How to determine the ring size for a man. Six ways to help determine the size of the ring. Simple and affordable methods for "secret agents": how to determine the size of the ring on your finger

If you need to have a ring by a specific date, such as an engagement ring, or an engagement or anniversary ring, please feel free to spend some extra time to determine your perfect size rings, and then you will not be disappointed.

The ideal way to determine your ring size is to simply walk into a jewelry store and ask for your finger to be measured, all store employees will be happy to help you. We would advise you to do this three times as your ring size can change depending on the time of day.

- Never choose your ring size in the morning (there is still water in the body from last night, so the fingers are slightly swollen),
- after sports (swollen fingers),
- during menstruation (for the same reason),
- in extremely hot or cold weather,
- The “last fitting” of the ring should be done when you are calm and your body temperature is normal.

You can buy a cheap sterling silver ring and wear it for a while to see if its fit and size is comfortable for you.

Tip: When measuring your ring size, most jewelers use 2 gauges. One is for wide rings, and one for narrow rings. The finger sizing tool is made of fairly thin rings - about 3mm wide, this is the most common form for measuring finger sizing. That is why when trying on a sample, you should say what width you want to buy a ring, then jewelers can estimate the necessary margin in size in order to choose the most the best option for you. For a ring 8 mm wide and wider, it is better to indicate the size of the ring a little larger (maybe ¼ or ½ size).

Finger measurement tool

Exotic ways to find out the ring size of your beloved

Most reliable way Finding out the size of the ring is obvious - for one day you need to retrain as a criminal and discreetly take one of your girlfriend's favorite rings, and then take it to a jewelry store. They will certainly help you there: the jeweler will be able to easily and absolutely accurately determine the size of the ring, but you just have to remember it when choosing. You can do it easier: take a ring, paper and circle the inner contour of the ring with a pen. Or roll a piece of paper into a tube, put it through the ring and make sure that the paper fits snugly against the metal, secure paper tube. According to this contour, the jeweler will be able to determine the size and choose the ring for you.

The girlfriends of your beloved can also help you find out the size of the ring, but it is better to make sure in advance that the one you have chosen for the “secret mission” will be able to keep her goal a secret.

If the previous methods did not suit you, then the fitting remains. Take the ring and try it on yourself: put the ring as deep as possible on your finger and mark this place (for example, with a pen) or just remember. Then you will either have to ask the jeweler to measure your finger at the place of the mark and determine the size of the ring, or, choosing a piece of jewelry, try on rings on the same finger yourself.

Place the ring on the circle that suits you best. Make sure the line is inside the ring and not outside. If you are choosing between two sizes, choose the larger size.

Six ways to help determine the size of the ring.

What are ring sizes?

Everything is very simple. The ring size is just the diameter of its hole (in millimeters). Recall that a diameter is a line that connects two opposite points on a circle.

Therefore, you can easily determine the size of any ring by simply taking it and measuring the distance from one edge of the rim to the other with a ruler. For example, a ring with a diameter of 18 millimeters is exactly the size of 18!

So it is accepted that the sizes of the rings have a step of 0.5 millimeters. Therefore, the sizes of the rings are considered as 16, 16.5, 17 and so on.

Don't know which size is right for you?

Here are ways that will allow you to quickly and fairly accurately find out the size of the ring.

Attention! All "home" methods, of course, are not accurate. Various errors are possible. Therefore, we cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of your ring sizing.

It must be remembered that the ring must pass through the joint. Be sure to take this into account when "home" sizing!

Also, keep in mind that finger size changes with temperature and humidity. environment and depends on the time of day. Optimal time to determine the size - noon. The weather is low humidity and not hot.

Method number 1

The easiest way to find out what ring size you need for a particular finger is to go to the nearest jewelry store and ask for a finger measurement. In any jewelry store there are special patterns for determining the size of fingers ("finger gauges").

If you don’t have time to go to the jewelry store, then you can determine the size of your finger and, accordingly, the ring that suits you at home. There are many ways to do this. Here are some of the most interesting of them.

Method number 2

Determining the size of the ring with a thread. You will need: a sufficiently dense thread (threads that are used for knitting napkins are ideal), preferably cotton, smooth. Approximately 50 cm - to make it convenient to measure.

  • Take the thread, carefully wind 5 turns on the finger you need (the width of the "winding" of all 5 turns should be about 3-6 mm). You do not need to wind it tightly, but still the thread should be firmly pressed against your finger.
  • After wrapping your finger, cross both ends of the thread (without tearing it off your finger) and cut them at the same time with sharp scissors. Or simply mark the intersection of the ends of the thread with a pen or marker, unwind the thread and cut it along the marks.
  • Measure with a ruler, centimeter or tape measure the length of the thread you cut. Divide the resulting length in millimeters by 15.7. The resulting value is the size of the ring for the finger that you measured.

The resulting size must be rounded up to half a centimeter up. For example, 17.1 to 17.5.

Tip: If you are sizing for a narrow ring (up to 5 mm wide), then the resulting size can be rounded up to the nearest value. For example, 17.1 and 17.2 to 17, not to 17.5. Wide rings (6-15 mm.) are better to lay half a size larger.

Method number 3

What to do if you decide to give the ring to your girlfriend?

The most reliable way to find out the size of the ring is obvious - you need to discreetly take one of your girlfriend's favorite rings, and then take it to the nearest jewelry store. They will certainly help you there: the jeweler will be able to easily and absolutely accurately determine the size of the ring, but you just have to remember it when choosing.

Method number 4

You can do it easier: take a ring, paper and circle the inner contour of the ring with a pen. Or roll a piece of paper into a tube, slide it into the ring and make sure that the paper fits snugly against the metal, secure the paper tube. According to this contour, the jeweler will be able to determine the size and choose the ring for you.

Method number 5

If the previous methods did not suit you, then the fitting remains. Take the ring and try it on yourself: put the ring as deep as possible on your finger and mark this place (for example, with a pen) or just remember. Then you will either have to ask the jeweler to measure your finger at the place of the mark and determine the size of the ring, or, choosing a piece of jewelry, try on rings on the same finger yourself.

Method number 6

Print and cut out the size tape

But remember that all the same, all these methods are not 100% accurate, and the responsibility for the amount determined by the indicated methods lies solely with you.

AND last tip: When ordering, if in doubt, ask our manager to bring several sizes of your chosen jewelry.

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In the life of almost every man, there comes a period of choosing a ring for his betrothed. But what if the size of the finger is not known, and you don’t want to miss at such a crucial moment.

First you need to decide how to find out the size of the finger, and, accordingly, the ring? The ring size is the diameter (distance from one edge of the circle to the other), expressed in millimeters.

The simplest and exact method determining the size is a visit to a jewelry store, which has special tools for measuring a finger. At home, of course, you can measure the size of the ring, but the result will be with a small error. It is also necessary to take into account the humidity and ambient temperature, under the influence of which the size of the finger will vary.

In addition to visiting a jewelry store, there are many ways to measure the size of a finger, for example, with a thread.

Method 1.


  • We take a dense thread, wrap the finger several times (usually 5 turns), but not much - so that you can remove the finger. Between turns 3-6 millimeters.
  • Cross the ends and cut the thread.
  • We remove it from the finger and take measurements of the thread.
  • The resulting distance is divided by 15.7. The final value will be the size of the ring.

Note: the thickness of the rings must be taken into account. If the ring is narrow, then the resulting value is rounded up to the nearest one, and if it is wide, then it is better to add another half of the size.

Method 2. There is a special table for determining the size of the ring


  • We take a strip of paper, the width of which is 1-1.5 cm, and wrap it around the finger
  • We mark the place of the junction of the strip. It must also be remembered that the ring passes through the joint, so it is worth passing the resulting “paper ring” through the entire finger.
  • We measure the resulting paper length (circumference) with a ruler and compare the data obtained with the table.

|Size(mm)|Diameter(mm)|Ring size|

|47.63 | 15.27 |15,5|

|50.80 |16.10 | 16,0|

|52.39 |16.51 |16,5|

|53.98 |16.92| 17,0|

|55.56 -57.15| 17.35 -17.75| 17,5|

|58.74 |18.19| 18,0|

|60.33| 18.53| 18,5|

|61.91| 18.89| 19,0|

|63.50 |19.41 |19,5|

|65.09 |19.84 |20,0|

|66.68 -68.26| 20.20 -20.68| 20,5|

|69.85| 21.08| 21|

|71.44 -73.03 |21.49 -21.89| 21,5|

|74.61| 22.33| 22|

Method 3.


  • Print out a measuring tape
  • Make a cut as shown in the picture.
  • Roll up the tape. Insert the end into the slot.
  • Measure your finger - insert your finger into the resulting ring of tape and pull on the end until you tighten it. What number will be drawn out in the end, this will be the required finger size.

Note. In no case should you take measurements in the morning, after playing sports, in cold or hot weather, during critical days- the size of the fingers, taking into account these factors, change.

Advice 1. Do not be afraid to take a ring with an approximate size, because any jewelry store has a service for stretching and reducing the size of jewelry to fit your finger. The cost of this service varies from 200 to 1000 rubles. It is also necessary to take into account the presence of stones on the product. Changing the size of jewelry containing stones can cause deformation or even loss of shiny jewelry. Or at least try not to choose a ring on which the stones are located around the entire perimeter. It is also better not to change the size of rings with combined metals.

Advice 2. If you are thinking of giving big ring, then it will be more profitable to make it to order, because. the cost of gold in a jewelry store is 2-3 times more. Not only will you save money, but you can also make a ring with an individual, creative design. In this case, it is better not to get carried away, because the ring should not spoil the impression of this long-awaited day for your chosen one.

Of course, if a young man is thinking of proposing to his girlfriend, then the methods listed above are of little use, because you need to measure it in such a way as to remain secret and make a surprise.

Method 1. "Steal"

If your girlfriend wears several rings, periodically removes or changes them, and you have access to the jewelry box, then you are on your way to victory. Before taking the ring from the box, it is necessary to trace which ring she wears on her ring finger.

Method 2. "Draw"

If your beloved walks around with a ring in her hands all the time, and it’s impossible to steal it, then you should wait for the moment when she takes it off. For example, when cooking or washing dishes. Next, put the ring on paper and trace the inner contour. Then we take measurements and determine the size by the above methods. You can also come with a sheet of your art to the store, where the sellers will do everything themselves.

If you are not sure about your artistic data, then you can make a cast of the ring without plasticine. To do this, stock up on this material in advance. The essence of the method is quite simple - we roll several pieces of plasticine into one ball, a little more ring. We accept it, giving the shape of an ellipse. We take the product and push it into the prepared material. Then carefully remove the ring. After the operation, in order not to be noticed, all traces of plasticine must be removed from the jewelry.

Method 3. "Plasticine finger"

We take the same plasticine, a ring, and sculpt a model of a finger, trying it on the product. You can go to the store with a plasticine finger, or you can take measurements at home.

Method 4. "Try on"

The lightest and affordable way- put on your finger. The place to which the decoration is worn, mark and take measurements. Or go to the store and try on all the rings up to this point (there is a danger of wrong views from others)

Method 5. "Scout"

You can unobtrusively ask the girl about the size, but the female vigilance can immediately fail the whole plan. If your girlfriend likes to take various tests, then this method is for you. Invite her to take a test that you have adjusted, in which you both take part. Of course, if you have never shared this lesson with her before, then this can immediately lead to a lot of suspicion.

Method 6. "Passion"

If you are a generator creative ideas, then invite your girlfriend to reflect your handprints on a piece of paper using ordinary gouache. Or, stock up on art clay and leave casts of your palms on it. Determining the size of a finger in this way will be a little more difficult, since this option does not take into account the height of the fingers.

Of course for business man this idea seems strange, and for a girl who knows you well, very suspicious.

Method 7. "Glove"

If your beloved does not wear rings, and drawing your palms did not work, do not despair. If your fiancé wears leather gloves (other materials will give a very strong deviation), grab a glove and rush to the store. They will help you determine the size. Ideally, you should find a person who can fit gloves and then, this person's hand will serve as a guide for you when choosing jewelry. The main thing is that at this moment your bride does not notice you.

Method 8. "Find out the size, but not the rings"

The the way is fine already desperate in all ways men. But it gives a very approximate result. As a rule, the size of the fingers is proportional to the size of the clothes. For example, if your lady wears size S, then the size will most likely vary between 15.5-16.5, if M, then probably in the range of 16.5-17.5, if L, then, by analogy, 17.5 -18.5, and XL - 18.5-19.5. You can adjust the size later (see tip 1).

If all the above ways you didn’t fit, then it’s already worth connecting the detachment. Future mother-in-law, girlfriends who can find out this “secret” with an unobtrusive question. It is also necessary to take into account the degree of talkativeness of mother-in-law or girlfriends. After all, so inadvertently you can reveal the most secret thing.

In any case, one of the above methods will definitely help you, it is important not to despair and move towards your goal, carefully considering each step. After all, one awkward movement can spoil such a wonderful, touching moment that happens in the life of every happy couple.

Every girl at least once in her life is faced with the question of buying a ring. Therefore, today's our article on the website to help you about.

How to correctly determine the size of the ring

Without experienced craftsman here, of course, is indispensable. And there are many reasons for this. But, if you still decide to independently determine the size of the ring for your finger, then you should consider some factors:

  • Concerning wedding rings, then you should not determine their size a month before the wedding. It's best to do this as late as possible. After all The Wedding Planner can affect weight: get better or lose weight, of course, and your fingers too.
  • It is not necessary to carry out measuring manipulations after sleep, after exercise or during critical days, since all this causes swelling of the limbs and the dimensions will be inaccurate. After all, it is already difficult to call them accurate, given that they are carried out by a non-professional.
  • Heat and cold can also affect the size of your fingers.
  • Consider the thickness of the future ring when determining the size. So, if the ring is thin (up to 5 - 7 mm), then we simply round off the result. And, if it is thick (more than 7 mm), then 0.5 should be added to the resulting size. For example, it turned out 18, which means that for a thick ring the size will be 18.5.
  • You need to measure your finger three times (morning, afternoon and evening). These indications may also differ from each other.

How to measure ring size at home

And now we will deal with ways that will help you determine the size of the ring at home.

All of the above methods are also suitable if you do not know how to determine the size of a man's ring. Moreover, many of them will help you find out even without his knowledge, if necessary. Also, if your man's fingers are thinner than yours (no matter for what reasons), you can safely try on his ring on your fingers. And finding out which finger has the right size, feel free to go for a gift to the nearest jewelry store.

How to measure the size of the ring - unusual methods

  • Rumor has it that the size of the ring can be determined using a conventional caliper. To do this, loosely press its ends to your finger, and then determine the diameter accordingly on the paper.
  • You can also navigate by ordinary coins. True, here's how to determine which one corresponds to your finger, you must decide on your own. If you somehow figured it out, then decide on the size: 1 kopeck equates to size 16, 5 kopecks to size 19, 10 kopecks to size 18, 50 kopecks to size 19.5, and 1 ruble corresponds to size 21.

Now you know, how to size a girl's ring or men, but you should not rely too much on the result, it is still better to contact the master.

Bruslik Maria - especially for - a site for lovers ... into yourself!

Ring as a gift - what could be better for a representative fair half humanity? And what could be more difficult than his choice for strong half humanity? But in addition to choosing the ring itself, there is also the question of its size.

In this satatya we present 5 practical advice how to determine ring size. We are sure that one or more of the presented methods will definitely suit you.

If you are buying a gold ring as a gift, it is best, of course, to know the size of the donee's fingers. But if this is a gift, most often the sizes are not known, and the desire to make a surprise makes you give up the opportunity to come to the jewelry store together and let the girl choose for herself. The lucky owner of a golden ring will no doubt appreciate unexpected gift, but how to determine the size of her finger, so that later you don’t have to redo the donated ring at the nearest jeweler?

There are several options, but it is also important to remember that any girl has different sizes of all fingers. And not only on one hand, but, for example, the dimensions ring finger on the right and on the left hand, most often, they also differ by an average of half a size. So if you buy the average size, then it will most likely fit her on one of the fingers. In extreme cases, if the ring does not fit in size, you can always increase or decrease it in any jewelry workshop. average cost resizing from 300 rubles. up to 1000 rubles, depending on the complexity. And if the ring was bought in our jewelry online store, then within a month we can exchange the ring for a different size or our jeweler will redo it for free.

It is important to know:

Ring sizes range from 15 to 23 in increments of 0.5. (15 15.5 16 16.5 and so on). Most often, women buy rings in sizes from 15.5 to 18. Size 16.5 is the most popular size for women's rings.

The diameter of a finger (or ring diameter) is its size expressed in millimeters. Do not confuse with long circumference, i.e. finger circumference. The diameter of a ring is a line segment that connects two points on a circle and passes through the center.

Each person has at least three different sizes. (On average, the size of the fingers of one person differs by 1.5 sizes, or even more.)

So, how to find out the size of the ring:

1. Measure the existing ring.

So, the size of the finger is the inner diameter of the ring, expressed in millimeters. That is, ring size 17 means that its inner diameter is 17 millimeters (i.e. 1 cm. 7 mm), and the diameter of your girl's finger is the same 17 millimeters. Therefore, men who want to surprise and buy Golden ring for a girl via the Internet or in a regular jewelry store, it is enough to imperceptibly measure the diameter of the inner circumference of the ring that the girl already has with a ruler. This will be its size. For absolute accuracy, you need to take her ring and ask the nearest jewelry store to try it on. Goodness in all jewelry stores there are special measuring devices. Also, you can simply circle the girl's ring, putting it on paper, with a pen on the inside and ask the jewelry store to measure the resulting circle on paper.

But this is only possible if she already has some kind of ring, and you have the opportunity to measure it. And if this is not possible? The next trick is...

2. Measure the finger itself.

The idea is that you need to measure the circumference of her finger. To do this, wrap her finger with a regular thread, and then measure the circumference. Without going into mathematical details, we inform you that you just need to divide the length of the thread by the number Pi, equal to 3.14. Then you will get the diameter of her finger, and hence the size of the future ring. But it’s quite difficult to do it imperceptibly, except at night, while she is sleeping, and then only if your girlfriend has a really healthy deep sleep. And if not?

3. Ask her mom or a friend.

By asking her mother, you will make your gift pleasant to both at once. Mom will be pleased that she was, as it were, "consulted", in addition, she most likely knows her size. If mom is not an option, then you can find out the size of the ring from a friend. Girls often try on each other's rings. But here the main thing is to know for sure that no one will let it slip, otherwise the surprise will be spoiled, but the probability of an error is still present.

4. You can find out the size of the gloves or the size of the girl's clothes.

The method is more than “approximate”, since, firstly, the glove may not fit tightly on the hand, and everything is also unclear with clothes. Secondly, the structure of the hands of each person, as well as the whole body, is so unique that standard sizes, which everyone chooses for himself, depending on the degree of comfort, do not say anything. BUT! Glove "temporarily borrowed" and measured with a finger meter ( measuring device) at a jewelry store might help a little more. You can also ask the seller's girl to try on the glove and focus on her hands. Or you can do without a glove and just remember which pens the future owner of the ring has and look for the same pens in a jewelry store. But, in general, other body sizes, found out in some way, will help determine at least the size range of the girl. The method will help those who do not even approximately know the jewelry sizes of the donee. In addition, the sizes of gloves and clothing can be found out with less likelihood of being suspected of intent to give a ring.

So, if the size of gloves or clothes is S, then, most likely, the size of the girl's fingers will be from 15.5 to 16.5. If the girl has a size M, the size of the ring should be taken in the range from 16.5 to 17.5. With clothing size L, the approximate dimensions of the ring are from 17.5 to 18.5, and with size XL, the approximate dimensions of the fingers will be from 18.5 to 19.5.

If you don’t like the method due to inaccuracy, remember that if you choose a ring in the right range, then it will not be a problem to remake it, but, for example, making a size 15 ring out of a size 18 ring is very problematic, and most often impossible.

5. Try on her ring on your little finger.

This method is more reliable, but technically more difficult. You, again, should have access to one of her rings, and for absolute secrecy, you should have a good chance to try it on. You just have to remember the place where her ring gets stuck on your finger and measure this place on your finger in a jewelry store. You will have almost the exact size of her ring and then the most difficult thing is to find beautiful ring, worthy of its owner, but now is not about that. Remember that if you want a girl to wear a ring on the other finger, then its size is most likely different. That's why...

Do not worry, if the surprise is more important to you, choose approximately. Almost any ring can be slightly stretched or squeezed. It is much easier for a competent jeweler to do this than for a dressmaker to sew in clothes. The girls themselves often resort to this 15-minute procedure in connection with weight loss or vice versa. Especially often this procedure is carried out wedding rings, because they are bought most often once and for life, and the size of a person often changes. There are a lot of jewelry workshops in every district of any city.

It is important to know only a few nuances:

If you are not sure about the size of the ring, try not to buy a ring where the stones are located around the entire circumference of the ring or take up most of the circumference. When altered to a smaller size, stones may fall out of such a ring, especially if it is necessary to alter it by several sizes.

Do not choose a ring with moving elements or check in advance about the possibility of altering it.

Avoid rings with any combination of multiple gold alloys in different shades.

If you are planning to make an engraving, then do it after you finally understand that the ring is the right size.

Everyone remembers how, in Hollywood films, heroes in love give their girlfriends rings in a beautiful red box. The question is - how did they find out the size of the ring for the girl? Or does this only happen in movies? Answer: They didn't know.

They bought it in exactly the same way, not knowing the size, because then it can be redone. And this despite the fact that the engagement ring is worn on a strictly defined finger! (The ring finger of the right hand, to be precise). And if you give a girl a ring of an approximate size, then she will simply be able to put it on another finger.

In our jewelry online store You can buy a gold ring of any size. We remind you once again that if a ring or any other product was purchased in our online jewelry store and did not fit, then within a month we will remake it to the size you need for free! Happy shopping!