Fell like snow on your head

Fall on your head, fall on your head

Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning.- pod. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999 .

See what it means "to fall on your head, fall on your head" in other dictionaries:

    LIKE SNOW ON THE HEAD - to fall; appear, come; descend; happen Suddenly, unexpectedly. It means that a person or a group of persons (X) appears completely unexpectedly, their visit is unplanned, unforeseen for another person, or that some l. event, ... ...

    like snow on your head - what [for whom] to be Completely unexpected, unforeseen. It means that an event, a phenomenon (P) occurs suddenly, is unplanned for a person or for a group, including those united common interests persons (Y). ✦ R like snow on your head ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    See the precipitate is whiter than snow, like snow on your head, to fall like snow on your head, to make it whiter than snow ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. snow, snow, precipitation, groats, white flies, ... ... Synonym dictionary

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    snow - a (y); pl. snow /; m. see also. snowy, snowy, snow 1) about sleep / ge, in the snow /; Solid precipitation that falls from clouds in the form of star-shaped crystals or flakes, which are an accumulation of such crystals. Flakes of snow … Dictionary of many expressions

    A (y); pl. snow; m. 1. about snow, in the snow; Solid precipitation that falls from clouds in the form of star-shaped crystals or flakes, which are an accumulation of such crystals. Flakes of snow. Wet, large with. First p. Falling ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    1. FALL, fall, fall; St. 1. (nsv. Also fall). Fall from where L., from what L. S. from the roof. C. overboard. S. derailed. S. from a horse. C. from the balcony. // Fall, losing support; fall over. The fence fell down. C. on the floor, on the grass. Wood… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    Glb., Sv., Upotr. cf. often Morphology: I will fall, you will fall, he / she / it will fall, we will fall, you will fall, they will fall, fell, fell, fell, fell, fell, fell, fell, fell 1. see nsv. fall down ... Dictionary Dmitrieva

    A (y), sentence about snow, in the snow, many others. snow, m. Solid precipitation falling from clouds in the form of white star-shaped crystals or flakes, which are an accumulation of such crystals. Flakes of snow. □ The first snow flickers, winds ... Small academic dictionary

    - (Exactly) How to fall off the sky (appear unexpectedly). Wed For three years I did not write two words, And suddenly I burst out like out of the clouds! Griboedov. Woe is out of mind. 1, 9. Famusov. Wed Solemus ... Per. Qui repentino advenerint, de coelo decidisse dicere. ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)


  • Losing innocence, Richard Branson. If you try to imagine the best embodiment of the entrepreneurial spirit in one person, then only one name comes to mind: Sir Richard Branson. Creator of a unique brand ...


I was never afraid of airplanes, only at the very beginning of the flight, it was scary, and then I got used to it. Today my family and I are returning home. We spent a week in Poland. Warsaw is the most beautiful city. So many palaces, one can only dream of seeing. Some of them are made in the Baroque style, others - classicism, and so it is possible to list for a very long time. Such a cultural center can only be envied. During so many days of our stay, we did not see even half of the city's cultural treasures. On the plane, out of old habit, I settled down comfortably in the chair, planning to sleep. Fly or ride, what's the difference? On the road, I always feel sleepy, and there is nothing else to do. With these thoughts I fell asleep. I woke up from a sharp pain. It got very cold. I didn't even immediately realize that the plane was no longer there. But then came the fear. I didn't want to die, but do they survive after plane crashes? Perhaps, but these are only a few. I was spinning in all directions. The cold wind hit his face painfully, and the icy air burned his skin. Debris flew from all directions, dead people. I hoped for a painless death. I wanted to believe in God and ask him to save me. How I want to live! After this thought, consciousness left me. Then there was a flash of pain and silence. Is there life after death? Why am I still thinking? Or am I alive? An insanely many thoughts were spinning in my head. Parents ... I stubbornly drove this thought away. I'm dead, maybe there is heaven, and we will meet. It hurts, I still feel something? The pain subsided, then increased. A quiet voice distracted me from her. “Don't think about anything, honey. Sorry I couldn't help. You died, it's my fault. All died. But I cannot leave it like that. You are still here, you feel everything, you hear. It had to happen. Your blood gives me life. Sorry ... - the voice fell silent for a second, but continued, speaking even more confusedly. - I will send you to another world. It’s not at all like it is on Earth. But this is the only place available to me. Live, I will look after you. You will live a long life, girl. I love you. Sorry for what happened ... I didn't understand what was happening. But the consciousness decided that there were too many shocks for today, and switched off.

Chapter 1.

Ciel derRinness I finally managed to escape. It was foolish to go to the enemy's castle alone. Now I had to kill the guard who brought the food and leave the cell. Magic protection the castle of these demons turned out to be the best, so the whole army of Dan is looking for me. I could not move far enough, I hid in the bushes, but someone is already walking nearby. You can't move, they will spot you. I hope this is a person, they are the ones doing the dirty work here. If a demon, I have a cover. Getting out of the castle cellars, I ran into a guard, killed him, but the food managed to cut my hand. Destiny must be mocking me? The demon who purposefully walks towards me. Do not hope, creature, I will not surrender without a fight! Only it seemed to rise was an even more stupid undertaking than to go on reconnaissance to the enemy alone. I was shaken, and I fell, hitting the back of my head on something hard, it must be a stone. Consciousness was with me, and I saw this monster approaching me, playing with a dagger. There was nothing I could do, my body refused to obey. If only he killed me, if they return me to the cell, it will be much worse. From contemplation of approaching death I was distracted by a cry coming from the sky. What the hell? Have I lost so much blood that I'm already hallucinating? But it looks like I'm not the only one. The demon, so eager to kill me, also looked up at the sky. It was unexpected for both of us when a girl fell from the sky. This turned out to be more unexpected for the demon, because she fell right on his head. It saved me, but I still won't have time to leave. Her scream attracted too much attention. Yes, and I am not even able to get up from the ground, not that to hide from the pursuit. The girl seems to have passed out. And here is the same chase. Six men with equally tied hair, and one with short hair... Appeared! Dan! And he never came down to my cell. I hate this creature, but I once considered him my friend. Until he betrayed. The demon looked at the girl in surprise. “Take both,” he ordered. At this point, I decided to leave this entertaining action and passed out. Elizabeth I woke up on something rather soft. The room was very bright. Looking around, I realized that I was lying on a large bed. And next to him lies a man! With horror, she flung herself out of bed and sat on the floor in the corner, leaning her back against the wall. The last thing I remember was a man telling me some nonsense about salvation and another world. Then again he fell, but not from such a height. But all the same it was very scary, I even seemed to shout. But the landing was quite soft, although the air was knocked out of the lungs. Then I passed out. So why the hell did I wake up in bed with a man? I'm in hell? She looked sideways at the man. Nice one. Or in paradise? Although ... I ran the last memories in my head. So I am alive in another world. She looked at the bed again. The man lying on it was very dirty and breathing heavily. I decided to look at myself. From what was available to my eyes, it was possible to pretend that I was still dead. Covered in blood, trousers ripped, jacket cut and stained. It's amazing that nothing hurts me. Hmm ... the fact that I'm alive is more amazing. Footsteps rang out. I tensed. A man opened the doors. Tall, with a good figure. Brunette, short-haired, hedgehog. I always loved these haircuts, and this one also has red hair ends. So, we must not think about that. Where are we? Should you trust this man? I am not sure. I think I am a prisoner. And I was mistaken for an accomplice in something that the man lying on the bed did. The newcomer glanced around the room, stopping briefly on the bed, and came up to me. I got scared. There was anger in his dark blue eyes. I wanted to hide away. But I was in the corner. And where to hide in an unfamiliar place? I ask myself too many questions. - What's your name? the man asked me. I said nothing. “I’m Dennis,” he continued. As if this is telling me something! The anger that burned in me made me make a decision. Don't trust. Better to be silent, let them think that she is dumb. This person is not credible. The man frowned as if he heard my thoughts. “Okay, if you don’t want to talk, I’ll go. Now the servants will bring food and clean things. The bathtub is behind that door, ”Dennis said, and gestured to a door on the opposite side of the room. I didn't even notice it, or was it not there? Is it magic? Or I'm just in a psychiatric hospital, after an accident and I have hallucinations. While I was thinking about why I had not noticed the door, the unexpected guest left the room. I decided not to leave the strategically convenient place in the corner. Here I can at least see the whole room, including doors and windows. The illusion of security. And I cannot hide from these people anywhere, there is no doubt about that. The so-called servants came and brought a lot of food. How delicious it smells! But what if she is poisoned? You can't risk it, it's better to starve. I got a chance for life and I don't want to lose it so easily. These people also brought things and towels. But I didn't care, I wanted to be free. I don't like it here. The man on the bed groaned. Maybe he needs help? I wanted to get up, but I reined in myself. I have nothing to help him. And I stayed where I was. The man moaned for about an hour. It looks very bad for him. My conscience broke down and gave me a kick in the ass. I made up my mind to approach. The man on the bed was really bad. He was burning all over the bed. I took one of the towels I had brought and poured the liquid brought in the decanter onto it. It smells like something alcoholic. She began to wipe the man's face. It should bring down the fever, at least a little. Then I decided to wipe his hands and bare chest. His clothes were torn almost like mine. There was a cut on his hand. There was dirt in the wound, I guessed it for two reasons: pus, and it was covered in dirt. I had to take a decanter and another towel. Gently put the dirty and wet under the arm, others began to wipe the wound, pouring a thin stream from the decanter. The crust peeled off the wound pretty quickly. And blood flowed mixed with mud. I had to take another decanter, which smelled like compote. Well, there is no choice, I began to pour liquid on the wound, blotting it with a towel. When comparatively pure blood began to flow, I bandaged my hand with one of the shirts I had brought. I hope the hospitable hosts will not be very upset. I returned to my favorite corner. I sat for a long time and looked at the bed, because he should have been in pain, but he did not move while I was working on his hand. Maybe he died? But hard breath confirmed the opposite. But the man stopped moaning, and my conscience calmed down. I sat for a long time, my eyes closed, but I was afraid to sleep. When I woke up, I realized that I could not resist and fell asleep. She quickly ran her gaze across the room. Nothing changed. She looked at the bed, the man was breathing evenly. I ought to look at my hand. I crept up to the bed. Judging by the bandage on the arm, the blood stopped long ago. I decided to put my hand to the patient's forehead. Burning again. Poorly. Squinted at dirty towels and empty jugs. That man, like Dennis, said that there was a compata bathroom outside the door. We should take the risk of going there. Having picked up towels and one of the decanters, I went into the room I had so avoided. There was a small room in which the light came on as soon as the door opened. Then there was a choice: two doors. Opening one, I saw quite such a human toilet, for the next I was waiting for a large bathroom, more like a pool, and several sinks, as well as many shelves with incomprehensible jars. I assumed the strange carved things sticking out of the walls were taps. Twisting and tugging one of them, she confirmed her guesses. I washed my hands and drank water, after which I washed the towels as long as I could. First, I am very weak on my own. Secondly, after death you are supposed to be weak. Thirdly, the water from the tap was icy. The latter was in my favor. I also typed pure water in a decanter. Back from wet towels into the room, I did not notice any outsiders. Okay. Putting a cold rag on the man's forehead, she sat down on the floor next to the bed. To lie down with by a stranger in one bed was beyond my strength, well, let him be unconscious. A few minutes later, the rag on my forehead warmed up and I changed it to another, cold one. This went on for about a couple of hours, the hot rag was replaced by a cold one. I already began to get tired of this occupation when the man came to his senses. This was the last thing I expected. And now I didn't know what to do. “Water,” he whispered. Grabbing the decanter, she carefully raised it to the man's lips and tilted it. He took two greedy gulps, after which I pushed the jug aside. For which she received a look full of hatred. - Who are you? Where I am? - he asked several questions. I hesitated, not knowing what to answer. And is it worth it. He was expectantly silent. Now this man does not pose a great danger to me. But what if he later turns out to be an enemy? And yet I need to trust someone, at least for the near future. “I’m Liza, I don’t know where we are,” I answered as briefly as possible. He looked at me incredulously. At that moment, the door to the room opened. I jumped into the corner. This is not the one that I liked initially. But my back is so safe, it was enough for me to see the enemy. Yes, I'm scared and I do not hide it. I just don't know how. Both men looked at me. There was surprise in their eyes. Then they looked at each other. Now an eerie silence hung in the room. The tension flew in the air, and threatened to shock. - You! cried the man lying on the bed, trying to get up. But Dennis put out his hand and he froze. - Shut up, Ciel. I wish you no harm. I have no time to talk about what happened, and no place. - he looked sideways at me, and then at the door. What am I? Somehow I didn’t ask to come here and will leave this place with pleasure. The name of the man I saved is Ciel. Beautiful. In my world, a character from one of the anime had that name. Smiled, it suits him. Slightly long dark hair, with bangs reaching down to the eyes. Bright blue, almost blue, eyes, a straight nose and tightly compressed lips. Meanwhile, the men continued their conversation. “Let us go if you don’t want evil,” Ciel hissed. Us? I wonder if he is about me? It would be nice. - I can not. My allies will not understand. You are political prisoners. Dennis looked at me. - By the way, about you. Who is she? Ciel looked at me. How I do not like this attention. I leaned closer to the corner, expecting danger. “Girl,” the man said with a grin. - Did not you notice? “I thought you didn't know her,” Dennis grimaced. - But, for some unknown reason, she has been nursing you for several days. Now both men were looking at me. What kind of people? I want to sink into the ground. - And she is also sure that we are people, - our guest turned to Ciel. What? Does he know what I'm thinking ?! “I don’t care what she thinks. Why the hell are you so nice to us? I said that I would kill you, and did not take my words back. We are still enemies! the man hissed from the bed. - All later, - Dennis waved his head from side to side and now turned to me. - You haven't eaten anything. Is this okay? The food is not poisoned, do not be afraid. Yes, I read your mind. And I'm not going to kill anyone. Calm down. I blink in surprise, he doesn't just read minds, because I just didn't have time to think. I want the same! He arched an eyebrow in surprise, which involuntarily caused a smile. “I will believe you, sir,” she bowed her head. - That's good. Fresh food and drink will be brought to you now. - Having said that, Dennis turned to leave. “Wait,” I decided. He turned around in surprise. - Could you bring something to treat the wound? Zelenka, peroxide or whatever you have ... and bandages. Dennis looked at me strangely, as if he saw a ghost. I shrugged. - Okay, I will order to bring everything that you need. - the man said and went out the door. This corner is also so nothing - it occurred to me. In my world, I was not distinguished by a strange love of corners, but you never know what happens after death. Here I am sitting here and somehow calmly, even relatively safe. I felt the eyes on me. How could I forget? The patient woke up ... And what should I do now? His company bothers me. Not as much as the men who regularly drop in to us, but I would rather be alone ... And as far from here as possible. Ciel was silent, I was also in no hurry to start a conversation. The door creaked. The servants came. They brought delicious meat-smelling food, drink, more things and some bottles, meanwhile taking what was left over from the evening. It is necessary to treat the wound, but how can I do it? I'm afraid to imagine. But the man still needs help. Probably still have to talk. What should I tell him? I don't know where we are, or who he is, I'm not even sure who I am. But there is nothing to do. “Listen,” I began. - You need to clean the wound. Otherwise, inflammation will reappear. And what to say next? I was not trained in diplomatic speeches. I always preferred to speak directly, or to be silent. The man looked at me a little surprised. - Not worth it. It has almost dragged on. Do you really think that we are human? And why are you helping me? I wish I hadn't started talking. - Is there anyone else besides humans? Helping ... I don't know. You moaned, moaned for a long time. I could not resist, I tried to help. I am not a doctor, but I provided a minimum of help. I think I was mistaken for an accomplice in your affairs. So logically, I have to help you. - answered honestly. - In addition to humans, there are many races: elves, orcs, werewolves, vampires, demons, dragons ... It's long to list them all. I am a werewolf, that man who comes to us is a demon. My eyes seem to have become the size of a saucer. So that voice didn't lie, and the devils threw me somewhere in another world. And then I hoped that I was dreaming everything. I pinched myself, didn't wake up. I don’t understand: am I glad or sad? I always dreamed of visiting the fantasy world, at one time I re-read a bunch of books. And then bang! Welcome, do not hesitate to come through! I am a foreigner who immediately became a political prisoner. Delightful! - Do you accidentally get creatures from other worlds? - I asked the only question that interests me. “It happened,” he said. Then he paused and stared at me with unblinking eyes. Seems to have guessed. I think it's worth telling him everything I know, maybe he will also share useful information. - I am a foreigner. I have no idea about your world and the creatures living in it. I heard about some, but we have them only in fairy tales and horrors. Simply put, they do not exist. As far as I remember, I died at home. Then she fell. I woke up in this room. In general, my knowledge in your world ends there. I hope you don’t gobble me up, kill me, and set me up. I'm not interested in what you have with this demon. I want to get out of here as soon as possible and find a place where I can live in peace. I was given a second chance, I don't want to miss it. After my speech, the doors to the room opened. Well, what the devil is now? Or is it such an unpretentious set-up, one talked, the other overheard. I got it, I got it. Dennis was in the room again. I shrugged, I heard okay. Anyway, sooner or later I would have to tell him too. We are prisoners. Ignoring both men, she got up and went to the table with food. Mmm ... Potatoes with meat ... How long have I not eaten! She pulled up a chair and proceeded to dinner. The sun was still high outside the window. The food was quite tasty, and my stomach rumbled gratefully. All the time I was eating food, the men silently stared at my back. Nervous, but hunger is not aunt, as they say. Not having the slightest desire to continue the conversation with these people ... creatures, I decided to go to the shower. She took a towel and things lying on top from the bed and disappeared behind the saving door. Even with two doors. Opening the tap above the pool, I discovered good news. The water was running warm. Without waiting for water to fill up in a kind of bath, she took off her dirty clothes and climbed into an almost empty container. Legs immediately began to pinch. The burns after the fall remained, but I was hoping. Sniffed all the liquids on the shelves more than a half smelled nice. Strawberries, oranges, apples, caramel. And life is not a bad thing. She poured that liquid into her hand that smelled like caramel. She froth well. I lathered myself all over, it hurts, but bearable. The medicine bottles seem to be useful to me. Feeling much cleaner, I tried to wash my hair. It turned out to be not so easy. The hair was matted and matted. Finding a mirror in the room, she was speechless. The burns all over my body weren't the worst. The face is reddened, but in general without severe damage, I think I should thank that voice. The makeup is smeared, it's fixable. But it will be impossible to untangle the hair, this is a fact. How long did I spread them. There was only ... Tears came to my eyes. After long stay in the bathroom a pretty girl was looking at me in the mirror. Dark hair were different lengths, some strands reached the chest, while others, on the contrary, hardly reached the chin. I left everything I could untangle, cutting off the rest with the knife I found on the shelf. It turned out even funny. The next disappointment in my life was that the things that I took from the bed were masculine. Looking around doubtfully big shirt and huge pants for me, I decided to experiment. I will not go out to two men in a towel? The trousers were immediately put aside, I could not do anything with them. But the shirt is purring! Without putting her hands in the sleeves, I buttoned several buttons obliquely so that the shirt would be held on the chest. I tied the sleeves instead of the belt. It turned out to be a little dress. I wonder if this is not too much in this world? Usually everyone is wearing medieval long Dresses... I still have no choice, it's time to leave. I stayed here anyway. Ciel derRinness The girl ate and went into the bathing room in complete silence. To say that she surprised me is to say nothing. Dennis, who had been hanging outside the door for the entire conversation, had the same shock. A foreign woman ... Creatures from other worlds came into our world whiter than three hundred years ago. And even then it was very rare. The gods have closed our world, in order to avoid, so to speak. Almost all people and non-people who came became the sources of huge troubles, wars and coups. My hatred for the demon faded into the background. What to do with the girl? Kill her right away, so as not to rake problems later. Or? He looked expectantly at Dan. “I don’t know, she’s weird.” Afraid of everything, but holding on. Told you the truth, you felt it too. She died at home - it's strange. How could a person get to us? Joke of the Gods? Maybe you shouldn't harm her, since she's been allowed in. I think they understood what they were doing. Dan gave out. - Maybe. My sister would say more. - I could not help but reproach former friend... He will pay for the death of my little girl. Not now, then later. And I am not even embarrassed by the fact that he hears my thoughts. The demon grunted and left with the words: "You will forgive me, I could not tell you." I did not pay attention to his words. He killed my sister! Their love was an illusion. Used it, hurt it. I will never forgive! Alice was kind and pure, and she never became that way. Some kind of sacrifice for the good ... stupidity! She wasn't worth it. The doors to the room opened again. There was a girl in the doorway, and Dennis hugged her by the shoulders. Looking into the eyes of the newcomer, I shuddered. My little girl! Sister! I jumped up and hugged her tightly, not believing. She was very real. The demon took a step back, smiling. - Brother, you will strangle me, - the girl pulled away. “Don't blame Dan, he saved my life. I forbade talking to you, or anyone else. I am no more, so it is necessary. Elizabeth Coming out of the bathroom, I saw a pretty cute picture. Ciel happily hugged some girl, and Dennis stood behind with a restrained smile. The girl was quite interesting. High with pale pink hair... Dressed in white dress, freely descending, hiding the figure. Looks like I could have spent more time in the shower. I just had time to think about it. Three glances glared at me. And if the men looked at me with interest more in the physical sense, then the girl, breaking free from the embrace, came closer. - Hi, - and held out her hand to me. I shook hands, going to say hello in return. But the unexpected happened. "The girl was lying on a huge altar, at the head of which was a statue of a beautifully cold woman. There are many people around in the same robes, similar to monks. They are reciting poetry monotonously, there must be a prayer. Here are two of the people taking out daggers, the blades of which seem to be alive, They wriggle with snakes. They simultaneously take a step to the altar. All movements are precise, rehearsed. Daggers cut the wrists at the same time. In the corner, a guard shudders. A girl screams. Blood pours from the veins, flowing down the edges of the altar at the head of the headboard and filling the cups. Tears run down the cheeks of the victim. "We apologize, our mother" - I hear the voice of one of the monks. The thickets are full, the girl barely breathes. The same monk gives the order to remove the body. Everyone leaves. Only that guard remains, shuddering from a cry. He gently lifts the girl into his arms. Whispers: "I will not let you die, love." And he takes the girl out of the hall. " I blink, trying to figure out what happened. The girl who greeted me falls to the floor. Both men rush to her aid, managing only to save the unfortunate head from a collision. Evil glances in my direction. What's wrong? I did not do anything! I wanted to scream, but that will change. For them I am the enemy. I shouldn't have trusted. After a couple of minutes, the men were able to bring the girl to consciousness. When she woke up, she looked only at me. And she was silent. The silence began to strain. Dennis and Ciel were visibly nervous. - What did you see? - asked the stranger. I am silent. Why would she know what I saw? And I myself do not understand what it was. She looked intently at the girl. An eerie realization came. Understanding everything, recognizing the heroes of the vision. Tears sprang into my eyes. “I am Kara,” the girl said, lowering her eyes. - The seer. The past, the present, the future is available to me. Not all and not always. But I know a lot. - I saw you, on THAT day, - answered, looking sideways at the men. “I saw you die,” she whispered. - Fair exchange of information. Dani, Sil, she good man... The gods guard it. She is important to the world. This was the end of the conversation. The girl still sat in our room. I was silent, the others talked about something different. I was not interested. Thoughts came to my mind about my parents, about the plane. They are no more. Why was I given a chance? I miss and want to go home. Apathy came. Everything around him became gray and meaningless. I wanted to disappear ... My relatives and loved ones ... Why were you taken away from me? Tears streamed down my cheeks. I turned to the window. It was raining outside the window. Ciel derRinness The sister surprised us by first fainting and then declaring that the girl was under the protection of the Gods. With this we decided to leave the discussion of the girl. Although they talked for a long time about how the years had passed. I'm happy now. My friend is not a traitor. All the years he remained faithful to his beloved, protecting her. And most importantly, my sister is ALIVE! She has changed a lot. Has matured. Has become more feminine blue eyes looking wiser. You can't even say that five years ago I was just a child. I don't like her pink hair, but they also give it beauty, emphasizing the singularity. And the new name, my sister always liked it. We talked for a long time. Dennis apologized for being silent for so many years. I didn't blame him, he would have killed for her. The sister spoke of a new life for the demons. Here she is foreseeing, not seeing. There was nothing left of that girl who was sacrificed. The seer takes high status, they prefer not to argue with her. People come to Kara for help. And now it is especially valuable. Because of war. I'm only on opposite side... I can not betray either one or the other. Then I'll talk to Dan about what to do. We sat like that for a long time. It was completely dark outside the window. The little sister has already begun to yawn and rub her eyes. How small. I smiled. At least it hasn't changed in some way. He hugged her as tightly as possible and sent these two to sleep. I'm not the owner here, this is not my home, but this couple obeyed. They left holding hands. During the conversation, we forgot about the foreign woman. She did not interfere in the conversation, she understood that she was superfluous. Now I was peering at her back. Should I start a conversation? My eyes were suddenly riveted by her clothes. After all, she is hardly dressed! Looked closely. Straight back, open to the shoulder blades. Hands grab the shoulders. Hair scattered over the shoulders. Seductive. He went up to the girl and put his hands on her shoulders. She shuddered, but did not turn. Warm ... Only the skin is strange, as if burned. Perhaps it is. But it didn't distract me much. The girl's body attracted. He touched his lips to her shoulder. She turned around in amazement. All in tears. - What happened? - asked fearfully. But she just buried herself in my chest and burst into tears harder. Hugged. So small and fragile body... Shudders quietly. I held her tightly to me. From this instincts screamed. I haven't had a girlfriend for a long time, and here she is in her miniature dress. Affordable and innocent. I pulled back a little and kissed her. It turned out to be hot and imperious. She didn’t answer, but she didn’t resist either. He pulled her closer, continuing to kiss, and ran his hand along her back from top to bottom. And then the door flew open. How wrong is it!

Chapter 2.

Elizabeth I woke up from the fact that someone was kissing me. She raised her eyes. Ciel? Why the hell is he kissing me? I went into myself, not paying attention to such a trifle as a man, and that's how it ended. He kisses well, only his embrace portends something that is not part of my plans for the future. I wanted to push the man away, but the door swung open ahead of me. The werewolf turned around and froze. “I’ll kill her,” said the newcomer. Having reasoned that besides me there are no more females here, I remained to stand behind the broad back of the man. Should a kiss pay off? I wonder why they want to kill me? I didn't seem to have time to do anything yet. I thought, I never left this room! Maybe the door was wrong? - Where is this girl ?! - raised his voice, guest. And with a jerk he pushed Ciel aside. Hmm, well, the men are gone. They can't even protect a girl! The man who entered was ash hair and almost black eyes full of hate. He was advancing on me. I took a few steps back. The guest drew a short blade from its scabbard and began to slowly approach. "They'll kill me now" - a joyful thought manifested itself. I will go to the family. There will be no captivity, no torment, no uncertainty. The fear has disappeared, there is still a calm confidence in the future. The man pointed the blade in my direction, about to say something. Did not have time. I took two sharp steps forward. The blade pierced the chest. None of those present expected this. It seems that the guest was not going to kill me. But it's' too late. Did it hurt? Unbearable ... The breath was given with great difficulty. She coughed and bleeding from her mouth. I sank quietly to the floor. A bright flash of light. "Stupid girl! I didn't save you for that. Live! You won't die. And if you want to again, you'll have to think twice. Killing yourself is easy, but can you kill another?" - again that voice, as after the disaster, only this time full of anger. No pain. I look at my chest: not a wound. The blade in blood lies on the floor next to me. The blond sits on the floor opposite, staring at me with all his eyes. I decided to exhale. Cough ... More blood. The man across the street coughed as well. She looked at him in surprise. Is he kidding? But noticing that there was blood on the corner of his lips, I realized - no. What did that voice do? Why am I alive again ?! This was beginning to annoy me. Can't I die in peace now? They make me live. And when they force me to do something, I want to do the opposite. To spite everyone! She grabbed the blade and slashed her hand. There was blood, almost no pain. It strained that my failed killer jerked. He had a cut on his arm like mine. And what does it mean? Oh you! "Can you kill another?" - repeated in my head. That's what that voice meant. A familiar voice is very helpful, I heard it not only during the plane crash, even earlier. I just can't remember. She looked at the blond. Sits, looks at the hand. And the blood continues. By the way, about the hand. You have to bandage her. She got up, went over to the bottles of medicine, uncorked the first one that came across and poured it on her hand. “Aaaaa,” she screamed. But she bit her tongue right away. She grabbed a towel and twisted it around her hand. She turned to the men. One stands in the middle of the room and looks at me in fright. The second sits on the floor and examines the scratch, as if seeing blood for the first time. Maybe I don't understand something? Or this world has gone crazy. She grinned. She took a bottle of stand with a terrible liquid, which she poured onto her wound, and went over to the blonde. Sitting down, she dripped on his hand. For which she immediately paid. They knocked me to the floor, squeezing my throat painfully. - What damn it? the man growled, baring sharp fangs. The marks that appeared on his neck interested me more than the demon itself. Well, at least I think it's him. - God knows, - I honestly admitted. - On my neck will they be the same as yours? The blond was surprised and loosened his grip a little, but did not want to let go. - First you fall from the sky on my head, when I almost finished off the enemy. Then I find out that you are in my house. I try to kill you, but I end up getting hurt myself. What does it mean? - he tried to speak calmly, and sparks of anger and hatred glittered in his eyes. - If I understood what was happening, believe me, I would not lie under you, - I snapped. It is now clear why my landing was so soft. I fell on this unfortunate man. By the way, I need to find out who I saved. Ciel really? If you think logically, it comes out. We were thrown into one room as accomplices. I am glad that not in the camera. But that's Dennis's job, I'm sure. Remember the devil ... Dennis walked into the room with a brisk pace. He stopped abruptly. I can imagine what kind of picture he is watching. But let's not talk about the sad. Maybe at least this man will help me? - Alex, let the girl go, please, - the last word was spoken with pressure. Dennis is easier, read the mind and please everyone. - I will kill you anyway, - the blond looked at me and got up. - Why did you come, brother? It's not my destiny to kill her, today. He underlined the last word. Yeah, I didn’t mind dying, but they don’t give it. However, if this insolent guy gets me, I will kill him. She grinned. It is enough for me to commit suicide and this guy will throw the horses back. Cruel. But for some inexplicable reason, the blonde annoys me. His name is like Alex. By the way, brother? Are they relatives with Dennis? Not particularly happy. But I don't understand this world, maybe all the demons here refer to each other as "brother". “We all need to talk now,” Dan closed the door. She sat down and, turning her head to the side, looked at the demon. Maybe he is making fun of that? They kill, revive, seduce, kill, revive ... Vicious circle some. What can we talk about here? Dennis also reads my thoughts. There is nothing more to say. - Yes, I hear your thoughts, but these two do not have such a talent. So, I'm sorry, but I'll have to talk, - the demon gave me his hand. Has risen from the floor. My poor little body: burns, bruises, wounds ... Such "joys" spoil the mood only in this way. The desire to kill someone is growing at a frantic pace. She looked sideways at the blonde. Dan hastened to block my view, and also to hide away the blade that had been lying on the floor before. This demon led me to the table and sat me on a chair. Having poured four glasses of wine, he handed one to me, handed the second to Alex, the third to Ciel, and then returned to me. I don’t want to think about a werewolf at all. His behavior raises some question marks. First he kisses and hugs, then he ignores my murder, and now he portrays a statuette like "I'm not here, I'm a total glitch." Irritating ... - You have a drink, maybe you will calm down, - Dennis looked at me, - From your thoughts my head is spinning and the desire to kill both of them. I didn’t notice this before. Emotions are, as you say, a blond hobbyhorse. And together it will be easier for them ... - NO! I didn’t even have time to think it over, and he was already yelling. Well, okay, I can handle it myself. She took a sip of wine. Delicious. Sweet with a slight bitterness. She took a couple more big sips. Why do I especially want to kill them? Dennis sighed. She looked at him. Nice one. The demon glanced at me and hurried to get the glass. What about? I get drunk quickly. No not like this. I get drunk very quickly. My body reacts strangely to alcohol. But wine, my little weakness. I love him, especially so sweet. Therefore, I allow myself to drink it. Dennis's plan succeeded, my thoughts are far from this place now. - Alex, Ciel, listen to me carefully, I will not repeat. This girl is under the strong protection of one of the Gods. She is a foreigner, but so far there is no connection between her fate and our world. She is not dangerous. At least for now. Brother, I can see her aura around you. I don't know why yet, but let's figure it out. Ciel, I will transfer you to another room. I think the girl will be more comfortable alone in the room. This concludes today's conversation. It's time for everyone to rest. I listened to Dennis's speech with my ear, there was nothing new there. I'm drunk. I really want to sleep, so all these men will leave and rest. Pull the table up to the door and lie down in a warm and soft bed. Only in it slept the wounded Ciel. - Can I change the bedding? - I called out to Dan, who had already moved towards the exit. He nodded. Alex left first, Dan followed him, and Ciel last, looking back and whispering "sorry". He would shove them to himself ... In general, it does not matter. Now I was left alone in the room. The servants came. They quickly cleaned the room and made a new bed. She took off her shirt and went to bed. Bliss! I almost purred with pleasure. It is pleasant to lie on the soft silk sheets. The mood crept up, and my eyes began to close. But before falling asleep, I was not too lazy to get up and move the table. The blocked passage was pleasing to the eye. I understand that it will not stop anyone, but how much noise there will be. She smiled and yawned sweetly. And fell asleep wrapped in a warm blanket. Ciel derRinness I sat and watched as this monster goes to the girl. He will kill her quickly. One can even envy this. It is impossible not to recognize him, this is the only demon with blond hair. My best friend's brother, but if Dennis is on the imperial throne, then Alex is the executioner. He knows how to torture all creatures, no one knows how to get information better than him. And to contradict him is much worse than the emperor. Alex enjoys torture and is a strong empath. It's impossible to lie to him. It was because of him that I decided to run away, I didn't want to meet him at work. Keep out. The girl is, of course, sorry, but I cannot help. I don't need such an enemy. Now he will stab her and leave without noticing me. Let it be so ... The girl's next act unsettled not only me, but also Alex. She, without waiting for the blow, rushed to the blade. He gently entered her chest, blood flowed. She herself decided on this ... Strong. A bright flash of light. Somewhere on the verge of consciousness, a voice addressing the girl. I can’t make out the words or even grasp the meaning. Very light. Is this really the same God that the sister spoke of? Suddenly everything went out. The girl was safe, no scratches, only blood in the corner of her lips. She coughed. Alex choked too. Surprise appeared on Lisa's face and, without hesitation, she cut her hand. The demon received the same injury. That's what God was talking about, the fragments of the words came together. He connected them. I don't know how, but he can do it. Now the executioner has a little secret, which it seems he has not yet figured out. His life depends on a fragile human girl. Lisa, on the other hand, is behaving in a completely illogical manner. She treated her wound and went to Alex. He doesn't seem to like the pain. It's funny, you have to take note. But the demon did not remain in debt, knocking the girl to the floor and growling something. Maybe he'll kill her after all? I wouldn't mind getting rid of Alex. It is a pity for the girl, but the benefit is more important. When did I become so cruel? Perhaps during those five years when I thought that my sister, my only family, was gone. I became calculating. It will be difficult to change back. And I'm not sure I want to be that sentimental idiot again. Dennis appeared in the room. This man knows how to manage. He quickly put everyone in their places. The main goal for him is the safety of the girl. Although there is someone to take care of her, these are not my problems. I was moved to the other end of the castle. Quite a cozy room, a guest room. No guards at the doors. A friend trusts me. And without a girl it is much better, she strained, both in terms of danger and in terms of the fact that she is a woman. Now you can breathe easy. Alex My brother sent everyone to rest, but I don't want to go to my place, that's why I came to the roof. The quietest place in the castle. Except me, no one has access here. Fresh air calmed, allowing reasoning. The arm still ached, and the blood did not stop. This is strange to me. As well as for other demons. Our wounds heal in seconds. Even magical. And this one appeared on its own, and even after a couple of hours it does not heal. Poorly. If any of my enemies find out about this ... We need to find out as soon as possible what is happening. If you think about it, the wound exactly repeats the cut on the hand of the little man I wanted to kill. She embarrassed me. Of course, no one will mention it, but I do not forgive that. Dan forbade her to approach her, only for me his orders are nothing. I rather listen to him as a brother or friend. Well, I digress from the topic, the wound is exactly the same. The brother said something about the protection of the Gods. And they are capable of a lot. Moreover, Dan said that I had her aura on me. It turns out that God protected her from me by tying us up. If I do not harm her, then everything will be fine with me. I will obey my brother. I just need to cure her, otherwise I don't want to walk around with a cut hand. Looked down. Its windows just overlook this side, you can enter without attracting too much attention. My brother will be calmer. My wings are not like all demons. God knows who my mom was walking with. But besides blond hair, I have light gray wings. Irony, it is the only light demon - the executioner, whom the whole world is afraid of. I went down to the required windows. Easily opening the doors, he quietly entered. Looking around, I laughed. The girl blocked front door table. Is it so that no one comes in? I doubt that such an obstacle will stop the demon, except perhaps the servants. The little man herself was asleep, lounging all over the bed. Came closer. Pretty pretty. Soft, correct features faces. Uneven cut brown hair ... Wrapped in a blanket. And the most pleasant thing is a serene expression on his face. It is a pleasure to look at her. I looked at the sweetly sleeping girl for a long time. It reassured me, as if I had not tried to kill her a little earlier. We need to cure her hand. Gently sat down on the edge of the bed. And at the same moment the little man opened her eyes and was about to scream. He squeezed her mouth sharply. So much resentment in the eyes. I even felt ashamed. I used to feel hatred, pain, hope, humility in other beings, but there was no offense. The girl did not try to escape. Strange ... She even stopped screaming. He just blinks resentfully. “Be quiet,” he ordered. She frowned. He took his hand away from her mouth, ready to silence her again at any second. But she just shrugged and sat up, wrapping herself tighter in the blanket. - Do you want to kill me? she asked quietly. Maybe I want to, but I can't. Life is dear to me. Yes, and after watching her for half a night, it's a pity to kill right away like that. “You will die with me, if something happens,” she continued sadly. Sadness. Does she regret dying? Or that I will suffer? I cannot define. Her emotions are too blurry. She was about to say something else, but I got ahead of her. “I didn’t come to kill you, I only wanted to heal my hand. The girl turned her head to the side. It looked pretty funny. And how many emotions! Distrust, doubt, surprise, joy, sadness ... Having made up her mind, she took out her sore hand from under the blanket and held out to me. The dressing was completely soaked in blood. I sucked in air, what a sweet smell. The little man looks closely. Unwound the bandage. Still bleeding. How is she still holding on? Humans are a weak race. By the way, her brother spoke to her by name, Liza, it seems. The girl grimaced. I felt the pain coming from her. Used a standard spell. I usually use it when it is necessary to restore a prisoner for further torture. It always worked. It was my turn to be surprised, the wound did not heal. And now what i can do? I cannot show myself with such a hand, and it will not heal until the little man recovers. Hmm ... Tough situation. He looked sideways at the girl. She squeaked, looking where through me. “Your blood will help,” she said confidently. My blood ?! And most importantly, not a shadow of a doubt. The blood of the demon is used in complex rituals, but I have not heard of it being treated with it. “That’s what the voice said,” the little man continued. “He also said that not only your wounds will return. Any scratch or bruise I have will be with you. What?! I'm afraid I will die earlier, from a heart attack. I did not expect such a mean thing from God. And why? He just wanted to kill her, so he didn't even have time to try, she rushed herself. “Sorry,” the girl babbled. But something else worried me. Man is the most defenseless creature in the whole world. They have the worst regeneration. And they slipped it to me! Gorgeous. I think I said the last out loud. Resentment was felt again. What have I done? And then this psychopath bit me, right behind the wound. Out of surprise, I hit her in the face. The girl screamed and grabbed her cheek. - You sss mad sss ssshshl ?! I hissed. There was a knock on the room. We both tensed. - Things are good? - brother's voice. There will be disassembly again. And then I wanted to be the best, and not to bother him. - Yes, everything is fine. I just had a nightmare with your brother. Go away. the girl shouted. They chuckled outside the door and left. We sat in silence until the footsteps died down. With this girl, my emotions began to show. I did not understand her actions. But I liked her more and more every second. Crazy! But so interesting. I smiled as I rubbed the bite. And I found ... or rather I did not find anything, there was no wound. He looked at the hand of the little men, also healthy. The pug was, like a vampire, covered in blood. So she didn't lie. Her blood healed her, and so did me. But biting is the most non-standard way! Lisa. The awakening was harsh. Someone sat down next to me. She opened her eyes and was about to scream, but they clamped down on my mouth. Blond! The name is Alex. Came to kill? But was it possible to get some sleep? He took away the only joy. It's a shame. It turned out he came to help. And then I dreamed that I would finally die! Or is he lying? And the hand hurts ... It's great if it cures. I trusted. He conjured, but nothing happened. Oh, No. It did happen. A voice rattled in my head: "You are very much connected with him. I did my best! Only his blood can heal you, drink it, if that. By the way, he thinks that if he does not hurt you, then everything will be great. Upset the man, You are now his sore corn. All that is with you, so is with him. Any scratch or bruise. Everything, figure it out yourself. I leave this world. I hope I won't have to resurrect it when I return, but I COULD be aware of it! See you soon, dear. " ... I told it briefly to the demon. He was surprised. Why is this voice calling me sweet? Strange. I will not pay attention. Let him go to ... where was he going there? Let him go there! And I feel good without him. In general, I feel sorry for the demon. She apologized. Maybe this will make it easier for him. Although I doubt it very much. It will become easier for him only without me. Here it fell like snow on your head! And the hand hurts. He also has a wound ... He doesn't seem to be planning to give blood. So, we will pick it up ourselves! I won't eat it with my teeth, sharp objects not near. And the hand did not heal, as did mine. So I found a way to be a vampire. I bit it, and instead of gratitude for the healing, he hit me in the face. I even screamed. But then I felt all the abrasions, wounds and burns heal. Great! And the blood is salty, disgusting ... They knocked. My heart sank into my heels. But it turned out to be Dennis. She sent him somewhere else in a polite manner, saying that she saw his brother in a nightmare, otherwise this type of thought can read. He listened and left. The blond was sitting next to me, trying to understand my actions. In vain he is. I don't understand myself. I noticed a healed hand. He smiled. How cute he is when he smiles! The devil is so cute. Fuf! What am I talking about? Alcohol has not disappeared yet? Maybe yes. - Everyone is alive and well. May I sleep? I look at him pleadingly. Maybe it will work? Sleep again is a wild hunt. He shook his head and went to the window. Sitting on the windowsill, he took one last look and flew away. It seems to me that the wings were even imagined. Large and light, like an angel's. I could not sleep for a long time. A smiling demon stood before his eyes. I was hooked by his sincerity. In our first meeting, he was cruel killer, who was afraid to block the way of an adult man. And now there was a completely different person nearby, or rather an inhuman. There was no danger from him. Interested caution ... He came to help me, at least this does not at all fit into the idea of \u200b\u200b\\ u200b \\ u200btough. One can, of course, assume that he was only concerned about self-interest... But the hope that he was not like that, confidently settled in my soul. Thinking about this demon, I fell asleep.


Lisa The morning didn't go right from the start. An eerie roar will wake me up. Some clever monsters broke into my room, breaking the table. I suspected that he would not detain anyone, but this was not part of my plans. She glared around at the bursting company: a werewolf, Dennis, and a pair of red-haired men with ponytails, probably security. Hmm ... And what did they want in my room early this morning? The men shifted from foot to foot and were silent. IN doorway (Exactly! The door I no longer had ...) Alex appeared. A grin on his face. He knew about the table! She cut herself off. It was a dream! Spooky dream. The last thought brought a smile to his face. Dan looked at me not guiltily, but attentively. This devil shamelessly reads my mind. It's tense, but I have nothing to hide. I made myself comfortable. The men blushed at once, staring definitely below their eyes. She remembered that she had slept without clothes, and hastened to cover herself with a blanket. And these bastards are just staring! The morning was getting even more annoying. It seems, realizing the mistake, Dan and Ciel retreated. Forgetting just a little, take Alex with you. He continued to stand and did not hide to look at me. I felt uncomfortable. He noticed. Looking around, he went into the room. Tense up. Why did he come? It became scary. Now this demon evokes other emotions. And nowhere to run ... Alex lifted the broken door and put it in place, whispering some kind of spell. On the one hand, it was pleasing, but on the other, it was more frightening. We were left alone. I wanted to sink into the ground. From shame, from fear, from inevitability ... - Calm down, - the demon conciliatoryly showed his hands. It didn't work. It was not possible to bring emotions in order. She lowered her eyes. “About yesterday,” he began. “Please don’t tell anyone,” I interrupted, looking up. I really didn’t want the night incident to become public knowledge. I am not interested in anyone's opinion, I just decided for myself. “I wanted to ask you the same thing,” he said in surprise. - You understand that I am not the last figure in local politics? It will be safer for both of us if no one finds out about the connection. In this he is right. If they are afraid of him, then they will want to put pressure or even worse to take revenge. And I am the easiest way. Defenseless, with poor regeneration, knowing nothing about the human world. Yes, it's easier to kill yourself. God missed the candidate when tying me and Alex. If now I do not want to die, then many creatures will want to kill me. - Both are silent in general. And if I get hurt, we'll play vampire victim. I'm a vampire! - I gave out. Both were stunned. When I'm nervous, I always talk nonsense. She said she thought. He should still think I'm crazy after I bit him yesterday. Memories brought a smile. Unwittingly, she rubbed her injured cheek. Well, everything healed at once, otherwise there would be bruises. She looked at the demon. Is this exactly the demon that was yesterday? That one had terrible eyes, black. And this one ... Ah ... Light gray, with a slight shade of blue. You look and you fail. She blinked and looked away. Beautiful contagion. - I have to go, see you soon, - saying goodbye, the demon left, tightly closing the door. She looked out the window. The sun is already high. But I have no business in this world, so I can sleep on with a clear conscience. I have always loved this business. And here everything has it. Why refuse? I fell asleep. I woke up when it was already getting dark. No one came to see me, not even the servants. A broken table lay in the middle of the room. She got out of bed, not thinking about clothes, took a towel and went to the bathroom. This is the most wonderful thing in the world! I was in the bathroom for a good two hours. She came out wrapped in a towel. I dug in the things brought by the servants. Found loose shirt, almost my size and trousers that are loose but fit perfectly on the hips. Fortunately, I have a good figure. Both the chest and the priest are, and this is with mine thin waist! At home, all the friends were jealous. I liked the shapes myself. But the problems because of them ... the sea! Therefore, it did not go well with young people. There were many friends, but only one. I have not met. But this is good, otherwise it would be upsetting. She died. Already even got used to the thought of it. I got dressed and spun around the room. How boring! She looked out the window. A large courtyard with a garden, on the right are soldiers (who else can march in an even formation?), On the left is a wide road decorated with living arches of flowers. Everything is surrounded by a high wall, on which armed creatures walk. Would take a walk now ... She jerked the door. Locked as expected. I was sad. She opened the window and sat down with her legs hanging out. Let's imagine this is a walk. Fresh air, beautiful view , and you can swing your legs. I would have enjoyed it for a long time. But the servants running around the yard sounded the alarm. Dennis ran into the room. Looking accusingly into the eyes, he stepped closer. He thinks I'm going to jump? So I would not wait for the audience, lying smeared under the window for a long time. - I'm just bored. I will not fall out of here. - I decided to clarify. - Better get off, it's dangerous all the same. Yes, and the servants frightened me all. Dennis held out his hand to me. She shrugged. And she got down on her own, ignoring the help. The servants are not afraid of demons, but as soon as they saw the girl in the window, they immediately panic. What is this world? By the way, it would not hurt to learn more about him. “Dennis, could you ask me to bring me some books on the history of your world?” - turned to the demon. He nodded. He stood in the room a little longer and left without even closing the window. Wow, I believed that I would not jump. Brr ... Don't be nervous Lizonka, now they will bring you books on history, read, have fun. And this is considering that I hate history. But there is no other way to understand this world, or rather there are many of them, but this is the most reliable and reliable one. Soon a girl came to my room. She brought dinner and some books. I thanked her and asked if she could bring me more clothes. The maid nodded as she left the room. Did you notice that mostly the servants do not speak, only it is interesting with me, or are they not supposed to? In this medieval world, much is not clear ... I did not manage to immerse myself in reading. Historical chronicles were given to me with great difficulty. Either the author of the books is not distinguished by talent, or the brought books were selected in such a way that they contain a minimum of information. In general, I learned little useful from them. The world is named Orbis. It is inhabited by such races as werewolves, demons, vampires, light and dark elves, gnomes, orcs, humans, harpies, faeries, metamorphs, dragons, although there are other creatures. For example, in the sea between the three continents there is an island of mermaids, and a little to the east of the island of monks, this is a free territory that is beyond the competence of any of the states. On one of the continents there is a magic school, which in turn has a large territory. By the way, magic is common in this world. Although not everyone has it. All races have a state, only people differ (we have five states independent from each other) and trolls, they do not have one, preferring complete freedom. I also learned that there are four gods in this world, who can be called elemental, since they subjugate fire, water, earth and air. Nothing more is said about them, which is a pity ... After all, as far as I understood, one of them protects me, and quite harshly at that. I passed the time with books until evening. Nobody came to me anymore, on the one hand it was good, on the other it was wildly boring. I'm not used to spending so much time within four walls. Moreover, I don't know much about the world now, but I know. It's time to go get acquainted. So many creatures I've only heard of in fairy tales. And one glance at the word "dragons" was enough for a dream to appear to see them. And look at werewolves. And this world is full of magical creatures, evil spirits and undead. In general, the sea of \u200b\u200badventures and I want to swim in it! The food the maid brought me with the books was cold and did not add much to my appetite. Therefore, after chewing on a crust of bread, I fell into bed. My thoughts were occupied by fabulous creatures, dragons. It was incredibly interesting to see these powerful lizards, ancient creatures. Behind my thoughts, I did not notice how I fell asleep. Kara woke me up, she came when it was almost dark outside. I wonder what brought the girl to me at such a late hour? I sat and sleepily rubbed my eyes with my hands, trying to revive myself. The guest sat down on a chair by the table. - How do you like it with us? - she began a conversation. I looked at her in surprise. Did she just come to chat? - Well, how can I say ... I ended up in another world, they keep me within four walls. Sucks, I guess. “I understand,” Kara smiled sadly. - Is it true? - I could not resist sarcasm. “You saw my death,” she began. - What do you think, does the corpse have the opportunity to walk around calmly? So, I spent about a year in four walls. First, because the body was recovering. Later, it was dangerous, they could find out and finish what they started. Great sacrifice to the goddess! The servants of the temple then made a mistake that resulted in the death of many. And they thought that the goddess would forgive them all their sins, for a sacrifice like me. A seer endowed with the gift of birth. But the goddess didn't need me, well, or I don't know what happened there. They performed a ritual, my beloved saved me, who risked everything, kidnapped a half-dead body. Now I am an ordinary seer, holding a high status under the emperor. Not bad either, but that freedom is lacking. You are the first in the palace I can trust. Dan doesn't count. Is it possible to talk about everything with a man? And the girls here are either bitches or weak-willed dolls, and neither one nor the other can be trusted. I'm sorry that I pounced on you so ... I have no one else to go to. And my brother appeared here so unexpectedly, I don't know how to behave with him. After all, they may suspect something ... The girl told so much about herself, without lying a word, according to unknown reasons I felt it. I was calm next to her. Nice girl, I just think she's not like that with everyone. In this world, I also have no one else, I think Kara and I will become friends. Moreover, we have both here at the same time and important status, and captives. Fate is a strange thing. I looked into her eyes, hope splashed in them. I smiled and held out my hand to her. - Peace, friendship, gum? - it seems that the girl did not really understand me, but shook her hand and smiled. - By the way! I wanted to offer you something, - Kara smiled slyly, - Tomorrow there will be a masquerade ball. Everyone will be wearing masks, no one will recognize anyone. You never know who will come ... - You propose to go to the ball? - I decided to clarify. - Right! - she was so happy as if I had already agreed. Although I do not see anything wrong with that. I have always dreamed of attending a medieval ball! “I’m all for it,” she confirmed her agreement. - Then tomorrow I will run to you with dresses and a milliner! the girl exclaimed. - See you later. I shrugged, this is my first adventure. Well, not quite the first ... But being captured does not count! Yes, and Kara left so happy, this makes her soul calm and pleasant. Now I have a friend in this world. Hopefully a real friend. Next morning began in a very peculiar way. Kara came literally with the first rays of the sun. She burst into the room with a mountain of rags in her hands, followed by a girl with the same amount of clothes, and even with a bag. I was impressed. The only upset was that I had to get up so early. - Only before I go to the shower! - I said, wrapping myself in the blanket. After fifteen minutes of my stay in the bathroom, they scratched at the door. After a while they began to knock persistently. They won't let you relax! I had to go out. It turned out that the girls were already thinking to call for help, suggesting that I had drowned. Ha! You will not wait. “This is Chris, the milliner,” Kara pointed to the girl who had come with her. I smiled at my new friend. Chris was pretty interesting girlwho just outrageously adores her job. And coping with it perfectly. But this did not help us quickly figure out the dresses, we are girls, after all. At the masquerade, any kind of clothing was allowed, the only thing was that girls should be in skirts, and men in trousers. And I also liked the fact that you can't magically create an image for yourself. It would be interesting to see, but I also want to be at my best. And next to wizards, this is undoubtedly impossible. At first they pulled on me those famous dresses with corsets and fluffy skirts... I don't know how I looked, but I felt terrible about it. The main problem was my inability to move around in such outfits. I stumbled about ten times, just on the way to the mirror, which was located in the bathroom. And it suits me! I look unusual, and so fabulous. It's a pity that a stumbling girl will raise unnecessary suspicions. “Liz, you’re chic in this dress, but let's pick something a little less puffy, since you’re confused in skirts,” Kara persuaded me. - Do not worry, we will choose another. Let me admire at least. But I'll keep this dress for myself! I exclaimed. In the end, we dressed me in rich green dress, completely revealing one shoulder, beautifully emphasizing the chest, with a skirt that flows softly to the floor. They put my hair into an uncomplicated hairstyle, it turned out simple and elegant. The final touch is the mask. Leaving the palace in secret, we went to the ball through the main gate of the castle. Three charming persons. I am in green, Kara is in red and Chris is in gold. The palace evoked admiration. The building itself is imposing, with many carved arches and high ceilings. And a lot of smart people and non-people give a festive touch. The music in this world is pretty good, for example, beautiful instrumental sounds and strong pounding beats. While I was enjoying the music, standing at one of the columns in the large hall, my newly-made friends left me. I had no reason to condemn them. Everyone wants to have fun. Now I will be a burden for them, not able to dance and not able to lead small talk... But young people don't know about it. So the third man came up to me with a proposal. - Why is the beautiful lady standing in proud loneliness? - began the new gentleman. -Will you join me in the dance? “I beg your pardon, dear, but I don’t dance,” I tried again to politely refuse. - Why so? The dance is not difficult at all, - the man winked at me. - You can do it. If I continue to resist, it will raise unnecessary questions. Yes, and I'm tired of standing here alone. The stranger took my hand, dragging me into the whirlpool of dancers. Either the dance was simple, or the partner was skillful, but we danced around for a good two hours. Without wasting words, without outright lies ... These were the best minutes of my new life... But my legs are unaccustomed to this. In the end, I literally hung on my partner, smiling guiltily. - Tired? the man asked, suspiciously tenderly. The voice is familiar, or it seemed. Probably all the same it seemed. I often see familiar voices. She squinted uncertainly, but nodded her head in the affirmative. The stranger smiled and took me somewhere. Although, in general, I did not resist.

Chapter 4.

How beautiful! - I whispered admiringly. We stood on the balcony located on top floor castle. Lights-lanterns are burning below, lights are above - stars. The impression of weightlessness is created. Somewhere below, music is still playing. But we are here, together among the stars. “I knew you'd like it,” the stranger smiled. - May I know your name? - I decided on an immodest question. I know it's stupid. But I wonder who this man is. It's nice to be around him. It would be nice to meet later. Although, what am I thinking? I'm not a guest here, but a prisoner. Immediately it became somehow sad ... - Let my personality remain a little secret for you, - this is exactly the answer I expected, but it's a pity. Further we stood in complete silence. Next to this person (and even a person?) Words are not needed. Silence also says a lot. I came closer to the edge, the lights are so beckoning. The desire to plunge into this sea of \u200b\u200bstars, twinkling and at the same time burning with an even light. But you can't ... I'll just fall off the balcony, and either I'll break something for myself, or I'll die, and then listen to the notations of this nasty god. When warm hands laid on my shoulders, I shuddered. But she did not become indignant at the stranger. It's both warmer and safer. I don’t know how long we stood there, but I came to myself when some of the lights had already gone out, and the music was not heard. I didn't want to leave. But I understood that I could be missed, and the girls were worried. “I have to go now,” I said, and turned around to find myself in an embrace. His face was so close. Grey eyespenetrating into the soul, and lips, so alluring. I couldn't resist. She leaned forward and kissed him. And while the stranger was in slight shock, she left the scene of the crime. When I ran a sufficient distance, I felt funny. I always act weird when I'm worried. And now I stood in the middle of the corridor and laughed. Why? I would have known it myself. And I don't even know this man. Although it may be for the best. I didn’t behave very adequately, but what can I do, I am easily tempted. In my home world, because of my love of adventure, I ended up in a closed boarding school. No, not the right one for difficult teens. But this one was even worse. Elite, for a lady, what would they be wrong. In general, my father sent me there, finding me dancing on the table. Actually, I was even dressed, and not at all drunk. Just with good mood , which the father did not hesitate to spoil. He didn’t believe a word I said and sent me to this damn school as punishment. Remembering the past, I walked along the corridor in an unknown direction. By the way, where should I go? I looked around. Not a soul. It's sad. I’ll go, and I’ll come somewhere. A beautiful castle, high ceilings, moldings on the walls, strange lamps. Gloomy but majestic. A long corridor led me to one single door. And where is at least the illusion of choice? Well, it wasn't! I opened the doors. Behind them was a spiral staircase going up somewhere. And it seemed to me that we were on the highest floor. I am glad that my memory did not disappoint me. The floor was the last. Now I am standing on the roof. A clean wide area, fenced off by a low side, only because of the darkness you can hardly see anything. It's a pity, it should be beautiful ... I didn't even have time to scream when someone pushed me against the wall with a sharp jerk. Painfully kissed the back of her head on the stones, and hit her back. I will strangle this infection! They won't let me kill me anyway. She smiled wickedly. What was my surprise when, looking up, I faced the already familiar almost black eyes. Alex! - You again? - growled in my face. - And you're trying to beat me again, - pushed him away. I am glad that he is as bad as I am. - And what did you forget on the roof? - I breathe fresh air. Not noticeable? - but cold black eyes did not bode well. Oh yeah, he's an empath. - I got lost. Satisfied? I again got a very skeptical look. What's wrong? I'm not lying! Not the world, but a bunch of God knows who. I want to go home ... Or at least to my room. I'll lock myself up there and won't talk to anyone. I was about to enter the door when they slammed it in front of my nose. She raised her eyebrows in surprise. - Come on, - he pulled my hand to the edge of the roof. - What? - I was frightened. “How she ran away, where she was, and how she got lost,” they told me. Impudence! Why should I tell him something? I don't owe anything to anyone in this world. I do not want to go. I tried to pull my hand away, but it was not there, just pulled my wrist and stumbled. As a result, my knee is also broken. And this guy still holds the hand and looks evil. Well, now I am being carried to a great height in my arms. It feels like they’ll throw me there now. She closed her eyes. Mom ... Oops! Soft. I opened my eyes and found myself on a warm skin. So he led me here? Here's a duuura ... - I often come here, it's always quiet and calm, - Alex shared with me, - I didn't expect to meet someone else here. All the more so for you. “I was at the ball, but I couldn't find my way back,” I bowed my head. - And who took you there, you won’t tell? - She shook her head negatively. - So, already found friends. Well done. Just don't trust the first person you come across. The world is cruel ... - You know, I know you no more than anyone else, so you can not expect trust, - I looked him straight in the eyes. I was not scared, for the lack of the opportunity to die peacefully, my instinct for self-preservation went into hibernation. Suddenly, laughs lit up in the eyes of the interlocutor. “I'll find them anyway,” he winked at me. And the phrase sounded menacing. Brrr ... Murashi on the skin. - And you won't do anything to them, - Alex looked at me like an idiot, - Otherwise I will hurt myself! Speaking of which, my knees are broken, my back hurts, and I'm not sure about the safety of my head. So it's time to play Vampire Victim. I think I said the last phrase out loud. The demon recoiled from me, and I laughed. - Doesn't it hurt you? - Calmed down, I asked. - We feel pain a little differently. I am a demon, for us this is a trifle, and you are a human, and with a low pain threshold. We would need to solve this problem with communication, if I am not around, we will have a sea of \u200b\u200bproblems. And you find adventure even out of the blue. I shrugged my shoulders, the wind blew very cold. He may be right, but I haven't looked for adventure yet. There was nothing particularly dangerous at the ball, I only suffered when I met Alex. Although mostly he is only to blame for my bumps and bruises from the moment I appeared in this world. A blade flashed in the moonlight, and I jumped mechanically. No exposure. Threatening that I can hurt myself, and easily carry out the threat. But YOURSELF! And when there are persons with piercing and cutting objects in dangerous proximity, it is scary. - Hey, what are you doing? - Alex was surprised. - We were going to play? - Ugh, evil spirits on you! - I sank offendedly on the skin. - You're scaring. I will drink your blood long and painfully! Chuckling, the demon slashed himself with the blade in the arm. The first drops of blood appeared on the wrist. This is where I got scared. I felt a terrible thirst. I didn’t notice anything like that before. The blood of these devils has some special side effects? I should clarify. Until then ... I pressed my lips to the cut. The salty, cloying taste of blood was immediately felt in my mouth. A little disgusting, but it spilled over the body pleasant warmth... I felt the wounds heal and the pain recedes. I did not want to let go of such a coveted prey. She pressed her hand harder and bit, for which she was grabbed by the throat. - What the hell are you doing again? “Sorry,” I croaked guiltily. - I couldn't stop. An eerie feeling of thirst. - Strange, it will be necessary to rummage in books. In the meantime, come here, everything is frozen. - I was impudently pulled to themselves and hugged. In general, I did not mind. He's so hot. She was really cold. We sat there until dawn. Rather, I woke up at dawn. I don't remember how I fell asleep, but in such warm hands you can sleep. And in spite of everything, I trust this demon. It doesn't make sense for Alex to hurt me. He escorted me to a room where breakfast was already waiting for me. The belly rumbled joyfully. My little one, you were not fed yesterday. Now there will be a hearty breakfast! After a couple of hours, Kara came running. She was a little worried. - I lost sight of you! I already thought you were in trouble. Where have you been all night? - the girl grabbed me by the shoulders. There was genuine excitement in her eyes. - I'm all right, calm down. It's a long story. - I smiled, inviting my friend to sit on the bed. Kara locked the door and prepared to listen. I told her about a mysterious stranger who kidnapped me from the ball, about how I ended up on the roof. Having kept silent only about Alex. I don't want anyone to know about our relationship with him. Kara stayed with me until the evening, first listening with enthusiasm, and then telling where they had been and how she distracted Dan and brother from thinking about me. When she left, I took a shower and went to bed as usual, without thinking about clothes. My sweet dream interrupted by a cold wind. Opening my eyes, I found in my room ... Guess who? Of course, a well-known demon. He sat on the windowsill and looked at me. “Alex, at least close the window, it's blowing,” I muttered. He raised his eyebrows in surprise. - How do you feel about walking under the stars? - it already interested me. I even opened my eyes. I'm tired of sitting in a room for days, so once again taking a walk is a great idea. She squinted at the clothes that remained on the chair. I had to wrap myself in a sheet under the gaze of the demon. - And you did not try to sleep like everyone else normal girls sleep in a night dress? - What do you want with the way I sleep? It's so comfortable for me, and I'm not going to adapt to someone's canons. - maybe rude, but they got me with this already. And I continued - Before burrowing into someone else's room, at least they knock, and even better to warn that you will come then and at that time. - Well, I'm sorry, - he climbed out the window, knocked on the windowsill and returned to the room. “Damn you and the rules of decency,” I stood up, tying the ends of the sheet around my neck. - Where we are going? - You will see. We came, surprisingly, to the already familiar roof. Today, fruit and a bottle with unknown contents lay on the skin. Later it became clear - wine. Somehow he didn't think about glasses, so we drank straight from the bottle. I get drunk quickly, and it doesn't hurt to establish a relationship with this type either. The fruit was ordinary, the taste was no different from ours. - Why did you call me here? - I asked the question that tormented me from the moment I woke up. It is easier to talk when drunk, only words are difficult to pronounce, but this is a mere trifle. - Is it so important? Are there any reasons for good evening in a pleasant company? Have you ever been lonely? When you come somewhere, you sit alone, you think ... But your soul is so cold and lonely. I like my job and I want to do it ... I just ask and listen. In the end, being alone with the corpse. It’s not interesting to talk to. And at other times ... Around gossip, vanity, danger. And here you are. It fell like snow on my head ... At first, I hated you, but now I will say: you are kind. A bit naive, stupid, but so dear. The only person I can trust, and that's strange too, you're human. Alex spoke, and I understood that he was much more drunk than me. But his words warmly warmed the soul. I sat down next to him and pressed my finger to his lips. - Shhh ... Shut up, - I whispered. He smiled again, so tenderly. And his eyes were like that night, light-light ... So we spent with Alex almost every night. He told funny stories from life, I laughed and quoted jokes to him. And I was able to see the view. He's just divine! The castle is surrounded by a dense forest, on one side you can see the sea merging with the horizon, on the other, somewhere behind the forest, according to the demon, there are many towns and villages, the main road of Taria. By the way, about the state of demons - he also told Tariya. Mainly about interesting places, but sometimes went into history. Basteya, the goddess of luck, beauty and prosperity, was revered here. She patronizes the hearth, fun. A bit strange for demons, always imagining them as murderers, tyrants and villains. Although Alex does not fit into the canons just alone with me. The executioner is who he really is. But I try not to think about it. Spending days in his cage-room, and at night having fun with him. Dan and Kara have not appeared for a long time, Alex said that it was state affairs. War is in the yard. The rulers have no time to engage in extraneous matters. And Ciel is forbidden to leave the room, he was not thrown into prison only because of the order of the emperor. The last word Alex spoke with such an intonation that I sympathized with Dennis. - From tomorrow you can safely walk around the castle - as if casually told me the demon. - True?! I yelled. “Yes,” Alex replied calmly. I hung around his neck. Hugging as hard as she could. You can imagine? A huge castle, and no restrictions on movement! Yes, I never dreamed of that. “You’ll strangle me now,” he smiled. - So happy? “Sorry,” I let go of him, kissing him on the cheek. - Thank. You have no idea how happy you are. I don’t see anyone else but you. Only sometimes the servants flicker, bring food. Silent shadows. And so mortal boredom all day long. Don't think we're having a good time with you. But I miss society and space. “So I made sure you get a little bit of freedom,” Alex snapped on my nose. He had such bad habit... My poor little nose. - But do not think that you will now sleep at night! Someone has to compose my company! “Of course, of course, don't worry,” I laughed. - Where am I going from you? You are my devil.

  • Fall down in the Dictionary of Russian Railway Slang:
    get off ...
  • Fall down in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , - I am afraid, - you are falling; soy. 1. see to fall. 2. Ill, go to bed (colloquial). Will walk with a temperature until it falls off. ...
  • Fall down
    dump, dump, dump, dump, dump, dump, dump, dump, dump, dump, dump, dump, dump, dump, dump, dump, dump, dump, dump dump, dump, dump, dump, dump, dump, dump, dump, dump, dump, dump, dump, dump, ...
  • Fall down in the Dictionary of the Great Russian Language of Business Communication:
    railroad get off the rails. (Railway ...
  • Fall down in the Thesaurus of Russian Business Vocabulary:
    Syn: see ...
  • Fall down in the Thesaurus of the Russian language:
    Syn: see ...
  • Fall down
    see to fall || the millstone fell from the heart as from the sky ...
  • Fall down
    Syn: see ...
  • Fall down
    owls. see to dump ...
  • Fall down in the Dictionary of the Russian language Lopatin:
    fall down, fall down, ...
  • Fall down
    fall down, fall down, ...
  • Fall down in the Spelling Dictionary:
    fall down, fall down, ...
  • Fall down
    <= валиться 1 свалиться Colloq заболев, слечь в постель Будет ходить с температурой, пока не …
  • Fall down
    fall, fall, owl. (to topple over 1). 1. fall from somewhere, from somewhere. Snow fell from the roof. The timid rider fell upside down ...
  • Fall down
    fall off owls. see to dump ...
  • Fall down
    owls. see to dump ...
  • Fall down
    owls. see to dump ...
  • SNOW in the Thieves Jargon Dictionary:
    - hung out for drying ...
  • SNOW in Miller's dream book, dream book and interpretation of dreams:
    If you dream of snow, it means that there are no real troubles in your life, be it illness or office troubles.
  • SNOW in the Biblical Encyclopedia of Nicephorus:
    (2 Samuel 23:20, Ex 4: 6) - air vapors that freeze in the air and fall to the ground in large white flakes. Snow indications ...
  • SNOW in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • SNOW in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    solid atmospheric precipitation falling from clouds in the form of snowflakes - snow (ice) crystals (see Snow crystals), very diverse ...
  • SNOW in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron.
  • SNOW in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -a (-y), pl. -a, -6v, m. Atmospheric precipitation - white fluffs, flakes, which are ice crystals, as well as solid ...
  • AS in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ... 1. places. adv. and allied, sl. The same as how (see image 1). K. are you doing? K. did it happen? ...
  • SNOW in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    solid atm. precipitation, consisting of ice crystals of different shapes - snowflakes, in the main. hexagonal plates and six-rayed stars; falls out of ...
  • SNOW*
  • SNOW in the Complete Accentuated Paradigm by Zaliznyak:
    sleep "g, snow", sleep "ha, snow" in, sleep "gu, sleep" gu, snow "m, sleep" g, snow ", sleep" g, snow "mi, sleep" ge, snow "x, ...
  • SNOW in the Dictionary of Epithets:
    About color, shine. Diamond, white, shiny, bluish, blue, yellow, star-shaped, golden, sparkling, blue-blue, boiling white, lilac, lunar, radiant, one-color, dazzling, ash-gray, ...
  • SNOW in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    see sediment || whiter than snow, like snow on your head, fall like snow on your head, make it whiter ...
  • SNOW in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language:
    winter, winter, groats, sediment, powder, fat, snow, ...
  • SNOW in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova:
  • SNOW in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    snow, -a and -y, offer. in (on) snow, pl. -and, …
  • SNOW in the Spelling Dictionary:
    snow, -a and -y, offer. in (on) snow, pl. -`a, ...
  • SNOW in the Ozhegov Russian Language Dictionary:
    atmospheric precipitation - white fluffs, flakes representing ice crystals, as well as a solid mass of these precipitations covering the ground in winter Going ...
  • SNOW in Dahl's Dictionary:
    husband. frozen vapors falling, in the form of flakes, shreds, from the clouds; the most loose ice, replacing rain in winter. Whiter than white snow. Bel ...
  • AS in Dahl's Dictionary:
    adv. the question of the qualities and circumstances of something; | expression of similarity, comparison, surprise, doubt; | when. How did it come about? How do we ...
  • SNOW in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    solid atmospheric precipitation, consisting of ice crystals of various shapes - snowflakes, mainly hexagonal plates and six-rayed stars; falls out of ...
  • SNOW in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Ushakov:
    || more often pl. Heap, deposits of these sediments; a place covered with a mass of them. A strip of eternal snow (or eternal snow). Villages in the snow ...
  • AS in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Ushakov:
    1.adverb interrogative. Indicates a question about the circumstances, image, method of action, meaning: how? How did you get here? How to get …
  • SNOW in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    m. 1) Atmospheric precipitation, falling out in the form of white star-shaped crystals or in the form of flakes, representing an accumulation of such crystals. 2) ...
  • SNOW in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
  • SNOW in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    m. 1. Atmospheric precipitation, falling out in the form of white star-shaped crystals or in the form of flakes, representing an accumulation of such crystals. 2. ...
  • HEAD in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    see disease, top, tycoon, head, chief, unit, leader, smart || the wind goes in my head, funny head, lather my head, take in ...
  • DR. HOUSE in the Quote Wiki.
  • JAPAN* in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia.
  • FRANCE* in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia.
  • FEUDALISM in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia.
  • INSURANCE in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    S.'s theory? Insurance policy. ? Insurance history. ? The history of insurance in Russia. Syndicate agreement of fire insurance companies. ? ...