Physical education and improvement in healthy lifestyles. Physical education as the basis of a healthy lifestyle for preschool children. In general, lead a healthy lifestyle


teacher physical culture

MBOU "Sarmanov Gymnasium"

Sarmanovsky municipal district

Republic of Tatarstan

Physical education and a healthy lifestyle for students.

"Gymnastics, physical exercise, walking should firmly enter the everyday life of everyone who wants to maintain efficiency, health, a full and joyful life." The ancient dictum of Hippocrates in our age of penetration into all spheres of scientific and technological progress becomes extremely relevant.

A sedentary lifestyle makes the human body defenseless during development various diseases... The situation with this is especially alarming for our children. For example, every tenth child suffers from obesity. In order for children to grow up healthy, proper physical education is necessary, as well as adherence to a healthy lifestyle.

Our children began to move less. Where did motor activity disappear? There were serial detective stories on TV, someone came up with "quiet games", and children - obedience itself! They play different puzzles, do not bother anyone and, to be honest, please adults that they can do their own thing ...

How does it all start? With a wonderful invention like a stroller. There is a little man tied tightly. You can’t say anything, it’s convenient! Now figure it out for yourself, the child sits in a stroller for two or three hours. If you observe from the side, you can see how the age of the stroller is gradually increasing. Sometimes up to 4 years old! He would have to run, barely keeping up with his parents, and he, a sort of Oblomov, rides, dangles his head, sleeps ... They bring him to kindergarten, and there music lessons spend sitting. And if a restless soul, having heard cheerful sounds, breaks into a dance, he immediately - sit!

Pay attention to which of the children is most convenient for educators in a nursery or kindergarten? Of course, the one who sits still. Plump, ruddy, obedient and sedentary are sitting in place.

Motor activity is a biological need. For each age, it has its own optimum. If today you parents move less than yesterday, then tomorrow your children will move even less.

The child came to school. He is seated at a desk, and physical activity is reduced by 50 percent. When physical education teachers hinted that overweight children (if this is not a painful manifestation!) And assigned to a special group, which means that they are practically exempt from physical education, need to move more, they were told: it is forbidden by the instructions. Who creates these instructions?

Today is a normal high school student's day - six lessons at school plus two to three hours at home for self-study, three to four hours of TV plus reading books. Children stand at stops, waiting for the tram to pass one or two stops. Children wait for the elevator to go up to the second or third floor.

Physical activity is essential for children! She not only trains the heart and blood vessels, preparing for life, but also develops muscles - the peripheral heart - which, if necessary, come to the aid of the body.

It is only natural that school-age children get tired. in time of study. This is explained by the fact that monotonous work causes prolonged irritation individual parts of the cerebral cortex, protective inhibition occurs, which leads to a decrease in the attention and performance of children.

Physical education should be carried out in the second half of the lesson. It is advisable to carry out physical education one or two times in each lesson. Depending on the peculiarity of fatigue, it is necessary to select complexes. So, in the event that the students were sitting in the same pose long time, it is advisable to use complexes aimed at relaxing locally loaded muscle groups, as well as aimed at normalizing cerebral and peripheral circulation. In the third - fourth lesson, complexes should be applied to stimulate the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. In the event that children are overly excited, complexes should be used to reduce the arousal of the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system.

If children have been reading for a long time, exercise minutes should be used to restore tired eyes.

1. To restore the eyes. If the eyes are tired, then it is necessary to perform several exercises of eye gymnastics according to the scheme: light stroking of the eyebrows and eyelids closed eyes- blink frequently (10-15s) - shift your gaze to distant objects - complete circular motion eyes (10-15 s).

2. To restore tired muscles. If some parts of the body are tired separately (hands, legs, back, neck), then you need them relax and perform several exercises on these particular parts of the body: shaking, swinging, rotating, rubbing. These exercises can help relieve pain in tired muscles.

3. To reduce arousal. To do this, you need to perform several breathing exercises with extended inhalation and exhalation, several exercises breathing exercises requiring concentration, and sit for 20-30 seconds with your eyes closed.

As studies of domestic and foreign authors show, one of the powerful means of preventing and strengthening the health of the growing body of children is mass sports, physical culture in its various forms and combinations, including recreational, which do not require large material costs, but with the right the methods of conducting classes give a person health, and, consequently, confidence and optimism in achieving the goals set by him in life.

1. The concept of "health", its content and criteria
2. Functional reserves of the body
3. What determines health
4. Components of a healthy lifestyle
5. Mode of work and rest
6. Prevention of bad habits
7. Power mode
8. Locomotor activity
9. Hardening
10. Health and the environment
11. Heredity
12. Psychological self-regulation
List of sources used


Health is an invaluable asset not only of every person, but of the whole society. When meeting, parting with loved ones and dear people we wish them good and strong health, since this is the main condition and guarantee of full and happy life... Health helps us fulfill our plans, successfully solve basic life tasks, overcome difficulties, and if necessary, then significant overloads. Good health, reasonably maintained and strengthened by the person himself, ensures him a long and active life.

1. The concept of "health", its content and criteria

There are many definitions of this concept, the meaning of which is determined by the professional point of view of the authors. According to the definition of the World Health Organization adopted in 1948: "health is a state of physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not only the absence of diseases and physical defects."

WITH physiological point view, the following formulations are decisive:

individual health human - the natural state of the body against the background of the absence of pathological changes, optimal communication with the environment, the consistency of all functions (G.Z.Demchinkova, N.L. Polonsky);

- health is a harmonious set of structural and functional data of the body, adequate to the environment and providing the body with optimal vital activity, as well as full-fledged labor activity;

- individual human health is a harmonious unity of all kinds of metabolic processes in the body, which creates conditions for the optimal life of all systems and subsystems of the body (A. D. Ado);

- health is the process of preserving and developing biological, physiological, psychological functions, working capacity and social activity of a person with the maximum duration of it active life(V.P. Kaznacheev).

In general, we can talk about three types of health: physical, mental and moral (social) health.

  • Physical health is the natural state of the body, due to the normal functioning of all its organs and systems. If all organs and systems work well, then the entire human body (a self-regulating system) functions and develops correctly.
  • Mental health depends on the state of the brain, it is characterized by the level and quality of thinking, the development of attention and memory, the degree of emotional stability, the development of volitional qualities.
  • Moral health is determined by those moral principles that are the basis of a person's social life, i.e. life in a certain human society... Distinctive features of a person's moral health are, first of all, a conscious attitude to work, mastery of cultural treasures, active rejection of morals and habits that contradict the normal way of life. A physically and mentally healthy person can be a moral "freak" if he disregards the norms of morality. So social health considered the highest measure of human health.

A healthy and spiritually developed person is happy - he feels great, gets satisfaction from his work, strives for self-improvement, thereby achieving unfading youth of spirit and inner beauty.

2. Functional reserves of the body.

The integrity of the human personality is manifested, first of all, in the interconnection and interaction of the mental and physical forces of the organism. The harmony of the psychophysical forces of the body increases the reserves of health, creates conditions for creative self-expression in various areas of our life. An active and healthy person preserves youth for a long time, continues creative activity, does not allow the “soul to be lazy”. Academician N. M. Amosov proposed to introduce a new medical term "amount of health" to denote a measure of the body's reserves.

Let's say a person has calm state 5-9 liters of air pass through the lungs per minute. Some highly trained athletes can voluntarily pass 150 liters of air through their lungs every minute for 10-11 minutes, i.e. exceeding the norm by 30 times. This is the body's reserve. Let's take a heart and calculate its capacity. There are minute volumes of the heart: the amount of blood in liters ejected in one minute. Suppose that at rest it gives 4 liters per minute, and during the most vigorous physical work - 20 liters. Hence, the reserve is 5 (20: 4). Likewise, there are hidden reserves of the kidneys and liver. They are identified using various stress tests.

Then, from this point of view, health is the amount of reserves in the body, it is the maximum productivity of organs while maintaining the qualitative limits of their function.

The system of functional reserves of the body can be divided into subsystems:

  1. Biochemical reserves (metabolic reactions).
  2. Physiological reserves (at the level of cells, organs, organ systems).
  3. Mental reserves.

Take, for example, the physiological reserves at the cellular level of a sprinter. Excellent result in running 100 meters - 10 seconds. Only a few can show it. Is it possible to significantly improve this result? Calculations show that it is possible, but not more than a few tenths of a second. The limit of possibilities here rests on a certain speed of propagation of excitation along the nerves and in the minimum time required for muscle contraction and relaxation.

3. What health depends on.

Human health is the result of a complex interaction of social, environmental and biological factors... It is believed that the contribution various influences the state of health is as follows:

heredity - 20%;

environment - 20%;

the level of medical care - 10%;

lifestyle - 50%.

In an expanded version, these figures, according to Russian scientists, look like this:

  • human factor - 25% ( physical health – 10%, mental health – 15%);
  • ecological factor - 25% (exoecology - 10%, endoecology - 15%);
  • socio-pedagogical factor - 40% (lifestyle: material conditions of work and life - 15%, behavior, mode of life, habits - 25%);
  • medical factor - 10%.

4. Components of a healthy lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle includes the following basic elements: rational regime work and rest, the eradication of bad habits, optimal motor regime, personal hygiene, hardening, rational nutrition, etc.

5. The mode of work and rest.

A rational mode of work and rest is a necessary element of a healthy lifestyle for any person. With the correct and strictly observed mode, a clear and necessary rhythm of the body's functioning is developed, which creates optimal conditions for work and leisure and thus promotes health.

It is important to constantly remember: if it is good to "take the start", i.e. if the beginning of the process of mental activity was successful, then usually all subsequent operations proceed continuously, without disruptions and without the need to "turn on" additional impulses.

The key to success is planning your time. A student who regularly plans his working day for 10 minutes will be able to save 2 hours daily, and also more accurately and better cope with important matters... We must make it a rule to win one hour of time every day. During this hour, no one and nothing can interfere. Thus, the student gets time - perhaps the most important for a person - personal time. It can be spent at your own discretion in different ways: additionally for recreation, self-education, hobbies, or for sudden or extraordinary affairs.

The construction of classroom work is greatly facilitated, since it is governed by the already drawn up class schedule. It is necessary to make it a rule to come to the audience in advance, because a student who enters the classroom after the call gives the impression of unassembled, unnecessary and disrespectful to the teacher.

For evening classes, you need to choose a calm place - a quiet room (for example, a library, an auditorium, an office, etc.) so that there are no loud conversations and other distractions. Organize such conditions in the dorm room. During the period of classes, it is not recommended to turn on the radio, tape recorder, TV. It is better to start with the hardest when doing your homework. This trains and strengthens the will. It does not allow to postpone difficult cases from morning to evening, from evening to morning, from today to tomorrow and generally on the back burner.

The light from the light bulb should not blind the eyes: it should fall from above or to the left so that the book or notebook is not covered with a shadow from the head. Adequate illumination of the workplace reduces fatigue of the visual centers and promotes concentration at work. It is necessary to place a book or notebook at a distance of the best vision (25 cm), avoid reading lying down.

The systematic, feasible, and well-organized process of mental labor has an extremely beneficial effect on the nervous system, heart and blood vessels, the musculoskeletal system - on the entire human body. Constant training during work strengthens our body. A long-lived one who works hard and well throughout his life. On the contrary, idleness leads to sluggishness of the muscles, metabolic disorders, obesity and premature senility.

The student must correctly alternate between work and rest. After classes at the university and lunch, 1.5-2 hours should be spent on rest. Rest after work does not mean a state of complete rest. Only with very great fatigue can we talk about passive rest. It is desirable that the nature of the rest was opposite to the nature of the person's work ("contrasting" principle of construction of rest). Evening work spend in the period from 17 to 23 hours. During work, every 50 minutes of concentrated work, rest for 10 minutes (do light gymnastics, ventilate the room, walk along the corridor, without interfering with others' work).

Overwork and repetitive work must be avoided. For example, it is inappropriate to read books for 4 hours in a row. It is best to engage in 2-3 types of labor: reading, calculation or graphic work, taking notes. This alternation of physical and mental stress is good for your health. A person who spends a lot of time indoors should spend at least part of their rest time on fresh air... It is desirable for city dwellers to relax outdoors - on walks around the city and outside the city, in parks, at stadiums, on excursions, at work in garden plots, etc.

6. Prevention of bad habits.

The next link in a healthy lifestyle is the eradication of bad habits: smoking, alcohol, drugs. These health impairments are the cause of many diseases, drastically reduce life expectancy, reduce working capacity, and adversely affect the health of the younger generation and the health of their future children.

Many people begin their recovery from smoking cessation, which is considered one of the most dangerous habits of a modern person. It is not for nothing that doctors believe that smoking is directly related to the most serious illness heart, blood vessels, lungs. Smoking not only undermines health, but also takes energy in the most literal sense. As established by experts, within 5-9 minutes after smoking a cigarette alone, muscle strength decreases by 15%, athletes know this from experience and therefore, as a rule, do not smoke. It does not stimulate smoking and mental activity at all. On the contrary, the experiment showed that only because of smoking decreases perception teaching material... A smoker does not inhale all the harmful substances in tobacco smoke - about half goes to those who are near them. It is no coincidence that in families of smokers, children suffer from respiratory diseases much more often than in families where no one smokes. Smoking is a common cause of tumors in the mouth, larynx, bronchi and lungs. Continuous and prolonged smoking leads to premature aging... Disruption of tissue oxygen supply, spasm small vessels make the appearance of the smoker characteristic (yellowish tint of the whites of the eyes, skin, premature wilting), and changes in the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract affect his voice (loss of voicing, decreased timbre, hoarseness).

The effect of nicotine is especially dangerous during certain periods of life - adolescence, old age, when even a weak stimulating effect disrupts nervous regulation. Nicotine is especially harmful for pregnant women, as it leads to the birth of weak, low-weight children, and lactating women, as it increases the morbidity and mortality of children in the first years of life.

The next challenge is overcoming drunkenness and alcoholism. It has been established that alcoholism has a destructive effect on all human systems and organs. As a result of the systematic consumption of alcohol, an addiction to it develops:

- loss of a sense of proportion and control over the amount of alcohol consumed;

- violation of the activity of the central and peripheral nervous system (psychosis, neuritis, etc.) and the functions of internal organs.

A change in the psyche that occurs even with episodic intake of alcohol (excitement, loss of restraining influences, depression, etc.) determines the frequency of suicides committed in a state of intoxication.

Alcoholism has a particularly harmful effect on the liver: with prolonged systematic alcohol abuse, the development of alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver occurs. Alcoholism is one of common reasons diseases of the pancreas (pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus). Along with the changes affecting the health of the drinker, alcohol abuse is always accompanied by social consequences that harm both those around the patient with alcoholism and society as a whole. Alcoholism, like no other disease, causes a whole range of negative social consequences that go far beyond healthcare and affect, to one degree or another, all aspects of modern society. The consequences of alcoholism include the deterioration of the health indicators of persons who abuse alcoholic beverages and the associated deterioration overall indicators public health. Alcoholism and related illnesses are second only to cardiovascular diseases and cancer as a cause of death.

7. Power mode

The next component of a healthy lifestyle is a balanced diet. When talking about it, you should remember about two basic laws, violation of which is dangerous to health.

The first law is the balance of received and consumed energy. If the body receives more energy than it consumes, that is, if we receive more food than is necessary for the normal development of a person, for work and well-being, we gain weight. Now more than a third of our country, including children, has excess weight... And there is only one reason - excess nutrition, which ultimately leads to atherosclerosis, ischemic disease heart, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and a number of other ailments.

Second Law - Compliance chemical composition diet to the physiological needs of the body for nutrients. The diet should be varied and provide the needs for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber. Many of these substances are irreplaceable, since they are not formed in the body, but only come with food. The absence of at least one of them, for example, vitamin C, leads to illness and even death. We obtain B vitamins mainly from wholemeal bread, and the sources of vitamin A and other fat-soluble vitamins are dairy products, fish oil, and liver.

The intervals between meals should not be too long (no more than 5-6 hours). It is harmful to eat only 2 times a day, but in excessive portions, because this puts too much stress on the blood circulation. It is better for a healthy person to eat 3-4 times a day. With three meals a day, lunch should be the most satisfying, and dinner should be the lightest.

It is harmful to read while eating, to solve complex and responsible tasks. You cannot rush, eat, burning yourself with cold food, swallow large pieces of food without chewing. Systematic dry food, without hot dishes, has a bad effect on the body. It is necessary to follow the rules of personal hygiene and sanitation. A person who neglects the diet, over time, is threatened with the development of such serious digestive diseases as, for example, peptic ulcer, etc. Careful chewing, chopping food to a certain extent protects the mucous membrane of the digestive organs from mechanical damage, scratches and, in addition, promotes the rapid penetration of juices deep into the food mass. It is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the teeth and oral cavity.

Not all of us know that we need to learn the culture of reasonable consumption, refrain from the temptation to take another piece of a tasty product that gives extra calories or introduces an imbalance. After all, any deviation from the laws of rational nutrition leads to health problems. The human body spends energy not only during the period physical activity(during work, playing sports, etc.), but also in a state of relative rest (during sleep, lying down), when energy is used to maintain the physiological functions of the body - to maintain a constant body temperature. It was found that in a healthy middle-aged person with normal weight body consumed 7 kilocalories per hour for each kilogram of body weight.

The first rule in any natural food system should be:

- eating only when you feel hungry;

- refusal to eat for pain, mental and physical discomfort, fever and elevated temperature body;

- refusal to eat immediately before bedtime, as well as before and after serious work, physical or mental.

It is very important to have free time for the assimilation of food. The idea that exercise after meals helps digestion is a blunder.

The meal should consist of mixed foods that are sources of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Only in this case it is possible to achieve a balanced ratio of nutrients and essential nutritional factors, to ensure not only a high level of digestion and absorption of nutrients, but also their transportation to tissues and cells, and their complete assimilation at the cell level.

Rational nutrition ensures the correct growth and formation of the body, contributes to the maintenance of health, high efficiency and prolongation of life.

7. Locomotor activity.

Optimal motor mode- the most important condition for a healthy lifestyle. It is based on systematic physical exercises and sports, which effectively solve the problems of health promotion and development. physical abilities youth, maintaining health and motor skills, strengthening the prevention of unfavorable age-related changes. At the same time, physical culture and sports are the most important means of education.

It is helpful to walk up the stairs without using the elevator. According to American doctors, each step gives a person 4 seconds of life. 70 rungs burn 28 calories.

General physical activity includes morning exercises, physical training, self-service work, walking, work at the summer cottage, etc. motor activity not exactly defined. Some domestic and Japanese scientists believe that an adult should take at least 10-15 thousand steps a day.

The Research Institute of Physical Culture offers the following norms for the weekly volume of physical activity:

- students of vocational schools and secondary educational institutions- 10 - 14 hours;

- students - 10 - 14 hours;

The main qualities that characterize the physical development of a person are strength, speed, agility, flexibility and endurance. Improvement of each of these qualities contributes to health improvement, but not to the same extent. You can get very fast by doing short-distance running. Finally, it is very good to become agile and flexible by applying gymnastic and acrobatic exercises. However, with all this, it is not possible to form sufficient resistance to disease-causing effects.

8. Hardening

For effective recovery and prevention of diseases, it is necessary to train and improve, first of all, the most valuable quality - endurance in combination with hardening and other components of a healthy lifestyle, which will provide a growing body with a reliable shield against many diseases.

In Russia, hardening has long been massive. An example is the village baths with steam and snow baths. However, these days most people do nothing to harden themselves and their children. Moreover, many parents, out of fear of catching a cold from the very first days, months of his life, begin to engage in passive protection against colds: they wrap him up, close the windows, etc. Such "care" for children does not create the conditions for good adaptation to the changing temperature of the environment. On the contrary, it contributes to the weakening of their health, which leads to the occurrence colds... Therefore, the problem of finding and developing effective hardening methods remains one of the most important. But the benefits of hardening with early age proved by enormous practical experience and is based on solid scientific evidence.

Various methods of hardening are widely known - from air baths before pouring cold water. The usefulness of these procedures is beyond doubt. It has been known since time immemorial that walking barefoot is a wonderful tempering agent. Winter swimming - higher form hardening. To achieve it, a person must go through all the stages of hardening.

The hardening efficiency increases with the use of special temperature effects and procedures. The basic principles of their correct application everyone should know: systematic and consistent; taking into account individual characteristics, health status and emotional reactions for the procedure.

Another effective hardening agent can and should be a contrast shower before and after exercise. Contrast showers train the neurovascular apparatus of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, improving physical thermoregulation, and have a stimulating effect on the central nervous mechanisms. Experience shows the high hardening and health-improving value of a contrast shower for both adults and children. It also works well as a stimulant of the nervous system, relieving fatigue and increasing efficiency.

Hardening is a powerful health remedy. It allows you to avoid many diseases, prolong life by long years, save high efficiency... Hardening has a general strengthening effect on the body, increases the tone of the nervous system, improves blood circulation, and normalizes metabolism.

9. Health and the environment.

It has an important effect on health and the environment. Human intervention in regulation natural processes does not always lead to the desired positive results. Violation of at least one of the natural components leads, due to the existing interrelationships between them, to the restructuring of the existing structure of natural-territorial components. Pollution of the land surface, hydrosphere, atmosphere and oceans, in turn, affects the health of people. The effect of the "ozone hole" affects the formation of malignant tumors, air pollution on the state of the respiratory tract, and water pollution on digestion, sharply worsens the general state of human health, and reduces life expectancy. Health received from nature is 50% dependent on the conditions around us.

The body's responses to pollution depend on individual characteristics: age, gender, health status. As a rule, children, the elderly, the elderly, and the sick are more vulnerable. With a systematic or periodic intake, the body is relatively small quantities toxic substances, chronic poisoning occurs.

Similar signs are observed in the case of radioactive contamination of the environment.

Adapting to unfavorable environmental conditions, the human body experiences a state of tension, fatigue. Tension is the mobilization of all mechanisms that ensure a certain activity of the human body. Depending on the magnitude of the load, the degree of preparation of the body, its functional, structural and energy resources the ability of the body to function at a given level decreases, that is, fatigue sets in.

Changes in physiological functions are caused by other factors as well. external environment and depend on the season, the content of vitamins and mineral salts in food. The combination of all these factors (stimuli of varying effectiveness) has either a stimulating or a depressing effect on a person's well-being and the course of vital processes in his body. Naturally, a person should adapt to natural phenomena and the rhythm of their fluctuations. Psychophysical exercises and hardening of the body help a person to reduce dependence on meteorological conditions and weather changes, contribute to his harmonious unity with nature.

10. Heredity

In addition, it is necessary to take into account another objective factor of impact on health - heredity. This is a property inherent in all organisms to repeat in a series of generations the same signs and features of development, the ability to transmit from one generation to another the material structures of a cell, containing programs for the development of new individuals from them.

11. Psychological self-regulation.

Who doesn't want to have a good mood? If a person is in a good mood, he becomes kinder, more responsive and more beautiful. Any business with him argues, worries and worries go somewhere, it seems that nothing is impossible. The expression on his face changes, a special warmth appears in his eyes, his voice sounds more pleasant, his movements acquire lightness and smoothness. People are unwittingly drawn to such a person.

But everything changes if the mood is bad. As if a black cloud surrounds a person. He hasn't said anything yet, but troubles can be expected. As if some negative energy arises, it is transmitted to others, causes anxiety, tension, irritation. Some annoying little things, resentments come to mind, working capacity drops sharply, interest in studying is lost, everything becomes boring, unpleasant, hopeless.

Our mood is determined primarily by emotions and related feelings. Emotions are the primary, simplest types of reaction to any stimulus. They can be positive or negative, strong or weak, increase or, conversely, decrease. Feeling is another matter. These are purely human qualities that characterize our personal experiences.

It is very important that, unlike emotions, feelings do not arise spontaneously, but are controlled by consciousness, obey the psyche. But the mood has not only a mental, but also a psychophysiological basis, it is controlled by a certain hormonal apparatus. The production of these hormones is primarily subordinate to the psyche.

It is the psyche, which is a product of the activity of the brain, that acts as the chief judge and distributor.

It should be clearly understood that a good mood can be arbitrarily created, it can be maintained, and finally, the ability to be in a good mood can and should be trained. Great value at the same time, it has a general functional state, and first of all, efficiency. It is she who is the force that ensures the coordinated activity of all components. functional system... If the efficiency decreases, the clear interaction of the elements of the system is disrupted. Actions become stereotyped, even the usual operations turn out worse, the reaction decreases, the coordination of movements is disturbed. Emotional stability is deteriorating, a lot starts to annoy.

How do you ensure that a good mood prevails? How to create a good mood and keep it throughout the day?

Creating a good mood starts in the morning

Start your morning with gymnastics. After all, gymnastics is not just physical exercise, it not only helps our body to move from sleep to wakefulness, vigorous activity. Gymnastics, if we think about the meaning of what we are doing, is also a way of emotional charging for the whole day.

Each exercise not only gives a special load on the muscles, improves blood circulation, metabolism, it also affects one or another function of our body, helps to optimize its work. It must be remembered that when doing gymnastics, one must clearly understand the meaning and functional purpose of each movement.

During sleep, the body is in a special functional state. Now we need to restore the usual relationships between the brain and muscles. The muscles must clearly and obediently carry out all incoming commands. To do this, you need to configure them. Motor activity, coupled with fixing attention on positive muscle sensations, contributes to the production of hormones that create positive emotions, cheerfulness, confidence.

A clear idea should be formed in the mind that movement is not an end in itself. It is necessary, in particular, to stimulate the "production" of biologically necessary substances by our body that cause positive emotions, reduce feelings of tension, melancholy, depression.

The psyche is especially stimulated by the novelty of impressions, which evokes positive emotions. Under the influence of the beauty of nature, a person calms down, and this helps him to escape from everyday trifles. Balanced, he acquires the ability to look around him as if through a magnifying glass. Resentment, haste, nervousness, so frequent in our life, dissolve in the great tranquility of nature and its endless expanses.

Physical self-education.

lifestyle and does not engage in physical education, with the smallest physical activity breathing quickens, palpitations appear. On the contrary, a trained person easily copes with significant physical exertion.

The strength and performance of the heart muscle, the main engine of blood circulation, is in direct proportion to the strength and development of the entire musculature. Therefore, physical training, while developing the muscles of the body, at the same time strengthens the heart muscle. In people with undeveloped muscles, the heart muscle is weak, which is revealed during any physical work.

Daily morning gymnastics is a mandatory minimum of physical training. It should become for everyone the same habit as washing in the morning.

Exercise should be done in a well-ventilated area or outdoors.

For people leading a "sedentary" lifestyle, physical exercise in the air (walking, walking) is especially important. It is useful to go to work in the morning on foot and take a walk in the evening after work. Systematic walking has a beneficial effect on a person, improves well-being, and increases efficiency.

Thus, daily exposure to fresh air for 1-1.5 hours is one of the important components of a healthy lifestyle. When working indoors, it is especially important to take a walk in the evening before going to bed. This walk as part of a necessary day's workout is good for everyone. It relieves the stress of a working day, calms the excited nerve centers, regulates breathing. It is better to walk according to the principle of cross-country walking: 0.5-1 km with a slow walking pace, then the same amount - with a fast sports step, etc.


Personal hygiene is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. It includes a rational daily regimen, body care, clothing and footwear hygiene. The daily routine is also of particular importance. With its correct and strict observance, a clear rhythm of the body's functioning is developed. This, in turn, creates the best conditions for work and recovery.

Unequal living conditions, work and life, individual differences of people do not allow recommending one variant of the daily regimen for everyone. However, its main provisions must be observed by everyone: performing various types of activities at a strictly defined time, correct alternation of work and rest, regular meals. Particular attention should be paid to sleep - the main and irreplaceable type of rest. Constant lack of sleep is dangerous because it can cause depletion of the nervous system, weakening of the body's defenses, decreased performance, deterioration of well-being.

Today, almost every person living in countries of at least some kind of technical progress has a lot of tasks and responsibilities. Sometimes he does not even have enough time for his own affairs. As a result, with a mountain of petty technical problems, a person simply forgets the main truths and goals, gets confused. Forgets about her health. He does not sleep at night, does not go hiking, does not run in the morning, drives a car (through streets with a dangerous composition of the air), eats with a book. Therefore, it is imperative to think over your life tasks and goals in order to allocate thereby time to strengthen your health.

List of sources used

1. You and I. / Ed. L.V. Kaptsova - M. - Young Guard. - 1989.
2. Maryasis V.V. Protect yourself from illness. - M., 1992.
3. Kosmolinsky FP Physical culture and performance - M .: 1983.
4. Orlovsky L. V. Latent danger (about the dangers of smoking) - M .: Knowledge, 1977.
5. Ogorodnikova NN Cold against colds - M .: Soviet sport, 1990.

Abstract on the topic “Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle. Physical culture in ensuring health " updated: July 31, 2017 by the author: Scientific Articles.Ru

Message from the work experience "Physical education as the basis of a healthy lifestyle"

Health - this is a state of complete physical,

spiritual and social well-being,

and not only the absence of disease and physical defects

(World Organization

health care)

Raising a healthy preschooler is a priority task in our kindergarten, and, by the nature of the activity, it is the main one for me. In accordance with modern requirements into the concept “ healthy preschooler”We must include not only the physical health of the child, but also the level of his general culture and social development. The integration of educational areas makes it possible to optimize wellness work.

To achieve this goal, I needed to solve certain problems:

* protection and strengthening of children's health. Reducing morbidity, increasing the defenses of the child's body.

* Improvement of physical qualities. Prevention and correction of negative trends.

* Raising the need for a healthy lifestyle in children, interest in physical culture and sports, the need for self-improvement

Speaking in a trinity, they, at the same time, share the work in certain areas, demanding different approaches, techniques and technologies.

A healthy child is considered by us as an integral bodily-spiritual organism, and health improvement is interpreted as a form of development, expansion of the psychophysiological capabilities of children.

In my work, I test and apply effective techniques innovative health-preserving technologies, non-traditional gymnastics. I include rhythmic elements with fitballs in the system of individual lessons.

According to the results of work in 2016, our kindergarten was awarded the first place in the competitions for the city "Merry Starts", "Star Galaxy". In this achievement great place was assigned to health-improving work.

There are excellent opportunities for the implementation of the tasks of strengthening the health of children in our kindergarten. Includes: a gym and a sports ground, allows a diversified approach to the development of health.

The conditions of the developing environment of the preschool educational institution make it possible to comprehensively solve the problems of preserving and developing the health of children, making my work relevant in all directions:

Improving the subject-developing environment of the preschool educational institution

* Diagnostics, prevention, correction of deviations in the physical development of children

* Optimization of children's motor activity

* Hardening

*Integration work of the preschool educational institution and families to raise a healthy child

* Raising the need for a healthy lifestyle in children, interest in physical culture and sports

* Improving professional skills

Thus, the directions of my work as a physical education instructor are quite diverse. But I am sure that they will not be effective without developing healthy lifestyle habits in children. It is necessary here and now to lay the foundation of personal responsibility for one's health and awareness of the dependence of the world around us on the way of life and moral culture of each of us. Therefore, I determined this for myself as requiring special attention direction.

Scientists have shown that age under 7 years old is the most favorable for acquiring the habit of being healthy. Modern reality dictates that being healthy is fashionable. I strive to show children the prestige of an active life position, body aesthetics, saving and developing health.

In solving this problem, I was supported by all the specialists of the preschool educational institution, educators and parents. Joint work plans included high-quality interaction in the promotion of physical culture and sports, the development of physical culture knowledge by children and related skills and abilities, which form the basis of the intellectual values ​​of physical culture. Integration of the efforts of all teachers to foster healthy lifestyle habits helps me to achieve certain success in this work.

Together with a speech therapist, we are working on correct breathing kids. The work of everyone in their classes on the same tasks helps to help problem children cope with their shortcomings faster.

The choreographer teaches children how to convey thoughts, feelings and impressions through rhythmic dance moves. Musical director creates scenarios and musical accompaniment for sports events and entertainment, prepares with children the artistic part of sports competitions.

I would like to note the close cooperation with the preschool educational institution psychologist. With her suggestion, I apply the psychology of corporeality in my classes. This helps a lot to overcome the problems of children's insecurity in their own strengths and the capabilities of their bodies. The formation of arbitrary movement is based on the use of creative imagination... The so-called “meaningful” motor skills appear. The effect of the development of "meaningful" motor skills can be enhanced in an individual lesson if the child enters into a kind of dialogue with the organs own body as independently acting "persons".

For example, I work with a child who has significant difficulties in throwing a ball with one hand and trying to catch it with the other. "Does not work? It's okay, I tell him. - You still have a little rest, and let your hands work for you. You just watch them. Give them names. Are they sisters or girlfriends? What do they like to play? How old are they - five, six? ... How skillful and dexterous they are! Praise them, stroke them. They can teach you how to throw and catch a ball so cool ... ”The result is that the effect of a separate health-improving measure is fixed in the form of a stable, holistic psychosomatic state, which can then be reproduced in the mode of motor self-development.

Thus, interdisciplinary connections help me to solve my profile problems.

In cooperation with educators, I carry out work to educate children about the need for a healthy lifestyle, interest in physical culture and sports. Implementation of a system of integrated complex lessons, for example, the cycle “I and my body”, made it possible to stimulate the students' need for self-improvement and self-development, the formation of adequate self-esteem

Each cycle ends with shared leisure time with parents, where the acquired knowledge and skills are demonstrated by children and reinforced in games and competitions. Children and their parents show their sports training at the competition “Dad, Mom and I - Sports Family”.

I explain to the children that sometimes the safety of their lives can depend on the ability to run, jump, climb, fall correctly. I use game problem situations, outdoor games-tasks, collective interaction.

I pay special attention to increasing the physical activity of children in the air. In the summer - these are folk games (small towns, pioneerball ...), in the winter - skiing and sledging.

Every winter on the territory kindergarten the skating rink is flooded, which becomes a favorite place for sports games.

I promote physical education and sports not only in classes with children, but also by example of my own life. I am deeply convinced that adherence to a healthy lifestyle can be achieved from pupils only when you yourself lead one.

I stimulate children's interest in sports achievements by participating in the annual “Merry Starts” competition. We hold competitions between groups of senior preschoolers and between the teams of our kindergarten and the neighboring preschool educational institution.

My motto: “If not me, then who? And if I am, then everything is after me! ” I have a lot of like-minded people among colleagues and parents of pupils.

Class hour on the topic "Healthy lifestyle" in grade 3

Purpose: to form a healthy lifestyle in students.

Stroke class hour.

1. Organizational moment;

2. Many people ask themselves the question: "How to live in order not to grow old?" And they answer to themselves: "It does not happen." Every person is sick with something. But why does one end up in the hospital twice in his entire life, and the other almost every month? It has long been established that health should be monitored from childhood. Let's do a little testing about our health, you are presented with a list of statements, each of which requires a “yes” or “no” answer. This information will be useful, first of all, to you.

Test "Your health".

1. I often have a poor appetite.

2. After several hours of work, my head starts to hurt.

3. I often look tired and depressed, sometimes irritated and gloomy.

4. From time to time I have serious illnesses when I have to stay in bed for several days.

5. I hardly do sports.

6. Recently I have gained some weight.

7. I often feel dizzy.

8. I currently smoke.

9. As a child, I suffered several serious illnesses.

10. I have bad dream and discomfort in the morning after waking up.

For each “yes” answer, give yourself 1 point and calculate the amount.


1-2 points. Despite some signs of deteriorating health, you are in good shape. In no case do not give up the efforts to maintain your well-being.

3-6 points. It is difficult to call your attitude to your health normal, it is already felt that you have upset him quite thoroughly.

7-10 points. How did you manage to bring yourself to this degree? It's amazing that you are still able to walk and work. You need your habits immediately, otherwise ...

Of course, you have the right to disagree with this interpretation of the results, but let's think about our lifestyle and highlight the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle.

To live life wisely

You need to know a lot.

Remember two main rules for a start:

You better starve than just eat anything

And it's better to be alone than with just anyone.

Healthy lifestyle rules:

1. Proper nutrition;

2. Sleep;

3. Vigorous activity and leisure;

4. Bad habits.

Let's dwell on each item separately.

1. Proper nutrition is the basis healthy way .

The morbidity of students decreases, the psychological state of children improves, the mood rises, and most importantly, the efficiency and interest in educational activities increase.

After a big change, there are empty lemonade bottles in the trash can, let's talk a little aboutwhat are we drinking?

Anyway, it is important to know what exactly in carbonated drinks can actually do harm... First, it is carbohydrates... 0.33 liters. Pepsi-Cola contains 8 pieces of sugar. Few people would drink such sweet tea or coffee. All of these carbohydrates are stored in the folds of fat and contribute to the development of diabetes. Various sweeteners are added to diet sodas to minimize calories. The most dangerous of them is protein aspartame... It is 200 times sweeter than sugar, causing allergies, stomach ailments, liver dysfunction, headaches, impaired memory and vision, and even seizures. Sweeteners are the main secrets of carbonated water - they do not quench your thirst, but rather induce your appetite.

Soda contains acid that eats away at tooth enamel and promotes tooth decay. For example, apple juice contains many times more acid. The only difference is that there it is natural, although it corrodes the enamel of the teeth, but does not wash out the calcium, as it does orthophosphoric acid(E338). It is most often used in soda pops.

Also soda contains carbon dioxide which stimulates gastric secretion, increases acidity and promotes flatulence. Well, of course caffeine... If you abuse the drink, you can get caffeine dependence or intoxication. Its signs are anxiety, agitation, insomnia, stomach pains, cramps, tachycardia, etc. In some doses, caffeine can be fatal.

Perhaps the most insidious thing about soda is container... Aluminum cans help spread dangerous infectious diseases. At the moment of opening the can, various types of staphylococci come into contact with its contents, as well as bacteria that cause salmonellosis and enterocolitis, the liquid spills over the lid and, together with all the bacteria, ends up inside us.

Coca-Cola successfully replaces household chemicals.

The Coca Cola story states that in many US states, traffic police always have 2 gallons of Cola in their patrol car to flush blood off the highway after an accident.

To clean the toilet, pour a can of Coke down the sink and leave it on for an hour.

To delete rust stains from the chrome bumper of the car, rub the bumper with a crumpled sheet aluminum foil dipped in coca cola.

To remove corrosion from batteries in a car, pour a can of Cola over the batteries and the corrosion will disappear.

To loosen a rusted bolt, dampen a rag with Coca Cola and wrap it around the bolt for a few minutes.

To clean dirt off your clothes, pour a can of Coca Cola over a pile of dirty clothes, add washing powder and machine wash normally. Cola will help get rid of stains. Coca Cola will also clean road dust from the windows in your car.

About the composition of Coca Cola. The active ingredient in Coca Cola is phosphoric acid. Its pH is 2.8. It can dissolve your nails in 4 days.

To transport Coca-Cola concentrate, the truck must be equipped with special pallets designed for highly corrosive materials.

Coca-Cola distributors have been using it to clean their truck engines for 20 years.

Still want a bottle of Coke?

The only harmless ingredient in soda is water. Dead, lifeless, distilled so that its natural taste does not interfere with the taste of the drink, so that lemonade produced anywhere in the world meets a strict standard.

To reduce the harm from any soda, including from Pepsi, you need to follow simple rules:

1. Drink it cold. The destruction of tooth enamel also depends on the temperature of the drink. In America, soda is drunk more than in Europe, but it is always served with ice, and American children have less dental damage.

2. Drink through a straw to avoid contact with the can.

3. Limit yourself to one glass 1-2 times a week.

4. Give up soda if you suffer from obesity, diabetes, gastritis, ulcers.

5. Do not give soda to children under 3 years of age.

Now let's talk about the trouble of our class, these are always lying around bags of chips and crackers and in rather large quantities, so you can't help but focus on hwhat do we eat?

The taste qualities of chips and crackers are achieved through the use of various flavors (although manufacturing firms for some reason call them spices). Therefore, there are all kinds of "chips" and "rusks" varieties, as they say, "for an amateur".

There are also chips without flavors, i.e. with its natural taste, but according to statistics, most of our compatriots prefer to eat chips with additives: cheese, bacon, mushrooms, caviar. Needless to say today, in fact, there is no caviar - its taste and smell were given to the chips with the help of flavors. Most of all, the hope is that the taste and smell is obtained without the use of synthetic additives, if the chips smell like onions or garlic. The chances are slim, though. Most often, the taste of chips is artificial. The same thing fully applies to crackers. The familiar letters "E" indicated in the composition of the product and chips and crackers will help you to make sure of this.

There are known codes of food additives, which, according to their effect on the human body, can be given the following characteristics: (print and distribute to children)
Prohibited - E103, E105, E111, E121, E123, E125, E126, E130, E152.
Dangerous - E102, E110, E120, E124, E127.
Suspicious - E104, E122, E141, E150, E171, E173, E180, E241, E477.
Crustaceans - E131, E210-217, E240, E330.
Causing bowel disorder - E221-226.
Harmful to the skin - E230-232, E239.
Pressure violations - E250, E251.
Rash provoking - E311, E312.
Increasing cholesterol - E320, E321.
Indigestion - E338-341, E407, E450, E461-466

You want chips and croutons made with cheap hydrogenated fats and a ton of chemicals called nutritional supplements"And containing huge quantities carcinogen-acrylamide? ..

We talked to you about improper diet, and now let's name the foods that are good to eat in order to stay healthy: fruits, vegetables, fish, legumes, etc. Now I will call useful qualities product, and you guess where they belong.

Salad, dill, parsley.

Greens - good prevention of heart attack, improves water balance, has a beneficial effect on anemia, vitamin deficiency.


The ancient Greeks and Romans could not do without it either on weekdays or on holidays. The high nutritional and medicinal qualities of this plant are determined by more than forty taste, vitamin and biologically active substances... Studies by American scientists have shown that the roots of this plant are ideal for lowering blood pressure.

Jerusalem artichoke.

In the tubers of this plant, vitamins C and B are twice, and there are three times more iron salts than in potato.

This plant is especially useful for diabetics, suffering from anemia, metabolic disorders and gastric diseases.


Eating this vegetable is very beneficial for eyesight and cancer prevention.


This vegetable improves cholesterol metabolism and is a strong anti-allergen.


And this vegetable improves bowel function, reduces arterial pressure... The presence of iodine in this root vegetable makes it valuable for the prevention of thyroid disease and strengthening the immune system. Provides the body with phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sodium and chlorine.


This vegetable is low in calories, but it contains a lot of folic acid, which means that it accelerates the elimination of cholesterol, excess water and table salt from the body, enhances the ability of insulin to lower sugar levels and promotes the formation of red blood cells in the blood.


They have a tonic effect. Good for the kidneys of cardio-vascular system... Metabolism.


They increase the strength of capillary vessels, have an anti-sclerotic effect, and promote the elimination of water and table salt from the body.

Cherry, sweet cherry

Fortifying fruits, useful for anemia.


Improves digestion in atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Black currant

Rich in tonic vitamin C.

2. Sleep has a very positive effect on the human body. There is a lot of controversy around how much a person should sleep? Previously, it was stated that a child is 10-12 hours, a teenager - 9-10 hours, an adult - 8 hours. Now many come to the conclusion that this is all individual, some need more, some less. But the main thing is that a person should not feel tired after sleep and be cheerful all day.

I begin the proverb and you finish.


1. From good night... you are getting younger

2. Sleep is the best ... Medicine

3. Get enough sleep - ... you will look younger

4. I got enough sleep - as if I was again ... Born

3. Active activity and outdoor activities.

Statistics: A sedentary lifestyle is one of the top 10 causes of death and disability worldwide. Physical inactivity is the cause of 2 million deaths a year. Less than 30% of young people lead an active lifestyle, sufficient to maintain their health in the future.

4. Bad habits.


From the history

Tobacco smoking originated in ancient times. Having landed on the shores of America, Columbus and his companions saw the natives holding bundles of steaming grass in their mouths.

Tobacco came to France from Spain, it was brought by Ambassador Jean Nico as a gift to Queen Catherine de Medici. From the surname "Niko" the word "nicotine" comes from.


In China, a student who is seen smoking will face a debilitating punishment - training on a stationary bike;

At the end of the 16th century in England, people were executed for smoking, and the heads of those executed with a pipe in their mouths were exposed in the square;

In Turkey, smokers were impaled;

During the reign of Mikhail Romanov, smoking relied on the death penalty... Everyone who has found tobacco "should be tortured and beaten on a goat with a whip until it is recognized where he got it from ..."

In our humane society, there are no such punishments, but maybe these pictures will make you think about whether to start (photos: lung of a healthy person, lung of a smoker)

ALCOHOLISM, chronic illness due to the systematic use of alcoholic beverages. It manifests itself as physical and mental dependence on alcohol, mental and social degradation, pathology of internal organs, metabolism, central and peripheral nervous system. Alcoholic psychoses often occur.


Official statistics on drug addiction are very alarming.

Over the past 6 years, the prevalence of drug addiction among adolescents has increased 10 times.

The term "drug addiction" itself is associated with the concept of "drug" (from the Greek narkotikos - soporific).

The group of drugs in the narrow sense of the word is made up of the so-called opiates - substances that are extracted from poppy: morphine, codeine, heroin, methadone.

Speaking of drug addiction, we mean substances that form a mental dependence on their consumption. Thus, at present, the term "narcotic substance" (narcotic) is used in relation to those poisons or substances that are capable of causing euphorizing, hypnotic, analgesic or stimulating effects.

According to the internationally accepted definition, drug addiction is a mental disorder consisting in a strong desire to take a certain substance (or a substance from a certain group) to the detriment of other activities and persistent continuation of the use of the substance despite the harmful consequences. A synonym for the term drug addiction is the concept of "addiction".


    sitting position for a long time;

    exposure to electromagnetic radiation from the monitor;

    overload of the joints of the hands;

    stress when losing information.

Sitting position.
It would seem that a person sits at a computer in a relaxed position, but it is forced and unpleasant for the body: the neck, head muscles, arms and shoulders are tense, hence osteochondrosis, and in children - scoliosis. For those who sit a lot, a heat compress is formed between the seat of the chair and the body, which leads to stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs, as a result - prostatitis and hemorrhoids, diseases, the treatment of which is a long and unpleasant process. In addition, a sedentary lifestyle often leads to obesity.

Electromagnetic radiation.
Modern monitors are safer for health, but not yet completely. And if you have a very old monitor on your desk, it is better to stay away from it.

Effects on vision.
The eyes register the smallest vibration of a text or picture, and even more so the flickering of the screen. Eye overload leads to loss of visual acuity. Poor selection of colors, fonts, layout of windows in the programs you use, incorrect position of the screen have a bad effect on vision.

Overloading the joints of the hands.
The nerve endings of the fingertips seem to break from constant blows on the keys, numbness, weakness occur, goosebumps run in the pads. This can lead to damage to the articular and ligamentous apparatus of the hand, and in the future, diseases of the hand can become chronic.

The stress of losing information.
Not all users regularly back up their information. But viruses are not asleep, and hard drives the best firms sometimes they break, and the most experienced programmer can sometimes press the wrong button ... As a result of such stress, heart attacks also happened.

The influence of the computer on the psyche.
The topic, in our opinion, is very controversial. Gambling addiction, Internet addiction - how serious are these problems? We bring to your attention different points vision.

Work on your computer and be healthy!

Quiz questions:

    Why can canned foods be hazardous to health? (Botulinum can be poisoned)

    When garbage is burned in the city, the air is polluted with toxic substances. Name 4 hazardous substances. (Doixins, carcinogens, radionuclides, CO dioxide)

    Several techniques for removing nitrates from vegetables. (Soaking, boiling, pickling)

    Tobacco smoke contains many chemical compounds, substances and elements. Name them approximate quantity. (4 000)

    Among them, the tobacco smoke contains ammonia, acetone, propylene, nicotine, pyridine and other substances. Name the substance that is addictive to smoking. (Nicotine)

    What percentage of harmful substances does a passive smoker receive? (50%)

    It is better to defend tap water before use. Why? (To get rid of chlorine, which evaporates after 2 hours)

    Name a substance that completely neutralizes the effect of nitrates. (Vitamin C)

    From everyday foods, which are the most hazardous to your health? (Salt and sugar)

    What are the principles of hardening - three P. (Constantly, consistently, gradually)

    What proverb teaches us the right diet? (Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, give dinner to the enemy)

    How many hours a day should a person sleep? (child - 10-12 hours, teenager - 9-10 hours, adult - 8 hours)

    What kinds of sports should you do to shape your posture? (Swimming, gymnastics, athletics)

Wish you:

    Never get sick;

    Healthy food;

    Be awake;

    Do good deeds.

In general, lead a healthy lifestyle!

Physical education- pedagogical process aimed at creating conditions conducive to the achievement of good health, physical and motor development of the child. The teacher carries out this process from the standpoint of integrity and harmonization of the tasks of versatile development (mental, moral, aesthetic, labor). Physical education relies on data from surveys of children level physical development, its harmony, compliance with age-related physiological indicators is determined.

PHIZ-E VOS-E- ped. a process aimed at improving the forms and functions of the human body, the development of physical qualities, abilities, the formation of motor skills and abilities, special knowledge in the field of physical culture for sports.

Healthy lifestyle (HLS)- a person's lifestyle aimed at preventing disease and promoting health.

The purpose of physical education is the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children.

The purpose of physical education- protection and strengthening of children's health.

I. Wellness: 1. Maintain and strengthen the health of children. 2. Develop the functional and adaptive capabilities of children and improve their performance. 3. To form the ability to maintain correct posture. 4. Satisfy children's need for movement. 5. To promote the development of all morphological and functional systems of the child's body, the correct functioning of internal organs. In Group health tasks a special place is taken by the protection of life and health promotion of children, their all-round physical development, in the center of attention of all participants educational process there is a natural biological basis of the child's body.

II. Educational tasks: 1. To form ideas about your body, about health. 2, Introduce children to different ways of performing basic movements. 3. Form an idea about the regime, about the relevance of rest. 4. Create conditions for the child to show agility, speed and other physical qualities. Educational tasks provide for an active position of the teacher on the implementation of the content of the physical development of children.

III. Educational tasks: 1. Raise interest in active physical activity. 2. Develop moral and volitional qualities child (organization, mutual assistance, mutual assistance, independence). 3. To educate the child's subjective position in different games and exercise. 4. To educate cultural and hygienic qualities. Educational tasks are aimed at the versatile development of children, the formation of interest and the need for systematic physical exercise.

Fixed assets nat. education preschoolers are:

I) hygiene factors(daily routine, hygiene of clothes, shoes, hygienic conditions, cultural and hygienic skills). They increase the effectiveness of the effect of physical exercise on the child's body, and also contribute to the normal functioning of all internal organs and systems.

2) Natural forces of nature(sun, water, air) enhance the positive effect of physical exercises on the body and increase the child's performance, are used to harden him.

3) Physical exercise- the main means of physical education. They are used to solve health-improving, educational and educational tasks, contribute to the implementation of mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education preschoolers, and are also a treatment for many diseases.

The modern approach to the organization of physical development involves taking into account the natural scientific, psychological, pedagogical foundations.

Natural Science Foundations are based on the teachings of I.M. Sechenov, I.P. Pavlova and their students. This position is about the threefold unity of the organism: the unity of the physical (bodily) and mental; the unity of all body systems; the unity of the body with environment... This is the doctrine of the reflexes of the brain, the importance of the development of the cerebral cortex, the central nervous system... The study of the relationship of two signaling systems (which is reflected in the combination of showing actions and verbal instructions). The doctrine of a dynamic stereotype of behavior, when conditioned formations of stable reflexes are created for time and its content. Hence, the DOW mode. the group is built on this principle.

Modern physiologists (P.K. Anokhin, N.M. Amosov, I.A. Arshavsky, M.I. Koltsova, M.V. - the biological basis of the body to perform certain physical activities.

Psychological foundations modern physical education reveal the importance of developing children's interest in the physical "I"; the formation of the need-motivational sphere (lines of awareness, consciousness, stability of motives, inclinations, etc.); the formation of the child's ideas about himself as a subject of motor activity; development of physical abilities; taking into account the theory of installation by D.N. Uznadze, as a specially motivated "trigger" mechanism (L. N. Bozhovich N. G. Morozova. L. S. Slavina. A. L. Venger, A. N. Leontiev, V. A. Petrovsky, D. N. N.

Uznadze, etc.).

Pedagogical Basics include the goal and objectives, factors and principles, means, content, conditions.

In this way, modern approaches to the physical development of children are based on scientific and theoretical foundations, recognition of the importance of preserving and strengthening the health of children, the formation of their habit of a healthy lifestyle, the integrity and harmony of physical development determines the specifics of the content of tasks, technologies of purposeful pedagogical activity. The presence of complex and partial (author's) programs creates software and methodological support for the implementation of the tasks of physical development of children.