What is more important than a career or family. What's more important - career or family. Probably one of the main questions is when you can take up a career

How to combine a career with your family?
The age-old question which is more important?
But if we think for a second who is more important to us? For a woman, a man, she or he is married or single. Who are they people who prefer a career to a family?

Young Russians consider careers more important than family, showed the social. interview. According to a sociological survey, a third of Russian citizens believe that combining parenting with a successful career is chasing two birds with one stone. At the same time, the opinions of Russians under 24 years old and people of the older generation differ greatly: among young people, careers come to the fore, reports the Superjob.ru portal.

In psychology, the recommended age for creating a family usually indicates the age from 18 to 22. It is also believed that the most best age is 17-19 years old. This is due to the fact that in more early age it is easier for a young girl to adapt to a new one for her family life... The main thing here is to take into account the degree of moral readiness of a young girl for the role of a young mother. Let's remember our parents, in their time it would be relevant to choose a permanent partner at the age of 17-19, get married and have children. But now all these processes have been pushed back for 5-10 years and now average age when couples start to think about children 25-30 years old. And what does this mean? Isn't it about reallocating priorities? Obviously, the priority is given to career. But to live only one career does not work out everything, as they say, man does not live by bread alone.
Are kids and career compatible? Here is a survey conducted by Superjob portal. He says that, according to many Russians, no. Especially young people are inclined to think so and think that something is children first, then a career, or first a career, then children, but that both children and a career in one bottle is impossible. It must be emphasized, however, that we are talking about a career for a woman. Or, as before, as it was previously believed, they do not influence, the man takes, well, such an indirect participation in upbringing and, accordingly, works, works and works.

The question is what is more important for everyone to ask himself. I made a choice for myself, did you?

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In this Canadian mountain resort, I met many parents with young children. “No wonder,” you say. The unusualness of these meetings was that with small (0-5 years old) children, people actively travel, climb the mountains on foot, and go in for active sports. One day we decided to climb, about 2 hours along forest and mountain paths to the famous tea House. We passed amazing beauty, several lakes of different sizes and colors of water, waterfalls.

Were seen far away snowy peaks, a huge glacier, people made horseback riding, forest chipmunks constantly ran under their feet. It got colder every 30 minutes of climbing, and several times I regretted wearing shorts and a T-shirt. An hour later, the strength became less, and it was decided to make a halt, I sit, I breathe like an old Przewalski's horse (I chose above average speed for lifting) and then I hear children's voices. A family with children aged about 2.5 and 3.5 years walked past me, smiling. The children walked on their own feet.

I also sat on my own feet 🙂 But what struck me was that with the advent of children, parents did not change their hobby, did not stay at home in comfort. They also continued to live, but with children. And this is really great, because most careerists are afraid of having children or postpone it indefinitely. Because think that this will completely change their lives, their careers will collapse, the business will burn out and in general global warming will begin earlier.

On the one hand, you want to start a family, have children and bake chocolate muffins every Sunday. On the other hand, you dream of becoming a financially independent, successful business woman.

They say that you can do everything at the same time - only the heroine of Hollywood soap can. Therefore, the question arises: which is more important?

Yes, it's amazing, but there are women who do everything. And there are such men too. There is only one nuance: desire has thousands of possibilities, unwillingness has thousands of reasons (one of my favorite expressions).

A hundred years ago, no one had such questions. Women dutifully accepted the role of the keeper family hearth- and that is all. Now you wear trousers, drive a car and work on a par with a man. Only happiness somehow does not come ...

Did you choose the wrong one? Let's figure it out.

Big business

Now men rule even in the world of fashion, while women manage to keep entire corporations tight-lipped.

Moreover, men still (for the most part) not their restraint, determination and stress resistance.

And a business woman over time becomes overgrown with armor and forgets what feelings are. A woman in the male profession is losing tenderness, softness and lightness.

A modern girl from school desperately climbs the career ladder, not even suspecting that her femininity can open a hundred times more doors for her. Easier and faster.

It is not difficult for a professional woman to maintain her favorite work, hobbies, relationships with a man, raising children and leaving time for herself.

Are there any of your friends? Write in the comments.

Through her realization, she accepts and creates enough energy to be enough for everyone. And her man happily takes on the role of a breadwinner and in this he preserves his masculinity.

The choice is only yours
Yaroslav Samoilov.

In the life of every woman there comes a moment when she faces a choice - a career or a family. Of course, there are women who know how to combine both, but it is very difficult to determine how well they do it, and, achieving career success, whether problems arise at home at the same time. Therefore, before making a choice, it is very important to weigh the pros and cons, and try to find a compromise. This will help you honestly answer the question of what you are willing to sacrifice, family or career.

What's more important, career or family

Now more and more more women want to realize themselves in a professional field, to make a career. If earlier this trend was traced among women who have reached the age of 40, now they are striving for this completely young girls who graduated from institutes or technical schools. But sometimes, having reached career heights or disillusioned with work, they are left alone, sometimes destroying a family, but more often without creating it. To do right choice and to avoid loneliness, you should set all priorities for yourself from the very beginning of your career race. After all, often a woman who stubbornly strives to make a career simply could not establish at some particular moment personal life by channeling your energy in a different direction.

According to polls, it is by the age of 40 that most women begin to regret choosing a career. If, after getting married, a girl does not want to give up a career, it is necessary that her husband support her choice, otherwise she will have to give up either her family or her career. It is better to give up a career after all, because the concept of careerism is unusual for no woman, this applies more to men. In the nature of a woman, the role is not of a director and manager, but the role of the keeper of the hearth, never real woman will not fight for a place in the sun with tough men.

Choosing a career with a family, a woman cannot fully give her children her love, attention, affection and care. Children do not receive the warmth they need, which directly affects their development and very often in a negative way. In addition, a career is not always a carefully considered choice, but simply helps any person, not just a woman, to feel their own worth.

In pursuit of career heights, one should not forget that it is not only success in the professional field that is important in this world. Work plays important role in our life, it helps to self-actualize, to show all our abilities, to develop best qualities and skills. But every woman is destined by nature itself to become more happy wife, a loving mother and caring daughter. Only the inability to make the right choice and allocate time prevents this from being fully achieved.

The main advice of psychologists is that a woman should learn to feel, understand what she wants in this moment so that you do not regret your choice later. Separately, I would like to mention that if you have made a career, but while you are alone, you should not despair. Until a worthy man appears in your life, it is better to start building a career, and as soon as this meeting takes place, direct all your energy to your family.

How to combine career and family

Sometimes not just a desire to make a career makes a woman work, but also a banal lack of funds for a full-fledged existence, not all husbands can provide for a family. In such a situation, there is no longer a problem of choice, if a woman values ​​her husband, she can only learn how to combine work and family.

  • Sharing responsibilities between husband and wife will help reduce the burden on a woman and enable her to successfully climb the career ladder, if she strives for it. Therefore, talk about which of you and for what will be responsible.
  • Try to distribute responsibilities at work in such a way that household chores, and most importantly, your loved ones, do not suffer because of it. Using numerous techniques, how to rationally distribute working time and responsibilities, it is quite possible. Organize your workspace both at work and at home, so it is optimal to save time on performing various operations.
  • Do not take work home and do not discuss work issues all evening, pay free time and weekend only for the family. Learn to separate work and home.
  • To avoid problems if you earn more husband, and he is dissatisfied, try to create conditions for your husband professional growth and an atmosphere that will make him feel that he remains a full-fledged owner in the house, despite your successes. It is even better if you let him know that only thanks to his support, help, good advice and faith in you, you have reached such career heights. Remind often that all your success at work is a shared merit, but don't overreact.
  • Remember, workaholism and the desire for a career are incompatible.
  • Don't sacrifice time spent with children. Presents, sports clubs and best nannies will not replace mothers for children, so sacrifice your career for the sake of children. Spend all your free time with your children, arrange joint rest, play, be interested in school affairs and hobbies.
  • Be sure to remember that your husband also needs your attention and care. If you have to work overtime, please inform your spouse and remember to compensate this next weekend by arranging romantic morning turning into lunch and dinner. Try to avoid work on weekends and give up overtime work... Build your career not by increasing your working time, but thanks to your professionalism and deep knowledge.

Career and family for a woman

If you think about it and honestly answer the question to yourself, it turns out that many of the women strive to make a career in order to meet a worthy man and at the same time achieve a certain material stability and level in society. Some others brightly expressed reasons, forcing with persistence to overcome step by step of the career ladder, no. Having achieved what they want, usually women no longer strive to advance even higher, this remains even today the prerogative of men. Women who have received the desired position and having reached a clearly defined level of income begin to think about creating a family, that it is time to direct all efforts to search worthy man, the birth and education of children.

Therefore, if there is energy and ambition in the character, it is best for a woman to realize herself first as business personality and only after that start a family. Unrealized professional potential can become an obstacle to happy family, as it will become a source of quarrels, scandals and mutual claims. To avoid this, if a woman feels the need and desire to work, let her work and not be tormented by what to choose, a career or a family. After all, it is quite possible to combine a career and family, simply by organizing your working day correctly and distributing responsibilities.

A self-realized woman is much calmer and happier than one who sacrificed her dreams for the sake of her family. Unfortunately, it is worth remembering that now men are no longer held back by society, the church, or children, and a woman who knows how to provide for herself will not find herself in a difficult financial situation if the man decides to leave her. In addition, everyone has the right to choose and freedom in making decisions, so make a career if you want it, but remember that becoming an honorary former director the plant is retired, you will want your relatives and friends to be nearby, so do not forget about your family, the quarry will not give you a glass of water.

You should not look at those women who have completely devoted themselves to the family. If you look closely, many of them simply do not want to work and are comfortable in their own world. They easily made their choice, because they do not have any overestimated goals and desires. They want to remain, first of all, a wife, mother, daughter and woman, and not a managerial employee, but also the risk of being in difficult situation they increase if the family breaks up.

The most the best option there is only one left, if you have ambitions and abilities, realize them until you have a family, as soon as you get married, find time and strength for the family, and then you can successfully combine both a career and a family without doing choice between them.

Since ancient times, it was believed that a woman is the keeper of the hearth, whose job is to wash, clean, cook and raise children, and everything that is washed, what to clean and what to cook from is the concern of a man. But times are changing and today being a business woman is much more interesting for many women. And now the question arises: is a career or a family more important for a woman? Everyone sets their own priorities for themselves, making a choice.

Career ladder

The modern woman wants to have financial independence from men. Work for a woman is not only a means of earning money, but also an increase in self-esteem, confidence and self-realization. Often about own business or moving up the career ladder, the fair sex is thought of before starting a family. In this case, it may turn out that there is simply no free time to create a family and its further development. Many people say that family is a woman's main career, but for some, family is a job.

Advantages and disadvantages when choosing a career


  • An opportunity to devote your life to what you like;
  • Financial independence;
  • Authority and respect of colleagues;
  • Expansion of horizons and self-realization;
  • More interesting, eventful life.


  • Combining career and family, a woman cannot give love, affection and tenderness to her children in full;
  • Chronic lack of free time;
  • Family conflicts;
  • Stress and overwork of the body, which leads to sleep disturbances and irritability;
  • Great competition and male chauvinism;
  • Loss of old social circle (and lack of time to find a new one).

Family hearth

A woman-housewife gives all her strength to the family: she takes care of children and her husband, equips the house. This option is ideal for almost every man: the house is always clean, after work it is always waiting delicious dinner, children do not decompose in front of the TV, receiving proper education. In the first couples, the woman is also incredibly happy with such a coincidence, because she is all day with those who love her and whom she loves. Why does the question arise that work is more important or family? Being at home all day does not give women enough opportunities to develop the personal qualities and skills that professional activity... From here may appear depression, an inferiority complex and questions on the topic “what have I achieved?”. Even with a job, speech about career growth cannot go. After all, you need to come home on time, cook dinner, prepare clothes for children for school, and so on. IN general choice the family also has its pros and cons.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • The ability to keep the house in order and be close to the children;
  • Take care of yourself and your health;
  • Meet with friends periodically;
  • Walk on various events with kids.


  • Financial dependence;
  • Taking care of the home and loved ones becomes a duty;
  • Monotonous life "on schedule";
  • Lack of a husband and his help.

For wonder women

Sometimes it happens that work is not a simple desire of a woman, but a need due to a lack of funds. Not every man can feed the whole family on his own, and then the discussion on what is more important, how best and more correctly does not even arise in the heads of the spouses. Then the couple should adhere to some simple rules.

  1. The first thing to do is to distribute household chores between husband and wife. This will help reduce the burden on the woman and allow her to successfully climb the career ladder.
  2. Do not abuse your work: you cannot achieve all the heights, you cannot earn all the money. But household chores and loved ones from overwork may well suffer.
  3. Separate work and home. If at work you are a harsh boss, then at home you should transform into the most gentle and loving parent that the child needs so much.
  4. Do not discuss work issues at home, it is better to talk about the impressions received during the day and plans for the future. This will not only bring you closer to your family, but also allow you to relieve the stress accumulated during the day in an attempt to find a way out in this or that project.
  5. Do not forget that the husband also needs care and attention. Therefore, whenever possible, try to compensate for all overtime work.
  6. In life, do not forget about the most important, golden rule: a career must be built thanks to professionalism and unique skills, and not by increasing working hours.

I would like to add some more advice from psychologist Elena Tararina. "A woman who started a family and gave birth to children, but realized that she lacks such an option as a career and self-realization, must honestly say to herself that this is a huge piece of nerves, strength and internal discipline," the psychologist notes. She says that you should not believe in the stereotype that a woman is not able to be wonderful wife and a mom and have a successful career at the same time.

This article only talked about some of the nuances of choice in this matter, and what is best for you and your family you must decide for yourself.