Why do you need children to kindergarten. Long stay in kindergarten. Buy this book

If you want to find in this text a unambiguous answer to the question made in the title, I have a hurry to disappoint. I do not have a direct answer. And I am convinced that it is necessary to decide what your child needs (kindergarten, vocal courses, group early Development etc.), only his parents should. And I, who worked in a preschool institution for many years, can only tell me why you need a kindergarten, and for what he is not needed at all.

What can give preschool institutionAnd what to offer unable? Because in many cases, the disappointment of parents with a kindergarten, resentment on his staff and indignation by the rules of institutions are caused by the fact that the requirements for family are "not at the address" (anyone does not occur to demand medication in the hairdresser!).

Socialization of the child

The best kindergarten copes with the task of socialization, that is, with the inclusion of a child in the team of peers, familiarizing with the norms of behavior, adopted in society, introduce to the values \u200b\u200bbroadcast by others.

This is a division process to "what is good, and what is bad."

The kids are mastering the skills of coexistence with others - the foundations of understanding their emotions and experiences of others are born, absorbed gender. The first independent signs are made in solving conflicts (and not only under adult supervision). It is in the garden that the formation of a quality important for the future begins, - the ability to coenm the motives when the ability to "need it" appears for a long time to postpone "I want".

With the task of socialization, many children's community are cope with other children on the playground, visiting children's development teams. But only in the group of kindergarten, the child turns out to be completely immersed in the process on a large number of hours and with minimal support for loved ones.

Daily regime

Kindergarten is useful in ensuring the right day of the day of children organized in full accordance with Sanitary rules and norms. Many parents complain that they are experiencing difficulties with the organization of day sleep children, and in a preschool institution, most children teach to sleep during the day.

Organization of the quiet hour is far from being, from the ideal, but rest children are needed, so they do not neglect them in the kindergarten. Many doctors say that they eat at the same time - healthy. And with this task, the Children's institution copes to "excellent."

Kindergarten teaches children to play

It is teaches. Because by itself a children's game in which the prerequisites are born learning activities, requires support for competent teachers, especially on early stages. Not many parents have enough knowledge on this issue. Because it is not about buying a child didactic game, explain the rules and play together a couple of times. It would be nice to know what games are needed by kids, at what age, what abilities and skills can be developed in one way or another gaming activity, understand the role of an adult in this process.

Kindergarten promotes the development of independence

Not all parents are familiar with the possibilities of preschoolers of different ages. Sometimes moms are asking for some actions from children that are completely inconsistent with age possibilities.

Often meets the opposite - the child does not know how to make things that would be fine in his years.

The most common example for junior preschool children - The ability to use dining devices and skill to dress.

It is not about fully formed skills, but about the degree of ownership of them, which is available to this age. Educators encourage children to independence, in junior groups - This is an important pedagogical task.

And now let's go to those things that should not be expected from the preschool

1. Kindergarten (normal, with government financing) can not provide a child completely individual approach. Pedagogical programs Require from educators to build their work, taking into account the individuality of each child. But when the groups are filled in 20 people, it is impossible to implement this in practice, even if the teacher is a professional from God.

In priority, the needs of the group, the team, and only then satisfying individual needs. You must always remember this.

IN children's garden It is not possible to take into account whether the child wants to do, walk, eat, sleep. He is forced to obey the majority. Sometimes good teacher It can find an opportunity to help the child to realize the need, do not contradict the needs of the whole team (for example, read in bed in a quiet hour, not to sleep), but it is not always possible.

The main form of classes (by fine activities, in music) - subgroups or group classes. Individually with children are also engaged, but it is very difficult to pay a lot of attention to every child.

2. Educator in Children The garden cannot replace the parent. A good teacher respects children, sincerely interested in them inner world, sympathizes and comongs, understands that the child is a person at any age. But demand from teachers so that they "love children, as their own," means to disappoint themselves in advance. Respect and care - the qualities of the educator who should pay attention to.

3. Kindergarten Not the place where parents can set their own rules. Often it is expressed in the fact that parents require a special menu for children, bring food from the house, offering the educator to feed her child. The exception is only food allergies confirmed by a doctor's certificate. But in this case, allergenic dishes are simply removed from the diet, without replacing them with food from the house. Some parents are trying to influence the mode of walking ("My child after illness cannot be walking") and sleep ("My child does not need a day dream, you do not need to lay it, let him play"). Teachers are guided by no desires and requirements of parents, but educational program and the requirements of SanPiN.

Here is far from full list What can and what can not give you and your child an ordinary state-owned kindergarten. And making a decision on whether or not to attend your children a pre-school institution, do not forget to take these different opportunities into account.

The main thing is that the child will learn to communicate in the kindergarten. © shutterstock.

It happens, it seems to parents that the child is not needed at all. And the baby can be taught everything at home. Parents are in no hurry to give the crumb into the garden, and the child himself does not really want.

Still, the child needs to visit children's team. website It will try to convince you that the kindergarten is needed by a child. And in order for kindergarten to become a favorite place for your baby, you need yours positive setting And an understanding of what your child should go to kindergarten.

It is important that parents understand that communication is the necessary component harmonious development Child. Then the crude will be easier to get used to the kindergarten. And if you find it right, the baby will go to the kindergarten with great pleasure.

Kindergarten gives child communication

From 3-4 years old, and from 4 - quite exactly, the child needs communicating with peers. This kid needs to be provided. After all, if the child does not go to the kindergarten, it will greatly impede his infusion in the school team.

In the kindergarten, children during the game learn to defend their interests, to show character, find friends and establish relationships. Also, which is very important, in kindergarten, a child learns to communicate with outsided adults. Learn to trust them, acquires experience.

© shutterstock.

And this experience of communicating with educators helps the baby to avoid difficulties in establishing relations with school teachers.

In the kindergarten, the child begins to understand that, except for parents and relatives, there are adults, whose opinions need to be listened. Often they have to obey.

Child learns to fulfill the rules

In kindergarten, the child gets used to perform certain general rules. Learn to behave in society so as not to cause inconvenience to others.

In the end, the child in the garden truly finds out that such a discipline is in the positive sense of the word. That is, the baby in the kindergarten learned to eat and sleep in time, to work on schedule.

You say: what's good here? The child is just flying.
But in fact, if educators experienced and loving children, the rules of the hostel in kindergarten Do not be similar to Mashter. In addition, our life is subordinated to certain rules and discipline. So better if the crumb from childhood gets used to such a situation.

Preparation for school

In kindergarten with kids are engaged in drawing, modeling, designing, speech development and many other objects. That is, in the kindergarten, the child develops and intellectually, and physically.

And here it all depends on your desires and opportunities. You can find such a kindergarten in which you will be engaged in both the child and dance, and even yoga. Not to mention the fact that the child will be able to read, count, write and speak English.

© shutterstock.

As far as possible at home to ensure the child all the conditions for it right Development? For big desire, everything is possible.

Psychologists claim to be engaged in intellectual and physical development Just should parents. After all, from the native and close man The child will raise knowledge faster.

But at home to create a baby all the necessary conditions for social Development It is unlikely that even the most loving parents. After all, the team is necessary for this.

IN soviet time Kindergarten was obligatory stage For each child from the smallest years. Currently, the state kindergarten has alternatives in the form of private kindergartens, and professionals, there are mothers who devote themselves to children without a balance. At that time, they did not really think about the child a kindergarten. Mom needed to go to work, and the child should have been securely attached.

Why the child needs a kindergarten. pros

Unfortunately, in our time, not all families can afford to make a mother who does not go to work, and grandmothers have become more modern and prefer to work or engage in themselves. For any family, the question arises, give the child to a kindergarten or not? Let's look at the merits and disadvantages of the Sadikovsky period. Let's start, perhaps, from the advantages.

In kindergarten, as in the army, there is a power, wakefulness and sleep

The mode is very useful for any body, and even more so, for children. In addition, in kindergarten there is morning gymnastics and physical education 2-3 times a week. Agree that the parents are not in every family - athletes.

Children learn independence

Nearby there is no mom that feeds, save toys. In kindergarten, the child clearly knows that it is necessary to remove the plate behind him, collecting toys, before bedtime, carefully folded the clothes on the chair, to fix the crunch. The child learns to make independent decisions.

Communication skills

In kindergarten, children learn to build communication with their peers, learn to be friends, share your favorite toys, come to each other for help, learn the coherence of actions. They learn to jointly eat, gather for a walk. All this positively affects the formation of the child's personality.

Preparation of a child for school

Currently, kindergartens for special programs are spent with children classes. This drawing, speech development, the world, modeling, mathematics. Classes are held only twenty minutes, but the child is already developing an idolism that will come in handy in school.

These are important advantages from kindergartens. But, of course, there are also the disadvantages that we now consider.

Long stay in kindergarten

When visiting the kindergarten, the child breaks up for the whole day with his parents and meets with them only in the evening. Children are hardly worried about separation with her beloved mom, so during the adaptation period should be left in the garden on an incomplete day. And at the weekend try to spend time with the whole family.

The child often ill

Frequent diseases of children are directly related to discomfort, which the child is experiencing during the period of addiction to the kindergarten. Rubberism, colds, windmills ... through it all kindergarten kids pass. Immunity to viruses in children is developing in the first year of institution visits.

Change in behavior and lexicon

Of course, children like monkeys, copy each other. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that you once hear an obscene vocabulary from your child. Aggression, shouting tone, threats may appear. If parents calmly tell the child that they do not do this in the family and do not say, gradually he will forget about bad habits.

Insufficient attention to children

Of course, the educator who in a group of 25-30 people is very difficult to pay due attention to every child. There is no sufficient attention to the problems and fears of the child. Also, some educators prefer not to explain, but to shout on the child, to intimidate it. Of course, such behavior is very affected by nervous system Children. It is a significant lack of kindergarten.

Nutrition problems

Children, for the most part, and at home are not very well eaten, and I don't want to take food in kindergarte at all. The tutor is purely physically will not be able to persuade every child to eat. Over time, of course, the principle of "Eat for the company" or "Who Forward" begins to act. But it also takes time.

These are the pros and cons of our kindergartens. Parents themselves choose kindergarten, help the child more painlessly adapt to new conditions, create a faithful psychological setting The child has. Will your child go to kindergarten - this is just your choice! Good luck and more happy moments!

Preschool education in our country is not obligatory, because the question of whether the child led to the kindergarten, each parent decides on its own. At the same time, many believe that the kindergarten is needed exclusively to the parents themselves, so that Mom can get to work, because the mother does not work, or the child can be left with a grandmother or nanny, then kindergarten is like, as they do not need. Moreover, many parents oppose kindergartens, considering that their visit is affected negatively on health and mental state Child. Let's figure it out, whether the child needs a kindergarten.

Despite all the difficulties associated with a kindergarten, parents whose children attended this pre-school institution, agree that the kindergarten is definitely needed, and the child is needed. To the question - why, we suggest finding an answer on your own website http://anomir.ru/ is a network of kindergartens, but if you are limited in time and are ready to consider our opinion, then we will answer this question.


First, kindergarten tears a child to independence. Here he should have himself, dress up, go to the toilet, go to bed, etc., because children attending kindergarten usually serve themselves that it removes some of the concerns from their parents, which are so expensive.


Secondly, kindergarten contributes to the socialization of the child, puts him the skills of communication, teaches the rules of behavior in the team, which is very useful at school and in general in life. Unlike communicating in the playground or at a party, the child has no support in the form of parents and other familiar adults, because here the baby learns to stand for himself. In addition, communication in kindergarten contributes to the development of speech. Many parents whose children began to go to kindergarten, noted that the child began to speak better, and his vocabulary significantly increased.


Another important plus of kindergarten is educational classes. Educators are engaged in children according to a special program designed to age features Children. In kindergarten, children draw, lay from plasticine, make appliques and crafts, dance, sing, verses are taught, they are engaged in physical education. In combination with pedagogical formation And extensive experience with the children of educators, it allows you to develop the talents of the child, make his life more rich and interesting. At home, take the child - a whole problem so that the baby is not missing and not a hooliganil, mom will have to throw all your affairs and devote the child all the time, but even in this case it is hardly possible to give a child as much as they give in kindergarten.


Also, the benefits of kindergarten can not be attributed right mode. In kindergarten breakfast, lunch, dinner, day Son. And walks are carried out strictly according to the schedule, which tears a child to order. Besides waking up, fall asleep and eat in a certain time healthy and promotes regular growth and the development of the body. Pay attention to the menu in kindergarten: it is very diverse and consists exclusively of dishes useful for children. Create a child such a diet is simply unreal.

Garden baby needs

Thus, it can be concluded that the kindergarten is really needed. If your child just started going to kindergarten and it doesn't really like it, do not hurry to pick up the baby home, let him adapt, emphasize his attention on positive sides visits to kindergarten, then with large probability The child will love this place and will be happy to walk here.

For what you need to visit the kindergarten. It happens, it seems to parents that the child is not needed at all. And the baby can be taught everything at home. Parents are in no hurry to give the crumb into the garden, and the child himself does not really want.

But still a child needs to attend a children's team. We will try to convince you that the kindergarten is needed to a child. And so that the kindergarten becomes a favorite place for your baby, you need your positive attitude and understanding why your child should go to the kindergarten.

It is important that parents understand that communication is the necessary component of the child's harmonious development. Then the crude will be easier to get used to the kindergarten. And if you find it right, the baby will go to the kindergarten with great pleasure.

Kindergarten gives child communication

From 3-4 years old, and from 4 - quite exactly, the child needs communicating with peers. This kid needs to be provided. After all, if the child does not go to the kindergarten, it will greatly impede his infusion in the school team.

In the kindergarten, children during the game learn to defend their interests, to show character, find friends and establish relationships. Also, which is very important, in kindergarten, a child learns to communicate with outsided adults. Learn to trust them, acquires experience.

And this experience of communicating with educators helps the baby to avoid difficulties in establishing relations with school teachers.

In the kindergarten, the child begins to understand that, except for parents and relatives, there are adults, whose opinions need to be listened. Often they have to obey.

Child learns to fulfill the rules

In kindergarten, the child gets used to perform certain general rules. Learn to behave in society so as not to cause inconvenience to others.

In the end, the child in the garden truly finds out that such a discipline is in the positive sense of the word. That is, the baby in the kindergarten learned to eat and sleep in time, to work on schedule.

You say: what's good here? The child is just flying.
But in fact, if educators experienced and loving children, the rules of the hostel in kindergartens should not be similar to Mashter. In addition, our life is subordinated to certain rules and discipline. So better if the crumb from childhood gets used to such a situation.

Preparation for school

In kindergarten with kids are engaged in drawing, modeling, designing, speech development and many other objects. That is, in the kindergarten, the child develops and intellectually, and physically.

And here it all depends on your desires and opportunities. You can find such a kindergarten in which you will be engaged in both the child and dance, and even yoga. Not to mention the fact that the child will be able to read, count, write and speak English.

How much is possible to provide the child to the child all the conditions for its proper development? With a big desire, everything is possible.

Psychologists say that parents should be engaged in intellectual and physical development. After all, the child will take knowledge from his relative and close person.

But at home to create a baby, all the necessary conditions for social development is unlikely to succeed even by the most loving parents. After all, the team is necessary for this.