Ivory-colored foundation is suitable for anyone. Choose a shade of foundation to match your skin color. Palm or wrist test


"In the right tone"

After I talked about, it's time to talk about the next step - tonal means. Today they are presented on the market in such a variety that they literally dazzle.

You must either remember exactly what you used the previous 50 years, and come to the store with the coveted tube covered with the dust of centuries to buy another one of the same, or clearly enough to imagine what foundation you need. Well, of course, in general it is understandable as it is - the best and most flawless, but it doesn't hurt to rely on some objective guidelines either.

First, let's think about what we need a foundation for. Someone needs it to give the skin beautiful shade, to someone - to mask skin imperfections, to someone for additional protection skin from frost, sun or wonderful invigorating cocktail from the periodic table air of the metropolis, and someone also wants to even out the heterogeneous complexion.

Calm, only calm. All these desires can be satisfied. Only tonal means for this will need different. And they will differ primarily in textures.

Light and gentle

The lightest foundations are liquid fluids. They are very easily absorbed into the skin and spread well over it.

The effect they give on the face is to correct the color of the skin: such means even out the overall tone of it and make it healthier, more beautiful (still, who will produce a foundation that gives the skin an earthy tint?).

The advantages of such funds are an inconspicuous coating, very natural look skin, as well as the fact that, due to their light texture, they do not accumulate in wrinkles, folds of the skin, pores, etc. The disadvantages include the fact that these transparent foundations absolutely do not mask skin imperfections, such as dilated blood vessels, inflammation or enlarged pores.

Half a tone lower

Too easy? Okay, let's move on to more serious comrades. Let's take a foundation.

As its name suggests, its texture is not liquid, but creamy, due to which it is less absorbed and gives a denser coating. Here, of course, nuances are possible. Some cream is denser, some more saturated with pigment, some on the contrary, gives a more delicate result. Such creams can give on the skin both a completely opaque coating and moderately mask, moderately tone and moisturize.

pros foundation creams: they can mask minor skin imperfections well enough, significantly correct the complexion, protect the skin from wind and frost due to their rich texture. Cons, as usual, stem from the pros: a denser coating is much more difficult to apply so that the face looks natural - careful shading and a fairly accurate match with the original skin tone are necessary; a thicker texture can accumulate in wrinkles and folds (for example, nasolabial) and ugly to emphasize them.

Shrouded in mystery

But this is not the limit. You can take an even denser foundation - a compact foundation.

In texture, it no longer resembles a cream, but a thick balm, just not so oily. As a rule, sponges (cosmetic sponges) are attached to such products for their application. And it is with the sponge that interesting nuance their application: they can be applied both with a dry sponge and wet. A dry sponge will give a thick, dense coverage, while a wet sponge will slightly “dilute” the product, make it more fluid and allow it to spread more evenly and thinly on the skin.

The advantages of such funds are obvious: excellent covering ability allows you to practically draw yourself new skin, no matter what horrors the real one showed to the mirror. Those of the tonal bases that are fatter, also wonderfully protect the skin in bad weather, since their layer is not absorbed, but remains on the surface. But many still do not like thick tonal foundations, since it is almost impossible to make them invisible on the face, at least in daylight. In reality, the skin is never so uniform, without color nuances, and even without pores. For evening make-up, this option is much preferable. In addition, such a dense texture can clog the pores of the owners problem skin, who just want to most often mask flaws and defects as much as possible.

Seven-flowered flower

In addition to the texture, we should also be interested in the shade of the chosen product. There are a lot of options. Different brands have in the palette different colors, and even the same brand may have different shades of different tonal products, so universal way there is no color matching. However, there are some rules to follow.

Firstly, all the colors of the foundation are divided into those having a pinkish or yellowish tint. The same can be said about natural shades human skin... The rule of opposites applies here: if on pink skin apply a pink foundation, then you will lead the complexion into an unhealthy rosacea, and if you apply a yellow-beige tint to your yellowish skin, then only a Japanese will envy your amazing complexion.

Shades with a yellowish base are usually designated by the manufacturer as beige (for example, "beige naturel"), and pink, in addition to the obvious "rose", are often hidden under names such as "petal" or "porcelaine".

However, the names can rarely help here: often, when inventing a name, the fantasy of manufacturers takes them to such transcendental heights that any information content is completely lost. A good example can serve as a foundation Skin Tonic (Givenchy): it is represented by such shades as "dragee", "macadamia", "vanilla", "praline", "cognac" and even "tiramisu". Sounds very tasty, however.

The other extreme is when tonal means are numbered with mysterious combinations of two, three or four digits... At the same time, if the numbers do not go in order, then it is difficult even to navigate the stand with probes, since it is completely unclear which tube to open in order to see “something half a tone lighter”.

Color and light

The second rule is obvious: the foundation should match your complexion as much as possible. Faces, not hands. It is possible and even necessary to try shades of funds on your hand, but for acceptance final decision This is not enough. Try to clean at least part of your face from makeup (fortunately, in large stores you can always find testers of makeup removers and cotton pads / wipes) and try the shade chosen "by hand" directly on it. Do not forget to test it under different lighting conditions, since after leaving the store lamps, fluorescent light can present you with an unpleasant surprise - a mismatch in shades.

But there is also something else about foundation that I would like to tell. Namely - the special tasks that some foundations perform, for the special needs of the skin. And next time I will tell you exactly about this.

With the help of a foundation, you can give your face an even, radiant tone. However, it is important to know how to choose a suitable shade of foundation so that the face as a result of makeup does not resemble a mask.

In the production of cosmetics, many brands develop 10-15 different shades within one line of tonal creams. The lightest are often called "porcelain", "ivory", and the most saturated - "sand", "caramel". If the foundation is sold in a transparent package, then it should be borne in mind that it may look completely different on the skin.

In addition, they allow them to literally blend in with the skin color, adjusting to it. Therefore, you should never choose shades of foundation by the color of the tube or the image in the catalog. Test for own skin- this is mandatory procedure, guaranteeing one hundred percent hit.

The wrong tone will ruin even perfectly applied makeup. At a minimum, the face will appear unnatural, not in harmony with the skin tone of the neck, shoulders and arms.

1. Before buying a product, be sure to use a tester or probe. It is best to apply the test tone to the lower cheekbone - here it is easiest to assess the compatibility of the cream with the skin on both the face and neck. A test on the inside of the elbow or on the back of the hand often gives the wrong result. It is advisable to try several similar shades in order to choose the most suitable one;

2. You should definitely try foundation on an unpainted face and in daylight. Even if in the store it seems that the shade fits perfectly, you should go outside and re-evaluate the result. It is worth considering that the foundation will be absorbed and will manifest itself as much as possible on the skin 5-7 minutes after application. If it's hard to choose between the two suitable shades, it is better to prefer the lighter;

3. In addition to the visual effect, it is worth listening to how the tested cream feels on the skin. If there is a feeling of tightness or, on the contrary, a greasy film, then such a tone will look far from ideal in a few hours. It is worth taking a closer look at a product from another line or from another manufacturer;

4. The main criterion when choosing is its invisibility on the skin, i.e. when shading, there are no visible boundaries between toned and natural skin;

5. Professional makeup artists strongly do not recommend choosing a foundation darker than the natural tone of the face. Most often, such a tone will look unnatural, and it will be quite difficult to apply it evenly on the face. Particularly contraindicated dark base elderly women;

6. Often when answering the question "How to choose a foundation tone?" it is recommended to take a shade one tone lighter than the natural skin tone of the face. In France, there is even a saying on this score: "One tone lighter - 10 years younger!"... This technique is especially good when preparing a face for a photograph. However, excessively light cream will make the face pale and painful. Perfect option- foundation one tone lighter;

7. Particularly carefully select the shade of the cream with a dense texture, because light translucent products merge better with the skin tone. When choosing, it should be borne in mind that a foundation with a dense texture will appear darker when applied than a thinner and lighter product;

8. Many brands of the luxury segment offer modern foundations containing so-called optical pigments that scatter light. Such funds allow you to create the effect of an even, rested face.

If you have experience in mixing different shades, then you can take a foundation for tone darker than skin persons and. By mixing the base tone and base, you can achieve the perfect shade.

Two shades of foundation will also come in handy if there is a desire to practice correcting the oval of the face. To give the face a shape close to ideal, an oval is mentally outlined on it. With a tonal cream of a darker shade, everything that remains outside the border of the oval is worked through, and the inner part is covered with a lighter tone. All borders are carefully shaded.

How to match foundation color based on skin color

If the existing foundation differs from the skin of the face by more than 2 tones, then it should be abandoned without regret - such a difference is almost impossible to smooth out, even by adding a light base to the cream.

If the foundation was purchased in the fall, when the skin is still covered with summer tan, then it is likely that it will have to be changed by winter. existing foundation can be mixed with. Then the coating will not be as dense and visually appear lighter.

If the shade of the foundation is chosen correctly, then the toned face will look fresh and in harmony with the skin of the neck, shoulders and décolleté.

Perfectly matched foundation will be the basis for any makeup: evening and daytime, holiday and everyday.

Most of the foundations have a sandy or beige undertone, but if you set your goal, you will find a foundation with a pinkish undertone - it is this that allows you to achieve the freshest complexion. Of course, like any other shade, it needs to be matched to the skin color (it is better to test on the neck, not on the wrist), but still, the barely noticeable pink pigment instantly makes the face look more youthful.

Wide eyebrows

This is a well-known axiom. Thin eyebrows- visually add age, wide ones - make you younger. If nature has not rewarded you with such eyebrows, then just create them using makeup - we have already told you how to do this.


Peach blush

Blush is a miracle remedy that can both add 10 years to you, and, on the contrary, make your image much fresher and more youthful. When choosing a blush, give up the red shades, preferring peach or pale pink, apply them only to the apples of the cheeks and blend well.

Eyelash accent

Lush eyelashes allow you to visually "open your eyes" and make your eyes expressive. With age, the cilia tend to thin out, so your main task is to be able to create a fan-shaped volume. To do this, it would still be nice to make friends with a curler and choose mascara that suits your eyelashes. When buying a curler, make sure that it is tight enough - you must make an effort to squeeze it to the end. Only such a tool will help you achieve desired effect and curl your eyelashes with high quality.

Lack of eyeliner

Arrows and eyeliner are great, but still even young girl they can make them a little older. Try to give them up in benefit easy haze of shadows along the line of the eyelash, and you will notice that this everyday makeup make you look younger.

Lip gloss

Despite the fact that matte lipsticks are in vogue, it is lip gloss with a "wet" effect that is an anti-aging tool. The fact is that lipstick tends to roll into the wrinkles of the lips, and matte does not give them volume at all. If you are faced with the task of “throwing off” 5 years, then rely on glitters - you will not go wrong.

Refusal of powder

First, completely matte face not in vogue now. Secondly, a layer of powder is the surest way to “age” with makeup. Rather, you can’t imagine! Powder tends to emphasize fine wrinkles that were completely invisible to the naked eye. What to do? Replace it with matting wipes - just dab your face in problem areas when necessary, but do not powder.

Eye patches before makeup

Many patches under the eyes cannot boast of a prolonged caring effect, but they are simply irreplaceable before make-up! Before starting the make-up, stick on the patches for 10-15 minutes: the skin will tighten, become a little more elastic, and it will be easier for you to apply concealer. So it's better to have patches on hand in a cosmetic bag, and not on a shelf with care products.

Reflective Particle Concealer

The foundation of anti-age makeup is a concealer that allows you to hide under eye circles. It should be applied in a thin layer, blending well and dusting with a fluffy brush for durability. But if you choose a mower that contains reflective particles, then you kill two birds with one stone - hide the bruises and do fine wrinkles less noticeable. Such a concealer should not have obvious shimmer and shine, but subtle particles reflect light and visually hide any imperfections.

Light eyeshadow

Alas, everyone's favorite Smokey Eyes is stylish and beautiful, but it does not diminish the years. On the contrary, after 35 years with similar makeup the eye must be very careful. And here are the light shadows of fashionable pastel shades with a slight shimmer (but not pearlescent!) - great option for every day, making you fresher and more youthful. Beige, pale pink, peach, mint - these shades of eyeshadow work wonders.

Nature has not presented everyone with a perfect and problem-free facial skin that does not require correction. Some, to correct natural imperfections, have to use tonal creams, which are used both as a base for makeup and as protection from weather influences.

But, not understanding thathow unmistakably choose a foundation to match your skin color, you can achieve completely opposite results in their appearance. To prevent similar situations there are certain guidelines that are worth listening to.

It is impossible to use make-up products without understanding the color type of your face and not fully understanding what a tone is. Some people confuse this definition with connotation.

The tone depends on the amount of melanin(pigment) in the structural surface of the skin and does not change under any conditions: neither under the sun, with sunburn, nor in the cold season, nor with unwanted rashes.

He might be:

  • Cold;
  • Warm;
  • Neutral;
  • Olivkov.

It is recommended to select a foundation for skin color in accordance with the main 4 color types, which are conventionally named: "Winter", "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn". These criteria are used not only by common women, but also professional cosmetologists.

A pink-cheeked girl does not necessarily have a warm skin tone.... In order to find out which color type the skin belongs to, you need to perform 3 simplest small tests, observing certain conditions.

They are as follows:

  1. Check Recommended for indoor use with medium-power natural light. The fact is that different lamps give the face various shades that can interfere with the experiment.
  2. Skin before testing must be completely cleaned of cosmetics, tonic, lotion. After cleaning, you need to wait 15 minutes, as the scrub can also affect the skin color.

There are several methods for determining the color type of the skin.

Almost every primary color (except orange) can be decomposed into its cold and warm components. Overtone and undertone. This color palette contains warm and cold shades of the same color.

Wrist Vein Color Test girls with bluish veins will indicate that their tone is cold. If the veins are greenish, then their owners are warm-skinned. If this definition is embarrassing for a lady, then her face tone is neutral.

For those girls whose face appears white or pale against a background of white paper, the skin is considered warm. Owners of a cold tone have a reddish or pinkish tint.

It is convenient to determine the color type of the skin using gold and silver jewelry - for the test, you can put rings of different metals on the fingers of one hand.

Who olive color, the skin will give off a grayish tint against the background of white paper. If none of the above shades is observed, then the tone of this face is neutral.

A woman's fondness for silver or gold jewelry also indicates skin tone. Silver lovers - cold tone, for those who prefer gold - warm. You can also determine this by using silver or gold foil, applying them to the face or wrist.

Tanning also indicates skin tone. Tanning perfectly "lays down" on skin with a lot of melanin, which has a warm or natural tone. "Cold-skinned" badly sunbathe and burn.

How to choose a foundation for your skin color: basic rules

A well-chosen make-up is a guarantee of an irresistible image. After all, only this cosmetic product disguises defects and emphasizes natural charm... Otherwise, even attractive woman can age itself or turn the face into a frozen mask.

The main advice of makeup artists on how to choose a foundation to match your skin color is the requirement to adhere to a natural complexion when applying makeup. To determine your cream, you need to properly test.

They do it like this:

  1. The day before, prepare the skin in advance: Exfoliate to remove dead skin cells and then moisturize.
  2. Cream selection it is necessary to carry out in the presence of natural light, when it will be clear and sunny. But nevertheless, it is better to leave the building with the cream applied on the cheek to make sure once again that the choice has been made correctly.
  3. Not recommended analyze the cream on the wrist. The color of the hand is significantly different from the face.

Basic natural skin tones for women.

Interesting fact! Experts recommend choosing for makeup not only one foundation suitable for skin color, but also a second shade lighter (no more than one) for application in the eye area, and a third, darker one, for the nose and emphasizing the contour of the face.

Foundation for fair skin: palette of shades

Choose a foundation to match your skin color as"Snow Maidens" and pale anemic beauties are hard. Such white-skinned girls should be interested only in the lightest range of tonal creams, mainly in cold tones.

These include "porcelain", "light" tones and "ivory". Life-affirming colors such as bright peach or pink are categorically unsuitable for pale-faced ladies. Only creams with light diluted notes.

In this case, you need to focus on products with a color opposite to the natural shade. So, if the skin is yellowish, then the color of the makeup should be in light, peach-beige, sandy tones. For pink-faced girls, the pink palette makes the skin look red. It is better for them to choose a beige shade.

This rule does not apply to whites and, at the same time, freckled. A yellowish tint is most suitable for them. For girls with "porcelain" or "alabaster" skin, the pallor can be softened with balancing tones.

You can apply:

  • Light pink;
  • Reddish brown;
  • Transparent beige with shine.

A palette of shades of foundation for fair skin.

You will definitely be interested to know what it is: alginate face mask and how it helps.

Foundation color for gray, earthy skin

Industrial air in metropolitan areas literally leaves an imprint on faces, especially among the female part of the population.

The selection of a cream for skin with a problematic shade can be approached with creative humor.

For city dwellers, the question of how to choose the appropriate foundation to match the color of dull, earthy skin is especially relevant.

In its solution, women will be helped by special tonal means.

These are creams of the following shades:

  • Pinkish beige;
  • Pale pink;
  • Slightly reddish.

They give faces a fresh color. It is not recommended for such ladies to use a greenish scale, which aggravates the soreness of a grayish appearance.

If the skin is prone to redness, which tone of foundation to choose

Sometimes clean healthy skin in the nasolabial part it gives off a reddish tint. The reason for this lies in closely spaced capillary vessels. A well-chosen foundation saves the situation.

Evens out imperfections and provides a long-lasting masking effect on makeup with slightly greenish and cold shades, such as olive. Makeup artists recommend categorically abandoning the use of pink colors , but a little beige color scheme can be added.

Foundation shades for dark skin

How to choose a foundation to match the skin color of dark-skinned and dark-skinned beauties, although they need toning agents the least of all, the question is no less relevant. Dark-skinned girls and "chocolates" suit "chocolate" and "caramel" tones pale color with a matte base.

How to choose a foundation color for evening makeup

Especially carefully ladies are preparing for the appearance in the evening in society, whether it is a romantic or business outlet.

To give your image a special charm, you need to do certain nuances in makeup, depending on potential evening events.

Don't forget that evening make-up should be in harmony with the overall color tone of your outfit - take some time additional tests.

It should be remembered that the light scale adds volume, and the dark one reduces. Cold color removes and reduces, and warm increases and brings.

For evening events, a thick layer of makeup should be applied to the face to keep the skin looking smooth.

Beginner mistakes when choosing a foundation for skin color

Inappropriate makeup can embarrass any beauty.

Important to remember! To protect yourself from ridicule about the "war paint", you need to understand how to choose a foundation to match your skin color.

Those who do not consider this question to be relevant are expected to find common mistakes.

They can be as follows:

  1. Pick up tone without testing on one's own skin, but only based on the information on the cosmetic label.
  2. Testing hold on the wrist.
  3. Choose tone in a room with poor artificial lighting.
  4. To receive for a tanning experience, use a toner that is darker than your natural skin.
  5. Apply funds inappropriate in composition.
  6. Use the same cream at any time: cold winter period, and in the hot summer.
  7. At the time of buying focus on the most expensive product.

When choosing a foundation, pay attention to its texture. For example, a liquid tone is more versatile than a thicker tone. And dry powder tones are best used as an additional fixing agent.

If you are guided by at least one of the listed points, then an appearance that causes laughter and bewilderment is provided.

Pro tips: how not to be mistaken when choosing a foundation

Experienced make-up specialists are proficient in the techniques needed to create an attractive, compelling look. As for the tips about tinting, there are some of the most important.

Here they are:

Interesting fact! Makeup artists recommend paying attention to the latest achievements of the cosmetic industry. We are talking about the latest make-up products "with intelligence", which themselves determine the tone of the face and give the skin the desired color range.

In addition, makeup artists give following tips how to properly apply a concealer to your skin.

Here they are:

Correct selection tonal basis provides competent makeup that emphasizes natural beauty, while making up flaws and creates a spectacular, expressive look.

In this video, professional cosmetologists will tell you how to choose the best foundation for your skin color:

And from this video you will learn how to determine your skin color for foundation:

All the best to you, dear beauties, good makeup and cheerful mood!

Natural skin imperfections are one of the topics discussed in women's forums. Enlarged pores, rosacea, acne, dark spots- the mention of any of these words provokes fair half of humanity a real panic. There are different ways to deal with such “gifts”.

But if you can still defeat acne, the struggle to improve color, smoothness of the face can last a lifetime. Not a very inspiring prospect. But not hopeless. After all, if it is difficult to get rid of such defects, then you can mask them with tonal means.

On main question how to choose a foundation according to skin color, we will answer in our article.

New items

The word "tone" is usually associated with a foundation. But cosmetic brands focus on two-in-one products. The result of this trend was the emergence of BB and CC products on the market. The feature of these products is easy masking of skin defects but no silicone film.

Cosmetic novelties are not comedogenic, suitable for frequent use replace several caring agents.

Camouflage or Veil

Before you go in search of a masking product, determine its required density. For serious defects, creams with a dense structure, or "camouflage" are good.

Such cosmetics removes acne and acne, gives the face "Photoshop effect".

Due to their thick, pigmented structure, camouflage creams are not suitable for daily use.

If the purpose of disguise is to hide minor flaws such as enlarged pores or uneven complexion, liquid foundations or mousses may be considered.

For the lucky ones who need light correction and general tone equalization, the fluids or veil creams.

The masking effect of such products is poorly expressed, but they give the make-up maximum naturalness.

And find out what masks exist for cleansing the face from blackheads, and several effective recipes home cooking.

Determine the color type

In order not to be tormented by thoughts in the store, not knowing which palette to approach, figure out your own skin tone in advance.

You can do this during the online test or on your own.

The fastest check is on the wrist.

Look at the inside of the hand and determine the color of the veins.

The resulting result check with the table.

According to the depth and saturation of the natural pigment, cosmetologists distinguish skin color types:

  • fair- very light, with a pinkish tint due to translucent capillaries, sometimes with golden freckles, easily burns;
  • light- light, matte, sometimes with a touch of light tan;
  • medium- good even shade of tan, dark blush;
  • tan- dark skinned, tans quickly and intensely, hardly burns.

Better to try it once

The golden rule for buying concealers is do not rely on your own intuition and the color of the substance in the bottle. Even if you are a make-up pro, you can buy a foundation after carefully reading the tester.

If you put together the advice of makeup artists and experienced users, then you can get small set of rules, which will insure against mistakes when choosing a tonal foundation:

  1. Before the purchase face needs to be cleaned thoroughly(for example, a scrub), refrain from applying makeup. Only clean skin, free from cosmetics, will help to make the right impression about the product.
  2. Any foundation must be tested in natural light... Artificial light distorts the skin tone and tone of the product, as a result, the risk of buying the wrong product increases significantly.
  3. Do not rush to buy full version product immediately after application. It has been proven that within 5-10 minutes the product can adapt to the tone of the face, gradually changing its shade. Apply the tone wait about 20 minutes, and then evaluate the result.
  4. If you have any difficulties with precise definition color type, it is better to purchase 2 concealer creams, one of which has more intense pigmentation. By mixing the two products, you can create an individual, natural shade.

Top 5 mistakes that will never let you find the right tone

Palm or wrist test

The skin of the hand differs in structure and color from the skin of the face. Cosmetic product lays down incorrectly, gives wrong ideas about the shade.

Using a notoriously darker color to visually rejuvenate the face

Choosing too dark a pigment has nothing to do with visual rejuvenation; it is very noticeable. Owners of “tanned” makeup look unnatural, even vulgar.