What is the belly at 7 weeks of gestation. What does the stomach look like at this time. Your next steps

7 week of pregnancy is the second obstetric month... If you look at, 43-49 days have passed since conception. 7 week of pregnancy from conception is the period when most women will find out about their new position. Many have already noticed the presence of a delay in menstruation, and some have identified a new condition according to already fairly well noticeable signs. Although the term is short, but the expectant mother already feels well the development of a small life in herself.

Development of the fetus (baby) at 7 weeks of gestation

The 7th week of pregnancy is the time when the embryonic period ends. The embryo is now becoming a fetus. The fetus is still very small and the size of the fetus at 7 weeks of gestation is only 5-12 mm. The size of the fruit can be compared to that of a berry or a bean. The proportions of the body develop asymmetrically, the head at this stage of development more body... The body of the fetus is slightly curved with the head towards the chest. The nervous and endocrine systems continue to develop.

The outlines of arms and legs are beginning to appear, however, they are more like the fins of fish. Eye sockets, mouth, nose can be traced on the face. Internal organs work hard. A neck gradually appears between the body and head. The formation of the structure of the fetal heart begins. The heart begins to divide into sections.

The placenta develops at a rapid pace. The placenta at the 7th week of pregnancy is still too sensitive to external factors... Right now, mom needs to take care of her health so as not to harm the baby.

At the 7th week of pregnancy, sex difference begins, although at this time it is still impossible to determine the sex of the fetus. With the growth of the fetus, the growth of the uterus also occurs, since the baby will need more space for development. The uterus at 7 weeks gestation has the size of a large apple, which is twice the original size.

What does a fetus (baby) look like at 7 weeks of gestation

Sensations at the 7th week of pregnancy

Feelings at the 7th week of pregnancy are already making themselves felt in the form of toxicosis, pain in the abdomen and lower back. Many doctors note that toxicosis is a natural reaction of the body of the expectant mother. Also, if the mother has nausea, this is a good sign that the baby will be born healthy.

At 7 weeks gestation, nausea can last throughout the first trimester. The thing is that the mother's body perceives the baby as a foreign body, therefore, hormones are produced, and the body is trying to reject the fetus. You should not be afraid of this, this is a natural feature - this is how pregnancy proceeds in every 2nd woman (with the exception of those who do not feel signs of nausea on early dates)

In order to reduce toxicosis in the early stages, it is necessary to correctly approach the diet, choosing the right products... You will learn more about proper nutrition at the end of this article.

At the 7th week of pregnancy, weight may change, both upward and downward. Everything will depend on the strength of the toxicosis that the mother is experiencing during this period.

Due to the growth of the uterus, pressure on the organs begins genitourinary system, from here you can notice frequent urination at the 7th week of pregnancy. Due to the fact that all vitamins and useful material consumed by a woman go to the development of the vital functions of the fetus, the appearance of a pregnant woman can deteriorate significantly: hair and nails become brittle and dull, the skin becomes pale. This suggests that now the need for vitamins has increased significantly, and you need to consume them additionally every day throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Those who have managed to avoid toxicosis may not be able to bypass other symptoms, such as morning weakness and dizziness, slight hunger nausea that disappears with food, swelling of the mammary glands. The last sign suggests that mom's breasts are actively preparing for lactation.

7 weeks pregnant - the period when the color of the areola around the nipples may change, which indicates a change hormonal background in the body of a pregnant woman. For some, this symptom occurs so strongly that the skin of the face suffers, becoming covered with pimples or age spots. After childbirth, the skin will return to the same mind, so you shouldn't worry about it.

Photos of tummies. Belly at 7 weeks gestation

Analyzes and examinations at the 7th week of pregnancy

The 7th week of pregnancy is the period when you can register with the antenatal clinic, and stay there until the onset of the birth itself. During this period, the gynecologist will conduct a series of examinations in order to make sure that the pregnancy is going well and is not in danger. When registering, you need to measure your weight, this will be the starting point for determining the subsequent increase.

To register, in addition to weighing and examining a gynecologist, you must pass a number of tests:

  • Flora swab
  • Blood chemistry
  • Blood tests are taken for infections: TORCH, syphilis, HIV
  • Examination by the following specialists: dentist, therapist, ophthalmologist, etc.
  • Ultrasound (on this period appointed if there is a threat of termination of pregnancy). Basically, the first ultrasound is done at a period of 11-14 weeks.
  • The doctor also measures blood pressure, height, pelvic size

Ultrasound at 7 weeks of gestation

Ultrasound at 7 weeks of gestation can confirm uterine pregnancy or identify an ectopic pregnancy, in case of suspicion. 7 week of pregnancy is the period when the ovum is already clearly visible through the ultrasound machine. However, during this period, the doctor will not be able to fix pathologies or abnormalities in the development of the fetus.

Photo of ultrasound (embryo) at the 7th week of pregnancy

7 weeks pregnant - Discharge

Normal discharge at the 7th week of pregnancy is considered: transparent, viscous, viscous and quite liquid. V this moment hormonal changes occur in the woman's body, which affects the consistency of moisture from the genital tract. The color can range from transparent to light, whitish. But you should be on your guard if there is a discharge of greenish, yellow, brown color, with unpleasant odor... This may indicate that there is an infection of the genital tract, which must be eliminated as soon as possible, because it can cause a threat of pregnancy, early birth and infection of the baby passing through the genital tract.

Particular attention should be paid to brown discharge at the 7th week of pregnancy, as well as to discharge with blood impurities, pink and scarlet. In most cases, this indicates a threat of pregnancy. The reasons for such discharge can be:

Nutrition at 7 weeks of gestation

Nutrition at 7 weeks of gestation - important point, which will help to cope with toxicosis and maintain normal weight during pregnancy. If, before pregnancy, a woman herself chose how and what to eat, and which foods are a priority, and which ones can be forgotten, now it is worth taking care of the right one, balanced nutrition, which will be useful for both mom and baby. It is necessary to eat daily foods rich in various vitamins and minerals, as well as daily take foods containing iodine and calcium.

Calcium at the 7th week of pregnancy is a very important element, because bones are being formed and the baby's future teeth are being laid. Therefore, a woman's diet should include dairy products, fish and eggs. Most often, on initial stage a digestive problem is formed.

In order not to have any difficulties with this delicate problem, it is worth eating foods rich in fiber:

  • vegetables
  • greens
  • fruits

But foods rich in starch are best consumed as little as possible:

  1. bread and baked goods
  2. potato
  3. viscous porridge

Be sure to include in the diet of a pregnant woman:

  • bird

They help keep hemoglobin at a level, preventing anemia from developing. Do not forget about the addition of vegetable and animal fats to food, without their presence, proper nutrition cannot take place. When choosing a culinary treatment, it is better to avoid frying in oil, and focus on more gentle treatments: boiling in water, steaming, stewing, baking. You need to use as little pickles, smoked meats, sweets as possible, carbonated drinks and alcohol are completely prohibited.

So, summing up the above, it is worth dividing the products into permitted and prohibited at the 7th week of pregnancy.


At the 7th week of pregnancy, the unborn child is already 5 weeks old, since according to the rules of obstetrics, the period is calculated from the first day of the last menstruation.

Fetal changes

At the 7th week of pregnancy, the size of the fetus when measured from the crown to the coccyx is already 11 - 14 mm, and it weighs about 1 g. The head of the embryo is half the length of the body. Due to the peculiarities of the blood supply, the arms develop faster than the legs, they are bent at the elbows, and the palm is formed. Fingers are clearly visible on the arms and legs. All systems and organs of the embryo continue to develop rapidly.

The most important changes affect the cardiovascular system - the heart is divided into atria and ventricles in order to work like in all mammals, large blood vessels are formed - the aorta, pulmonary veins and arteries, hollow veins.

At 7 weeks of pregnancy, the unborn baby already has all the main parts of the brain (it is divided into 2 hemispheres), hearing and vision organs. On the head of the embryo, you can see the auricles on the sides, and the eyes are covered by the formed eyelids.

At the 7th week of pregnancy, ultrasound shows a tail, which remains in the embryo up to 10 weeks.

The formation of blood cells now occurs in the liver of the fetus, in which the bile ducts are formed. The trachea, esophagus, and intestines develop at the same time. The first insulin is produced in the pancreas - the hormone on which the metabolism of carbohydrates depends.

The placenta is increasingly taking on the role of supporting the fetus - supplying it with oxygen, nutrients and removing metabolic products. The umbilical cord completes its formation, the uteroplacental blood flow is almost completely established.

At the 7th week of pregnancy, the sex of the fetus is not yet visible on ultrasound, but it is during this period that the internal gonads are formed into male (testicles) or female (ovaries), and only a tubercle is visible outside between the legs, which will later turn into female or male external genital organs.

At the 7th week of pregnancy, the fetus begins to move, only because of the small size of the fetus, the woman does not feel movements.

Changes in a woman's body at the 7th week of pregnancy

It intensively adjusts to the growth rate of the fetus and the female body. The uterus doubles in size, although at the 7th week of pregnancy, the abdomen has not yet changed its configuration. At this time, the size of the uterus is usually compared to a large orange. The enlarged uterus is already putting pressure on the surrounding organs, in some it is manifested by an increased urge to urinate.

At the 7th week of pregnancy, a woman gives out her good appetite, as the body tries to store nutrients for the growth of the fetus. And although you do not need to strictly limit yourself, it is worth controlling your weight so as not to exceed the weight gains recommended by obstetricians.

The volume of blood circulating in blood vessels increases by 10%.

Pain in the 7th week of pregnancy can be caused by the ligaments that support the uterus being pulled. They are located on the sides of the abdomen and are not dangerous. To reduce discomfort, it is not recommended to stay in a tense vertical position for a long time.

But a woman at the 7th week of pregnancy should be alerted to pain in the lower abdomen, as during menstruation - pulling, cramping. These are the first symptoms of a miscarriage, with them it is better to see a doctor right away. Bloody discharge at 7 weeks of gestation is often accompanied by abdominal pain. Bleeding can begin gradually, with the appearance of a few drops of scarlet blood, or it can be profuse at once. How faster woman seek help, the more likely it is to save the fetus. Regular discharge at the 7th week of pregnancy - the so-called "leucorrhoea" - can increase under the influence of hormonal changes.

Unpleasant sensations can also be in the chest - in the form of tingling, swelling.

Examination at the 7th week of pregnancy

An ultrasound scan at the 7th week of pregnancy will show the place of fixation and the number of fetuses, heartbeat, and movement of the embryo.

When registering for pregnancy, the doctor usually gives directions to specialists (therapist, ophthalmologist, dentist), for an ECG, blood group and Rh factor, for blood and urine tests, for a smear from the vagina. Some of them will need to be repeated several times during pregnancy.

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It is 7 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, the expectant mother no longer asks whether she will have a child or not. Usually, everything is already clear. Now other questions are important: how is the baby developing now? What problems can arise? There are many key points.

Counting weeks

7th obstetric week pregnancy is the 5th week from conception or the 3rd from delayed menstruation. All doctors consider the deadline obstetric method... Therefore, when visiting any doctor, you need to name exactly obstetric term... The counting starts from the first day of the last period. It is also helpful to remember:

  • The 7th week from conception is the 9th obstetric.
  • The 7th week from the delay is the 11th obstetric.

We read in detail about the timing of pregnancy: obstetric and embryonic - how to determine and not get confused in terms

What's happening

The future baby is developing at a tremendous pace. Many systems are still undergoing restructuring in the mother's body. It is at the 7th week that the placenta develops especially intensively. This is a real connection point between mom and baby.

Before full development placenta is of great importance for the baby yolk sac... This temporary endocrine gland produces the necessary hormones and also nourishes the embryo. Now the activity of the yolk sac is weakening. For example, the hormone progesterone is much weaker.

A little more, and only the placenta will be responsible for the nutrition of the fetus.... Therefore, "switching" to it is very important. If the process goes wrong, the fetus may die.

Fetal development

The main event of the 7th week: now the unborn baby can really be called a fetus. The embryonic period ends... For doctors, the embryofetal period begins.

  • Appearance

The facial features of the unborn baby are barely distinguishable. The most noticeable are the eyes, they look like black seeds. Their eyelids are already forming. The rudiments of the nose, ears and upper lip... A tubercle appears in the perineum - the future genitals. The whole fetus seems to straighten a little.

At the beginning of the seventh week, the gills are still visible in the embryo. Soon, these unnecessary organs will overgrow without a trace. The ponytail will disappear later.

Fruit size - about the size of white beans, 5-13 mm. Weight - about 0.8 g.

  • Limbs

The fingers are lengthening, but not yet separated. A forearm and shoulder are formed on each handle. Legs develop a little more slowly and are still similar to fins.

  • Brain

An active division of the brain into sections begins (for example, the hemispheres are formed).

  • Bones

There is no talk about the skeleton yet. But cartilage tissue develops continuously.

  • Internal organs

The structure of the heart is gradually becoming more complex, it is divided into chambers. Lungs and bronchial buds, esophagus, colon and even a tiny appendix are formed. The fetal liver actively produces blood cells.

External signs of pregnancy

What does the belly look like in the 7th obstetric week of pregnancy?

So far, people around do not notice anything. But alone with herself, the expectant mother can stand in front of the mirror and take a closer look. There is already a chance to see a very slight increase in the abdomen, since the uterus has increased. Now it is about twice as large as before conception.

One day a woman will be surprised to notice that all bras are suddenly too small. On some, the clasp does not even fit. And the cups seemed to "sat down". Everything is fine. The breast is also preparing for the birth of the baby..

What else can you see now? Possibly, but not required:

  • darkening of the strip on the abdomen (it runs from the navel to the growth border pubic hair) and nipples;
  • age spots on the face and neck;
  • acne, acne;
  • the nose seems to be constantly stuffy, although there is neither a runny nose, let alone a cold;
  • changes in the skin - it seems to become looser.


For many women, things are going just fine. The state of health is good, there is no toxicosis, life is wonderful. Some moms even start to worry. Is everything really all right?

Feeling unwell and feeling unwell are optional. Therefore, if the expectant mother does not have any alarming symptoms(about them below), you do not need to worry.


If toxicosis begins or is not the first day, this is also normal. Most often it manifests itself as nausea, vomiting and change taste preferences... All of these sensations can be very unpleasant. How to make your life easier?

  • Eat breakfast in the morning before getting out of bed.
  • Choose food that doesn't make you sick or vomit.
  • If you're not at home, put a water bottle and some food in your purse.
  • In case of sudden vomiting in a crowded area, carry a plastic bag in your purse. Wet wipes won't hurt either.
Severe toxicosis

Sometimes nausea and vomiting can seriously harm the expectant mother. If no food is absorbed, anemia (anemia) may develop. This often leads to weakness and weight loss. Some women felt that their esophagus and throat were literally burning from constant vomiting. Psychological negativity also arose. For example, women were afraid to eat until hunger literally fainted, or did not want to leave the house.

This condition requires the obligatory help of a doctor. At severe toxicosis the doctor will select a combination treatment. The expectant mother can be admitted to the hospital and even prescribed intravenous nutrition.

Important on the topic: in detail about toxicosis in pregnant women

Other sensations

Even without toxicosis, the expectant mother can experience a lot of everything.

  • Any experience can cause euphoria, panic, or tears (both happy and sad). All emotions seem to be multiplied by at least two.
  • Endless weariness. Often, the most cherished desire is to literally fall and fall asleep.
  • Dizziness, feeling of loss of balance.
  • More frequent urge to urinate than before pregnancy.
  • Difficulty concentrating. In the first weeks of pregnancy, women often complain: they cannot understand the explanations for something new. For example, master an unfamiliar computer program.
  • The sense of smell is going crazy. Many familiar smells become unpleasant. The stronger the smell, the worse it can be perceived.
  • Lack of air. Almost any room feels stuffy.
  • Lungs pulling sensation in the chest. In the early stages, they are rare and occur on the outside of the chest, closer to the armpit. Like nipple tenderness, this is normal.
  • Minor pain in the lower back or lower abdomen that does not distract or interfere with daily life.


A uniform white or clear discharge is considered normal. no unpleasant odor, not very thick and not abundant. An examination by a doctor is required if the discharge is as follows:

  • yellow or yellow-green;
  • bloody;
  • brown;
  • look like cottage cheese;
  • frothy;
  • too abundant.

Pain, itching, or burning on the labia or near the vagina will be another cause for concern.

Bleeding during pregnancy is a threat or evidence of miscarriage.

Sometimes, even in the early stages, the expectant mother can see discharge from the nipples. The clear yellowish droplets are called colostrum. This is the future milk. If the droplets leave a mark on your clothes, buy disposable bra pads and change them regularly. Attention: you cannot express colostrum! This can increase fluid production or cause uterine contractions.

Early excretion of colostrum is an alarming signal if a woman already has a threat of miscarriage. It is imperative to inform your doctor about this.

Elevated temperature

In the first trimester of pregnancy, a mother can sometimes notice a rise in body temperature up to 37.0-37.5 degrees. If there are no other "cold" sensations, you do not need to worry. However, a doctor will be required if:

  • even low temperature lasts for several days and does not subside;
  • have a sore throat, runny nose and / or cough;
  • severe weakness is felt;
  • the temperature rises above 37.5 ° C.

Scheduled visits to doctors

Expectant mothers often ask the question - is it possible not to go to the gynecologist in the seventh week? Someone has no time, someone does not want to sit in lines. But even if you feel well, it is advisable to visit a doctor (if this has not been done earlier). At least in order for the doctor to recommend suitable vitamins for pregnant women and folic acid preparation (it is very important for the unborn baby).

Examinations and analyzes

  1. Ultrasound. It is prescribed to exclude an ectopic pregnancy. Depending on the equipment, the test may be done through the vagina. This procedure is done carefully and does not give any discomfort.
  2. Measurement of the size of the pelvis, weight and height.
  3. Measurement blood pressure.
  4. ECG (measurement of heart rhythms).
  5. Visiting a therapist, dentist, ENT, ophthalmologist.
  6. General and biochemical analysis s blood. If a woman does not know her blood type, they will also determine this. Also, blood is tested for HIV, syphilis, sugar, RW and viral hepatitis.
  7. Vaginal swab for a range of genital infections.
  8. Feces on the eggs of the worm.
  9. Sowing from the nose.
  10. General analysis urine.
  11. Coagulogram.

In some cases, the doctor, at his discretion, may prescribe tests for hCG and progesterone.

This week you can register with the antenatal clinic.


Problems and pathologies of pregnancy can occur at any time... The seventh week is among the most dangerous.

  • Frozen pregnancy

A frozen pregnancy means the termination of fetal development. In this case, a miscarriage does not occur. There are many reasons:

  1. Genetic disorders.
  2. The mother is under severe stress.
  3. Ecological violations.
  4. Unsafe lifestyle of a woman.
  5. Significant eating disorders.
  6. Smoking and drinking alcohol.

Fading is diagnosed using ultrasound and a blood test for hCG (its level drops sharply). Alarm signal- if symptoms of pregnancy have been and have stopped and / or brown spotting has appeared. When the sad diagnosis is confirmed, doctors perform uterine stimulation. Its muscle contractions literally push out the lifeless ovum.

  • Miscarriage

A miscarriage means not only the death of the embryo / fetus, but also its rejection by the mother's body. The reasons are the same as for the fading of pregnancy. When a woman is threatened with a miscarriage, it usually hurts or pulls her stomach in the lower part... Other symptoms are lower back pain and bleeding.

  • Ectopic pregnancy

Diseases and infections reproductive organs women can lead to ectopic pregnancy... Then the fertilized egg is fixed in the fallopian tube, ovary, cervix and so on. If the stomach hurts not below, but on the right or left, this may mean an ectopic pregnancy. It is important to identify and eliminate this pathology as early as possible. Unfortunately, the preservation of an ectopic pregnancy is impossible, and treatment is carried out only by surgery.

In the seventh week, with an unwanted pregnancy, a woman has the right to have an abortion without any medical or social indication for the procedure. This decision must be responsible. The procedure itself, regardless of the type of abortion, must be carried out in a medical institution under strict medical supervision.

The life of a pregnant woman is full of inhibitions and obligations. It should be so - now the mother is responsible for herself and for the baby.

Family relationships

The first weeks of pregnancy can be quite difficult. The task of the woman's relatives is to help to survive all the unpleasant sensations and to maintain a positive attitude in the expectant mother.

The sexual life of future parents can blossom with new colors, remain unchanged, or become problematic. If there is no threat of miscarriage, then there is no prohibition on sex. However, women often notice negative signs:

  • sexual intercourse causes fear for the unborn baby;
  • desire and attraction for a beloved man decreases;
  • the intimacy is no longer enjoyable;
  • after intercourse, heaviness and pain are felt.

It also happens that the future father seems to be not himself. He, too, may be afraid to harm the unborn child.

These problems are solved only with complete frankness and mutual understanding of the partners. You can't distance yourself from each other and consider sex as an obligation.... Such measures usually help:

  • give up vigorous sex, make it more calm;
  • choose a pose that will not bring discomfort;
  • for a while replace the usual sex life mutual caresses.

Sometimes a woman frankly talks about her intimate problems to someone from her family. It happens that she is given such "advice": to endure, to surrender to her husband no matter what. This is the worst option, so you shouldn't listen to such "recommendations".


The daily food of the expectant mother should include four food groups:

  1. Meat or fish products.
  2. Dairy products.
  3. Cereals (porridge, durum wheat pasta, bran bread).
  4. Vegetables and fruits.

Food should be easy to digest. Therefore, it is advisable to steam (or bake). Instead of a chunk of meat, it is better to eat cutlets or meatballs. It is advisable to make an omelet from eggs. Cabbage vegetables will have to be ruled out - they often cause bloating and flatulence.

Many people do not like cottage cheese, kefir or milk. A pregnant woman should not literally force herself on unpalatable food. You just need to choose the ones that you really like.

Throughout pregnancy, food tastes can be tricky for the expectant mother. In just a few days, attitudes towards many products can change. Something will want to eat endlessly, but something will cause real disgust. You just have to go through it.

It is advisable to exclude from the diet or at least limit:

  • mayonnaise, ketchup and other similar sauces;
  • smoked meats;
  • hot spices;
  • canned food;
  • carbonated drinks (mineral water is allowed);
  • cakes, pastries, sweets.


The expectant mother is not allowed:

  • smoking;
  • not getting enough sleep;
  • visit nightclubs and discos;
  • overeat;
  • lift weights;
  • take any medication without a doctor's recommendation;
  • go to the sauna or just take hot baths;
  • work in the country;
  • watch horror films and thrillers, read books of the same content;
  • wear high-heeled shoes (stress on the spine, the threat of edema and varicose veins);
  • participate in apartment renovations (unless only as a designer or controller).

But you can and should go in for sports. Yoga, swimming and special gymnastics are recognized as ideal for pregnant women. Sports activities should not include running, jumping and any tiring activities. Any sport should only be fun.

Emotions are only positive. But also the joy should not be excessive. A strong emotional outburst can cause fatigue and even complete apathy a little later.


Even good food sometimes it cannot fully provide two organisms at once with vitamins and minerals. That's why expectant mothers must be prescribed vitamin preparations... Any doubts about your own health should be resolved by going to the doctor. What should you pay attention to?

  • Swelling of the legs or the first symptoms of varicose veins may appear. It is imperative to inform your doctor about this.
  • From the first weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother may have difficulty defecating. Sitting in the toilet for a long time will not solve this problem. The most likely complication is hemorrhoids. There is only one way out - to properly establish the power supply. Then there will be no problems with the chair. For the prevention of hemorrhoids, it is also useful to wash the anus with cool (not cold) water after a bowel movement.
  • You need to monitor your weight. If it is only the seventh week, and the arrow of the scales is already "plus" a couple of kilograms, this indicates overeating or metabolic disorders.
  • During the 7th week, the expectant mother can recover by about 300 g. From the very beginning of pregnancy until the end of the 7th week normal increase weight is 1 kg.
  • Weight loss is also common in the early stages. If in general the expectant mother feels good, there is no need to be afraid of a little weight loss.

How to Become a Happy Mom? Be attentive to yourself and your baby. And may the seventh week of pregnancy be happy!

← 6 week 8 week →

Video guide: 7 week of pregnancy: sensations in the abdomen, what is happening, discharge, pulls in the lower abdomen, cramps

At 7 obstetric week of pregnancy a new one starts and important stage in the development of pregnancy: the embryonic period ends and the embryofetal period begins, and from now on your baby will rightfully be called a fetus.

The period is marked and serious hormonal changes in the body and from that moment on, the woman begins to change greatly. Someone, perhaps, will discover new dishes, and someone will be drawn to art or travel. In any case, surprises cannot be avoided: the woman is transformed, and a sparkle and mystery appears in her eyes, known only to her.

Fetal size and development at 7 weeks gestation

By the seventh week of pregnancy, the embryo has grown to 8 mm (although the permissible norm is 5-13 mm) and its

is already 0.8 grams. Its size can be compared to that of blueberries.

The body is arched, with the head still much larger than the body. Still baby becomes like a man with its inherent features and organs. The gills have already disappeared, however, there is still a small tail.

The outlines of the face are also formed: the mouth stands out, and the nostrils become visible, the jaws and ears are formed, and also soon it is possible to determine where the neck will be.

Are actively growing and develop handles and although the fingers are not yet visible, there are interdigital spaces on the hands. The legs also lengthen, and between them a small tubercle is noticeable, from which the genitals will soon form.

During this period, actively major organs begin to develop, the rudiments of which were formed in the first month of pregnancy:

  • gastric juice is secreted in the stomach, the anterior and posterior intestines become distinguishable;
    the heart begins to beat;
  • there is an intensive formation and development of the brain;
  • the kidneys work: they remove waste products from the blood;
  • the respiratory organs are actively developing: lungs, bronchi, trachea and larynx;
  • the pituitary gland and endocrine glands are formed - the thyroid, genital and adrenal glands;
  • the umbilical cord is finally formed and the uteroplacental blood flow begins to function: now oxygen and the necessary substances will be supplied to the embryo from the mother's body.

Due to the active improvement of the nervous system, the brain can already send signals to the muscles, and the embryo can move... For example, if some stimulus comes into contact with the lip area, the baby will turn around its axis.

What happens to mom in the seventh week of pregnancy

Mom's belly weight and height

Some expectant mothers during this period may notice the growth of the abdomen. However, this is not entirely true: the fact is that the uterus is still small in size, but bloating can make itself felt. This is due to a decrease in muscle tone and intestinal motility. Above you can see a photo of the belly at the 7th obstetric week of pregnancy.

Despite the fact that according to the information of doctors in the first trimester, a pregnant woman should add 300 grams monthly, your weight can change both up and down. It's all about toxicosis, which manifests itself in some, and in the increased appetite in others.

Most likely, the breast has already slightly increased in size. Now is the time to look for a new bra - special for pregnant women.

Sensations and discharge at the 7th month of pregnancy

As we already noted, week 7 is

in most women, such as nausea or even vomiting. Because of this, the usual diet is disrupted: periods complete absence appetite are replaced by stages of sharp changes in taste preferences.

Lethargy, apathy and drowsiness- the natural state of a woman at this time. This is due to hormones: they are rearranged, their ratio changes, which affects the well-being of the pregnant woman. Because of this, it is possible sharp drops mood. The feeling of joy can be abruptly replaced by a sudden attack of melancholy and sentimentality.

Urination the expectant mother may noticeably increase in frequency. This is a normal process and it is associated with an increase in the volume of circulating blood in the body. Some even note stool disorders: constipation or diarrhea can become temporary companions of a woman at this stage of pregnancy.

Already now, the vaginal epithelium is updated quite often and the blood flow in the pelvic region is increased. The discharge becomes yellowish and has a faint odor. All of this is considered normal and there is no cause for concern.

Discomfort in the abdomen and on the sides is possible. Doctors say that you should not worry, as this is due to the process of stretching the uterus. Also, some mothers may already have colostrum in their breasts.

However, if you are concerned about recurrent pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region, and you notice

Better yet, call ambulance, since we are talking about risk

Yellow-green, brown and foamy curd discharge at the 7th week of pregnancy. If at the same time there is itching and irritation in the genital area, you should immediately see your doctor.

Analyzes, examinations and ultrasound in the 7th week of pregnancy

If you haven't got up yet registered with the antenatal clinic, then in the seventh obstetric week of pregnancy, it is time to do this. The gynecologist and nurse will take measurements of the pelvis, height and weight, and take a swab for flora and BOD.

Will need to be done a few studies:

  • determination of blood group and Rh factor;
  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • blood clotting test;
  • analysis of feces and urine;
  • analysis for TORCH infection;
  • blood tests for HIV-AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis.

You will also need to go through examination by a number of specialists:

  • therapist (with a cardiogram);
  • dentist;
  • optometrist;
  • otorhinolaryngologist.

As prescribed by a doctor may be offered to donate blood for the Rh factor and undergo fluorography for the child's father. The most pregnant woman at the 7th week of pregnancy may be recommended to be tested for hCG level and progesterone to ensure the normal development and condition of the fetus.

Thanks to the development of the latest diagnostic methods, a safe procedure has become available vaginal ultrasound in the early stages of pregnancy (above you can see a photo of an ultrasound of the fetus at the 7th week of pregnancy). This will help confirm the very fact of the origin of life and find out the state of the embryo, determine its heartbeat and locomotor activity and also exclude ectopic pregnancy.

We invite you to watch a video of an ultrasound of the fetus at the 7th week of pregnancy.

Possible deviations from the norm and problems

7 week - the time when organ systems are just being formed and the fetus is now very vulnerable... You need to carefully monitor your feelings and changes in the body in order to react in time to the appearance of a problem.

So here what problems are possible at this stage.

  • Frozen pregnancy. This is the termination of the development of the fetus and its death. Most often, a frozen pregnancy is diagnosed between 7-13 weeks with the appearance of brown discharge. This usually happens due to hormonal disorders of the pregnant woman, namely a lack of progesterone. The reasons can also be a genetic malfunction, alcohol and drug use, smoking, taking medications without the consent of a doctor. The risk of a frozen pregnancy increases if you work in hazardous work.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the place of development of the egg is not the uterus, but other organs: the fallopian tube, ovaries, and even abdomen... It is impossible to determine the pathology on your own. That is why it is recommended to register as early as possible in order not to miss the problem and take action in time.
  • Bloody issues. This may be a signal that a miscarriage has begun. Even if you notice a couple of drops of blood on your underwear, lie down and call a doctor. Medicine does not stand still, and in most cases, thanks to a set of measures, pregnancy can be saved.
  • Curd thick discharge with a greenish tinge and an unpleasant odor. You may have some kind of infection. The doctor will prescribe required analyzes and, based on their results, will prescribe treatment. It is important to seek help in a timely manner to avoid harming the fetus.

Diet and exercise at 7 weeks gestation

If up to this point you did not pay enough attention to your diet, then now is the time to start monitoring and selecting necessary products for correct development your child. Should adhere to several recommendations.

  • The process of laying the first teeth in the embryo requires enough calcium... Kefir, cottage cheese, sesame - these products should be on your table every day. However, do not overdo it, as excess consumption of the micronutrient is fraught with premature aging placenta and the development of uterine hypertonicity.
  • Healthy foods are preferred: fresh fruits and vegetables, boiled or baked meats and grains should be consumed by a woman regularly.
  • It is necessary to exclude or at least reduce to a minimum the use of spicy, smoked and fried food... It is also worth giving up preservation, highly allergenic foods, carbonated and alcoholic beverages.
  • To reduce attacks of toxicosis doctors recommend in the morning, without getting out of bed, to make small snacks before the main breakfast.
  • Don't get carried away with sweets and bakery products: is not the best way will be reflected in the figure and will not bring any benefit to the child.

To improve your well-being and in order to maintain muscle tone, it is recommended to do

If you have no contraindications, then it is possible and even necessary to maintain a habitual active lifestyle.

However, remember that the loads should now be less intense, and also lifting weights is excluded.

Outdoor walks, morning exercises and breathing exercises are a great solution. It will also come in very handy aqua aerobics for pregnant women: almost all muscle groups work and the mood rises perfectly, which is so important for a woman in a position.

Sexual relationships at week 7

Some doctors advise limiting sexual activity during the first trimester of pregnancy. But this is completely in vain. If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, then

it will not only be harmless, but also useful for the expectant mother.

However, you need to remember about situations where sex does turn out to be prohibited:

  • active threat of miscarriage;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • a history of miscarriages;
  • infectious diseases.

As noted earlier, week 7 is a crucial and important stage on the way to having a baby. To prevent all kinds of complications and problems, as well as to make pregnancy a joy, it is worth following simple recommendations.

  • Your body is now working for two. Stick to a sparing regimen, sleep at least 8-10 hours a day, at work take short breaks every hour.
  • Don't forget about food... It must be complete and contain all the substances necessary for the body.
  • If your pregnancy is over period colds take steps to minimize the risk of infection. Vitamins, masks, oxolinic ointment - these are your helpers in this case.
  • Already at this moment it is useful to talk with the baby and stroking the tummy.
  • Listen to the doctor and if you have the slightest suspicion, feel free to ask for help. Self-medication and taking medications are strictly prohibited.

Video about 7 weeks pregnant

We bring to your attention a video in which you will learn about the features of the course of pregnancy at this stage. You will see what the fruit is and how it develops. Much attention is paid here to the principles proper nutrition mothers, as well as taking vitamins.

Despite all the difficulties and troubles of the 7th week of pregnancy, such as toxicosis, changeable mood and possible discomfort, try, first of all, to enjoy your still unusual state.

In the seventh week of pregnancy, the woman looks almost the same as before. People around in most cases still do not know about her condition, unless the expectant mother herself told them this news. The belly is almost invisible under the clothes, only the size of the breast has increased.

7 weeks pregnant

But the 7th week of pregnancy is special in that at this time even the most skeptical women are already quite confident in their position, even if they have not yet passed the appropriate tests.

In some cases, the health of the expectant mother leaves much to be desired. Because of severe toxicosis a woman may even lose weight. But it's time to think about what is happening with the baby and mother, because right now the process of laying all the organs of the fetus is actively going on. From what the woman's nutrition will be during this period, how she will relate to her health, what doctor's recommendations to follow, in to a large extent the physical and intellectual development of the child will subsequently depend.

Calculation of the sex of the child by blood renewal

How the embryo develops

At the 7th week of pregnancy, the development of the fetus, or rather, the embryo is still developing at an extremely fast pace. The size of the fetus has become significantly larger: the body length of the embryo is from 5 to 13 mm, and its body weight is more than one gram.

Now the baby is in size

Like a pea

In the body of the embryo at the 7th week of pregnancy, the following occurs:

  • The baby's legs are formed, which during this period are a bit like fish fins.
  • The arms grow in length, each of them is already divided into the forearm and shoulder.
  • On the tips of the hands and feet, carpal membranes are formed, which are the rudiments of future fingers.
  • Both hemispheres of the brain are actively developing.
  • There is a formation of a two-chambered heart, this organ at this stage is still outside the body of the embryo.
  • The buds of the bronchi are formed in the lungs.
  • The organs of the digestive system are formed, including the small and large intestines, pancreas, and esophagus.
  • On the head of the embryo, the rudiments of the nose, mouth and eyes are clearly visible.
  • The baby's jaws are being formed.
  • Very soon, the baby's nutrition will occur through the placenta, but for now this organ is just being formed.

Since the 7th obstetric week of pregnancy is only 5 weeks of development of the embryo from the moment of conception, we can say that over a period of time lasting just over a month, a whole organism has developed from one fertilized egg, which already has the rudiments of almost all organs. Further future child will also develop quite intensively, because in a relatively short period of time the monthly embryo should turn into a completely viable little man.

Changes in a woman's body

At the 7th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother may feel the following changes in the state of the body and her appearance:

  • The belly of a woman at the 7th week of pregnancy mostly does not stand out under the usual clothes, but the expectant mother can notice a slight increase in the volume of the abdomen when standing in front of a mirror without clothes.

    me and my baby

    Seventh nedlka

    we have 7 weeks

  • The size of the uterus in comparison with the "pre-pregnancy" period has doubled. Now this organ in size and shape resembles a large orange.
  • A woman's emotional sensations can be very diverse, ranging from mild sadness to seizures. strong melancholy, depression or unreasonable irritability.
  • The total volume of vaginal discharge can increase significantly, which is associated with the activation of the process of formation of the placenta. As a rule, such allocations are half-transparent or white in color without various inclusions and irregularities. Light yellow discharge is also acceptable, if they are not accompanied by other signs in the form of burning or itching. Only pink, red, beige, brown or bloody discharge that looks like a daub should alert you.
  • In some women, the body temperature may still be slightly elevated, which is accompanied by some deterioration in well-being. But it was not so long to endure, because the hormonal balance will soon be relatively normalized, and the female body will adapt to new changes and stop responding to the fetus with an increase in body temperature.
  • The breasts continue to grow in size, so 7 weeks pregnant is the perfect time to buy a new comfortable bra.
  • Some women have lower back pain, especially if they have problems with the spine, such as protrusions or hernias.
  • Sometimes pulls in the lower abdomen, which may be due to the stretching of the muscles that surround the uterus.
  • Sleep quality may temporarily deteriorate due to health problems. Ideal body position at night if a woman sleeps on her side and not on her back. It is especially bad to sleep on your stomach; this method of rest is categorically unsuitable for pregnant women.
  • Nausea may be frequent problem in women prone to toxicosis. To prevent attacks, it is advisable to include sour fruits and fruit drinks in the diet.

Despite the fact that 6-7 weeks of pregnancy is not the most easy period for a woman, you can still significantly improve your condition by maintaining healthy way life, this will help to avoid deterioration of health.

Analyzes and examinations

At the 7th week of pregnancy, it is advisable to contact a specialist at the antenatal clinic for subsequent registration. The expectant mother will be assigned the following types analyzes and examinations:

  • determination of body weight, height, size of a woman's pelvis;
  • blood pressure measurement;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • a blood test, including to determine the level of glucose, blood group, and Rh factor;
  • vaginal smear.

As additional types research, the expectant mother may be assigned to measure the basal temperature, i.e., the measurement of the temperature in the rectum. This type of examination is not prescribed for all women, but only if there is a tendency to miscarriage or other pathologies. Basal temperature normally during pregnancy should be from 37.1 to 37.3 degrees. A deviation from the norm may indicate the development of an inflammatory process or other disorder.

Ultrasound is usually recommended to be done a little later, for a period of 11-12 weeks, when the doctor has the opportunity to assess in more detail the condition of the fetus and identify possible violations in its development. But in the event that a woman has symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy or other serious pathologies, for example, abdominal pain or prerequisites for bleeding, ultrasound procedure can be carried out at 7 weeks. By the way, when carrying out an ultrasound scan even at such an early stage using modern equipment experienced specialist can already discern the heartbeat of a tiny fetus.

Possible dangers at 7 weeks gestation

During the 7th week of pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage still persists, because the organs of the fetus continue to form, and any violation in the well-coordinated process of building a new organism can lead to the cessation of its development.

Retrochorial hematoma, which is an accumulation of blood clots between fetal egg and the uterine wall. This pathology can develop in the first trimester as a consequence of the previous threat of miscarriage or after damage to the vessels of the uterus by chorionic villi. The main symptom of a hematoma is the appearance of a discharge with traces of blood. Treatment consists in the appointment of special drugs and a sharp restriction of the woman's physical activity.

At the 7th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother may find the following recommendations very useful:

  • The daily calorie content of your diet can be increased by 300-800 kilocalories, but not due to fast carbohydrates in the form of sweets and cookies, but due to fruits, vegetables, cottage cheese, lean meat. It is healthier to eat freshly prepared meals rather than shelf-stable foods.
  • High-heeled shoes are now prohibited, as are sandals or shoes with unstable wedges.
  • To protect yourself from colds and other infections, stay in crowded rooms should be avoided.
  • It is necessary to follow all the rules of personal hygiene as carefully as possible. You should especially protect yourself from infection. intestinal infections, therefore frequent washing hands should become good habit... Not only relatively harmless bacteria can be present on unwashed hands, but also pathogens of such serious diseases like hepatitis.
  • Warm or hot baths should be forgotten until delivery. For hygiene purposes, a regular shower using lukewarm water is sufficient.
  • It is better to postpone hardening until a more favorable period, because sudden changes in temperature can lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus.
  • Practically everything is prohibited, with the exception of those remedies that are allowed by a doctor who knows about the patient's condition.

You can learn about what exactly happens at the 7th week of pregnancy from special sources, as well as watch thematic photos and videos. On a specialized forum, you can see not only images of the embryo at week 7 in pictures, but also photos of the tummies of expectant mothers at this time.

    7 weeks pregnant

    7 week of pregnancy: sensations in the abdomen, what is happening, discharge, pulls in the lower abdomen, cramps

In order for the 7th week of pregnancy to become a comfortable and happy time for a woman, it is advisable to stop being nervous about any reason, to get rid of negative experiences. You need to watch your facial expressions and gestures. It has been proven that relaxation of the facial muscles helps to relax the muscles of the uterus and reduce the tone of its walls, which significantly reduces the risk of miscarriage.

The seventh week of pregnancy is possibly one of the most difficult for pregnant women. This is the second month from conception and during this period the signs of pregnancy become more pronounced. For the first time, some unpleasant symptoms and the notorious mood swings. Also, young mothers can both gain a few kilograms, and, pursued by toxicosis and anxiety, lose.

During this period, not only internal, but also appear external changes, which doctors explain by hormonal changes in the female body. External changes mainly on the skin: it can become greasy and covered with pimples, but it can look healthier.

Note: after childbirth, all these transformations take place, so there is no reason to worry about this.

In the seventh week, you can already register. But for this you need to pass tests such as:

  • Checking feces for the presence of eggs of worms;
  • Measure blood pressure;
  • Make a seeding of the nose;
  • Pass a comprehensive blood test;
  • Make a coagulogram;
  • Vaginal smear
  • Analysis of urine;
  • Measure the weight, height and size of the pelvis.

The most important thing at this stage is to take care of your health and lay the foundation for the birth of a strong and healthy child... It is worth being careful and avoiding various stressful situations. You need to listen to yourself, your body, and also walk more and not lift weights. Then this week will be calm and favorable for the expectant mother and child.

Forewarned - forearmed. What symptoms appear at week 7?

The first and most powerful thing that manifests itself in the seventh week is toxicosis. Many young mothers have to worry about it, but for some women the seventh week in this regard is calm. What is toxicosis expressed? Frequent bouts of vomiting, especially in the morning. Strong sensitivity to odors that cause gagging.

Unexplained love and craving for a certain product may appear, and previously favorite dishes will begin to cause disgust. This is all due to the fact that the child lacks certain vitamins, and he can only take them from his mother.

Dizziness appears. The condition of the skin and hair may deteriorate. Acne, age spots, itching are possible, which become common and cause irritability. The state of health worsens, weakness appears, and frequent mood swings are observed.

Advice: since this period, doctors do not advise walking on a hairpin, using cosmetics, lifting weights, taking very warm baths and getting nervous.

Do not be afraid of this period, as for some women the skin structure, on the contrary, improves: it becomes more elastic, clean and healthy in appearance. But if you still have problems with your skin and well-being, of course, there is a way out! And it consists in a healthy diet and the use of vitamins. Often it is the observing doctor who prescribes vitamins, since it is very important for a young mother to give all the nutritional components to both her child and herself.

Grated cucumbers will help you to weaken toxicosis or completely remove its symptoms. And to get rid of nausea, you need to eat lemon and ginger. But sometimes it's enough and good breakfast.

Note: Vomiting is not a normal process. A complicated situation is when vomits plus or minus 15 times a day. In this case, you urgently need to consult a supervising doctor.

The need for frequent urination increases. The reason is the acceleration of blood circulation and the pressure of the uterus on bladder... The amount of blood in the mother's body is increasing by 10% this week. And by the end of pregnancy, in order to support the baby and yourself in normal condition, it rises to 40-45%.

May appear bleeding and in this case, you need to urgently go to the hospital. Because this symptom may indicate the danger of miscarriage.

You should also be wary and consult a doctor with discharge of gray, yellowish-green, brown and beige colors. The discharge of a curdled, frothy and thick consistency should be suspicious. Burning, itching, irritation in the groin area should also be reported to the doctor.

During this period, the size of the uterus is constantly increasing - this can cause discomfort, cramps and pain in the lower abdomen, and the sides can pull and hurt. Some women already in the seventh month feel the contractions of the uterus. There is no need to be afraid and this is quite normal - such contractions occur throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Chest pains may occur. Frequent occurrence young mothers have headaches. But, if earlier it was possible to save yourself with painkillers, now doctors categorically forbid pregnant women to drink such pills. The only and best advisor, in case of pain, will be the observing doctor.

Time for change. How you and your baby are changing.

At this stage, the body adapts to the fetus. There is a danger of miscarriages, because the function of hormone production gradually passes from the corpus luteum to the placenta. If you have not had problems with the placenta, then the fetus will be safe and the transition will take place normally. But in the event that there were any violations, then it will be difficult for the placenta to function normally under such a weight of responsibilities and this can lead to a miscarriage.

Changes also occur in the cervix. To protect the baby from external intrusions and infections, mucus from the mucous membrane thickens and forms a mucous plug. This plug separates the vagina and uterus and exits just before the birth itself.

Gradually, a young mother will begin to realize that her clothes are getting tight. The tummy is gradually rounded, and the chest grows.

Advice: when the breast has increased in size, it is worth buying a special bodice for pregnant women - it supports the breast around the entire perimeter, stretches well and, due to its structure, eliminates excess pressure.

The so-called stretch marks and veins on the abdomen and chest may begin to appear. Also in those who are prone to varicose veins veins may begin to progress and show signs of this disease, such as:

  • Consolidation and enlargement of the veins in the legs;
  • Consolidation and expansion of veins in the groin area;
  • The appearance of heaviness in the legs.

If you notice such symptoms, then at the stage of pregnancy, you should not resort to surgery and treatment of this disease. It is better to do this after childbirth, if the signs of the disease do not disappear on their own. However, it can be prevented from occurring. To do this, you should monitor your diet and weight, do not lift weights, avoid sitting or standing for a long time, choose comfortable clothes and shoes.

Advice: when this disease is detected, doctors advise using special tights: they prevent swelling of the legs and, in general, have a beneficial effect on their condition.

The fetus is already over a month old and it is also changing. From this period, its development accelerated noticeably. The child's body becomes somewhat arched, something like a bean, and half of the entire height is taken up by the head.

The embryo is now somewhere between 7 and 18 millimeters in size and weighing between 0.8 and 1 gram. A narrowing forms between the body and the head - the future neck of the child. Arms and legs are already growing, and feet and hands are forming on them. The gaps between the fingers become distinguishable, but the fingers themselves are not yet formed. During this period, the face is also formed: the base of the nose and even the barely distinguishable nostrils, auricles, the jaws become noticeable and the skin layers form the eyelid. From the embryo, there is still a "tail", which is a continuation of the tailbone. But it will disappear in the next few weeks.

Bone cells begin to develop and strengthen, the skeleton begins to ossify. From now until the 25th year of life, your child will continuously continue this process.

In a child, both hemispheres of the brain begin to develop, from this moment he begins to "grow wiser". And most importantly, the umbilical cord is formed, thanks to which the circulatory system is established, and the fetus receives nutrients from the mother. A four-chambered heart is already beating in the chest, blood vessels are forming and endocrine glands are developing. The rudiments of the bronchi and respiratory tract, the kidney is being laid. The digestive system develops immediately, and the anus is formed and the intestines are lengthened.

In the seventh week, testicles begin to develop in boys, and ovaries in girls, although it will take a little longer to find out the sex of the child. The first attempts to move in the mother's abdomen appear.

There is a healthy child in a healthy body. Why is it so important to monitor your diet and how to do it?

In fact, keeping track of your health is important not only during pregnancy, but throughout your life. However, during this period, such a need increases many times, since you are responsible not only for your own life, but also for the life of your baby.

It is forbidden to smoke and drink alcohol, so as not to harm the child. And also it is imperative to monitor your diet and ensure that it is healthy. This is important, because with food, the fetus receives the energy it needs to maintain the normal functioning of the body. Here is a list of components that a young mother needs to pay attention to in order to draw up a normal diet for her child and herself:

  • Animal proteins;
  • Fats;
  • Complex carbohydrates;
  • Vitamins;
  • Microelements.

Tip: Your supervising doctor will be able to help you with your diet and personalized diet.

It is important that the diet is healthy, as the growth of the fetus, uterus, placenta and breast depends on proteins. During pregnancy daily rate protein should be at least 170 grams.

As mentioned earlier, the baby's skeleton begins to form in the seventh week, which is why a young mother needs to eat foods high in calcium. But abuse will tone the uterus, which will have a bad effect on the child.

It is important to exclude from the diet or consume at a minimum those foods that can harm the child. And this:

  • Smoking in any form;
  • Pickles and salted foods;
  • Sharp;
  • Sweet;
  • Raw or semi-raw meat, fish;
  • Alcohol;
  • Colorants, preservatives, flavorings;
  • Ketchup, mayonnaise;
  • Sweet sparkling water, kvass;
  • Cabbage and legumes.

Foods that are good for pregnant women are neutral and prohibited. (Fig. 6)

Often there is such a situation when the expectant mother, due to toxicosis, completely loses her appetite. But, despite this, eat and give nutrients the body still needs it. In this case, doctors advise taking small, light morning snacks.

The first and most important thing is not to be nervous and not worry. If you carefully study the literature and follow your doctor's instructions, then everything will be fine with you and with your child.

In addition to nutrition, it will be useful to undergo a course of vitamin therapy, according to which it will also be possible to consult with the doctor with whom you are under observation. He will be able to recommend the vitamins you need and their correct dosage... During this period, it is worth drinking more fluids.

It is important not to forget about personal hygiene. During pregnancy, doctors forbid taking hot baths and advise taking a shower. It is important to wash regularly, because we breathe not only with the lungs, but also with the skin, and dirty and clogged pores are another "breath of air" for the child. Plus, it will make it difficult to excrete harmful substances that leave the body through sweat discharge. Cleansed skin, among other things, makes it easier for the kidneys, which are heavily stressed during pregnancy.

Advice: if the skin condition has deteriorated significantly, it is worth contacting a dermatologist.

It is very important for pregnant women good rest... It must be remembered that normal and healthy sleep should last at least 8-10 hours a day. And no less important Fresh air... It is in the second month of pregnancy that you need to start going out for a walk. The minimum walk should be 2-3 hours, but if you manage to devote more time to this, it will only benefit. It is unsafe for a mother and her child to be in a stuffy and unventilated room, so the rooms must be ventilated.

It is worth carefully monitoring your health, as colds and illnesses can negatively affect the baby. Heat mothers due to strong changes will harm the baby. A cough can stimulate the uterus to contract, and a runny nose can cause insufficient oxygen to reach the baby.

In no case should you self-medicate if you are still sick. Many drugs are prohibited during pregnancy and can only harm the fetus. That is why the course of treatment should be prescribed by a doctor.

You can listen to soothing music. This will only benefit.

Photos in the seventh week

Seventh week of pregnancy ultrasound Scan of a mother at 7 weeks of pregnancy Photo of a mother at 7 weeks of pregnancy

And, of course, it is worth recalling that the condition of the mother is very important. A child, even while in the womb, is very sensitive and his condition largely depends on the condition of the mother. That is why doctors recommend not to be nervous. After all, thanks to related system blood circulation, the child understands how the mother feels: if she is happy, then the blood produces endorphins (hormones of joy), and if she is sad or worried - catecholamines (stress hormones: adrenaline, norepinephrine, dopamine). And the child understands all this and takes over from the mother.

That is why enjoy your baby and your pregnancy. And even if there are stressful situations, try to leave them in every possible way and remain calm. You can even talk to your baby at this stage. The child will certainly feel that he is expected and loved. Subsequently, this will have a beneficial effect on his nervous system and general attitude to the world. After all, if a person knows that he is loved, then he is much more confident in himself. And the foundations are laid already in the womb.

Therefore, love your child, take care of him and take care of your health - this will be the most best help and support at this stage. Then your baby will be born healthy and strong.

Video - 7 week of pregnancy: sensations in the abdomen, what is happening, discharge, pulling the lower abdomen, cramps

The kid is growing every minute. Its changes reach such criteria that make it possible to call it not an embryo, but a fetus. This becomes possible because the growing organism's blood circulation now occurs through the placenta. It not only delivers nutrients to the child, but also protects him from toxins. Blood circulation is formed, which will be called fetoplacental. The size of the fetus at a period of 7 weeks is from 0.6 to 1.2 cm.

From this period, the length of the baby is measured in the coccygeal-parietal size (CTE). It is he who will be indicated in the ultrasound results throughout the pregnancy. A baby during this period can be compared to a pea or a bean. Its head, as before, prevails in size over the rest of the body. Fruit weight reaches 1.3 - 1.8 grams. At high magnification, the face becomes more visible. The nose is still a small dimple. The eyeballs are set wide apart. The tiny arms of the embryo, with the fingers still connected together, move actively.

The kid is still very small, but in his body there is great amount important changes:

  • The brain develops. The baby's brain tube becomes denser. The development of brain activity begins. This will serve as the basis for further more complex processes. Bubbles begin to form, which in the future will turn into parts of the brain.
  • Respiratory system continue to lay new functional structures: larynx, trachea, lungs, bronchi.
  • The most impressive metamorphoses occur with circulatory system ... She becomes withdrawn. Blood circulation occurs through the yolk sac. As an outgrowth of the middle part of the intestine, the yolk sac performs several functions at once. He is responsible for breathing (oxygen enrichment), hematopoiesis and nutrition (supplying the substances necessary for building the baby's body). Arteries and veins are differentiated.
  • V digestive system new formations (mouth) are formed and existing ones begin to function. So, in the stomach, gastric juice begins to be synthesized.
  • Begins to function and urinary system... From the blood, the baby filters out toxins with the help of the formed primary kidney.
  • Mortgage continues organs of internal secretion... Bookmarks of glands such as the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, and pituitary gland appear. The sex glands continue to develop. The genital ridges, which later become testicles (in boys) or ovaries (in girls), look the same at this time. Therefore, the sex of the unborn baby cannot be visually determined.
  • The posterior, middle and anterior intestines are subdivided. From these, the rectum and urogenital sinus will later be formed.
  • The fetal heart rate is accelerated by 3 beats per minute. This is above mom's rhythm and is a normal tendency.
  • Sensitivity also increases. This is reflected in the movement of the tiny arms and legs. The skin of the lips begins to feel the touch. When they come into contact with a stimulus, the fetus changes its position in space - it unfolds.

All these changes become the basis for further development baby. Each of them is very important for the normal course of pregnancy and the formation of a healthy, viable organism.

What Happens to Mom: Feelings of a Woman

Mom begins to get used to new sensations and her social status... It is already difficult to confuse them with PMS, colds or poisoning. This is due to high levels of hormones (hCG, progesterone). A hormonal flurry can lead to an increase in existing complaints or the emergence of new ones:

  • Dizziness. It can disturb not only with a sharp change in the position of the body in space, associated with getting out of bed, bending, etc., but also when walking evenly. You may feel dizzy in transport, in an elevator, on an escalator.
  • Headache. It can serve as a sign of a regular decrease in blood pressure with a change in hormonal status. Usually, pains of low intensity go away on their own without additional therapeutic manipulations. The correct work and rest regimen can reduce the incidence of pain. Get enough sleep necessary for any course of pregnancy, especially associated with a decrease in pressure.
  • Change in appetite. Change options food addictions lots of. Some women do not want to eat anything at all. Others are hungry all the time. Added to this are exotic food desires or a complete aversion to food at the slightest smell from the kitchen. These feelings are temporary. You must try to adhere to proper nutrition and not overuse exotic foods. Everything is good in moderation.
  • Morning sickness. It may appear for the first time or increase significantly. Without getting out of bed and without changing the position of the body, you can eat a few crackers or unsweetened cookies. This makes your morning well-being easier. Find out more about.
  • Lethargy, drowsiness. Most often in the background hormonal changes there is a desire to lie in bed longer, to reduce physical and psycho-emotional stress. This is totally normal.
  • Constipation. With the normalization of nutrition and an increase in vegetables on the menu, such complaints at 7 weeks can be avoided. If irregular bowel movements have appeared just now, don't worry either. The correct diet will not only help to avoid constipation, but also provide the child with everything. essential substances for successful growth and development.
  • Distension of the mammary glands. The natural preparation for the birth of a child will also include an increase in the mammary glands. Engorgement, hypersensitivity discoloration of the nipples should not be a cause for concern. All of these sensations are normal in pregnancy. If they occur, it is better to switch to comfortable underwear made from natural fabrics. Perhaps its size will be larger than usual.
  • Frequent urge to urinate arise against the background of changes in hormonal regulation and the beginning pressure of the uterus on the walls of the bladder.
  • Toxicosis. It can start during this period or intensify, about 6 weeks. This should be discussed with your doctor. He will be able to recommend treatment based on the survey data.

If there are no complaints at the 7th week of pregnancy, and the mother is feeling as usual, this is also not a cause for concern. Each pregnancy is unique and the absence of complaints can only delight the pregnant woman and her partner.

What does the stomach look like at this time

The belly at 7 weeks, despite the variety of processes taking place in the body of the expectant mother and her baby, outwardly does not betray pregnancy. Its slight increase is associated with the influence of the ubiquitous hormones. They slow down bowel movements. This leads to constipation and bloating. At 7 weeks of gestation, they may slightly increase the waist circumference. The second reason leading to a change in the abdomen is reflex relaxation of the abdominal muscles.


Vaginal discharge requires close monitoring during pregnancy. The increased blood supply to the uterus and vagina results in a slight increase in discharge. Leucorrhoea is normal during pregnancy and does not cause itching, pain, or other complaints if observed hygiene rules... They have no harsh, unpleasant, frothy or cheesy content.

If the discharge is different from moderate and scanty, you should seek medical attention. Vaginal discharge can be divided into the following types:

  • With a change in color (greenish, etc.), odor (offensive, pungent, unpleasant), volume (abundant), density (curd, etc.). They are not usual for 7 weeks. Such discharge may be accompanied by constant itching, discomfort in the labia and vagina, and pain. They require an appeal to a gynecologist and a complex treatment measures to eliminate inflammation.
  • Bloody issues. The appearance of scarlet blood on linen, bloody smearing, brown discharge is a serious signal for urgent appeal to the doctor. They can be accompanied by abdominal pain or be asymptomatic. In any of these cases, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor for medical help. In some cases, hospitalization may be required.

Throughout pregnancy, discharge will tell you what condition the genitals are in. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully observe in what color of highlight the gasket is painted, and whether there are any other reasons for concern.

Pain at 7 weeks gestation

Pain at 7 weeks gestation that is not volatile (transient) is not normal.

  • Should be of particular concern stomach ache. The alleged cause of such a complaint depends on their nature. If the pains are localized on the sides of the abdomen or on one side of it, are pulling in nature and are not accompanied by fever, frequent urination, or a change in the nature of the discharge, they may indicate normal processes in the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus. If the pain is intense, cramping, stabbing or dull, accompanied by fever or bloody discharge from the vagina, they require immediate medical attention.
  • Chest pain will be alarming only at high intensity, one-sided localization, change skin breasts. In other cases, the presence of pain similar to discomfort in the nipple area against the background of an increase in their sensitivity, no additional measures no need to accept.
  • Pain in chest are a symptom of many diseases not associated with pregnancy. If they are associated with food intake, accompanied by heartburn, sour taste in the mouth, then most often they will be a sign of gastrointestinal tract pathology, accompanied by the reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus. If accompanied by a cough, fever, or other signs of inflammation, they can serve as signals of illness. respiratory system, pleurisy, etc. Whatever the pain in the chest, they require the help of a specialist (therapist, neurologist, etc.), who must be informed about pregnancy and its timing. In this case, he will prescribe a suitable treatment that is safe for the baby.
  • Back pain may appear in the lumbar region. Pulling, sometimes more pronounced on the one hand, they are a sign of the preparation of a pregnant woman's body for gestation and childbirth. During pregnancy, the ligaments of many organs soften. This also occurs in the sacral joints of the bones. Therefore, weak pulling pains in the lumbar region, which are not accompanied by other complaints, indicate that not only the uterus is carrying a pregnancy, but the entire body contributes to the development of the baby. If back pain is accompanied by other complaints (fever, restriction of movement, etc.), you should consult a doctor for help.

Pain in the ovaries at the 7th week of pregnancy is difficult to independently distinguish from ligament pain, appendicitis, adhesive disease, colitis, etc. This is because the pelvic organs are displaced during pregnancy, and the level of the expectant mother changes pain sensitivity... Most often, pain on one side of the lower abdomen will be a manifestation natural process softening and stretching of the ligaments. They do not require treatment. They are not intense. Such pains increase gradually and also gradually decrease in later stages.

Pain in the ovary, in which ovulation took place, can be caused by a corpus luteum cyst. The growth of this formation is accompanied by the release of progesterone, which is necessary for the continuation of pregnancy. The corpus luteum cyst grows, presses on the ovarian membrane. This can be accompanied by painful sensations. This is a normal process. By the end, the corpus luteum will begin to decrease, and the pain will stop.

Inflammatory processes of the reproductive system can be manifested by pain. They prevent pregnancy from occurring. However, if it starts, it can significantly worsen its course. Such complications may include termination of pregnancy. The pathogens that cause inflammation have a detrimental effect on the fetus. If you suspect inflammatory process(an increase in uncharacteristic discharge against the background of pain in the lower abdomen, in the lower back), you must contact your doctor who can choose an effective treatment. The gynecologist will not only prescribe additional examination and will write out specific treatment but will also choose it given.

  • Side pain can serve as a signal for the restructuring of the body and be a manifestation of diseases not associated with pregnancy. Pain in the right side manifests itself as appendicitis, colitis, peptic ulcer, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, pyelonephritis and even pneumonia. Pain localized to the left can serve as a symptom of pyelonephritis, pancreatitis, colitis, stomach diseases, etc. Due to the variety of causes of pain in the side, in case of sudden onset, high intensity or other complaints, you should seek medical help.

In the event of intense complaints, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Timely manipulations can affect not only the course of pregnancy, but also the life of the expectant mother.

There are other situations in which the existing pains (most often in the chest) cease to bother. What to do? After all, they testified that the process of preparation for breastfeeding the baby took place in the mammary glands. There is nothing to worry about. Painful sensations are purely individual and are not necessary. The breast continues to transform, which will result in milk production. But now it doesn't hurt. It can only cause joy.

Temperature at week 7

An increase in temperature to 37 degrees can be a sign of an increase in the speed and complexity of the processes that provide normal flow pregnancy. If, apart from such a reaction, there are no other complaints, then it must be perceived as an individual one.

If the temperature above 37 ° C has arisen suddenly, accompanied by a cough, runny nose, pain in the abdomen, back, increased urination, etc., then you should consult a doctor to find out the reasons for its occurrence. To choose a method of treatment, it is necessary to warn the doctor about the gestational age.

Analyzes and research

If the expectant mother has already registered with the gynecologist earlier and feels well, she will not be assigned any additional examinations. If the visit to the doctor is the first, then the doctor will recommend an ultrasound scan and tests. Their list will include a General analysis of blood and urine, hCG, AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis, blood type, Rh factor.

In the event of complaints, additional studies may be prescribed that can clarify the cause of their occurrence. So, with uncharacteristic vaginal discharge, not only a vaginal smear can be prescribed, but also PCR studies for specific pathogens, as well as a blood test to detect antibodies to them.

Studies at the 7th week of pregnancy are dictated not by the fact of pregnancy itself, but by the peculiarities of its course.

Proper nutrition is not only a necessity of this period, but also determines the course of the period of breastfeeding. Pregnancy has just begun, and mom has enough time to develop the right eating habits. It is they who will provide the baby with the necessary substances and add health to him.

Adequate protein intake will be provided by boiled, stewed or grilled meat, fish, legumes (peas and beans). When eating them, it is necessary to avoid too fatty meats. It is also not recommended to overuse beans. Everything in the diet should be in moderation. Vegetables should be represented by potatoes, carrots, beets, cabbage in limited quantities, etc. The abundance of fruits, seasonal berries contributes to the production of vitamins in enough... It is necessary to limit them with a tendency to diarrhea. Porridge (buckwheat, rice, millet), soups (with vegetable, meat or milk broth), fermented milk products are an excellent basis for a pregnant woman's diet.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of fatty, fried, spicy, salty, rich foods, as well as exclude carbonated drinks, fish and underfried meat (steaks with blood, sushi), exotic foods, dishes containing a large amount of dyes and preservatives. It is advisable to exclude coffee, alcohol, energy drinks from the diet. They have a detrimental effect on the formation of the baby.

Physical activity should be balanced, sufficient and add confidence to the expectant mother in her abilities. Exercise for pregnant women, yoga and other forms of activity help to improve the blood supply to the fetus, prevent complications in later periods and are recommended for normal pregnancy. If there are contraindications to physical education, they must be adhered to.

Sex at week 7 of a normal pregnancy can please expectant parents and does not harm the baby. A contraindication will be the state of health of the pregnant woman, for example, the threat of termination.

Reception vitamin preparations must be agreed with the treating doctor. In this case, they will only have positive effect... Do not self-medicate during pregnancy!

However, it should be noted that each organism reacts differently to the course of pregnancy. Someone at 7 weeks of pregnancy feels all the "delights" of toxicosis, and someone feels great throughout the entire period.

Already at 7 weeks, there is an aversion to certain odors. It can be anything from the scent of fried potatoes to your husband's perfume. During this period, certain food addictions may also appear. Someone is drawn to salty, and someone cannot spend a day without a chocolate or cake.

It is worth remembering that it is during this period that the fetus is actively developing, taking all the nutrients from the woman's body, therefore it is very important to establish a varied diet with the inclusion of vitamin and mineral complexes.

Discharge in the seventh week

Clear, odorless discharge in the seventh week is considered normal, even if the volume has increased dramatically. During pregnancy, blood flow in the genitals increases, the microflora and structure of the vaginal mucosa change, therefore the discharge becomes more abundant.

Alertness should be caused by yellow, green or brown discharge that has an unpleasant, specific odor. This signals that something is wrong in the body. Especially dangerous at this time is the appearance of blood in the secreted mucus, which should not be present at 7 weeks. In this case, it is urgently necessary to consult a gynecologist, since spotting indicates a threat of miscarriage.

Alertness should be caused by yellow, green or brown discharge that has an unpleasant, specific odor.

If the secretion has become abundant and thick, resembling a curd mass, this is also a direct reason for contacting a doctor. Cheesy discharge with pungent odor indicate the development of pathogenic microflora, in particular fungal infection. Most often, candidiasis develops against the background of a decrease in immunity and, in the absence of treatment, it acquires a complicated form closer to childbirth.

Sex at 7 weeks pregnant

Experts note that sex with a normal pregnancy (if there are no medical contraindications) is important for a woman both physically and psychologically. Sexual intercourse stimulates blood circulation, removes pulling pains, and causes positive emotions. In addition, the belly at the 7th week of pregnancy does not yet interfere with enjoying sex life to the fullest.

Pulls the lower abdomen

During the seventh obstetric week of pregnancy, the expectant mother may experience episodically unpleasant pain in the lumbar region and abdomen. This is explained by the fact that the woman's uterus grows, slightly enlarging the belly. These symptoms should not cause panic or active anxiety.

However, there is some likelihood of termination of pregnancy. Therefore, the expectant mother should be alerted if the painful discomfort is shifted to the lower abdomen. This situation requires specialist advice.

Increased tone of the uterus and possible miscarriage can be avoided by observing a number of simple rules. Avoid high-heeled shoes, make sure your physical activity is moderate, avoid stress and strong emotional experiences, try not to take hot baths.

Embryo at 7 weeks of gestation and its development

At the term of the seventh obstetric week of pregnancy, like the entire first trimester of bearing a child, the embryo develops and forms at a "cosmic" speed. All organs and tissues grow so rapidly. The face of the future heir or heiress becomes more formalized and distinct. The shoulders of the unborn child are indicated. The embryo straightens, stretches. Movements of the upper and lower extremities become possible. This is from an external point of view. And what happens to the internal development of the belly-resident?

The whole complex internal organs the future person is also rapidly and actively developing. New cells in all organs and tissues grow every second at a tremendous rate.

The heart of the embryo has already been designated as four-chambered. Very soon it will be able to take on the responsibilities of supplying blood to the entire small organism.

Large blood vessels and arteries appear. The embryo's brain grows by leaps and bounds. Its division by structure into hemispheres, divisions and zones is already being formed.

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The seventh obstetric week of pregnancy is that milestone in the development of the embryo when we can talk about the completion of the formation of the umbilical cord, which will be a "bridge" between the mother and the belly organism for the next eight months. The umbilical cord begins to fully realize its main function - transmission nutrients actively developing baby.

The placenta - the environment between the mother and the unborn baby - becomes denser every day and continues to actively develop. A cork appears and takes shape, which will go away before childbirth, and for the next eight months will protect and preserve the fetus. The plug is formed by the glands of the uterine lining.

At this time, nature makes its choice of the sex of the unborn child - the formation of the sexual characteristics of the embryo takes place.

Now the embryo is thirteen millimeters long and weighs approximately 1.7 g.

How a woman's body outwardly changes

Outwardly body future mom during this period practically does not change, however, some changes can still be noted. It is clear that the belly is not yet growing in this period, since the fetus is only forming at the 7th week of pregnancy. But the breast, on the contrary, can increase by 1-2 sizes. This is explained by the preparation of the mammary glands for feeding.

An alarming symptom may be the presence of edema on different parts body. The presence of obvious swelling of the legs, fingers or face indicates that the pregnant woman urgently needs medical attention and, if necessary, undergoes additional examination.