Women's day congratulations in prose. Congratulations on International Women's Day in prose

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Since March 8, my beautiful! On this day, spring and colors, I want to thank you for the beauty and tenderness that you give every day. I wish you to be the happiest, most desirable, beloved, charming, sweet and amazing. Be healthy, lucky, independent, easy and charming. Happy holiday to you!

Today is Women's Day, the holiday of spring! Let be your heart blooms, as everything around blooms in the spring. Mom, always be beautiful spring sunshine. Never get sick and never grow old. May every day bring you only joy. You are the most precious person on this earth for me.

You have been working in our team not so long ago, but you have already managed to become its integral part, without which we cannot imagine our working day. I want to congratulate you on a holiday that is dedicated exclusively to you, our dear ladies. I want to wish you great love, which will be a fundamental part of your life. Every woman needs to feel loved. I know that you are surrounded by love from all your loved ones, so I want to wish you only to increase this feeling. I also want to wish you health, because it is the most important thing in a person’s life. If you are healthy, everything else will take care of itself. I am very pleased to work with you in the same team, because you make us better and better every day. You are such a bright and kind man that I want to see you every minute.

A beautiful woman draws new strength from adversity, smiles in times of stress and becomes stronger through prayer and hope. You are this beautiful woman! And I wish you to always remain the same charming and strong. Since March 8!

Dear women, we understand how difficult it can be for you sometimes, so I sincerely want to congratulate you on International Women's Day. I want to wish your life to be a holiday not only on this day, but always in general. So that you are surrounded by affection, care and pure, boundless love. Happy holiday!

As usual, on March 8, all men are fussing about how to please women, and I will just hug my beloved and, having handed over a gift, I will say that I love! May warm happiness settle in your heart on this holiday, may your eyes always shine, and you long years stay just as beautiful!

All ladies, congratulations on the holiday. We wish you happiness, love, even greater beauty. Let every day please you with the attention and care of loved ones, life is filled with new impressions, only positive emotions, bright discoveries. We love you, we appreciate you, we just adore you!

My dear colleague! With all my heart I send you these warm congratulations Happy International Women's Day March 8! Be always beautiful, let beauty be yours constant companion and in your work only success accompanies you! Let any undertakings be accompanied by good luck!

Lovely women! I congratulate you on the Day of March 8! This beautiful holiday at the beginning of spring comes to us, when everything comes to life, blooms and blossoms. Let there be in your life eternal spring May the sun shine brightly, may the birds sing, may the days be bright and cloudless. Smiles, good mood, joy, happiness!

I congratulate all individuals of the better half of humanity on the main spring day, on Women's Day. Let your faces light up with the widest smiles, let every day of the year give care, kindness and affection!

Dear friend! Let's celebrate our Women's Day together and dedicate it to our favorite hobbies and recreation. I wish you, my dear, to maintain your feminine attractiveness and charm all your life. I appreciate your friendship and bow before your kindness, cheerfulness and a host of other positive qualities.

My beloved daughter, the most charming, kind and sweet creature in the Universe! Congratulations on March 8 - a wonderful women's holiday! I wish you chic bouquets, radiant smiles, sweet candies and sincere confessions!

My beloved, I want to congratulate you on this wonderful spring holiday Happy March 8th. On this day, all women deserve congratulations and gifts, but you are the one and only for me, so everything is dedicated to you alone. Happy holiday, dear!

Congratulations on wonderful holiday March 8 of all women - our mothers, wives, daughters, grandmothers, girlfriends, colleagues. This is the day when everything around is fragrant with the smell spring flowers, and our faces illuminate sincere and kind smiles. This is special holiday when men feel even stronger and smarter, and women flourish from this. Let there be more such days when a man remains a knight, a cavalier, and a woman remains the one who needs such a person.

One day, on the most beautiful and brightest day, I met you - and everything changed. Life shone, sparkled with new colors and colors, and I saw and learned a lot in it thanks to you. Today, March 8 - I give you all the tenderness and passion, all the most better feelings and words, as only a small part of my gratitude for the fact that you are!

All representatives fair half We congratulate humanity on the spring holiday, on Women's Day. Let your faces light up with radiant smiles, every day gives kindness, care and affection. Millions of roses, thousands of mimosas - hundreds of flowers at your feet.

Lovely ladies, strict ladies and just lovely women ours, this day exists so that men can express admiration for your grace and beauty, to take on part of your daily affairs and, finally, to understand how much we need you!

Today is a spring day women's holiday March 8, on which every man should be a knight, and a woman a queen! I congratulate you and wish you to be truly happy, may everything be in a long life - love, beautiful Prince, dreams come true and many, many magical days!

Good that great time- Spring - begins with a holiday dedicated to you - Girlfriends, wives, mothers, grandmothers. On this day, accept the most sincere wishes and congratulations. We wish you good health, happiness, love without borders. Let the sound of pans not drown out the songs of spring and life. Be happy, thrice healthy, flourish, you are our spring, we love you, beyond words ...

Men often perceive this date as an occasion to show their respect to the "weaker" sex, to once again show tender feelings, taking on some of the household chores.

Congratulations on March 8! May every day the house be filled with flowers and smiles, and woman's happiness does not bypass it. Warmth, love and beauty! Relatives let them please, give bright emotions and new experiences. Success and prosperity!

On this wonderful women's holiday, I would like to wish only positive emotions, boundless happiness and good health. Let adversity bypass, and every day be an occasion for new joy.

To you in a hut flaming so that
Didn't have to come in, put out the fires
Do not hit the horse on the forehead -
We will take all the blows.

What about your grinning look -
You don't believe men, do you?
The huts are still burning
The horses are still jumping too

And under the dome of luck
Life will play differently:
The mood sparkles
The river of good luck will gurgle!

March 8 congratulations
I send you, my beloved,
I want the birds to sing to you
Spring flowers bloomed.

I wish you laughter, kisses,
I wish you kind, gentle words,
I wish March 8
Giving you generous love.

You always understand me so
And you give me your care.
My dear, kind mother,
I love you very much with all my heart!

From pure heart Happy International Women's Day and wish Great love and happiness in life, incredible joy and tender words, good luck and unfading beauty, amazing opportunities and wonderful mood.

The holiday coincided with the beginning of spring. The first flowers blooming: tulips, mimosa make March 8 a blooming, fragrant day. Traditional gifts on March 8, perfumes are considered for beloved women, jewelry flowers are a must!

With International women's day! Love, dream, inspire! Every moment of spring is fleeting, but charming and beautiful! And in this amazing spring charm, I wish you to know the brightest, most magical moments of life, finding a new and better self! Happy holiday!

Congratulations on March 8! Be always loved, desired, irresistible, dizzying! May health, luck and prosperity always be with you! May all desires come true, and life be filled with moments of endless happiness!

Spring and woman are of the same nature! Exciting, light, dizzying and charmingly gentle! So let them worry only on this day men's hearts, the head is spinning - from passion, and dear ones and loving eyes. Since March 8!

Today is a truly beautiful day, which is fraught with great beauty and charming femininity, and this day is the Eighth of March. I would like to sincerely wish all the most beautiful that is hidden in the soul and lives in your heart. Happy holiday!

Congratulations on International Women's Day and with all my heart I wish you warmth, love and beauty, bright dreams, great desires and dazzling smiles, miracles, fun, bright joy and happiness, good luck, passion, perfection and brilliant victories!

On a beautiful day, March 8, I would like to wish love, joy, tenderness. May you always be surrounded by attentive, respectful and caring people. I wish you true female happiness, success and fulfillment of all desires!

Ladies, as a rule, putting aside the pots that have played their role, prefer to enjoy attention and a spring day free from worries. Employees of institutions and enterprises for one day become two groups: gallant and attentive gentlemen and beautiful ladies.

Let the work be loved
Life is full and happy
Understanding and happiness in personal,
And let everything be great!

March 8 - a beautiful day
Let it get a little warmer
The weather will be bright, clear,
The world will become happier all at once.

Feel the breath of spring
And the freshness of her first days.
Be loved and desired
And the young foliage is more tender!

May the women of the world be happy
Full of love, inspirational, beautiful,
Beautiful dreams come true
Treasured ideas come true!

With the holiday of spring, charm, beauty and femininity! May every day be like this: filled with smiles, admiration, love, care and joy. Be happy feeling like women, princesses, queens. Happy March 8, dear ladies!

May women's day never end
Let the streams sing in your honor,
Let the sun smile at you
And men give you flowers.
With the first drop, with the last blizzard,
Happy early spring
Congratulations, we sincerely wish you
Joy, happiness, health, love!

Today is a wonderful spring holiday - March 8! I congratulate all women and wish mutual sincere love, great happiness, success. Let every representative of the fair sex receive a sea of ​​tenderness and romance today, as well as a truckload of flowers. Happy International Women's Day!

accept my very my sincere congratulations. Let the stars shine for you, all without exception. May flowers grow for you and all rivers flow, may everything in life be bright, cheerful and beautiful for you. I wish you happiness, good luck and prosperity. Congratulations on March 8!

A beautiful woman draws new strength from adversity, smiles in times of stress and becomes stronger through prayer and hope. You are this beautiful woman! And I wish you to always remain the same charming and strong. Since March 8!

Congratulations on the spring holiday! I wish your life to be filled with love, happiness, warmth and tenderness! So that men spoil you with flowers and expensive gifts! May you not have a reason for sadness on this women's day and you can have plenty of fun!

For me, there is no dearer person in the world than you, my mom! Forgive me all the insults, I regret them. I want you to smile and be the happiest on this day! Know that I love you very much, dear! More expensive than your happy smile, there is nothing for me.

We congratulate all representatives of the beautiful half of humanity on the spring holiday, on Women's Day. Let your faces light up with radiant smiles, every day gives kindness, care and affection. Millions of roses, thousands of mimosas - hundreds of flowers at your feet.

Dear ladies, strict ladies and just our beautiful women, this day exists so that men can express admiration for your grace and beauty, to take on part of your daily affairs and, finally, to understand how much we need you!

My dear, fragile and tender, I congratulate you on International Women's Day! I never get tired of admiring you every day! You are the embodiment of femininity, grace and softness! Thank you, dear, for your feminine care and the joy that you bring into my life!

My beloved daughter, the most charming, kind and sweet creature in the universe! Congratulations on March 8 - a wonderful women's holiday! I wish you gorgeous bouquets, radiant smiles, sweet candies and sincere confessions!

On this women's holiday, on the holiday of spring, I want to wish that you always have spring in your soul, and everything blooms around you!

March 8 is the day when women fully feel the warmth, care and love from men. It's so nice to feel it. I would like to drink to the fact that every day in the life of ladies was so pleasant. May every woman always feel needed and loved.

Lovely, beautiful, understanding women! Today is your day, and I want to wish you that you get everything you want on this day. And not only on this day, we wish every day to be like a holiday, filled with compliments, warmth, care and love!

I congratulate women today in simple words would fall before their eyes. Therefore, I hand over spring bouquet for mood, a balm for the soul and sparkling rays of goodness in the heart!
Dear women, we wish you to always bloom and smell like spring flowers! You are the best and most beautiful! Happy holiday.

Darling! You are a real miracle, and therefore I wish you the same life, bright, magical, full of love!

Here are three options on how to surprise your beloved women, in addition to solemn and beautiful speeches:

On March 8, every woman deserves attention and kind words, That's why. Do not forget to congratulate all the lovely ladies, and remind them how beautiful and necessary they are!

Congratulations on March 8! Let everything happen on this day as if by wave magic wand! May loved ones always be by your side, may wonderful gifts so they pour at your feet, let love come and never leave! I wish you love, happiness and kindness!

Today is March 8, and I sincerely, with all my heart, want to congratulate you, wish you joy, luck and good mood! Let what you dream about happen in your life as soon as possible and let all the desires that you think about today come true!

I congratulate you on March 8 and I want to wish you only the best - joy, luck, prosperity, good luck! Let cherished dreams come true, all desires come true, plans come true, and those whom you love and respect never let you down!

I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday - March 8! I want to wish you good, prosperity, love and good mood! Let your loved one never cease to please with gifts and warm words, children - success in their studies, and parents - health and vigor! Love to you!

Today, many women are busy with what they never had time for - someone in a beauty salon, someone in a store, someone drinking coffee with friends. But I know for sure that the most wonderful lady now reads my congratulations on March 8!

On behalf of all men, I ask you to forgive us! We forget to congratulate, we forget to buy flowers, I'm sorry. But I am sure that not a single man will forget to congratulate all the women he knows on March 8! I congratulate you and wish you great happiness!

Let the flowers cover your entire bright house with a solid carpet. May your eyes always shine with happiness, and day after day, may only joy and fun await you. And even on the robot everything will be easy! Congratulations on March 8!

May today you be surrounded by care, gifts and flowers by everyone who respects and loves you very much. Let every day resemble a holiday, and happiness and joy will always be with you. Please accept my sincere congratulations on March 8!

Dear women, today, on your holiday, may your most cherished dreams come true! I wish you love and romance, adventure and even a little adventurism. So that life is varied, interesting, full of positive and wonderful events.

I hasten to congratulate my beloved women on March 8. Let the house be full of warmth and comfort, love and respect. At work, everything is easy, successful, promising and financially profitable. I wish you health, prosperity and much sunny days uplifting.

Lovely, gentle, beautiful women! May this day, March 8, give you good mood, execution of all innermost desires! Let it be the start for new beginnings that will bring only joy! Sincere compliments and kind words to you always! Happy spring holiday!

March 8! Happy this day
We hasten to congratulate our daughter!
We wish you laughter, joy in the house
And whatever you want!
May the ocean of love for you
Will bring its waves
And life's cup to the brim
Let yours be filled!
Cliff of grievances, let the waves crowd
Soften, erase, reduce.
Let fate make you
Happier than all women!
A woman's happiness in love
To the chosen one and children,
Keep your hearth, take care
From all the enemies in the world!

Our dear, dear,
You are a dear daughter!
You grew up for us!
Getting married soon!
If you choose well,
Your husband will love you!
On this day March 8
We wish you
Songs, dances and fun
Happiness, joy in fate!
Let your beloved girlfriends
Never betray
And the boys under the balcony
Serenade let them sing!
We send a bouquet of smiles
Congratulations and hello!

Favorite daughter! We congratulate you on the wonderful spring holiday of March 8! Be a woman with capital letter! Let your husband and children congratulate you on this holiday from year to year, not because it is customary, but because you are the most in their life. wonderful woman in the world! Be as beautiful spring Flower: delicate, beautiful and resistant!

I congratulate my sister!
Be a good girl!
Happy spring day!
We dance and sing!
Queen of the dance floor
Will you be again today!
Let the boys fall!
You light it up today!

My beloved daughter! On this beautiful women's holiday on March 8, be the most beautiful, most charming and cheerful! May something wonderful, unusual, magical happen in your life today! I wish you fabulous life with a prince on a white horse! May you have a holiday on March 8 every day!

Beautiful, desirable, dear!
I congratulate you on the spring holiday!
With you I am at the source of paradise,
I want to be with you both night and day!
In your eyes, as in a whirlpool of the head
I'm flying, sinking, but I don't want to swim
I want to be with you all my life
But happiness in this world is too unsteady.
I will try my best to save it.
Without you there is no happiness and fun!
Beauty, resuscitate urgently,
Today I will be macho all day long!

My beloved wife!
On a beautiful spring day
I hasten to congratulate you
And wish you fun!
Let in the eyes of your relatives
The spark of happiness does not go out!
I want joy for two
And bad weather for two.
I want these legs
There were a million roses!
I'm sorry I haven't been able to
Everything that was promised.
But know that more than me
Nobody can love!
You are my life, my soul
And the brain, too!

Once you walked under the table,
And "mom" did not know how to say.
Now you are an adult!
Walk boldly through life!
I congratulate you with verses now,
Happy spring holiday!
I wish you well and good luck
May happiness come to your house!

Congratulations on the holiday of March 8, my sister! How beautiful are all the women today! But they are far from you! I wish you to always be as attractive and desirable. May luck, prosperity, happiness and love always be with you! I wish you that your children and husband appreciate and love you. Let only white streaks of luck and joy flash in life!

My beloved princess! I hasten to congratulate you on March 8! You are the most beautiful in the world! May your beauty never fade, may luck never leave, love will always go by your side! I want to wish you to conquer all the peaks and reach exorbitant heights, wish you female happiness and the joy of motherhood! My beloved angel, good luck with everything!

From the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate lovely women on International Women's Day. We wish you to meet every day with a smile, with anticipation of joy, with confidence in the future. May they always be by your side worthy people and some of them are real men. Be happy and loved

On a beautiful spring day, we sincerely congratulate our charming, sweet, beloved women on the Day of March 8th. We wish you: in the soul - spring, in life - harmony, in love - fidelity, tenderness, reciprocity, in the family - understanding and prosperity. May all your plans come true and dreams come true

Dear women! Please accept our sincere congratulations on International Women's Day! May spring always bloom in your hearts! Let your eyes sparkle with happiness, like a cheerful spring stream! And bloom every day, like the first spring snowdrops! Tenderness to you and femininity! Health and inspiration! Unforgettable moments in life! Let Love fill your hearts and from this holy feeling the thickest ice of indifference will crack! Enchantment to you every moment, every minute, every day

Woman - how much beauty is collected in one word. You are the embodiment of beauty, kindness and tenderness. We wish, our dear, bright spring mood. Let this warm, spring day bring bright notes into your life. Let failures never overshadow you, and your mood will be rosy. Today all flowers are at your feet. Confidently follow your cherished dream, and let the support of relatives be nearby. Let them take care and protect your tender beauty and radiant youth. Warmly to you, beautiful women! And let life become easy task and the path to happiness is a silk flower carpet

When shreds of snow shine with the last sparks, protecting gentle early flowers then comes the light sunny holiday March 8. May it bring you anticipation, caressing frozen hands, warmth, may it give you tender, fluttering petals, modest buds of vulnerable spring primroses. Let the bright sunsets of spring refresh with cool air, and the long-awaited early dawns kiss your cheeks with hot rays. I wish that every inspiring day of spring was for you happy holiday, bringing hope, giving positive, inspiring and intriguing, full of light and love

Congratulating you on Women's Day, I want to express everything tender feelings bursting from the soul. But in the mind only bell-shaped snowdrops, not subject to snow, mother's touches and the first babble of the daughter. Therefore, having forgiven my tongue-tied tongue, look into my eyes. And when you see something in them that cannot be expressed in words, just smile

Dear ladies, now I understand: You are calling Spring to us, radiating warmth with your hearts, eyes, with all your beautiful airy appearance. And Spring comes with a feminine graceful step, awakening and renewing life! Thank you, my gentle, radiating vibes of primroses and love

Start spring days- bitter cold. But suddenly, the heart feels a warm, fragrant-radiant breath. Has it become warm? No, the weather is invariably cold. Just approaching March 8 warms us with feminine warmth

Dear women, today holiday! Enjoy the attention that you are gifted with, accept congratulations, admiration in your address! Men are so attentive, tactful, we wish you to inspire them to act not only today, but always! Happy International Women's Day

A woman, like a ray of light, radiates warmth and tenderness! This day is filled with positive emotions and cheerful mood, hearts tremblingly beat in the foreshadowing of the holiday. Congratulations on International Women's Day! We wish you happiness, fly on the wings of love, be the center of attention and attract the admiring glances of men

Congratulations to all women on International Women's Day with the most Best wishes. Do not lose the conquests that have become history today. Women of the past centuries spent a lot of strength and endurance on their implementation. The struggle for the rights of women continued for a long time with varying success, and today, finally, women have equal rights with men. Good luck to you, dear ones, in all areas of your activity. May it always warm and comfort your life family hearth. May the Lord always bless you and protect you from all adversity

On this blooming spring day, filled with a subtle atmosphere female beauty and wisdom, charm and youth, respected, dear and dearly beloved representatives of the fair sex, accept our sincere congratulations! Our mothers, wives, daughters and sisters, let me congratulate you on the holiday of universal beauty, femininity and outline! Happy March 8th! I wish you all the best, bright victories, good emotions and untold happiness! Dear, priceless women, let us confess our love to each of you individually and all together! After all, it is your care, attention and, of course, love that adorn every day of our lives.

Today is the most beautiful and tender, the most pleasant and wonderful, the most beautiful and mysterious holiday- International Women's Day = March 8! We congratulate all, without exception, girls, girls and women on this spring, unique and fabulous holiday! Let you, dear women, give magnificent and luxurious bouquets and
fabulous flowers, and a sea of ​​tender and nice compliments not only today, but every morning, afternoon and evening! We wish you unforgettable, wonderful and special experiences, wonderful and interesting moments, bright events.

Spring comes as a renewal of everything around and begins with such a seductive holiday as International Women's Day. On the streets, men are all with flowers, and the day is illuminated by women's smiles, so let this day continue. all year round when men turn into true knights and are ready to put the whole world at the feet of their beautiful ladies. So that female smiles shone not only on March 8, but always illuminated the planet, because women keep in their hands all the love, all the warmth and happiness that any person needs. Happy International Women's Day our incomparable women

If you want to be reminded beautiful girls, mothers, grandmothers about their love and give a little attention, care, be sure to pay attention to our today's article. prepared for you beautiful congratulations since March 8 in prose.

So, congratulations on March 8 in prose:

My dear, dear! I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday - Women's Day!

You are the most charming and amazing woman in the world! Your smile burns the heart, and a gentle look warms the soul. I wish you always be happy and never be sad!

Lovely women! Congratulations on March 8! May there be eternal spring in your life, may the sun shine brightly, may the birds sing, may the days be bright and cloudless. Smiles, good mood, joy, happiness!

Since March 8! Let life be filled with new colors, and the soul with spring warmth! Let the music of love always sound in your heart, and the fire of happiness and joy burn in your eyes!

Our dear wives, daughters, mothers, mothers-in-law, girlfriends and all beautiful women! Congratulations on March 8! We wish that your hearts belong to those who love and adore you, so that every day and hour you feel love and care, devotion and fidelity, help and support! Love yourself and be always loved!

On this beautiful day, I want to wish you to feel like a Woman under any circumstances and at any time! Wherever you are - at work, at home or at a party - always feel like a Queen! You deserve it!

March 8 is the most gentle, bright and beautiful day of the year! This is the beginning of spring and life in nature, the first warmth. Dear women, let this warmth settle in your homes and souls! Let the beauty of nature inspire, and the beginning of spring symbolize the beginning of something very desirable and beautiful in your life! Happy holiday!

Congratulations on March 8! We wish you to be desired not only on holidays, but all 365 days a year! Let every day bring only a smile, joy and positive emotions!

Congratulations on March 8! I wish respect and understanding from colleagues, delight and admiration from others, love and warmth from relatives, pleasure and enjoyment from life, pleasant surprises and good gifts from fate!

Since March 8! You are a woman with a capital letter! You are wise, patient, kind and fair! Stay always like this! Be happy!

Happy Women's Day! We love you very much and want you to be always happy next to us! Let all your dreams come true, and goals are achieved without special difficulties and barriers!

Congratulations on the wonderful holiday of female beauty and charm, spring inspiration and bright joy! On the day of March 8, we wish you a constant feeling of happiness, daily fun in your soul, magical feelings of love and tenderness in your heart, a great mood!

Happy spring day! I wish you as much health as many flowers will be given to women all over the world today! So much joy and happiness, how many toasts will be said towards the beautiful half! As much love as your soul mate can give you!

Happy spring! Happy Women's Day! Stay always blooming regardless of the season! Be happy! Do not stand still, develop and enjoy every day!

Since March 8! Let life be eternal spring, and mood like a sunny summer! May there never be a place for disappointment in the soul, and may the heart always be calm and warm!

On this wonderful day, I would like to wish only positive emotions, boundless happiness and good health. Let adversity bypass, and every day be an occasion for new joy!

Congratulations on March 8! Let every day the house be filled with flowers and smiles, and women's happiness does not bypass it. Warmth, love and beauty!

Happy International Women's Day! Let spring bloom not only on the street, but also in the soul, and beauty pleases everyone around! Happiness to you, prosperity and harmony!

Dear women, we congratulate you on March 8! We wish you warmth and love, wonderful mood and good health! Be happy, give smiles and enjoy life! You are charming! Happy holiday!

We congratulate you on the holiday of spring, beauty and love! May your soul be filled with light, warmth and joy from sincere wishes, delicate flowers, nice gifts!

Lovely, gentle, beautiful women! May this day give you good mood, the fulfillment of all secret desires! Let it be the start for new beginnings that will bring only joy!

I wish you a fabulous mood, gentle male hugs, a dizzying career, favorite hobbies, family stability, vivid impressions, financial independence, happy smiles!

May the gentle spring sun warm you with its gentle rays on this beautiful day. Beautiful and fragrant flowers will enchant with their magical aroma. Warm smiles and loving eyes of all relatives delight the heart. And let happiness, luck and love follow side by side throughout a long and bright life!

I wish to be like a primrose: just as beautiful and fragile on the outside, but resistant and hardy inside. May your beauty and endurance always help in life. Happy March 8th!

Since March 8! Let the heart bathe in the raging ocean of real and true love, and the best and most colorful flowers will be on your table every day!

On this March holiday, I wish you to flutter through life with the ease of a butterfly. For love to be pure rhinestone. So that the hands are as soft as silk, a smile is sweeter than honey. So that your life is filled with meaning, like a spring river is full of melt waters.

Let with the onset of March 8 you come long stripe pleasant finds, cute adventures and cute surprises. I wish you love and joy, talent and inspiration, happiness and inspiration. May all good things come true, turn out, come true and appear again, again!

Dear women, happy beauty and spring day to you! March 8 is the day when you become even more beautiful from smiles, compliments and flowers. Let love, care and tender words accompany you every day, and your charm continues to win hearts!

Be gentle, like the first foliage, unpredictable, like a spring thunderstorm, kind, as if gentle sun as exquisite as beautiful flowers, cheerful, like a nimble bird! Let life give pleasant moments, great news and glorious discoveries every day! Since March 8!

Dear ladies, since March 8 you! You are rays of light in our world, your beauty is like the most wonderful flowers. We wish every day of the coming spring to become more beautiful and happier. May peace and love settle in your hearts, and warmth and understanding in your homes!