Photoshoot flower girl. The most beautiful bouquets of flowers and not only

Flowers as a gift The best way for guys to express their sympathy, and possibly love for girls! Regularly guys and men have to choose flowers as a gift for the cute and charming representatives of the world.

It is no secret that flowers can speak a special language and they symbolize certain relationships. A competent choice of colors will help to tell a lot without words.

So, in order.

1. Daisies - a medal for modesty

This unpretentious flower symbolizes purity and innocence. It is considered a symbol of Russia; from ancient times, girls wove wreaths from it and guessed on its petals about their betrothed. A bouquet of daisies in the hands of a young lady will look laconic.

If a guy gives a girl a bouquet of daisies, then according to psychology, this gesture indicates that the young man is subdued by the pure and innocence of the young lady.

Daisies are garden (larger) and field. A huge armful of field daisies as a gift to a girl is able to emphasize the romanticism of male nature. Modest daisies will complement the youthful look with their pristine beauty. Heart kindness and responsiveness - all this is a sweet daisy. It would be appropriate to give such flowers for the holiday of family, fidelity and love, which is celebrated in Russia on July 8th. The holiday has Orthodox roots, it is the day of memory of the saints of Murom, Prince Peter and the commoner Fevronia, for whose sake the prince abdicated his throne.

2. Rose is the queen of the ball

Among all other flowers, it is the marvelous rose that stands on the pedestal. The rose flower has so many various shades like no other flower. As a gift, a young lady should be given light roses: white, pale pink, the color of baked milk. It is better that they are not fully bloomed - it is the bud that symbolizes youth and keeps the secret of the future discovery.

Psychologists say: if a guy wants to talk about his endless love, then he needs to give the girl a bouquet of white roses, but pink roses they only talk about the beginning of a relationship. Fiery scarlet, red roses will serve as a symbol of raging passion.

To avoid disagreements and misunderstandings yellow roses girls should not be given, because they are notorious. Burgundy and others dark shades suitable as a gift for mature ladies Balzac age. It is appropriate to present one rose as a sign future love on the first date.

3. Ranunculus - bright wisdom

Such unusual flower originally from Asia. Per a short time he took one of the leading places in the creation of floristic bouquets and compositions. Outwardly, it resembles a rose or peony, but the ranunculus is more delicate in structure and does not have thorns. For extraordinary personalities, as a sign of sympathy for their girlfriend, a bouquet of ranunculi is an excellent solution. Ranunculus is also called the wise flower, because it is a symbol Ottoman Empire and ancient god Perun.

Psychologists are unanimous in their opinion that with such a gift, men prove their great disposition towards the girl to whom the bouquet of ranunculi is intended. If you were given a bouquet of such unusual colors, then this suggests that the giver is an extraordinary person!

It is customary to give a bouquet of ranunculi to young women over the age of 25. Buy such a bouquet as a gift for a smart, intelligent and educated girl. For a bouquet, choose, of course, a pastel, delicate palette of shades.

4. Lilies - fragrant melody

Lily flowers are perhaps the most significant in nature.

According to psychology, men express luxury with a bouquet of such flowers, and one stem of a white lily will tell about the purity of intentions and spiritual beauty.

AT different cultures the world has these flowers different essence. In order not to get into a delicate situation, one should not give red lilies, as they can be perceived as a symbol of pride and contempt. In addition, lilies exude a strong and intoxicating aroma that not all girls like. However, if a man takes into account all the factors and reads the language of flowers, then a bouquet of lilies as a gift is quite suitable for both a young lady and a more adult girl. Yellow lilies will appreciate extraordinary personalities.

Being in a vase, lilies will long remind your chosen one of pleasant moment with its unique fragrance melody.

5. Tulips - spring revelation

Want to declare your love, but are afraid to scare her away gorgeous roses? Then tulips will be just right for this occasion!

Turning to psychology, we learn that tulips symbolize the awakening of feelings, spiritual revelation and purity of thoughts. They are a child of spring, a symbol of natural renewal, creation. Tulips are perfect as a gift for initial stage relations. If a girl was given a bouquet of tulips, then this is a good sign!

What shade of flower to choose is up to you. Bouquet of white tulips will tell about your tenderness for the done person, and Red color deliberately emphasize the boldness of the course of your thoughts. Pink, lilac, orange and even black tulips will create a unique bouquet for girls and women of any age. The most important thing is to correctly approach the solution of the issue. But N. Koroleva will tell the truth about yellow tulips best of all.

Remember that tulips look beautiful only big bouquet. Such flowers are not given alone, and even three tulips can only tell about the stinginess of the donor.

6. Gerbera is a beautiful nymph

We miss smiles so much! It is gerberas that are able to fill the house with the light of joy and fun.

Psychology testifies that a bouquet of pink gerberas as a gift can hint at light flirting, but red gerberas will serve as recognition in true love. If you do not know which flower to give, feel free to choose this particular plant. Such a bouquet will be a win-win in any case.

Outwardly, gerberas look like large chamomile or even an aster. Gerberas are long-lived, and proper care they will delight the hero of the occasion with their marvelous beauty for a long time. Slender, elegant gerberas - perfect gift for women of all ages and positions.

7. Peonies - be happy!

A bouquet of peonies is appropriate to give to a young wife or future bride. These flowers serve as a symbol happy marriage and promises of a cloudless married life. At the same time, they represent family and financial well-being. This is quite enough to present a bouquet of peonies to your beloved as a sign of a sincere and long-term relationship.

Psychologists have an opinion that a bouquet of peonies as a gift for a girl is the personification long term relationship and infinite harmony, not only physical, but also spiritual. If you were given peonies, listen carefully to what they are talking about. .

Peonies are very often used in different floral arrangements with roses, ranunculus and eustoma. These delicate flowers often used in bridal bouquets.

A bouquet of red peonies, in addition to its main mission, will tell about the brightness and ardor of a man's feelings.

mystery person

Delicate and mysterious eustoma captivates at first sight. For any girl, such a bouquet will be an unforgettable event.

Psychologists unanimously declare that giving eustoma flowers is a meaningful symbol. Guys with this flower express gratitude and kindness towards girls, with it they wish joy, long and happy life. Thanks to eustoma, you can express your admiration. If you were presented with such magnificent flowers, be sure that you are in the spotlight today!

Despite outward tenderness, eustoma has a unique charisma. Opened flowers and completely innocent buds create an image of mystery and perfection. Such flowers can be presented in one large bouquet or included in the composition of a flower arrangement. In both cases, eustoma deserves special attention. In one bouquet it is appropriate to use various colors th shades white to inky purple. And the larger the bouquet, the more elegant it will look in a vase.

It's important to remember:

The moment of presenting a gift should be romantic and memorable. Prepare for it in advance. A bouquet of flowers accompanied by a lyrical, love poem is what every girl dreams of. Make her dream come true!

9. Lily of the valley - a messenger of purity

Such a flower cannot be bought at any time of the year. Only in spring, he pleases the fair sex with his fragrant white bells. Sometimes a small bouquet of lilies of the valley can tell a lot more than gorgeous bouquet roses. Do you want to open your heart to a cute girl? Hurry up to present her with a bouquet of lilies of the valley, tied with a modest ribbon. It contains your loyalty and true love.

You don’t have to go to a psychologist for advice to understand that lily of the valley is a sign of purity. Only sincere loving boyfriend with an open mind and romantic nature able to give his girlfriend a bouquet spring lilies of the valley. If you have become a happy owner of a fragrant bouquet of lilies of the valley, you have real sincerity of feelings in your hands!

According to one ancient legend, lilies of the valley are tears shed by the Mother of God on the holy cross. No matter how many different flowers are given to girls, she will remember her first bouquet of lilies of the valley for the rest of her life.

10. Forget-me-not - blue-eyed child

To be remembered by your gift to a girl, it is absolutely not necessary to buy a million Red roses. Blue color is very rare among flowers. It is a bouquet of small modest forget-me-nots that can win the heart of the most capricious person. In all languages ​​of the world, the heavenly forget-me-not symbolizes two words: remember and do not forget.

If you give a girl a bouquet of forget-me-nots, then according to psychology, the guy says that he will never forget his beloved and, no matter what happens, he will always be there!

A compact bouquet of blue forget-me-nots will give a special charm to his lovely hostess. Forget-me-nots will gently decorate the house with their presence and emphasize the tenderness and romance of the girl, and perhaps add a touch of coquetry or a spark of mischief to her.

Such a gift is impossible to forget. Hundreds and thousands of blue petals will forever remain in the memory of their owner.

divine grace

You can look at a bouquet of irises for an infinitely long time. They found a combination of grace, sophistication, beauty and complexity of form. According to an ancient legend, the goddess Irida descended to people along the rainbow, and where she stepped, rose beautiful flowers, named by people in honor of the goddess irises. A bouquet of irises is the personification of hope for a wonderful future, speaks of trust. Irises are also very wise flowers, they will give the girl their magical power.

Psychologists around the world say that if you give a young woman a bouquet of irises, a man with this gesture will once again prove how much he values ​​\u200b\u200bhis relationship with this person.

You need to know that not all varieties of irises are suitable for bouquets. Flower shops sell exactly those varieties that go to the cut. You should not choose iris as a gift for too young girls – its color scheme and the complexity of the form are suitable for those who are already a little older.

12. Lilac - wishes come true

A bouquet of May lilacs is spring flowers loving hearts.

If a guy gives a girl a bouquet of white fragrant lilacs, psychologists interpret this gesture as an attempt by a man to talk about the first love excitement of the soul. Pink or pale lilac shade of lilac - they all speak only of love and they have no other purpose.

Giving lilacs to girls is considered a very romantic act. There is one interesting sign, according to which you need to find the fifth petal on a lilac flower, make a wish, and then eat such a flower. They say that then the wish will certainly come true. The taste of the lilac flower is sweet and pleasant. However, you should know that not every lilac is able to stand in a bouquet. For example, terry varieties quickly wither, which can upset a girl.

13. Poppies are fashionable originals

AT recent times it became fashionable to give poppies. A bouquet of poppies is very original in its form and content. Be sure that no one has ever given such flowers to your girlfriend and you will be the first.

Knowledge of psychology never hurts. And according to psychological tests and research, a bouquet of poppies can be said about the desire for pleasure, about daydreaming. Poppy is the flower of dawn. Everyone knows that without the sun the life of people on the planet is impossible. Handing such flowers to his beloved girlfriend, the guy says: “You are my sun, you are my dawn, you are my life!”.


Can not be ugly flowers just like it doesn't happen ugly women. However, not every flower is suitable as a gift for girls. The psychology of flowers is so multifaceted that among this multitude any man is able to find the right decision. When choosing a bouquet of flowers as a gift, follow the alphabet of the language of flowers, because one wrong step can completely ruin the moments of joy.

Important! Do not give girls and young women carnations, daffodils, chrysanthemums and gladioli. Do not choose dark shades for a gift. All these flowers are appropriate and good for a different occasion.

Ideas for a photo shoot with flowers

What can better emphasize the naturalness and beauty of a girl in a photograph, if not? The very idea of ​​photo shoots of girls with flowers is not new, but each individual photo is unique, because there are a lot of options for the venue, colors, poses of the model. Let's look at the basic rules for taking successful pictures with flowers.

Photos of girls with flowers: how to emphasize the character of the model

When choosing flowers for a photo shoot, you need to take into account the personality of the model herself and her preferences. If you need to highlight the femininity and sexuality of a girl, then the flowers should be chosen bright and lush, for example, classic red.

If the model girl is tenderness itself, and her natural beauty has a similarity with the forest mavka, then it should be surrounded by: daisies, poppies, cornflowers.

For a dreamy girl who seems to be from another era, it will do. For a vintage photo shoot, it is best to choose peonies, spray roses, lavender.

Where to place flowers

Most often, girls with flowers are placed in the photo like this:

  • bouquet in the hands of the model: a portrait of a girl with a bouquet of flowers is often done in full height, the model with a bouquet in the field also looks beautiful;
  • flowers in hair- a very popular idea for photos, especially wedding ones. or with flowers woven into her hair - tender and feminine in the pictures;
  • flower carpet: a model that lies on a surface strewn with small flowers looks very impressive;
  • girl next to flowers- a portrait near flowering trees, bushes, against the background of a wall woven with flowers.

Choosing a place for a photo shoot

Another of the priorities is the choice of the background, that is, the place where the photo session will take place. The most common options are the following:

1. Photo studio

It is most convenient to photograph the model in the salon, since it is easier to adjust the illumination of the room here. Also, by choosing a neutral, unobtrusive background, you don't have to worry about matching the background with the colors and image of the model. But studio photography rarely gives that liveliness and naturalness, which is easy to achieve in nature.

2. Field/forest

If you want to do thematic photo shoot or come up with vivid image for your model, then fabulous motifs - best idea For you. The atmosphere of the forest is simply saturated with fairy tales and miracles, so the trees will be the best backdrop for the forest fairy. The field is also suitable for those who want to show beauty in its original form, because it is not for nothing that they say that everything ingenious is simple.