How to choose a white men's shirt. How to choose the right size men's shirt. non-classic shirts that a man should have

When trying on, be sure to pay attention to the following details.


The collar of the shirt is framing. If it is chosen unsuccessfully, it will break the whole image. If the collar is too tight, it will compress the neck and cause discomfort. Too loose collar (when four fingers are placed between the neck and collar) also looks bad. Perfect option- when two fingers fit freely between the collar and the neck.

Shoulder seam

If the shoulder seam is too high, then the shirt is too small for you. If it hangs too low, then the shirt is too big. Ideally, the shoulder seam should be located where the arm meets the shoulder joint to allow for freedom of movement.


If the fabric on the chest is very stretched, then the shirt is small for you. If the tucked-in edges of the shirt hang over the belt or the shirt looks baggy, then it's too big for you. Look for smaller size or another brand. An ideal shirt should taper towards the middle, repeating the outlines of the figure.

Sleeve width

Sleeves should not be too tight, otherwise they will restrict freedom of movement. Too loose sleeves, the fabric of which hangs down, is also an unsuitable option. The sleeves of the ideal width fit close enough to the arm, while no more than 2.5-5 centimeters of fabric remain free.


If the cuffs are very tight around the wrists, the shirt is too small for you. If the arm passes freely through the buttoned cuffs, the shirt is large. In both cases, you can change the button, but first try on a shirt in a different size. If you normally wear watches, find the perfect cuffs for them.

Sleeve length

If the sleeves end above the knuckle of the wrist, they are too short for you. Try on shirts from other brands. If the sleeves partially cover the palm, they will have to be shortened. Ideal sleeves cover only the wrist.

Hem length

If the shirt barely covers the belt, it is short for you. If the hem also covers the fly, then it is long, try on a smaller size. Ideally, the hem should end a few inches below the belt so that the shirt won't come out when you raise your arms.

Just remember that no ready-made shirt from the store can fit perfectly. For her to sit, you have to take her to the studio.

The right choice of wardrobe can affect different areas of activity and life situations, so men with great responsibility approach the question of how to choose the right shirt for men. In addition, thanks to the developments of stylists and designers, the range of shirts is replete with a variety of styles, colors, and styles. It can be classic shirts, model options, bright summer styles and sports options.

When choosing a shirt, stylists advise considering criteria such as general style in the clothes of a man, his age, field of activity, character and lifestyle. Important is correct selection size, otherwise even the most beautiful and fashion shirt it will look ridiculous. Special attention deserve ways to combine the colors and prints of the shirt with other wardrobe items.

To decide how to choose a shirt for a man, you need to understand the classifications and styles of such a wardrobe item. Stylists advise men to first of all distinguish a classic shirt from sports models, knowing their features and distinctive features. Classic shirts have the following properties:

  • concise and restrained colors;
  • the absence of pockets and prints on them, let's say a barely noticeable pattern;
  • rigid form of the collar to wear a tie;
  • curved shape of the bottom of the shirt;
  • fine weaving and softness of the fabric.

Sports shirts can be radically different from the classics, be bright in color and print, with decorative elements, short, loose or tapered models, with a soft collar different shapes or without it at all. Next, a man should familiarize himself with the main styles of shirts that designers and fashion designers offer today. Namely:

  • SlimFit fitted shirt for men with an athletic figure;
  • classic shirt under pantsuit and a tie;
  • Custom fit shirt free cut under any figure for a combination with a jacket.

Three models of shirts are recognized as real men's classics, the first model is more suitable for young and strong men, the other two are universal and can look spectacular on a man of any age and configuration. No less important is the shirt collar, which is an indicator of style and male fashion. Today stylists advise to distinguish the following types collars:

  • wide French shark collar with flared edges;
  • butterfly collar, in the stand of which the sharp edges recede on the sides at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • tab collar with a jumper-constriction and a fastener with a button or button;
  • batten down tight stand-up collar turn-down shape with elongated edges fastened to the shirt;
  • wide rectangular crombie collar with downturned edges;
  • collar variably sealed with standing edges that do not touch the shirt;
  • tangerine collar in the form of a narrow strip, fitting the neck due to the standing position.

Expert opinion

Helen Goldman

Male stylist-image maker

Many men underestimate the importance of a collar on a shirt. In fact, the classic collar is designed for men with a square face shape, an elongated collar will suit a chubby man or the owner of long neck. A wide collar will favorably emphasize the lines of a triangular or narrow face shape.

How to determine the size of a shirt?

The most faithful is her fitting. At this time, you need to pay attention to several indicators, namely:

  1. Collar. It should not constrain a man, but it should not be too spacious when buttoned up. The distance from it to the neck according to etiquette is 1-2 cm, which is equal to two fingers of the hand.
  2. Sleeves. They should slightly cover the wrists so that the top line of the seam is located strictly at shoulder level. In combination with a jacket, according to etiquette, the cuffs should be 2 cm longer than the sleeve of the jacket.
  3. Style. For men of a large build, shirts of a loose fit are suitable, slim men fitted models are advised.
  4. Length. If the shirt is worn under trousers, it is tucked in accordingly, so an elongated version will be needed. For an informal way of wearing out, cropped models are preferred.
  5. Convenience. When trying on a shirt, you need to pay attention to how it sits in the area of ​​​​the shoulders, armpits, in the back and chest area, so that there is no feeling of tightness. You need to try to spread your arms to the sides, raise their top and bend at the elbows.

If a man does not have the opportunity to try on, several measurements should be taken with a measuring tape, namely the diameter around the waist, chest, neck, and also measure the length of the sleeve. The numbers are then compared with dimensional grid, calculating your size in the following table:

Size chart for men's shirts

Choice of fabric and quality

To choose a shirt for a man that will last more than one year, you need to pay attention first of all to its quality and production materials. In addition, the fabric can directly affect the health of a man, for example, if he is prone to allergic reactions. A 100% cotton shirt is perfect for a classic trouser suit.

Synthetic additives can actually only improve the quality of a shirt if no more than 10% is provided. For casual style, stylists advise shirts made of silk, linen and denim, linen shirts will help protect against cold season of the year. Denim models are more suitable for grunge style or a sports wardrobe, a lot depends on their style and cut. Quality models come first famous brands men's clothing.

Color solutions

Directly depends on her style, general image and the man's attire, as well as the nature of the event to which the shirt will be worn. Stylists believe that White shirt should be in everyone's wardrobe modern man, regardless of age and style of clothing.

Do you wear brightly colored shirts?


For everyday wear, you should prefer plain calm colors, 2-3 are allowed. color combinations in her. Pastel shades suitable for official meetings, bright colors- for recreational activities.


In the wardrobe of a modern man there should be several shirts at once, differing in style, color solution, style load. One should be classic and discreet in colors for work and formal occasions, the other should be spacious and calm for everyday wear, regardless of the events in life. You also need to have a model in your wardrobe that will be bright, stylish for holidays and meetings with friends. It remains only to calculate your size and the ideal style for the figure.

Today on the website we will talk about our dads, gentlemen, friends, or rather about very important element their clothes. Where are they shirtless? But they themselves rarely pick it up, but usually they are guided by our opinion or choice. But in order for a man to come up, and we like it - and it is advisable to do it at an accelerated pace, otherwise we know how they like to go shopping ?!

And if we choose a shirt as a gift (without a man), then this issue becomes even more difficult.

How to choose a men's shirt: fabric

Very important aspect. Wearing it should be both pleasant and comfortable, and so that by the end of the day you can go to the theater in it. So be sure to pay attention to quality! The best shirts with high content cotton. But not many of them will suit the price, so it is optimal to choose a fabric with a content of 35%: 65% cotton and polyester, respectively. Such a shirt will look decent and not cause discomfort.

Silk also not bad, but hardly suitable for daily wear. In addition, a matching suit is required for silk shirts, which can be more than expensive.

Synthetics Say a big, bold NO! They do not look very good, they sit about the same, and besides this, it is unpleasant to be in them in the heat, because they do not absorb moisture. Now, if you are concerned about which shirt to choose for someone who is "a scoundrel and a scoundrel" - then take synthetics!

Synthetics may be present in the fabric of the shirt, but only in small quantities. Due to this, it will last longer.

How to choose a shirt by color

It all depends on where the shirt will be worn: in the office, at a party, and maybe even at home.

The "office" shirt should be combined with a suit and tie. Mainly selected light shades that are not conspicuous. Black or shirts dark colors not suitable for the office. Drawings may be present on a business shirt, but these should not be Hawaiian patterns, but a small check or a thin strip. But in this case, neither the tie nor the suit should have such patterns. Too subtle taste must be possessed in order to combine them correctly.

To choose a shirt for a man by color, take a closer look at his eye color - choose a similar shade and you won’t go wrong!

An important point: when choosing a shirt, it is important to consider how it will set off the face of a man. Correct shade will only show it in the best possible light.

How to choose a shirt for a man with a yellowish skin tone? – Avoid yellow, gray and light green shirts. Tanned and swarthy should not pick up shirts with red-brown or orange hues. And if you doubt the color, then choose a white or beige shirt - you will not lose. But the color Ivory better bypass.

How to choose the right shirt: consider the details

Collar. Fashion does not stand still now, so you can choose any form. But collars for a tie and bow ties are different, so don't confuse.

Buttons. Since the top must be buttoned up, you need to choose a shirt so that there is no discomfort in wearing. And the buttonholes must be overcast by hand - the quality of work cannot be confused with anything.

How to choose a shirt? Look at seams. They make it clear about the level of quality of the product in your hands. You can rely on this, and only then on color, pattern, etc.

cuffs must be peeking out from under the jacket. They can be cufflinks or buttons. Everything is clear with the latter, but cufflinks should be discreet in everyday wear. And for the holiday you can precious stones, and with screaming inscriptions, and in the form of various forms.

Pockets. Business shirts are usually without pockets. However, shirts not meant to be worn under a jacket may well have them. And not them, but his: one pocket at chest level.

How to choose a shirt size

This is a rather time-consuming process if you want to end up with a perfectly purchased shirt. We'll have to quietly take measurements from the "victim" at night.

The marking that is indicated on the shirt rarely coincides with reality. The choice of a good shirt is based on collar size, sleeve length and height of the man. A shirt looks perfect when it doesn't puff, bubble, or wrinkle.

collar size taken from the calculation of the girth of the neck plus 1-2 cm. If you select a centimeter by a centimeter, then the shirt will squeeze the throat. But a large gap is unacceptable. With a tightened tie, the collar should look perfect.

Sleeve shirts, in addition to protruding from the sleeve of the jacket, should start from the edge of the shoulder so that the shirt looks (and was, in general) in size.

A with growth everything is easier. This criterion can be found out either in a conversation (if the shirt is a surprise), or asked directly, or determined “by eye” (but the eye must be truly “diamond”). The error when choosing a shirt is 2-3 cm.

Let's sum up all of the above. How to choose a shirt for a man? You need to know the volume of his neck, height, sleeve length, the man's preferences in color and the "territory" of the socks. Using our recommendations, you will be pleasantly surprised when you see a gifted man in a new shirt.

Alina ceme_4ka - especially for the site

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A shirt is an indispensable attribute of every man's wardrobe. Therefore, you should know how to choose the right shirt for a man.

First you need to make out which shirts exist and what they are combined with.

  • Classic shirt- Fits perfectly with the suit. Also goes well with trousers. The constant rule of such a shirt: the bottom is tucked in! It is not recommended (even forbidden by stylists) to wear it with jeans. A special feature when choosing a classic shirt is that it should be made of 100% cotton, and fashion magazines shout about the inadmissibility of silk. This type of shirt should always be long-sleeved. Solid collar, no pockets, and, of course, light colors. Cuffs in such shirts are often fastened with cufflinks, although buttons can sometimes be found. Cufflink shirts look great under tuxedos. But buttons can also decorate a shirt, because some manufacturers put a lot of emphasis on them, decorating them with branded (and not quite) engraving, as well as precious stones.
  • Sports shirt Pairs well with jeans, skinny pants and chinos. Can be worn tucked in or free form. The cuffs are fastened with buttons. For tailoring, coarser materials are used than in classic shirts. Patterns, colors and textures are available in a much larger range. On sports shirts, you can also find pockets.

On a note! Skinny trousers are trousers that are narrow throughout their length (hence the name Skinny). Chinos are trousers narrowed to the bottom, in which instead of a lock on the fly there are buttons, the pockets in the front are beveled, and in the back they are straight and mortise.

Determine why you need a shirt: for going out or for an everyday callout, and then you can decide on its look and things to wear it under.

How to choose the color of the shirt?

If you choose the right color, then the shirt will paint you, and vice versa - you can look ridiculous in a color that does not suit you.

Here important role plays your appearance color type: if your skin is pale, then choose clothes in cold shades. What if you have skin? warm tone, then both warm and cold colors will suit you.

Shirts should match the suit. win-win always remains white. Suits black and gray color are universal, and shirts of any colors are suitable for them. Under blue suit you should take shirts of white, lilac, blue and purple shades.

Under brown - white, pink, yellow and ivory. If your suit is blue, then take a white and purple shirt. And if your suit is beige, then white, yellow and ivory are better.

It is important to choose a shirt lighter than a suit and complement it with a dark tie (darker than a shirt, lighter than a suit).

What about prints? Stripes, cells - all this must be successfully combined. Under such a shirt, it is better to wear a plain suit. But if you want to take a chance and combine prints, then let them be of the same type, and the pattern on the shirt should be more frequent than on the jacket.

How to choose eye color

Do you want to choose a shirt to match the color of your eyes and thus emphasize them? Let's figure it out here.

  • If you are a blue or gray-blue eyes, then you will go shirts in blue or blue.
  • If you are brown-eyed, then choose yellowish colors.
  • If your brown eyes are inherent gray shade, then use blue and blue tones for making the eyes brighter.
  • It will be good for green-eyed men to opt for purple and lilac flowers shirts.
  • Choose so that everything matches in color and well emphasizes your dignity.

How to choose a shirt size?

How to choose the right shirt size so that it fits perfectly on a man? To date, the size of the shirts is the same as the size of the clothes: S - 46-48; M - 48-50; L - 50-52; XL - 54-56; XXL - 56-58.

Even if the size matches, you should always check and try on clothes. The first determining factor is the collar, which should be a centimeter and a half away from the neck. Simply put, if you can freely place two fingers between the collar and the neck, then all is well.

The connection of the arm with the shoulder joint - location shoulder seam which will allow you to move freely. A shirt that fits you well should not be too tight or baggy.

The sleeves should have no more than 2.5-5 centimeters of loose fabric, close enough to the arm, but not too narrow - then be sure that they fit perfectly. The ideal length of sleeves is when they cover only the wrists.

If your arm passes freely through the buttoned cuff, then this shirt is clearly too big for you. But if you are a watch lover, then you need to take this into account when trying on. Also, do not forget that the cuffs should protrude from under the sleeves of the jacket by literally two centimeters, no more.

How to choose a shirt that will fit properly

The hem of the shirt should be a few centimeters below the belt and slightly cover the buttocks. Do not choose too short or vice versa long shirts because it's untidy.

Pay attention also to the types of shirt silhouettes:

  • classic - one of the most common silhouettes, does not hinder movement, and the owner feels quite comfortable; don't wear too much thin men;
  • adjacent - when choosing, be extremely careful, it can greatly hamper your movements; well emphasizes the figure and suits slender, with a good physique;
  • semi-adjacent - suitable for thin men, can hamper movement, but not as much as the previous type, is popular in young individuals; in light colors can be suitable for formal settings;
  • fitted - for men with athletic build who do not have excess weight, universal for people with a body of average build.

If the thing does not sit on you as it should, the studio will serve as a solution to this problem, where they can adjust the clothes to your parameters.

The choice of quality is above all!

Choose shirt good quality is one of the main points. Not always expensive shirts may actually be of good quality.

Pay attention to fabric and texture. The best are made from natural fabrics. They should feel soft and smooth to the touch.

Shirt buttons must be even and correspond to the number, size and location of holes for them. Most shirts also have several spares (either on the information label or just on the wrong side).

In quality shirts, the back inside of the collar should be made in two layers. And finally, if the line is from the inside in one row, then the quality of the clothes is good, you can safely choose it.


Collars are an important part of shirts, which often determine the formality of the outfit. When choosing a shirt, you need to pay attention to the stiffness of the collars. If you want to match a shirt with a tie, then the collar should be stiff. Sometimes special bones can be inserted. The ends of the collars should not come out from under the jacket. Tie knots should never stick out the ends of the collars.

When choosing a shirt, pay attention to the type of collar that matches your facial features, which will allow you to choose more matching outfit. Consider the three most common types today.

  1. The Kent type collar is quite versatile. Most suitable for people with an oval, square or pear-shaped face, although many argue that it suits people of completely different physiques.
  2. The Button-Down type is more typical for informal shirts not requiring a tie. A feature is its long edges, which are attached with buttons to the shirt.
  3. We can refer to the formal collar of the Windsor type (also known as Spread), which is conducive to various forms ties and bow ties. Good for men with triangular, diamond or elongated shape faces.

If you have a fairly wide, round or square shape, then you can visually narrow it by wearing a shirt with sharp corners of the collar. And if, on the contrary, your face is thin with straight sharp features, then more rounded collars can soften it.

If your shirt has a soft collar, never wear a tie underneath! This is unacceptable.

A properly sized men's shirt can turn even the most ordinary-looking man into an elegant handsome man. But often men buy a shirt for her appearance and do not particularly pay attention to the most important thing - her Exact size. As a result, it looks like “from someone else’s shoulder”, and does not bring joy to its owner. Now we will tell you how to find out your shirt size.

According to the circumference of the neck

Most convenient way- measurement of the circumference of the neck. This is done with the help of a tailor's centimeter, which must be circled around the neck along the line of an imaginary shirt collar - it is two centimeters above the place where the neck connects to the shoulders. Add 1 cm to the resulting length (for a free fit) - this will be the exact value. Now remember your shirt size:

  • S - neck circumference 37-38 cm;
  • M - neck circumference 39-40 cm;
  • L - neck circumference 41-42 cm;
  • XL - neck circumference 43-44 cm;
  • XXL - neck circumference 45-46 cm.

These international designation Sizes can be found on the shirt label under the collar.

Neck circumference and sleeve length

Many manufacturers on the shirt label instead overall size indicate two numbers through a fraction sign, for example, 40/86. In this case, the number “40” indicates the circumference of the neck, and the number “86” indicates the length of the sleeve. Knowing these two values, you can choose a shirt even more accurately. And if you have already measured the circumference of the neck, let's say it is “40”, then the length of the sleeve still needs to be calculated:

  1. Stand straight and ask an assistant to measure the distance from the protruding vertebra at the base of the neck to the shoulder joint. Record this reading, for example, 25 cm.
  2. Now let the assistant with the help of a centimeter fix the second length: from the shoulder joint to the middle of the bone, which is located on the outside immediately in front of the hand. Record this reading as well, say 61 cm.
  3. Add 25 cm and 61 cm. As a result, you will get your sleeve length, which will be 86 cm.

And you can ask the seller to pick you a shirt with the designation on the label 40/86.

As indicated on the label

It also happens that the shirt you like has a verbal designation: Small, Medium, Large, X-Large, XX-Large. In this case, you should know that:

  • “Small” corresponds to a neck girth of 37-38 cm and a sleeve length of 81-84 cm;
  • “Medium” - neck circumference 39-40 cm and sleeve length 81-84 cm;
  • “Large” - neck circumference 41-42 cm and sleeve length 85-89 cm;
  • “X-Large” corresponds to a neck circumference of 43-44 cm and a sleeve length of 85-89 cm;
  • “XX-Large” - neck circumference 45-46 cm and sleeve length 89-92 cm.

According to the Russian designation of clothing sizes

The above designations are universal European. They can be fully adapted to the generally accepted Russian sizes. If you know your Russian size, then the following information will also be useful to you:

  • European "S" - Russian 46;
  • European "M" - Russian 48;
  • European "L" - Russian 50;
  • European "XL" - Russian 52;

Try to buy shirts in specialized stores, where you will be spared the risk of buying low-quality goods and where you will definitely be offered to try on the product you like. In doing so, keep in mind that:

  • The collar, when buttoned, should not dig into the neck. Two fingers superimposed on each other should enter between the neck and collar.
  • Try on a shirt only in tandem with a jacket. The sleeves of the shirt should peek out from under the sleeves of the jacket by 1 cm.
  • The cuff of the shirt should fit snugly around the wrist, but at the same time give an opportunity to look at the dial of the watch.
  • Pay attention to the composition of the fabric from which the shirt is sewn. It is desirable that it was not completely cotton, but contained 5-10% synthetic materials. This small percentage will prevent the shirt from shrinking on the first wash. But if you want to buy pure cotton shirts, then buy the most expensive models. They are sewn from fabrics pre-treated with hot steam - they will not shrink when washed.

If you yourself are not able to determine the size of the shirt, then a consultant will definitely help you. trading floor. He will take the necessary measurements and offer you different variants textiles. You will only need to choose the shirt you like and wear it with pleasure.