What's in the makeup bag of the host Tatiana Vedeneeva. Style example: actress, TV presenter, business woman Tatyana Vedeneeva

Tatyana Vedeneeva is familiar to many from childhood, this beautiful woman I watched from the TV screens with a smile and affection and was remembered by many on the program " Goodnight kids! ". Now the famous TV presenter also catches the eye with her style and youthfulness. Often glosses reveal the secrets of the secret of the star's slimness. She carefully monitors not only nutrition, but also her hair. Fans want to know what Tatyana Vedeneyeva's haircut is called? Nothing secret, classical and universal hairstyle, widely recommended by stylists for women after 30, 40 and above, but let's go in order.

What is the name of the hairstyle.

A multi-layered bob often adorns Tatyana's head. This hairstyle is elegant, beautiful and in demand in 2018, and it is also universally suitable for almost any type of face. Bob looks great wavy hair, and successfully emphasizes the shine of straight hair. Styling can be applied by twisting the ends of the hair inward, or coquettishly turning them up and out. See how graceful and gorgeous this hairstyle looks on the star and complements her image. The length of the hair is usually just above shoulder level, and the hair color is invariably blond.

A photo: Tatyana Vedeneeva

Tatyana, as a rule, likes to open her forehead, bangs with milled tips are great for embodying this idea. Volumetric styling at the top of the head is the key to the success of a beautiful hairstyle, like that of Vedeneeva. Not so long ago, blond hair coloring with dark roots came into fashion. What previously seemed unacceptable is in trend in 2017-2018.

Hair styling, do hair, like Vedeneeva.

Before styling, you need to apply a thermal hair protection product on washed and slightly dried hair, this step will save your strands and they will remain well-groomed for a long time.

Be sure, for such a hairstyle it is necessary to achieve a basal volume, for this they use round comb and directing the air flow from above dry the hair, making twisting movements with a brush.

Do not make a strict, straight parting, if you make it more chaotic, in a zigzag, then the crown looks more voluminous.

A photo: Tatyana Vedeneeva

Watch the video how the master creates volume in short haircuts for women over 60.

The long-term host of the program "Good night, kids!", The star of the film "Hello, I'm your aunt!" 64-year-old Tatyana Vedeneeva is known and remembered by more than one generation. After all, kids were familiar with Aunt Tanya, and adults know the actress and TV presenter Vedeneeva well.

Returning after a divorce from her second husband to Russia, the actress began working in the theater "School of the Modern Play". Tatiana leads active image life and takes part in various parties of the stars of Russian show business, while remaining in the shadows because of his non-scandalousness and modesty. Fans love her, but they can also criticize:

"She's all in suspenders"

“You, without plastic surgery, try to look like this, that’s the strength of a brother !!!”,

“Vedeneeva no longer has her “own” face ... too much,”

“Vedeneeva has no taste! At her age, only elegant style! And she is forever like a chuchundra! Especially the ugly head! She needs a short haircut, and not twirling nests on her head. With her money, you can look more stylish! What is wrong with her! You need to flip through fashionable magazines! ”,

"Vedeneeva as pregnant".

And yet, at 64, not every actress looks perfect, you see. One is overstretched so that her fans do not recognize her, the other goes around "wasted". What do you think, does Tatyana Vedeneeva look good?

Style sample. Tatyana Vedeneeva.

Especially for Irk-Fashion, the material was prepared by Alena Lee, stylist and image consultant of the English school First Impressions.

Actress, TV presenter. Known for the role of the housekeeper in the film "Hello, I'm your aunt!". This is what they say about her online. We will consider her aristocratic image, the image of a lady with fragile wrists, chiseled ankles and a beautiful fit of a small head on tender neck. We will consider her face, which fully meets television conditions, with sly lips, stretched, according to television habit, in a half smile. And, of course, her way of dressing.

All photos of our heroine can be divided into three large groups:

1. Vedeneeva - great master one talking detail.

2. If beads - then kilograms, if earrings - then hanging gardens.

3. Simplicity.

And smaller groups:

a) Fur on Vedeneeva.

b) Green color- favorite. After black.

Tatyana Vedeneeva was born in Volgograd. Among her ancestors were Don Cossacks. Probably, from them she got both character and hot blood. At the age of 14, she and her friend enrolled in a theater group. Since that time, Tatyana has become seriously "ill" with the theater. Secretly from everyone, she sent a letter to GITIS with a request to talk about the rules for admission. Surprisingly, the answer came. When a huge package with tasks was sent from Moscow, the parents were shocked. Her father always wanted Tatyana to become a teacher, and her mother dreamed that her daughter would go to medical school. In 1972, Tatyana Vedeneeva went to conquer Moscow. The repertoire for the entrance exams at GITIS prepared more than strange: everyone read serious classics, and she - “ ugly duckling". Probably, then fate decided that she would tell fairy tales to the whole country.

She didn’t change her looks that much - the bangs were a little lower or shorter, a little darker than the hair at the base. We see a young face with an attentive, inquisitive look of deep-set dark eyes, narrow "cine" face with small regular features. Makeup is classic for that time (mid 70s). At that time, many made up like that - Claudia Cardinale, for example, brought out eyelashes so that they, figuratively speaking, "scratched" the opposite wall. The eyebrow was worn thin, gravitating towards a round one.

In 1975, Tatyana Vedeneeva starred in the comedy "Hello, I'm your aunt!", Which made her famous throughout the country. A funny old-fashioned hat with an edge does not spoil a beautiful, indecently young face. Naive image, plump pink lips. A sense of openness is achieved and open forehead, and strands curled “from the face”, as well as a modified eyebrow line - the arc has become softer and flatter, a high distance from the eyebrow to the eye visually enlarges the eyes. If speak about color preferences, Vedeneeva by nature has a muted type of appearance, but with age she will consciously increase the contrast.

During the years of study at GITIS, Vedeneeva starred in six films, but the audience remembers only the comedy "Hello, I'm your aunt!". After graduation, Vedeneeva was taken to the Theater. Mayakovsky. She, like all full-time actors, received a repertoire book with her own surname. She tirelessly went to see performances and kept waiting that not today or tomorrow she would be given a role.

In the photo Tatiana, most likely, in a Japanese dress - in the late 80s - early 90s there was a cult of imported things, many wore coastal trade items, that was the name of these cherished Japanese warehouses ... and half the country went to them. Lace collar, dark material - very practical, does not wrinkle, does not wear out. Fine chain accentuates beautiful neck. Eyebrow noticeably heavier at the base - young woman looks at us from this photo.

To work in the theater, a residence permit was required, as an option - fictitious marriage. But Tatyana was categorically against this, believing that one should marry only for love. As a result, she was left without a residence permit and a job.

His Majesty chance intervened in fate - after learning about the competition of announcers on Central Television, Vedeneeva passed it and ended up in a new environment for herself. “When I came, of course, I was very out of the already established image of the Central Television announcer. Then there was a fashion for wigs, strong makeup. And I was cut like a boy, almost never painted, ”recalls the actress. Of her colleagues, she immediately fell in love with Angelina Vovk, bowed to Valentina Leontieva, in a word, there was someone to learn from.

And now her portraits began to appear in the then glossy - Tatyana held a close-up especially clearly, her clothes made her speak. I remember one portrait of those years - in a cream-colored cashmere coat, his face - the most delicate, well-groomed bangs. Even then, the main style of Vedeneeva began to be seen - the style of a lady.

The first year of work on television, Vedeneeva was driven on night airs - the prima who took place considered it below their dignity to work at night. The work was hard. But a year later she was allowed to work during the day. Soon she was invited to entertainment and music programs, and then she became the host of "Good night, kids!".

Such photos show us the features of the outfits of TV presenters. Simple, calm clothing, nothing distracting. The hairstyle was also made special - so that there was a cast volume in the light, no negligence in the strands. Everything is very specific.

By the mid-80s, she had become the most popular presenter on Central Television. Accordingly, Tatyana can already afford to show her individuality - for example, this striped dress. Graphics attracts many, Tatyana did not escape this, but the strip is not wide, in accordance with the dimensions of the figure.

In the late 70s, as part of the USSR Day on the French channel, Vedeneeva was sent to France. The French really liked the young Soviet presenter. It must be assumed that the appearance of the lady played an important role in this.

In the early 90s, Vedeneeva began working as a journalist in the program " Good morning". Once she had to interview businessman Yuri Begalov, the owner of an oil company. Two months later, he reappeared in her life. This time already as a sponsor of the festival "Step to Parnassus", where Vedeneeva was the host. After the festival, he presented Vedeneeva with some very funny wording a prize - a ten-day trip to the Canary Islands to a five-star hotel. Vedeneeva recalls: “Of course, I refused. Married woman, work, family, home. But then it turned out that I would not be alone there, that I would go with me large group employees of their firm and everything is actually not at all as scary as I imagined. He also came to the Canaries. We didn't have romance. Quicker, light flirting some looking at each other. He is a little younger than me. Married, two children. I'm married. We were drawn to each other, but I was aware that we had no prospects, but for holiday romance for ten days we were already too old and serious people". In Moscow, their feelings flared up with renewed vigor. They made appointments with each other in the same cafe, where they ordered coffee and talked, talked ... As it turned out, both were dissatisfied with their own lives. By that time, Begalov had left the family, and Vedeneyeva also had a tense relationship with her husband.

Dramatic by nature, Vedeneeva wore a polka-dot dress, but provided this romantic design with a wide black neckline and a long bunch of jewelry/earrings. She always knew how to calculate the effect of huge massive jewelry and apply them, skillfully combining with incongruous.

Vedeneyeva's trademark is the framing of a thin high neck with dangling loose earrings, she is well aware of the sexuality of this technique.

In the early 90s, they still got married. All the routine procedures for divorce Vedeneeva Begalov took over.

A classic white matte dress with a flat bow at the waist, a boat neckline, nothing more - why not a lady?

Yuri quickly found mutual language with Tatyana's son Dmitry. More difficult was the rapprochement between Vedeneeva and his two daughters. But in the end, time put everything in its place. And now they have a big family.

In the photo of the mid-10s of our century: Tatyana in her favorite earrings - thin big rings white metal. Cold, muted gamma. Conciseness and desire to follow the fashion of our days. loose strands, some signs give us the age of the heroine ... but the trademark smile still illuminates the face.

Your business. In 1993, Vedeneeva was fired from television. Here is how she talks about it: “I spent my vacation with my family in England, where I made an appointment with a very serious doctor ... I had to urgently return to Moscow, and the London luminary could only see me a week later. I called the management, I ask to extend the vacation at my own expense. In response, a categorical refusal: summer, there is no one to work, either come or quit. I hate ultimatums. Moreover, God knows, for 15 years of work I did not deserve this. And then all of a sudden I was taken aback. I think if they don’t need me at all, if I’m worthless in the eyes of my colleagues and superiors, why should I cling to this place like that? And then she sent a fax with a letter of resignation own will“. Of course, why be cunning, in my heart I hoped that when I returned, everything would still somehow work out: they would definitely call me and apologize. Nothing like this. Nobody called, nobody apologized. As if Tatyana Vedeneeva never existed in nature.

Vedeneeva was left without a job. And then she decided to open her own business. Once she was treated to Tkemali sauce, which was made by hand. And she persuaded her husband to start producing ecologically clean products. New job captured Vedeneeva without a trace.

For seven years (1993-1999) Vedeneeva lived with her husband in France. Returning to her homeland, she was surprised to find that it was no longer girls and boys, but uncles and aunts who, when they met her, broke into a smile and said that they remember her from childhood. In the ranking of the most popular TV divas published in the late 90s, she was in first place, ahead of modern domestic TV stars. And this despite the fact that Vedeneeva has long disappeared from the screens.

In this photo, we are already seeing the charm of a self-confident lady, honed abroad. fresh makeup natural shades. The "age" of the photograph itself can be determined by signs: wide eyebrow, daisies, a muted pastel haze of matter, a large translucent fantasy ring (maybe made of Murano glass), sculptural adjustment of the face with the latest tools skin care... and five shades of hair highlights. Yes, and with "tan", so popular with the capital's masters. Of course, this is the end of the first decade of the twenty-first century!

In 2000, Yulia Menshova persuaded Tatyana to host a new talk show "Next to You" on RTR with her. Later, Tatyana switched to Domashny and, as they say, entered her stream. She did not change her appearance - she only exploited the style of a lady once found. You rarely see her without her signature half-smile. The camera brought up special standards in her - always in shape, fit and charming.

Tatyana Vedeneeva is one of the greatest masters of diversifying accessories. So, Vedeneeva is a great master of one, speaking detail... Law elegant style There shouldn't be too many decorations. And if there are more than one of them, they should not interrupt each other and dazzle.

Here is the eternal black dress. But it does not look like a little black dress in our understanding. The metal buckle and a kilo of beads make the dress graphic, elongate the figure and draw attention to the hips, not the waist (it's not so sharp anymore).

Vedeneyeva's approach to wearing a long string of beads is wonderful - they are never worn in a knot, only loose. If in this set you wear only light long beads to the circles on the dress - boring. Vedeneeva diluted them with others, it turned out - that's it. Yes, and satin sandals played a role, thereby picking up the “ripples” of the pattern.

The visual lengthening of the legs and the arrangement of the figure occurred here thanks to the vertical soft laid folds, the string of beads, the heel of elegant shoes. The shape of the legs is good - smooth, without kinks, lines of calves and ankles.

This headdress looks great, it evokes some kind of dashing in the image. And only after that we notice, shifting our gaze, - almost imperceptible lightweight threads of chains.

Most likely, the photo refers to the middle of the 10s of our century: the stone on the finger is not in unison with large round “standing” beads in two rows with a bow. Earrings in the ears will be too much. The neckline and collar of the sleeves are trimmed with large piping, similar to crocheted piping.

Here we see some kind of agricultural photo, obviously foolish. Rigid graphic Vedeneeva diluted with a fruit shop on her head, plus one huge ring.

In the photo below - focus on the face. All attention is drawn to the "talking" part of the body - a complex construction of the top, with a lace chemisette, with a multi-textured and multi-figure thread of black matte beads (a chemisette here is in front of a blouse, often only the front of a blouse, like a shirt-front, was called a chemiset.) And favorite simple earrings. I advise you to take the technique into service - if you have to talk a lot and the outcome of the case depends on it, accentuate the face, give it significance. And we use the appropriate methods for this.

In the next photo, we see a girl keeping up with the times - in the 90s, huge crosses decorated with stones became fashionable. The chain could be very large, wrap around the torso and rush at the ready. With such an expressive decoration, only modest earrings and a watch (which we see in the picture) should coexist.

The following photo illustrates the dramatist's predilection for black and one expressive accent (in this case- necklace around the neck).

In the next photo, accessories not only add expressiveness and lengthen proportions, but also dictate the image. Some mystical note glides in the massive designer decoration, black glasses, a massive bag belt. Of course, such a decoration can only decorate perfectly. well-groomed skin, which, of course, is in the asset of Tatyana Vedeneeva.

The same decoration on red laces and with a white T-shirt evokes a completely different mood - just an interesting structure that adorns an unremarkable T-shirt.

Before us is a television diva. One significant detail - a bag great work on the wide belt which is very effective in itself, a real work of art. But everything else - the most inconspicuous - a modest long thread with bronze squares, a black dress, laconic styling.

I wrote “TV diva” - but divas don’t dress up in such dresses. Why diva? Because Vedeneeva has become a very memorable TV face of the first order. What kind of image in this case - without a showy dress with feathers and a deep neckline? The image of a well-groomed, spectacular, neat modern woman.

In the next photo, we observe the skillful presentation of the dress of the legendary company. Nothing more that could obscure the famous two rings. A sense of lively cheerful elegance is achieved by combining large peas and playful belt. Out of fashion, out of the rules...

The next facet of our heroine: if beads - then kilograms, if earrings - then hanging gardens ...

The first photo is from the mid 90s. Intricate knitted bijouterie with large red stones, medium-sized bracelet . Absolutely simple dress, but what a red, active color. As an announcer and TV presenter, Tatyana Vedeneeva masterfully knows how to highlight the most significant in her profession - top part torso, face and arms.

Tatyana boldly experiments with large pearls and with ... unfashionable amber. However, the massive ring and bracelet are clearly superfluous, in my opinion - the veins on the hands immediately become visible, betraying the age of the heroine.

Next photo: A miracle in feathers - you can't call it otherwise. Apparently, there were reasons to turn to the look of the beginning of the last century: decadence, feathers, hanging earrings, long strands of beads, a shirt dress made of some kind of transparent row... But the bottom is completely ours, modern. Properly hidden legs in shoes that work on lengthening. A red pedicure here, however, is not entirely appropriate, a muted cherry one would work better for the image.

Note that Vedeneeva always tries very hard to emphasize the beauty of her long wrists - the rich decor of the sleeves, large bracelets. And the convertible came to the image at the right time.

The photo of the beginning of our century is a game of textures, live earrings sway in the ears. Together with deep, matte fur (most likely craculcha), they look rich and draw the image of a grand lady in deep neckline. And again - nothing more.

Another photo of our day. Apotheosis - I would call it that. Feminine victorious Vedeneeva in the guise of Eternal Spring- such a bride on the podium gave odds to all the young girls standing next to her. A grandiose Valentino style dress with an ornate bodice, an accentuated waist and lush tutu draws a luxurious, royal image.

The appearance of a relaxed lady at a party (photo from the mid-90s of the last century) - chiffon, velvet, threads of jewelry made of transparent and dark beads of the most various forms. Only a lady can so aristocratically emphasize the elegance of her outfit with cuffs with cufflinks.

Of course, Vedeneeva, who sews a lot and for a long time herself, knows a lot about classic details and techniques for decorating the very formal dress. Therefore, her appearance is emphatically elegant and strict, diverse and ... monochrome. She places her favorite beads in a cascade either in a single row, or makes a gap between the upper rows and the lower ones.

The photo of young Tanya could be mistakenly attributed to the middle of the 10s of our century, but the geometry of the stripes, and most importantly, the material, is evidence of more early period late 80s - early 90s. In the 80s, as we know, great importance attached to a suit for work (power-dressing). A blue jacket with dotted and solid stripes would have been too strict, but Tatyana diluted this dandy style of unthinkable beauty with rings and buttons of the same style with them - works of jewelry and bijouterie art, nothing else. The rings are square, the buttons are located in rhombuses - an interesting tandem against the background of the geometry of the stripes.

Read about the art of dressing simply, love for furs and color preferences of our heroine in the next part of the article.

Always yours, Alena Lee. Personal blog.

It was impossible to find a single person in the Soviet Union who did not know Tatyana Vedeneeva. She hosted many programs, and the audience watched these programs with pleasure. different ages and social position.

She was not like anyone else, she surprised with her bold images, fascinated with her smile. It seemed that not only on the screen, but also in life, she is a very happy and lucky person. No one knew: behind a charming smile, she skillfully hid her problems and defeats, not allowing anyone to feel sorry for herself.

The path to television

Tatyana Vedeneeva in her youth.
She began acting in films from the moment she entered GITIS, and after the release of the film “Hello, I'm your aunt!”, The whole country fell in love with the charming blonde, without exaggeration. It seemed that after such an incredible rise, Vedeneev was waiting for a wonderful film career.

Tatyana Vedeneeva in the film "Hello, I'm your aunt!".

But after graduating from the institute, she was not invited to the cinema, but they gave a distribution to the most fashionable Mayakovsky Theater at that time. But the aspiring actress had one single drawback: she did not have a Moscow residence permit. Andrei Goncharov, who directed the theater, advised Vedeneeva to resolve the issue on her own, and without waiting for any answer from her, he flared up and yelled at the young actress.
She didn't go to the theatre. She understood what she could do to obtain a residence permit: get married, even fictitiously. But the young innocent Tatyana could not even think of such a thing. She sincerely believed: marriage should be concluded only for love.

Tatyana Vedeneeva, host of "Good night, kids!".

But fortunately, the actress did not give up, but passed the competition for the position of the announcer of Central Television. A few years later, Tatyana Vedeneeva became an idol. Men fell in love with her, and women tried to imitate, copying the haircut or the style of the dress. The heart of the actress at that time was already taken.

Valery Shaposhnikov

Tatyana Vedeneeva.

They met their first husband through mutual friends. It cannot be said that it was love at first sight, but gradually Valery captivated the young actress with his attention, care, and ability to create a special romantic atmosphere for her.

He was an artist from a fairly wealthy and well-known family. He had many friends from the current Rublyovka, he often took his beloved on small trips to Leningrad or even to Tallinn. Of course, she could not resist, fell in love, and then got married.

Tatyana Vedeneeva with her son Dima.

Soon the couple had a son Dmitry. But Tatyana continued to work. She disappeared on television for days on end, and no one knew what the presenter was hiding behind a constant smile.
In life, she was often not up to smiles. The husband was far from always ready to understand why his wife was so often absent from home. Relations gradually worsened. With the beginning of perestroika, the husband lost his job and often began to spend time lying on the couch, sometimes taking a drink.
When Vedeneeva realized that her son sees this model of behavior, she decided to divorce. After the divorce, she managed to keep friendly relations with her husband, and yet she was left alone with her son in her arms.

Yuri Begalov

Tatyana Vedeneeva.

For a while, the host lived alone. Then fate gave her new love. She interviewed a young entrepreneur Yuri Begalov for the Morning program. She did not immediately experience a lightning strike, it was not love at first sight. Tatyana was not ready to build relationships again, and Yuri at that time was still married to another woman, he had two daughters growing up. But they were unbearably drawn to each other.
For a whole year they just met and talked for hours. The conversations did not stop when Tatyana became Yuri's wife and changed her last name to Begalova. They even got married in the church, being confident in the strength of their feelings.

Tatyana Vedeneeva and Yuri Begalov.
The TV presenter was one of the first to send her son to study abroad. Dmitry became a student at a closed school for boys in London. This was the reason for her dismissal from work. She couldn't complete everything. Required documents to train Dima, at work they refused to give her a vacation at her own expense, demanding to send a letter of resignation by fax.
Tatyana was left without a job. She began to accompany her husband on his trips abroad, they lived in Europe for several years. The former presenter at first enjoyed freedom, then she yearned, not finding use for her strength. She tried herself in various fields of activity, and then, together with her husband, opened a family business: their small company is engaged in the production of sauces from organic products.

Tatyana Vedeneeva with her son Dmitry.

In 2000, the family returned to Russia, Vedeneeva was again invited to television, and then she made her debut in the theater. For the first time after graduating from the institute, the actress took the stage at the School of Modern Play theater.
That's just the marriage with Yuri Begalov, she failed to save. At first, the couple moved away from each other, the husband met another woman. Tatyana offered to live separately from each other. It's been like this for several years now.

Tatyana Vedeneeva.

She is still in demand on television and in the theater, does not stop doing family business, proud of his son. Dmitry is over 30 years old, he is successfully engaged in Internet business.
The actress herself has many plans ahead of her. Maybe around the next bend is waiting for her new meeting and new love.