Is it possible in the last month. Pay attention to how you feel. Do I need multivitamins in the last months of pregnancy

In the view of most people, a woman in her last pregnancy is a kind of clumsy madam with an immense belly-watermelon, whose one exit to the street already arouses admiration among her housemates! However, the slowness and regularity of some "deeply pregnant" women with lice is compensated by the remarkable, frightening activity of others. If you feel a surge of strength and Have a good mood- walk, sew, go to concerts and exhibitions. Do not limit yourself in entertainment and hobbies, the baby is only good. Let's be honest: everything is normal - both excessive energy and the same. too much passivity. Hormones, you know, naughty! Moreover, in most cases, day to day does not fall, and such different states alternate harmoniously. Today you are passionately stroking romper overalls, literally licking the apartment (although, you see, doing this with a tummy is not very convenient). And in addition, in the evening you gather guests, surprising them with an incredibly tasty dish with an unpronounceable name ... And tomorrow you lie all day, curled up, forgetting about exercises, a walk to freshly squeezed fruit juices. Yes, and in a sad mood! How to treat it? As to the natural course of your pregnancy. One of the experienced mothers of three children, with all sorts of different "violations", was very helped by such a move - to praise herself, her beloved, remembering that:

* NOT gained extra 30 kg during pregnancy;
* DID NOT exercise for just a couple of days. and many, by the way, do not get up from the couch for nine months at all;
* DID NOT go to the pool (options: to see a gynecologist, take tests, buy new vitamins for pregnant women) only today, but next week - for sure!

By the way, do not forget to warn relatives, including children, about possible surges and fluctuations in our desires, activity and mood. And be capricious on health! There is not long to be in a privileged position - use it while you can.

Hurry up, you can't be late!

Yes, that's right: we put a comma after the first word, because we are talking about choosing an obstetrician and a maternity hospital. If all the previous eight months you have been short of time, now is the time to resolve this issue. You can, of course, rely on Russian chances and already with contractions go to the nearest district maternity hospital, comforting yourself with the hope that even in the most beautiful clinics “by agreement” there are slips ... But in this case risk is not a noble cause, because a successful start in life and the health of your child are at stake. What if you are not lucky, and there will be an immeasurable amount of difficulties in a "bad maternity hospital"? No, dear pregnant women, only a well-prepared impromptu is possible!

How to choose a maternity hospital and a doctor - so much has already been said about this that you just have to weigh all the pros and cons, evaluate your own preparation for childbirth and decide on the financial capabilities of the family. The main thing is that, in the case of a personal agreement, the doctor gives you a home and mobile phone because childbirth does not always happen in convenient time. And you want to count on the help of this particular person. If an agreement is signed paid services with a certain medical institution, then it is also desirable to indicate the last name and first name of the doctor you have chosen.

By the way, your own apartment can also become the “best chance” maternity hospital. But in this case, you probably already decided where and with whom to give birth, having worked out with your husband in special courses. Responsible, competent obstetricians who help with home natural childbirth, they will never agree to come to an unprepared married couple who decided to "suddenly" give birth at home. Of course, there are exceptions: for example, your midwife is currently in other births at a given historical moment. But in this case, at the last lessons of the course, you should be introduced to those who can replace her. Although many experienced midwife instructors say that with simultaneous terms, it is extremely rare for all women from the group to give birth at once. Newborns are smart and perceptive children, correctly deciding to be born at the best moment. That is, precisely when parents can count on the help of their "personal" midwife.

You still have time

What else needs and can be done a month before the birth? We hope that with moral and psychological aspects preparation for childbirth, you have already successfully coped: your mood is excellent, you are talking with the baby, they have come up with a name for the baby, classical music listen, they threw out the TV ... Life is beautiful! Therefore, your main task now is to have time to prepare for childbirth, as far as possible from a physical point of view. If you still haven't been able to do this, full program(charging, breathing exercises, relaxation, balanced diet, courses for mothers. swimming pool, etc.), then in recent weeks, titanic efforts to cover everything "undone" are simply excluded. You should not drastically change your lifestyle, degree of physical activity and diet. But there is still a lot to do!

Daily long walks not only cheer up, but also improve the functions of respiration and blood circulation, help to increase the muscle tone of the body.
Devote a few minutes a day while walking to breathing exercises:

1. Stopping the left nostril with your finger, inhale through the right nostril, then, holding the right, dry the air through the left. And so several times. Make sure you don't get dizzy;
2. take a deep breath through the nose, exhale through the mouth, so that the lips make the sound of a "train" (useful during contractions);
3. dog-like breathing (it will help when attempts begin): a deep breath through the nose or mouth, then a long exhalation with an open mouth, breathing often, often;
4. Take a deep breath in through your nose, while exhaling, sing lingering sounds for a long time (“ah-ah-ah”, “oh-oh-oh”, “oo-oo”) until the air runs out completely. Such breathing is very important during contractions - the diaphragm goes down and helps the baby move down.

* Comfortable cold and hot shower during the day (at least with a slight decrease in water temperature) will give vivacity, increase muscle tone, strengthen the immune system, veins and blood vessels.
* Give elasticity to the tissues of the perineum with a massage with almond, olive and other oils. At night, lubricate the area of ​​the perineum and the outer part of the vagina with gentle rubbing movements with any vegetable oil that does not cause you allergies.
* Practice tensing and relaxing your muscles several times a day pelvic floor that surround anus and vagina: tense them during inhalation and relax during exhalation while washing dishes, reading, etc. Such a simple exercise will replace the well-known Kegel exercise.
* Eliminate or minimize consumption meat products(we hope you stopped eating smoked sausage and canned food a long time ago), replacing animal meat with boiled and stewed fish, cheese, in extreme cases - turkey or chicken meat. Animal proteins unnecessarily "load" the vessels and make them less elastic.
* 2 weeks before delivery, it does not hurt to drink a prophylactic course of bifidumbacterin (5 doses 2 times a day) and “clean” the birth canal with vaginal suppositories with the same bifidumbacterin. Perhaps your gynecologist will recommend other suppositories.
* Solve the problem of proper sleep and rest in the last "pregnant" days by any means: otherwise, you simply will not have the strength to adequately withstand the physical and spiritual stress of childbirth. So stock up on energy now!

Anxiety of the last days

Most of all pregnant women, regardless of the number of children they already have, are concerned about one thing: “I don’t have the same thing as everyone else.” But after all, there are the same pregnancies and childbirth. What questions can you worry about?

No colostrum in breast. And I so want to feed the baby myself! In some women, colostrum forms and is released from the breast after 6 months, in others it will begin to be released only after childbirth. You may not even notice this when you put your baby to your breast. But you have colostrum, that's for sure. Perhaps you are one of those mothers who, like others, safely breastfeed their babies. Colostrum is an invaluable product of nature, a few drops of it will protect your baby from infections, allergies and other misfortunes. Be sure to arrange with midwives that you put the baby to the breast for the first time during the first 30-40 minutes after birth.

The baby almost completely stopped spinning in the stomach. He is OK? Or like this: My baby before childbirth is spinning as much as ever! Indeed, the activity of the baby before childbirth decreases, it is already crowded in the tummy. But the intensification of "twisting-spinning" may be due to the temperament of the child, for sure, the babies have not been sitting in one place for the previous 5 months. And then, the birth is approaching, the child wants to be free ...

I don't feel if my stomach has dropped or not. But this should happen 2-4 weeks before the birth? Wrong due date? No one but the baby can know when natural childbirth will begin (options with emergency stimulation or caesarean section do not count). Until now, there is no single point of view on how the birth starts, why on this day and hour the child “gives the go-ahead”. Full-term and physiologically mature children are born in the interval from the 38th to the 42nd week of pregnancy. in several ways: by the day of the beginning of the last menstruation, by the first movement of the baby and by ultrasound readings.Sometimes - by lowering the abdomen down, which happens just 2-4 weeks before the expected birth.None of these "predictions" can be considered one hundred percent reliable . Perhaps the baby will want to sit in a cozy nest-tummy for a longer time or, conversely, go out early “in the light.” Only he decides!

A lowering of the fundus of the uterus (feeling that the abdomen has dropped) is usually clearly noticeable only in the first pregnancy. In other cases, you may not feel the decline of the uterus at all. Whether your stomach has dropped or not, you will understand by the following signs: it will become much easier to breathe and sit on a chair, disappear severe heartburn, if there was one. There are also negative points- the uterus with the baby is now low, the stomach protrudes quite strongly forward, which means that the center of gravity of the body is shifting. This may affect your balance. Be careful!

Sometimes there are periodic pain in the perineum and pelvis. The most unpleasant thing is the pressure of the grown uterus on the bladder, now you have to go to the toilet at least once every hour and a half.

My mucosal plug has come off, but the birth still does not start ... The plug can go away both a few hours before the birth, and 1-2 weeks before them. With the departure of amniotic fluid, the same story: it rarely happens that at the very beginning of childbirth, a large number of water and the baby finds himself in a "waterless space". More often the amount amniotic fluid in childbirth, it recovers a little, and rupture of the fetal bladder can occur only before or during attempts. Pay attention to the color of the amniotic fluid, if you suddenly see them: when they are yellowish-green, medical help is needed.

Olga, who is preparing to become a mother for the third time, recalls: “When I was pregnant for the first time, it was this ill-fated cork that became the beginning of medical, that is, induced childbirth. The cork has come off, and labor activity and a few hours later there was none. After a series of events that ended with the opening of the fetal bladder and the outpouring of all the amniotic fluid, I was stimulated for 14 hours by this very labor activity. Not very fun for a first birth. But the second time the mucus plug went away ten days before the expected birth, I was ready for this and did not worry. But the waters broke just before the attempts - 10 minutes after that, my baby was born. "By the way, you may not notice the cork at all!

Well, you must have memorized the symptoms of real and imaginary harbingers of childbirth. We can only say one thing: when the birth begins for real, you will not confuse them with anything! And in a matter of hours your pregnancy will end - the state is not always easy, but still unusual, impossibly joyful and a little magical. After all, you gave life to a new person ...

The ninth month of pregnancy is the finish line of such a long race. Future mothers are significantly tired, but an ambulance with the baby, compensates for any fatigue.

9 months is how many weeks pregnant

The gestational age is always calculated in weeks. It is customary to conduct calculations for obstetric weeks and months, starting from the original day of the last menstruation. There are only 4 weeks (28 days) in the obstetric month. In this it differs from the usual, calendar. Accordingly, 9 months of pregnancy is: For most women in position, the last month of pregnancy is a period of “suitcase mood” and a long-awaited expectation of meeting a “bubbler”.

Is it possible to have sex at 9 months pregnant

In the absence of any pathologies, sex in the ninth month of pregnancy, according to experts, is allowed. Of course, sharp and vigorous movements should be refrained from, but gentle and smooth sexual intercourse is only welcome.

Some girls are afraid that an orgasm at 9 months will activate labor activity, and childbirth will begin ahead of schedule. There is a grain of truth in this. In the final weeks of pregnancy, contraction of the uterine wall during orgasm can promote labor. Therefore, for girls who have passed the appointed term of childbirth (41-42 weeks), doctors recommend “close communication” with their spouse.

It should be noted that having sex and achieving the final result in it, great train the muscles of the uterus and prepare them for a full-fledged labor activity. Therefore, if there are no pathologies and contraindications from the gynecologist, start the “love workout” from the second trimeter.

During sex at the 9th month of pregnancy, the positions familiar to you are not always safe for the baby. Any pressure on the stomach and deep penetration into a woman is strictly prohibited. In this period, the optimal poses can be "Picnic" (a man from behind on his side) or "Rider" (a woman on top), where the girl independently feels and controls the depth of penetration of the man.

During orgasm, the blood flow in the woman's body and the blood circulation in the placenta are accelerated, which contributes to the supply of oxygen in more quantities. And this is very favorable for the well-being of the child.

Feelings at 9 months pregnant

The 9th month of pregnancy for most women seems painfully long and especially difficult. Moms both physically and emotionally tired, hoping to get through this period faster.

The baby in the tummy is rapidly gaining weight, overgrown with subcutaneous fat, so the tummy seems unbearable and immense. Due to the fact that the fetus is gradually heading “to the exit”, falling lower, it becomes easier to breathe. The breath has passed. But instead of it, the pressure on the lower abdomen increased, and spasmodic sensations appeared in the pubis, inner thighs, and sometimes the coccyx.

The problem with insomnia in the ninth month of pregnancy continues for many women. And no matter how many future mothers count sheep, thoughts about the upcoming birth still take up. Nervousness is connected to insomnia, in some girls hysteria, tearfulness - as they say, "hormones have cleared up."

Some doctors advise during this period to drink sedative sedatives (valerian preparations) or treat yourself to tea with mint, lemon balm. Perfectly calm the nerves, and set in a positive way meditation, breathing exercises.

Due to the increase in the amount of the hormone progesterone, which causes the uterus to contract, swelling in the last month of pregnancy only intensifies. This hormone retains fluid in the body, so at 9 months the face, arms, legs, fingers become somewhat puffy.

You can remove swelling in the last month by excluding salty, smoked, fried foods, active physical activity from the diet, minimizing walks on a hot day. Should be worn comfortable clothes, shoes, apply special medicinal ointments. Cool baths are recommended.

You can prevent the appearance of edema by eating foods such as dried apricots, milk (preferably warm), tea with lemon without sugar. If severe swelling accompanied by pain in the kidneys, diarrhea, fever, you should immediately seek advice from a gynecologist. After the baby is born, the swelling goes away.

Belly in the ninth month of pregnancy

In the ninth month of pregnancy, the tummy does not grow so rapidly. And although the weight of the child increases, the volume of the belly remains the same. It often happens that in the last month of pregnancy, the lower abdomen hurts. This is due to the advancement of the fetus in the pelvic area. The mass of the child presses on the pelvic, pubic bones, pressing down nerve endings, which explains drawing pains at the bottom of the belly and spasms in the pubic area.

Even visually, you can see that the tummy, which was recently rounded up, has acquired a pear-shaped shape and sank a little. As a rule, in primiparas, abdominal prolapse is observed two or more weeks before the birth of a child, with repeated births - directly in the birth process itself.

What else can signal problems with a "pregnant" tummy:

  1. the stomach stiffens at 9 months or hardens - this indicates that the uterus is in good shape at this time, that is, it is ready to “push the baby out”. At any moment, labor can begin;
  2. the stomach itches terribly: in the people speaking - it means you will give birth soon. And it is true. In the third trimester, the volume of the belly increases rapidly, and the skin becomes taut, like a bowstring. Therefore, it itches and even peels off. It is recommended to use creams or natural moisturizers to moisturize the skin. vegetable oils;
  3. if the stomach twists, bloating appears, accompanied by heartburn, it is strongly recommended to adjust the diet: give up carbonated water, products with hyperacidity, eat often and in small portions;
  4. pulling pains in the lower abdomen, accompanied by contractions at a certain interval (about 10-15 minutes) indicate the onset of labor. It is necessary to call ambulance Or go to the hospital on your own.
If any pain in the abdomen bothers you and alarms you, do not hesitate to consult a doctor. The life and health of the child, first of all, will overestimate from you, mommy.

Miscarriage in the ninth month of pregnancy

Fading of the fetus in the last trimeter happens infrequently. Often, a miscarriage at the 9th month of pregnancy occurs due to the presence of a blood clot in the umbilical cord, formed as a result of thick blood, and its poor coagulation. The child dies due to lack of oxygen. Because of this, in the eighth to ninth months of pregnancy, it is necessary to listen especially sensitively to the movements of the crumbs. If they are infrequent or, conversely, too active, this indicates a lack of oxygen. You should immediately report your suspicions to the doctor.

Various inflammatory processes or an infection not detected in time can lead to the death of the baby. The cause of miscarriage in the ninth month of pregnancy is different genetic diseases. Therefore, at the stage of gestation, pregnant women so often take all kinds of tests.

The main factors threatening miscarriage:

  1. Smoking, uncontrolled drinking, immoral lifestyle;
  2. Infectious diseases;
  3. Depression, stress;
  4. Injuries, falls, excessive physical activity;
  5. Rhesus conflict in spouses (a woman has a negative Rh, a man has a positive one).
severe pain in the abdomen, accompanied by blood secretions announce a serious problem. You must immediately seek help from doctors.

Nutrition at 9 months of pregnancy: we follow the figure

Nutrition in the ninth month of pregnancy without fail should be healthy and balanced. The menu is well-chosen and scheduled by the hour.

During the pregnancy period, many girls indulged themselves with fresh buns, grandmother's delicious pies, could not refuse the "last" chocolate bar. As a result, the extra grams and the disapproving look of the gynecologist.

In order for the nutrition in the last month of pregnancy to be correct, you should include the following dishes and foods in your diet:

  • dairy products (kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese);
  • lean meat (beef, turkey meat, rabbit), steamed or baked in the oven;
  • vegetables and fruits rich in fiber (it is advisable to eat fruits in the morning);
  • all kinds of cereals;
  • exclude soda, drink fresh compotes from dried fruits.
Doctors recommend organizing a fasting day once a week: eat apples or drink kefir.

Do I need multivitamins in the last months of pregnancy

A very frequently asked question on the forums of expectant mothers: are multivitamins needed for recent months pregnancy, and what vitamins to accept is more preferable?

Multivitamins are preparations containing several vitamins and minerals in one dose (tablet). It is advisable to take such a "complex vitamin" at an early stage of pregnancy, where there is a shortage folic acid, vitamin E, calcium is especially noticeable and required for the full formation and development of the fetus.
The appointment of a vitamin-mineral course at the 9th month of pregnancy is primarily due to:

  • the health of the woman in labor (weakened body, colds);
  • with pathologies in the development of the fetus;
  • unbalanced diet women.
Some women refuse to take multivitamins in last trimester, motivating his decision by the reluctance to "clog" the body with chemistry and the fear of the formation of a large fetus. The best multivitamin, according to pregnant women, is a balanced diet.

If the brain has forgotten about taking the vitamin, and the hand, out of habit, does not reach for the jar, then the body itself speaks of an oversaturation of “usefulness” and the need to pause.

Nausea at 9 months pregnant

Nausea, malaise, vomiting in the last month of pregnancy are harbingers late toxicosis, gestosis. Often, toxicosis at the 9th month of pregnancy occurs in women over 35 years old or in very young mothers.

Nausea in the last month of gestation can simply be due to banal overeating. An enlarged uterus leaves little room for the stomach to “feast”, so a huge amount of food simply does not fit.

Some women immediately before the birth process itself have problems with the intestinal tract and stomach: vomiting begins. This suggests that the body, as it were, gets rid of excess load, is cleansed so that the birth process takes place lightly.

Allocations at 9 months

Female discharge - common a natural phenomenon. Through secretions, the body cleanses and moisturizes the vagina. Discharge in the last month of pregnancy is considered normal if they are not abundant, transparent and without a sour smell. Gray, cloudy leucorrhoea signals vaginal infections.

Curdled white discharge at the 9th month of pregnancy is an indicator of the occurrence of thrush, which you must definitely get rid of.
If there is a discharge with a small amount of mucus and an admixture of blood, this is a signal of the release of the mucous plug that protects the fruit membranes. So, soon you will become a mother
A bad sign is spotting or bleeding in the last month. You should immediately seek medical help, because there is a risk of premature birth or miscarriage.

Child development at 9 months of pregnancy

At the ninth month of pregnancy, the child took a comfortable position for himself. Usually head down cephalic presentation). If the baby is sitting on the bottom (breech presentation) or has taken a longitudinal / oblique position, the obstetrician recommends C-section.

The child is already quite small in size, he is strong and strong. Weight gain in the last month of pregnancy from one to two kilograms. So, if at 8 months the weight of the fetus was 2-3 kg, then at 9 months - 3-4 kg. The length varies from 45 to 53 cm.

All vital organs and systems of the baby have been formed and are functioning, therefore, in case of premature birth, the child has every chance for a full-fledged life activity.

The energy of the crumbs has decreased somewhat. The small size of the uterus does not make it possible to fully roam. But if at the 9th month of pregnancy the child is very active, you should inform the doctor. Such dynamics is characteristic of oxygen starvation.

In the last month of pregnancy, it is common for a child to:

  1. The child's skin acquires pink shade, and due to subcutaneous fat, folds form;
  2. Thanks to the formation of the immune system, the baby can resist various viruses;
  3. The baby reacts to the mother's voice and touch, and may respond with a "butt". More often, of course, the baby sleeps, but you can feel 10 shocks in 12 hours.
Like mom, the baby is looking forward to meeting and getting to know the world, so at the beginning of the 9th month it is gradually moving towards the “exit”.

Do's and Don'ts in the Ninth Month of Pregnancy

The last month of pregnancy is a time of internal conflict of mind and heart. Long awaited birth the baby is “already on the nose”, and many culinary passions will have to be abandoned for a while. But in the last month of pregnancy, it is even useful to treat yourself to sweets. Therefore, if you want a little wine or herring, ignore the mind, and listen to the heart, provided that everything is in moderation.

The use of alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks is strictly prohibited. Cigarettes are out of the question. If you still smoke, think about what kind of milk your baby will drink?

Visit a dentist if possible. Dental treatment at 9 months is not contraindicated. Beautiful motherhappy mom, so go to a beauty salon, get a haircut, manicure, pedicure.

Feeling and pain in the last month of pregnancy

The last month of pregnancy is the most difficult for most women. The stomach sank, it became easier to breathe, but the feeling of heaviness and pressure on pubic bone intensified.

For women, the issue of heartburn at the ninth month has not changed. The grown fetus continues to put pressure on the abdominal region, which causes burning and unpleasant bitterness increase in the mouth. You can alleviate the condition through proper nutrition:

  • exclude fatty, smoked foods from the diet;
  • do not overeat flour products;
  • observe a diet: eat little, but often.
The burning sensation is removed by pharmaceutical preparations, for example, Rennie, Mezim. You can also try folk remedies: pumpkin, sunflower seeds, decoctions of mint or lemon balm.

Under the weight of the fetus, the fifth point of our body also suffers. Hemorrhoids in the last month of pregnancy are a frequent and, unfortunately, painful phenomenon. During the process of childbirth, hemorrhoids can become more aggravated and disturb for a long time. It is necessary to treat and prevent the occurrence of the inflammatory process of the rectum as follows:

  1. organize healthy eating(get rid of constipation, diarrhea and improve the proper functioning of the intestines);
  2. systematically deal with physical therapy;
  3. avoid hypothermia, especially the fifth point, minimize walking (no more than 1 hour);
  4. conduct hygiene procedures after each emptying;
  5. sea ​​buckthorn suppositories, various ointments, for example, Relief, help well from pharmaceutical products.
The last month of pregnancy is very often accompanied by headaches and general malaise. Weakness at the 9th and ninth month of pregnancy is quite understandable: the girl in the position was physically and morally exhausted, “burned out”. Anxiety about future childbirth provokes nervousness, tearfulness, leads to insomnia and general weakness. A common cause of headaches is depression and stressful situations. So mothers, take care of yourself and your baby!

The volume and size of the breast by the 9th month increased significantly. The chest fills with colostrum, so during this period it is especially sensitive and painful when touched. Doctors recommend using a special non-compressive chest bra for nursing mothers from natural fabrics. If necessary, do a gentle breast massage.

In the last month of pregnancy, cramping symptoms are especially clearly felt. Experts explain that before childbirth, the uterus conducts training and with such symptoms, it is necessary to lie on the left side, holding a pillow between the legs. If the contractions become more frequent (every 10-15 minutes), become more painful, you should call an ambulance or go to the hospital on your own. Perhaps the birth process has begun.

Colds in the ninth month of pregnancy: how to treat

How to avoid a cold at 9 months and how to treat it if you still get sick? To catch a cold or “catch” a virus in the last stage of pregnancy is actually a dangerous phenomenon. By the ninth month, the placenta has worn out, and therefore cannot fully protect the child from viruses and toxins that enter the amniotic fluid.

In case of a cold, elevated body temperature, do not immediately grab antipyretics, try to overcome the disease with folk remedies:

  • warm drink of milk, sea buckthorn, raspberry tea;
  • use with a cold saline solution(for 1 tbsp. warm water 1 tsp sea ​​salt);
  • if a cough occurs, use a nebulizer using a solution of soda or Borjomi;
  • preferred medicines homeopathic remedies;
  • it is very important not to take hot baths and not to steam your feet. Such manipulations can cause labor.
Mom needs to be extremely careful, and minimize trips to public places before the finish line.

How to survive the last month of pregnancy

The 9th month of pregnancy is a period of contrast: at night, expectant mothers suffer from insomnia, while during the day you constantly want to sleep. Doctors and experienced mothers advise getting enough sleep, always being in a positive mood and programming yourself for a successful birth outcome. Read more books, different fairy tales, funny children's stories, listen to music, you can even dance carefully, visit the pool, take courses for future parents.

The ninth month is fleeting: before you have time to look back, you will already be holding the baby in your arms. After a while, you will want to return to this period, feel a kick under the ribs. Therefore, enjoy this time.

Do's and Don'ts in the Last Weeks of Pregnancy

Obstetricians-gynecologists of the Expert Center for Pregnancy Management at the Mother and Child Clinic-IDK told us about how to behave during the last weeks of pregnancy. For expectant mothers - this is one of the most difficult periods during pregnancy: a lot of things you need to have time to buy, prepare, collect ... And the physical strength and capabilities are not the same. How to be?

By this time, you are already fed up with pregnancy and feel that it is time to meet your baby. The due date is already approaching, but you still want it to happen a little earlier. However, this last month is very important for your little one. The lungs are getting stronger and the weight he is now gaining will serve him well for the first few days of his life during outside world. Keep in mind that, medically speaking, your pregnancy is not full term until after 37 weeks. Your little one is better off sitting inside a little longer. To keep your pregnancy in the remaining days, follow these rules:


If you find it difficult to maintain balance and feel less mobile, do not take any action. physical activity when you are alone. Getting in or out of the bath, for example, or trying to reach for something, you can lose your balance and fall. Try not to lift large and heavy things, so as not to strain your muscles or fall. Be more careful than usual. If you feel clumsy and want to stretch your muscles, take on light work and avoid intense physical activity. Remember, there is an increased chance of shortness of breath and dizziness now, so don't risk feeling sick.

In move

Now is not the time to travel far from home. If the contractions start early, then you should be close to your midwife or the place where you are going to give birth. it may now be uncomfortable due to the size of your belly and the fact that the baby is now at the very bottom. Therefore, keep driving to a minimum, and when you do have to get behind the wheel, buckle up with a three-point seat belt. Fasten the lap belt under your belly and tight around your hips, and allow plenty of legroom.

safe sex

If your amniotic sac is not damaged, then it is safe to have sex, and it is still a good workout for your body! Once the bubble has burst - just before or during contractions - the baby is no longer protected from infections. After that, nothing should enter your vagina, unless it is necessary in medical purposes. Therefore, exclude sex if it seems to you that the bladder is already damaged. But so far so good, spend the next few weeks enjoying quiet, romantic evenings with your partner - until the baby arrives, when it becomes much harder to make time for those intimate moments!

At the 9th month of pregnancy, the functional systems of the fetus are preparing for adaptation in extrauterine existence, and many of them already perform specific functions.

Babies born by the end of the 36th week of pregnancy are considered full-term. If the baby was born before 37 weeks, then he is considered premature, if after 42 weeks, then post-term.

The laying of the alveoli ends, almost each of them has a surfactant covering the respiratory surface. The respiratory center, located in the medulla oblongata, may already provide the process of breathing.

The development of the liver and pancreas continues, but their formation is not yet completed by the time of delivery; even in the first years of life it continues. The fetal brain is so developed that it is able to “catch” the mother’s moods and respond to them with a change motor activity.

We completely pass the digestive tract, and thanks to the formed intestinal villi and weak peristaltic movements, meconium (original feces) moves to its lower sections.

The stomach glands produce pepsin and the pancreas produces insulin. What is important is that the content digestive tract is absolutely sterile: the bacteria involved in the process of digestion settle in it only when it enters with mother's milk.

The sucking apparatus is formed. This is facilitated by:

  • active blood supply to the oral mucosa;
  • formation of masticatory muscles and salivary glands. Their final development occurs only after the start of breastfeeding;
  • the formation of specific devices that facilitate sucking - special rollers on the mucous membrane of the jaws and lips.

Changes are also taking place in endocrine system child. The adrenal glands increase in size, and during childbirth they produce adrenaline and noradrenaline, stress hormones. Thanks to special studies it has been proven that the blood of a newborn contains several times more of these hormones than in the state severe stress in an adult. This is a kind of adaptive reaction that allows the baby to prepare for childbirth.

Other "devices" that facilitate the process of childbirth include the condition of the bones of the skull. The sutures of the skull are not yet formed, the bones themselves are soft and pliable. Two fontanelles (parietal above the frontal bone and occipital in the back of the head) and soft sutures make it possible to change the configuration of the fetal skull during passage through the mother's birth canal.

well developed subcutaneous adipose tissue, sense organs, and coordinated movements.

The amount of lubrication on the skin, equally, as well as the amount of fluffy hair, is minimal. Marigolds protrude above the phalanges of the fingers. The external genitalia are finally formed; in boys, the testicles are already in the scrotum, and in girls, the small labia are covered with large ones.

By the end of the 9th month, the weight of the fetus is approximately 2600-5000 g, and the length is from 48 to 54 cm.

Physiological changes in the mother's body

The general well-being of the mother improves slightly: due to the fact that the bottom of the uterus has sunk lower, it is easier for a woman to breathe.

However, the strength of contractions of false Braxton Hicks contractions may increase. From unpleasant, they can turn into painful, feeling like menstrual cramps. Before the very birth, they can become as strong as possible. As a rule, a change in body position or the beginning of walking can ease the discomfort.

At the 9th month of pregnancy, women who have undergone an operation on the uterus in the past or in the event of the death of a child during a previous birth should be hospitalized in advance.

The process of urination becomes more frequent than usual, which is associated with the proximity of the baby's head to bladder. Lower back pain may also get worse as the child sinks lower; the ligaments of the pelvis and uterus are stretched more.

Work disruptions gastrointestinal tract in the form of diarrhea and constipation, nausea disturbs the pregnant woman more and more often. The reason is the effect of birth hormones on the gastrointestinal tract.

Pinkish or milky vaginal discharge white color also become more abundant.

In the last stages, the mother's genital tract leaves a mucous substance that protected the uterus from infections during pregnancy - a cork. It can come out both a few weeks or days, and a few hours before the birth or directly in them. Outwardly, the cork resembles a dense yellowish jelly, Brown color or transparent with veins.

Bloody issues. They are stained with blood vaginal discharge prior to the exit of the plug. The reason is the rupture of the blood vessels of the cervix due to its "erasing". The discharge is not abundant, about the size of a teaspoon, their color varies from brown to pink. If there is more blood in the secretions than mucus, and they themselves are bright red, you should immediately inform the doctor about this.

In the process of preparing a woman's body for childbirth, the ratio of hormones in the woman's blood also changes: the level of progesterone decreases, the amount of oxytocin, estrogen and prostaglandin increases. Due to the action of these hormones, the ligaments of the pelvis are weakened, and the tissues of the vagina become more elastic. The cervix under the influence of these hormones becomes softer and thinner, which prepares it for disclosure.

The process of preparing for childbirth can take from several hours and days to several weeks. During this period, the child descends even lower into the pelvic cavity, the cervix opens to a width of 1-2 centimeters.

Changes in appearance

The bottom of the uterus in the last month of pregnancy is located in the middle of the distance between the xiphoid process of the sternum and the navel. The navel protrudes at the end of pregnancy. Possible aggravation of existing edema on the face, arms and legs, an increase in varicose veins. Weight gain is negligible, and there may be some weight loss before childbirth.

Emotional background

At the 9th month, a feeling of internal anxiety without any external causes is normal. You just need to relax and trust your maternal instinct.

  • rest in unlimited quantities. It is advisable to go to bed when the baby is sleeping;
  • limiting the number of visitors and the time of communication with them if they are a burden;
  • good nutrition with a lot of complex carbohydrates that replenish energy reserves, it is better to give preference to plain spring water from drinks. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, soft drinks;
  • acceptance of all, without exception, offers of assistance in cleaning, cooking;
  • communication with other expectant mothers - there are a huge number of topics for conversation now.

The principles of nutrition are the same as in the last stages of pregnancy.

The only difference is the higher content of complex carbohydrates in the diet: at this time, fat depots are formed in the body of the fetus and mother - a reserve nutrients necessary not only during childbirth, but also for full lactation. Carbohydrates also replenish glycogen stores in the muscles of the body and liver, in the placenta and uterine muscles.

The norm of protein consumption is 2 g per 1 kg of body weight, fats - 1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight, carbohydrates - 7.0 g per 1 kg of body weight.

Typical problems in the 9th month include: nausea, constipation, heartburn. A large amount of vegetable and fruit salads in the diet will help to cope with constipation, with diarrhea - a large amount of fiber in the composition of whole grain breads, bananas, oatmeal, rice, bran, oatmeal.

The diet should contain at least 3-4 servings of foods high in calcium (sources - cottage cheese, milk, hard cheese) and iron (sources - turkey, seafood, spinach, buckwheat, apples, dried fruits). Main sources of folic acid: beans and lentils, green leafy vegetables, and vitamin C: citrus fruits, papaya, cauliflower, tomatoes, broccoli, Bell pepper and kiwi.

Since in the last period the liver and kidneys of a pregnant woman work with a load greater than usual, use better salads and light vegetarian soups instead of fried meats, rich broths and hot spices.

From sugar confectionery, white bread, sausages, sausages, smoked meats, canned meat and fish, it is better to refuse. Coffee and alcohol are prohibited.

It is better to eat little and often (5-6 times a day at intervals of 3 hours). The amount of liquid you drink is limited to 1.2-1.5 liters per day.

Physical activity

At the 9th month of pregnancy, exercises are recommended to be performed in a minimal amount. Particular attention should be paid to relaxing exercises that provide rest and pain relief during childbirth, breathing training due to the pectoral and abdominal muscles, training the muscles of the perineum.

In performing relaxing exercises, the Jacobson technique is effective. The main difference between this technique and most others is that a person must relax the muscles after their strong tension. Tension and relaxation should alternate from one muscle group to another, that is, in a certain sequence. You need to start with the muscles of the neck and upper belt, and finish with the muscles of the lower extremities.

In the supine position on a hard, straight surface (floor), you need to find a position in which you feel as comfortable as possible. Pillows should be placed under the knees, ankles and head.

After lying down a little at rest, it is necessary to strain any part of the body, for example, the shoulders. This is achieved by bending the shoulder blades towards themselves. The main thing when doing the exercise - calm breathing. The voltage must be delayed for about half a minute. Only after feeling tired and that the muscles are actually tense (there should be no pain), you can relax.

Muscle relaxation must be increased with each exhalation. It is also impossible to relax too slowly, as overvoltage may occur.

Exercises to train the muscles of the perineum, which are performed on later dates, include alternations of tension and muscle relaxation, as if during the act of defecation or urination. The duration of the exercises is approximately 3-4 seconds. The pace can be fast or slow.

During the 9th month of pregnancy, travel and sexual activity are not recommended.

Examinations at the ninth month

During the 9th month of pregnancy, a woman can conduct a self-examination to study the activity of the baby. To do this, you need to count the number of strokes or movements with the whole body of the baby at the same time during periods of the baby's greatest physical activity for 2 hours. Norma - making ten motor manifestations. With their small number, it is better to inform the doctor about it.

  • scheduled examination by an obstetrician - gynecologist, performed 2 times a month. Includes examining the uterus, listening to the fetal heartbeat, measuring the circumference of the abdomen, blood pressure and woman's weight;
  • study general analyzes urine and blood;
  • Ultrasound of the fetus with an assessment of the position of the fetus in the womb;
  • CTG - cardiomonitoring study of the fetus. The goal is to determine the motor activity and work of the cardio- vascular system baby.

A woman should always have an exchange card (represents a document containing the results of tests and examinations) with her. Without an exchange card, in the event of the onset of childbirth, it can only be taken to a specialized maternity hospital, where women are received without a residence permit and a specific place of residence, as well as those from other cities.

Possible Complications

Placenta previa - may be accompanied by pathological spotting outwardly similar to menstrual bleeding. In previa, the placenta is attached to the base of the uterus and is located below the fetus. The exit to the birth canal is partially or completely blocked.

Placental abruption. Depending on the degree of expression different consequences. In mild cases (detachment of one or two tiny fragments), there may not be serious consequences, in severe cases (separation of up to a third of the placenta), a caesarean section may be required.

Preeclampsia - the main symptoms include: high blood pressure, swelling of the legs, arms and face, protein in the urine. It can end with eclampsia, the main complication of which is the development of a convulsive syndrome. Typically, regular prenatal check-ups involve early diagnosis preeclampsia and its effective treatment, including taking antihypertensive drugs, diuretics and bed rest.

When to see a doctor immediately

  • excessively pronounced contractions of Braxton-Hicks (length per minute with a frequency of once every five minutes);
  • severe pain, increased activity of the baby, discharge of water;
  • bleeding from the birth canal - bright scarlet, reminiscent of menstrual flow, accompanied by pain, profuse;
  • signs of reduced motor activity of the fetus (frequency of movements in 2 hours less than 10 times);
  • fainting, "clouding" in the eyes;
  • decompensation of existing chronic diseases;

childbirth signs:

  • discharge from the vagina in color from pink to brown, preceding the discharge of the mucous plug from the same place,
  • some weight loss
  • loose stool,
  • "nesting instinct" (behavior aimed at finding a secluded and peaceful place).

The last month of the third trimester, the final month of pregnancy - it's all about him, about the final stage long way at 9 months long. Now the woman is having a hard time - she is overcome by doubts about whether the birth will go well, it seems that not everything is ready for the appearance of a new family member, and the impressive size of the belly significantly limits activity. Now you need to take care of your well-being with double activity, sleep more, walk, relax, preparing for childbirth.

This date depends on the period of fertilization of the egg, but since it is not possible to accurately determine it, the gestational age is counted from the first day last menstrual period. According to this method, pregnancy lasts an average of 40 weeks, or 280 days. Deviations in the range of 38-42 weeks are considered normal variants.

Two ways to calculate the date of delivery by the period of menstruation:

    Add to the first day of menstruation 280 days, or 10 obstetric, or 9 calendar months;

At irregular cycle this technique does not work, besides, a woman may not remember the date of the last menstruation. Another method for determining the term of childbirth is to focus on the time of the first movement of the fetus. During the first pregnancy, the onset of movements is 20 weeks, during the second and subsequent - 18 weeks. This method is not entirely accurate, since a woman's feelings can be subjective, depending on her sensitivity and constitutional features.

When using an ultrasound scanner the exact date delivery is determined by examining the size of the fetus on early dates pregnancy - up to 12 weeks. At a later date, the parameters of the fetus may differ significantly from woman to woman.

Harbingers of childbirth at 9 months of pregnancy

During the ninth month, the uterus sinks lower, and its bottom is at the level of 32 weeks - in the middle of the distance between the navel and the xiphoid process.

A woman will definitely feel it the following features:

    Breathing became easier;

    Heartburn has decreased or gone completely;

    It became easier to sit on a chair;

    Urination became more frequent;

    From time to time there are pains in the lower abdomen.

The last two signs are caused by the fact that the child's head is lower than just recently, it entered the pelvic area.

The excitability of the uterus at this time has increased markedly, it is increasingly weak and irregularly reduced. These preparatory (preliminary) contractions are accompanied by light painful sensations, they prepare the uterus for the upcoming labor activity. fine line even a specialist cannot determine between these and real contractions. Excitability of the uterus, lasting more than 1-2 days, requires treatment in a specialized department of the maternity hospital. Protracted preliminary period harmful to the fetus and may lead to deterioration of its condition.

On the day of birth, or a few days before it, a mucous plug leaves the cervical canal of the cervix. This is a sign that the cervix is ​​softening, it is ripe for labor. "Tube" consists of light slime, sometimes it has bloody streaks.

Another sign of approaching childbirth is a decrease in body weight by 1-2 kg a couple of weeks before the expected event. This phenomenon can be explained by a change in the balance of hormones, a decrease in the amount of fluid in the body, and a decrease in appetite.

At this stage of pregnancy, almost all women have already decided on maternity hospital in which their child will be born.

Now the following documents should always be at hand:

    An exchange card of a pregnant woman with the data of the last ultrasound and fresh test results entered into it;

    Insurance policy;

Each time you leave the house, you need to take these documents with you, because in the event of the onset of childbirth, a pregnant woman who has not undergone a complete examination will be placed in the observational department of the maternity hospital or in a specialized infectious maternity hospital.

Video about preparing for childbirth, about partner childbirth, about changes in a woman's body, lifestyle requirements:

In the fetus at the 40th week of pregnancy, all the parameters inherent in a mature newborn are determined:

    Body length - from 48 to 54 cm;

    Body weight - from 2.6 kg to 5.0 kg;

    Bulging chest;

    Elastic cartilage of the nose and ears;

    The tips of the nails reach to the tips of the fingers;

    On the head there are hairs up to 2 cm long;

    The umbilical ring is located in the middle between the xiphoid process and the pubic bone;

    The testicles in boys are lowered into the scrotum;

    Small labia in girls are covered big lips;

    There are no vellus hairs on the body;

    cheese-like lubricant is available only in certain parts of the body.

The child is fully mature digestive system, it has developed sucking reflex, the lungs are already trained in the performance of respiratory movements. His body is proportionately folded, the skin is pink, under it there is an evenly distributed fatty tissue, giving an infantile roundness.

In the intestines of the baby there is meconium - the original feces, consisting of converted blood cells, skin and intestines, waste from processed amniotic fluid. Iron for hematopoiesis in the first year of life has accumulated in the liver of the fetus, the nervous system is also almost completely formed. The baby's heart is ready for independent autonomous work; immediately after birth, the hole in its central septum will close. This will be the signal to start the circulation of air through the lungs, including them in the circulatory system.

The immune system the baby, preparing for the birth, is still far from perfect. While the child receives the antibodies he needs through the placenta from the mother's body. After birth, he will receive them from breast milk. That is why every effort should be made to maintain breastfeeding.

The ninth month of pregnancy is considered difficult period, in particular due to the fact that often a woman has to experience a feeling of pain: in the lower back, in the lower abdomen, due to cramps in the legs, due to uterine contractions. In addition, she becomes distracted and forgetful. Immersion in own thoughts periodically changes to hyperactivity, aimed at preparing for the appearance of a child.

Although the uterus has already descended into the pelvic area, it has not stopped pressing on the organs. abdominal cavity. This implies bloating, a tendency to, the risk of varicose veins,. Vaginal discharge becomes thicker after sexual intercourse and gynecological examination bloody streaks may appear in them.

The abdomen can be very itchy, the risk of stretch marks on the surface of its skin, on the chest and hips is still high. To prevent the appearance in problem metas, they are treated with special means.

Some pregnant women at 9 months suffer from "vena cava syndrome". This vein runs behind the uterus, and can become constricted from pressure on it. Then the woman feels dizzy due to lack of oxygen, she may faint. For prevention discomfort You need to try to sleep not on your back, but on your side.

Doctor visit at 9 months

A visit to the doctor at this stage of pregnancy is planned every week. Before visiting antenatal clinic you should pass a urine test to determine sugar and protein in it.

After the obstetrician-gynecologist takes an interest in the well-being of a woman, he evaluates the following parameters:

    Blood pressure indicators;

    The presence of edema;

    fetal heartbeat;

    The height of the fundus of the uterus;

    Presentation and size of the fetus.

Before childbirth, the doctor may be interested in the condition of the cervix, its maturity and readiness for labor. When "walking" optimal time childbirth, the cervix is ​​re-examined, and, if there are no changes, the woman will be shown artificial stimulation.

At the beginning of the 9th month, a smear is examined for the purity of the vaginal flora, if necessary, the identified problems are treated.

Possible pregnancy problems

In the absence of health problems, a pregnant woman can stay at home until the very term of delivery. Possible deviations recommended to be treated in a hospital setting. Especially dangerous is such a complication of pregnancy as preeclampsia, or late toxicosis.

The main symptoms of gestosis:

    The appearance of protein in the urine;

    Expressed edema.

Preeclampsia can be complicated by eclampsia, expressed by convulsions, loss of consciousness, cerebral edema. Eclamsia is dangerous because it can end lethal outcome for woman and child. Do not be afraid when minor swelling appears, weight gain is natural phenomenon for half of women at this stage of pregnancy. To eliminate small edema, it is enough to limit salt, overuse fluids, diet.

A significant problem for hospitalization can be breech presentation fetus. In this case, specific methods of conducting childbirth are planned.

Indications for preliminary hospitalization at 9 months:

    Complicated previous childbirth in history;

    Pregnancy with twins, triplets;

    Age over 40;

    large fruit;

    Scar on the uterus after a previous caesarean section;

    Low placentation;

    Miscarriage and infertility in history (pregnancy after IVF);

    narrow pelvis;

    Pathologies of the reproductive organs.

Even in the absence of indications for early hospitalization, you should immediately apply for emergency care with the following symptoms:

    Weak fetal movements;

    Bloody vaginal discharge;

    The appearance of amniotic fluid of a light green color (may be mixed with blood);

    Pronounced painful contractions;

    Appearance severe edema, decrease in the amount of urine excreted;

    Jump in blood pressure, .

Bleeding may be a symptom of placental abruption. If it is strong, the woman is given an emergency caesarean section. Minor bleeding may go unnoticed and will not cause significant damage to the course of pregnancy.

Food at this stage of pregnancy should be light and nutritious. There is no place on the menu for fatty and fried foods, canned food, dishes containing allergens. The main content of the diet is lean meat, fish, cereals, salads seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice not mayonnaise.

The use of pickles, sweets, muffins, fatty foods is excluded. It is worth reconsidering your attitude to foods containing calcium. If this element was vital at the stage of fetal formation, now its excess can lead to premature ossification and closure of the fontanel in the baby, and an increase in intracranial pressure. Daily rate- 150 g of cottage cheese or a couple of glasses of kefir. To improve digestion and prevent constipation, you can drink a glass of cool still water before meals.

intimate relationship

The question is whether it is allowed or not sexual relations between spouses at 9 months of pregnancy, there is still no clarity. In women with a predisposition to abortion intimate contacts may cause premature birth. If there is no danger in the form of a low location and the threat of placental abruption, pregnancy with twins or triplets, leakage amniotic fluid, intimate relationships can be carried out with extreme caution.

There is an opinion that such contacts between spouses can stimulate the onset of labor during a pregnancy that lasts longer than expected. The reason for this is the prostaglandins contained in male sperm. These substances, once in the vagina, help soften the cervix, stimulate its contractions.

Education: Diploma "Obstetrics and Gynecology" received at the Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Health and social development(2010). In 2013, she completed her postgraduate studies at the NMU. N. I. Pirogov.