Interview. Angelina Jolie gave a candid interview about divorce and the problems associated with it

Tattoos, blood and scars that's what I'm made of.

I don't need a psychoanalyst. The roles I choose are my psychoanalyst.

When all the girls around wanted to be ballerinas I wanted to be a vampire.

People think I'm full of dark secrets and obsessed with the idea of ​​death. But if I like to think about death, it is only because I value life more than many.

Doesn't scare me kind of blood, and I was never afraid of dead bodies. When I see dead man I only think that recently he was alive, like me.

There is something soothing about death. The thought that tomorrow you may not be, allows you to appreciate life today - whatever it may be.

I realized quite late that being happy is just a choice you make.

There is no suffering without pain and without suffering, we can never learn to learn from our own mistakes.

I've always found flaws to be attractive. Scars, for example, seem sexy to me because they say, yes, I did stupid things.

Mother never screamed and never swore. She cried and I often heard her cry because our bedrooms were close by. Once, while still at school - don't ask what I was doing - I came home in the morning and saw her tear-stained face, the face of a man who had cried all night.

My father(Jon Voight - Esquire) is a great actor, but above all he is a great father.

Until I started acting I didn't even know my breast size.

I like hiding behind my characters. I am a very introverted person and I haven’t learned to get along with fame very well.

I don't like being touched. Once I was told that I freeze and hold my breath when someone hugs me. Well, I still do that.

Apparently It is high time to hide me in a psychiatric hospital.

Here, above my eyebrows, I have a fold, because I constantly have to pick them up in surprise.

It is very important to understand how huge the world really is.

I went on my first big trip a long time ago and what I saw then shocked me and completely changed me. Then, continuing to travel, I, like everyone else, probably went through a period of anger at the prosperous world in which I was born, and only then I realized that instead of watching or getting angry, it is better to look for ways to help those who live in poverty.

Seeing refugee camps on the news people in America don't even realize that these people just want to go home.

When I first came to Sierra Leone I saw thousands of people whose arms or legs were cut off by the rebels. Painting vast world literally burst into my head. I remember that the first days, listening to the stories of these people, I constantly cried. But then I realized that they didn't need my tears.

I save a third of what I can earn I spend a third and donate another third to charity.

Most great gift, which I made for my children is an opportunity to see the world.

My kids love to travel as much as I do, and it seems to me that they already have an understanding in their heads big world because they feel as comfortable in a hotel in Manhattan as in a tent without electricity in the Kenyan desert.

I believe that children should see everything with their own eyes, therefore my children lived with me in our house in Cambodia. But this is not even a house - so, a hut on stilts, around which there are another hundred of the same huts. Together with the neighbors simple peasants, we worked on mine clearance. On our land, we found 48 min.

Once upon a time I had a small window tattooed on my back. Then I covered it with a huge tiger. But since childhood, when I was just a girl, I loved to look out the window, imagining that I was about to go somewhere. So it was later. And it doesn't matter what happened - I just got married, or had sex with my husband, or finished shooting a film - I always sat by the window and looked at the street, and something interesting was always happening outside the window. But now my window is covered by a tiger. I kind of went out the window once and for all. I was there, lived here and generally did many things that I never dreamed of sitting by the window as a child. Now I look up to the sky, thinking about how to fly.

To be free is to live obeying intuition, do not hurt anyone and do not judge people for their mistakes.

I always wanted live several lives.

As soon as I stop following my intuition and I start to act according to the logic, I immediately get into trouble.

When you have six children you try never to put yourself in danger.

Sometimes children's questions baffle me. After all, they may ask: "Why did Shrek and Fiona get married, and you still not?"

It seems to me, that a wedding for children is just a beautiful four-tiered cake.

Life differs from cinema at least in that that when a woman lies on the bed with her beloved man, she does not necessarily lie in perfect pose and the veil does not cover her breasts.

It seems to me, people were more sexually liberated in the fourth century BC, and the thought of this leaves me confused.

I'm a working mother and I want my clothes to be beautiful, sexy and practical at the same time.

It always seemed to me that becoming a mother - it is one of the most terrible, responsible and desperate things in the world. This is not a full back tattoo.

What you're good at and what others think you are good at are completely different things.

This is the dream of my whole life - play a villain in a Bond movie.

I'm not going to be in movies forever. Someday I will have to become a grandmother.

Unlike many women, I enjoy being pregnant. I love this feeling that everything your body belongs not to you, but to the child.

People are so strange: they tell me that I am thin, believing that it will cheer me up.

At some point, I realized that I was comfortable being myself - something that I have never felt. And now I can finally say that my life is as interesting as my work.

Ask different people about what they most wanted to do, and it turns out that no one has done it yet. That's what really upsets me.

I do not have enough time to understand the meaning of life.

I like to do something I like being busy and I like answering tons of questions. But I don't know how many films I've done. Lost count.

When you learn a language, start with swearing. Swearing can help you better than any phrasebook.

Movie fights always look pretty but in life it is always disgusting.

Zebra is the perfect prey haven't you thought about it? Zebras cannot disguise themselves. They just stand in the middle of the savannah, like stupid chairs in the middle of a beautifully designed room, and everything in their appearance shouts: "Come on, eat me, grab."

I didn't die young and that's good.

Angelina Jolie filed for divorce from Brad Pitt last September, and almost a year later, the actress finally spoke frankly to Vanity Fair about how the divorce affected her family and her health.

In the first big interview after the divorce, Jolie admitted that she experienced the most hard times in life, and still they are building relationships and life.
After parting with Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and her children fled from the paparazzi in a rented house, where they lived for 9 months actually “on suitcases”, and only a few days before the interview moved to new house v Los Angeles, bought for $ 25 million. Now the actress and her children are settling into a new house, which is also unusual for her, since, according to her, Brad Pitt used to decorate the home and various small things around the house.

On divorce from Brad Pitt:

Despite the fact that a significant part of Angelina Jolie's interview for Vanity Fair is devoted to her film “They First Killed My Father: Memories of Cambodia's Daughter” and the importance of Cambodia in her life, the actress also touched upon the topic of interest to everyone - a divorce from Brad Pitt, the relationship with which is final deteriorated by summer 2016:

“It was all bad,” Jolie said, but then corrected herself: “I didn't want to use that word. Everything has become difficult.

However, she refutes the rumor that the reason for the divorce was their unusual image life:

- Our lifestyle has never been negative or problematic. He was and will remain one of the wonderful opportunities that we give children. These are six smart, thinking individuals who know a lot about this world. I am very proud of them.

And yet, the actress still does not reveal the reason for the divorce, referring to the desire to protect children from all this, and her following words make divorce even more mysterious:

- Our children are very brave ... We all just need to recover from what led to the divorce. They do not heal wounds from divorce, but from what led to it, from some events in life.

At the same time, Jolie assures that she and Brad Pitt continue to take care of each other and children.

About health:

However, the divorce affected not only emotional state Jolie. She began to have health and appearance problems: Bell's palsy was discovered - paralysis of the facial nerve, in which part of the face remains motionless. The stress of the actress increased gray hair and the skin is dry.

However, these problems, according to Angelina Jolie, appeared due to the fact that she, like all women, thinks of herself only as a last resort, devoting all of herself to her family and work.

About plans:

Right now, Angelina Jolie has no desire to act in films and be a part of Hollywood show business:

“I just want to make the right breakfasts and take care of the house. This is my passion. At the request of the children, I am now taking cooking lessons and learning how to cook. When I go to bed at night, I think: “I did great job as a mom, or was it a mediocre day? ”.

Since the interview was recorded a few days before leaving for Africa, Jolie talked about plans to visit Kenya and Namibia. And in general, she intends to travel more now:

- For nine months I tried to be a really good housewife, cleaned the dogs, washed the dishes and read books to children at night. And I have succeeded in these matters. But now I want to put on my boots and go on a trip!

Almost a year ago, the most a beautiful couple Hollywood decided to leave: on September 19 last year, Angelina Jolie filed for divorce from Brad Pitt after twelve years life together and two years of marriage. First, an impressive scandal erupted around their divorce: the actress accused her then still spouse of abuse with children and demanded full custody, however, as it turned out later, the situation a little embellished. Pitt, of course, was acquitted, but not forgiven: as the actor himself later admitted in GQ Style, their marriage was ruined by vodka and his addiction to alcohol. We understood Brad's feelings: he blames himself for everything, still loves Jolie and dreams of returning his family. Now Angelina herself has revealed her soul: the actress appeared on the September cover of Vanity Fair and gave a great interview about life after divorce, children and her feelings.

According to Jolie, the first time after the divorce was the most terrible: “It was the hardest time. We needed freedom and air, ”says the actress and notes that the purchase of a new house, BeauxArts, helped her escape from this situation and gave rise to a new life. O last months life with Pitt, Angie spoke carefully: having said at first that "everything became bad" last summer, the actress stopped short and corrected herself. "Everything has become too difficult" - this is how she described her life with the actor.

Now, in order to establish a normal lifestyle, Jolie has given up filming and is trying to devote all the time to children: “For nine months I was just trying to be a good housewife: feeding the dogs, washing dishes, reading bedtime stories,” the actress admitted and continued. - I want to cook breakfast for them and keep order in the house. This is my passion. The children asked me to learn how to cook, and I take lessons. When I go to bed in the evening, I think: “I was wonderful mom, or was it just an ordinary day? ”- concluded Jolie. True, according to Angelina, she is not the only one working on the happiness of children: “We take care of each other and take care of our family, and we are both working on the same goal,” said the actress, thereby making it clear that the relationship between her and Pitt are really getting better.

The divorce helped Angie improve her relationship with her father, John Voight: long time she could not forgive him for leaving her as a child, but now she sees the situation differently. “Children now need good grandpa who reads them books and tells stories. He became just like that, "- says Jolie. However, despite the fact that life after a divorce is really getting better, the actress sometimes allows herself to be weak. “When I want to cry, I go to the bathroom so the kids won't see it. They must be sure that everything is fine, even if it is not entirely true, "- admitted Angelina.

0 8 February 2018, 20:10

42-year-old, who has time not only films and six children, in last years devotes quite a lot of time and energy to supporting women fighting for their rights, as well as actively against sexual violence. Therefore, it is not surprising that it was her on the eve of the International women's day Elle magazine chose the cover story of the March issue as its heroine.

In addition to the photo session, an interview with the actress appeared on the pages of the publication, which was taken by former US Secretary of State John Kerry. In a conversation with a famous American politician, Jolie talked about what she teaches her daughters.

I tell my daughters that anyone can put on a dress and do makeup, but only your mind can characterize you. Find out who you are, what you think and what you are fighting for. Fight for others so they have freedom. Living to serve is awful, she said.

Jolie devotes a lot of attention and time to social and political issues and has been a UN Goodwill Ambassador for Refugees for several years.

In my youth, I was absolutely apathetic to this topic. I became interested in human rights issues and met with refugees because I wanted to study. I had some romantic vision of all this: I figured that I would put on boots and become a humanist. But you always need to look at the root of the problem. And he refers to law and politics. I have met refugees who survived sexual assault, but there were no convictions in these cases. So I started working with representatives of the law and the government, explains Jolie.

The topic of gender inequality was repeatedly raised by the star during her public appearances. She even has NATO to speak out for women. Therefore, this time the actress did not bypass this burning topic.

She started talking about femininity, her realization and fenimism. The star told how she relates to the stereotypes imposed by society.

There is nothing more attractive than a woman who is in harmony with herself. Without any taboos, in the image that is closest to her. People around her feel her self-confidence, her desire to remain real in any situation.

The star that's in different time tabloids and prestigious awards were called the most beautiful and sexy woman the world, spoke on the topic of femininity:

Despite successful film roles and even an Oscar, Angie admitted that she felt her worth only when she first became a mother.

When I first became a mother. Now this feeling is only getting stronger and brighter every year. Changes for the better are impossible without accepting yourself for who you are, without gratitude for every moment lived. This needs to be learned.

Now the topic of feminism, equality and, in general, the solvency of women in the world is on the cutting edge in society. Angelina Jolie, who has long been the abomination of the feminist movement, also spoke about women's struggle for their rights:

Equality does not mean that we want to be the same. Or we strive to belittle someone and rise ourselves. We are simply fighting for our right to freedom of choice - the choice of the life we ​​dream of. We want to live not at the expense of men, but together with men. It seems to me that very little is now said about what huge role a man plays in the formation of a woman's personality, how he helps her to improve.

And Jolie tries to instill the same values ​​in her daughters.

I think so - through images strong women to look up to through examples from the past. Children need to understand how many rights we still have to fight for and how many women around the world are under pressure. Among the people my children admire the most are many women who have survived different kinds conflicts and coping with adversity. It is not so much gender that is important here, but the strength of the personality itself.

In the process of upbringing, the star tries to give children all her experience, which she has accumulated over the years.

Angelina Jolie actress

Be yourself. But, to be honest, they teach me this themselves every day. All my daughters are completely different, each has a bright character. I would like their children to inherit their love of freedom and kindness. Also in our family, the relationship between the state of nature and human well-being is often discussed. People will not live well if the planet is suffering. And absolutely each of us can contribute to its protection, my children know this for sure.