Blond brunettes. Blondes: myths and reality about male color preferences. Let's turn to history

Why do men prefer blondes? Is it a diagnosis or a lifestyle? A diagnosis is when a person is ill with something, but in in this case the question is only about taste and color, and everyone has different preferences. However, in order not to be unfounded, it is worth asking the men themselves. And this is what these men answer.

Andrey, 37 years old:
“I am deeply indifferent to hair color, but I prefer straight, not necessarily long, the main thing - not wavy, and certainly not curls. Wildly likes a simple tail, which girls for some reason do not like. "

Pavel, 33 years old:
“Married. I love either the redhead or the brunette. And what if she is like this, then like that ?! "

Vyacheslav, 40 years old:
“I have a brunette wife. I like this color more than others. "

Maxim, 37 years old:
“He has been married to a natural blonde for 19 years. I liked blondes since childhood. I still like blondes. Do not know. Some kind of brain chemistry, apparently. "

Gregory, 42 years old:
“Since I am dark-haired, strong and stocky, all my life I liked graceful blondes or brown-haired women taller than human growth. And they still like it! "

Alexey, 45 years old:
“The wife is a natural blonde. Blondes were always more popular. Why - but who knows? Lawless Heart".

Yuri, 52 years old:
“My first love was a blonde with brown eyes... Since then, I have preferred just such a combination. "

Sergey, 37 years old:
"In my opinion, the color of the hair has the same meaning as the color of the blouse."

Sergey, 46 years old:
“Actually, hair color is nonsense. As far back as I can remember, women with light pink (to transparent blue) skin have never been liked. I always liked the dark-skinned with olive skin, which means that the eyebrows are black, and the eyelashes are black, and not some kind of indistinct faded. "

Kirill, 32 years old:
“It is absolutely all the same what color of hair. If you want this or that, you can ask your beloved to paint. "

Maxim, 39 years old:
“In front of pretty brown-haired women, I lose the remnants of my will. Indifferent to blondes. About the painted ones I think: “What have you done to yourself? Well, okay, you will come to your senses someday ... "

Andrey, 35 years old:
“Blondness is a real deal! Well, blondes are best seen in the dark of a nightclub - hence the myth about their popularity, I guess. If you get acquainted in the library, then the color of the hair will not matter so much. Personally, I like brunettes more - they are somehow brighter. But have natural blondes the skin is softer - this is probably important for kinesthetics. And they blush charmingly and instantly. This is for the visuals. "

Anton, 33 years old:
“The particular attractiveness of blondes, I think, is a myth. Here is the third size - it's attractive! "

Marat 43 years old:
“Hair color doesn't matter. Or unprincipled. Let him at least shave baldly, like me. It is important for me to be on the same wavelength now. Opposite phase is annoying. Doesn't infuriate, but repels. And hair color does not decide at all. "

Arthur 26 years old:
“I've always liked brunettes, and blondes have always been a sign that this girl is more accessible. I have never met a natural blonde, only dyed a couple of times. I always told them all that with their native color they are much better than with white. "

This is such a variety of opinions, although all together they confirm an ancient truth: all people are different and their tastes are also different. And this is great, because in this state of affairs, any woman with any hair color and absolutely any shape can meet a man who likes exactly those like her. And they will be happy. By the way, pay attention to the voting results of the readers of the men's magazine MAXIM. As you can see, in the Top 100 Most Sexy Women Countries include women with the most in different colors hair, although the first place is still in the dyed blonde.

Program Expert star stylist teach special care per blond hair to preserve their beauty. Watch a video!

What kind of men like blondes

In my experience, greatest success blondes have in regions where women have mostly dark hair. It is not surprising that the Caucasians, Turks, Spaniards, Italians, French, Egyptians and residents of other sunny countries admire blondes most vigorously. I don't think blondes are causing the same sensation in Norway, Sweden or Finland. As for our country, many girls in our country (especially from the provinces) are simply convinced that if they do not dye their hair blonde, then men will not pay attention. To enhance the effect, a denim or leather mini-skirt, tall heels, tights of some incredible color and mesh and, of course, bright combat makeup that can attract not only men, but generally any males from pheasants to baboons.

Well, by the way, this all works wonderfully on males of the corresponding intellect, and they bright girls even create happy families... As for people burdened with a certain taste and a sense of beauty, for them such bright outward signs immediately mean that the girl belongs to a certain profession or social class... There are such stereotypes, nothing can be done about it. But even such men may well fall in love with a blonde, if the general vulgarity of the outfit is not added to the hair color. As we already found out, there is no color preference. And when a person falls in love with you, it is definitely not because you dyed well. And I would like to end the topic with an excellent phrase from one of the survey participants: “Why do we prefer blondes? We prefer everyone - why limit ourselves? ”, Aleksey, 43 years old.

Who is better - brunettes or blondes? This question is cornerstone in implacable female wrestling... "Gentlemen prefer blondes, but marry brunettes" - this famous phrase known to many. But is it really so? Each side has its own advantages.

Marilyn Monroe, with her dyed perhydrol head, gave birth to one of the most enduring myths of recent times - men, like Fortune, prefer blondes. At least Marilyn herself smiled with success only after she parted with a dark hair color.

Since then, hundreds of women have struggled to bleach their hair in the hopes of gaining the coveted power over men and destiny. And the owners of natural blonde hair look down at their dark-haired sisters across the floor.

Although the myth of the universal attractiveness of blondes still raises some doubts. If so, why have dark-haired beauties been winning at all world beauty contests for many years now?

Are brunettes bitchy?

No matter how much I talked with men, most of them painted the image of a typical blonde as a gentle and meek creature, conquering with her femininity. Although many of my friends have noted increased moodiness blonde young ladies. But at the same time, according to the same friends, blondes are much easier to reconcile and are absolutely unforgiving. In addition, it is generally accepted that blondes are more defenseless, less adapted to life, they want to take care of, protect, groom and cherish.

Brunettes, according to most of the stronger sex, have a stronger and tougher character, and besides, they are bitchy. But, the truth is, as the same men assure, the owners of dark-haired hair are more passionate and inventive in bed. In general, according to the majority, dark-haired young ladies are assigned the role of strong, businesslike, confident and femme fatale, which can independently break through in life.

Unfortunately, no scientific research that confirm or refute these ideas do not exist. Personally, I have met natural blondes, both confirming conventional ideas, and completely refuting them.

My friend Vera is a natural blonde with a decisive character and demeanor more like a man. And according to the degree of bitchiness and the ability to achieve the set goal, it will put any brunette in the belt. And my friend, the owner dark brown hair on the contrary, she cannot solve a single issue on her own and men have to constantly take care of her. There are many such examples.

The statement that blondes are less adapted to life, and brunettes are more firmly on their feet, is partly true. But in general, the idea of ​​blond ladies as extremely soft and feminine is primarily dictated by stereotypes, says psychotherapist Andrei Konstantinov. - For example, any hairdresser will say that even to the touch, blond hair is soft, fluffy, light. Blacks are tougher, more stubborn and disobedient. As a result, we subconsciously expect the appropriate behavior from the owners of a particular hair color. Thus, in fact, imposing it on them.

Bloodinka means stupid?

One of the most common stereotypes says that all owners of blonde hair do not shine with intelligence. There are many anecdotes devoted to the alleged stupidity of blondes. And I must admit that many representatives of this fair-headed part of the fair sex do sometimes demonstrate miracles of stupidity.

I remember my blonde classmate Lenochka, who could speak with comprehension of only two things - dresses and gentlemen; the teacher of Russian literature asked me to "do something with my intellectual virginity." Helen in the smoking room then resented the offer made to her for a long time. And at the same time, not without pride, she noted that she parted with her virginity "without the foolish advice of this vulgar." The word "intellectual" was simply ignored by her mind.

Although the same Faith, which I have already mentioned, is reputed to be a special, deeply intellectual.

Scientific evidence of the weakness of the brains of blondes does not yet exist. Moreover, American researchers conducted an intelligence test among women. And as a result ... blondes and brunettes got the highest marks. The second place was taken by brown-haired women. And the least smart were the redheads.

According to Russian scientists, blondes have gained fame as stupid persons because of their paradoxical thinking. The fact is that, as experts say, blondes, due to hormonal differences, are more pronounced purely female logic, which leads to a peculiar way of thinking.

Are blondes more sexy?

Despite the well-established opinion about the temperament of brunettes, blondes, nevertheless, are still considered by many to be more sexy.

An experiment carried out by British scientists partly confirms the myth that women with blonde hair are oversexual.

First, the participants in the experiment were shown brunettes and blondes in photographs and videos. Most men liked brunettes.

After that, eighty girls with different hair colors were invited to the hall. And then as many as 85 percent of the participants in the experiment voted for blondes and redheads.

Scientists explained this inconsistency of opinions by pheromones - specific substances secreted through the pores of the skin. It is pheromones, the smell of which is unconsciously caught, that attract lovers to each other. So, it turned out that natural blondes and redheads emit six times more pheromones than brunettes. Perhaps that is why the myth that "gentlemen prefer blondes" was born.

Sleeping with blondes and marrying brunettes?

However, as numerous polls show, Serious relationships these same gentlemen with blondes prefer not to start. That is, to have a blonde mistress is welcome, but down the aisle it is better with a brunette.

So, for example, according to studies, the results of which were announced on the British television company "Sky News", almost 40 percent of respondents said they would prefer to have an affair with a blonde, 22 percent would agree to have an affair with a redhead. Only 13 percent wanted to have romances with a brunette, and half as many with brown-haired women. But when it came to formalization relationships, 30 percent wanted his wife to be a brunette, 27 percent wanted to tie fate with a brown-haired woman, and only 15 percent were in favor of calling a blonde wife.

Approximately the same opinion, as it turned out, is held by the German and Russian men.

Psychologists explain this by the fact that brunettes give the impression of more serious and reliable women. And geneticists believe that the desire to build a family with brunettes is inherent in men by nature. The fact is that blondes are considered carriers of weaker genes, and brunettes are stronger. Therefore, the offspring of brunettes with more likely will be stronger. Therefore, the stronger sex subconsciously strives to build a family with dark-haired women.

Whom do men still prefer?

According to all the same scientists, brunettes are more to the liking of the stronger sex, who are accustomed to living in a strictly logical system. Those who live more intuitively choose natural blondes in 65 percent of cases. It is curious that in a purely male environment (army, male zone) image beautiful lady almost always has blonde hair.

However, it is not easy to finally determine which men prefer which ladies. Insofar as real life rarely fits into strict rules. So, John Lennon, they say, demanded that his first wife dye her hair blonde. But after she did this, he fell in love with the burning black-haired brunette Yoko Ono, whom he married.

You know?

According to anthropologists, the owners of blond hair did not appear until the end of the ice age as a result of a rare mutation.

And by 2202, German scientists assure, blondes will completely disappear from the face of the Earth. In the last 50 years alone, the number of blondes and blondes has decreased from 49 to 14 percent of the total population of the planet.

There are several reasons for this. First, for a baby to be born blonde, both parents must have blonde hair. Because dark-haired children are always born from brunettes. But in the past fifty years, the number of interethnic and interracial marriages has increased. In addition, in countries dominated by dark color hair, the population is growing steadily. But Europeans - Germans, Scandinavians, Russians, carriers of the "blond gene" - are increasingly limited to one child. The last man with blond hair will be born, according to scientists, in Finland, where the most more blonde people per capita.

Let's summarize?

Benefits of blondes:

1. They are less common and therefore attract attention.
2. Blondes aren't the dumbest. Among them, just like among girls with any other hair color, there are both smart and stupid.
3. They inspire confidence in others.
4. Blondes are more often and easier to get to know, they have many friends and admirers.
5. In order to look bright, the blonde does not need to dye too much. Light makeup and beautifully styled hair - and the blonde catches the admiring glances of men! To become sexy, all she has to do is put on red lipstick, wear tight clothes and stand on heels.
6. Blondes look younger than brunettes, but only if light color hair really suits a woman.
7. Co light color hair in men is associated with softness, tenderness, femininity, kindness and cheerfulness.
8. Well-mannered blondes quickly and easily win over people.
9. Blondes are easier to spot in a crowd.
10. The blonde is a symbol female sexuality... Think of Marilyn Monroe, Pamela Anderson, Sharon Stone.

Benefits of brunettes:

1. There are no stupid jokes about them, and people do not stereotypically perceive brunettes as blondes.
2. Brunettes look smarter and more intelligent.
3. It is easier to start a relationship with a blonde, you will have to fight for the heart of a brunette.
4. Brunettes are passionate, sultry, smart, stylish, bitchy, mysterious and inventive.
5. Brunettes have a bright contrasting appearance.
6. They can wear bright makeup without looking vulgar.
7. Brunettes have fewer annoying fans and obscene offers from men.
8. They are less likely to be suspected of treason, which means that they are less satisfied with scenes of jealousy.
9. It is easier for a brunette to get lost among people, and this is sometimes necessary.
10. The brunettes have beautifully and naturally shine hair, which causes the envy of the surrounding women.

An equally pretty blonde and a brunette will pass in opposite directions, most will turn towards the blonde... It is a fact.

People are watching us from TV screens actresses- that men use more popular than women with dark color hair.
Merlin Monroe, Pamela Anderson, Madonna, Barbie doll, in the end, became famous in part due to your hair color!

In favor of brunettes says also that blondes have overestimated self-esteem and overestimated requirements, which not every man tolerates.

And yet, why blondes?


So, for most men, blondes are indeed more attractive... It's a pleasure to spend time with them and ... no more. As a wife men prefer to take dark-haired, since blondes, in addition to their "stupidity", are also famous hysterical.

So who do gentlemen prefer? They prefer both those and those... A matter of taste, as they say. And the fact that they prefer blondes is just another myth.

But this is what my friend said: “Whatever you say, but when I was dark blond, men paid less attention to me, although I was not deprived of male society. But as soon as I dyed blonde, wherever I was and wherever I went, I see how with men look at me with interest! Anyway, I became myself feel more confident! You can shower me with slippers, but my conclusion is after all, many men like it better »

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Who do men really prefer?

Marilyn Monroe, with her dyed perhydrol head, gave birth to one of the most enduring myths of recent times - men, like Fortune, prefer blondes. At least Marilyn herself smiled with success only after she parted with a dark hair color.

Since then, hundreds of women have struggled to bleach their hair in the hopes of gaining the coveted power over men and destiny. And the owners of natural blonde hair look down at their dark-haired sisters across the floor.

Although the myth of the universal attractiveness of blondes still raises some doubts. If so, why have dark-haired beauties been winning at all world beauty contests for many years now?

So what is true in numerous myths about blondes, and what is fiction?

Are brunettes bitchy?

No matter how much I talked with men, most of them painted the image of a typical blonde as a gentle and meek creature, conquering with her femininity. Although many of my friends have noted the increased moodiness of fair-haired young ladies. But at the same time, according to the same friends, blondes are much easier to reconcile and are absolutely unforgiving. In addition, it is generally accepted that blondes are more defenseless, less adapted to life, they want to take care of, protect, groom and cherish.

Brunettes, according to most of the stronger sex, have a stronger and tougher character, and besides, they are bitchy. But, the truth is, as the same men assure, the owners of dark-haired hair are more passionate and inventive in bed. In general, according to the majority, dark-haired young ladies are assigned the role of a strong, businesslike, confident and fatal woman who can independently break through in life.

Unfortunately, there are no scientific studies to confirm or refute these ideas. Personally, I have met natural blondes, both confirming conventional ideas, and completely refuting them.

My friend Vera is a natural blonde with a decisive character and demeanor more like a man. And according to the degree of bitchiness and the ability to achieve the set goal, it will put any brunette in the belt. And my friend, the owner of dark brown hair, on the contrary, cannot solve a single issue on her own and men have to constantly patronize her. There are many such examples.

The statement that blondes are less adapted to life, and brunettes are more firmly on their feet, is partly true. But in general, the idea of ​​blond ladies as extremely soft and feminine is primarily dictated by stereotypes, says psychotherapist Andrei Konstantinov. - For example, any hairdresser will say that even to the touch, blond hair is soft, fluffy, light. Blacks are tougher, more stubborn and disobedient. As a result, we subconsciously expect the appropriate behavior from the owners of a particular hair color. Thus, in fact, imposing it on them.

Blodinka means stupid ...

One of the most common stereotypes says that all owners of blonde hair do not shine with intelligence. There are many anecdotes devoted to the alleged stupidity of blondes. And I must admit that many representatives of this fair-headed part of the fair sex do sometimes demonstrate miracles of stupidity.

I remember my blonde classmate Lenochka, who could speak with comprehension of only two things - outfits and gentlemen, the teacher of Russian literature asked “to do something with my intellectual virginity”. Helen in the smoking room then resented the offer made to her for a long time. And at the same time, not without pride, she noted that she parted with her virginity “without the foolish advice of this vulgar person.” The word “intellectual” was simply ignored by her mind.

Although the same Faith, which I have already mentioned, is reputed to be a special, deeply intellectual.

Scientific evidence of the weakness of the brains of blondes does not yet exist. Moreover, American researchers conducted an intelligence test among women. And as a result ... blondes and brunettes got the highest marks. The second place was taken by brown-haired women. And the least smart were the redheads.

According to Russian scientists, blondes have gained fame as stupid persons because of their paradoxical thinking. The fact is that, as experts say, blondes, due to hormonal differences, have a more pronounced female logic, which leads to a peculiar way of thinking.

Blondes are sexier

Despite the well-established opinion about the temperament of brunettes, blondes, nevertheless, are still considered by many to be more sexy.

An experiment carried out by British scientists partly confirms the myth that women with blonde hair are oversexual.

First, the participants in the experiment were shown brunettes and blondes in photographs and videos. Most men liked brunettes.

After that, eighty girls with different hair colors were invited to the hall. And then as many as 85 percent of the participants in the experiment voted for blondes and redheads.

Scientists explained this inconsistency of opinions by pheromones - specific substances secreted through the pores of the skin. It is pheromones, the smell of which is unconsciously caught, that attract lovers to each other. So, it turned out that natural blondes and redheads emit six times more pheromones than brunettes. Perhaps that is why the myth that "gentlemen prefer blondes" was born.

Sleep with blondes and marry brunettes

However, as numerous polls show, these same gentlemen with blondes prefer not to have a serious relationship. That is, to have a blonde mistress is welcome, but down the aisle it is better with a brunette.

So, for example, according to studies, the results of which were announced on the British television company "Sky News", almost 40 percent of respondents said they would prefer to have an affair with a blonde, 22 percent would agree to have an affair with a redhead. Only 13 percent wanted to have romances with a brunette, and half as many with brown-haired women. But when it came to formalizing the relationship, 30 percent wanted their wife to be a brunette, 27 percent wanted to tie fate with a brown-haired woman, and only 15 percent spoke in favor of calling a blonde wife.

Approximately the same opinion, as it turned out, is held by German and Russian men.

Psychologists explain this by the fact that brunettes give the impression of more serious and reliable women. And geneticists believe that the desire to build a family with brunettes is inherent in men by nature. The fact is that blondes are considered carriers of weaker genes, and brunettes are stronger. Therefore, the offspring of brunettes are more likely to be stronger. Therefore, the stronger sex subconsciously strives to build a family with dark-haired women.

Whom do men still prefer?

According to all the same scientists, brunettes are more to the liking of the stronger sex, who are accustomed to living in a strictly logical system. Those who live more intuitively choose natural blondes in 65 percent of cases. It is curious that in a purely male environment (army, male zone), the image of a beautiful lady almost always has blonde hair.

However, it is not easy to finally determine which men prefer which ladies. Since real life rarely fits into strict rules. So, John Lennon, they say, demanded that his first wife dye her hair blonde. But after she did this, he fell in love with the burning black-haired brunette Yoko Ono, whom he married.
And as for those same enviable Hollywood stars - to whom did Brad Peet go from the blonde Aniston? To the brunette - Jolie. The place of the blonde Gwynette Paltrow in the life of Ben Affleck was taken by the brunette Jennifer Gardner. True, between these two ladies, he managed to twist an affair with J. Lo, but maybe he never got married, because Jennifer could not decide on her hair color in any way? Ex-husband Jessica Simpson is also now married to the brunette Vanessa Winnillo. In general, the list can be continued for a long time.

So it seems that the main thing in the war of brunettes and blondes is to be yourself. And then in the war you will emerge victorious regardless of the color of your hair.

You know?

According to anthropologists, the owners of blond hair did not appear until the end of the ice age as a result of a rare mutation.

And by 2202, German scientists assure, blondes will completely disappear from the face of the Earth. In the last 50 years alone, the number of blondes and blondes has decreased from 49 to 14 percent of the total population of the planet.

There are several reasons for this. First, for a baby to be born blonde, both parents must have blonde hair. Because dark-haired children are always born from brunettes. But in the past fifty years, the number of interethnic and interracial marriages has increased. In addition, in countries where dark hair color predominates, the population is growing steadily. But Europeans - Germans, Scandinavians, Russians, carriers of the "blond gene" - are increasingly limited to one child. The last person with blonde hair will be born, according to scientists, in Finland, which has the largest number of blonde people per capita.

Of course, this question excites not so much the public as a whole, but so many women themselves. Indeed, in modern world arsenal cosmetics so great that a woman can easily choose who she is: a blonde or a brunette.

If everything is simple with a dark complexion - most women were born with it, then you can remain the same, simply by giving it a shade. But maybe it is worth becoming a blonde? Well, let's try to answer a burning question.

Anthropological facts

In countries with carriers of the blonde gene, there is a tendency towards a decrease in population. In families of Balts, Germans, Slavs and Scandinavians, there is most often one child. But the dark-haired populations of China and India are constantly increasing. Considering the fact that both the father and the mother must be fair-haired for the birth of a blond child, we can come to the conclusion that there will be very few natural blondes after a few generations.

A bit of history

Let's start with historical background, in particular, about blondes. It so happened that the first blonde known in history is mythical. The patroness of love and beauty from the Greek pantheon of gods, born from sea foam - Aphrodite. It was in Greece that women first began to lighten their hair. They were helped by what was available at that time - sour milk from donkeys.

It is believed that Aphrodite was considered the most beautiful goddess in the pantheon of Greek gods precisely because of golden color hair. She was the only blonde among the goddesses. Romans, like all Roman culture, adopted this fashion from Greece.

Only here the method was different - by nature, the dark-haired residents of the Apennine Peninsula spent a lot of time on the roofs of houses, exposing not their bodies to the rays of the sun, but their hair. True, this fashion was widespread mainly among the representatives of the ignorant strata of the population.

During the Middle Ages, any attempts to embellish one's appearance were considered the machinations of the Devil. Therefore, the dark Middle Ages were literally “dark” for women.

The French made a big step in dramatic hair lightening. Well, who would have doubted ?! Hugo, the personal hairdresser of the last Empress of France, Eugenie, was the first to use hydrogen peroxide to lighten hair. Since that time (and this was in the 50s of the XIX century), women all over the world have used this tool.

Cinema, and after it, television, from the beginning of its appearance in the twentieth century, has influenced social canons and values. The emergence of such a concept as "sex symbol" refers to the activities of cinematography. But the first official title of "sex symbol" was given to the dyed blonde Marilyn Monroe.

“And I am a real blonde. But you don't just become a blonde by nature. " (Marilyn Monroe).

Psychology of choice

Why are women interested in this question at all? It's all about how light hair color is perceived. Let's say it's all about psychology. Brunettes, brown-haired women - girls with a dark color are perceived by men as equal to themselves. But this is an obvious fact - they are the majority! Brunettes are strong, loyal, intelligent, active and sincere - such a strong opinion among men about dark-haired. And about blondes the selection of such epithets follows: defenseless, weak, feminine, tender ... It turns out that a blonde woman is twice a woman!

It is noticed that a woman painted in blonde color begins to imitate the accepted image. In her behavior, an unusual touchiness, a certain pretense, ostentatious fragility and defenselessness is manifested. And since recent years ten, the opinion about the stupidity of blondes is being forced, and also infantilism.

Dry statistics

If we summarize the research results in questions male preference, then we can draw the following conclusions: 40% of the interviewed male respondents want an affair with a blonde, but only 15% will take them to the registry office. Only 18% of the respondents want a dark-haired beauty as their mistress, but almost 60% are planning to marry them.

This choice has scientific rationale... Intuitive, along with cool and wide hips, well-developed bust ( positive factors for procreation), the man prefers dark hair- the dominant gene.

But other experiments in which direct contact occurs, be it visual (photo) or direct (meeting), show results in favor of blondes. 7 out of 10 men choose blonde.