Test which cat is right for me. Test: which cat suits you (we decide on the breed)

All cats are extremely cute, but completely different in character and habits and need various care. How to choose a cat breed? Learn more about each of the breeds, analyze the conditions in which the cat will be kept, and, of course, listen to your intuition, and you will definitely meet the very cat - true friend for you and other members of your family.

Selection by the nature of cats

Surely, when you first began to think about taking a cat home, you mentally imagined some ideal picture of your communication with the cat. You are sitting on the couch after a hard day at work, and fluffy cat snugly curled up on your lap ... Or another picture - children and a nimble cat run noisily after each other around the apartment, the kids laugh, and the cat plays with them. Or maybe you mentally admired the grace and strength of an independent cat with a regal posture. Be that as it may, to choose a cat only for appearance is to choose at random. Each cat has its own personality traits. For example, persian cats are considered more calm and imposing than their other counterparts. If you are often away from home, it is better to choose a kitten that is not too active and sociable, otherwise it will be very bored without you. If you want a contact, sociable cat - choose the Canadian Sphynx. Siamese and Abyssinian cats are also aimed at communication and interaction with you, and in addition, they are very talkative. Constant purring and purring are guaranteed. Many people say that "we choose a cat, but we are looking for a friend" - if this is your case, then sociable cats are for you. However, keep in mind that it is impossible to leave such a cat alone at home for a long time.

However, choosing a cat breed by character still means taking a little risk, because in addition to the character inherent in the breed, each cat has its own unique character. Therefore, you should not completely rely on what breeders tell you about the nature of cats of a particular breed - take into account other factors. If you already have one cat in your home and you decide to get another one, try to choose a breed that is friendly. However, for cats to make friends with each other, friendliness alone will not be enough. You will have to make some effort so that the cats can make contact with each other.

Choosing a cat for an apartment

What breed of cats to choose for an apartment? If you are worried that the cat will not be too comfortable in a city apartment, this is not so. Many cats get along well in apartments with their owners. If your requirement is a minimum of wool, choose cats of short-haired breeds. Exotics, British, Russians blue cats choose for an apartment would be a very good idea. You can also pay attention to breeds that do not have wool - Peterbalds, Canadian Sphinxes. Having such a house pet, you definitely do not have to collect wool from all surfaces several times a day.

cat and children

If you have children in the house, then you will have to think about what breed of cats to choose for the child. If you want the cat and the child to gradually become friends, actively play and interact with each other, pay attention to the Maine Coon breed. These cats are considered one of the most contact and sociable, and at the same time they are quite patient and friendly towards children. If you can’t choose a cat breed for a child because you are afraid that the baby will bother the cat too much and offend her, it may be worth a little time - the baby will grow up, and it will be much easier for you to make a decision. The fact is that very young children do not know how to calculate their strength and can seriously harm the cat. In turn, a cat, even the most patient one, can (not at all wanting to harm the child) accidentally scratch the child and bite him slightly if he pulls her tail too hard. If you still decide to take a cat to a house where there is Small child to avoid injury and unpleasant situations You need to be very careful when interacting with a cat and a child.

Cat in a rural house

IN country house the cat will be at ease and comfortable. What breed of cats to choose for a private house? In a spacious house, any cat will feel good, so you can not limit yourself in choosing. Pay attention to cats that especially value space and freedom of movement - for example, cats of the Abyssinian breed. Another not at all “tame” breed that likes to actively move around its territory is the Turkish Van. It is not recommended to start this cat in a small room. Of course, active and mobile breeds of cats will feel better in the house than in the apartment.


How to choose a cat breed?

If, after reading our recommendations, you are still at a loss to make a decision, this test will help you make your choice. Fluffy or smooth haired? Calm or active? Sociable or independent? Whichever cat you choose, it will definitely become your friend and give you a lot of joy and comfort.

) has more than 200 different breeds of purring pets. All of them differ not only in individual external features, but also in their behavior and temperament. That is why many who want to have such a pet at home are faced with the problem of choosing a breed. If the questions “Which cat suits me and what breed to choose for a house or apartment?” care about you, then our article and a special test will help you make the right choice.

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Cat for home and apartment

In order to choose the right breed of cat for yourself, you need to weigh many factors: the presence of children in the family, the frequent presence or absence of the owners of the house, the complexity of care, the maintenance in the apartment, and much more. However, first of all, you need to think about where the animal will live, and for what purpose you start it. If you have a private house, then it is best to get an independent cat that can walk on the street and return home. We advise you to pay attention to the Russian Blue, Siberian, Siamese breeds. These animals have well developed hunting instincts, so they can catch rats and mice.

As for a pet for an apartment, there is enough wide choose, since most of all known breeds are well suited for keeping in an apartment. Here it is worth considering other factors, for example, the care or temperament of the animal. Of course, Persians, exotics, and also sphinxes can be ideal sofa cats for living in an apartment. But whether these breeds are right for you, you can find out by passing our test.

According to the features of care and maintenance

Many people mistakenly believe that cats, unlike dogs, require almost no care and attention. However, like any other animal, they take time and proper care. Remember what longer wool the longer it will take to care for your pet. Long-haired and semi-long-haired cats need to be combed almost every day, short-haired cats are enough once every two weeks. And even hairless purrs need sufficient care, for example, they need to be bathed more often and more carefully monitor the health of the skin.

  • long-haired - Burmese, Neva Masquerade, Norwegian Forest, Persian, Turkish Angora, Siberian;
  • semi-longhair - Balinese, Cymrik, Kuril Bobtail, Turkish Van;
  • shorthair - ashera, british shorthair, abyssinian, burmilla, savannah, toyger;
  • bald - bambino, Don Sphynx, Canadian Sphynx, Cornish Rex, Peterbald.

We select by nature

Remember that the character of each pet is individual, but one way or another corresponds to the breed standard. This is the quality that is inherent in the breed as a whole, so cats are usually divided into types of temperament. For example, it is known that Persians are more suitable for calm people, and Siamese “purrs” are more playful and active. You need to choose a cat that will easily fit into your rhythm of life.

  1. Very sociable - despite the saying that a cat walks by itself, today there are a lot of breeds that can even be compared with dogs in terms of sociability. These include, for example, the Canadian Sphynx, Bengal, German Rex, Oriental, Abyssinian and Siamese breeds. Such pets will follow you around and demand attention all the time.
  2. Calm and balanced - these cats have complaisant character They are affectionate and patient. From these breeds, you can choose Burmilla, Russian Blue, Siberian, Maine Coon, Curl or Norwegian Forest.
  3. Proud and with character - these pets are self-sufficient and very wayward. Among these pets, you can choose, for example, a British, Japanese and Kuril Bobtail, Turkish Van.


If you have not made your choice yet and doubt which cat breed suits you, then we offer you to pass a special test. This test questionnaire will help you identify your abilities and preferences. What breed is ideal for you and which cat can become your favorite? Find out now by taking the test.

Video "How to choose a cat by temperament?"

We offer you a useful video from the GuberniaTV channel to make sure that all our purring four-legged friends can really differ in temperament and character. So who do you choose? An expert will tell you about this in the video.

Have you decided to get a kitten? Great, but by making this decision, you are faced with difficult question, what cat to buy/take? After all, they are all so cute, but completely different and each breed has its own traits and habits. This test will help you decide on the choice of a four-legged friend!

Look carefully at the picture geometric figure Are you closer? Do not include logic, only intuition. Have you chosen? Great, now determine the most unattractive picture you don't like.

That's all, now we are looking at which cat suits you and which ones it is better not to mess with.

● Square

People who like a figure, a square, are characterized by a love of order, attentiveness to trifles and details. Such people like to analyze information, delve into the details. Most often they are rational and reasonable. Cautious in actions and thrifty, with rare perseverance and perseverance achieve their goals.

Cat breeds such as British Shorthair, European Shorthair, Ragdoll, Kuril Bobtail, Angora are suitable for you.

● Triangle
If you like the look of a triangle, you are clearly dominated by leadership inclinations. You are not afraid to take responsibility, decisive in actions and confident in your actions. You know how to focus on the problem and find solutions that lead to victory. You are distinguished by self-confidence, ambition.

Bengal, Bombay, Burmese, Thai cats will become your friend.

● Circle

People who like to look at the circle are friendly and caring. Generous, trusting, sometimes naive. Such people are easy to use, they are ready to make concessions and hate conflicts. These can be used not only by humans, but also by cats.
Such a person is an ideal owner for every cat, do what you want, your every whim will be satisfied, any pampering will get away with it! Therefore, such people should be especially attentive to the issue of choosing the breed of the future pet.

A person who has chosen a circle can be advised to get a Siberian, Persian, exotic or sacred Burmese - you will have complete understanding with them!

● Rectangle
People who choose this figure are characterized by: sensitivity, not ambitiousness, courage. This person is constantly open to new knowledge, immoderate curiosity can sometimes even border on recklessness.

His gullibility and indefatigability in search of new sensations will find their support in such breeds as the Munchkin, Devon Rex, Russian Blue, Singapura.

● Zigzag

Zigzag is chosen truly creative personalities. They are creative, like to dream and fly in the clouds, they are also characterized by expressiveness. Such people are relaxed, have good intuition, akin to a cat, and, therefore, it will not be difficult for them to find an approach to four-legged animals. An extraordinary outlook on things is dictated to these people by atypical predilections, including in choosing a pet, they often give birth to exotic animals, birds and reptiles.

Suitable for such people unusual breeds, such as sphinxes - Canadian and St. Petersburg. And; Cornish Rex, Oriental, American Curl.

Before choosing a breed, you must not only look, but also study the characters and leashes of the breed you like. After all, choosing a cat, you choose a family member for many years to come!

Many people ask themselves this question.

Cats are one of the most common pets in the world. Cat videos go viral social networks with the power of the wind. Of course, photos with cats are no less popular. Eat funny examples how dogs are very similar to their owners, and their personality traits often match too. It's the same with cats. Human features coincide with those of animals, which means they will understand each other quite well. If you are a calm type of person, then a Bengal cat would be an ideal pet for you. If you are adventurous and very curious, a lynx or a tiger will suit you best. In this case, a little more difficult, you can visit these animals at the zoo.

Cat breeds.

There are over a hundred different breeds of cats. The most popular breed is the European Shorthair cat. Also breeds of Maine Coon cats and British shorthair cats are very popular in households. Cats vary in their coat, their body mass and, of course, in their coloration. Cats have different colorings: solid, spotted, brindle, etc.

Cats, cats, kittens...

Cats have various names. If the pet is a bit wild, it is often called a tiger. Small cats are called kitties, and especially quiet cats are often called domestic cats. These designations are also often transferred to people. By this we prove that animals are more like us than we think.