Celebrating the new year. New Year on the train. Philosophical New Year: we meet in splendid isolation

As you celebrate the New Year, so you need it ..!

Celebrating the New Year with Olivier salad, champagne, tangerines and a Christmas tree - it is standard, commonplace and reminiscent of childhood. However, to celebrate the New Year every time is already annoying.

You've probably already noticed that waiting new year holidays no longer brings joy, as in childhood, the expectation of a miracle does not turn into a magical anticipation ... In short, the New Year has become an ordinary day.

All this happens because we already know our entertainment schedule for new year's eve... Nothing changes, it's the same every year. With such monotony it will definitely not be possible to wait for a miracle.

Command To povik.com offers you 10 ways to celebrate the New Year in a special way, not as usual. This will bring new impressions and changes into your life. As they say: As you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it .., go for it ...

Unusual table for the New Year

This method is suitable for those who cannot refuse home gatherings for the New Year in any way. Here, a great way to dilute your routine would be diversify the table.

Make sure that you don't have a single familiar dish on your table. Try it prepare or order in advance cuisine of another country or exotic food.

There is still enough time before the New Year, so find out recipes for new dishes or ask your friends and acquaintances, maybe they will go into the category of your favorites.

New Year in the style of another country

This method is closely intertwined with the first. Just in addition to new treats, make home decorations in the style of another country, such as Japanese rituals or chinese lanterns. To fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere holiday of another country, instead of casual wear find kimonos or pretty Japanese robes.

This style is perfect for gifts too. Decorate them in the style of a foreign holiday. Find out what traditions are observed in that country when celebrating the New Year, for example, in Bulgaria they turn off the light for a few minutes for kissing ...

New Year in nature

Try to celebrate the New Year in the forest or on the shore of a frozen lake. Incredible atmosphere will give you a sense of magic... Understanding that the New Year is somehow special, in a special place will make you feel how your life is changing.

Get together fun company , buy winter tents, find appropriate place in the forest and onward to meet adventures ...

New Year in an unusual place in the city

If you are not a fan of outdoor recreation, try to find an unusual place in your city where you can spend New Year's Eve. Here we are not talking about clubs or cafes.

For example, climb onto the roof of a tall building with a crazy view or a park overlooking the river. Take with you a bottle of champagne and grab a couple of fireworks. New emotions and great mood You are provided with.

Active New Year

An excellent option for active New Year's celebrations can be: New Year's skating rink, skiing, hiking, dancing with fireworks, etc.

All this turmoil at the chimes will make you feel like a different person. Instead of eating and drinking You will feel cheerfulness and a surge of strength.

New year for good deeds

Everyone knows that miracles happen on New Year's Eve. So why not arrange a miracle for those who need help. Try to arrange performance in a hospital or orphanage. Donate your things or toys that you don't need.

The feeling that you have helped someone will make you happier, and also give others faith in miracles for the New Year. Great start to the New Year, isn't it?

New year with myself

New Year is a holiday when all relatives and friends gather. And how about trying to spend New Year's Eve alone with yourself.

To the chimes, sit in silence and think about your life, take stock of the outgoing year, remember what you have achieved in last year and make plans for the future.

New year without alcohol

Probably, the New Year without alcohol, the last time you celebrated in your 10-12 years. Of course, you will not have many like-minded people, however this option is worth considering.

You can brew tea in a thermos, or buy ginger wine and take a walk in the city at night, or settle down somewhere more comfortable with wonderful view. And if you find like-minded people, then a sober company will only be a plus.

Celebrate New Year in another country

The option of celebrating the New Year in another country is gaining great popularity. This is a great way to diversify your life and get new emotions. It doesn't matter where you go: sea, mountains or European countries... This New Year will definitely be remembered by you for the rest of your life.

New year on the plane

If you are planning to fly to another country after the New Year, then this is a great way to celebrate the New Year. Thus, you will kill two birds with one stone: save on tickets (tickets will be much cheaper on New Year's Eve) and celebrate the New Year at an altitude of 10 thousand meters above the ground.

The more interesting and unusual you spend this fabulous night, the more chances for a New Year's miracle.

If you are tired of arranging an annual traditional feast with your relatives, spend New Year's Eve in a new way.

1. See in what sequence they meet different countries... You can make wishes with the chimes of New Zealand, Kamchatka, Fiji, Australia, Japan, China, Sri Lanka, India, Ufa, Armenia, Turkey, Israel, Finland, Africa, Brazil, Canada, USA ... for whole days.

2. Invite all your friends to visit by sending each a personal postcard with a request to prepare a festive dish. Watch Blue Lights until morning and read aloud 20 innermost desires and plans for the next year.

3. Play a time machine naming any years from the past and future and making toasts to yourself in that time.

4. Buy a ticket for any train on December 31st. Celebrate the New Year with guides and random passengers.

5. Go to the forest by car or train. Dress up the tree growing there. Look for snowdrops. Have some champagne, grill a kebab and make a wish.

Set the table in the sauna and invite friends / Russian Look

6. Dress up as Santa Claus, Snow Maiden or a ghost. Go outside and congratulate passers-by.

7. Order a stripper dressed as Santa Claus, which will pleasantly surprise your guests.

8. Climb onto the roof of the house with champagne and Olivier and shout your wishes to the whole city.

9. Throw a themed costume party with friends as pirates, aliens, or zombies. Decorate the room accordingly, come up with contests with prizes and name all the festive dishes according to the main idea of ​​the celebration.

10. Go to Orphanage with gifts and give abandoned kids an evening of joy absolutely disinterestedly.

11. Ring the doorbell to strangers, tell them that you are single and ask them to spend New Year's Eve with them. Risky, but how much adrenaline!

12. Go to bed just after midnight, and when you wake up, go for a walk through the deserted streets.

13. Try to celebrate the New Year in public transport, for example in a tram. Bring some champagne with you in plastic bottle, a little herringbone and tangerines. And then go to the central square to have some fun with strangers.

Dress up as Santa Claus, Snow Maiden or a ghost. Go out and congratulate passers-by / Russian Look

14. Set the table in the sauna and invite your friends. Having met the New Year clean and relaxed, you will certainly spend it happily and peacefully.

15. Prepare a lot of small souvenirs or sweets, go outside and hand them out to passers-by. In the new year, the same pleasant surprises will certainly await you.

16. Write notes with wishes for good, love and wealth and scatter around mailboxes neighbors.

17. Fill a bubble bath and celebrate the New Year with your loved one and a glass of champagne. Romantic and simple!

18. After the chimes with a shout of "Hurray!" start throwing unnecessary things out of windows. This will help make room for new things, both literally and figuratively.

19. Come to a convenience store or pharmacy and have some champagne with the vendors.

20. Write a list of 5 unusual activities that you've never done and bring it to life on New Year's Eve. For example, paint a picture, compose a melody, or paint a wall in pink color... Get your friends involved.

Friends, very soon the most fabulous holiday... If you want to celebrate the New Year merrily and gather friends at home, but financial opportunities do not allow you to do this, there is a way out! About this in the article "How to celebrate the New Year sparingly and fun: simple tips».

Exists actual sign: the more expensive you celebrate the New Year, the poorer you will live the whole of January.

How to economically set the New Year's table

If you have many friends who have nowhere to celebrate the New Year, then you can invite them to your home. But with the condition - to lay the table together. Nobody will be against such a proposal. First, you need to decide on the amount of contribution to the "common pot" from each guest in order to buy necessary products for the holiday.

Second option:

If you don't have the time and energy to buy food and cook festive dishes, you can set the festive table with joint efforts. Each guest brings with him a ready-made dish. It is necessary to distribute in advance who and what will bring:

  • Nina prepares the Olivier salad;
  • Katya - "Herring under a fur coat";
  • Peter is responsible for meat dish;
  • Constantine - buys champagne and tangerines;
  • Maria Ivanovna will bake her own specialty cake;
  • Fedor and Zina will bring home-made pickles;
  • Sergey and Vladimir are in charge of wine and sparklers.

This distribution of responsibilities for each guest is convenient because no one bothers much. And it will not look like a driven horse on New Year's Eve. You just have to put the finished food in salad bowls and on dishes. Festive table covered! Tea or coffee for the owner.

You can include some kind of competition and a fun photo session in the evening program.

Agree, this is a very convenient and economical solution to the issue for everyone. Therefore, there is no need to worry about being misunderstood. All big companies do this when they gather at someone's home, it's quite normal.

Your task is to put the house in proper order, arrange the house in new year style and decorate it. If there is no Christmas tree, you can buy spruce twigs... After New Year's Eve, all you have to do is clean the apartment and do the dishes.

Ideas: how to celebrate the New Year

  • Yet great idea for young companies - to celebrate the New Year in the city square and watch holiday fireworks... You can bring along sandwiches, pies, champagne or mulled wine in a thermos.
  • Someone likes a holiday at the dacha, someone - in the forest by the fire with barbecue or dumplings.
  • The Fearless are planning to celebrate the New Year on the roof, but I think that in winter it is a big risk.

As you can see, there are many options for celebrating the New Year without special costs... The main thing - good mood and only positive, because money cannot buy it!

You have already decided where and how you will be to celebrate the New Year? Not yet? We will be happy to help you with this. Let's let's hit the banality with creativity and surprise everyone the most unusual celebration in the world! New Year in the country? This is too small for us. In a restaurant or a nightclub - even more so! A trip to warm countries, a palm tree instead of a Christmas tree - well ... that's all right. But cactus is better! So, with the clink of glasses, let's get started! Even if you don't follow our advice, you will at least smile!

Slippery New Year: meet at the skating rink!
On New Year's Eve, you can take champagne with you and go with friends or the whole family to the rink! Huge elegant tree, music, cheerful faces, wind in your hair - oh, how wonderful it is! Frozen - you can always go home and have plenty of pre-prepared salads cracked. We are looking for large skating rinks in Ufa.

Wet New Year: we meet in the sauna or in the bath!
Great way meet New Year in the company of friends and family! It could be urban sauna or good, spacious bath in the country. Santa Claus caps in the steam room will look simply gorgeous! I don't know if there are New Year's swimwear, but Bath towels with festive symbols it is quite possible to find. Beer, salads, Christmas tree - oh, beauty! And that there must be a small pool: overeat - swam, and like water off a duck's back! All wet establishments in the city.

Wild New Year: we meet in the forest under the Christmas tree!
More extreme option summer cottage New Year, perfectly suitable for a group of friends. We go deeper into the forest, look for a picturesque meadow and a lonely Christmas tree, dress it up, set a camp table, make a fire and celebrate! The forest can be near your summer cottage or even a forest park in the city. Shish kebab, fire smoke, snow covered trees - what could be more beautiful! In addition, at such a forest party, you can do anything: screaming, yelling, thrashing trees. A great way to throw off the whole the negative accumulated over the year. Everything is allowed, because you are in the forest today New Year! Just remember to dress warmly.

Thematic New Year: we meet according to the script, in costumes!
Great idea of ​​non-trivial family celebration. You can play one act play, but you can turn the whole holiday into fun masquerade according to a pre-written script. Then, in addition to costumes, the script will have to decorate the house as well. Alternatively: you can arrange gnome New Year, New Year of funny bears or bunnies. Or you can set a more serious task: get acquainted with the traditions of celebrating the New Year of a country, reconstruct the triumph of the ancient Greeks or Celts, and also revive old Russian traditions. Imagine and dare!

New Year under the skies: welcome in a hot air balloon!
Don't believe me? It is quite possible to implement it even in our city! True, on big company this option is not calculated, but for a couple in love or bosom friends- the very thing. Although, you can rent a couple of balls. Imagine what a magnificent sight: multi-colored Balloons in the sky of New Year's Eve ?! Impressions and memories - for a lifetime! If you like the idea - we are contacting here.

Underground New Year: meet in the cave!
Super extreme option for tourist friends. The company must have a professional speleologist, and the chosen cave familiar. In the most spacious hall, we decorate the Christmas tree, set the camp table. One minus - you can't shout loudly... Don't forget to spare batteries for your headlamps, too! Dark New Year is not on our list. Feel yourself caveman and welcome to cavers club !

New Year of Travelers: we meet on the train!
Another option for extreme friends. Although, perhaps, someone was on the train by chance. And this is no reason to be sad! On the contrary, very original way celebrate the holiday. Also, the prices for tickets on New Year's Eve are several times cheaper! You can take a bunch of spruce paws on the road, dress them up with rain. Champagne, chicken in foil, tangerines - so much for you New Year's feast! And those running outside the window winter views more than replace the TV! A holiday on the way- sounds very symbolic!

New Year from a bird's eye view: we meet on the roof of the house!
Option for a couple in love. Find a roof in advance that has open access. Set up an impromptu table there, although you can do without it altogether. Do lovers need a lot? A bottle of champagne, a couple of tangerines and hot kiss for a snack! You can take with you warm blanket and wrap yourself in it together. And if the roof opens view of the central square with a sparkling Christmas tree, then this will generally be the most romantic new year in the world!

Historical New Year: we meet in a medieval castle!
Option for the experienced, wealthy couple. If you decide to celebrate New Year abroad, then do not stint on such a trip. Some travel agencies offer to spend new year party in European medieval castles, with the corresponding entourage in the form knights, ancient dishes etc. Feel like guests at the royal feast! For the thrill-seekers, Count Dracula's castle has a party too!

Philosophical New Year: we meet in splendid isolation!
If for New Year you were left alone(so it happened or you chose this option deliberately) then organize a real a holiday for yourself (Wow) ! Remember what you love the most and buy yourself the most stunning goodies, the most expensive champagne! Put on the most chic outfit! Finally watch the new year "Blue light" from start to finish, not snatches between toasts. Maybe you will come up with some wise thoughts, on you revelation will descend In this magic night... And if you get bored - go out, on New Year's Eve all brothers and sisters to each other!

Crazy New Year: congratulations to everyone in the costumes of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden!
Another option for a single person or a couple of funny friends. If no one invited you, if you are left at home alone and you are bored, then spit on conventions and go to visit without an invitation. Moreover, to everyone! Dress up as Santa Clausa win-win... If there is Snow Maiden- better! Knocking on the door, congratulations to the people. Giving gifts is encouraged: let it be mere trifles! There will be no trace of the feeling of loneliness and abandonment! Hey God, you will be surprised how much everyone loves you!

Just in case, we remind you that coming year- the year of Blue (Green) Wood Sheep (Goats). Therefore, when planning a celebration, also consider the preferences of this cute animal: We don’t eat mutton, don’t wear red. Be closer to nature: chew on the weed, put on everything blue-green and decorate yourself with wooden beads. But do not hit your face in Olivier, drinking too much - you risk bleating! See other details here.

They say that waiting is painful and exciting. Especially when you look forward to the approach itself good holiday in the year - New Year. But if thoughts are clouded by a lack of funds, the approach of any event becomes torture. Leave gloomy thoughts. After all, it is quite possible to celebrate the New Year inexpensively.

After all, often a pretentious gala banquet in a prestigious restaurant on New Year's Eve turns out to be a boring dinner with memorized toasts, from which one just wants to escape.

And a party with friends in a hostel on New Year's Eve leaves an indelible impression. Agree, a good mood and impressions do not depend at all on the high cost of the interior and the variety of snacks.

But everyone perceives the question of where to spend the New Year inexpensively, in their own way, depending on the goals of the celebration and financial capabilities. Someone just wants to save money on the holiday and chooses where to relax for the New Year inexpensively abroad or on exotic islands. And you can find an unlimited number of such offers on the net.

And someone really has a limited budget, every penny counts, and the question of where to celebrate the New Year inexpensively is critical.

Do not give up the same holiday because of complete absence finance or limited budget.

Therefore, we propose to consider where to spend the New Year on a budget with absolutely no investment or with minimal spending.

Where to celebrate the New Year on a budget: the lowest budget ideas

Many, after celebrating the New Year in the warmth at a rich table, go to the city square to continue the celebration.

We suggest not to wait, but to dress warmly, and go outside before midnight. Believe me, there will be plenty of people who want to celebrate the New Year in the open air. And the place of gathering is indicated - the city square.

You don't have to stock up on snacks and champagne. Moreover, it is better not to drink alcohol in the cold.

It will be enough to take with you a thermos with coffee or hot tea. Here you can find new friends and like-minded people.

Accept congratulations and congratulate strangers yourself. Festivities, dances, songs, fireworks - what else is needed for a merry holiday.

Do not love noisy companies- choose uncrowded places. In the city for anybody there are Beautiful places where crowds do not gather on New Year's Eve.

For privacy, the shore of a lake or river, a gazebo in a snow-covered park is suitable. You don't need finances to visit such places. And what to take with you, choose at your own discretion.

Even a few tangerines, chocolate and mulled wine will create a festive setting.

But you can completely refuse snacks. Spend time playing snowballs, rolling downhills, throwing snowballs. Especially this idea will appeal to children.

The family in the nearest park will remember the New Year for a long time. There is no park or forest nearby? Just go out into the yard. Even if there are no like-minded people here at midnight, immediately after the chimes, there will be a lot of people willing to have fun in the air.

Where to celebrate the New Year in a budgetary and unusual way?

City New Year's festivities seem boring and mundane? Are you looking for options where to celebrate the New Year is inexpensive, but unusual?

Climb to the roof of a multi-storey building. Throwing a rooftop party is not a new idea, but few people decide to celebrate the New Year in this way. But it's so interesting to watch festive city from above, when the whole world is right at your feet on New Year's Eve.

Just don't forget about safety rules. And you shouldn't climb onto the roof with small children.

It will not be superfluous to take with you blankets and warming mulled wine in a thermos.

Or go underground, where you can spend a cheap New Year right in a subway car. Immediately at midnight, there are hurrying and late people.

And they will gladly join your idea of ​​congratulating strangers on the holiday in unusual place... All expenses for such a holiday will consist of the cost of tokens, champagne and disposable cups.

Where to inexpensively celebrate the New Year with friends

The easiest way to organize an inexpensive holiday is to lay the table together. This prototype of the "student" style is popular not only among youth companies, but also among married couples.

Divide the costs of grocery shopping, fireworks among all participants in the holiday.

You will have to pre-compose, draw up a script and calculate the cost of everything you need for the holiday. You can distribute not only cash costs, but also responsibilities.

Have someone else take over the preparation and conduct of the festive program, the other is responsible for decorating the Christmas tree and premises, and several people cook for a year and.

Another cost allocation option is to invite everyone to bring something tasty or.

A youth company, for which the question of where to celebrate the New Year cheaply, is more critical, can rent an apartment. But find suitable premises and it is better to make an advance payment in advance.

Or go with the whole company to nature. More expensive options - rent a country house or cottage, relax in a boarding house. But it's better to just find a house in the village that is rented locals, or a hunting lodge. It is even better if the company has someone of their own country house.

Where to celebrate the New Year cheap and fun?

We offer to go to a small New Year's trip... But not for foreign countries, but for guests.

Put on the costume of Santa Claus or Snow Maiden and go to visit relatives, acquaintances, and friends.

Believe me, any doors will open in front of you on New Year's Eve.

And for the funny and kind congratulations and a glass of champagne will be poured, and a salad will be fed.

Just do not forget that you came to visit in order to congratulate, to amuse the owners of the house, and not to eat from the heart. To avoid looking like an uninvited guest, do not linger for long, but bounce back to the next point of your New Year's journey.

Where and how to have a cheap New Year vacation?

Options where you can relax on New Year's Eve inexpensively, it is better to look for either long before the holiday, or in the last days of the year.

In the first case, you can save on the cost of the flight, the voucher itself by booking or prepayment.

Moreover, tour operators propose to break payment for the rest into several stages, which for family budget it will not be so expensive.

When buying vouchers last moment, can be found interesting options"Last minute deals", allowing you to relax on the New Year in interesting places for mere pennies.

But keep in mind that there is always a risk of not buying a ticket at all. So think about alternative options where to relax on a budget for the New Year.

You can also save on paperwork for the trip. It is better to choose countries where you do not need a visa or go on a tour of your home country.

If the priority is not to celebrate the New Year abroad, but to rest for new year holidays, choose tours with check-in and check-out that does not coincide with the dates of the celebration. Such vouchers will be much cheaper.

For lovers of European shopping, it is better to go on a trip in early January - it is during this period that sales begin.

Plan your costs, choose budget and interesting offers... Lack of money or limited budget- not a reason to refuse to celebrate the New Year. You can always find options for an inexpensive holiday for the New Year, which you will like.

Video: where to have a cheap New Year's holiday without a visa

We offer you to get acquainted with the options for inexpensive recreation in the video.