New Year's Eve general cleaning. General cleaning before the New Year - how to do everything. Now you can decorate the apartment

New Year unusual holiday- this is a fairy tale, expectation of a miracle and children's faith in the fulfillment of desires. But in order for the fairy tale to succeed, it is necessary to prepare for the holiday in advance. And you can't do without cleaning. spring-cleaning before the New Year - how to manage everything so as not to fall exhausted before the chiming clock ?! Even if it seems that you cannot do everything, the main thing is not to panic. The rule of time managers: "There is an elephant in pieces" also works effectively during New Year's chores.

A constructive approach will help you get everything done

● First of all, make a list of things you plan to do for the holiday.

● Then divide the process into stages and write a plan - when, where and what you will clean.

● New Year family celebration, so involve household members in cleaning. Children can do the job they can, too. Instruct them to beautifully draw up a plan for New Year's affairs, and mark the completed work with check marks, put flags, snowflakes or other icons.

A common cause will strengthen the family, and relieve you of overload. The main thing - positive attitude and a constructive approach.

How to do spring cleaning before the New Year

To be in time for everything before the onset new year holidays, devote 30-40 minutes of your evening time to cleaning every day on weekdays.

Involve household members in this activity. In 30 minutes, no one gets tired, and the to-do list will gradually decrease.

General cleaning - where to start

● Start with the hardest part - the cabinets.

With things you don't use more than a year, it's better to leave. Give them to the needy or throw them away. A friend of mine, for example, gives old things for bedding to animals in shelters.

● Conduct an audit of kitchen cabinets, mezzanines and closets. Remove the excess, wash the shelves, and ventilate the cabinets.

● The next stage of general cleaning will be cleaning from dust, snares and invisible cobwebs of ceilings and tall cabinets. Involve your husband and older children in this activity.

● The spouse and children will help to remove the tulle for washing, shake out curtains, blankets, and pillows, clean carpets and upholstered furniture

● Then get busy with the lights. All family members can also participate in this business.

● After the most difficult and time-consuming work is done, things will progress much faster. Spending 30-40 minutes every day cleaning the kitchen, bathroom and toilet, you will have time to redo all the work before the New Year holidays, and on December 30 only wet cleaning will remain.


In order not to have to deal with these matters on December 31, when every minute counts, it is imperative:

▪ Prepare dishes in advance for festive table;

▪ wash and dry plates, vases, wine glasses and glasses, clean darkened silverware;

▪ the whole family compose holiday menu(it is better to buy groceries in advance, before prices skyrocket);

▪ think about how you decorate and serve New Year's table, many useful recommendations can be found on the Internet (children and husband can do this, they will show you the proposed options and together you will choose the best).

Now you know how to have time to do a general cleaning before the New Year and prepare for the holiday.

Happy New Year!!!

The simplest and convenient option- this is to call home service specialists who will clean everything themselves and save you from unnecessary hassle. However, you can put your home in order on your own. How to do it with minimal cost time and effort site told the experts of the cleaning company Helpstar.

Clean up in 60 minutes

At best, cleaning is remembered a day before the guests arrive. But sometimes there are situations when the apartment is a mess, because the day before the whole family stood in lines for red caviar and champagne, in the evening they cooked jellied meat, and then kneaded the Olivier salad. And midnight is already approaching, and with it the appearance of relatives on the doorstep, meanwhile the house is in a sad state and you just want to give up everything, as in the famous film "Analyze It". However, it is just better not to give up your hands. It is enough to set aside two hours to create perfect order... If you connect the whole family, then you can do it in an hour, although it will not be easy.

The apartment is like a museum

The main thing is not to be lazy. It is very important that cleaning does not stop for a second. No tea breaks, social media or TV breaks - otherwise the process can take several hours.

First, you need to determine the scope of work and designate a sequence of actions for yourself. You need to clean up as if you came to a museum and look at the paintings: clockwise and each room separately. It is better to start with living quarters - bedroom, nursery or living room, then move on to the kitchen and finish the process in the bathroom and hallway. It is also important to ensure that cleaning is done from top to bottom. That is, at first, the dust is wiped off on the upper surfaces, and then it is collected with a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth.

Nowhere else to retreat

First you need to take care of all the dirty things - they should be thrown into the washing machine or laundry basket. Do the same with the bed. As soon as you understand that you need to reshape the sheets, it will not work out purely psychologically to get out of cleaning and do it carelessly. The process has begun.

All scattered things must be distributed on the shelves in the cabinets. You don't need to iron anything - there is no time for that. However, it is worth taking a few minutes to get your inventory ready. Everything should be at hand: rags, brushes and scrapers. To do this, it is better to put on an apron with pockets in which everything will lie, including detergents. For example, one pocket will hold a dust rag, and the other will hold a synthetic cloth for wiping mirrors and glass surfaces. You will also need a handy bucket and a mop that you can move around your apartment.

One left - will not work

Home service professionals usually work with two hands. They wash with one hand and wipe with the other. Holding your phone in one hand and a rag in the other will take you much more time. To make cleaning more fun, turn on the music or call someone using headphones or car hands free - then both hands will be free and cleaning go faster for an interesting conversation.

If there is very little time, then, of course, you can refuse to wipe the cabinets at the very top, where a lot of dust accumulates. However, it is better to do it all the same, especially since you will be able to save only a couple of minutes. After removing dust from cabinets, wipe down chandeliers, window sills and batteries. Pay attention to the open shelves: you should also walk on them with a rag. Don't forget glass doors and mirrors, as well as paintings and photographs on the walls - at least the frames need to be cleaned. After that comes the turn of the vacuum cleaner, and after that - wet cleaning.

Do not be distracted by pieces of paper

However, rooms are the simplest thing in an apartment, unless, of course, they are cluttered with things. The main thing is not to get hung up on what needs to be thrown away and what is better to leave. If you go through every piece of paper, fearing that it is an important phone number or some kind of unexpired insurance, then the cleaning may drag on until the end of the New Year holidays. Cleaners do not throw out anything suspicious so that something useful is not in the trash: even old checks are neatly stacked in piles. Therefore, it is better to do the parsing of documents during the holidays, but for now it is better to just put them in some drawer.

The most difficult places

When the rooms are fragrant with freshness, it's time to start the kitchen. There will be a little more work here, because in addition to the cabinets, you will have to wash the stove and countertop. This can be difficult if everything is cluttered with ready-made salads or foods.

Pay special attention to detergents and rags so that no caustic chemicals accidentally get into the food. For the duration of cleaning, it is better to hide everything edible in the refrigerator.

The kitchen is also cleaned from top to bottom. Special attention should be drawn to the refrigerator. Do not be too lazy to remove all the magnets from it and wash them thoroughly, if the material from which they are made allows. This will make it easier to clean the door. As a result, its shine will create the feeling that the kitchen has been thoroughly cleaned. Thoroughly clean any dirt from the gum of the refrigerator, you can use a small brush to do this.

A perfect stove, backsplash, countertop and sink will create a feeling of cleanliness: perhaps these are the places worth paying longest time... One of the cleaner's secrets is to wash everything very thoroughly at once, so as not to apply the detergent several times. Use a scraper for glass ceramic hobs. It is better to remove the burners from the gas stoves, rinse them and leave them to dry - they will definitely dry before the guests arrive. The same should be done with the grates. The kitchen floor also needs to be vacuumed and wiped.

Use detergents in advance

The last thing to do is to wash the bathroom, toilet and hallway. To save time, professional cleaners usually fill in the toilet, sink and bathroom beforehand. detergent while they are cleaning the kitchen. It dissolves dirt and requires less effort to clean. Do not be too lazy to flush the space behind the toilet - in many apartments dirt and dust accumulate there, which the owners do not notice, but the guests immediately pay attention to it. Finally, wipe down the hallway floor and take out the trash. The main thing is not to bump into your guests on the way, so as not to experience what Italians call "embarrassment". Having met the New Year in a cleaned apartment, you will start it with blank slate in an atmosphere of freshness.

Home services service Helpstar gives a New Year's gift to readers of the site who want to save money own time and strength: when ordering the first cleaning of the apartment on the website or by phone, you get a discount of 500 rubles by promo code 500DNI.

General cleaning before the New Year: how to have time to polish?

General cleaning is an inevitable event on the eve of the New Year. Catastrophic lack of time large volume work and pre-holiday bustle - all these factors postpone the beginning of the cleaning process, and when there are already two or three days left before the reception of guests, we will be guided by the principle “the eyes are afraid, the hands are doing”.

General cleaning: basic rules

Good mood. New Year's Eve cleaning- it's not an easy matter, but you can psychologically tune in to it. First, treat work not as a duty, but as a useful training or an intricate game. Secondly, to attract household members and distribute the scope of activities. If you like to do it alone, then send family members for shopping and gifts. For the mood, turn on your favorite music or TV, but in the background. Cleaning, by the way, is a great opportunity to tidy up not only an apartment, but also thoughts.

♦ In cleaning, it is important to make a plan of where to start and what to focus on. We do not scatter and do not waste energy on everything. We divide the rooms into zones and begin to systematically clean one wardrobe after another. Remember that the sense of order for outsiders, first of all, is clean horizontal surfaces, that is, there should not be anything superfluous on open shelves and tables. However, for internal comfort, cleanliness and order are also important in places that are closed from the eyes - dressing rooms, shelves. It would be right if every adult member of the family put a polish on their wardrobes. We get rid of the unnecessary unnecessary clothes- we collect them in packages, which we distribute to friends or to help centers for those in need, if the opportunity arises. During cleaning, we sort out dirty things from clean ones. We send the first ones to the washing machine, the second ones we put in the cabinets.

♦ Various containers and boxes will help in the household, they perfectly store things that individually take up a lot of space or visually give a feeling of disorder. Boxes different sizes suitable for small things - pencils, laces - and for bulky items - shoes, bags, etc. Irreplaceable vacuum bags for seasonal clothing, they are removed to the upper shelves of mezzanines and cabinets. We also place additional sets of pillows, blankets and other sleeping accessories in such packages. Wardrobe items packed in this way take up much less space than in their usual form.

♦ Wipe off dust from chandeliers, cornices, upper shelves, that is, places that cannot be reached during daily or weekly cleaning. We clean the leaves of indoor plants, polish furniture, wipe the upholstery upholstered furniture, chairs; we remove dust from consumer electronics - computer, TV, home theater. We use special sprays or wipes for them - they perfectly remove static dust and allow long time keep electrical equipment from plaque.

♦ If possible, it would be nice to freshen up curtains and tulle - they also collect a lot of dust. We wash mirrors, glass surfaces special means... We change capes, bedspreads, furniture covers.

♦ Before general cleaning, we think over a place for seating guests, a recreation area and games for children. New year's night suggests a long stay of the invitees in the house, so there should be more space for movement. At this time, we remove the bedside tables, tables - everything that blocks the aisles, the center of the rooms. If the presence of small children is expected, then we carefully examine the lower parts of the shelves, slides - we remove small parts from them, objects that can harm babies; we close the sockets with plugs.

♦ The kitchen is a very important place for the hostess, especially on the eve of the New Year's celebration. Even before the main cooking process in the kitchen, you need to put things in order. We defrost and wash the refrigerator, clean not only the stove and microwave, but also other household appliances, headset facades, panels from stains and grease. We prepare the dishes necessary for the holiday: pre-polished cutlery, a washed service will facilitate table setting on New Year's Day.

♦ Do not forget about the hallway and bathroom. In the lobby, we free up space from shoes, clean them, put them in boxes; We do the same with other accessories, leaving only the necessary things for the coming days. In the wardrobes, we definitely provide free hangers and shelves for the clothes of future guests. In the bathroom we clean the plumbing, tiles from dirt and plaque, free the shelves from unnecessary or empty bottles of shampoos, masks, gels. Washing machine also better to clean.

♦ At the end of cleaning throughout the apartment, we once again dust off the surfaces, vacuum and wash the floors. After that, the room will become clean and pleasing to the eye. Such cleaning will not take as much time as it seems at first. But only on one condition - if there are no distracting maneuvers: conversations, tea drinking, frequent minutes of rest. It is better to immediately determine for yourself the hour of completion of the work. Such home time management will effectively distribute energy and time before the main celebration.

New Year does not bring everyone pleasant emotions... Some people do not like this holiday due to the fact that they have to clean the apartment - and after all, the last cleaning of the year is significantly different from the weekly cleaning of carpets and the bathroom. There is something sacred in it - it is necessary to clear the room not only of garbage, but also of negative emotions, so that from the New Year, as it were, to reset your life. I also want to bring the Christmas tree to a clean apartment: first, decorate New Year's beauty, and then vacuuming and cleaning the floors is just inconvenient.

Any room cleaning begins with emptying it of trash. Collect all the unnecessary things that have accumulated over the year: gadget boxes, clothes you don't wear, cracked dishes, and the like. Do not be afraid to throw it away: the more useless items go to the trash on New Year's Eve, the more necessary items you will have in the future. When trash is stacked in the hallway, it can be sent to washing machine linens and proceed to the main thing.

Apartment cleaning starts in the bedroom

You will definitely need a stepladder. General cleaning involves the destruction of dust and dirt in all places, and it is worth starting from the ceiling - including washing all the shades of the chandeliers. By the way, the more complex they are in design, the more dust accumulates on them.

Then dust is removed from the tops of cabinets and mezzanines. As a rule, it is in these places that a lot of it accumulates. After that, it is customary for professional cleaners to wipe the walls and wash the cabinets inside - for this you have to remove all the things.

The work proceeds according to strict rules: from top to bottom and clockwise. The point is that if upper surfaces wipe the cabinets after the floor, then some of the cleaning will have to be done again, because the dust will simply settle down below. Clockwise movement allows you to allocate time and control which areas have already been washed and which have not.

After the cabinets comes the turn of switches, sockets, interior doors, which are washed on both sides, as well as central heating batteries and window sills. Be sure to wipe all mirrors and glass surfaces - for this it is better to use a special napkin that will not leave streaks.

Finally, the floor of the bedroom is vacuumed, followed by wet cleaning, destroying the last remnants of dust. After the bedroom is cleaned, you can put on clean linens, make the bed, and move on to the next room. The cleaning principle will be the same. Well, after the freshness reigns in all the rooms, we begin to wash the kitchen.

How to clean the refrigerator and the entire kitchen

Cleaning the kitchen starts with cleaning the ceiling, walls and ventilation grill. It always accumulates thick layer grease, soot and dust. Ideally, the grate should simply be removed and wiped clean. But if it is impossible to disconnect it, then you have to wash it right at the ceiling.

Kitchen cabinets also need to be cleaned on top and inside. At the same time, it will be useful to conduct an audit and throw out unnecessary seasonings or stale foods. The same applies to the refrigerator: there are probably ancient lemons or some kind of moldy persimmon. And even if there is nothing like this, it is still worth washing the refrigerator before the New Year in order to load it with food for the New Year's table.

First you need to remove all glass shelves and plastic containers for vegetables. They should be taken to the bathroom and left there to warm up to room temperature: Cold glass may break if washed immediately with hot water.

Then the refrigerator is washed outside. Remove all magnets for a while so that the refrigerator door shines like new afterwards. By the way, for cleaning the rubber seal of the refrigerator door, professional cleaners have a special brush, similar to a toothbrush, only with a much stiffer bristle.

The inside of the refrigerator is washed no less thoroughly. Then the shelves and plastic containers are washed. Do not put them in the refrigerator right away: while they are dry, start washing the countertops, sinks, apron and stove.

Previously, all surfaces can be treated with a detergent and left for fifteen minutes, so that the dirt will later easily come off. The same should be done with the oven and microwave oven... By the way, there are special scrapers for cleaning the glass-ceramic hob.

After all have been washed inner surfaces microwaves and ovens, and the refrigerator shines clean, wipe down the batteries and windowsills. At the final stage of cleaning the kitchen, you should vacuum the floor and do it wet cleaning.

Cleanliness in the bathroom - only seeming

In the midst of cleaning the kitchen, it is worth remembering the bathroom. The sink and toilet bowl need to be filled with detergent so that it fights dirt on its own for a while - this will simplify further cleaning.

It is also recommended to start cleaning the bathroom from the ventilation grill. She, of course, will seem less dirty than in the kitchen, but they still fly into it. fine hair and dust. Also, bacteria can multiply there, which then, thanks to the hood, are carried throughout the apartment.

The tiles must be washed. It only seems as if it is clean: in fact, both water deposits and a soapy film are deposited on it. All cabinets in the bathroom and the shelf where there are toothbrushes and cosmetical tools... Last but not least, they wash the sink, the toilet bowl and the floor, and it is worth paying attention to the space behind the toilet bowl, where, as a rule, a lot of dirt accumulates.

Cleaning in the hallway is coming to an end. The final touch is taking out the trash. The more it is typed, the more thoroughly the cleaning was carried out. Well, now, if you have enough strength, you can decorate the tree.

Comment on the article "General cleaning before the New Year: what are you doing wrong?"

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Good day to all! I am glad to welcome everyone who has looked to my page of friends and guests. I've been with the family for 4 years and now I decided to write a welcome post about myself. My name is Julia, I live in the city of Moscow, I have the most important achievement in my life-daughter, She is 8 years old. I have been doing what I love for a little more than 6 years now, and of course, further it will be about my work. We are engaged in the provision of cleaning services to organizations and individuals... With regard to the price list, it is the same for ...

MAY 31, SUNDAY The next summer season- the program "Impossible is possible" - namely, the first session "Mysterious crime". Young detectives from 6 to 15 years old met in one place in order to unravel mysteries. Despite the unfavorable weather forecasts, Mother Nature delighted us with a sunny day and the radiant smiles of the arriving children and meeting counselors. According to tradition, immediately after meeting and settling, our detachments-agencies explored the territory of the recreation center, preparing and ...


Thank you for the wonderful photos. And for the chronicle, it is easy to read, I read it with great interest. The need for information about the rest of the son satisfied)

06/04/2015 14:03:05, St. Leontyev

Where else can I see the photos? I'm glad for all the guys and for my daughter in particular

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Marla Scilly is an American housewife. She made a small career - worked as an instructor for fishing with an artificial fly. But in the late nineties she attacked a larger fish: she came up with the FlyLady system. Her tricks for keeping household used by over a million women worldwide. ReadRate has studied the FlyLady School textbook, which comes out in mid-March, and publishes the most good advice... The FlyLady system offers a whole philosophy to Homework not...

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Of all the ready-made products, I have only half of the gifts (no one knows% -)) and products for the stollen. But at work we have already given up.

A cool wreath turned out. If I have time to do it, I will hang it too. I hope they don't.

I also brought the holiday a little closer:
1) I've been wearing it for a couple of weeks christmas case on the phone from Sveta tarantulla

2) downloaded new year picture on phone wallpaper

3) bought a poinsettia and made a composition for the kitchen:

4) I hung a picture above it, embroidered a few years ago:

5) I finally connected another curtain from Marina mafi, the first ones I already showed yesterday:

There were also tangerines, but they had already been devoured ...

And thank you for all the READINESS!

1. Start your day with a smile. Nothing energizes with the positive better. 2. Drink a glass of water before breakfast. 3. Start running. 4. Give up cigarettes and alcohol. 5. Learn to plan the day ahead. 6. Eat a few fresh fruits or vegetables every day. 7. Think positively. 8. Maintain your posture, walk straight. 9. Do morning exercises. 10. Eat fractionally: 4-5 times a day at the same time. 11. Forget the elevator. Go up and down on foot. 12. In the morning take ...

The services of the cleaning company Crystal include general cleaning of premises. In large or small companies nowadays, it is very unprofitable and expensive to stock up on professional equipment, be able to use cleaning agents, and hire a cleaner. And it’s a pity to waste time and effort on this, it’s better to deal with more significant issues. Consequently, with such problems as cleanliness and sanitary standards, they turn to professionals, and these are cleaning companies in Kiev. The advantage of a cleaning company ...

The development of man also changed his life, from a cave to luxurious multi-storey works of engineering art. A man from a cave lifestyle came to order and cleanliness. Cleanliness and hygiene standards are integral element in our life. Cleanliness is a guarantee of health and longevity. Basically, people are engaged in cleaning and cleaning the premises themselves, and they spend a lot of their personal time on this. It is very difficult to manually clean perfectly textiles or other interior elements in the room, which ...

General cleaning of the house in less than an hour is real. How to achieve this, how to save time when cleaning the house, you can read in the article at the link below.

1. This is a hair clipper Mo // zer /.....-) Yes, yes, it is it ..-)) Thank you very much Katya Smexfamily for a bargain. At first I wanted to order in Germany, but I saw the purchase, I figured everything out - that's what it turns out to be, I decided not to bother with delivery. I bought just such a clipper for my white angora treasure. There is no limit to his and my joy !! -)) And most importantly, there is no wool now !! -)) Neither on the floor, nor on things - beauty !! -) 6 millimeters all over the body - the cat is crazy ..-)) 2. This is my...


Thank you all very much for your feedback. My mother's example still taught me, and in any case I will not be left penniless. From September, my daughter will go to kindergarten, and there I will go to work and home quiet life husband will end. I will not hire a nanny under any conditions, this is my subjective opinion.
For those who do not quite understand me, I want to explain: to do household chores in the presence of all household appliances, of course not katarga, but I do not want to do it every day. When, for the whole day, you manage with your child and do a lot of work around the house and doctors, and to the store and something else to sew your child, and to do sports. And by the time your dad returns happy with yourself, you expect, if not admiration, then at least some gratitude, but instead you hear: "Is that all? I would have done all this in 3 hours, but here it was difficult to clean up?" It doesn’t end with anything but a scandal, and after that I don’t feel like having sex, or warmth, or even talking.

An example of my mother's life (. From time to time he started a conversation with me about why my mother didn’t work (apparently he was counting on what I’ll tell her. I didn’t dare to open such a topic ..). I know for sure that money did not play any role. Father received a lot (a high rank in the army) and at the same time was very intangible. social status wives. Exactly the same beautiful mommy is my friend. Her husband is a wealthy oriental man. Moreover, he is very burdened by his wife, a housewife .. It was sounded in the presence of me and my husband and the case is slowly but surely moving towards divorce, most likely ((. Well there are such men. Although women too .. I can’t imagine that I can fall in love with a * householder *, even if he is rich.

11.07.2012 14:47:42, songbird ... I understand your desire to understand everything, this is normal, this is good and correct desire... But to draw conclusions from such nonsense ... Look for normal information, real research. It is very interesting to read the observations of epidemiologists of the early 20th century. And in general epidemiologists and infectious disease specialists, not pediatricians. I, too, once dealt with all this.
As a result, she remained a supporter of vaccinations :) But with reasonable approach, and not in the way that we all polls indiscriminately put.

Chinese New Year. - Year of the Dragon On the night of January 22-23, 2012, in China, the New Year comes into its own. 2012 to lunar calendar, bears the name of the Black Water Dragon. So what is this Chinese New Year holiday? This holiday resembles a hybrid of our New Year and our own Maslenitsa. Chinese New Year spring holiday- personifies the awakening of nature after long winter... It is believed that it is on this day that it is possible to lure the fertility and harvest of rice. It is customary to decorate ...

Cleaning is not the most pleasant pre-New Year's activity, but if you decide to invite guests to fun celebration, then you need to prepare carefully. Let everyone see what a wonderful hostess you are. The only pity is that after the guests leave, it will be even dirtier than before cleaning.

So, take on a few tricks that will help you quickly and easily clean your home.

1. Wash the wall near the stove, and then carefully stick the cling film on it.(the wall should be slightly damp). Chances are, during the holidays you are normal, but the wall will remain clean.

2. Baby oil for massage can be used when cleaning chrome faucets and handles. Saturate a napkin with oil and wipe it down metal surfaces in the bathroom and in the kitchen - they immediately shine!

3. Dampen a cloth with fabric softener. Then less dust will accumulate on the surface wiped by it.

4. Do you have Dishwasher? In it you can wash not only dishes, but also shades from lamps, vases, in general, almost all glass items.

5. Rubber glass scraper perfectly cleans the carpet from pet hair. So if you are already desperate to constantly collect your favorite Tuzik's wool, try this method.

6. Vacuum the floor first, then wash. Then the washing process will become quick and easy: there will be no dust flakes, hair, crumbs on the surface ...

7. It is better to start cleaning from the top. Otherwise, dust may end up on already washed cabinets, furniture and curtains.

8. Curtains -a source of dust, they must be repelled with a wet towel. This trick is used by the maids, who know best how quickly the bedside tables and shelves get dusty. Take a medium-sized towel - it should be heavy enough to hit hard, but not fatigue your hand. Roll it into a tube and beat off the curtains with it. Knock out all the dust on the floor and then vacuum it. An alternative is to wash the curtains, but this is sometimes even more difficult and longer.

9.When you wipe the chandelier, attach the wet pillowcase underneath... Then all the dust will fall not on your head, but into the pillowcase. Then you just throw it in the wash.

10. Microfiber - best fabric for wiping off dust. Therefore, before the general cleaning, buy special wipes, and do not suffer with a rag that used to be cowards.

11. After you wash the toilet, place some wet items next to it. antibacterial wipes (the cheapest) - not for your personal hygiene, but to keep the outside of the toilet bowl clean. At the slightest dirt, wipe the tank and lid with napkins - and the plumbing will remain clean for a long time.

These were little tricks to help you quickly deal with dirt and keep your home clean. Now, here are some tips to make cleaning your home more enjoyable.

12. Throw away old things (give, sell) The more unnecessary things accumulate in the house, the more dust and dirt in it. Part the trash now - and you will have order all year long!

13. Time your cleaning time. Set yourself specific and optimal time frames: for example, washing the stove - 5 minutes, washing the floor - 30 minutes. Then you will stop being distracted and will try to always fit into certain time... Cleaning will go faster!

14. The chandelier is easier to clean by completely removing the cover,- this way you will save a lot of energy. Remember that it is a bad idea to wash the hot lights that are plugged in.

15. Start with the dirtiest places. When your strength is running out, you will have to redo all the dirty work, and the lung will be left to last.

16. Do not try to wash what is already impossible to return to its original form. You should not fall off your feet to kitchen set shone the same way as on the day of purchase - 20 years ago. And in general, maybe

17. Storage systems and markers will help you clean up the mess. Take the time to understand the medication properly. where it is convenient to store tablets, syrups and powders. You can sort the medicine by the age of the family member or by the type of disease. Also sort and check the expiration date of the cosmetics - leave everything that is outdated in the outgoing year!

18. Make sure all your bills are paid, receipts and checks cleared. To in New Year enter with a clear conscience.

19. Collect all unused utensils and appliances. Store the seasonal one. Give the rest to those who can really use these things.

20. Do not equate cleaning with hard labor, treat it as an excuse to take a break from the computer and be alone with your thoughts. Agree, when the apartment is clean, it is much more pleasant to live in it!