Can there be eternal love. Is there everlasting love now

As you know, there are a lot of definitions of love, and in each definition a person tries to put his own meaning, different from others and prompted by life itself and by his own life experience... Few imagine happy life without this bright feeling, and a person often spends his whole life in search of perfect love... Everyone has their own idea of ​​what love should be, however, obviously, everyone wants this feeling to live forever in the heart.

But is it possible to carry the feeling of love throughout your life? Is it possible to love one person throughout his life and long years to continue to love as if just yesterday this wonderful feeling was born in the heart?

What are the people usually guided by when they say that it is impossible to love all their life? They declare that it is impossible long time to maintain a feeling of love, since addiction gradually sets in, and people simply get used to the idea that the person who is nearby will always be there. Indeed, in many cases this is so, but this does not exclude the fact that people can carry this feeling throughout their lives if their love is constantly nourished.

If people love each other, then it is quite natural that they will want to do pleasant things to each other, arrange romantic surprises that will strengthen them in a sense of love for each other. A person, as you know, is the creator of his own destiny, and it is in his power to make sure that the feelings of him and his partner towards him continue as long as possible.

Each person, as a rule, had their first love and first love (although there are people who simply cannot experience love). This feeling for each of us was so great and exciting that it is almost impossible to forget this feeling. Falling in love for the first time, we think that we will love this person all our lives and nothing can change that.

Very often, the first love is not mutual, and it gradually dulls, giving way to other events in our personal life... However, is it completely forgotten? No, the first love cannot be forgotten, and, as a rule, we carry this unique feeling throughout our life. We often compare our subsequent partners with the only person whom we once loved (or maybe we still love?). Isn't our first love love for life? This is true in many cases, but not always. One thing is clear - we are ready to carry the memory of our first love through our whole life.

How can we make sure that our love retains its unique freshness, if not for life, then for a very long time? First of all, one must not imitate love, but rather love. If you initially love the person who is next to you, then you obviously do not need to make much effort to keep your feeling for a very long time. Just love each other and prove your love with deeds. After all, over time, deeds speak of love much more eloquently than just beautiful words, and this should always be remembered.

Prove your love for each other every day, every minute, and then you will be able to keep love for life. It depends only on us whether our feelings will be durable, and whether we will be able to carry them through our whole life. After all, love is not only sighs in the moonlight and passionate confessions, it is also much more!

The theme of eternal love has always been, is and will be the peak to which everyone strives. Many works, songs, films are devoted to this topic. Everyone dreams of eternal love and fidelity in their souls. And only a few are able to experience this feeling.

Alas, romance is gone from our lives. V modern world money, power, cynicism and cruelty rule the ball.

People do not believe in love, especially in eternal love. The media are actively promoting the assertion that love only lives for three years. This is probably why the number of divorces exceeds the number of marriages.

Yet some modern girls and women dream of meeting a man who will love them forever. Can a man love only one woman all his life?

It is no secret that women and men with different planets... Women are guided by more feelings and always expect from men. romantic confessions in love. Men, on the other hand, do not show their feelings, so they carefully hide their emotions and desires. Men, as a rule, prove their love not by words, but by actions. When a man loves, he shows concern, takes decisions on himself. financial issues and solving other problems. Not many women understand this, since they are used to expressing their feelings in words, and this is what they expect from men. As a result, many ladies think that their husbands don't like them.

But still eternal love exists, even in our cynical world. Monogamous men are a rather rare occurrence. But they are ready to do everything for their beloved woman. It is important for them when their beloved is happy and happy with everything, then they also feel happy. The problem of monogamous men is that they are very painful to experience unrequited love and divorce. They rarely have a family or children with new woman, more often than not, they do everything to return their beloved woman or quietly suffer alone from feelings unrequited love.

According to psychologists, monogamous people are inherently unhappy people. Ordinary people can fall in love several times, be happy with different partners. And monogamous people, having fallen in love once and not receiving reciprocity, are doomed to live their whole life with a feeling of unrequited love. This means that they will never know true love. Living alone, without family and loved ones, does not make us happy. Better to let our hearts be broken several times, but in the end we will find our person and experience the feelings of true love. In this life, only love matters.

A monogamous man will be faithful to his wife, will become a wonderful father and ideal husband... The main thing is that his chosen one also loved and appreciated him. Then this marriage can be called ideal.

A man's loyalty is measured by a woman's attitude toward him. Any woman is able to make her man faithful and love only her. To do this, it is enough to accept a man, such as he is, and love him, without scandals, reproaches and the desire to remake him.

You dream of eternal love. So that at first glance and until the last breath, and between them there is only solid romance and passion. In fact, for some reason, everything turns out to be different. I don’t know if it is realistic to create eternal love, but it’s definitely possible to create true love for life. Especially when you know the secrets of love.

Secret 1. Love is not a feeling, love is a building.

In the sense that it needs to be built. (Please do not confuse it with "House 2").

We usually think that love exists by itself. It is either there or not. And what we experience at the beginning of a relationship will be with us throughout our lives. Alas, this is not the case. Euphoria romantic dates gives way to sleepless nights at the cradle. And violent passion imperceptibly gives way to conjugal duty.

Many couples miss the moment when this happens, allow themselves to relax and let their feelings and emotions take on a life of their own. But this can be avoided. You just need to realize that that fragile and at the same time great miracle, which we call love, depends only on us.

So that's it. You want to build a beautiful building of love. You will need: a clear plan + a lot of time + patience + good imagination + unlimited desire. Like that. Without it real love, alas, impossible.

Secret 2. Nobody owes anything to anyone.

How often do we forget about this and for some reason begin to think that since he loves, it means he must: give flowers, take out the trash, bring money, etc. etc. And then they begin ... You do not notice that your husband worked until late at night, and you only see that he hasn’t nailed the shelf in the bathroom. And he, in turn, discovers dust on the cabinet, completely ignoring the fact that you prepared dinner, worked with the child and washed before his arrival. Taking everything we do in the family as a responsibility, we stop appreciating and thanking, and instead only reproach and criticize.

I look at my husband. Working three times less, he could live happily ever after, alone, without hassle and problems. Instead, he takes care of me and the children: he walks with the younger, meets the older from school, buys groceries, runs to the pharmacy in the middle of the night if someone is sick. Does he do all this because it is his responsibility? No, of course not! Because he loves. And I am immensely grateful to him and always try to tell about it. And those little things that he does not have time to do around the house, in fact, are little things unworthy of attention.

There can be no responsibilities in love. There can only be a desire to make each other happier.

Secret 3. Opposites attract, but not for long.

Sooner or later, they start to annoy each other terribly. You are an owl, and he is a lark, you are pathological cleanliness, and he is terribly slovenly, you adore animals, and he is sure that all stray dogs need to be shot ... Probably, such a relationship can be preserved. But this requires so much patience, wisdom and willpower that the question arises, "Why?"

After all, the family should not be a source of irritation. Therefore, it is better at the stage of acquaintance to look at a person carefully, and not through a veil. physical desire... It is in a couple years will pass, and you have to build a family with this man!

Once I met a man who was incredibly active: he worked ten jobs, did everything in the world and managed to do a million things in a day. I, on the other hand, love to sleep and dream. I can imagine what a hell our life together could become! Fortunately, we did not commit this stupidity!

In other words, you shouldn't rush at the first comer. It is better to choose a person "by yourself". The metaphor about a cauldron that has its own lid is, of course, strange, but, in fact, it is correct.

Secret 4. Love is the scale.

On one side - respect for oneself, on the other - respect for him. Only this way and nothing else. When one of the bowls outweighs, problems cannot be avoided. If you love him selflessly, that is, you lose yourself, he inevitably becomes an egoist.

First, he wakes you up in the middle of the night to feed him because he gets hungry playing on the computer. Then he forgets to meet you from a business trip, and with heavy bags you get home alone. Then he quits his job, and you, in order to somehow support your family, leave the decree, leaving your six-month-old child with your mother. Then he goes to work, but spends all his salary in the casino. And you accept everything, forgive and endure. After all, "this is love," because "he is dear." Deep down, you are even proud of your love and devotion, and you all hope that he will appreciate it. As a result, he begins to cheat or drink or beat.

The scenarios are different, but the result is the same. And all because love for him and love for oneself must always be in balance.

Secret 5. There is no place for pride in love.

Often married women describe their family life: "I made repairs", "I sent the child to school", "I solved the issue with the documents." All the time the word “I” sounds, and very rarely “we”. Gradually it becomes a habit. You proudly talk about your achievements, forgetting about your loved one. You take on all the problems and worries and solve them brilliantly. At the same time, the spouse does not participate in the life of the family in any way, because you will do everything better.

And then a lonely divorced woman with pride and bitterness talks about how she worked all her life at three jobs, perfectly cooked, cleaned, embroidered, and her husband was lying on the couch and eventually went to another. In love there is no place for pride, but there is a place for pride in your family.

Secret 6. Only two happy people can be happy together.

There may be exceptions. After all, love is an excellent medicine for suffering. However, this feeling is unlikely to last long. Few people will like the role of a lifeline, which should pull you out of the abyss of depression and solve all problems. The responsibility is too high, few people can do it.

Personally, falling in love once helped me overcome depression. Although not even falling in love, but pregnancy. Needless to say, this man quickly disappeared from my life. And all because before entering into a relationship, you need to decide your psychological problems, deal with self-esteem, find happiness in yourself and your life. Only then will you not desperately demand love, but will be able to give it.

Secret 7. There is no suffering in love.

When two people desperately quarrel, fight and accuse each other of all mortal sins, and then make peace in bed, this is not love, but passion. Nice, interesting, incredible, but this feeling is unlikely to live up to the golden wedding. If a relationship brings you suffering, if you tremble over him, and he wipes his feet on you, this is not love. It is addiction. Like any form of addiction, it brings moments of euphoria and bliss, but then withdrawal sets in. A new "dose" is needed.

Unhappy love is also beautiful in its own way. It allows you to feel and experience the full depth of human feelings. But true love knows no suffering, pain, jealousy ...

Secrets of a Happy Relationship: Video

I wish you to unravel all the secrets of love and find harmony, peace and happiness.

If you have any secrets of your own, share them in the comments!

“Who told you that there is no real, faithful, eternal love in the world? Let the liar cut off his vile language! ”- once wrote my favorite writer M. Bulgakov. But is it really so? Is there everlasting love?

It was on this topic that my good friend and I recently talked, shocked by the sudden news that our mutual acquaintances, who have been married for 25 years, are getting divorced noisily and with a scandal ...

Such events in the family of people who have lived their whole lives, it would seem, in perfect harmony, really cast doubt on the validity of the statements of the great classic. Which my friend did not fail to do.

Eternal love doesn't exist

She is sure that such a concept as "eternal love" exists only in books, movies and songs. In reality, everything is much more prosaic. Falling in love with a person, we, of course, think that this feeling will last forever.

It is in the outburst of this thoughtless passion, enthusiasm for another person that all these fairy tales and songs about eternal love are born. For some, this period lasts longer, for someone it ends, and not having time to really begin.

Instead of fading passion comes a habit, on which they are built family relationships... If people have more or less similar characters and worldview, then the family can hold out for quite a long time, and, perhaps, even forever.

If the contradictions are stronger than the similarities, then sooner or later such a marriage falls apart, often after 20-30 years life together... After all, it is at this moment that the most crisis period relationships: the children have already been raised, the house has been built, and there seem to be no common unifying goals ...

Eternal love lives in our heart

Although there is a large grain of truth in her prosaic explanation, it nevertheless confused me a little. Well, I do not believe that there is no eternal love!

It seems to me that everything that passes over time has never been true love. It was a flash of passion fleeting infatuation, falling in love, but not love. After all, love is much deeper, more complicated, it cannot just go away.

At least that's what happens to me. Having once fallen in love with a person - having fallen in love with all his advantages and disadvantages - I can never forget him. Even having remained in the past for some reason, such love now and then returns as a distant echo in memories and thoughts.

In my opinion, marriages that end in noisy divorces with a lot of claims and mutual reproaches have never been built on love.

After all, love can only quietly step aside when it is neglected; it seems to remain in the past, but in fact it never stops. She always lives in our heart, like an invisible light.

Why, then, it is impossible to build a family on such love, if we mutually cherish it, despite all the difficulties and troubles, keep it and not betray it, believing the circulated publications about the fact that “love lives for three years”? Falling in love lives for three years, but love lives forever.

Unfortunately, in our modern consumer society there are very few examples of such couples who have lived hand in hand all their lives. But they are! And one of such examples is my grandparents. It is their relationship that most sustains my belief in eternal love.

There are such examples, and I believe there will be more. And I hope that it is among your families, dear readers Alimero!

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Today, the concept of love is very vague.

We are able to call it almost any relationship between a man and a woman.

Love resounds in every song, movie, novel, and even on the fence and lingerie labels.

Apparently, love is such a big word that advertisers and mass media willingly adopted it.

But is there everlasting love today ? Not in books, magazines or songs, but in everyday life? Is there only one love? And in general, does she exist and at whose house will she definitely knock?

First, let's dot all the "i" s. Referring to a reliable source - explanatory dictionary Ozhegova.

It says that love is a feeling of deep, selfless affection.

Thinking of love comes to mind different stories: touching, beautiful, romantic. However, they are all taken from books, films, or simply told by someone. But for readers, sincerity and truthfulness are important. Therefore, to start today's conversation, I will tell you my own story... She does not apply to me personally, but is still associated with my birth.


So, this story happened during the Great Patriotic War.

Then the railway lines were transferred to martial law. In city X, on one of the railways my great-grandfather Vasily worked, occupying the post of chief. By nature, he was a simple man with a great sense of humor, for which he was respected by his colleagues and wards. Every evening at home his beloved wife Annushka and four wonderful children were waiting for him, one of whom was about to be born. In the middle of the night, his wife became ill, and she was urgently hospitalized. Great-grandfather sat until morning under the windows of the hospital, anxiously waiting for what the doctor would say. Endless analyzes, prescriptions, medications, appointments - all this fell on the shoulders of the head of the family. In those harsh war years, a tough regime applied to everything, including delays. Time was much more valuable than human life... For being late within fifteen minutes, there was a threat of reprimand, and if longer - a sentence. Being late for work was tantamount to desertion, so the guilty ones were sent to the penal battalion, from where no one ever returned. My grandfather was also sent to the death battalion, without even allowing him to say goodbye to his wife, children and newly born daughter, whose appearance he had been waiting for so long. And all this is only due to the fact that he was late by one minute more than the admissible, that is, sixteen minutes. By his act, great-grandfather proved that he loves his family more life... In 1943, his wife had a funeral. In the eyes of his wife and children, he remained not a penalty box, but a real hero who sacrificed his own life for the good of the Motherland. Unfortunately, the place where my great-grandfather died remained unknown until ...

My father left that city and settled in Ukraine. Once he was driving past the town of Izyum. It was there, in 1943, that the battle that remained in history as one of the most important and largest battles took place. Today this is evidenced by a large beautiful memorial erected in honor of the soldiers who fell then. Passing by the monument, the father got out and approached him. The names and surnames of the deceased are engraved on the memorial, among which there were many "penalties". Looking through this list, my father suddenly found among them a familiar name and dates: “S. Vasily Nazarovich ". Dates, name - everything matched. Over the years, my father desperately searched for the place where his grandfather died, but he could not find it. But now he was suddenly lucky. Having requested the necessary data in the archives, he was convinced that it was the grandfather, although there was still no direct evidence, because the life of the “penalties” was not at all appreciated at that time. It turns out that my great-grandfather fought in the territory that in the future became my Motherland, my home, where I was born and raised.

The wife of my great-grandfather, that is, my great-grandmother Anna, after his death, lived until she raised her youngest daughter to her feet and nursed her great-granddaughter, named after her. Children and grandchildren remember only about her kind word: she never yelled at anyone, she had just amazing humility and humility. Most likely, Anna acquired these qualities precisely after a hard blow of fate. My father recalls that he never saw my mother in despair, no matter what happened.

To questions about her husband, the great-grandmother answered as if he went to the store for bread, because for her he was still alive. The photograph of my great-grandfather, hanging in the most conspicuous place, was by no means mourning, but bright and joyful. She spoke about him only in the present tense, because her husband remained alive for her, albeit in eternity.

Sadly, humility cannot be inherited by your descendants. However, memory can be passed on to descendants. Surely, every family has a similar story, because there were and are in the world people who know how to keep loyalty... Eternity and true love cannot erase from memory or destroy even the death of the most beloved person. Such life stories should teach us the main thing, where and how the feat was accomplished in the name and for the sake of love.

Of course, each of us decides for himself what he is capable of for the sake of eternity and love for loved ones.

And what about the only love? Does it exist?

It's about only love can only go if you do not consider this deep feeling as a source of pleasure. After all, pleasure with prolonged repetition creates a habit, and the feelings themselves are dulled. At the same time, your "I" still requires bright, new sensations.

Self-love can be safely attributed to modern vices.

Even the advice of psychologists can be unpredictable, and they often state:

“If you stop loving, leave”, “tired of it - give it up”, “hold on for another month and leave if nothing changes”, etc. All these tips are built on calls for a person not to suffer, but to enjoy, to be free. And he does all this for himself. But at the same time, on TV, in magazines, we see couples in love who, ten, twenty years later, will still passionately love each other. We sigh, feel sorry for ourselves, since we cannot do this, it means that something is wrong with us. Perhaps true love is ahead. So let's get rid of past relationships, what if she is already very close? As a result, we are destroying built relationships in which those romantic dates no longer exist.

In fact, everything has its time.

If falling in love does not develop into a deeper feeling, then this is suspicious. To be attractive, desirable is, of course, good and pleasant, but feelings cannot always remain that way. If you try to keep falling in love, sooner or later it will pass anyway. It is much more important to develop deep affection in each other as a logical continuation of falling in love. The latter can be compared to an explosion. Every time we enjoy falling in love, we are left with wastelands, scorched deserts. But in fact, we have to create something new.

People in love perform feats more easily and happily, they want to take risks, run away with a loved one to the ends of the earth. But few people think about whether such acts are done in the name of love? It is rather delight in love, after all, real feats are not so bright and do not deserve applause.

A real feat can be considered actions that you perform only after you have broken your laziness, pride, yourself from within.

(the Internet)

And yet, what is love? Should I wait for it? ............