tell you.
Live, smile adversity-years,
We will share worries with you in half.
Forget about illnesses, forget about worries,
Let us light up your life path with love.

Happy Birthday to You,
May there be happiness for years
All dreams come true
And every day in great love!
Enough to be huge
Nobody to forget you
And my heart was warm
The rest is all the same!

For all your love and kindness
Listening skills, wisdom and patience
I thank you with all my heart
And on this day, your birthday,
I want to confess, let me be
Stubborn, wayward - and yet,
I love you the most in the world
And I dream to be like you!

Today is a long-awaited holiday,
He knocks on the door once a year,
He is the most colorful and main,
And all the relatives at the table,
And let the congratulations shine
Health, happiness and love,
And dear inspiration
Hopes, joys, dreams!

True Woman with big letters
Sweet, funny, good soul.
How do you admire the foliage, flowers.
True Woman means you!
Faith in beauty is not wasted in the heart.
You try to conquer the height of the spirit.
Future, past - everything lives in you,
The craving for the unknown is calling you on your way.
Ah, do not know old age, always be like that.
Do not be friends, please with sadness and longing.
Let the sun please, friends please.
It is simply impossible for a woman to live differently.

Happy birthday sunshine
And let the heart beat more cheerfully,
More kind, sincere speeches,
Let the holiday turn into a huge miracle!
Cherished dreams will come true
And all the bad things will come back instantly,
Health, happiness, sincere love,
So that life is extraordinary!