What is the difference between epilation and depilation. What is the difference between epilation and depilation, how to understand the vast world of hair removal procedures. Which method to choose

Every woman would like to have a tender and smooth skin which would not have unnecessary hair... Modern methods of their removal are presented in a wide range, so it remains only to choose which one to use.

It's always nice to look at a beautiful and well-groomed woman, but rarely does anyone have the happiness of being ideal by nature. As a rule, to become beautiful, you need to work hard. It is not for nothing that they say that beauty requires sacrifice - and that is the way it is.

The process of hair removal can even be called painful, some methods are so painful, but this has not stopped any girl in her desire to get rid of unwanted vegetation, which girls do not get tired of writing about in their reviews on epilation procedures.

Torment is torment, but beauty is more important. Epilation - so epilation ... or depilation? Many people do not understand the difference between these two concepts and they often think that these are just synonymous words. However, this is not so - the differences between them are significant.

Hair structure

Each hair has a visible part on the skin and an invisible part called a hair follicle - under the skin. Hair follicles, in turn, consist of the hair root and adjacent tissues - sebaceous and sweat gland, blood vessels and nerve receptors.

The hair root thickened at the base is called the bulb. It has a recess at the bottom for the hair papilla, which has many blood vessels. Thanks to them, the onion receives nutrients, cells multiply in it and the process of hair growth occurs. The hairs will grow until the nipple is alive, so even if you pull out the hair by the root, another bulb will still appear in the same place and a new hair will grow from it.

But when the function of the hair papilla ceases, the hair no longer grows in this place. These two principles underlie the concepts of "depilation" and "epilation".

Depilation is a method of hair removal that does not involve the destruction of hair follicles. Depilation includes all those methods when only the visible outer part of the hair is removed or the hair is removed along with the root, but in any case, the hair will grow back after a while.

Epilation is another procedure. This is also the removal of unwanted vegetation, only with the destruction of the entire structure of the hair follicle, including the hair papilla, so that their functioning stops forever.

Such a procedure should be performed only in a specialized salon by a specialist who has experience in such manipulations and medical education. Hardware method carrying out such procedures has its own contraindications and is not suitable for everyone.

One thousand rubles for an epilation session is not enough, and if you also count how many times it will have to be done until the expected result, it will become clear how expensive it is.

Depilation is a much simpler procedure, so there is no problem to do it at home without the involvement of specialists.

If we talk about the effect, then after epilation it is certainly better - the hairs begin to grow much later, become sparse and thin. You will need to visit the salon a certain number of times to get rid of unwanted vegetation forever.

Depilation does not require large cash costs, but the effect of it will not last long. Epilation guarantees smooth skin for a month, and depilation - up to a maximum of two weeks, and if the hairs were simply shaved off, then even less than a week.

Depilation has another bad property - it is the provocation of an ingrown hair. With epilation, this problem does not arise, on the contrary, if the ingrown hairs were already there, then thanks to it they will be destroyed.

Hair removal with root

Root hair removal is possible in several ways:

  • carry out with waxing(wax depilation), when the hair is removed from the root with wax. It can be cold or hot. The composition of the wax is significantly influenced by the type of skin. To what temperature the wax should be heated - it depends on where on the body it will be applied. When it comes to removing hairs from the legs, you need warm wax, and if it is processed intimate area, then you need a hot one; ??
  • shugaring Is also a way to delete unwanted hair cov with the help of depilation. More precisely, using a sugar-based paste. It is not as painful as when waxing - there will be no traces of burns on the skin and the problem with ingrown hairs is also minimized here;
  • trading is a way to get rid of hair with thread. It is folded into a loop in a certain way. But this is more an option for correction than for complete removal hair. With the help of a thread, you can pull out a small area of ​​hairs at once, and not just one;
  • manual electric depilator able to grab each hair and pull it out with a spine;
  • with enzymes or their enzymes acts on the skin with a thermal method, which leads to the destruction of hair follicles;
  • with ultrasound facilitates delivery active substances to the hair follicle. This becomes possible thanks to the use of a device with ultrasound, which destroys the bulb.
  • laser method;
  • electrolysis;
  • photoepilation;
  • "Elos" - epilation.

Let's take a closer look at the last four methods.

Laser method (light)

With the help of a light wave directed at the hair shaft, the pigment, called melanin, begins to heat up, resulting in the destruction of the hair growth zone and its vessels, through which the roots and sebaceous glands get food. This serves in in this case cause of loss.

But at the moment when the epilation session is carried out, not all follicles have an active growth stage, and therefore the procedure will need to be repeated after about a month. How many times you have to repeat the procedure depends on each specific case, because everyone has their own characteristics related to the condition of the skin and hair growth - for some, they are in the form of a gun, and for others, the hairs grow quite long and stiff. Depending on this, the laser is used with different powers:

  • using a diode laser, you can remove soft hairs and thin hard ones;
  • the alexandrite laser removes red hairs, as well as all hairs of a light shade, which are distinguished by their fineness. Suitable for hypersensitive skin;
  • the neodymium laser can remove dark and hard hair;
  • ruby can destroy dark hair on fair skin.


Another way is to destroy hair with electrolysis. An electrical discharge is fed by a thin needle directly into the follicle, causing the hair root to collapse and the hair to stop growing. There are several types of electrolysis:

  • tweezers, using a tweezers electrode with a current flowing through it, when each of the hairs is captured. It is very painful and takes a long time. But today there is a multi-needle system, so the whole process began to take much less time;
  • with the needle method, the needle is selected individually, depending on the characteristics of a particular person (according to the sensitivity of the skin, according to the tendency to an allergic reaction). The needle can be made from different material- from medical alloy, from Teflon insulating material, with a gold coating. And in appearance, the needle can be different - bent or straight;
  • during thermolysis, a thermal effect on the follicles occurs - an alternating high-frequency current of low voltage sharply heats the follicle, which is why its destruction occurs. This is also very painful and very long;
  • during galvanic electrolysis, the hair follicle is exposed to direct current, after which it can be removed using ordinary tweezers. It is not as painful and not as dangerous as with thermolysis, but also for a long time;
  • in the blend method, the follicles are first heated by thermolysis, and then destroyed by electrolysis. Blend epilators have computer units that can select the level of exposure that will be optimal for each individual person. By combining the two previous methods, this method provides the highest quality result, but it is also long, and it also does not do without scars and inflammation;
  • with the flash method, which can be called advanced thermolysis, the current is applied for a very short period, and therefore pain there will be less and trauma.


Hair removal can also be done with photoepilation. In this case, they are affected by a stream of light with high frequencies. There is absorption of light waves by melanin, which is contained in the follicles. This leads to a thermal reaction and the hair heats up to 80C. From such a temperature, the hair follicle dies, which leads to hair loss and to the fact that it will not grow in this place anymore. In those rare cases, when the follicle is not completely destroyed, the hair can grow back, however, much thinner and lighter than before the session.

"Elos" - epilation

Advantages and Disadvantages of Complete Hair Removal


  • much more effective than depilation... If you do everything right, the result will be long enough, and if the procedures are done regularly, the unwanted hairs will disappear forever;
  • there is nothing to be afraid of ingrown hairs, and even if they were, you will get rid of them after the first session;
  • the bonus is a rejuvenating effect. The fact is that photoepilation is very similar to the effect of photorejuvenation. The collagen produced helps to rejuvenate the skin and even out its color;
  • electrolysis is distinguished by the speed of the session (within fifteen minutes), and photoepilation will take 20-40 minutes.


  • there are many contraindications with medical point vision;
  • the procedure can only be entrusted to a specialist in dermatology or cosmetology. It should be carried out in a specialized salon or clinic. If this condition is neglected, it can cause burns, inflammation, scarring and hyperpigmentation. skin;
  • the effectiveness of any of the methods is influenced by the contrast inherent in hair and skin. The only exception is electrolysis. Ideally, hair removal is suitable for light skin and dark hairs - then the radiation will be absorbed by the hair pigment, but not by the skin. This method will be ineffective for blondes, red and light blond clients. Fight against gray hairs will also turn out to be meaningless;
  • how effective the method of getting rid of hairs will be always depends on the contrast between the hair and the skin (electrolysis is a separate topic). Ideally, the method is suitable for light skin and dark hair, because the radiation in this case will be absorbed not by the skin pigment, but by the hair;
  • any of the procedures is quite painful;
  • not fast - it will not be enough in one session, smooth skin will delight you only after a few months, no matter how it sounds, but torment;
  • for a couple of days after the procedure, the skin will remain red and swollen in the places where the exposure took place;
  • any type of hair removal is considered expensive in relation to depilation.

Temporary hair removal

Depilation can be done in several ways:

  • shave. There is nothing easier and more affordable than this method of getting rid of unwanted hair;
  • attract chemicals to the problem. For this, there are special creams and a scraper;
  • use folk recipes hair removal.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Partial Removal


  • minimum time expenditure. One procedure - and the skin is obtained without a single hair, acquires smoothness and tenderness;
  • any of the methods (not counting shaving and chemistry) guarantees three weeks of life without unwanted hair, and this period will increase depending on the regularity of the sessions. Be that as it may, and each time the hairs will be more and more thin and more and more light;
  • you do not need to have a medical degree. Depilation can be done at home (only not enzymatic and not ultrasonic);
  • does not depend on hair color and skin color;
  • enviable painlessness of enzyme depilation, as well as its painlessness;
  • the ability to satisfy the wishes of people suffering from rosacea and varicose veins. They can get rid of annoying hairs without a heating procedure, which is contraindicated for them;
  • does not threaten with scars or age spots;
  • inexpensive.


  • not every depilation method is suitable for every girl. There are significant contraindications to waxing, electric epilator, enzymatic and ultrasound methods, which a specialist will definitely answer to such a question;
  • it hurts from almost any method of getting rid of hairs, and waxing is also dangerous with the possibility of getting a burn;
  • a problem with ingrown hairs (does not apply to depilation by the enzyme method and ultrasound);
  • for the depilation to be successful, the hairs must have a certain length, and growing them can be inconvenient and unaesthetic.

It should be borne in mind that devices that are used as ultrasonic depilation affect not only the hairs, but also the skin.

Clean and smooth skin was and remains a necessary component female beauty... Only a light, barely noticeable down is considered acceptable. Therefore, at all times, women came up with all kinds of ways getting rid of vegetation. Today, many types of depilation and epilation are used for this purpose. Which ones are more effective and is it possible to remove hair permanently?

A small historical perspective

The tradition of removing unwanted vegetation goes back a long way.

Epilation and depilation originated in Egypt

V Ancient egypt women shaved off their hairs with a kind of modern razor - a sharpened object. Egyptian women used special forceps - the prototype of modern tweezers. Queen Cleopatra used a mask of wax, honey and infusions medicinal herbs... Later, her recipe began to be used when sugar depilation- the so-called shugaring.

Ancient Roman patrician women fought against vegetation with a rather tough but effective method: they twisted the hairs onto a special strong thread and pulled out sharp movement... For this procedure, special rooms were intended in the thermal baths - Roman baths. Obviously, it was this method that formed the basis for the creation of modern electric epilators. By the way, depilation in Ancient rome did the men too. For this, the so-called dropacista was used - a paste based on a special resin and rosin with the addition of goat bile, donkey fat and ivy gum.

Depilatory strips and creams were invented in the Middle Ages in the countries of the East. They were used by women in harems in order to achieve perfect skin smoothness. The bride before the wedding in mandatory subjected to sugar depilation.

Hair removal techniques gradually developed and improved, but the effect was short-lived. Search radical methods solutions to the problem led to the creation of hair removal.

The title of "father of modern hair removal" could be claimed by the German doctor Freund, if the proposed method would have taken root. Freund proposed to irradiate the skin with X-rays, which were just being discovered at that time. Irradiation did get rid of the hairline forever, but, as it became known later, it is associated with a fatal risk. We can only be glad that Freund's method did not take root.

The end of the 19th century was the time of the creation of electrolysis. She gained great popularity and gradually improved throughout the XX century. The method is also used in modern cosmetology, although it has a number of disadvantages, the main of which are the long-term preservation of traces at the sites of needle insertion and soreness.

At the end of the XX century was invented laser hair removal... The procedure is also painful, but thanks to high efficiency she became very popular. The disadvantage of this method is the impossibility of using it to remove light hairs, as well as ineffectiveness with a dark skin tone.

Enzyme epilation of legs

Today, the laser is gradually being replaced by a more powerful system - photoepilation. The procedure is more versatile: it suits both brunettes and blondes, but, unfortunately, the pain factor continues to be present.

The latest peep in the field of hair removal was enzymatic hair removal, in which the hair follicles are affected by special substances - enzymes. The method is rapidly gaining momentum in European countries. In Russia, it is still used extremely rarely. Its main advantage is painlessness.

Epilation and depilation: is there a difference?

Depilation is called removal excess hair by mechanical means: by shaving, pulling, using special creams and appliances. Depilation does not affect hair follicles, so the achieved effect is temporary. Hair growth does not stop: they reappear 2-4 days after shaving and 10-14 days in the case of using electric epilators, shugaring and other methods that involve removing hair along with the root, and not just cutting off the stem, as in the case of shaving or chemical depilation. Prolonged use of depilation leads to injury to the follicles, as a result of which a certain part of them dies. Hair growth slows down, it becomes thinner and less noticeable.

Until now, some confusion in the use of terminology continues, as a result of which depilation and epilation are often confused, although there is significant difference... For example, wax depilation is sometimes called bioepilation due to the fact that it uses natural products (resins, wax, etc.). However, the hair follicle is not destroyed in this case, therefore, in this case, the use of the term "hair removal" would be more correct.

There are differences between epilation and depilation

Epilation is called artificial removal hair to be applied different ways aimed at destroying hair follicles, thereby eliminating excess hair growth. The difference between it and depilation is getting rid of excess vegetation for a longer period of time. Experts say: passing full course solves the problem of hair removal forever, although sometimes it takes a lot of time.

Depilation methods


This is the most commonly used type of depilation and is characterized by maximum ease of implementation. However, it should be done regularly: once or twice a week. Depending on the thickness, density, and rate of hair growth, prickly bristles can sprout after a few hours. Shaving is suitable for quick removal hair in armpits ah, on the legs, but completely unsuitable for use on a woman's face.

Shaving legs

A special foam is applied to the skin and hairs and left for a few minutes. Similar funds contain herbal ingredients that have a disinfecting and softening effect. Shaving is done against hair growth. The remaining foam is washed off, the skin is rinsed with cool water, wiped off and a cream is applied to relieve irritation and restore the protective film.

Chemical discoloration

This is not a very effective, but still used method of depilation. Suitable for sparse facial or body hair. The essence of the method is to apply a liquid brightener to the skin. After a while, it is washed off. The result of the procedure is hair lightening, thinning and brittleness. Then they are treated with hydrogen peroxide several times a day with the addition of ammonia or perhydrol diluted in water. Such procedures are repeated for several days in a row.

Bioepilation of legs


A very simple, common and perhaps one of the most ancient methods of hair removal. Differs in pain and trauma. During the pulling out, the bulbs mutate, and the hair can behave in the most unpredictable ways. They often become stiffer and grow in the wrong direction. The method is suitable for improving the shape of eyebrows and removing single hairs.


This type of depilation is done with wax or resin. The wax can be hot, warm or cold.

  • Hot wax is suitable for removing coarse hair... Before being applied to the skin, it is preheated to a certain temperature.
  • Warm wax is made from resin. It is used to eliminate hair of medium thickness.
  • Cold wax is suitable for removing even the most short hair... He is warmed up in his hands.

The hot wax procedure is the most painless. The heat heats up the skin, making it easy to remove hair. This method is suitable for underarms and bikini areas.

The essence of wax depilation is that the wax mass is applied to the surface to be treated, special strips of paper are applied on top and removed with a sharp movement along with the adhered hair.

Armpit bioepilation with wax

Compliance with the rules allows you to make the procedure comfortable and effective.

  1. Wax must be applied in the direction of hair growth, and removed - against.
  2. The areas of the skin on which depilation is carried out are treated with alcoholic lotion both before and after the session.

Modern wax depilatory products allow you to achieve a quick and noticeable effect. The skin is not only smoothed, but also freed from the upper stratum corneum. A peeling effect is achieved. Slight irritation and redness may persist after the session. Soothing creams are used to eliminate them. You can also use products to slow down hair growth. The result obtained lasts quite a long time. For example, it is enough to wax legs once a month. After the procedure, it is recommended to avoid direct sun rays that can provoke increased pigmentation. Wax depilation is also indicated for men to remove hair from the chest, abdomen, back and other areas.

In salons, prices for wax depilation range from 350 to 2000 rubles (depending on the treated area).

Sugar depilation

Another name for the procedure is shugaring. This is a truly historical method with its roots in ancient times. Sugar solution for hair removal was used by the ancient Egyptians. Today the method is widely used by women all over the world. Its main advantages are the ability to carry out the procedure at home, relatively low pain and long-term preservation of the result, but removing hair forever with the help of shugaring (like other methods of depilation) is an unattainable task.

Shugaring feet

During the procedure, a thick sugar-based paste is used. It is applied with a special stick to the hair (but not to the skin). After waiting for solidification, the paste is removed along with the adhered hairs. Experts say that this way less trauma to the skin than conventional waxing. In addition, hair does not begin to grow until after 6 weeks.

Chemical depilation

Depilatories are called "chemical razor blades" by experts. They are produced in the form of creams, gels, lotions, aerosols, in closed tubes with a rotating roller, etc. The principle of action of these depilatory products is the chemical destruction of the hair shaft above the surface of the skin. Under the action of the substances used, the protein base of the hair dissolves, as a result of which the hair is easily separated from the skin surface. Various enzymatic preparations can serve as the basis for the manufacture of depilatories. They are applied to the treated area for 4-15 minutes, after which the mass is removed with a special spatula.

The main disadvantage of keratolytic depilatory treatments is the high sensitivity to temperature and pH of the skin. In case of non-compliance with certain standards, the effectiveness of drugs may decrease. Active ingredients the products used do not have any effect on the hair follicles, so the hair growth cycle does not change.

Chemical depilation feet

A prerequisite for the use of these drugs is a preliminary skin test, which allows you to identify possible allergic reactions and determine the individual sensitivity of the skin to the depilatory used. Ignoring this rule may lead to chemical burns, after which quite deep scars remain. To avoid such complications, the indicated exposure time should also be strictly observed.

Depilatories target specific parts of the body. For example, for depilation of legs, drugs with more high concentration active chemical components than in products designed to remove hair on the chin, in the bikini area, in the armpits.

These preparations should not be used in the area of ​​eyebrows and eyelids, in the presence of injuries, burns in the treated area, on irritated skin. Instead of ready-made products, you can use depilatory mixtures. They are made in-house from ingredients that can be purchased at the pharmacy, such as barium sulfide, zinc oxide and starch.

Use of electrical appliances

Such devices simply mechanically pluck the hair. They are convenient for use on the legs, although the procedure can sometimes be quite painful (especially on the thighs). Another disadvantage of using electric epilators is the ability to preserve the root, which leads to ingrowth of hair into the skin, followed by inflammation.
Many modern devices are equipped with a special cooling head (removable ice container), the use of which significantly reduces pain.

Eyebrow waxing with threads

Depilation with threads

This depilation method is successfully used in modern beauty salons. It is traditionally used in the countries of the Mediterranean region of Southeast Asia. The essence of the method consists in winding unwanted hair on a special roller made of twisted cotton threads, after which they are pulled out. This is a low-traumatic and rather effective type of depilation.
! In salons, prices for the procedure are determined depending on the area of ​​the treated area and range from 200 to 2000 rubles.

Hair growth retardants

V last years special auxiliary products are widely used before and after depilation. Many of them not only speed up skin regeneration, but also slow down subsequent hair growth. The composition of a number of products is based on traditional medicine recipes. For example, our grandmothers also used walnut shell oil, young grape shoots and soy milk. Today, these components are included in ready-made products for inhibiting hair growth. The secret of their effectiveness lies in sorbain, a special enzyme that reduces the activity of hair follicles.

Hair removal methods


In spite of a large number of new methods, given view hair removal continues to be among the most demanded. Its essence lies in the introduction into the hair follicle of the thinnest needle - an electrode through which a weak electric current.

Today, several types of electrolysis are used.

Electrolysis of the face
  • Electrolysis, or galvanic hair removal - it is based on the action chemical substances and electric current.
  • Thermolysis, or short-wave method - the destruction of the bulbs occurs under the influence of high-frequency alternating current and low voltage.
  • The flash method is essentially instant thermolysis.
  • Blend method - combines the elements of thermolysis and electrolysis.

Cosmetologists believe that all of these methods allow you to "kill" the hair follicle, thereby ensuring the removal of hair from the face and body forever. Another advantage of this type of hair removal is the ability to use it on any part of the body.

The disadvantages of electrolysis are the duration, soreness and the likelihood of edema and allergic reactions, as well as the presence of a number of contraindications. In particular, hair removal using electric current is not performed during pregnancy, as well as during high pressure, diabetes, varicose veins and a number of other pathologies.

The cost of facial electrolysis is approximately 700-800 rubles per hour. Epilation on any part of the body costs a little less - about 600 rubles per hour.

Because of pain, the procedure is performed with preliminary anesthesia. For anesthesia with lidocaine or ultracaine, you need to pay 50-60 rubles. When using PMU face cream, the cost of the service increases to 100 rubles.

Laser hair removal

This is one of the most effective methods removing excess hair. Exposure to the laser beam destroys the hair follicle. Light waves are absorbed by melanin, the hair pigment, as a result it heats up, which leads to the destruction of the cells of the hair growth zone and the vessels that feed the hair follicle. Treated hairs fall out by the roots some time after epilation. Hair that is in the growth stage is removed. Their number is on average 85-92%.

Laser hair removal

The main disadvantage of the method is its limitations in use. Laser gives good effect with light skin and dark hair. At blond hair, dark or tanned skin other types of hair removal are recommended. Another disadvantage is the duration of the procedure. For example, processing the legs takes 4-6 hours.

Currently, three types of lasers are used: alexandrite, ruby, and diode. An additional contraindication (along with the general ones) is photosensitivity.

Prices are determined depending on the treated area. For example, epilation upper lip or chin costs 400-700 rubles, shins - from 2500 rubles, armpits - 700-1000 rubles, bikini area - 1500-2000 rubles.


The light beam has slightly different properties, but its principle of operation is similar to that of a laser. The operating mode of the device is selected individually, depending on the color and characteristics of the skin and hair.

A special gel that absorbs light energy is preliminarily applied to the treated area. It is emitted during the flash produced by the apparatus. As a rule, the procedure does not lead to painful sensations, therefore, there is no need for anesthesia during epilation. However, anesthesia is sometimes given when treating sensitive areas (such as a bikini).

Photoepilation procedure

The main advantage of the method is its versatility. It is suitable for hair of any color and type, for any skin tone. The procedure is ineffective only for completely white, pigment-free hair. Photoepilation can be applied to all areas of the body. It takes less time than the laser method. In the presence of the device, both methods can be used for at home, however, hair removal forever will take a long time.

A significant advantage of photoepilation and laser hair removal is the ability to get rid of ingrown hairs. They often appear after improper shaving, pulling, and some other methods of depilation. The efficiency of the laser and flash unit for this problem is due to the principle of their operation. They affect the pigment: penetrating the ingrown hair, contribute to the destruction of its follicle and further removal.

The cost of photoepilation is approximately as follows: treatment of the upper lip - 500-1000 rubles, chin - 500-1500 rubles, armpits - 5000 rubles, legs - from 20,000 rubles.

Elos hair removal

This method combines the advantages of three methods: electrolysis, laser hair removal and photoepilation. The effect is achieved through the simultaneous action of a high-frequency light pulse and an electric current. Under the influence of light energy, the hair heats up, heat is transferred to the hair follicle, and Electric Energy contributes to its destruction. Hair falls out on its own 7-10 days after the procedure. Anesthesia during epilation is carried out thanks to an additional cooling system.

Elos hair removal procedure

Today ELOS technology is recognized as one of the most effective and safe. It allows you to get rid of hair of any color and structure, suitable for both light and dark skin. During one session, all hairs that are in the active growth stage are removed.

Elos facial hair removal costs 7000-8000 rubles, back - 14000-15000 rubles, armpits - from 5000 rubles, legs - 26000-28000 rubles, bikini area - 6500-7500 rubles.

This method practically combines depilation and epilation. First, wax depilation is carried out, after which a special gel composition is applied to the skin, the particles of which are delivered to the deep dermal layers with subsequent ultraviolet irradiation. The agents used help to slow down the division of germ cells and partially destroy the hair follicle.

The advantages of the method are painlessness and speed. However, it has several significant disadvantages:

The cost of ultrasound epilation is approximately 750-2500 rubles.

Enzyme hair removal

The essence of the procedure is to influence the hair follicles with special enzymes - enzymes. Under their action, the structure of keratin (skin protein) and intramolecular bonds are disrupted. Heating with a thermoepilator promotes the activation of enzymes and their deeper penetration into the layers of the skin, due to which the effectiveness of the procedure is noticeably increased.

After epilation, weak bulbs die, after which they overgrow. As for the rest of the follicles, their development slows down. As a result, the achieved effect persists for a sufficiently long time.

The procedure is painless, gentle and safe. It is used when it is impossible to use laser hair removal and photoepilation due to the risk of burns or allergic phenomena.

The preparations used during enzymatic hair removal have the ability to retain moisture, thereby intensively moisturizing the skin and improving its condition.

Prices are determined depending on the length of the procedure and the area to be treated. So, a 15-minute epilation of the armpits costs 700-800 rubles, 30-40 minutes of epilation of the hands - 1100 rubles, a 40-minute treatment of the legs or thighs costs 1000-1200 rubles, the bikini zone - from 1000 to 1500 rubles.

Is it possible to get rid of hair permanently?

With depilation, this is unrealistic. As for epilation, some of its types provide a similar opportunity, but you should not count on the final result after one procedure. To achieve a lasting effect, you must complete the entire course. The number of procedures depends on the gender, age of the client, individual characteristics organism, the processed part of the body. In addition, one should not forget that during epilation, only the hair that is in the active growth phase is affected. In different parts of the body, the ratio of the number of hairs in the anagen and telogen phase is different. The duration of these phases also differs. For this reason, the duration of the time interval between sessions must also be determined separately for each zone.

All the listed methods of hair removal and depilation are also recommended for men. They will need more sessions to get rid of unwanted hair due to the stiffer structure and thicker hair.

In what cases depilation and epilation are not carried out

Each of the types of these procedures has its own contraindications. Common contraindications for all hair removal methods are:

If the skin is irritated, do not epilate.
  • varicose veins in the treated area;
  • diabetes;
  • irritated, sensitive skin;
  • the presence of damage, abrasions;
  • skin diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • heart diseases;
  • blood diseases, accompanied by a violation of its coagulability;
  • cerebrovascular disease;
  • allergy to cosmetical tools used during, before and after hair removal;
  • moles, papillomas, warts;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • use of retinoids.

Epilation and depilation are also not indicated during pregnancy due to possible pain shock and negative impact the substances used or radiation on the condition of the woman and the development of the fetus.

The article discusses in detail the ways to get rid of unwanted vegetation on the body - hair removal and depilation: the pros, cons, similarities and differences.

Hair removal is now almost the most necessary procedure for women. Demand creates supply, so new and new ways began to appear, designed to get rid of unwanted hair on the body. Depending on skin type, hair growth rate, desired effect and the price tag of the procedure can be divided into two types: depilation and epilation.

What is epilation and depilation, and what types are there?

Epilation includes the removal of not only the hair, but also its root. That is why this type is considered more durable. The question arises: "Is it possible to get rid of hair forever with the help of epilation?" The answer is yes. But this will take a lot of time and Money... As a rule, epilation is a "pleasure" not cheap and not very pleasant. The same cannot be said about depilation.

Epilation is divided into several types:

  • laser hair removal
  • photoepilation
  • electrolysis

The most painful type is electrolysis. And the most frequently used laser hair removal has been considered for many years. With photoepilation, the effect on the hair occurs with the help of powerful micro-flashes of light, as a result of which the hair root dies. Laser hair removal involves the point effect of the laser and the destruction of the hair along with the root. Electrolysis is the effect on the hair root with the help of current. The voltage is used very low, but it is enough to destroy several hair follicles in a targeted manner.

Depilation is the removal of the superficial part of the hair without affecting the hair root. Depilation includes the following types:

  • shaving
  • shugaring

Shaving as a type of depilation is familiar to everyone. Hair after it grows quickly enough, but for 1-2 days you can provide perfect smoothness skin. What is called "cheap and cheerful". Sugaring and wax depilation are similar procedures. In the first, sugar-based paste is used as the main component, in the second, warm wax. Both procedures are not pleasant, but their effect lasts from 1 week to a month.

Depilation with cream is probably the least common type, although more readily available than wax. The cream destroys hair on the surface of the skin without affecting the root. In general, not much different from shaving. As with a shaver, skin irritation and redness may occur after the cream.

How epilation differs from depilation: comparison, difference, similarity

Now let's talk directly about the comparison of depilation and epilation in more detail.


  1. Hair is removed in both cases.
  2. For any type of depilation or epilation, the hair length must be at least 5 mm.
  3. Depilation, like epilation, needs to be done several times.


  1. Depilation is done quickly, unlike epilation.
  2. The effect of epilation is enough for more long term than from depilation.
  3. Price tag. Depilation in most cases is much cheaper than epilation.
  4. Depilation involves permanent hair removal over a period of time. Epilation includes several courses, after which you will forget about the hair on your body forever.

Important! Another disadvantage of both depilation and epilation is the appearance of ingrown hairs. To prevent this from happening, regularly use a hard washcloth or scrub at the hair removal site, of course, after the skin has healed.

Which is better: epilation or depilation?

Everyone chooses the best for himself. Any kind external influence on the human body has a purely individual effect. So, for example, shugaring may not suit you, as it can cause bruises and severe irritation if the skin is especially sensitive. At the same time, laser hair removal will be a salvation, because there is no direct physical effect on the skin.

In exactly the same way, many people make a choice in favor of photoepilation.

Epilation can be done at home using a special device - an epilator

Sugar, wax, laser: hair removal or depilation - how is it right?

To finally consolidate the studied material, we recall the following.

Epilation is:

  • laser
  • electric

Depilation is:

  • wax
  • sugar
  • mechanical (tweezers, thread, razor)
  • cream (depilatory cream)

Video: Epilation and depilation. Easy and painless!

With the discrepancy of removal from the body excess hair all the ladies face. At the moment, cosmetologists offer two areas of services for removing excess vegetation - depilation and epilation. It is clear that when you have to choose, the question arises - what is the difference between epilation and depilation? What's better?

Smooth, beautiful skin is the dream of all ladies!

First, let's define - what is depilation and epilation? Their goal is the same: excess hair is removed from the body. But the effect comes out different.

What is the difference between depilation and epilation?

In fact, everything is very simple!

  • In the first case, only the visible part of the hair is removed.... After some time (from 2 days to several weeks), the hairstyle again appears on the surface of the skin. The duration of the effect depends on the method of hair removal. The function can be carried out at home, with your own hands;

Shaving is considered depilation

  • In the second case, the hair is removed together with the root, and the follicle is destroyed... This allows you to get more long-lasting effect... But here special knowledge and abilities are required. Epilation is usually carried out in salons.

These are the main differences between epilation and depilation.


So, you are thinking: which is better - depilation or epilation? To make the right choice, you need to have an idea of ​​these methods.

Both depilation and epilation can be done in different ways.


Main types:

  • Shaving;
  • Wax (waxing);
  • Sweet (shugaring);


Depilation perfectly removes vegetation, but a short time

This method of removing excess hair has been used since ancient times. At the moment, you can purchase various one-time machines, including those designed specifically for women.

The main advantages of this method are speed, low cost and availability. There is one drawback, but a significant one - after a certain number of days, the hair grows back, moreover, it becomes stiffer.

On a note!
Use special shaving creams.
They will soften the skin and protect it from irritation.


Nowadays, waxing is becoming more and more popular. This procedure uses wax. It is applied to the skin, then strips of napkins are glued to it and after a while they are abruptly torn off. Special wax strips are currently available in stores.

Wax is a good solution

The procedure is painful, but the result is enough forever. Waxing is non-allergenic, and if waxed frequently, the hair will become thinner and softer. The only contraindication is the vessels located close to the skin.


The procedure is carried out according to the same principle as waxing, but instead of wax, sweet paste is used. It is melted, applied to the hairs, and then abruptly torn off. If shugaring is carried out frequently, the hairs will lighten and thin out.

This method has one more advantage - no special devices are required for the session. Soreness can be attributed to shortcomings. In addition, the hairs must have a length of at least 6 mm.

"Sweet" hair removal

Advice. Do not exercise right after the procedure.
Sweat clogs the pores, which can irritate the skin.

So what is the difference between epilation and depilation?


Main types:

  • Laser;
  • Photo;
  • Electro;
  • Epilator.


The most modern method of getting rid of vegetation

A laser beam is directed to the follicle. The follicles are destroyed by radiation. At the same time, the adjacent tissues are not damaged. This pleasure is not cheap, but the effect lasts up to a couple of years.

The main drawback of this method is that it is not suitable for those who have light hair and dark skin... Since the beam can only affect large areas of the skin, the procedure takes a long time. In addition, there are contraindications for honey.


This method has not appeared so long ago. In this case, a flash of a special lamp is used to destroy the follicles. Hair removal is virtually painless.

The method is convenient because the flash covers quite large areas. The whole function does not take so little time. The effect is noticeable after the first sessions, and can withstand up to a couple of years.

Unfortunately, this method is not suitable for those with fair skin and blond hair.

Electrolysis (thermolysis)

Electricity comes to our rescue

In this case, an electron current pulse is used to destroy the follicles. This method can be used for any type of hair.

The procedure is quite painful. In addition, after each session, micro-wounds remain on the treated area of ​​the skin, which can heal for a very long time.


This device removes vegetation together with the root. True, the procedure is very painful. At the moment, devices are being produced with attachments that reduce pain, but it will still not work to make the removal completely painless. The skin is cleansed for 2 to 3 weeks.

Many people have a question - is it possible to use such a device at home? How to properly epilate with a depilator?

Each device is supplied with an operating annotation. Study it closely.

Epilator - a device for any part of the body

Comparative feature of ways

To better understand what is the difference between epilation and depilation, let's compare their pros and cons.

You can get rid of hair on the skin using various methods.


So what is still better - epilation or depilation? What to choose is up to you. Consult with the most experienced people, watch the video in this article, maybe there will be answers to some more questions.

According to ancient legend The Queen of Sheba, in order to gain the favor of King Solomon, ordered the court doctors to make an ointment from wax with the addition of medicinal herbs to get rid of unwanted vegetation. This marked the beginning of the history of the struggle for smooth skin. The practice of eliminating the problems of special areas of the body has been developing for more than one millennium. In ancient Rome, they were shaved off with a sharpened blade, in the Roman Empire, they were pulled out by thread. Many methods, having evolved, have survived to our days.

Women actively use shaving, eliminate hairs with the help of wax, special creams, and a laser.

The secret of Persian beauties occupies a special place among the ways to make the skin smooth. Hair removal with caramel paste has gained unprecedented popularity over the past few years.

The beauty industry is constantly introducing new methods of dealing with body hair.

What is the Difference Between Hair Removal and Depilation

Only you decide which method is better: depilation, epilation or regular shaving. Often women do not see the difference between the definitions, believing that they are one and the same. Is it so? There is controversy over the correct terminology. In fact, there is no unambiguous definition of these concepts.

The generally accepted European interpretation: depilation - removal of the upper part of the hair to the follicle, without affecting it. Provides for pulling out the rod, which is easy to grip. Usually defined as mechanical impact- shaving, depilatory creams.

Removing the entire hair, including the follicle, is epilation. The process consists of actions aimed at destroying the structure hair follicle, its weakening, growth retardation.

Shugaring involves hair removal using sugar mixture

In Soviet and post-Soviet medicine, the definition of terms was significantly different:

  • Epilation is the elimination of hair for cosmetic or medical purposes.
  • Depilation is a type of epilation that provides a temporary effect, without affecting the hair follicle, does not prevent further growth.

Today, the European definitions of concepts have become widespread, therefore modern cosmetologists use the term "hair removal" for procedures with wax stripes, however, the expression "depilation with wax" is also not considered a mistake, if we proceed from the terminology traditional for our country. Sugaring is a deep hair removal. Due to its consistency, the caramel paste penetrates deeper than the wax and removes hairs more effectively.

"Sweet" removal of problem hair

For a long time, women have used home epilators to fight for skin smoothness. Compact machines are always at hand, they can be taken on vacation, the process does not require special preparations. Many were accustomed to comfortable use, turned a blind eye to main drawback- painfulness of the procedure.

The caramel composition, in addition to removing hair, makes the skin velvety and smooth

The emergence of a new method has put many before a choice: an epilator or a sugaring? Gradually, the method of Persian beauties supplanted the epilator machines. Removing with sugar paste has many advantages:

  • does not cause irritation, including on sensitive skin;
  • carried out in several steps, at one time removed a small amount of hairs, therefore, causes a minimum of pain;
  • you can make shugaring paste yourself;
  • warm sugar balls are used for the procedure, not hot, the skin is not injured;
  • weakens the hair follicle, hair grows back thin, prevents the formation of ingrown hairs, inflammatory processes;
  • used on all parts of the body, all skin types;
  • has a peeling effect;
  • the skin remains smooth for up to 6 weeks.

It is problematic to epilate with a sugar solution at home. This requires a lot of preparation and skill. Many women seek help from qualified specialists, because the advantages of the procedure outweigh all the disadvantages.

What is the difference between shugaring and waxing

Modern beauty salons offer clients several types of hair removal. The championship belongs waxing and a newfangled method - shugaring. What are the main differences between these types of problem areas?

Paste, unlike wax, penetrates deeper, allows you to remove hairs of less length (2-4 mm). The wax is powerless in front of rods shorter than 5 mm, since it captures only the part that is located on the surface.

Pulling out hair with wax against their growth injures the hair shaft, provoking bending.

The paste removes hair in short strokes in the direction of growth. The possibility of inflammatory processes is minimal.

Many beauties, choosing between waxing and shugaring, prefer the second, appreciating its merits

Varicose veins veins - a contraindication to the use of wax, which heats up to 40 ° C. Sugar balls are used slightly warm, have fewer contraindications.

The wax provides for a single application to the entire area to be epilated. With sugarning, removal is performed in several approaches, the procedure is less painful.

Remains of the paste are washed off with water, no special oils or solvents are required.

Contraindications for conducting

Like any cosmetic manipulation, shugarning has a number of contraindications:

  • diabetes;
  • low blood clotting;
  • thrombosis with inflammation of the vein wall, thrombus formation;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • damage, skin irritation.

Shugaring is not a panacea for problem vegetation, but, provided correct conduct, this method can become the best solution removal of unwanted hair by ratio achieved effect and spent funds.