Love zodiac signs compatibility test. Great relationships are possible. They are made for each other

In all horoscopes obligatory item there is a description of the compatibility of signs, but, unfortunately, most of them describe only special cases using examples of pairs of signs, losing sight of general principles for all. Although these principles are very logical and at the same time simple. And their understanding will help you figure out once and for all who, with whom, and, most importantly, how compatible.

So, according to classical astrology, whose principles guide the calculation of In-contri compatibility in the corresponding section, the signs of the Zodiac are suitable for each other in love and family relationships, if they do not contradict the 2 main rules:

  • signs belong to the same parity
  • signs are not the same

Accordingly, from the first paragraph it follows that the signs belong to the same element or different, but complementary. As you know, there are only 4 elements - they are Fire, Earth, Air and Water. That. within each element, the signs are compatible with each other and pairs are compatible, representing a positive combination of the elements Fire-Air and Earth-Water. As you can see, everything is simple.

2 groups of compatible characters

Let's take the signs with their elements in order and consider clearly:

We see that the signs of the elements of Fire and Air are odd, and the signs of Earth and Water are even. Consequently, the compatibility of the signs of each pair of elements, both among themselves and inside, is very natural: Air helps Fire flare up more strongly, and Water fills the Earth, making it fertile.

Compatible signs Fire and Air:
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius

Compatible Earth and Water Signs:
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces

On the other hand, in combinations of signs of different parity - these are pairs of elements Water-Fire, Water-Air, Earth-Fire, Earth-Air - a positive union is not observed. Moreover, even from the nature of the elements it is clear that some of these pairs are opposing. Therefore, their compatibility in love and family is considered negative.

This is how the compatibility of zodiac signs works in general view compatible/incompatible. But there is another row characteristic features depending on the relative position of a pair of signs.

7 types of compatibility between signs

A more detailed description of compatibility in a pair can be found by the location of the signs relative to each other on the zodiac circle. Moreover, both clockwise and counterclockwise. Only depending on the direction of the account, the role of your sign in the pair will change. Let's analyze how it works, using the example of the first sign - Aries.

Location: +1 and -1 sign from your
Pair type: « Best friend and the best enemy "- incompatibility
Examples: Aries (1) - Taurus (2), Aries (1) - Pisces (12)
Description: The most popular pair of characters among all the others. They quickly make friends, but serious relationship interferes with the conflict of the elements. Frequent problems: envy, rivalry, difference of interests and goals in life.

Location: +2 and -2 signs from your
Pair type: "Big brother and younger brother» - compatibility
Examples: Aries(1) - Gemini(3), Aries(1) - Aquarius(11)
Description: a pair of signs of positively combined elements. It is important for each partner to understand their roles. The "older brother" is usually superior to the "younger" in age, experience, or character.

Location: +3 and -3 characters from your
Pair type: "Patron and adviser" - incompatibility
Examples: Aries (1) - Cancer (4), Aries (1) - Capricorn (10)
Description: A pair of signs of elements in conflict, but able to find common ground if desired. Alas, only in business, but not in the family sphere. For them, it is better to choose a common business than a house.

Location: +4 and -4 signs from your
Pair type: «Child and parent | Student and teacher "- compatibility
Examples: Aries(1) - Leo(5), Aries(1) - Sagittarius(9)
Description: A beautiful pair of signs of the same element. The "parent" must show all his wisdom, care and patience - more depends on him here. It is enough for a “child” to be not too capricious and capricious.

Location: +5 and -5 signs from your
Pair type: "Boa constrictor and rabbit" - incompatibility
Examples: Aries (1) - Virgo (6), Aries (1) - Scorpio (8)
Description: A couple about whom romance novels are written. No happy ending. First, a storm of feelings and emotions. At the end - boredom and fatigue "boa constrictor", broken heart"a rabbit". We advise you to avoid, especially if "rabbit" is your sign.

Location: +6 and -6 signs from your
Pair type: "Opposites attract" - compatibility
Examples: Aries(1) - Libra(7)
Description: like the poles of a magnet, these signs are so different, but their attraction is just as strong. This relationship is highly recommended only for experienced and wise partners. Young people make many mistakes in such a couple and are rarely able to reveal their full potential.

Location: same sign
Pair type: "Me and my mirror" - incompatibility
Examples: Aries(1) - Aries(1)
Description: A common pairing among young partners. There is nothing easier than to start a relationship with someone just like you. But then there is nothing more dull and annoying than to see your own shortcomings nearby.

5. Passionate relationship, happy couple
6. It is possible that everything will be fine
7. Possible disappointment
8. Relationships are unpredictable
9. Friendship, joy
10. Both are stubborn, it is not known who will prevail
11. Extraordinary, full of events relationship

12. Meetings are cheerful and happy
13. Complete understanding
14. different temperaments
15. Good couple understand each other
16. Both want to be in the spotlight, someone needs to give in
17. Don't be stubborn and everything will be fine
18. Strong relationships, much in common
19. One minute - and a fire
20. No mutual understanding

21. Everything is great in friendship and love
22. Can bore each other
23. Long and warm relationship
24. Complete understanding
25. Many insults and omissions
26. Gorgeous couple

27. They won't be very good together
28. tender relationship joy in communication
29. Strong attraction to each other
30. Learn to hear each other
31. Only strong love will connect them

32. lots of adventure and joy
33. Too different to be happy
34. Many experiences
35. Possible great relationship
36. Warm and tender feelings
37. Little understanding of each other
38. Strong union

39. Failure, boredom, little in common
40. There is a desire for each other, but there is little good
41. Resentment and misunderstanding
42. Many happy days
43. A beautiful couple
44. Little good, major quarrels
45. good union
46. ​​Everything is great, but disputes are inevitable
47. happy relationship, they will do everything for each other

48. Many difficulties, little romance
49. Together bad, insecure and nervous
50. Relationships are short-lived
51. Complete understanding, but can be boring
52. Avoid monotony
53. Having overcome difficulties, they will be very happy

54. Better not to try
55. Better not wish!
56. Unwillingness to understand each other
57. Stormy and passionate love story
58. Warm, a good relationship
59. Lots of feelings and jealousy

60. If desired, they can achieve excellent relationships
61. Friendship, love has little in common
62. Everything is good, but necessary big circle acquaintances
63. Rely on the one you love
64. Relationships are not easy, but happiness is possible

65. Both friendship and love!
66. Very different, it will be difficult to understand each other
67. Relationships are short-lived
68. If Pisces will obey, then happiness is guaranteed
69. Crazy Love
70. If Capricorn is not a bore, then everything will be fine
71. Both are freedom-loving, you need to look for more common interests

72. Shared tastes and similar personalities, but conflicts are inevitable
73. Rarely manage to be happy
74. Common interests, spiritual closeness
75. If they learn to yield to each other, they will be happy
76. Sympathy, but remain indifferent to each other
77. Many fantasies and dreams
78. Boredom in a relationship.

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For each zodiac there corresponds a number from 0 to 11. It is necessary to subtract the number of your zodiac from the PARTNER's zodiac sign.

Please note that if the partner's number is less than yours, then add 12 to his number and only then subtract.

You are Virgo (5) and your partner is Cancer (3). Then (3+12) - 5 = 10
Focusing on the final number, you can see your compatibility in the list.

So, the zodiac numbers:

Aries (03/21 - 04/21) - 0
- Taurus (21.04 - 21.05) - 1
- Gemini (21.05 - 21.06) - 2
- Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) - 3
- Leo (22.07 - 23.08) - 4
- Virgo (23.08 - 23.09) - 5
- Libra (23.09 - 24.10) - 6
- Scorpio (24.10 - 23.11) - 7
- Sagittarius (23.11 - 22.12) - 8
- Capricorn (22.12 - 21.01) - 9
- Aquarius (21.01 - 20.02) - 10
- Pisces (20.02 - 21.03) - 11

Now, having made not tricky calculations, you can safely look at the result.

~ 0 ~ Your sameness does not give you the opportunity to develop relationships beyond friendship. Friendly communication is yours, but love and marriage can only have the right to life if both have iron patience. Even in the career field, competition is inevitable.

~ 1 ~ You can make a very strong alliance, but you need to maintain trust in your partner all the time. He will help you in any undertaking and will not leave you in Hard time. The only condition is to be gentle and do not try to command.

~ 2 ~ A harmonious union, both for a friendly pastime and for love. Marriage will have a beneficial effect on you and strengthen everything good qualities. Disadvantages, on the contrary, will be less pronounced. The motto of your union is equality.

~ 3 ~ Joint cooperation, business relations, opening a common business - all this will flourish with your tandem. The partner will provide all kinds of help and support, will be there in difficult times. There will always be mutual understanding in your relationship.

~ 4 ~ Spiritual and friendly communication. A joint trip and heart-to-heart conversations will go off with a bang. But financially, the relationship is doomed to risk. Marriage will not be easy, but quite possible with the right approach to each other. Your partner will not tolerate demands that limit his freedom.

~ 5 ~ In your relationship there will always be a place for bright romance. Financial life will also be prosperous. Often, thanks to such an alliance, the potential of partners is maximized. You will always have something to learn from each other. However, try not to impose your opinion.

~ 6 ~ Strong family is possible between you only if there is no love for leadership. Typically, such alliances develop among mature people who can turn a blind eye to many of the shortcomings of their partner. You are similar in many ways, so friendship between you is guaranteed.

~ 7 ~ If you are confident enough in yourself, then a strong sexual attraction. In many matters, your partner is more experienced, so he knows how to exert significant influence. In the business area, there is also significant support.

~ 8 ~ Great friendly alliance. You will always have fun and interesting next to each other. However, when the relationship crosses the line of friendship, Great chance that you will constantly patronize and try to impose their opinion. Such is the trait of your partner.

~ 9 ~ Your partner is a wonderful adviser, mentor and friend. Will provide indispensable support and direct to right direction. If you are a woman, then acquaintance with such a partner promises, if not strong love, then an easy romance for sure. Truth in money matters it pays to be more careful.

~ 10 ~ Such an alliance will help you look at yourself with new eyes. Once you get married, it's unlikely that you'll regret it, as your spouse will give you an enviable amount of attention. But it will be difficult to maintain independence, because in your couple someone will definitely not be able to restrain impulses of jealousy.

~ 11 ~ Do not shift all the costs to your partner. Even in spite of good business relations. Your partner is very perceptive, which allows him to read you like an open book. Observing certain boundaries, it is possible to conclude a strong family union.

Unbelievable, but 98% the same!


1. Struggle, disputes

2. Short relationship

3. Great couple

4. They are made for each other

5. Passionate relationship, happy couple

6. It is possible that everything will be fine

7. Possible disappointment

8. Relationships are unpredictable

9. Friendship, joy

10. Both are stubborn, it is not known who will prevail

11. Extraordinary, eventful relationships

12. Meetings are cheerful and happy

13. Complete understanding

14. Different temperaments

15. Good couple, understand each other
16. Both want to be in the spotlight, someone needs to give in

17. Don't be stubborn and everything will be fine

18. Strong relationships, a lot in common

19. One minute - and a fire

20. No mutual understanding

21. Everything is great in friendship and love

22. Can bore each other

23. Long and warm relationship

24. Complete understanding

25. Many insults and omissions

26. Gorgeous couple

27. They won't be very good together

28. Tender relationship, joy in communication

29. Strong attraction to each other

30. Learn to hear each other

31. Only strong love will unite them

32. lots of adventure and joy

33. Too different to be happy

34. Many experiences

35. Great Relationships Possible

36. Warm and tender feelings

37. Little understanding of each other

38. Strong union

39. Failure, boredom, little in common

40. There is a desire for each other, but there is little good

41. Resentment and misunderstanding

42. Many happy days

43. Beautiful couple

44. Little good, big quarrels

45. Successful union

46. ​​Everything is great, but disputes are inevitable

47. Happy relationship, everything will be done for each other

48. Many difficulties, little romance

49. Together bad, insecure and nervous

50. Relationships are short-lived

51. Complete understanding, but can be boring

52. Avoid monotony

53. Having overcome difficulties, they will be very happy

54. Better not to try

55. Better not wish!

56. Unwillingness to understand each other

57. Stormy and passionate love affair

58. Warm, good relationship

59. Lots of feelings and jealousy

60. If desired, they can achieve excellent relationships

61. Friendship, love has little in common

62. Everything is fine, but a large circle of acquaintances is needed

63. Rely on the one you love

64. Relationships are not easy, but happiness is possible

65. Both friendship and love!

66. Very different, it will be difficult to understand each other

67. Relationships are short-lived

68. If Pisces will obey, then happiness is guaranteed

69. Crazy love

70. If Capricorn is not a bore, then everything will be fine

71. Both are freedom-loving, you need to look for more common interests

72. Shared tastes and similar personalities, but conflicts are inevitable

73. Rarely manage to be happy

74. Common interests, spiritual closeness

75. If they learn to yield to each other, they will be happy

76. Sympathy, but remain indifferent to each other

77. Many fantasies and dreams

The compatibility of a zodiac sign with a person's name is not only an esoteric concept. This is also mentioned in the scientific community. And judging by the opinion of astrologers, the name given to us from birth has a certain influence throughout our lives. This is due to the influence of the planets and the energy rhythms that they have on a person. This happens through the sound vibrations of the planets. Therefore, many people try to find out the compatibility of names and zodiac signs before making any decisions. This article will help you figure it out.

The sound of a name is a special energy that affects life path its bearer. And when it begins to interact with the energy that a certain position of the planets has, this leads to a number of specific events.

To date, taking a test by date of birth, which helps determine compatibility, has become a very popular way to find out what is destined for fate. Looking for love is one of the methods to choose a worthy companion.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the partner compatibility table below and take the test yourself.

How to choose a "happy" name?

Despite the fact that many, due to stereotypes, are trying to ridicule the compatibility and mutual influence of the name and signs, astrologers provide evidence to the contrary.

They are sure that the right name for the baby will open up more opportunities for him. We offer a small test with which you can choose not only a name for the baby, but also learn more about your soulmate.


The names of boys born under the sign of Aries are suitable: August, Alexander, Andrey, Borislav, Yegor and Stepan. As for these men, who are compatible with the sign of Aries, they are often overly demanding. This can apply to both yourself and those around you. Not always this quality "works" in their favor. But at the same time, it is easy for them to find new partners - both in work and on the love front.

For women whose name will be in harmony with influence zodiac sign leading will be intuition. These are Alla, Anastasia, Daria, Nadezhda and Alexandra.

The following male names have excellent compatibility with this sign: Anton and Ilya. To a lesser extent, but still, the names Alexander, Artur, Vadim, Denis and Mark have good combinations with Taurus. Basically, these people are "darlings of fate." According to the observations of astrologers, preference should be given to female names: Antonina, Veronica, Diana, Catherine, Karina, as well as Maria, Polina, Eleanor. All of them will become wonderful wives, mistresses.

The names Arkady, Valery, Igor, Konstantin, Nikita, Eduard have good compatibility with this sign. They are usually purposeful, inquisitive. Male owners of these names are successful in love. The excellent compatibility of its meaning opens up a range of possibilities for the beautiful owner. No less attractive and sociable will be Anastasia, Veronica, Evgenia, Elena, Margarita, Elina.

As a result of long-term observations, astrologers have found that good compatibility names and signs for men born under this constellation, from the list - Andrei, Arseny, Vasily, Maxim, Moses, Peter. As the test shows, favorable combination by date of birth and name is present in women named Juliet, Elena, Olesya, Yulia, Yana. Their spiritual world is striking in its depth.

Undeniable harmony is characterized by compatibility with the sign of men named Alexei, Anton, David, Daniel, Ilya, Leo. Astrologers have noticed that the owners of these names are very purposeful people. The test, which was conducted by astrologers over a long period to determine the compatibility of female and male names with the zodiac sign, only confirms the favorable relationship with Leo in Alina, Alexandra, Diana, Nadezhda, Natalia, Susanna and Juliana.

Good compatibility in men born under this constellation, with the names Boris, Valentin, Gennady, Konstantin, Leonid, Stepan, Timofey, Ernest. They are smart, accurate, surprisingly law-abiding and at the same time calm. Owners of beautiful names can fully reveal their potential and realize their capabilities: Anna, Anastasia, Alina, Inna, Irina, Maria, Regina, Stela. They usually have several good performance Keywords: mentality, resourcefulness, attractiveness, rationality.

Compatibility with this zodiac sign helps men through life: Alexei, Albert, Artem, Anton, Veniamin, Vitaly, Mikhail, Sergey. They will be the "soul" of the company, always cheerful and perky, successful in love. This is what helps these men to realize their plans. Libra will bestow favorable energy on women: Vera, Elena, Eugene, Love, Hope, Sofia, Lyudmila. Gifted with excellent external data, they easily find good partners on business, communicating with them easily, naturally.

As for this sign, it will be easier in life for men with the names Artem, Arkady, Valery, Oscar, Savely, Yuri. They are energetic, self-confident and sexy. They are frank with friends and partners, sincere in love. The compatibility of the zodiac and the name will help women with the names Anastasia, Agafya, Catherine, Martha, Matilda, Yana (Yanina). Their influence opens the horizons for the implementation of conceived ideas.

Viable will be men Alexander, Vasily, Vyacheslav, George, Yuri, born under this sign. A test conducted to determine compatibility by date of birth and names showed that they are endowed with optimism and good-natured. Under the favorable patronage of Sagittarius will be the fair sex, who were named Alina, Barbara, Vasilisa, Diana, Marina (Marianna), Tamara.

The combination that will ensure success in life will be among men whose names are Arthur, Boris, Yegor, Kirill, Maxim, Trofim. This will be facilitated by their diligence, endurance. Good compatibility with this zodiac sign is characterized by female names: Vera, Zina, Kira, Natalya, Nina, Polina, Sophia. They are demanding, practical, always follow the rules.

To be able to open up to the maximum strong representatives humanity, whom their parents will call Andrey, Valery, Vladimir, Herman, Ippolit, Eugene, Jan. All life's troubles will be nothing to them. The sign of Aquarius will help girls who, by date of birth, will be called Alina, Anna, Ilona, ​​Bella, Viola, Gloria, Elsa.

For male fish, the names Athanasius, Vadim, Valentin, Nikita, Timofey, Rustam are more suitable. Ladies: Alina, Valeria, Venus, Vera, Lily, Marta, Polina, Rimma. The owners of the above names are always like an open book, both in love and in business relations. They are excellent partners in marriage and business.