How to clean an apartment before the new year. General cleaning before the New Year: how to have time to polish? How to clean the refrigerator and the entire kitchen

The heroes of the cult film sacredly observed the tradition of going to the bathhouse with friends on the 31st. Of course, this is more pleasant than putting things in order in the house on New Year's Eve. But someone must also take care of the cleanliness of the home. How to tune in to cleaning before the new year so that the necessary task does not turn into exhausting work?

Hard work - with a light mood

The closer to the holiday, the more often you sigh a sad sigh at the sight of the disorder in the apartment. And how to have time to remove all this! At least where to start cleaning before the New Year? Hands drop straight.
Do not despair. Try a little psychological training. Convince yourself that cleaning the house on New Year's Eve is not at all a heavy duty that everyone strives to shoulder on your fragile shoulders. On the contrary, it will benefit you. After fussing around the house, you will get rid of excess calories, your figure will become slimmer. By methodically laying out scattered things in places, you will simultaneously begin to put your thoughts in order.
At the same time, turn on the cheerful music louder, and the question of how to tune in to cleaning before the New Year will be resolved for you. Let the eyes be afraid, and the hands get down to business.

We draw up a plan for the "harvesting campaign"

Think in advance where to start cleaning before the new year, and you will see how quickly the work will be done according to the plan. The chaotic bustle only gives the impression of a seething work. But you should not dwell on individual stages for too long either. For example, cleaning a house for the New Year involves getting rid of a lot of old and damaged things. And here you are in danger of getting stuck for a long time, sorting out all the objects dear to your heart.
A detailed cleaning plan for the new year will help you use your time and energy rationally.

  1. Deal with scattered things and clothes. Dirty in the wash, throw away the old stuff, put the rest in its places.
  2. Brush dust and cobwebs off the walls.
  3. Wash chandeliers and sconces.
  4. Refresh the leaves of indoor plants.
  5. Change tulle and curtains.
  6. Wipe and polish furniture, clean upholstery.
  7. Tidy up closets and shelves.
  8. Wipe down mirrors and glass doors.
  9. Wipe off dust from your computer, TV.
  10. Clean carpets and floor coverings.
  11. Vacuum and mop the floors.
  12. Clean shoes in the hallway, remove excess ones.

A thorough cleaning of the house for the new year should cover all premises. We are now moving to the kitchen.

  1. Defrost and wash the refrigerator.
  2. Clean the stove and apron from grease stains.
  3. Wash the microwave and other kitchen appliances.
  4. Wash the festive service.
  5. Polish cutlery.

In the bathroom, wash the tiles on the walls, polish all the plumbing to a shine, and at the end of the New Year's cleaning at home, admire yourself in a perfectly clean mirror.

Preparation for the holiday

If you intend to invite guests, include additional items in the cleaning plan for the New Year. It will be necessary to make room for a festive table, for dancing and games. Take care of the safety of children in advance. Move away scissors, needles, small items and other dangerous things. Cover the sockets with plugs. And then, when the house is already clean, you can go to the bathhouse.

This is an extraordinary New Year's mood in anticipation of the holiday! But where there is a holiday, there are many worries and fuss for the hostess: to come up with and bring to life holiday menu, worry about gifts, decorate christmas tree... And this general cleaning before the New Year! Probably, for many women it has already become a tradition to exhaust themselves by cleaning the apartment in the last days old year, utterly tense without it. Then do not be surprised why on New Year when everyone is having fun and rejoicing at the festive table, you only want one thing - to get to your own bed faster and fall asleep ...

Try going a little differently this year! Let the New Year's cleaning take not two days before the holiday, but, for example, two weeks!

Day 1: windows

Almost all advice begins with a recommendation to blind the windows as wide as possible in order to see all the dust and dirt in the apartment. And you don't just shade them, but also wash them thoroughly so that you don't miss a single speck of dust! But before you wash the windows, throw the curtains in washing machine... Let this cleaning fill the entire apartment with the festive spirit that comes from the freshly washed curtains! Do not forget to also wipe the cornices and remove dust from the radiators.

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Day 2: storage room and balcony

Here you can get lost for more than one day: how many interesting things have gathered in a year! Find the strength to say goodbye these days, not only to the old year, but also unnecessary things... Maybe someone will find a present for the New Year there.

Day 3: bedroom

Do something that you haven't been able to achieve in several months: clean up the mezzanine and on the shelves with linen. Prepare the bag in advance to fold things you haven't worn in a year.

Cleaning before the New Year is a great opportunity to unload the wardrobe for new purchases and gifts.

Do not be too lazy to move the bed and clean under it. Maybe it is there that a surprise awaits you for the New Year - there is a lost favorite earring that you have been looking for with the whole family for a whole week?

Day 4: living room

You need to clean everything here thoroughly, because in this room you are going to receive guests, right? And don't forget to wash your crystal chandelier!

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Day 5: children's

Clean up in a good mood, include children in this action. Go through all the toys: discard the broken ones, wash the soft ones and clean the rest with a damp cloth. Do not clutter up the apartment with unnecessary things: take away the clothes with which they grew up and unnecessary toys with the children. Put everything in a box, let the kids give it to someone who really needs such things by the New Year.

Day 6-9: kitchen

Experience shows that New Year's cleaning of this small room with its contents takes the housewives maximum energy and calories. You will have to sweat a little here, so plan to clean the kitchen for four days:

  1. Clean the tiles and hood.
  2. Clean the dishes, throw out all the overpowered plates and cups. Wipe dust off the wall cabinets. Be prepared to make an effort to gently peel it off the oily surface.
  3. Clean all kitchen appliances (microwave, mixer, blender) and gas stove. Take away Special attention multi-layered grease that has accumulated on the hob switches, baking trays and the inner walls of the oven.
  4. Clean the refrigerator and sink. Make a revision of the contents of the refrigerator and at the same time make a list of products for the festive table.

Day 10: hallway, bathroom

See if the entrance to your apartment is obstructed. Tidy up the hanger and shoe rack. Remove out of season shoes and belongings. Unload the hanger as much as possible, clean the rug at entrance doors.
Bathroom cleaning should begin with an unbiased customs inspection of all bottles and their contents.

Throw away all empty jars seized during the search without regret. Only then wash the bathtub, tiles, shelves, clean the toilet. Wash the curtain and scrub the rug, mop the floor.

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Day 11: dust collection

Start collecting dust from top to bottom. First, brush it off the ceiling and corners of the rooms. Check the entire apartment for a spider swaying cheerfully on a spider's web. Dust off the walls, then vacuum and wipe down the furniture. The final stage- wet cleaning of the floor.

Day 12: cleaning lamps and mirrors

Take a good walk with a damp cloth over everything that illuminates your apartment: sconces, chandeliers, lamps, floor lamps. Shine on all mirrors, including the bathroom.

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Day 13: energize everyone with a festive mood

What is New Year's Eve cleaning without a Christmas tree and garlands? Dress up a green beauty with the whole family, decorate an apartment for the New Year. You can put all the initiative in the hands of the children. And you just have to watch with a satisfied smile how little dreamers contribute to the general cleaning: they glue paper snowflakes on freshly washed windows, hanging angels from cotton wool on a crystal chandelier shining with purity, painting in watercolors funny snowmen on a huge, polished mirror in the hallway.

Day 14: for yourself, beloved

Just take a break, get yourself a manicure, get your hair done, apply a mask.

Congratulations, the general cleaning is over! The New Year begins with its pleasant surprises, festive mood and ... post-New Year's cleaning. But that's a completely different story!

Sultan: | December 27th, 2018 | 9:35 pm

I am not celebrating the new year, but your advice helps me in organizing events at home. I read and take notes. I did it whole list... I will use)))

Julia: | December 27th, 2018 | 12:16 pm

I have infant, so I decided to hand the cleaning over to the cleaning company. Professionals will cope with this better) And during this time we'd better go visit or take a walk))

Asel: | December 26th, 2018 | 2:59 pm

Today is the general cleaning of the house according to plan.

Oksana: | December 26th, 2018 | 12:00 pm

Good day! Thanks for the reminders !!! I try to do everything on time!

Svetlana: | December 26th, 2018 | 9:38 am

And I have to move to a new apartment, in which only cabinets and glass have been washed, and from December 27 everything will have to be done, starting with the placement of bubbles in the bath, bedding in the room, supplies in the kitchen, well, all the things (()))) with a small as a child together))
Answer: Svetlana, congratulations on new apartment!

Inna: | December 26th, 2018 | 9:27 am

It's so good that I redid it all in the process of decluttering) there is only the usual cleaning that I will do on the weekend

Anonymous: | December 26th, 2018 | 9:23 am

It is not realistic to clean all the rooms in one day. Maximum 1-2.

Elena: | December 26th, 2018 | 8:54 dp

And I can only look at the apartment with tears) Partial renovation. + today they will bring and put a new cabinet instead of two old ones and all the things in bags and boxes around)) I don't know where to start)
Answer: Elena, there are circumstances in life, you just can't do anything. Rejoice in the new cabinet and the fact that when the repair is over, there will be beauty))))

Larisa: | December 26th, 2018 | 7:56 dp

We started cleaning with my daughter yesterday, today I’ll do the cleaning according to your plan. Thanks to!

Anonymous: | December 26th, 2017 | 5:53 pm

I cleaned only one room, because not enough time.

Svetlana: | December 26th, 2017 | 5:41 pm

Plans are down the drain, the whole family is lying with rotovirus (we will have to catch up after recovery (

Tatiana: | December 26th, 2016 | 11:53 am

took on the to-do lists, started with the kitchen.

Natalia: | December 25th, 2016 | 4:22 pm

We have a renovation ((New Year with wallpaper and boxes

Elena: | December 25th, 2016 | 4:16 pm

Greetings to those commenting on you, Dasha. Well done !!! For the third year I have failed your marathon. Today is Sunday, I read letters for a week. Tomorrow is a matinee in the kindergarten, the day after tomorrow at school - to take time off from work. And there will be three days. And probably, as always, everything is at 31. And the tree, and the cleaning and the table. The main thing is not to fall asleep until twelve. But the attitude is still positive. Let's break through !!!

Julia: | December 25th, 2016 | 3:56 pm

Cleaning started last weekend. She took her husband as an assistant. I'm not trying to “eat an elephant” in one sitting. I wrote a to-do list, wrote it down by day approximately. In the middle of the week, I do the little things (wash the kettle, water filter jug, microwave oven, glass cabinet doors, refrigerator slowly in two days, etc.). On weekends, my husband did more serious and time-consuming work (he washed the plastic ceilings and tiles in the bathroom and kitchen, the furniture in the kitchen tops). Lists of dishes for various reasons are in my duty notebook. Therefore, problems with the menu on festive table does not arise I open it and choose what is on this moment I want to cook, and immediately write the lists of products that are there and which need to be purchased. And I paint every day what and when you can unfreeze, prepare and cook, so that there is as much free time as possible on the holiday. And of course, I connect my husband to help with cooking (peel, cut, open, wash, etc.). In general, today for cleaning it remains to wash the cabinet doors in the room. And the finish.)

Nastik: | December 25th, 2016 | 3:28 pm

Cleaning on Sunday? ... Well, no. And everything is at home. I can't do that, I need to be alone. I'll start tomorrow.

Irina: | December 25th, 2016 | 2:47 pm

looked at the photo above and realized that I am not a mess yet))))))))))))))))))

Gulmira: | December 28th, 2015 | 4:42 dp

all zones in the house are put in order, lastly there is a bath with a toilet, usually I rub the tiles the day before the holiday

Love: | December 26th, 2015 | 6:55 pm

1. Today I finished all the zones in the dining room, began to dismantle the guest bedroom (in the netz complete chaos with children's toys). Tomorrow I will continue. They installed a Christmas tree - they cluttered the boxes with toys (threw out everything unnecessary). Deviated, of course, from the decluttering plan. But with benefit.
2. A cleaning plan has been drawn up. Thanks for the reminder about cleaning the kettle - for some reason I forget about it all the time

Olga S: | December 26th, 2015 | 3:31 pm

It's easier for me to clean on weekdays than on weekends. I am on maternity leave and in the daytime only me and my daughter are at home, and on weekends there is still a son at home, who will still not let me clean up calmly. Moreover, on Sunday I have an event planned outside the home. So the cleaning will be on Mon, Tue and Wed.

Olga: | December 12th, 2014 | 9:14 am

1. "Clutter up" the second zone of your home.

kitchen today!

2. If you catch yourself thinking that it is better to postpone cleaning until later, use one of the self-motivation methods that you learned about today.

thanks) knew about them before. rather, on the contrary, I'm in a hurry to clean)

3. Continue to clean up all areas as planned.

Zhenya: | December 11th, 2014 | 9:38 pm

In between doing things outside the home, I sort out the zones according to the plan, for next week more costume making will be added ...

Tanya: | December 11th, 2014 | 7:35 pm

Thanks to Marina Eliseeva and her Tam management and the marathon, all I have to do is maintain cleanliness

Alena: | December 11th, 2014 | 5:49 pm

Today and last night I put things in order in the nursery, where we have the hottest point :), I collected the garbage bag, washed and cleaned everything, now the eye is happy! I got used to turning on movies on my phone and moving around the apartment with it, ironing, loading the dishwasher, disassembling the closet - all boring things are now not boring at all :)

Nyura: | December 11th, 2014 | 11:44 am

And I started the Big House Cleaning in the reverse order, that is, from the hallway. Yesterday I took out two bags of trash, disassembled out-of-season clothes, shoes and the famous Bag with bags. Now you go home and the positivist is like that right away! And I want to continue tidying up. I still haven't had a horse lying around in my rooms, but the feeling that very little is left is in order in the hallway.

ElenaB: | December 11th, 2014 | 11:24 am

I have a dishwasher, such a beauty!

Yulita: | December 11th, 2014 | 8:11 am

Today I will continue to deal with the decluttering of what I didn’t have in the kitchen yesterday, and I’ll take over the bathroom and the hallway. I got used to snatching a few minutes between watching movies online - the Internet is weak and the film needs to be loaded, I still wait - so I'll go wash the dishes for a few minutes or run around the room with a vacuum cleaner or have time to fill the laundry. All the same, I watch a movie - I iron the linen or take apart the closet, there is only one room - everything is visible and audible.

Julia: | December 11th, 2014 | 7:28 dp

I liked the Fly system very much. It turns out that I have already used some of it. For example, for many years I have been trying to free my weekends from household chores, doing a little in the evenings after work, a family calendar - so as not to forget anything. It is not yet possible to free up time for a hobby. I read about the time tracking system, now I will study this.
My motivation for cleaning: "I am a princess, my apartment is my palace, my palace should be clean and comfortable." When I get down to household chores, I imagine how good, fresh, pleasant it will be, when I do everything, it helps.

Marina: | December 11th, 2014 | 6:34 dp

I could not even imagine that such methods of self-motivation could be applied to the unwillingness to clean up. I even think that you need to print and hang such a picture with a horror story on the door to the closet or on the balcony, where you always feel reluctant to clean up)))

Marina: | December 11th, 2014 | 6:20 dp

Today I'm on the run all day, but for tomorrow I already have a plan!

Traditional cleaning before the New Year - good way get rid of not only old things, but also failures. To start life with blank slate, leave everything unnecessary in the past year.

Sometimes it's not so easy to start life anew. Bad memories and problems that haunt us block our energies, preventing us from moving on. New Year is wonderful not only for its festive atmosphere: at this time, we have the opportunity to get rid of unnecessary burden that prevents us from achieving our goals. spring-cleaning Is an important New Year's Eve ritual. You can get rid of unnecessary things, and with them let go of your unhappiness. Some objects in our house have negative energy, and it is from them that we should get rid of in the first place. The site team will tell you how to properly put things in order in your home in order to attract happiness and prosperity.

Where to start general cleaning

Since cleaning helps us not only to free our homes from dirt and debris, but also to clean the energy sector, all the rules for its implementation must be taken into account. First, take a good look around: you need to look around every object in your home. You will probably notice that when you look at certain things, you immediately have discomfort or unpleasant memories... It is with these objects that you must say goodbye without pity. To do this, collect them in a separate package and say:

"Together with you, I get rid of my troubles and misfortunes."

Things with negative energy can include photographs of people with whom you are in bad relationship, old clothes in which you have once suffered setbacks and failures. Get rid of damaged and cracked items, even if they are dear to you. Dishes with chips, frames with cracks and other fragile items with damage should be thrown away.

Cleaning should start from the farthest room and then move towards the exit. Thus, you "wash" all the negativity from your home and leave it outside the door. Start cleaning the right way to further actions were not inconclusive.

How to get rid of problems with cleaning and attract well-being

The cleaning process begins with wiping dust on cabinets and mezzanines, so stock up on a stepladder in advance. Cleaning should be done from top to bottom in a clockwise direction. Do not lose sight of hard-to-reach places, because it is there that dust accumulates, and with it and negative energy bringing problems into your life. Do not forget to wipe the figurines, photo frames, lamps, chandeliers and utensils - sometimes on these minor things a huge amount of dust accumulates.

Pay special attention to doors and windows. Of course, in the cold season, washing windows is an unsafe activity, so you only need to wipe them from the side of the house. An important part of the doors are the thresholds. It's not in vain and superstition. Try to wash them out as often as possible to protect yourself and your loved ones from negative energetic effects.

The last thing to do is to wash the floors, because during cleaning, the dust that we remove from the cabinets falls on the floor. We bring most of the negative energy from the street, respectively, it accumulates primarily in the thresholds and on the floor. The dirt must be swept out of the corners to the exit in order to sweep out of your house all the failures and problems that happened to you in the past year.

After completing the above steps, take a few tight bags and collect all the trash and unnecessary things there. Imagine that it is at this moment that you let go of your past and open a new page in your life.

You should not make hard labor out of cleaning: spend it in good mood as if something good is going to happen to you soon. You can get rid of problems and attract happiness into your life only if you yourself get rid of negative emotions, and you will perform any activity with a smile.

Our words have strong energy... While pronouncing some of them, we have no idea what consequences it threatens us. Drive away from you negative thoughts and think over your every action so that luck does not turn away from you. Always achieve your goals. I wish you success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

22.12.2017 01:09

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