What to do in order not to think about the person. The main behavioral reasons that prevent us from forgetting a person. Life lesson and experience

On the way of every person meet different people: someone annoys, someone loves, someone hurts or quits. The whole difficulty lies in the fact that one person does not leave any trace and absolutely do not want to remember him, and the other does not go out of his head. Thoughts about it cause real addiction and enslave, so they need to get rid of. When suffering reaches its climax, a person begins to think about how to stop thinking about people who do not appreciate him.

"No" to emotions!

Most often, people do not suffer because of a specific person, but because of the emotions and experiences of which he became the culprit. They can be both negative and positive. Things that are not of interest are unlikely to provoke a storm of feelings. Therefore, the first thing that needs to be done is to accept the fact that the person is "hooked" with something.

When there is love, people cannot live without each other and try not to part. But over time, feelings pass, and obsessive thoughts about a person recede into the background. Considering this feature of the psyche, we can conclude that for someone to stop evoking emotions, time must pass. Addiction must be taken calmly and know that through certain period it will pass. It is best to set yourself up to be positive and be patient. This method requires endurance, so it is not always effective.

Where attention is, there are thoughts

When experiences are strong and do not allow them to live in peace, many are worried about how to stop thinking about the people who cause them right now? The easiest way to do this is to turn your attention to something else. First of all, you need to remember what arouses genuine interest, and plunge into this matter with your head. If there are no hobbies and hobbies, you can set yourself a specific goal and direct all efforts to its speediest implementation. To forget a person, it is important to find something that will evoke vivid feelings and sincere emotions.

Strong thoughts always prevail over weak ones. And strength is measured in emotions. According to this, the subconscious mind automatically prioritizes. A person is always more important than what causes an emotional storm, both positive and negative.

Today, finding a hobby for your liking will not be difficult, you just need to go outside and look around. You can sign up for dances sports training, sewing courses or art circle. There are a lot of options, the main thing is to understand what exactly causes sincere interest and a desire to learn new things. Favourite hobby will help you figure out how to let go of a person from thoughts.

Wedge wedge

Other people will help to forget the person. You should not focus on problems and experiences, it is much more useful to broaden your horizons and look around. Communicating with people, you can forget about your own worries and get a charge of good mood.

Individuals who like to complain about life can be invaluable in this case. After listening to many hours of whining about how difficult and bad things are with others, you begin to appreciate more what you have. If you think about a person all the time, you should stop being selfish and try to hear other people.

Out of sight

To forget a person faster, you need to minimize any contact with him. Remove all things, if there are any in the house, photographs to the far corner and delete pages in social networks... Any change of scenery will be beneficial. You can go on vacation or try to start life anew in a different area or city.

Ability to forgive and dream

To live happily, one must learn to forgive and dream. Good ideas charged with positive emotions are sure to be realized. You need to imagine your life without thinking about a specific person and feel how it will be. The situation must be played out in all the details and all the details must be thought out.

How to stop thinking about people if they have caused severe pain? To make things easier, they must be forgiven. This is the only way to get rid of negative emotions. Don't lie to yourself, it's impossible. You need to try to understand the person and look at the situation from the outside. Mentally ask for forgiveness from the abuser and forgive him.


To figure out how not to think about a person, you need to realize that this is a decision, a conscious choice. It is necessary to understand that it is pointless and stupid to continue torturing yourself further.

The problem is that people are used to hoping for the best and are afraid to drastically change their lives. Some believe that the relationship will improve and the beloved will be there, others have been waiting for years for an apology from once dear people. The wait can last for a long time, exhausting the person and bringing him a lot of negativity. You need to stop mocking yourself and say to yourself: “Stop! Enough!" Neither alcohol nor casual partners will bring relief. It will only get better when a firm decision is made that the person needs to be forgotten.

Determine the reason

Why do you think about a person constantly? Perhaps this is due to habit or from a large number free time. Or it may be that there is no reason why it is necessary to stop remembering a person. You need to determine for yourself whether the relationship has really come to an end. If so, it is worth stopping their development in own head and become aware of reality. It is better to think about the prospects that will open up in the event of a successful solution to the task.

Life lesson and experience

Faced with difficult situations, it is very important to understand the life lesson and draw conclusions. You need to identify the most important questions and give yourself answers to them. Having figured out why a particular person came into life and what his role was, you can avoid repeating your own mistakes in the future.

Recall flaws

Often people tend to idealize their past, endowing it with something that was not in reality. For example, an ex-boyfriend seems like the best, but was annoying during a relationship. When thinking about how to stop thinking about people, you should often remember their shortcomings and your own negative emotions that were caused by these personalities. When you manage to let go of the past, the present will seem much more joyful and happier than it seemed even yesterday.

It was, it was, it was ... and it passed

Even if the person who left was perfect, it is worth realizing that the relationship is already in the past and there is no turning back. If he is gone, he must be released and continue to live his life, to enjoy every day. First of all, you need to love yourself, and then those around you will surely notice and appreciate you.

When a person decides to live for today and let go of the past, the situation begins to improve by itself. New acquaintances, hobbies and interests appear, and pain and resentment go away. If none of the methods helps, and thoughts do not leave for a second, you should seek help from a specialist who will definitely understand the situation.

This can explain obsessive thoughts about someone that we are not able to control. No matter how we try not to think about a person, thoughts seem to be born on their own in our brain. These plasma thought forms created by us control our consciousness, constantly reminding about themselves in order to be fed. And we unwittingly feed them with negative energy arising from our suffering. What to do, how to get rid of our own "works"?

Now, knowing how the mechanism of our thoughts works, we can take it into own hands and change. We need to stop spawning plasma monsters that make us feed and clone them. It is necessary to understand that when we think about a person, we are not sending him anything, but we surround ourselves with new thoughts about him. Therefore, thinking about someone, we do not create contacts and connections, but on the contrary, we cut off and reduce the circle of our territory.

Close your eyes and imagine your day thinking about someone. So you got up in your house in the morning and the first thing you did was fill your house with the ghosts of another person. In your absence, they will affect the people in your house. Especially if you fed them with your suffering beforehand. You drive to work and the same dull copies of the person for whom you are suffering are trailing behind you. They surround you in the workplace or while studying and prevent you from productive work and study. Is not it? In the evening you return home, where they meet you again, already weakened and begin to remind you of your suffering, while waiting for food. Horror and more!

So what's the first thing to do? We need to find a topic that will help you in the fight against plasma ghosts. It may be some old hobby of yours, a hobby that you have abandoned. Or something new, but inappropriately brings you positive emotions... If there is nothing like this in your life, then the universal will do - thoughts about money. Find yourself an object that you would like to get for money, this by the way can be an object of your hobby. And mentally set a goal - to make money for this object. Think as far as possible about ways to make money, trying not to go to crime. Talk to people, asking them about new earning opportunities. Money thought-forms will begin to surround you, and when you dream of money, it will grow, receiving your positive emotions. New plasma money thought forms will begin to slowly displace human thought forms and, acting on you, will push you to new types of earnings. You just need to let them do it.

Don't be afraid to turn into a careerist obsessed with work and money. Or become crazy about some idea or hobby. After all, you already know the mechanism of the appearance and impact of thought forms. This means that you can regulate it yourself at any time. And your life, your destiny, will follow the path chosen by you. Go for it!

They say that love grows stronger in separation. However, long-term separation, unfortunately, does not contribute to the strengthening of love. If you are experiencing the most warm feelings to a person who does not reciprocate with you, it will be difficult for you to forget him. Most likely, it will be hard and painful for you. If you are desperate, in this article you will find some tips and effective methods that will help you forget the person you like and find someone who can make you happy.


Move away from this person

    Stay away from someone you like but don't reciprocate. If you want to forget about this person, stay away from him. Minimize any contact with this person. This will make it easier for you to cope with your feelings, as you will not become even more attached to the person, and you will also not be upset that he does not reciprocate with you.

    Delete his or her contact information and text messages from the phone. To avoid the temptation to contact someone you still have feelings for, delete their contact information. Also, delete all correspondence with that person. This prevents you from getting in touch with him when your emotions are overwhelming. Moreover, the messages will not constantly remind you of this person.

    Remove this person from your social media friends list. There are many social networks on the Internet, such as Facebook and Instagram, whose membership is growing exponentially. On the list of friends, we sometimes have people with whom we are not eager to communicate. Remove the person you want to forget from your friends list.

    Don't talk or think about the person you want to forget. If you like a person, you will talk and think about him constantly. This is quite natural. However, if you want to forget the person, then constantly thinking and talking about him can make your feelings even stronger. Therefore, try not to talk about this person with others or think about him. Make a conscious effort to do this. This will help you forget the person you like faster.

    Ask your friends not to mention this person in your presence. If your friends know that you like this person, they may mention him from time to time. However, this can make the situation worse. It will be difficult for you to forget this person if your friends remind you of him. So ask your friends not to tell you anything about this person.

    • Most likely, when communicating with friends, especially if they are friends not only of yours, but also of the person you like, you will hear constant mention of him. In such a situation, you can leave the company of your friends for a while and return when they affect new topic for conversation.
  1. Avoid places where you might meet this person or their friends. Most likely, you and the person you are trying to forget have a lot in common: friends, study or work together, favorite places. Try to do your best not to date this person.

    • If you are studying or working with this person, do not sit next to him. If this person sits next to you, you can change seats.
    • If you like a restaurant that this person prefers to be in, try choosing a different location where you don't meet the person you're trying to forget.
  2. Get rid of anything that might remind you of this person. Thanks to this, you will forget it faster. Remove this person from your phone contacts and your social media friends. Also, get rid of all the photos and gifts that might remind you of him.

    Allow yourself to be sad and do not be angry with the person you are trying to stop loving. Of course, breaking up is quite a painful process, so it's only natural that you will grieve over what happened. However, keep your feelings and emotions in check. Remember, uncontrolled anger triggers a backlash. So don't be mad at your ex-boyfriend or a girl.

    Be sure that you will certainly meet someone with whom you can build a relationship. Believe me, the light did not converge like a wedge on this person. He's not the best game for you. You will meet a person who can become your soul mate. Open your heart a worthy person, and you will quickly forget the one with whom you did not manage to build a strong relationship.

    Get distracted

    1. Seek support from loved ones and friends. Chances are, you are struggling right now if you are trying to forget the person for whom you have feelings, so seek support from your family and friends. You can pour out your feelings to them, but at the same time, they can help you distract yourself, making you forget about this person faster.

      Focus on yourself and your interests. As you try to break out of the maelstrom of feelings, try to focus on yourself and your interests. This should help. By focusing more on yourself, you will think less about your feelings for this person.

      Do something new for yourself. New activities can help you take your mind off your feelings and emotions. By doing something new and interesting, you can distance yourself from the person you like and later deal with your feelings.

      • For example, you may have always dreamed of mountain climbing. Why not try your hand? This activity takes a lot of time and effort. Thanks to this, you simply will not have time to think about the person you are trying to forget.
    2. Meet new people. Meeting new people can help you take your mind off your sad feelings and forget the person you like. You may find that you are much more interested in your new friends and acquaintances than with the person you have feelings for. tender feelings.

      • Finding new friends and acquaintances is a snap. For example, they might be people who work out in the same gym as you. Plus, you can meet new people at your vacation spots. Events in which many people take part are a great opportunity to find new friends and acquaintances and turn your attention from the person you are trying to forget to communicate with them.
    3. Go on a date with someone else. You may not be ready for a new relationship yet, but a little flirting or a pleasant acquaintance with a person of the opposite sex will not hurt. This will help you distract yourself from thinking about the person you like. It will also have a beneficial effect on your self-esteem.

    • Don't be rude to someone who doesn't reciprocate with you. If the person is polite to you, be polite in return. But nothing more ... just politeness.
    • There is nothing wrong with crying if you are upset. Believe me, you will find a person who will be worthy of you.
    • Do not be angry with this person and do not consider him your "enemy". This person cannot control their feelings in the same way that you cannot influence the feelings of others. Remember, it's not this person's fault that you like them. Therefore, you should not be angry with the person you are trying to forget.
    • Be patient. It takes time to forget the person you like. Don't be angry with yourself that you are not coping with your feelings quickly. Give yourself time.
    • You should not focus on what this person likes, otherwise it will be difficult for you to cope with your feelings and forget him.
    • Accept the fact that this person is not as perfect as you think. Think about the negative qualities of this person. Thanks to this, you will quickly forget it, since its shortcomings will overshadow all its advantages. If the person you are trying to forget has such negative qualities, as impatience or neglect of people, then, in the future, if you try to build a relationship with him, he will show similar qualities in relation to you.
    • Think about situations when this person hurt you.
    • Show him that he has lost a lot. You get a little distracted, which can make the person you like jealous.
    • List its flaws.
    • If this person has a brother or sister, it is best if you avoid contact with them, as they may mention their brother or sister (the person you like) in conversation.
    • Accept that you are in love. Of course, it is not so easy to get rid of the feeling of falling in love. Try to gradually lose interest in this person, and over time, you will achieve your goal.

The question is - «» are asked by those people who suffer because of a particular person. He either annoys you, or left you, or simply does not want to be with you. He or she does not think about you, and you still cannot get this person out of your head. Constant thoughts about a person is like becoming addicted. You need to get rid of this dependence. The following are very effective ways that will help you stop thinking about the person.

How to stop thinking about a person?

In 100% of cases, we think about those things that catch us, give us emotions, and it doesn't matter what, positive or negative. Where we experience emotions, there is our attention and interest. If you are not interested in something, you will not notice it. And it is not interesting because it doesn’t catch you, doesn’t give you any emotions. And if you think about a person, it means that this person has definitely hooked you with something. When we are in love with someone, we think about that person, about the reason for our emotional outburst. We mentally imagine ourselves next to this person. If someone pisses you off, then you also think about this person, only negatively. You want to break it, to put it mildly.

It's all about attention. You have noticed that when we are interested in something, we plunged into it. But time passed, and it became uninteresting for us. It doesn't have to be any business. I say the same about a person. At first we like him or her, we want to see him or her, spend as much time as possible, we cannot fall asleep because of thoughts about this person, but time passes and all this disappears somewhere. We are no longer interested in this person, we stop thinking about him, and then we completely forget. Falling in love has disappeared somewhere. Either it just passed, or you fell in love with someone else, or something else.

Therefore, in order to stop thinking about the person you love - need time... It's not just that they say: time heals. Just know for yourself - it will pass. Soon you will find freedom and get rid of addiction. You just need to be patient and wait, and everything will be awesome for you. But this method is too long. Agree that you don't want to wait a month, you want to stop thinking about a person right now.

Therefore, you need switch your attention... Where there is attention, there are thoughts. This is the most The right way which will help you get rid of unnecessary thoughts... But in order to get rid of unnecessary thoughts, you must be carried away headlong into new object Your attention. It can be a different person, an activity, and even (God forbid) a problem, the solution of which will completely save you from thinking about another person. If an activity, goal, problem or other person does not evoke emotions in you, or causes weak ones, then you are unlikely to switch your attention. This means that you will not stop thinking about the person who caused a storm of either negative or positive emotions in you.

There is one rule here: stronger thoughts drive out weaker ones... Their strength is measured by their emotions. If the first object of lust has more emotional power than the second, then you will think of the first object. This is how we prioritize. What is most important to us is what triggers the greatest emotional response.

Hence the conclusion: Your infatuation should be causing powerful emotions , they should be stronger than those emotions that are caused by the person you think about all the time. Stronger emotions override weak ones. I think this is clear to you.

Fortunately, in our 21st century it is not so difficult to get distracted. You just need to go somewhere to forget about the person at least for a while. If you sit at home, then thoughts about the person will definitely not stop. And in general, the house is such a place that is needed precisely for reflection. Want to stop thinking? Leave the house.

Dancing and acting classes help me get rid of my thoughts. This is what I love. In addition, during class it is difficult to think about something else. If you dance, then all thoughts are only about movements and body plastics. If you are playing a role, then all thoughts are only about how poorly you are performing your role and what needs to be done to correct this situation. What do you love? What will help you to distract yourself from worries?

Other people help me to stop thinking about another person, or rather - communication with them. During communication, I do not focus on my own problems, but on the problems of other people. Yes, people love, but I have to listen to it, and then be surprised that everything is really wonderful with me. Therefore, when communicating with a friend or friend, do not start talking about the person you are thinking of. You better listen to other people's problems. Don't be selfish.

Try not to see this person. Do your best so that nothing reminds you of him. If you recently broke up with a boyfriend or girlfriend, then remove all photos and belongings of this person from your apartment. Their presence will only remind you of bygone days... As they say: "Out of sight, out of mind"... Not comforting words, but what can you do. Perhaps it will be better if you temporarily change your surroundings: go out of town or to another city.

Dream. Dreaming evokes strong positive emotions and helps you change the polarity of your thoughts from "-" to "+". After all, when you think about a person, you feel a need, because of which you suffer greatly. Dreaming helps to get rid of want. You begin to feel a surge of energy and that you have everything in abundance. Start imagining a happy life.

Learn to forgive. I advise you to forgive the person who hurt you. Forgiveness is very good at getting rid of negative thoughts... Imagine the person who has harmed you in your mind, say: "I forgive you"... Say these words several times. Be honest with yourself. I am sure that you have also made a lot of money in relation to this person. Imagine this person again and say: "Forgive me" repeatedly. This cleansing will help you forget about the person faster.

In general, as a rule, it takes time to stop thinking about the person... You cannot instantly forget the person with whom you have lived for several years. None of the ways will help you do this in minutes, unless you get amnesia.

I also advise you to stop blaming yourself for what happened. All people make mistakes, except those who do nothing. Sooner or later, you will 100% meet the only person with whom you will live a long and happiest life... Be sure of this! Be happy!!!

How to stop thinking about a person?


What to do and how to be when you catch yourself thinking that you think about someone too often, our today's article on the site Koshechka.ru. This time we'll figure it out how to stop thinking about a person.

How not to think about a person with whom nothing else connects

In order to get rid of this kind of addiction, and constant thinking and remembering is exactly addiction, you need to try to sort everything out and honestly answer certain questions. You need not just look at yourself from the outside, but coldly and soberly, emotionlessly assess the current situation.

  • Firstly, such thoughts only spoil the mood. And this, in turn, affects work, study and relationships with those around you and those close to you. By driving himself into a corner with reflections, a person becomes nervous and irritable. No matter how good and loyal your girlfriends and friends seem to you, over time they will begin to turn away from you, reduce attitude and communication to a minimum. Nobody likes a depressing girlfriend. This is what awaits you if you can't stop thinking about your ex, the person with whom you no longer have anything in common.
  • Secondly, even if you carefully hide your thoughts from others, they will certainly make themselves felt, in an unconscious state, so to speak. For example, it could be unpleasant dreams, which will not mean anything, but only torment and add negativity. In the moment drunkenness, it doesn't even matter how much you drank, thoughts push you to rash actions. From banal calls, SMS to the ex, to the manifestation of aggression towards happy, loving acquaintances. Just imagine how you will feel the next day if this situation occurs.
  • And thirdly, sad thoughts directly affect health. After all, only in moments of enlightenment, we think about how not to think about a person anymore. And the rest of the time we continue, silently suffer and torture ourselves. When the spirit hurts, the body also begins to ache. Moreover, this happens imperceptibly and many do not associate aching with this mental wound... This could be a lingering cold, stomach problems, frequent pressure surges, or a regular headache.

All of the above is just what can happen to you if you do not stop harassing and tormenting yourself. You just need to understand for yourself that such behavior destroys your life, torments and harasses you, does not allow you to go further and, in fact, is absolutely meaningless. There are so many interesting moments, events and opportunities, life is one and it is short. And is it worth spending it on self-blame.

How to stop thinking about a young person or looking from the other side

Now let's talk about what often happens to young people when you suffer in silence.

Many girls think exactly like this: “I feel so bad, I suffer so much, and he ...” And he sleeps peacefully, eats and continues to live. This is another argument to prove that sad thoughts are groundless. You are killing yourself, but he does not know and does not even think about it. In addition, if he does not show himself in any way towards you, it is worth closing this chapter of his life forever, the site advises.

How to stop thinking about a person? Understand that if he is not looking for contact with you, then you can not torment yourself with memories!

Even if you are already tired of persuading yourself not to think about your loved one and are increasingly thinking about returning your relationship, then you should weigh the pros and cons. But more often than not, it doesn't make sense. Because the problem or cause that kept you apart has not gone anywhere. For example, a young man cheated quite often. And you still want to improve relations with him. But why does he need old problems when now he free man and no one controls him, does not cut the brain and make scenes? Even if he agrees, there is no guarantee that it will not be out of pity, and he will try to hide his betrayals more carefully. If the reason for the separation was work, hobbies or friends, then this has not disappeared anywhere. And where did you get the idea that he, having not previously given up part of his life, will give up now for you? And, if the reason was in your hobbies, in your friends, or in what you really liked and what you wanted to do, but he forbade. Then in sad thoughts, in all this suffering and the renewal of relations, all the more there is no sense. Relationships are mutual respect, for the life of another person in all its manifestations.

If your mistakes and actions caused a breakup, it gnaws at you, and you can't stop thinking about your loved one and you really want to fix everything, then think carefully. Let's say it's yours now ex lives a completely different life, in which you no longer exist, and he does not seek to change anything. Then you just need to talk to him and apologize. This will help alleviate your suffering and get rid of sad thoughts, which are better directed in a different direction. For example, mentally identify mistakes and try to never commit them in relation to loved ones, so as not to suffer so much and not to lose loved ones because of them.

There are many examples. Just stop torturing yourself by analyzing and remembering. He has been living a different life for a long time, perhaps even busy with other relationships. And your endless thoughts concern only you. To not think about the person anymore, it is enough to realize that it destroys your life, kills from the inside, makes it impossible to regain wonderful feeling love and many joys. Be strong, because time is running out!

Bruslik Maria - specially for Koshechka.ru - a site for lovers ... in yourself!