How to determine what a child is sexually violent? How to find out if this is his child. Video about how to find out what baby frozen

The main reasons for infection with worms in children - imperfection of immune and digestive system, non-compliance with hygienic rules.

Signs of worms in a child

Glice invasion can for a long time leak off clinical symptoms. Therefore, parents can not recognize the worms for a long time, they do not understand why the baby has changed the behavior, gone appetite, he began to root often.

How to identify worms in children:

  • increased salivation;
  • frequent complaints of nausea, pain near the navel or under the right ribs;
  • change of appetite in the direction of increasing or decreasing;
  • tightening cough, appearance in the sputum of blood impurities;
  • intestinal failures - Diarrhea with watery diarrhea, long constipation, meteorism.

Infected by worms, a child can become overlooking and capricious, or apathetic. Such children quickly get tired, often wake up at night, the skin becomes pale, dark circles lie under the eyes.

Diagnostic methods

In children, in the history of which there is a transferred glisate invasion, often a false-positive reaction of Mantu.

What diagnostic methods will help to recognize that the child can have worms:

Traditional methods of treatment

Important! Use only methods alternative medicineTo engage in self-medication in the children's invasions, children are prohibited.

Effective drugs:

  • with nematodes - Pyrantel in the form of suspension is used to treat children from 6 months, piperazine;
  • to combat cestodes - niclozamide;
  • from trematodes - Cloxyl.


WHO recommends conducting medicinal therapy All children who visit preschool institutions, every 6 months. Adhere to these recommendations or not - decides every parent itself. But if the child has all signs of infection, but the results of the tests are negative - the reception of medicines for prevention is necessary.

Gloves in a child may appear by different reasons. The task of parents is to maximize children from sources of infection, to conduct in a timely manner. preventive actions and diagnostics. If the child has worms, it is necessary to clearly comply with all the prescriptions of the attending physician. Ignoring problems or self-treatment can become a culprit of complications and occurrence of related diseases.

As at home, determine whether the child is developing normally.

The slow motion development of the child can manifest itself in different ways. Is the development of the child by deflection from the norm - this determines the visit to the psychologist. However, competent doctors will not make a similar conclusion, until the child turns 7-8 years. Hurry conclusions of doctors highlight a child from social school groupAnd the child begins to feel all the delights of ridicule and alienation. The incomplete development of higher mental functions is temporary and can be treated. Delay mental Development The child can be eradicated completely, the main thing for this start to engage in time with the child.

Who can have
The most dangerous and difficult to treat wrong development The child is associated with organic lesions brain. Such a defeat can be the result of any disease that the child had sobbed in the womb. Infectious disease leads to the fact that some cells are falling asleep. Some of these cells can still work, and the other will never be able to engage in the usual rhythm of the brain. With organic delays in the development of the child, do not do without the help of medicines. Strengthen the delay in the development of the child, if you constantly find time for a child and only fear for it.

Symptoms of development delay
Is it possible to determine in their home conditions independently without the help of specialists, is normal or abnormally child development? Most noticeable any deviation from normal Development It becomes more adulthood. Suspicions can play somewhere in 3 years. By 4 years, children tend to consult a speech therapist or neurologist. By 5-6 years, the child should not only speak well, but also to think and show their emotions. The observation of the child's development will help to understand if the crumbs have a delay in mental development. To do this, just play with the baby.

For a child of 10 months
It is better not to wait for the child to be 4 years old, but to observe its development and calculate, whether everything is normal. The game of hide and seek will help show the timely the development of the child, or not. How to play hide and seek, everyone knows. To do this, just to hide some thing from the child, the toy, and this is done with the child, so that the baby see where the mother put the object. The child at 9-10 months should show himself with a confident earfed, the discoverer, showing mom, where the nophile is lying, since the child at that age understands that the toy can not disappear just like that. At this age, there is a formation of thought skills, although the simplest.

Test for children 1-3 years
At the age of 1-1.5 years, it is necessary to evaluate speech and motor activity The child will help to identify the problem in a timely manner. Child development You can check with the help of a new toy. The child develops normally, if an increased interest in new toy, watches her, trying to grasp it, something tagged under the nose. If the child does not show interest at this age to everything that surrounds him, then time to beat the alarm. In 2-3 years you can conduct the following test. Suggest a child to collect cubes so that they come together to each other by holes. If the child does not be able to solve this task, you need to consult a doctor.

Child 3-5 years and 5-6 years
Check Level intellectual Development The child at this age is possible with the help of a child's speech. Complete diagnosis of it speech abilities It can only produce a speech therapist, but you can take something and yourself. This can be done easily, just asking the child to tell what computer, vacuum cleaner, thunderstorm, sunset, transport? Of course, the ignorance of these things is not yet a reason to diagnose the child's delay. psychological developmentmaybe it's just a small horizon of a child. In 5-6 years, signs of rejected development become more apparent, they include problems with a score, not an understanding, where one, and where two, ignorance of flowers, lack of interest in activities that contributes to the child's self-expression.

Young children have one feature of the body's response to the disease: general signs Diseases (symptoms) prevail over local signs of defeat of one or another organ or system.

Most likely, small child Will not tell that he starts hurt the throat , what does he have spirling a head Appears muscular weakness and fatigue, etc. Children tend to run and jump until the disease blooms with a stormy color. This is what needs to be taken into account when evaluating the health of the child.

One of frequent signs In case of illness is lethargy and disruption of appetite . Healthy child Cheerful and active, eats well. If he does not sleep, it is in the state of "eternal movement."

Breastfalls are smiling, walking, they usually have clear alternations of sleep and wake periods, good appetite.

Older children run, jump, play, do not keep them in one place and not attract attention for a long time.

The sick child becomes sluggish, does not smile and does not play, begins to "darling" for any occasion, he is not interested in new toys and cartoons, he refuses to sleep, before ordinary time asks sleep, sleeps more than usual (but if only not overwhelmed on the eve) . The breast child begins to cry unfortunately, refuses to eat, does not cease to cry even in the full state. If this happens without visible and explicit reasons - It is necessary to be vigilant. Perhaps these are simply temporary whims. Perhaps you had the day before, and the child is just tired. Hike to Circus or Theater (Stadium, Cinema, Long-term active games etc.) at an older age can be the source of excess emotions (and we say - the child "moved").

But most often these signs will be precursors of the disease.

So, you see that the child behaves not as usual.

Do not hurry to pester him with questionings. Of course, a child of five and six years old and older may themselves complain to malaise. But even in this case, do not neglect objective supervision. IN younger aged Children do not localize their feelings and do not possess abstract thinking. Therefore, to the question - "where is the stomach hurts", they always show on the navel area, with the question of the "head hurt?" - respond to "hurts", and when question "maybe not hurts?" Most often answer - "does not hurt."

It is very important to understand how to observe the children. Do not perceive the child initially as your improved copy, do not allocate your observations with some expectations based on your own vital experience or knowledge learned in the literature. Do not try to find symptoms of the disease. Just fix the observations by making them up as far as everything you see is characteristic of your child.

Remember that experience and habit of watching a child without pressure, in a natural environment, will help the development of psycho-emotional relationship between you - after all, you will learn to understand the language of his gestures, understand the meaning of his subconscious reactions to the world and yourself including. You can confidently assert that your parental attention And love will be able to realize in real care The development of your child, and will return in the form of his response understanding and assistance.

Observation is a difficult thing. It in itself can be both beneficial and destructive. Since this book is about the health of the child, this issue would incorrectly get around. Watch the child with interest as for an independent being, and you will change your worldview. You will pass the path from dissatisfaction with the nurses between you (for some reason, parents seem to be that children somehow have to justify any expectations of their expectations) to the joy of awareness of your kinship. This understanding of the child will definitely perceive, although not consciously, and one thing that will relieve it from psychological tension , which is the deepest root cause of the emergence of very many disorders, which later develop to complex systemic diseases.

Watch for the overall emotional and motor state of the child. Cautiously you should excessive lethargy , so I. increased activity , turning into hysterical excitement. Sleep disorders I. restless behavior In a dream, there are also phenomena that are worthy of additional attention.

Pay attention to how the child goes without whether it moves with his hands (it can be a sign of damage to bones, ligaments, joints or muscles), as he says and how quickly and accurately answers questions (this may be due to the disease nervous system or injury), as reacting to touch. Does not try to turn or cover the eyes from bright light.

Anxious factor is change appetite . If the child eats little and refuses his favorite dishes, it may be evidence of the start of the disease, and not at all necessary - by the digestive organs. Chaula disorders - it is also a sign of not only diseases digestive tract. Diarrhea may accompany many infectious and viral diseases as well nervous disorders and allergic reactions. Constipation and colic may be present at raising the temperature (with any disease) or even be the first symptom of such serious acute diseases as appendicitis, viral hepatitis or internal bleeding Due to injury. When changes in the nature of physiological shipments (The frequency of the chair and urination, the color, the composition of urine and feces), soreness when sending - should immediately contact a specialist.

If the child constantly chews something, you should not be happy with his healthy appetite. This may be a reaction to psychological discomfort, the first sign of a violation of work. thyroid gland or other hormonal disorders.

Increase fluid consumption often says that the child's body is trying to fill her drawback (in this case, it can be found that the child sweats due to nervous overvoltage, viral infections etc.). The same thing happens when intestinal disorders, poisoning or allergic reactions - The body is trying to overcome intoxication, and the child is thirsty.

The change taste addies Also may indicate ailment. For example, a refusal of favorite dishes or vice versa, the desire to eat something, from what he has previously refused. It even happens that the children are drawn in the mouth of inedible items. It is well known an example when children and pregnant women eat chalk - their body lacks calcium.

The following is an inspection of skin cover for changes in their condition and the appearance of various sychay . Any unusual changes Skin, subcutaneous fatty fiber and mucous membranes must be shown by a specialist. Pay attention to the presence of hematomas (bruises), swelling, limiting mobility and a change in the shape of the joints (this may be a sign of their traumatic damage).

Ask your child - how he feels, did not fall on the day before, did not hit his head, did not take any tablets, did not treat him with someone unusual candy or products? Especially informative of these older children. Be sure to spend the questioned in the trust tone, without increasing the voices, explain that you do not need to be afraid of anything. Otherwise, frightened, the child will forget or just be afraid to tell you something important.

If you have a suspicion that the child is unhealthy, you need to measure temperature body the child has. Increased temperature bodies - most often found sign of various infectious diseases. It is best to do this several times a day at the intervals of about three hours (the so-called three-hour thermometry). This will catch even short-term and minor fluctuations in body temperature. Body temperature is best measured mercury thermometer In the axillary region. In infants it is possible to use electronic thermometers, but it is necessary to very accurately follow the instructions for its operation and repeat the measurement several times in a row. The temperature of the body is considered normal from 35.5 ° C to 37 o C. In children under the age of 3 years, the body temperature may normally increase and up to 37.5 o C. Any, even a short-term increase in body temperature above the established limits is necessary regard hypertermia. . Disease manifestation.

It is necessary to pay attention to the appearance or strengthening of various catarrhal phenomena, such as rubble, cough, voting witness . Children who visit kindergarten, quite often have this manifestation, so it is necessary to evaluate not only their presence, but also intensity.

All their observations must somehow fix it in order to miss anything when I examine the doctor. Each item may matter, so it is better not to keep up for memory - write down or mark somehow all that caused your anxiety. You can forget something forget, Calculate something insignificant or just forget to tell, swinging attention to something during the reception.

About the need to appeal to the doctor - pediatrician, and then, if necessary, to narrow specialist - We will remind you constantly.

In winter, many responsible parents are worried - how to understand that the child is frozen on the street, and what to do that this does not happen. Proper preparation To walk in the cold season will help to avoid hypothermia. In case Kroch begins to freeze, it is important to detect on time. characteristic signs lack of heat and take the right measures.

Use daily walks for a children's body

Walk - mandatory component of the day baby. Regular stay on fresh air in many ways contributes full development Baby and improving overall well-being. After the receiving portion of oxygen, the baby will surely please the parents with excellent appetite, calm bed and a good mood.

During staying on the street, it is necessary to constantly monitor the kid not to frozen, and the walk did not lead to supercooling and illness.

How can you find out that the child is frozen on the street

To determine if a newborn baby will not be frozen on the street, it is necessary to pay attention to the main signs of the lack of heat. The crumb is incorrectly dressed and freezes if:

  • Skin covers and cheeks abruptly pale.
  • The nose becomes "ice".
  • Under the edges of the outerwear and cap fell cold.
  • Hand fingers and rear palms have become cold, lost normal sensitivity and acquired a dark red shade.
  • He became less active, does not show interest in a walk, began to move less.
  • He squeezed and tremble.

There is no reason for concern if the child has become cool cheeks, handbrushes, nose, but at the same time he still rejoices, and skin covering Under the headdress and upper clothes remains dry and warm.

How to find out that the breast baby frowns in the stroller

To learn that the baby is cold in the wheelchair in the winter, it is possible for the sudden appearance of strong drowsiness, a decrease in activity, indifference to the world, quietly crying. During sleep child's face First blues, then it becomes pale. Spots appear on the skin white color, and the nasolabial "triangle" becomes bluish. Often in the infants who freeze, the ICTO begins.

What to do to prevent supercooling on the street

The main condition for the comfortable stay of the baby in the fresh air in winter time year is right choice clothes. Sewing a newborn baby for a walk, need to consider the following:

  • warm crumb on the weather, several layers;
  • do not leave areas where clothes fit loosely;
  • close the tummy and the back;
  • do not forget about warm mittens.

The best option of the outerwear in early age One whole overalls or suspension from hypoallergenic fabric will become. Monthly babyWhich while walking is constantly in a wheelchair, must be in a warm fur envelope.

Being on the street, you should not give the child a drink from a bottle. If the karapuz has already started walking, mom should regularly check the dryness of its shoes and mittens.

The duration of the mice (walk) in frosty weather should not exceed 30 minutes. From the walk worth refuse, if the air temperature is below -15 degrees, wind and blizzard.

When signs of hypothermia in the infancy should stop walking, immediately return home or go to the nearest building to warm up. With kids who already know how to walk, you can play, bending and flexing the handles and legs. It will help improve blood circulation, stop cacured and warm up a little.

Come home, you need to immediately remove from the crumbs upper clothes And disguise into clean dry things. After that, the handles and legs need to be confused, and then provide warm drink.

No less harmful to wear a baby too warm. Overheating is dangerous increased risk Get sick from the slightest wind.

How to understand that the kid frills in the house

In connection with the features developing organism breast kids Can freeze not only on the street, but also the room. If the main conditions for the creation of a comfortable microclimate, the kid can freeze or, on the contrary, overheat. Parents can learn that it is not enough warmly dressed, touches some parts of the body. A bright feature of this will be a cold neck, feet, topless spins and a parietal area. But also the lack of heat is determined by such signs as cold nose and ears, blue tint Lip I. nail plates, "goose pimples.

Whether children are frown in a dream

Often, breast children freeze at night in a dream. An indicant that the child is not warm enough, its cool handles and legs, cold areas of the skin on the abdomen, back and chest. But it can also be understood if the crumb is sleeping, squeezing into the tank, often wake up overnight and is concerned.

What to do to kroch not marz indoors

The baby's stay in the house requires maintaining the correct temperature regime. Traditionally, pediatricians are recommended to provide in the children's room the heat level within 18-22 degrees.

If it turned out that the baby frowns at night in a dream, you should not try to solve the problem by turning on the heater. Overheating kid does not contribute to normal thermoregulation and prevents the body to "learn" to keep warm. And the airborne air interferes with thermoregulation through airways And overcourses their mucous membranes.

If the temperature in the room is normal, but the crumb is angry at night, you should wear it before bedtime warmer or to cover with a latter blanket. For temperature mode 20-25 degrees are recommended to sleep in knitted underwear, covered with thin sheets. At the same time, you should not forget to wear socks on the legs. If a lower limbs Will not cover, the sleep of the crumbs will be much stronger and calmer.


Parents must remember - important condition a comfortable stay of the baby on the street and in the house is the acquisition of clothing and shoes for him natural materials. And reliably protect the crumb from bad weather, wind and precipitation during the walk will help the modern stroller.

Video about how to find out what baby frozen

Video about how to wear baby in winter