Test how well you know what. The dark side of the wife. Test “How well does your couple know each other? Test yourself: how well do you know your partner

In this test, we have selected the most outstanding people that changed the world and its history for the better. Here are scientists and artists, politicians and engineers, physicists and artists. If you get to know all these famous personalities, then the level of your education and erudition can be envied. Test your knowledge. Go!

Many of us remember life in the USSR with nostalgia and warmth. Soviet people were fortunate enough to live in the era of the first scientific discoveries, the first flight into space, in an era when life was accessible, education and medicine were free, an era kind people and natural products... In this test, we have prepared questions for people born in the USSR. If you can answer everything, then you are a Soviet man!

Idioms from your favorite films have already become an integral part of our life. Instead of a dozen words, it is enough to express one popular phrase, and everything will become clear. If you are confident in your abilities and consider yourself a connoisseur of Soviet cinema, then our test is definitely for you! Let's check it out !?

The average citizen of the United States is not as erudite as the average Russian. The reason is simple - different systems education. If in our country teachers shove everything and everything into their students' heads, then in America they teach something that will be useful to a person in a future career. Let's see who knows more - you or the American.

Human erudition is a huge store of knowledge and their competent use in life. How smart and educated are you for your age? Do you have enough knowledge to answer all the questions without asking for help on the Internet? If you have high level knowledge, then you will cope with this test quickly and easily, if not, then the encyclopedia will help you! Go!

Today our country is a great and powerful state with rich history... Behind the formation of this country are many great victories and defeats, many iconic names, including: art workers, military men, scientists, politicians and the common Russian people. All these events and people played key roles in the history of Russia. What do you know about this? Test your knowledge of history by answering all questions in this quiz.

Have you forgotten how many years ago you graduated from high school? Or are you still looking forward to last call? It doesn't matter who you are and how old you are! After all, today we have selected questions exclusively on school curriculum... However, let's say right away: we will not ask how much 2 + 2 * 2 will be - this is baby talk... Only the most interesting and necessary for the difficult years of study!

Have you noticed for a long time that you are smarter than many of your colleagues? Or just tired of friends' illiteracy? Today we will give you food for thought! This test will definitely be able to appreciate you. Already wondering what is there? Then let's not waste time on empty talk! Forward!

Knowledge of geography reveals such human qualities as: erudition, general cultural level, amazing memory and excellent travel skills. If you have information about geography, then you know, understand and imagine the planet on which you live. Today we will test your memory and knowledge. Go!

Many people know the history of their country in general outline but few people remember exact dates, names, events and achievements that preceded the formation of a great state. But every decent citizen of Russia should have this information. If you are an erudite, educated and well-read person, then you will pass the test in one breath. Test your strength and knowledge. Go!

I propose a test to determine how much you understand about yourself in people. It's that simple! 60 statements. Each can be answered TRUE or FALSE. For each answer is TRUE, give yourself 1 point. Don't strain too hard when answering. Answer the first thing that comes to mind.

1. Every time I leave the house, I always notice the people around me.

2. When I walk down the street, I always know if someone is walking to the side or behind me.

3. The first thing I notice in a person is a face.

4. I always notice how a person is dressed.

5. I always ask myself why I do not like this or that person or this or that situation.

6. I am immediately alarmed if I do not like something in a person's behavior and immediately leave my opinion about him.

7. I am never surprised if my first impression is correct.

8. If I do not like someone, I never forget about my attitude towards him.

9. If I don't like someone, I stop and wonder why he annoys me so.

10. If I like someone, I often think why I treat him this way.

11. If I didn't like someone right away without apparent reasons I will not try to shake off this feeling or explain it by saying that I was just having a tough day.

12. I remember practically everything that is said to me.

13. When talking to a person, I always carefully monitor his facial expression.

14. I always pay attention to the tone in which a person speaks to me, and therefore I always guess about his mood.

15. I am not gullible - I do not believe everything that I am told.

16. I ask people questions and make them answer for what they say, because I ask them for an explanation, especially if I disagree with something.

17. Usually I can see right away when someone is lying or exaggerating.

18. I immediately notice when someone is angry.

19. I immediately notice when someone is sad.

20. I immediately notice when someone is scared.

21. I immediately notice when people are angry with me.

22. I immediately notice when someone is in love with me.

23. I immediately notice when a person has great mood.

24. I always feel if someone doesn't like me.

25. I immediately notice when someone is surprised.

26. I immediately feel when they tell me the truth.

27. I immediately feel when a person is indifferent.

28. When talking to a person, I always feel when he gets bored.

29. I always know when I've run out of someone else's hospitality.

31. When I need to describe someone, I usually immediately remember his manner of behaving, standing, walking.

32. I can remember exactly with what intonation I was told this or that story.

33. I can easily recall any episode from my past and my feelings.

34. I can easily recall the manner of speech of the person I have just met.

35. If I needed to describe someone's manner of speech, I easily remembered it and told it to others.

36. I have experienced fright or discomfort in the presence of a new person for no apparent reason.

37. While on vacation, I often notice things that others do not pay any attention to.

38. I often find something first.

39. I can quote what I have been told.

40. I usually remember how to get somewhere, even if I've only been there a few times.

41. I freely express my feelings.

42. I am not afraid to show the person that I am angry.

43. I can easily express my love or affection.

44. I am always aware of my feelings.

45. I always pay attention to the smell, sight and quality of food.

46. ​​I always notice when someone speaks out of place.

47. I rarely ignore a dubious compliment or sarcastic remark and immediately understand what the person really wanted to say.

48. When I am in high spirits, I can laugh out loud, dance cheerfully or talk loudly.

49. When I do not like something, I often react to it purely physically: I catch my breath or begin to suck in my stomach.

50. When I don’t like something or I’m tense, I start to sweat a lot.

51. I notice that I eat too much or too little when something bothers me.

52. I am in no hurry to share the general enthusiasm, no matter how happy those around me may be.

53. I always feel when I have upset someone.

54. I always see when someone really treats me well.

55. I can describe appearance person in the smallest detail.

56. If people are inconsistent in what they say, I often bring it to their attention.

57. If I suspect that a person is lying to me, I will ask him more and more questions.

58. I always remember my first impression of a person.

59. I always see what a person's mood is.

60. I always see when someone says something that doesn't match their facial expressions or gestures.

Key to the test:

60 points: you have excellent receptivity

If you answered “true” to each question, then congratulations! This means that you are very receptive and know yourself very well. You also know the people and the world that surrounds you well. You probably rarely make mistakes in people and usually always do things right. You hold fast to your moral principles and truly care for others.
You are not one of those who judges superficially about people, on the contrary, you always form the right idea about them. You are sensitive and inquisitive, trying to get into the essence of things and see people as they really are. Apparently, you are a leader and can bring to society tangible benefits.
But even if you scored a hundred points, there is still work for you:
keep polishing and honing your wonderful ability to understand people.

40 to 59 points: you have good intuition
This amount means that you have good instinct, but sometimes you regret not listening to to the inner voice... You scold yourself when you do something, knowing in advance that nothing good will come of it, and then you really don't like yourself. However, in most cases, you trust your feelings and are genuinely pleased with yourself.
You need to remember that you are much more often right than wrong. You need to work on your feeling dignity and self-esteem, as well as develop their leadership qualities. Finally, you should pay attention to how you make decisions. Remember how you change your point of view in different situations and try to stick to the decisions you made at the beginning. Do not forget: everything that you do in your life should please you first of all, and only then someone else. You need to think carefully about what you want to do, not what you think you should do - don't try to suppress your feelings. If you want to get to know people better, try to look at the root, ask more poignant questions to understand who they are on
really and what they really think. Make more effort to be aware of what is happening around you.

20 to 39 points: you prefer not to take risks
You are the type of people who prefer not to take risks and not escalate the situation. You hate confrontation and love maintaining the status quo. You are embarrassed to ask people questions or talk about your desires. You hate being in sight because it makes you feel uncomfortable. You love doing things that make everyone feel good. You’re more likely to make people feel comfortable and you’re not very comfortable than letting them experience some
or inconvenience. You willingly cooperate with people, and if something seems to go wrong, you usually ignore your misgivings and do not give up what you started, although you often regret it later. You are one of those who never complains to anyone, keeps everything in yourself and suffers silently.

0 to 19 points: you need help!

- either belong to the type of naturally quiet and good-natured people who take a lot for granted.
- or you represent the other extreme - a person who makes a lot of noise and is so immersed in himself that he simply cannot pick up the signals sent by others. If you are the type to make these mistakes, then the tendency to go with the flow makes you more of a follower than a leader. Unfortunately, those you follow do not always lead you along the right way... You have most likely been wronged and deceived more than once, but you never learn from your mistakes. You have come to the conclusion that Murphy's Law rules your life: everything bad that can happen must happen. You are too talkative and do not want to understand that you need to learn how to get to know people better. This is why you seem to be doing all these terrible mistakes... You need to learn more about the world around you and learn to adapt to it.

To determine your proficiency in the basic communication skills required for truth assertion, you must first assess your current ability.

This test will help you know how far you have come in understanding others and yourself. Perhaps you have the ability to notice any manifestation of human feelings. Perhaps you are very good at using this gift and almost always form the right idea about people. Having figured out a person, you may be able to adequately resist him, or maybe not, because you do not want to "rock the boat" or create problems. To please others can be much more important to you than to keep your own self intact. Or maybe you belong to the type of people who are not very quick-witted or are so far from such things that they attract those who behave dishonestly with them.

This test is designed specifically to determine if you can already understand people and how well you are doing this task.

Select “true” or “false” for each question. Answer honestly. The answer that comes to your mind is usually the correct one, so don't try to correct yourself.

1. Every time I leave the house, I always notice the people around me.

True False_____

2. When I walk down the street, I always know if someone is walking to the side or behind me.

True False_____

3. The first thing I notice in a person is a face.

True False_____

4. I always notice how a person is dressed.

True False_____

5. I always ask myself why I do not like this or that person or this or that situation.

True False_____

6. I immediately become alarmed if I do not like something in a person's behavior, and immediately form my opinion about him.

True False_____

7. I am never surprised if my first impression is correct.

True False______

8. If I do not like someone, I never forget about my attitude towards him.

True False______

9. If I don't like someone, I stop and wonder why he annoys me so.

True False_____

10. If I like someone, I often think why I treat him this way.

True False_____

11. If I didn't like someone right away for no apparent reason, I will not try to get rid of this feeling or explain it by saying that I was just having a hard day.

True False_____

12. I remember practically everything that is said to me.

True False_____

13. When talking to a person, I always carefully monitor his facial expression.

True False_____

14. I always pay attention to the tone in which a person speaks to me, and therefore I always guess about his mood.

True False____

15. I am not gullible - I do not believe everything that I am told.

True False_____

16. I ask people questions and make them answer for what they say, because I ask them for an explanation, especially if I disagree with something.

True False_____

17. Usually I can see right away when someone is lying or exaggerating.

True False_____

18. I immediately notice when someone is angry.

True False_____

19. I immediately notice when someone is sad.

True False_____

20. I immediately notice when someone is scared.

True False_____

21. I immediately notice when people are angry with me.

True False_____

22. I immediately notice when someone is in love with me.

True False_____

23. I immediately notice when a person is in a great mood.

True False_____

24. I always feel if someone doesn't like me.

True False_____

25. I immediately notice when someone is surprised.

True False_____

26. I immediately feel when they tell me the truth.

True False_____

27. I immediately feel when a person is indifferent.

True False_____

28. When talking to a person, I always feel when he gets bored.

True False_____

29. I always know when I've run out of someone else's hospitality.

True False_____

True False_____

31. When I need to describe someone, I usually immediately remember his manner of behaving, standing, walking.

True False_____

32. I can remember exactly with what intonation I was told this or that story.

True False_____

33. I can easily remember any episode from my past and my feelings.

True False_____

34. I can easily recall the manner of speech of the person I have just met.

True False_____

35. If I needed to describe someone's manner of speech, I easily remembered it and told it to others.

True False_____

36. I have experienced fright or discomfort in the presence of a new person for no apparent reason.

True False_____

37. While on vacation, I often notice things that others do not pay any attention to.

True False_____

38. I often find something first.

True False_____

39. I can quote what I have been told.

True False_____

40. I usually remember how to get somewhere, even if I've only been there a few times.

True False_____

41. I freely express my feelings.

True False_____

42. I am not afraid to show the person that I am angry.

True False_____

43. I can easily express my love or affection.

True False_____

44. I am always aware of my feelings.

True False_____

45. I always pay attention to the smell, sight and quality of food.

True False_____

46. ​​I always notice when someone speaks out of place.

True False_____

47. I rarely ignore a dubious compliment or sarcastic remark and immediately understand what the person really wanted to say.

True False_____

48. When I am in high spirits, I can laugh out loud, dance cheerfully or talk loudly.

True _____ Nezero _____

49. When I do not like something, I often react to it purely physically: I catch my breath or begin to suck in my stomach.

True False_____

50. When I don’t like something or I’m tense, I start to sweat a lot.

True False_____

51. I notice that I eat too much or too little when something bothers me.

True False_____

52. I am in no hurry to share the general enthusiasm, no matter how happy those around me may be.

True False_____

53. I always feel when I have upset someone.

True False_____

54. I always see when someone really treats me well.

True False_____

55. I can describe a person's appearance in great detail.

True False_____

56. If people are inconsistent in what they say, I often bring it to their attention.

True False_____

57. If I suspect that a person is lying to me, I will ask him more and more questions.

True False_____

58. I always remember my first impression of a person.

True False_____

59. I always see what a person's mood is.

True False_____

60. I always see when someone says something that doesn't match their facial expressions or gestures.

True False_____

Are you sure? Good. So be it. But we still prepared a test that will tell you the truth.

Take anyone young father, then he will definitely say that he knows how his child lives, what preferences and desires he has. This opinion arises due to special thinking: having lived for many years with someone and watching how his development takes place, it is not difficult for you to confidently say that you know all his thoughts. But in reality, it turns out that you do not know much. Your knowledge is correct about that junk food, which he gladly absorbs when visiting a nearby fast food restaurant.

With the help of the proposed test, of course, it will not be possible to get answers to questions regarding your child's desires. However, this will allow you to understand how well you know what your offspring "breathes" with. And this information will bring you half a step closer to your main goal.

The Incomplete Sentences Test was authored by psychologists Sidney Levy and Joseph Sachs. They created their creation in the 50s. twentieth century, and since that time it has been successfully used to assess the relationships developing within one family. This technique is based on following principle: if you turn to a participant with a question that does not have an unambiguous answer, the person will have a chance to look deeper into his inner world.

The Sachs-Levy test itself provides a large number of options. We offer you one in which you yourself and your child can participate.

Daria Borisova is another specialist in psychology, and even with an academic degree. She works as a psychologist family center"We". Daria notes that this technique has a psychotherapeutic effect. With the help of the test, you can easily find out if you have difficulties in your relationship with your child. But we will call Daria when we need to explain the test results.

Your child must be around 7-18 years old to take the test. You will need a couple of sheets of paper to record your answers on.

It is clear from the name of the test that it offers unfinished sentences... Therefore, your task is to complete them. These sentences imply the appeal of your child to you. In other words: the phrase "I dream that you ..." should be understood as "I dream that my dad ...".

To make it easier for the child to understand the essence of the test, use the following expressions: “You need to write something if you were to contact me. Come up with a conclusion for all sentences. Don't waste a lot of time thinking. Write what you the first will come to mind. "

As for you, the task can be described as follows: put yourself in the place of your child and write with them the missing phrases in sentences that your child would pick up. Do not try to think for a long time, be as focused as possible and write your first thoughts that arise in this regard.

Ensure complete silence during the test. Get serious about this event. Don't try to turn it into a joke. You have to convey to the child that he must also responsibly execute this text, as if his Homework set at school. And no compulsion. Try to explain to him that this is important. Say that his answers must be sincere, and they will not be followed by any punishment on your part.

So everything is ready. Let's get started!

How well do I know my child?


After successfully completing the test, proceed to scoring. If your answer agrees with that of a child, you have one ball... Do not let your child go far: perhaps some of the answers will require clarification. For example, if your answer is “I’m angry when you closely monitor how well I eat”, and your child’s “I’m angry when you eat a pack of ice cream overnight and leave nothing in the morning,” find out if you have invested they have the same meaning. If that's the case, feel free to add one more point. That your answers sound different is not that important. If you have any doubts, ask your offspring if he wanted to say that you too. After all, the main thing here is what kind of answer HE will give.

Your child may not be able to complete certain sentences. Then you should not give him back the sheet with the answers to finish writing them. It is better for him to abstain from them than you force him to give answers. Now is the time to find out what the bottom line means.

You have more than 12 points

It's too early to rejoice. Let's see what expert Daria Borisova has to say:

“A similar result is to say that parents take care of their child so much that it makes them dependent on each other. If the dad shows excessive love, then the child no longer feels independent, since they help him in everything. More often than not, he counts in the same way as you do. In the event of a conflict situation, the child has an opposite opinion. In other words, it is completely under your control, because tries to act out of spite. "

Therefore, if you received high marks for the test, you should not be glad that you know everything about your child. He only does everything at your command.

If a child is too close to his parents, then, having matured, it will be difficult for him to make decisions himself. Of course, there is something worse, but society is unlikely to be happy to accept another inactive and infantile person into its ranks. Over the years, you will more than once resort to verbal hints in the form of coughing so that he understands that he needs to leave. Yet, when a person is 42 years old, he must be independent and live his own life.

“However, there is a way out here as well. Try to gradually communicate less with your child. Let other people enter his circle of acquaintances. Do not give up on expanding friendly ties. Let the child visit, and you rejoice that close friends have appeared among his peers. If you are able to entrust his upbringing to a nanny or your parents, do not refuse such a chance. Positive effect will render Sport section or a circle, because there the child will have to communicate with an adult whom he will have to obey. The conversation between you will become complete, provided that you and your child will have their own personal needs, interests, and, most likely, secrets from each other. "

You have 10-12 points

For Mrs. Borisova, you are the perfect dad.

“That kind of father fits the norm. Although he is not aware of some points about his child, he still makes efforts to achieve this. Most importantly, he is not trying to change the child to the ideal. If between them there are conflict situations, they try to solve them by common efforts. The child develops the skill to make decisions and work in a team. This is how the relationship between fathers and their children should be. "

We also learned from Daria that your approach used in building a relationship with a child speaks of your high consciousness and foresight at the level of society. But you should not share this with your wife, because her friends will learn about it from her, and then for their husbands you will become the most unpleasant person in the world, since every now and then they will bring you as an exemplary parent.

However, do not think that you will continue to be all right and you can relax.

“The child's development process is very fast. Therefore, you need to continue to maintain the relationship at the same level, without ceasing to be interested in the child. "

So be ready - after a while, many conflicts will arise between you.

You have less than 10 points

With such results, you can only rejoice in the fact that there is one more member in the "Club of Bad Dads". Although, maybe not everything is so bad, after all, you bothered to take part in the test. It can be assumed that the whole thing is in the lack of interaction between you on emotional level... This explains the emergence of hidden grievances and continuing long time conflicts.

Nothing good can be said about the quality component of your communication. If you are not busy from morning till night at work, then, most likely, you are deprived of the opportunity to be with your child in the garage, the Internet or the next season of your favorite TV series. Therefore, it is logical to expect that each of you does not know what each other's needs are. You thought he would be happy to receive a metallophone for his birthday, when in fact he would be more happy with a metal detector.

It is possible that this could be influenced by the situation with the divorce, because of which he has to live with his mother. Keep in mind that he will be delighted to meet you in person at least once a week more than your daily Skype chat.

Take another look at your answers. Most likely, they contain your personal dreams about " ideal family". Here you indicated what kind of child you would like to have, but you needed what it really is. If they contain phrases indicating that you have repeatedly given the child expensive gifts and trips, then, according to Daria, so you seek to make amends for the fact that you pay little attention to him.

The solution in this situation is simple: you need to find an activity that you can do together. And it doesn't matter what exactly it will be: playing the fool or something else. In other words, only your imagination and free time that you have.

This test is not only wonderful way find out what you really know about each other, but also a great excuse to get to know each other better!

Even if you and your partner raised three children together (by the way, whose is it?), It is not a fact that you know each other's habits well. Without this knowledge, relationships will never be as productive and happy as possible, says Dr. John Gottman, author of The Seven Principles That Make Marriages Work. From this book, we borrowed the test that we recommend all couples to pass. Does your girlfriend think you're not interested in her life? Thanks to our test *, you will have the opportunity to prove that this is indeed the case!

In my opinion, frankness in such tests is more expensive for me. I recommend that you unobtrusively find out the girl's answers in advance and only then invite her to take the test. You will make the girl feel guilty that she does not know you as well, you can manipulate her, take over the world ...

How the test works

You will need five sheets of paper and two pencils. Okay, from one sheet - it is superfluous - make paper boat... And pencils can be replaced with pens or, what the hell is not joking, with felt-tip pens. You will take the test one at a time. One asks a question aloud, both silently write down the answer, not peeping at each other's papers. For example, you ask a girl, "What am I most afraid of?" She writes down her own answer: "Giant spiders with tentacles and light music." In the meantime, you write down your correct version: "Your mother." And so you report on all twenty-five questions. Then turn the papers over and set them aside.

Take the next two pieces of paper and follow the same procedure, but with the girl as the defendant. She asks: "What am I most afraid of?" You silently write down: "Your mother." The girl silently writes: "My mother." And so on for all questions.

When you have finished interviewing each other, turn over the pieces of paper and check the results (but first, of course, be horrified at the answers). Count the number of exact matches. Accurate in meaning, not in the form of a statement. For example, if you answered “badminton” to the question about your hobby, and the girl said “ridiculous playing with a net, rackets and such funny balls in skirts,” it is still a coincidence. It counts. For each correct answer - 1 point.


1. My favorite dessert 2. What is my shoe size? 3. What am I most afraid of? 4. How old is my mom? 5. What is my blood type? 6. What turns me on about sex? 7. Name two of my closest friends 8. Do I have a hobby? Which? 9. What will I get out of the fire first, besides you, documents and pets? 10. My favorite movie 11. My worst childhood memory 12. What time of day do I like to have sex the most? 13. How do I prefer to spend my evenings? 14. How do I want to be buried? 15. A dish I can't live without 16. What gift would I like the most? 17. What kind of food do I hate? 18. My favorite band 19. What coffee do I prefer? 20. In what circle did I study as a child? 21. What kind of literary genre do I like? 22. What do I want to do before I die? 23. My favorite weather? 24. Continue the phrase "You hate when I ..." 25. Do I have allergies?